xt7kkw57hb9r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57hb9r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-12-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 05, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 05, 1985 1985 1985-12-05 2020 true xt7kkw57hb9r section xt7kkw57hb9r I
. I l . I

Vol. XC, No. 42 Established i394 UNIVOFSI'y of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 197] Thursday. December 5, 1985
.--MW ' ' I .
C . h t d t t. . t. f . I i it i I

am c anges s u en ac 1v1 ies ee reso ution w ~,
. ' ' fli’
-. . II.I .. ." .
B.‘ JIW “L‘NT‘W an open forum 0" the '55“? yester- Activity (‘ommittee i SOAC.“ (‘ain for money Ell" iisiiaiix not denied for two times thi- curient budget which to s(;.\ and im. “mm” \c’zxfn-s . . ,
5‘3“““1” day. the 67 cents dropped [0 44 said. monetary reasons ‘(lroups are would bring the committees budget Hoard l rider in. bump“; lH"'W\~‘ _. . . 'Iz‘.I,.II .II'
. . t. -- . su e 1 s
_ l . on. .. 4 ) . »,_.-~‘-ri
‘ \" " s — o
I; . I; - a I . Seven students part1c1pate1n meeting ,
w? ‘t‘ v‘ ' i V t. : ‘l? " W
W. I‘qu I‘I 4 \ V ; ' u . . -. I. ~I. .II I -I:I ‘~.'
. . ' . a. . ._ \_ . (W ~ - gathering suggestions about posmon . .. ,,
.1. I 4 - " By unsin'si'sn sumi "basically ix-t-duIi- iv..- 2. I. t ,I I' ' 5‘IIIII‘
.- ‘ If“; D l ‘ Staff \\ritcr is made up of a rimro- (1(th“.":i:'.i:‘:\ . .- _ . 'I .‘
r, ' .-" ’ 531 “' . .." . inclined group . .2» are tittriu‘ ' ,‘ t | ‘ - ‘.,I '
. ‘ t r” \’ , .‘ f‘ Student apathy and residence hall me. more quality si i tents ad X I a ' , I;
J I ‘x ‘- ' . I .- life were the topics of discussion last Ann Montgomem _. 4 :c-riipiry se ~ .‘ -. ,- - . ‘ ‘.
' I ' ‘6' if // night at a forum held by the com nior 7 . , ‘ a ;
‘ , ‘ - - ’..' mittee reviewing the division of stu- ‘ - . . ‘
z 3 O - dentaffairs Phil Green. a ilumlit‘5‘ iihonioriu : i z. -. - h .
Seven students talked with the said "Also many stud“. such I” i ‘ ‘. ‘= -
eightrmember committee that for mvself look a! st. \ IIII. \ .I as “I ‘ I. _ - .-
,- - . the last several weeks has been re- dim“, groups The P“ III.” .i: i . > . . ‘ “
Viewing the student affairs division that draws flit'Ll‘JiH I_ .I - . . _ .I
The review was prompted by the ‘ ~ ' H
’ .- planned retirement of Robert Zum- II . I.

1" . . winkle. who has been \'1Ct’ (‘h‘dl‘i' II‘ih‘I‘I‘ht‘rh’W-i 'I' "‘ V‘ ' ““‘ K " ,, ..

3-," 4'- - ~ , ' . 3."; '. . t'ellor for student affairs for the last "‘ *‘l “r l ‘ W‘“ "““ ' i ' ""VV . . , . ‘ ’ 3

. . 1, .«zigfij’l‘ ' .' . 233,731: £3,295“ I. 3:, .. M ’ lb \‘t‘dl‘s mate tissifil'." “'1' pins i-1.:'s i . ta- ‘ .. ’ , ;‘

«,. . Aft-I“ . Vii-ct.” I... . ~v~-;.=‘a~s:i"v-":‘ “at" ~. « '- ' ' . - * " ’ I v i»! ‘ ‘ -' ‘

. Mn": agfvgi . 3 4 {I‘yfni‘vgfcfwa LVN“ :i‘!_"‘IT"r~¢I‘“ ‘~ 39.», e . ’ ' P. "First of all i would like to dispel ”“9““ “ .I , . .. '.

k5,- ..‘e -. :6 7 ‘ I. I. ‘I‘<‘;ll;':4 I-.-:‘§“"".~.e"§I fer .. ’ 3,3223%” {AI} ' j‘I “riff 'I . l ' I. “In. , ‘. ""‘I. the ialse rumor that somebody \l l. ’ ' , _'

z 5' ; _ .Qi,‘ '3}... 73.“; 35's.!“ ,‘.: < New! 4’ '” i. ”73.2?“ twisted: .41....1‘«%~.~.:e-¥. .T‘f'sfi; " \\ int> 'i' 4“ «win “1"” WW“ at 7 “3"" ” “ I ’ “ " ‘ “ ' ’ . 3‘ ' .‘ . .

Ebfli‘kfffl I L: I , ”“7: '91:“: "c". ' iti- ”fist :2 rift/1. ; , m:§,:' E‘Efi"wl fiftrr—‘(r‘hfrmi WW" v . I .I totrs. said ‘-‘, "iael Brooks i'om- h-‘t'tl then 'ht'r‘ would i" -" ‘ 'iI‘l"”' ' .- * ' I

a, . . t .. “I . ,. . . . . . . -.. -l .. . 4 do .. ,,,_,., . ”In“... «mm... .iliti .in assm'iate iems The housing ott \' i")l"piii.ll> ;- .' .' I

nwnmuumsou «m mum,» . . .. I of pap-:‘wvr‘r‘. . _. . .~--:v “II“, I .

Pro-ect. Sno prpItessoiIol:K'iiuvgg h changes lbut if II iiue tionnai'e w'i 'I '; .

w e suit, o‘w‘met t e committee * ‘ > I “ - ‘ ,
J . man is llNiklllE for suggestions by stu- UM“ lht> problem might rw i-iinii- . .
, . dents oii how to ilrtprme the It \‘l' ”med. M“””"“‘"“ ‘1'": . I ’ K i ‘.

Denise Sivells. on education sophomore and Lisa Wells. on on» their floor in Blanding I. The sn0wmon will be one of many Wm .. . .

decrded sophomore, make a paper snowman yesterday on Christmas decorations in the residence hall. The groups \l;\(u_s\(‘d topics tug-h I-\“"lh“lI l"””h:"‘~ ’I"""\‘I~'h' up it - I- I, .

""—‘———-——-———-——————‘——‘—_ as residence hall ilit'. sports fat‘lll' first?“ “ ‘IM'IdPWII‘“1"“_‘XIII V'kI‘hI hi? ‘ .‘ I. ‘
ties. student activities. freshman :I.IsIsome m” “P “V “”0" ”M" "I ' I. -' 7 I. '
. . orientation academic advtsing. ti ”1“” ‘ . i _‘ I I .
c ar ane reSi ns re ace e u . ; ~...~-
, ices down wi'h Y‘t‘\l it‘llis .ll‘.’ mine Prob 'F i -' . A ' '
(‘h t (‘ l lcms We don I' want lilt': n: he in i ‘ 'J' " .- - .

. .. escr irunty a committee .. .. ..;.'
B\ TI‘.RI‘\()I‘ ”l NT red-rimmed ilfltl glistening Vs'llh terference ll'Uln lht‘ Chn'ftlf staff POIHdt’Xll’r ha) lung £‘l\t)l(l9d inter. member and (lll‘f‘t‘ltlr 0f lhk‘ ”ff”? 0f IhnnjltfdrILZ ;p( t‘ ?‘:I“I I ' I‘ h‘“ I .' I ' ‘ :
ASstK‘lillt‘tlll‘t’SS team or don't anticipate any problems." views and has priiati-ly expressed Minority Student Affairs. asked the “ng 1 Hm“. ' n: n" - _' i _ .

. . . Mcl-‘arlane. WhO . I? .exWC‘ed .10 Poindexter said "Don and I are an a"”»‘"”‘ l" ”‘9 Pl‘t’~‘\ Whlk'h he students wh‘. they thought there is a “I ‘ I' .V 3 I. 'i '1

\\Aslll.\(.l(if\ , President Rea» land a high-paying Jot. in private in» good friends I've known him since has critiCi/ed fur “mi he comment» decrease ill-interest m student am“ t'ommntec llli'll‘ilyt‘l's t‘l‘ii ~ui~agwi III , .II I II .,
gan acItI-eptIM the resignation of Rob- dustry. said he had no immediate he was secretary of thetreasury to be consistent maceuracies On the meg such as those sponsored by the students ;.I, any”: 'ht' ”my mm”; A: I ".";" fl" 7 'I
:Irt ItII ItItraiIlaInIcIiI a; national Sfcurid plan: 3?] quippIed. I if yOu ve got The president said Poindexter's eve 0, the t 5 lmiision oi Grenada. Student (Iuwmmmt Assocuition 1 p m “a, 1., m '38 “mm! Wm” I II . II .- IIIII

’ d “N” “I eep regre an any ea ' e me now . ' ‘ ” h ' be instructed .0“thth 590“” andthcs‘tudent "L‘llVlllt‘s‘BO'll‘d Addition . ~ - .. ’s’ "
‘l 't; ‘ st dav d 'mmedi- R n "id McF rlane after 30 selection underscored t9 continu- , ' ‘ . t 4 «. . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ",‘ , ' 1 ‘Vi
rt ut inct ye er _ . an i eaga sa 8 . t' f f . l' S k man Larry speakis to .011 a icport . .r . H- '-
ately replaced him with his deputy, years of government service. "feels if)“; FEM; oreilgn P0103~Id Pfinmg er n “at "preposterous” that the . I Ii '1 II, '.
vice .~\dm .lohn It‘l. Poindexter. a aresponsibility.thatlthink all of us ”I. C “fight éfIgaI'I‘asaLe-e beth t'nited States was about to land d tt .~ . ‘ ',
low keyed nuclear physicist who feel. toward his family " The presi- 0 "if?” en “ 0 s n er forces on the tiny island 0 e comm] ee S . ‘1 ' '1‘ . ,'
doggedly shunsthelimelight. dent told reporters. “You have all sen ‘ McFarlane and Regan. both ex- ’ .-

Reagan and McFarlane bOth den- been misinformed” about Regan Virtually unknown outside the Marines. clashed both in personality 0 7‘- ’g‘ . .

ied he was leaving because of well- and McFarlane feuding. realm of national security experts. and over control of foreign policy Open meetlngs proposal ' ‘ ‘ y "(I
publicized friction With White House Poindexter. a 27>year Navy veter- Poindexter was the architect of the and defenseissues . . ‘ i . ',-.
chief of stafflmnald T. Regan. an who was first in his class at the administration‘s successful plan to Regan. :i strongwilled. impatient l ' . ' v. ’ . .
I. . .. . US Naval Academy said he had intercept and force the landing of former corporate t’\t‘t‘ttil\t' used to By BETHI..\\\SO\ winkle, vice chancellor ior \illtlt‘lll I ,‘: 3 I
. "”11!” nonsense. Mcl-arlane assurances from the president and the Egyptian jettiner carrying four getting hlS \K'd}. “u. t’i‘ihliiv report- Staff Writer affairs ‘ '. , -- ' 'I~ ' .i'
53“ ‘limthhg grim-faced he)“ ‘0 Regan that he would have direct ac- Palestinians accused of hijacking ed to be perturbed by Mcl-‘arlane‘s Th . . I . II . I. .' " _ I.
Reagan and Poindexter. his eYes cess to the Oval Office. with no in» the Achillelaurocruise ship. directline of access tothe president Proposals affirming students” ac- t‘ni\:r:(i)t(\uta‘fflrhlwlhe“ “I? ilhfl , ' . 3
. ., s. rigtoa ' "-. .*,
. . . C9575 to openImeetings and clarifying students. including members of the " . ‘ -
their rights concerning dismissal , . .. . , 4. _
. . . . . . I studen. press. to attend meetings of . . . - .I ., .
ena e OunCI v0 es 0 ur e Inac lve courses fromahousmg unitwere tentatively .. . . I . I
I . . . registered student organizations that - . > -
approved yesterday by the student . . . . _
.I . receive the majority of their budgets . .

.. . I I I coderevisioncommittee from allt .1! 0m l I (ix t f I . , I. . . .
II!) ( \ \THIAAI. P.-\l.0RMO unless colleges give adequate reason in its 1982 accreditation review crit~ the currentpolicv . L I ' ,0 5 u m “5 . I . - ‘ ‘ ' .‘ ‘.
Senior Staff Writer for maintaining them. This year col- icized L'K on thispoint. At the meeting he said. "I don‘t The Board Of Tru‘tf’es must ap- :m)n_‘?. and 0’ I '“Wr‘m “ll"‘a' I ,.

. I 19395 asked that about 80 percent of In a memorandum issued to the want to 7ap courses not taught in prove ,the amendments tieforeIIthey~ ions ‘ - = .

lf benatc (ouncil chairman Brad- the courses be retained. but Canon council members. Canon said. "We four years. but those not taught are incorporated into the 19864355“ The proposal includes mm. “Nip. ' . ‘.

ley (anon has his way. any class not told council members yesterday that are saying that we are teaching a lot after eight or nine wars should be dent Rights (Md Rmmmlbmws tions- deliberation of election boards ' ' . ., , ‘.
taught after eight years would be about 60 courses listed in the Uni- of courses which in fact we have not reconsidered " handbook and selection committees contract ,

purged. even against the request of versttIy Bulletthave not been Of- taught recently and which are not ("anon said he wants a tough stan- A couple of minor changes were negotiations and personnel matters , .
tthqollegcimolxedI . I .- I feredinthelasteight or nine years likelyI to be taught in the near fu. dard for the colleges to follow. made to the open meetings amend- The last exception is designed to ‘ . ,

Ie current lniyersity Senate He also noted that the I\i5iting ture. I “They ll have to give a damn good ment, which was proposed by the protect the reputation of individuals. ' ' '
“flesh stipulate that courses not comm'ttjee “93’0" 0‘ the 500th?!“ The counCil passed a motion 5119- “35"" not '0 purge the course. not Somety of Professmnal Journalists. but will not permit discussion of ' '
taug t after four years be purged Association of Colleges and Schools porting (,anons request to change st-ct'm \(‘Il..page$ Sigma Delta Chi. said Robert ZumI m. “”1““, 1....1 ' ‘I . '

o o o o ,, . - - .
msws Dinner hi 1 ts ristmas . '-
g Madrigal Singers to recreate traditional Renaissance feast 6 _

The Medium will “win 4

W “‘8’ M!" "It” ma ’ Byiiissimrkixs how much money you have.“ said A: the end of the evening. the

w "P mm“ L“ 'w- P" ' Staff Writer Holroyd. who acts as a noble her- madrlgallsls gather and sing a so .

“enemas .meJ. self. minute concert . (I
. - The UK madrigals will continue 3 Everything about this Christmas I ’ ‘

Ila” ~00" “d '0: W m 9; Christmas tradition today. tomorrow celebration reflects the Renaissance Perhaps a favorite part of the pen it '1 ‘

"d" m“ m' for ' manor“ and Saturda when the recreate a theme. from the boar‘s head proc- formance is when the si ers encir-

toomwhowilllivcfmlncyfl- - y .3 - - ~ - n8 6)

“on VIEWPOINT t. g, Renaissance feast reminiscent of the essmn to the toasting of the wassail cle the candlelit room and sing "Si- ‘

a '5“ .9“! > 16th century. and the consumption of the flaming lent Night " “Everyone is in tears.” /

Strolling musicians and singers figgy pudding. said Lisa Reedy. a senior voice i
will perform while guests dine dur- I major who‘s performed in the last
ing the eighth annual madrigal din- A steward Prfildfi overIthe {918$ three dinners, /
ner intheStudent Center ballroom. a court Jester performs his dewlish _ I, ,
Sara Holroyd. madrigal director. acts and a beggar or tho wander During the mt 0' the year. the 3 .. //
- called the event a trip back to the looking for rood.HoIroydsaid. misdpgffs f°;mltheIISIUIFI .
.ooooooooooooooooooo awe“. .,., f _
'1 . - ; _. g ' ,5 ,- I" .
,_ 'l‘ i '- ’.V ' ' Cow/'1{413/:éeze:s-'3§£2§?§i;:§',:§:.:v':.=‘:§;;i§?:.v 232.:E'Z‘":5:5;:?‘,5%¥'5:24":- " u " . 7 x _, “ ~ . 4 ’t
. . , _t » , l . z a. /// j, ”on;
1",, I . ' . . , ”JAY-5“":w . . ‘7
; ' ' l ‘i ‘ 0 Wed., De" 4th fhru Sum, De" 8‘”! O . .
l". "' "~ ' ' 7 ' . ”MC. /’ f:::1;.;:i‘=‘=:2'22:%’/ ’ ’
I: r . . i. . . I . , 3‘5”!” . ‘ ,
.. .., ttttttttittt
’ ' : . . I}. I V ' ‘ ‘L * .
' .‘l. " .. “- . 0 [I‘m : Register For A 1* ’_‘ . _
a . . 1 FREE : “a” . I I
'L. .- ', (a : BirthdoyCoke ii . , 5 . ‘
- '~" ' '.;«~ 2» w, - it .
. ,- ,' ‘ .1 O r "j" .7/ ll:to be given away at t ’ ‘3 7 o . . . ‘ . I
'. ‘ . . . ll, eochstore , . 0
.~ . ,7 -’. i ‘_ It Sundo ,Dec,8 n ® .
. .-.- - . o l ' . $tttt1tttttts . o
." .1 ‘ 4 , _, _ .- - ' . V . . .
' " ' .l ' ' '9 With spies like these
- r . HOT FUDGE SUNDAE O h d n mies’
.. ~ . , a... $1 35 MILKSHAKE . w onee se e .
, V. . ,1 0 $1.70 Rog. $ 1 35 .
" ' z . ' “I t "'7" . WARNER BROS. Presents A LANDIS/FOLSEY Film .
' . '.. *wfioi-‘w , .
. . ¢ , . . . , . .' a. , An A.A.R.-BERNIE BRILLSTEIN'BRIAN GRAZER protege.
. , ' ”a; \ , , I. , on ‘(
. ,flu . Lid ,» s t . CHEVY CHASE . DAN AYKROYD. SPIES LIKE us
' r ’ / ,i . // ,/ ‘ .‘.l_ . ’ . r
. .-. p . . g .7. t ; a“; _ a: . STEVE FORREST . DONNA DIXON - BRUCE DAV ISON
' ‘ \‘ ..‘._'_ ‘ l 97"“ ” . MUSIC BIBELMER BERNSTEIN Executive Producer BERNIE BRILL“ EIN
. . . :‘NAN‘ 5”" \g g g f" . Screenplay by AN AYKROYD and LOWELL GANZ & BABALOO MANDEL
og. ‘ ~ ~ -.
- . :2.“ $2 1 5 BANANA ROYAL! . Story by DAN AYKROYD & DAVE THOMAS
336 S 'l 60 . Prodiced by BRIAN GRAZER and GEORGE FOLSEY, JR. Directed byJOl-lN LANDIS
. ' Loliovlovv Plaza ' L
Lomdovmo Shoppe . tflijuncv Baum. Aiilquulmnd W O
o ; $331,." BASKIN—ROBBINS 0 '
' “""' m can“ 5m” ' ember 6 Theatre
. mucous"... , Track Them Down Dec th at a Near You.
ooooooooooooooooooo ‘

. ,
. ‘ I ' '
_________________*_________________“____ mwmm W» m" M3
Gan Home
A c -
LanM-u. .
A;......i.i -. a. fqyeno
VM'§"E.1AQ‘§’§’KY‘ ‘1. V*~;qota§{»c?\w‘fit,’fiwfigtet'W‘Kf’e‘c ' {if 34,93.“ otgqnggxwlg-i‘,‘ (fiA,‘~°§gz;§§ - '
Ew$§g‘”s‘“£riza»vwvng%:§g”gmk-fiwmgw‘fi it“ definitive?" . .
Cable premiers may be Jamaican band Iavin -
.5 .
convenient study break \\ ‘intense’ re ae toni ht '   " i
\ - . . ‘ . 'K
H) WESLEY MILLER ——————" ..I ‘ .3 ~ ..\‘,~ B) ANNEUAl-li‘m“ ” " ’“"' - "
Staff Writer RE'FLICK'T'ONS A ‘ ' \\“ \ _ Staff “Titer 7'c"' ‘ ' i i ,. 1i i'. l‘.’ A ‘ - 1. l
v , . i. . , . .1' it . I ‘,

No“ that Thanksgiving break IS _ .‘ 1‘. v . ‘ ‘. ’m This duo lb “Of a ilt'er lit".\ it.“ . ,{U “H‘K . ’1‘,“ (‘4' .
over and final exams are rapidly ap» _ ‘ ',;- _. .1, 4" -‘ _ , ‘2 ”naui I F isI)ean Martin Sound Off for choc iiii. ;. c . . , 1-” Z .. .
proaching. TV may be just the cat- 5‘h98 "‘MlSSlng' ' and K319 w . ' L9 ’1'» $5?" , ”1“.“ Ti. . tert’ield. though the)“ be playing . _.‘, l, . I '3 1 :5 i f." i
alyst needed to take a break from (apshaw star "1 "“5 drama that w ‘3 fif;“"‘-lv_‘r‘f ' ,. . i r "I; ‘ next to a poster of that comma. or... i H H . 1...“, )1 w 1 ~ -.
studies. Odds are that there will be centers 9" The Rogues. a COlleCi‘O“ .’ . ., %_ A, I ’ ‘t' ' . . . . ‘r ,2. 1 ., 1" team at Bottomliine tonight . ; l l L L . ' '1” ‘,'
something of interest on at least one 0f long-time friends Who “W and I“ . ' y )1 -- ., . . y. .1". . . .‘ The Meditations. {mm Kingdom .‘. '.- fit); Z If-
0f the pay channels .(s‘tgiilgglf tggethernihn t2; apes; luBig ~ - . . -— . . .3 gm. Jamaica. sing the reggae w h. _ . , ‘ x . K '3‘ f. f ,l , f.

The highlight Oi the week is last I as ion. a ou is im is 5mm . . ; .. i: . '1'?!
year‘s Bird}. which premieres su'p‘firioli'toit,_ f h { PHOTO COURTESY 0' Till-STAR PICTURES Mai-be reggae music is host ilt‘ ' . ' m' in 'I;,3,'f :
Wednesday on HBO Matthew Mod e 935‘ imprmswe “ i-f‘ ”UT - . . . . 'cribed by hi 't . t It t t \t Ir..-' . ,i. win . . ',' ,i
ine “Vision Quest") plavs a bird— premieres this week 15 last )ear‘s' Al (Nicolas Coge) helps his best friend. Birdy (Matthew Modine). :i'orldjive ingorldiljo ‘5” 'r {“73"} M, ii
loving Vietnam vet who. must be N0 Small Affair. Wh‘Ch debu“ "” .99.? h'? °".‘b"'°” 0.” the ground m a scene from 'he mOVie Reggae is native Jamaica rim " ' “"1'Jf"'-"
brought back to reality by best (‘inemax this Sunday Th” S‘lml‘h't BWdY‘ Whmh premieres on pay TV he“ week. With earth) religion and ecoiiiiiiiii i" , I]; i ‘2'}; '7' i.
friend Nicholas (‘age "Valley (“med-V .ac‘ed 3“ a “999'” “"m‘ . .. . . . . . . desperation. which The iiediuiimiic - »- i -‘ phi '
Girl"i, Modiiie gives a sympathetic for Demi Moore. who went on to 51;“- businessman iScott (.lenn of Sll» nel.‘ features Drew Barnmore assimilate into their 1mm“. “a“ 1‘, , ; 4],, . i.._ i" : ,v
performance as a man obsessed in “St. ElmO's Fire," She plays a verado i to keep ”‘6” farmland i"l-irestarter ' as a disgustingl} performances - 3" -' . 51' .3,t"c'.“c'“~"i.'-' ”1.1."
Willi flying. but (‘age really shines 50X." ”)Ck singer Whit t’nchdnls a Th" ("WU“E- overemotional precocmus 10-yearold Who mes 1“ Skip Bethune. singer ('timpflscr iii i ‘ ’J "'HI’Zi.‘ l...“-
as' the athletic girl-chaser who tries teenage photographer ’Jl’hn ”to" drama that “i“ make .W’U appre dl\'0l‘(‘€ herself ”9'.“ her parents. local reggae band The {\iight'. KL» ‘1 -‘ 3-.
to rid Modineofhis obsession. The best comedy moments. howev Cldit’ :(‘ountry and "Places in The played by Ryan 0 Neal and Shelle) que. said. “There art mo sides to ii. 3. ’-; 'if

For a heartwarming Christmas er. come from George Wendt iNorni lli‘al‘l lhal mut‘limort' Long everything That’s what comes out - . ,. 'i .m x: ‘ ,' 5}",{331-j“
\‘pPCliil. tune in to The Mowe (‘han- on \lit 5 “( heers i “ll“ Pl“.h 11“ 'l‘extbook examples or populariti in the music it‘s a real cry out will; ~ ‘. i. if ‘ a". I .-‘-, iii
no] tomorrow for 1983‘s A Christmas iras'Cible nightclub owner oi er quality premiered three limos The best of last week‘s premieres my, front a real intense situation - - ‘ ' .5 ‘- “Mu" v 7.3". i.
Nor} Peter Billingsley is splendid last week Micheal Keaton and J“. is last year's comedy Night Of The Formed in 1974. The \lt‘ililciliiiic ‘: ' ' c'i .. 1" . VI'U'C',‘
its a 50mg boy whose WhOlt’ life 1‘9— Better Late “tan \exer. . . Here P|5Q0p0 giar as popular gangsters m ('oiiiet. which premiered on The performed solo and pla)cd liaciiii . ' ' it ’ 3...".-
\(ith‘s around the Red Ryder BB are some premieres from over Johnny Dangerously. VilllCh