xt7kkw57hc01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57hc01/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-12-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 16, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 16, 1985 1985 1985-12-16 2020 true xt7kkw57hc01 section xt7kkw57hc01 p
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Janis TUC Y
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Vol; XC, No. ‘9 ..‘ '— a; J . , . . Established 1394 University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Monday, December lb, was ‘
r > Atlanta ballplayer -
was t. to donate marrow
/--,/ \\ \ »\ ~ t -- . .:.:~..r, ,
7/; H\\ \ x ‘4 -‘ V
‘i r\ at UK Med Center -
' I\\\ .I Cancer patient hopes aid of brother -. .--.j J;-
- \ . . . _ ' . , . I '2 . '.
" \\ \t. ‘~ Wlll increase awareness of leukemia - fI :2;
,t’ ,7 . . .. " By WILLIE HlA'l'l' in preparation for the surgery 'l‘lteir ‘ .1 j" ; " ,1
’l Ir’ 1," . \\ ‘ Sports Editor parents Elaine and Jimmy and ' “,I; " 'l .‘J-
, . , - I Iv‘ , 7 , '; \ I . ’ l985 Kentucky-Kernel Scott's wife Carol, hate slated with " f... 5' :53
I” ‘ .’ .. . 1 . \_ \\. x Scott during the past week His "5 l. _'-:.‘i 9.51.
'V t ‘ ‘ 'il ‘ , x \ Scott Horner realizes his illness older brother liar} will tom the faint .’ i
1.. ’ ’ 't\ will soon catch the public's attention ily for theoperuiion '. 4’ a; ‘ 5.;3 .
J . I . ' ' I only because he is the brother of a "It was really nice to have him .‘JV ., g f H
l ’ t , V major league baseball player. but here Scott said ant .’ got ill} ‘
l : f l l /{ that doesn‘t bother him and his tam ix'rsiX‘(~tt\t- bath to realt't i’l‘t'.IU.\(' ' H , f "l."
I l [I " lly. l was awfully ‘lt‘k .ltist hating all .w 7 i ‘.
“ I j “ , I l ' The Homers _iust hope Scott's up- my family around me made nit the ‘1 . i; ‘ I
A.- ‘ _. . ' ' ‘V a 3' I I l l l: ‘ _ coming bone marrow transplant and difference , W._7
i . I ‘ . l the publicity brought about by the After nearly ti year of controlled - '.
t? l ' . ' , I “ donor, Scott‘s brother and the Atlanr leukemia, Scot' suffered a relapse in t. ; l " I? i
i _ I , . ' ' ' , ta Braves' first baseman Bob Horn- September. and it was ttien llf‘ tie i -' I... .. ‘7. 2,
‘ ’ 5 . ,. . ‘45 ""' l 3‘ er, will increase awareness of leuke» cided to take the rhk of a 2mm- inar~ ' .' " ‘ 'I}.
..I e- 3-5: .l i v ' . . _ an miai row transplant operation i ‘. ; ‘
I‘ Mllw‘f‘ i‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘Q‘fl‘ ” "c . “That's fine if good comes out of An operation for leukemia patients _' " . » i ‘T ‘
.. ‘W’r - it," Scott said in his hospital room who do not respond to etiemotnera 1‘ .' ,' J" ‘
‘ J" .. “ . » "~ ' Friday. “That's great That's what I py the bone :iiarrrott transplant is ' '1‘, .- , ~
I .. .‘ ‘ .- ,i ____.___———-—-——-———'—'—' ._ would want. It doesn‘t matter that rl>k_\ \flltl llr .ll)hti \Iut'iftm‘illi a ; ' 1* .
' _ - ‘ . _ n he is the one causing the limelight to professor of ll‘it‘fllt’lnt' al I K and (ii " v t.
' ' r beputinmycorner ” rector of the -ii\i>loti of ht-iiiatology . ' 1' , .'.
‘ - ’ Scott, 25. was admitted to the CR antiont wing} at th- Medl'i-il'ei ,- - 4- '- .
‘, \ . \ Medical CenterDec 6for the second “8““)an “h“ NH INN! ”r - Ht . ‘ I . . I .
' \ time in a month after he developed l"! ”(_n‘le. [I w H l “I. v-i. = ,. _ ‘7'
LBJ/Am xunoisian an infection. and he is scheduled to I' . 5 t l ‘ . l \ 'le ”I'I “I , .' t - ~
T I ' ‘ n undergo transplant surgery there in \fllld.d:mrlit flipfrsmi I” {HT-\p‘fin? " ‘ 7 :
unne VISIO January. He will be released from ild “n "\I‘u . mm “ ("mp “”IM‘ 1’ _ '~ .’ ~ 3 , . ‘ ‘ ‘
the Med Center todav so he can ie proteduie Many of the patients 1' I- - 2
Kirk Winiarczyk, a security guard at Kincaid Towers on Vine way that connects the Hyatt Regency Hotel with the T0wer, He SpendChristmas w'ithhis familv who live through the transplant. _t ‘ . .
Street. pauses last night on his rounds to peer out of the skY‘ is employed by Kentucky Central SecuritY- . ‘ ' hmwwr‘ “‘11 have a ””rm‘” m” ~ , I I -.
Bob was in Lexmgton last week row and are cured. he said I. ' '. - .
visiting Scott and undergoing tests \cclM)\All pm < . i I "
J o rnal' sm Building scheduled for spring asbestos removal ‘ '" " ‘ "
B) ”“5 STEWART the potentially harmful friable. or Bernie Vonderheide. director of t'K Blanton said the removal process The subbasement of McVey Hall “Ulldlntb *‘ht'dUlWl l" lt‘ ‘UF' ‘\ I -- l ,
News Editor crumblingcondition. Information Services will not disrupt normal activity and the smokestacks of the Hi Med ‘f’l'e‘l ‘nCl‘l‘l" Bi‘rkt'l‘ ”d“ W - ' -. J ' '
. . .. ‘ u _ . , ~ _ .. ical Center heating and cooling (heiiiistry Physics Building and two . 1‘ I . ;'
The ”mal‘sm. Building m“ be The renovation work.” however. The asbestos found in the Journa- ”lherencant be “3“, disruption. plants are the latest additions to the community “”llVb’t" \“ll‘lt’l'llt'l‘lf’ " x .
closed during spring break as part can create a hazardous situation by lism Building poses no threat to “UV ht‘ Said “9 cant hd“? people out University‘s “st of asbestos-free said “\te continue 1,, Inn-t” mp m .- . ' , , , '.
of the l'nivers‘ity's continuing efforts disturbing the asbestos, which is pri- dent or staff safetvb Blanton _, M ’ (ll that llUIldmg “Tr "“99 weeks dur- areas Vonderheide said tire l'nitersity and will tnmmw. 3., ' -.'. i: . ,‘ ‘.
to find and remove asbestos marily limited to pipe insulation and ’ ‘ ' ‘ 5“ ”181m? SCHWSIE’F ' ‘ _ doso ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' -'
The removal process. which is insulationinthemechanicalroom yonderhpide said the removal ' , . , . UK has 599’“ about $818M. "“ He said the t'ititersi'i. hu- t-n: Yin I . ”
scheduled for March 724. is in antic~ .. -“ be m three has - lilanam ”Ml the lmversny had surveying and removing “”5““ serious problems wni; il>llt‘>l4i\ t‘n. 1 ' .
- - - g _ - ' « process “' p '35 ho d to remove the asbestos from hesaid. . , , _ . I . ' :
ipation of planned major renova Although ”halo“ ”1 hm'wd dc Work m the basement .5 scheduled pe . -. . rein in l-unkhouser and the tnllts -,
tions of theJournalism Building. “955 areas maybe encapsulated. the { th f” ‘t . k Asbest - [hi the building .during Christmas . . Building early inthestirtev work ‘ ' ’ " . '
. or eirs wee. Osin t .... , - _ .
.. . . a , « Lniversity usually opts for removal , break. but wete been delayed in About 3.3 million square feet of ~ - . -
Th” 15 5‘99 1 Of the renovation . . . . subbasement and first floor will be . . ~~ - .v , . Those situations have been l‘eme~ - , - .
i. .. .. ,. inpublicareas.\\illiamssaid . . gettingacontract the University has been surteyed ; . .
process. bdld Jdtk Blanton. ”(9 removed during the second week « . . diedhe said . ., .
chancellor foradmtnistration out of a total 12.1 million. \onderr _ , . ‘ . . . _ . _
.. , _ t.‘ , . . .1 , ~ \ . . .v . .~ - ‘ ~ ' ~ ~ \‘lethink its gone ver\ t\(‘ll he . . .;
Gene “llll'de. asststant “Ge (:enerally. our policy is if we find Tht l nlversity will accept bids for hfide bald- AbbeSIOS ha5 been {Wild ’ __ I. . _ _' l _ .. -, .
chancellor for business. said the as- friable asbestos. we get to work re- The mechanical room will be the work from contractors at 2 pm. and removed from ONLY 314.318 ”am It" dhhla Jfily'l “"1 “it““nll = . ' y ‘r
. bestos found m the building 15 not m moving it as soon as possible." said worked on during the third week Jim 9 square feet. “l” beglad “ m H 5 ‘l‘ 0‘“ “ll ' . ' . t '_ . .x . 7
' ' swasowsiwa - u- “3% S' l . . ’ ‘ .
JW*M»“WMW‘ tit???” ""1 7:31: . >i°§ i 7 - ' ‘5 i ' r V.
- . - - - swmwolmug ""' ' ,K 0 O - ., .- . . "
EmphaSis on gaiety makes Christmas dif f icult, nurse says raw ”i In hosplta] - . . , ,.
By WENDY Sl'SAN SMITH One student who wishes to remain Many college students get de- ”if J ‘”.‘§E§§% . ‘ ; . I’, ' WI. .-' ’,
Staff Writer anonymous said he Wishes his fami- pressed this time of year because “Law ‘ ._;:._ '5'“:=fg.:i§";:t\:9g°’°$,\:f for surgery l " '1 .~ ' ‘ '. ' ‘
ly could be more cohesive. “espe- they must devote this time to study- \§§ “h" (“d fine ‘after undergomg ,' , ' p: ‘. , , ‘
"Some people get depressed dur- Sides of my family fight over who engineering freshman. “Depression At 3 ‘ ' Mtv minor surgery l'rldil.‘ m“r'“"lli Bl - a" . .
ing the Christmas holidays basically can see me for Christmas. I live in 3 sets in when I‘m studying for exams h‘ ;. 7’ it “it“? the U.‘ “mm“ l cm” “'1' ml“ . - ' . t2
because they expect to get de~ broken family and i think a lot of and I‘m hastily awaiting the coming ‘6 .“. s. r“ likely return home today. said his _ i. - , . .
pressed." said Michael Nichols, di- People today are hurt over their oftheseason.“ ' ' 2‘ - , doctor David Kendd-l .1 ‘ ‘ . .'
rector andastaff psychologist at the families being broken up during Another reason for the holiday I I x” ‘ 1 Kid I, Kenadv operated on SingletaryI ., I'ti'i‘,‘
University Counseling and Testing Christmastime.” blues is the amount of work that ‘-.-.,. ‘ 1 . ‘9‘ . I. -» 54. for minor repair of an inguinal ' t. . _' "If .1 .I a
Center, He said many people view the typ- goes in to preparing for Christmas. ' t s ‘. ‘ .r / hernia The arm“. procedure took an .. . . .n ,. .
"At Christmastime we have all ical American family as being anal~ Nichols said. - fl: hour. said Ravmond llornback. vice ' . .i '- ,.
"1959 expectations that everything ogous to a family like that or “Leave “Sending cards. parties every l’ 5*. ‘ / ‘ t DI‘ESident for [anVel‘SllV relations, . I " ' ' r
should be perfect." NlChOlS said. It to Beaver" or “Andy Griffith." night, wrapping and buying gifts. ' ' ‘\w i O l Singletarv entered the hospital on " . '
”We think that when families get to. “But what it turns out to be is one mailing Christmas presents and get- ‘ ‘ 4‘ . ‘ ’ 2 . Thursdav ' . , I,
gether. it should be like the Waltons big hassle going home for the holi— ting packages ready to go to the [ft-6:. . I .l “Dr Singletarv responded well.“ ., ' . ‘ .
— call it the Walton‘s Mountain syn- days. family in Pennsylvania can be a lot 4 .' ’ is} / , . Kenadv said He' expected "no com- I , ' , ~.
drome." “People are always fighting for ofwork."hesaid. 1‘ 1/ t t - phmngmh -~ ' 1- " ‘ ‘. .‘t
2 People stereotypically envision a my attention. and they want to "People need to stop trying to do \ l '/ "Dr Kenadt pnmummni gm. ‘ - . 'I ‘
big family sitting around a fire make sure they get as much atten- too much at Christmas and try to “mum cm. gletarv m hmli hl‘ alt‘luitlvs :or at v IV I
drinking hot chocolate and eggnog tion from me as does anybody else get ready for the holiday season ear- least one month" llornbat'k \i‘lltl .
as the perfect Christmas.hesaid. inthe tamily."he said. lier." he said. “They need to be rea- enough money to buy the prments “Most people enjoy homemade -. ' - ‘ ;
Nichols said people compare their l'Sl'C about how much they can get they would ”‘9 to buy the" friends gifts; they do not have to have an ' ‘ ‘
”Bl" mOSl .Ol the time. family Christmas to that of fairy-tale fami~ done" and family, expensive'gift." $50 t 't' ' '
problems don! dissolye and most lies. which is an unrealistic analogy Nichols said some peonle get de- ”People must realize that it is not “1 IO“ ~ .
people do" l have families like Wal- "People mist realize that most fam- pressed b903U§9 they are m a lOW ll- the price tag but the amount of feel- “4 . - ‘ . ‘
tonsMountain. hesaid. lliesarenotlikethat“ nanctal Situation and do not have mg behind the present." he said. 5“"01-“’“-f‘““ downpayment f .
0 e e - i ;
Town holds memorial for crash Victims "ism due Dec. 24 ..
ByCllARLES CAMPBELL ———_—_'——_-——__ Still. Boag said he was optimistic Staff reports
Associated Press “It’s a very difficult investigation, because of about eventually pinning down the 7" "' "‘ m °‘ '9" " U“ '
- - - n cause of thecrash. '“cl‘ld‘ Tolly Ho's CW“! “'4 the Students must pay a $50 advance
GANDHI Newmmdiand _ About the catastrophic destruction of the aircraft. Boas said me safety board-s 1,» Hall Four. For Manda. see Dl- payment before 4 p m Dec 24 m
900 people in this small airport town Peter Bong, ratory in Ottawa expected to have VHSIONS.pue 1 confirm their registration for the
attended memorial services yester- . . . information available soon from the 5 ring semester
day for American soldiers who per- head 0f the Investigation plane's flight recorder. including the 1" Ml“! the" 7"“ W 0' pFailure to pay the fee will result
ished in the crash of a chartered # speed. altitude and direction the m W Km swim” in the cancellation of registration.
DC-8 taking them home for The Rev. James Reid of the Angli- Peter Boag, heading the investiga- throughout the takeoff. IU- Wan-imam! m. see Advance payment will be applied
Christmas. white investigators can church said ministers of the six tion for the Canadian Aviation Safe _ . mmcel toward students fees
pulled pieces of the shattered jetlin- churches in Gander. a town with a ty Board, said the snow was a hin- 'MaJ. Gen. floh" 5' Crosby “'d the The fee can be paid in person at
er from under a blanket of new population of 12,000. prepared the in- drance. but should not “in the long first 20 Fm” Wu“ P9 “0“ ‘° the Office of Student Billing Serv-
snow. terfaith service “to somehow get a run" interfere with finding out what Dover A" Force Base l" Delaware lea, 257 Student Center. or through
US. officials prepared to ship the message to those grieving families: causedthecrash. "“5 afternoon forautopsres. wtth the the mail. Payments mailed must be
bodies to an Air Force Base in Dela- ‘We care about you and we‘re griev- {lhigfiggdoygglggag’s 3:31: received by Dec 24.
ware. while the effort continued to tng for-you The four engines, the cockpit m' and flight crew members following The remainder of student fees can
find out why the plane crashed after A windy storm left more than four struments and other ”seam. pieces be . W h the l t m, t'
takeoff inches of snow Saturday night on the of me mm m to be shim ,0 0L ‘°m°"°w and WW“! rat-ti will in not! m with an 98'3” W8 . 33;}; '5 'tm"
Gander's largest church, St, Mars hillside just south of Gander lnter- tawa tobeexamined for clues “ h lb w lb. TM '5' or at “PM“ , M “ram” 8.3
tin's Anglican ProCathedral. was national Airport. where the Arrow ' Crosby said there would be “an hmmmmmum The last d8) ‘0 pay t e 86 W1
filled by more than 600 mourners Air charter crashed Thursday morn- “It‘s a very difficult investigation. appropriate ceremony to honor all h. as w ill b gouty beJan, 23-
and another 300 watched the memo ing after takeoff. killing the eight- became of the catastrophic dostruc the soldiers who died" as the first r '0 b H ll til W University officials encourage stu-
rial service by television in nearby member crew and the 248 US sol- tion of the aircraft. because there bodies were loaded. The soldiers ~. . dents to pay thrown the mail if pos-
Sl- Joseph’s Roman COME diers en route home from "tel? are no survivors.“ he told a news were from the 10m Airborne Divl- , siblctoavoid long lines at the begin-
Church. peacekeeping duties in Egypt. warm. sion. ‘ ning of the semester,

 o l l
2 - KENTUCKYKERNEL, My, m 1‘, 1’“
Arts Editor
Auistont Arts Editor
‘ i ’ ' ' it this“ *3 megs-§§s§~3§§§ 3§1(\&§V»§\&*¥°»§QKW§%3§&
6 9 0 o
In Country From marriage to apart Cl ,
‘ realistic look /
- . . . at Kentucky p ’
. 8) MW t “t " . Assistanmrts Editor . *flwfiirq‘
‘ ‘- ' . \\‘ was“ «3%; ._ .- _ get ..."-.-"- \ Finals week doesn't always mean . I .
. _ . . ln(()unlrI\ Btihhlt’Ir\nX)1:\la>0n . §§§§sk . r, ’4‘ ‘s‘gfihaa Christmas but yuletide always 1' ~ ', y t
. . . Harper & Row lublishers lnt- - so. - I y \stc \s means the end of the year and a . ,
* » $13 9° l _ W “x“ chance to reflect on the ups and . "
' -‘ ' .s - \s it downs and ins and outs of the st ,
. -. I ' . Bobbie Ann Mason sets her first as :hkig‘hx 52 weeks pa \ i
' - . .. Inst-22. __.-‘..'-“i \\ ' , «
.' ' “'9‘ ”‘ “ ”“X’em “Wk“ “”g’" hit its Conversations over Iunch ranged /
. " . - “We?" W‘s“? ”shunt ‘8‘" Egg: “33‘s from Toyota's invasion of the ‘
- >' ~ ' V315 and 511mm Chlp“ fights “myths: Bluegrass to apartheid to Joe B.'s ’1:
. . I - Her characters are three genera- \‘SEQMQ’ $3“ \3\- quitting the team
‘ - - . ~ . . . . "'N"“E""'-.II:-"~." I -:;‘~ this» ~"\-.‘\-E. ' ' ‘ , . ‘_:-
" H, ~ 7 ‘ “on“ ”f kenmd‘mn“ “nd the” \‘\%c chi“ Marriage was a pretty hot topic. ‘ l
. ‘. H ~ '. thoughts and memories Thankfully. W“ with Bruce Springsteen tying the I ' l
, . t . these are not introduced m a sweep knot with what‘s-her-face. perma- ‘ l ' l
» I, ;. . . . .,' ‘ ing chronological “)1" Rather. the} nently (or at least temporarily) tak- \ fit
z . , ' - . pop up by surprise. like your lavor- ing The Boss off the “available" list. Q I
‘ .- II iteSpringsteensong on the radio Madonna and Sean Penn followed -. I ’.\ . ‘ .
~. : . i -.I ' lteferencIfs to Springsteen.I and l)I~ suit. and she even managed to find a . . 1’ I \ \ ‘ \ l
"C v. . . I rlts from is Born in The t 5 A rt» louunnuums IernelGroDhics gown thatcovered her navel. . II . I . ‘ , l
. > . . lease do pop up often in the novel But many more topics than these J, a I“ :1 . . h
.. . ' s x - ‘ ‘1 . . ‘ ' s . ‘
‘ . ;— . ’_ I aInd 1“ ”RI ”Knight" MI 5am. Ithe -——-——-———-—-—-— to [he letterI and without pretentionI were discussed Whlle StUdent Center ‘34. J _ I ‘ k h
v; I . y. ' ' ' . young female photdgfmb‘ “.ho film condescension or stereotype. "Tip Off Burgers" grew 001d. and L \c 9v . - 1 h
I; . '. , ‘ '. spends timethiiiking about \ ““95” REVIEW Her characters‘ dialogue is so ac- jUSt before waving 0" WWI" this is ‘ . ~ . l h ' ‘
~ ' * -‘ . '. her “the? “h“ died the” h” ””19 curate and detail is spliced so care- one last 100k at the year that “'35 \.. y “Q ~ ‘ : ‘M - y
_ . . . IIiiItho diItIiIn t. teen agtI prignanch and tullv in the novel that although Sam 1985. . .1: C,
' . . ' er \'0 swagen Beet e ‘ . . . , - sf 3" .
' , . . , . . .1 , . . _ . . . . _ and the plot are movmg toward defi- “0"5t "PM for late-night munch- s... ,9” < s
' ' ““51“ gm," 53.1.“ find her pzrf‘tp- 35:83:-Suggn‘il'rfuhlggtlil 83259;: “he points. the story has a wonder- "5- The greasy T°“y“° elm "5 ’ '\ “’31-, w
‘ ' . - '- Emit”: mg I “‘ .dptfi? “T :r If” :ren't heirlbovfriend or] hlg rents‘ fully existential character, doors last May. putting an end to 1’ - .. 3“: ,. x
' ‘ ' V ' ‘ ”1thth thekti‘r'tetht kill-lit olf ieh dteghlt hedspt'eid but her uncle l‘rirpfmettis The teen-tigers talk like teen- hashbrowns at 4 am. So much for f a? 3-5 3,-
- , - I rug 6 . ii s c} t e - t . 4 > . I I . . ‘t d ‘dj 'ers'ons ' t .at .
, -, _ . . I _ . . . . agers. the grandparents talk like 5 u .‘ ‘ l . ~ ‘ I. . ,
t. 1’ ' v. and gourniiientIpolit 165 5;“ pnhohm: 33:31:; iizlagth:[\fllft::fi $2125: grandparents. the newlx remarried Best Excuse For Skipping ('lass. ‘ . s 1” . - .
. ’ . I. ' tel“ “ml“ “WK” "b 5.0” [I “‘“F H_ L; ‘13.“. Pretty heavy thou h“. for a mother talks like a newly remarried Negative duo-numerical tempera- I J3 ‘ {“71”
t .' - .' I 0“".tettlhlgit-i'0m \ietnam and ”5 1”] uh) “Vi“ .u Bur ergBoV and mother and the town cronies talk ture degrees early last semester. , 44m; ‘ i‘
l ' 7 '2 eff?! oni‘ e! l“ ' fiilks “'(lil’l her friend t‘lhwn about like town cronies MOSt 0f the professors 9"?“ avoided i ’- i E, \ I
~ - it": I 3 too”: ,i 7!”..i s v iv ( . ’ a ‘ . . . , .
' ' , it In": t I: , I} u t ) r‘ . . h I'M" lawnder ”alip‘m‘h and earrings Mason 5 writing is effortless. and the {TOSt'htte 31h _ [Wu . _ . 7 l
‘. ’ . , " t: t K“ '.)’.,‘ km ’ h :1'“ “Uh J: (4 She gets answers [0 her questions here in In Countn'. she uses less of Worst fad. Paisley, It looks like a morocourmsv orclsucons
' ‘ 'il {1 iitrus s WHO. I: V s r '. - - - . t . _ .
. W - :ttaiitli' mil» (4‘ nit-titre \lltr’iflu :n the about her dead father and his In- the sometimes heavy-handed Stjm‘ highly decorated paramec1um.I .- Bruce Springsteen 5 marriage was one of the many hot topics of
'7 - (‘0 -lo marl m o ;‘.,l i M y \‘olvement in \‘ietnam by reading bolism found m her award-Winning Best “I“,r‘. [SK students Nth I985 . h' f h . -| bl , b h | l
I » I. B uricr. uIItI. . . In .t i .Io I. hisletters‘to her mother . . ShilohandOtherStories Final Four “Slim-SI One weekend of . removmg im romt 9 oval a 8 ac e or s lSi.
‘ up: n ..;s Jim ., \i“ (i . _ . - v ,
' I ' ho: 71; .1 , vh -m .t \Li i'l:’[')l j: The scene in which \‘am her 1" 0mm“ ‘5 “0‘ "Old Of symbols. partying on [K campus was enough ' - .. 'll ' l‘ i ii , t
.- . “ ‘3‘ 1”,,“5‘ \ h ‘i .4“ 11‘? grandmother ind mem‘ stand at but its S)‘mb01s are the stuff of the for Villanova. Georgetown. Memphis “Hit-Wet \IIIH’MUK'c- The Ittdlt' “l “I? >9" ”Wt" ”93m“ ” ’Ut ur
. . 2 IN": IMI‘I“ . It: "I I 'I I.“"“ I I‘ I‘ the Vietnam Memorial after a p”_ characters lives: Born in the USA. State and St. John‘s students to pIer- fences on central campus while tes
I ' ‘ (123,513 9“,th n“: {igfnjfiffmnfi ; grim'ige to \l'ashingto‘n m the VW 13. home remedies for a mangy hound manehtl." erase the_ annoying “forkme’l replaced pipes during the Worst \tteiiipt at Sensationalisiii.
' " bl; 1‘ Twp lint" , INCI ‘I‘A’I 1:“ a oherful and fitting end to this and no easy remedies for the pe0ple "Dukes of Hazzard' image that {Sprlng semester thltt’t‘ture ma. m. Nutmmi ”WW, “filmed men
.. ’ ' .' “mm H “H‘Q‘H “H m \ "m m' H p . _ . ~. . - ‘ left by the "ion one daddies” of Kentucky seems cursed With J0” had the right attitude when the-V from outers 'ce were catin’ the nu
' dldr‘tuu'littisiiihhcrvm ii no\el that sees ham and Izmmett - g g . . . h . . “Anht pa F
« - . - ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ” find an uneasy acce tance that war the Vietnam War. Worst Mixer. UK and the L‘mver- ung a sign saiing . 1( ”dz ”‘ iion's dogs Now why didn‘t the New
. . _ . I to . II . . h . . . I _. p .._ . If _ . sity of Louisville. Blue and red. pur. front of the fenced-in Pence Hall. York Times doa followup"
. , nnie is Sam s hig school [Ixiner A page any page of this noxel ple really would have looked stupid he“ Reason to put the pH,” on
. . -_ . . fxéez’éheaIrIIpI‘hgnIifishtI outgrows in Ifilason creates images of Imodern IrcaIds as beaztifullIy as a nugget of on the football field. And what about llold. Geneva summit [81kg Enough WM Sm” Kiss. ()ln'ia MIMI)”
' . ‘ t t hentutk) that {0110“ e rea art (19 et niquc an 5!) e a mascot? The Wild-Cards? Thank Mild John Apparently the pregnant sing-
' - ‘ . ’ . . God that idea dissolved. Best l‘:I\tllllplt‘ of Peer Pressure. er had (me 100 mam
» . , Best Addition. Sunday Bloom l'K's deCision to finali'i divest stocks
l: 'l SlXth ROlllng Stone IS dead at 47 County to the Kentucltz)~ Kernel. “'tth South African connsctions Best Stupid Stud). Thorough ps_\
. . . . Biggest Scare. AIDS. hands down. Mhy (hdh t “'fI‘ ‘10 that “tithe" ‘I etiological research proved that
‘ ' LONDON iAPi lan Stewart. the private London clinic Altham said ht€\‘iirt played on many 0f the Blood banks dried up all over the Best ttl‘t-tflhm‘h 30h (reldt’tv “'5 most students have test anXiet) All
. .‘ keyboards player who helped to Stewart had gone to the clinic ear- group‘s recordings but was phased nation. orginization of Live Aid not onl_\ did they had in do “85 hang around
. . .7 found the Rolling Stones rock hand lierinthe da) after feelingill out of the Stones' ll\'(’ performances Best (‘ontrorersy The Lexington “OOdStOCk one ht‘ttt‘r h." Uh'ti‘lhg campus during finals
in the 1960s has died of a heart at in the 1960s Howeier. he later i'c- ngald.Lgader's overblown study of artists with a common goal of end
. tack at the age of 47, his agent said "\Vithout him there would haw sumed performing with the group alumni gifts to ball players. Too bad ing world hunger hut entertained Us Best Pin-use Not “I hold that Fri—
' Frida} been no Rolling Stones.” bass pla_\ei‘ after a period as itsroad manager Joe B. “1 didn‘t see any $100 hand» in the process illc also proved rock da\ Night Blind Date. "Miami
' , ' Keith Altham said Stewart Bill W) man said of his former colt Stewart also had his own blues shakesin the"Hall played dumb, star committees get more done than “I"? ..
whom the hand called the sixth Roll league “He will be absolutel) irre- hand. “Rocket 88 Worst Advertising Gimmick. politicalcommittees i
f mg Stone after he “ 1‘5 phased ”Ut 0t placeahle 11> it person and 11 member He ““5 divorced and leaves a 15‘ Coca-Cola clothes. Pay the company . . Best Din-rsion lturiii' ('l‘iss lec-
- the group . died on 'l‘hursda} in a ofthc group " )‘t’al’hld Shh $35 and they‘ll let you wear the real 3““ “"5“" “""h‘t- sung and I . ‘ R , i th K, L t A
~ - . thing. four top-notch ianmen Hopefull} “'9" 9‘“ mg 9 ‘ '"H
' ‘ IAIGAIN marixirls-stzgmv 6' n
7 I ‘ . $2050 3579R563M- Editor in ‘hlef Elizabeth Caras
. ’ ' . 'un'l‘uo "All Managing Edi'or SOChO DeVroomen
. V . , mun Luann»: m-tm News Edt'O" Fran Stewart
' . . : , JEWEL or m: mum) Editorial Editor AlIexrander CFOUCh
. . - '. I . in) 3:15 5:!) 71510:“) SPOT?! Edhor Wlllle HIGH
' '> . ' WHITEMGHTSlPGlJl A"! Editor G("Y Pierce
' l ' , tuitismm Special Proiocts Editor ScoitWord
'. ' i .: F‘YE"! M‘ll g Photo Editor J-D‘ V°”H°°59
- I. 4. - l» Adviser Paulo Anderson
. » ' V I JAGGED HIGH!!! 1 Advertising Manager Linda Collins
. -' ' _. ' aovs um 000mm
- ' _ . . ”5 3315 5:15 7159.]! l The Kentucky Kornol is published on class days during the academic year
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' ~ - She herdsville xuoios to The Graduate School for the 1986 Spring Semester
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. I, I. g n, v A . one .606 57 287i
. _ . _ . I ., . - A it K F N
-~‘l I M . ' \nnuiim 1's
I. I. " Sl’EtilAl, 0 12-20 End of the 1985 Fall Semester - Residence Halls
: .j (‘iiRis‘Tiixs‘ ‘ Close
" . . . -‘ I’H'AKGE ‘ ‘
g. ‘ j ‘ 1'” "W "W“ '"h' ‘ x t 1‘ 9 12-20 8. 12-21 UKIT (Pepperdine vs. SMU UK vs. E. Car-
- . “W olina)
1;" . ". Special \\ cckciid ‘ y
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'1 .w ~ I H Rules . .
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' 3' . ' . muss i‘wit .irs _ . , ,
-' ' g , -\o\Iilngi(h.irxi ‘ ‘ A. 0 12-23 Final deadline for sumeSSion of grades to the Reg-
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I , l
Sports Editol
.1de ‘
Assistant Sports Editor '
Enfuv“ *w,, 5:: vct’:‘sfg'éi;’."':-"’f.',';_il':',:;fi$i: ' " "1=“‘<_T:E';.‘:;;"-:‘:T'f?23iI".2‘~;';i§:v..‘< _. . 7 ;,--=~ » -- ~.; _ maria/run « rotting, "
eagerness . ,
W Id t f. t l 83 66
- t .
Jayha [(8 hand W 1 ca S ll‘S OSS, SIDELINES . , .
. . - - ’ ° ' ' From Staff and AP Reports .- . V - :
Manning leads With 22 pomts in Kansas first wrn over Kentucky Since 1973 . , .

LAWRENCE. Kan. tAPt Danny Walker did not re-enter the game. P858 and fed (‘cdric Hunter for an. H ' I‘M“:su . , ,. .-

Manning decided to “be more asser- but said the small scratch under the other Jtiyhawk basket and a 46-34 3:." I I' I "- r3 - ,3 if , _ . r, V, ’ _
New Saturday mg,“ and seventh. eye wasnmsmous lead 1““! r 3 1:; 7 Z 1 f. 3 11 UK men s swrm team loses to Alabama » _ . 1
ranked Kansas came away with a | _ _ ~ that”... 4 t n l Ix l 4 a ’ j .,- , .
resounding 334;; college basketball ‘I didnt go back in because if Walker. at 13 pom“. had a team him 3 2 t: I: 1 ‘1 1 2 The UK men‘s swim team dropped its ilrsl Southeastern pg, "J
View“ over the ninth-ranked Wild. it"‘tfii‘ldhaiiaigmzzerihetxu Siting: 1 high when he left the game with WW” I, U I g 1 f) . ‘l Conference match of the year, loung to Alabama 68-45 at r; .=' - '- .‘r. -
Cats. . . . . V 148 left in ‘he 'L‘Cund hd“ ' “1 [h or (on It 0 22 . ~ I ‘ i d" ' '2 ' " ‘
Walker said. “I had double "5'0” ‘ nghawks never let the \'1§ll():\'(fr0r: 1‘41““ I 't I : L ”2 ; Mcmonal Coliseum Frtda) night, ~ ~‘r ( '- ‘ "
the Southeastern (‘onferench or Jannwi ti o 0 0 o r. (i o The men ‘ team. now 5~l. placed “N 1” only Ml” of . ii"? " 5' '

Manning. a highly touted. 64001-11 VScoring 12 points before his Injury. Closet: than lfikptllnls g Ha-r. r» [I 1 2 n n rt 2 13 events, Senior Dennis [)aern {upturn} 3“” ”f [h(y\c ', t__ if!" ' ‘. .‘l'
mphomore, triggered quwk get- Walker moved to the 50,9 spot on 2‘0“; ,’, 5; I; ,3 1;; I; ,‘,‘ for the Katfish, winning the 50- and ltltyaru tit-mutt-
aways as the art Jayhawks posted hentucky scareer scoringlist, "Kansas ‘1,- an outstanding team." ‘ events ' i'l' ' .9, '3! j
the” “'3‘ “CWT." 0"” Kentucky ‘ said Kentucky t‘oach Eddie Sutton usrtcnoo SW- Vi , ““le h‘ l . , , r i Viva;- t
s;ncc1973. The Wildcats missed their first “They shot the ball well Overall. P'N' tit 'I- H "I m - 9' to entor. a'rtyn I " wont ‘ ony other lndmdl’ldl ‘1” ' If}; I ‘1. J

seven field goal attempts and did they playeda mwganw .. tn: 4‘ v i 2 i 2 l 1.: place for the katfish when he captured the Zoo butterfly '.,:. iii-:1"? in,“ i it

"Mint-body told me 1 was seven not score unttl Duvender hit a free “firm“ . 2 I ‘ 4 , . i “1" .‘ ‘1
NW” “Id the lit“ time “'9 ”Ci” throw ‘0 make 't W" “1th ”74019“ The victory avenged a disappoint than : ‘ : ., l a « " "3‘53; “'6 ,~”
them. and I thought that was too The first Kentucky bucket was by thilogsttixetttuckt last year “Node 1 ‘ ‘ t ‘ H 3 H - " - ' . 5 t“ ' . If;
long." Manning said “I haye been Robert Lock at 6:47 into the game L h i . ““‘W ‘ ‘ 1 3 ‘l‘ ‘ f Lad) Kats. Wildcats pla“ during break ‘li' .‘i.
Dianne, kind of tentative I wanted and put the scoreat H—zt “They are a 599““ program “”h Inuit i i it .1, 7 ~ . 1 fi 1.9—5. '-' ‘r i."
to be more 3559mm, he a facmr great traditiott' said .Iayhawk 11:15:; ,. H P . U I 3 Beginning With the LR Imitationul lotitnhntcnt Kills jT-"?"'t;,;‘ :15.-
And we don‘t want anybody to beat The Wildcats. 5-1. fought back be (“ouch Larl‘) BMW} "ll ”Will‘s it 10! thorax ,, i 'l n ; tr tr r, weekend. the UK men's and women's basketball teams ml. l): u—_
us tit our own house “ hint: (\ffilker land [Std [gaytl'ader 21:19 for us tobeat thcnt grin-1' i) ‘1' > i ’_' ‘ y’} play a total of 14 games during (‘hrts‘tmas break 3 12;“, ”.31... z a

rat e )y on y erg a a line. »_, ‘ ‘ , ,1 ' y .. ‘ . .. ’ , ‘ . ,, I , / ,,