xt7kkw57hb2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57hb2n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 06, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 06, 1979 1979 1979-04-06 2020 true xt7kkw57hb2n section xt7kkw57hb2n Vol. LXXI. No. I.“ Ker 21 University of Kentucky
hid". April 0. I979 an independent student newspaper] Lexington. Kentucky
0 t '/ / t d 'l t'
By FRANK (‘ORMIER White House press secretary Jody imported oil. extra tax revenues he wants from the add five cents to each gallon of Making a direct appeal to citizens.
Associated Press Writer Powell said l3 briefing sessions for They also are braced. White House oil companies he earmarked for gasoline over a 2”-year span. Carter said:
Congress members. oil industry sources said. for political fallout that programs designed to encomage The president also ordered an end to ‘
WASHINGTON (AP) President representatives and private groups could carry overintothe I980 election production of gasohol a blend of free or subsidiled parking for tens of “Unless you speak 0t". they Wt“ .
Carter prepared a new energy plan began yesterday and will continue year. unleaded gasoline and alcohol and thousand of federal employees have more influence on the Congress I
, yesterday. aimed at boosting US. oil through Monday. A specific example: the Carter the development of solar and other working at various government offices than you do...Please let your senators . ,
output and discouragingconsumption Carter‘s plan. prompted by higher energy policies could spell political energy sources. all of which have aroundthe nation. And Cartercallson and representativesin Congress know '
at thecostofmoreinflation and higher oil prices in world markets and an trouble for the president in the early support in Congress. private employers and state and local that you support the wmdfall profits
gasoline prices. interruption of supplies from Iran. I980 primaries in New England states The decontrol portion of Carter's governments to follow suit. tax and that You do h0t want the .
Estimates 0f how much more includes the gradual lifting of price heavily dependent on oil for heat. new energy plan does not require In making a case for his proposed need togproduce more energy to be
motorists will pay for gasoline over a controls on U.S.-produced oil. “If he decontrols oil. he‘s dead in action by Congress. Officials say the tax on oil revenues. Carter argued that turned 'hto 3" excuse to cheat the
two year period under the Carter Another element. facing strong New England.“ said Sen. John president will go ahead with it producers “will reap huge and PUth arid 10 damage our Nation"
'. proposal range from5centsto l5cents opposition in Congress. would levy a Durkin. a Democrat from New regardless of Whether Congress unde’scrvcd windfall profits" unless a Carter. who asserted that “energy .
.i a gallon. new tax aimed at curbing windfall Hampshire. which will host the first approves the windfall tax proposal. tax is imposed. prices are high and going higher. no
Even in advance of the president's profits for the oil industry. primary test of the campaign season. Gasoline prices could rise 7ccnts to But the president said he has been matter what we do.“ argued that on
television-radio address from the Oval Carter and his associates A number of congressional sources l5 cents per gallon by I98l ifcontrols warned by congressional leaders that decontrol would ease inflation in the
Office.a9p.m..aides were launchinga acknowledge that the administration express doubt that Carter‘s proposed are lifted. accordingto some unofficial “as surely as the sun will rise. the oil long run by lessening demand for
marathon round of special briefingsin plan will hit every American in the energy tax can be enacted. estinates. Butthe American Petroleum companies can be expected to fight to imported oil to the point where “the
. hopes of building support for the pocketbook. yet argue it isa necessary However. the president is expected Institute. an industry group. recently keep the profits which they have not foreign oil cartel will then find .it _
. energy blueprint. answer to increased reliance on to sweeten the pot by suggesting the argued that phased decontrol would earned." harder to raise prices."
Metcalf and Neal F - II
. . oretgn enro ment .
wm 8G elections V .. . . UK
B Over the din of the rowdy crowd in .s i '3 gm“ . iii-:5: -. E .. Sh OWS llttle ga‘n at
y SUE TEETER . . New V ., _. »»
Sm" wmcr the Student Center great hall. Metcalf ..-; I‘m-m a» ‘ , . .
said. I sure hope to implement our as. V,‘ .gf 3‘3 - , t; . ~ _ By BRIDGET McFARLAND from Iran/. An exodus oflranian
Mark Metcalf and Sid Neal beat platform." adding that when next if! ' ’9’ ".a. ’7’:.':“t:..i'-'~ " . . . ' it“ Staft Writer students to the us and other
’ runners-up Charles Main and Peggy year's elections roll around he will not .. _ . “V. ‘1‘ - ~s ; Although national enrollment of countries has been occurring. she
Curtin for the two top positions in endorse any candidates as Tichenor :V-(g'E' ' ~ - foreign students in us. universities noted. ever since the social and
Student Government for the l979- endorsed English and Gunnel this ti. ’7. V». I 4‘s _.-’ and colleges is increasing up l5 political upheaval in [fan has forced
' I980 term. year. Etg . . ‘ ' ‘, percent last year UK‘s foreign the closing of many universities and
The referendum on the mandatory “I will leave Student Government to . ' § student population has grown very high schools. Mann said many schools
health fee showed vast student the student body to make a choice. I 'Et .3; I _. t little in the past l0 years. have bCCh closed for over a year. In
opposition to a required charge. with will stay out of it.“ He also said he i ‘ There are 27 more foreign students the past. students from Taiwan and
2.569 voters saying no and 850 saying would appoint an Elections Board EEK "- ' .- at UK this year than last year. but the India usually constituted the I3T8C5t
they favor the fee. chairman “like Steve Washington" «,3. . «a figures are deceiving said Syham foreign student population at UK-
After weeks of campaigning. and who would show “integrity" in E “ Mann. foreign student advisor of the AlthOUSh bOth countries Still have 8
complaints against candidates. 4.l00 fulfilling the appointment. 1.x}: - International Student Office. “Less large number ofstudents here(82from
students turned out to put Metcalf in In the presidential competition. ' t foreign students came to UK this year Taiwan. 45 from India). Mann said the
office with |,0‘."'9 votes. only I95 more after Metcalf. Main and English. the ' f over previous years but less left. so it lhdiah enrollment has decreased
‘ than Main. English wasadistantthird votes were: Bert Clark. 525; Chuck ’- M... appears the population has grown.“ slightly because many 0t. these
with 765 votes. Neal. who received Malkus. 330; Bill Rockwood. 46; and 5" ‘V i " Mann said. “Actually. we expected a StUdChtS can h°t afford to studyat UK .
more votes than MetcaIf. carried the write-ins. 22. t } _ drop in enrollment." Currently.483 Without some form of financial
ticket. Following Neal and Curtin in the iii 7? \- . f A foreign students are enrolled at UK. assistance. Ahd financial aide to
The vice presidential race was more vice presidential voting were: Bobby V; . f . . 3; about 2 percent of the entire student foreign students _ especially 1
spread out than the presrdential Dee Gunnel]. 763; Ken Berry.444;and I [‘3 '9- f E .5 9’ I c population. Most ofthesc students w undergraduates W at UK is very .
competition. Neal received I.l36 votes Craig Ross. 544, . , " 4*” 324 ofthem . are enrolled in graduate limited. Mann said. Most foreign .
and Curtin received 777. Many of the senator-at-large " _ = V; programs. Out of UK‘s entire foreign students are self-supported. she said. -
~ Defeated candidate English said the winners are already involved with SG. '- .{ fif V student population, only 69 foreign Assistantships are available to
complaints against him and running Metcalf was a senator-at-large and ‘ 3‘ t gtitff “ women are enrolled. The foreign graduate StUdChtS. notably in the
mate Bobby DecGunnellhad an effect Neal represented B&E. David Fields. " , x 4% RE students represent 66 countries. sciences. and undergraduates who
on the elections. “I was hurt to some Sturgeon. Britt Brockman and Candy . ' t“ ‘ .fiEE ~ Last year. 456 foreign students have studied at UK for one year and .'
extent. but I still don‘t think we did C ummins are repeat senators. .75; i t EE‘ ' attended UK and l0 years ago there have financial need are eligible for a
. anything wrong." he said. grimly. The other senators-at-Iarge are new. E '_ ‘ Ev. ' e v“ , were 405. Mann cited several possible special scholarship tUhd- A Sthdfltt . .
. When re-elected Senator Brad They are Mark Rock.~§fom Collins. -. -. i E": , - reasons for the slow growth of the GOVCTthht proposal now before the .
Sturgeon was asked if the Focus Steve Pellegrini. Pam Byham. Todd f 531;.“ V E Q' EV. i. foreign student population here: UhtVCTSit)’ Senate WOUId “39th ' V
magazine. featuring the Metcalf-Neal Hollenbach. Sharon Butler. Jack 5;. ‘f '1. 55".... E E -Since UK is a state-supported foreign TAS to take an EhShSh ‘
and English-Gunnel] tickets. had any Heath. Karen Barnes and Tom : E ‘3 university. its first obligation isto state language proficiencyexam thOI’C they
J effect on the election. he cried out. Ranieri. Barb Rowe. who has worked photo by (may [ANDERS/Kjrnel snitr residents. Private institutions do not WOUld be allowed to teach. Dr.
“Hell. yes!” in the SG offices this year. was also have to limit the number of foreign Douglas Wilson. dlt'CCtOr 0f the
English said he is going to finish out elected. The Great Hall overflowed with senators are Bob Clark and Mike students they will take. (At Stanford International Student Office. saidthat .
, his term in SC. but does not know if he Only the College of Library Science students carrying Greek Sing props or Walsh. Margaret Cornell will University’s business school. l9 per although the test is probably needed. it
3 will continue to be involved after remains without a representative. an occasional beer. many deciding to represent the relatively new College of cent of the students enrolled are from 90“” affect the already limited aid _ .
: Metcalf takes over. “I hadn‘t really The write-incandidatefor Dentistry hang around until the 80 winners Communications. foreign countries.) »»—Many foreign offered to foreign students. Wilson
thought that much about it.” was Tom Francis and the write-in for were announced. Main and Clark Paul Roark will serve with Squires students prefer to attend “prestige“ said he assumed the test WOUM be fair ‘ .
The present SG President Gene Social Professions was Kevin Vaughn. found a window to lean in until the as education senator. Engineering schools on the eastand west coasts. ,. in its assessment. He 3'50 said the test . . ~
Tichenor said. “I think all the Francis received 40 votes; Vaughn announcement. and crowds of Greeks senators are Dave Elder and Mitch Foreign students have less should be given to a potential TA
. candidates ran a good race. lexpected received seven. circled their respective members. Griffin. opportunity to hear about UK before the student comes t°th€ Uh'th '
‘ one of thefSG) incumbents to win just Most ofthe college senators are new . . Leslie Bingham will serve as Fine because. according to Mann. UKdoes States. When 35de about potential ~ . - .
~ . . - - When Elections Board Chairman . . . . . . .. . . . . . .
because. l guess. the voters feel to UK 5 student senate. Vincent Yeh is . . . . Arts senator. Kevm Ellis wrll represent no foreign recrurting. Most students discrimination 0t foreign StUdChtS
. 4' experience counts.“ repeating as Graduate School senator. Steve Washington arrived andcltmbed the Grads with Yeh. learn about UK from their friends,“ attending UK. Wilson said foreign
Outgoing Vice President Billy Bob and Terry Squires will again vote for to the top 0f the staircase. the mob Freddie James of Home Economics. she said. The 93 Iranian students at students may encounter problems in i; . - .
, Renner was elected as a senator-at- the education school. “1““:th down [9 hearthe names 0f the Brab Bryant of Law. Bob Culbertson UK represent the largest population finding off-campus housing but he i -
‘- 1 large. Agriculture senators are Tim Smith "6’“ 50' cheering after ”Ch name was of Medicine. Ken Corn of Nursing and from one country. (This is also true on believed students in general probably ; ' ’ ’ '
No. Kyle Macy was not elected to and Scott Davis. Allied Health will be called. Anne Policastri of Pharmacy were a national level. 0f about 235.000 have the same problem. Mann said’her . V'
. 50 but he had someofthe467 write-in represented by Charlotte Clark. Steve A&E senators are Lynn Crutcher. also elected to represent their foreign students enrolled in US. office has recetved ho complaints .
votes. Goldstein is senator for Architecture. Mike Breen and Rusty Ashcraft. B&E respective colleges. colleges and universities. 36.000 are concerning discrimination. .
He said the charges III the warrants included trafficking in begin to strangle the economy. normal relations. , _ . . ‘
. cocaine. marijuana. PCP and quaaludes. and criminal Federal mediators called Teamsters President Frank In the Sinai Peninsula. Egyptian CIVIIIII‘IS were allowed for v
State attempts to defraud. Fitzsimmons and chief industry bargaincrs back to the first time since the I967 Middle East War “LCM“. and i0 V
’ The arrests included ll Murray State Universit students. negotiations yesterday for the first time since talks collapsed as they pleased, without military passes. alongt e main roa s .
ma: 115?};th8:5::25lganclr?[tailr'SJIBritltfizfgshng tvLo of whom were members of the football team an one of Saturday when the old contract expired. and in the villages of Egyptian-held areas. _-
I live only at the Tennessee site where the Tellicao Dam was w om had been a team member. - . '
“I halted to save the species. K Tslte‘atfiigzg‘gtlnfli‘dn WT: 31:2: irri‘ihdcchriiPrictiil 2:53:33; | * i '
coming: msfimvflftyton":;'::':¥;cnwi':'°:ash:;c :31: defraud.and MitchellNelson. l9.charged witbtrafficking in A DYNAMITE-LADEN TRUCK new up yesterday Mm nsmnrsou .V .
. environmentalists. expressed interest in the Russellville man‘s cocaine. Zack lsaacs. 20. who played football for the Racers near Keystone. W.Va.. sending '3 people to the h08t:tal. ‘UGANDAN PRESIDENT IDII A d d la'med its
finding last fallbefore leavmg the team. was charged withtrafficking destroying four homes and damaging several ot ers. slipped into his capital of Knmpaa yestt:d 3);) In 3:": mm 3 ’.
But TVA said the first step is to find out if the fish are snail m cocaine. authorities “'d' . f0”? surrounded the Tanzanian: a _ 5:: K 3
- . darters rather than any of the more than l00 other t s f Btflt'hg “P5 were scattered 9"" th‘ area ahd 90"" “V" beselsms the City‘ SCVCWI Of his t°P aid” to enya. _.
i ' daners. we 0 ' facinga‘dangerous Siwfii'ionnmtfymifwlrtlmi‘h?itcfirrf‘: “MST? bsc generally discount Amin‘s claim as '
I V ‘ ‘ LUIIICI I rams 0 I C 01’ or I [III 0 rvcrs . ‘
‘ . Mfgzghgxniir.‘ : 31::gcgogzrhgflro‘gyggclh‘egh:;dwl;‘:::: natIOI'I gtdsiirxe'ht. another 0% the dramatic concoctions for whicg‘he :5! 22:3; '
caught the fish. THE TEAMSTERS UNION AND TRUCKING N° mm“ we" "”0"“ ' 2:31.“I‘t-ile‘ntli‘ihntgoKv:hlipnfl:!i:::|ir:"s‘t‘enadi‘ly asrplinned."
_ r Milan makes a hobby of identifying fish he has not seen INDUSTRY returned to the bargaining table yesterday in There wfs no independent confirmation of either claim. . , . »
— ' ‘ _ _ .' before. so when he cought the 2- to 3-inch minnows that were ”"Ch 0t 3“ agreement t0 Chd a five-day ShUtdOWh that although by most accounts Amin‘s eight~year-old regime WI! “
. _ ‘ . new to him. be preserved them in a Jar of formaldehyde. threatens to paralyre the auto industry. worhd on its last legs \ I
. . . z A: a lockout ofstriking Ieamsters by major trucking firms .
. . . . it triggered new production cutbacks forautomakersin Detrort. TERRORISTS WAGING AN UNDERGROUND WAR ,‘

. . . V ..‘ ‘ the rest of the economy remained relatively untouched by the against the Egyptian-Israeli peacetreaty bombedabus stopin . . , .
’; . ’ . ' 1 ' POLICE WERE MAKING ARRESTS on various drug dt'P“: overanewthree-year C°ht“°t for 3mromdflV¢rS and Arab Jerusalem and struck Israeli and Egyptian targets in - . .
" - . « char in four western Kentuck counties terda afterthe ware 0““ operators. to. President Anwnr Sadat told the L -. '. '
.i .. U U issua'rce of warrants for 72 persyom. officifi: saidy shit: the Cartsrhadministrpsionosays 1:: longest ftrucking (Pigti'ni'aersi‘sflg:ybdrliilfahterc and there“ will not build a weathe' . . , r

.' ' . . ' " ' Richard Wri ht. lute lice information officer at the Wm“ Istorym“ Pr ““5 onesesot oodand aled to them to‘oin in the ace rocess . ' ~ ' "f
a . " ' . I Mayfield post.'said it wpa: hoped the arrests would be out" "when hY th‘ "id 0t hut Week A’ ' "NIL hogrimizzdwzwm of stem retriliution for a‘fteacltspagainst hfiiaggr THE“?V::CI:A’:SL:;:Y‘:;$ 3:23;; .- '
... r- ‘ V completed today. government officials said they remained poised to seek 1 Egypt. c I ytcd ‘ Ilia-e and. I ~ . ‘ _ . .
" . ., ' court-ordered end to the labor dispute should the shutdown Meanwhile. Egypt and Israel continued moving toward expec 0 t t Y- -' . -
. ' WW-......~i..‘u..:.t-M*Wfi-HMU»”W-‘ -A. . ..:... W‘w,..a .- ..~._...:~;..,...~.o.a.‘o -4~a*?womm' V.:
. _ . . ~ ‘ " - ‘ t ‘ n , . O ’ .'1 ff .. .. I". . - -r‘.‘i '13‘. i. ,. . . . 2' .‘.‘..."L‘ _ "l . . a

 IIIIIIIIIII . -. _ . .. ... ...-..,__ . _ . ._....,..... . . W”, ........ -. . “W... .
. l
, _ . KENTUCKY l
Mm balling" l.i\l litmmd Thomas ('larli Waller 'I'unis Jamie hum To... Moran ‘ l
. Itlilur Ill ( Illd" Ill/IU’IIII Ir/ilui 1!) “use" it“ lililm .\/mr'I\ Ilium Ilin'trvr til I’lntmgmphi
Debbie McDaniel ! .
. Steve Massey ‘ '
Richard McDonald Gregg Holds Ruth Mlltingly ( ary Willis John (lay Linda (‘ampbcll é i
"undying ltluur Jeanne “chines "- ’9'“! TI“ -l\\i\ItmI it“ 1 thin! Brian Rieltenl I’liu/u Murmur: '
. it . q & C l ‘l\\illlllll’ lllIIlll\ (ll/II lt/Iltm .hmmm Muir/i lat/Hun it I
.- f
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Ed cat'o f d'ng Sl'lOUld a
g: .
i I W... I]! i \\ 5
. I .‘-I_I‘. ,
minor athletics pro a S 608T Uh _ i
_ According to UK President Otis Singletary. the tournament prevented the overall operation from M l "' ‘ " if
University will soon be faced with the decision of going into the red. , ' I /r‘
’ . - g . - . _ .. a“ . \ ._ ,
{Widths 0f some 0f the UK athletics programs With Other schools have been forced to drop some of “-IlIlIIIIIIIEE '.‘ Iii/iii! llll if"
dollars which were to be used for education. the lesser sports. I I‘I, ,r/fiififin I'fllfiguu. L ‘ I
' . . . .7 1;? ‘- i . ' -
TITIlnstpIroblimI has get?" Konghl :bISUthue to the HEW recently stated that it Will concrder a / ry/‘—\%‘— Ea.- ' “ll! ’ l’
”6 CE“ a“°“-I “'3 4’35“ .y ongress in school's total program in its assessment of their 5 8'30“ ~ “2i “UCLEAR 9:..- l
I972. requnes equality between men s and women s compliance I:__:__A_.__. T" PLAIT . m _ . .
athletic programs. The Department of Health. _ ' THE CHINA d! “l. 5 ‘ .
Education and Welfare. responsible for its This came as a shock to those who thought that lSYNDROliE 4'4" —. '- ‘ I. _
enforcement. will in the near future be assessing mayor sports programs. we" as the larger football I: 3“?" ‘ g1 “fa“, ‘ a i l
whether schools have complied withthe regulations. and basketball programsaround the country.would ll l ‘ l ‘i i i ’3? ' ' . z 133‘. t
Any school which receives federal funds must be in be overlooked. . lli _ i “l .. ’35 IIll _.‘?i :3
compliance. But. when it comes to deciding whether or not to film ., up?) tit/g1 " Lycg“SMlE'ili- " ‘ '7. 0. i
Title lX has caused problems for many schools. fund minor sports with money from education. the --_-~—-—- ‘3“ ‘ _ y _ __ . ‘9’ _ M. ,I ' -zv- ‘ 2.9.“ a.- .. -1 ’; .
At UK. even though last year university athletics decision must be to eliminate some of the minor .>-""':.‘,‘..':‘.,_ '~~'="-"‘ ,5 _ %\W\mi ‘ 6.9, _ “" *IQT i
. . . . . . . . e, ‘ ' V, «~ ‘ ' ,-" v, ‘ ‘ .fi..'- i‘ :
experienced one of its most financially successful sports. This is a philosophic matter of keeping . 0 ,, W . {ff V3-61. «if m l . ‘3‘”‘6 ‘ :-
years. only the bonus dollars brought in by the within the primary purpose ofa school. Education “\‘3;‘ £41.;‘ 5‘45. \ it,» 2?; _ 0115i". ""J,\J' . 1 . l
basketball team's appearance in the NCAA should never be cut back at the expense ofathletics. gt: a. If"? 3' , _. V " ° .t , " ' , ,
a: V ‘w’f “a a /) \ a. a“). ——-/‘J
11‘“ .- k t' ‘- ‘ ’M‘l‘ . “ \D' l 1 ’3 I . I
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. «or» flak I ”3‘ ‘\’? i l
l —. ml / I; / Ki .5; . (I. ‘
LETTGIS ('0 t e If I g" / E “9: " 5
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\ ,., _ f: l
0 l .\‘ ‘.";‘, / ... Is. k2 .‘ ?
m i‘ i -f.\-‘ t " ~ ”‘1“, h V iu~w " ’
’ «so - ~ -
Fed up The games are fun to watch and there names have made the national news in 3
is usually a keg on the pitch after the this manner , and not hers'?!! Oh. ‘l.
I am fed up with Student games. Just remember Kernel sports yes...and are you now aware that any . I i; ..
Government elections. This year‘s staff. it takes iron ovaries to play UK student can be released on their lA 'd " h '3:
campaign has made a mockery of women‘s rugby. own recognizance by contacting the CCI ents WI appen g
democracy on our campus. if there Dean of Students'.’(Where wereyouat ,
really is such e in fact a small scale Lauri Benford the freshman advisory conference?) ' . s"
version of Kentucky politics in action. Physical education sophomore Were any 0f "5 present at the time g
The candidates and their campaigns the alleged Crimes took place in g: .-
have done more mudslinging tham - Kirwan I? No. Therefore.lsay. neither f ;
pigs in a pig-Sty The Other Slde of us hasthe right to determinethe fate . . - - . 3 ' i5
. . y. . . _ . . . The developments at the Three Mile Widespread disaster. and a legacy of monitored for generations to come for "
Not only have the candidates In regard to Marilyn Gilberts letter Of this case. We have only our . ~ . - - . ‘4. ‘i'!
. . , . , , .. _ Island nuclear plant near Harrisburg, low-level radiation and nuclear waste the health hazards it presents.
stabbed each other in the backs. but printed March 29 concerning the OPINIOHS- YOU may be prole (”this Penn‘ 1 ‘ . n k t ' I f 'h' h h . ‘ ' " i
. , . . .. . .. . , .. sy vania are we nown to most ma em or w ic we avent yet The full costs of nuclear power will ~.
this years election has split the charges of rape and sodomy Placed woman ' 63°“ ‘0 “'5 0““ ' b“ of you by now At this writin‘ the gotten the bill be aidb h'ld d l =5 ‘
campus. These elections have always against eight UK football players...l what do you really know Of what ‘experts' are biting their nailsg‘and In December of I952 an Th: induysimrchI rIeInan bolgpznzt. 5: i
brought out the old conflict ofGreeks feel that it is only "fair" to present actually took place? You said as much b k' 11' h f \' Z l . l ‘ . ry. eavr y S“ 5' ”e . y ’.» .
against independents The Greeks another side of this issue to Ms when you said “If the charges are Pooling lgcls or. ew ea and. and 3perimenta reactor at Chalk River. our tax dollars through the Price A
‘ . ‘ . ‘ , t nt . ' ‘ - i"
generally feelthe Kernelisanti-Greek. Gilbert and to the readers of this indeed the truth. then she IS a brave . re: en b arter has returned the mo came Within seconds of Anderson IAct (because no self '5
and the independents feel SC is a publication it seems to me that an soul ,, etc but what will you say if irra rate: oots he borrowed for his exploging. after a series of errors respecting insurance company would II.
. . . . . , - . . "Sn tot e crisis scene. cause a melting and fusing of the touch nuclear accident insurance ‘3
breeding ground for politically excessrve amount of emphasis has and when these charges are proven to . ' - - . i -
corrupted Greeks. In a wavthese idea's been placed on thealleged virtue ofthe be false“!!! Remember...‘Jlnnocent On Wednesday. March 28. 1979, the uraniumIIcore. Apparently: according without the governments promise to 3:
are true but I sa to hell'with it woman involved The ma'or't f until proven guilty ,, Three Mile nuclear power plant owned toIPaul Whale of a Tale Harvey. a pick up most oftlie cost is getting a fi
Candidates canyi ai nin as thou h comments I have heard iinl y th) ' by Metropolitan Edison Co.. through prime mover in preventing the free ride onthe back of our health and h; - '
they were runniii gforg overngr charges have been brouiht aceains: Michelle Hotte a chain of human and mechanical explosion at Chalk Riverwas ourown safety. Yet. only two days before the
candidates cam ai gin beciuse the these men have indicatfd thagt the Home economics senior error. became the most recent site fora President Carter. then an officer accident at Three Mile Island. Carter
feel SG is a mgckg g(Note for voryi alleged “victim“ was a naive oun potential nuclear disaster. Walter stationed at the site. pledged continued sup ion of a
anti-Greeks Ken Bleyr'rv‘is a Greek) daughter of a university fhcults Are you readY? Cronkite assured us on Thursdaythat Jimmy Carter wasn‘taroundtosave stepped-up nuclear pcticy. Once
candidates filing charges against one member who just happened to be On Arpil l0(TuesdaY) there will be the level or radiation m the the day m Idaho Falls. ldaho.Iwhena again. our melt“? are sold toIthe '
another with the SG Elections Board strolling by a dorm when she was an Open house type forum with surrounding towns was no more control rod for an experimental handful of multinationalcorporations -
the screw-up with the Focus. the brutally attacked by a barraage of representatives from the various 3:21:51 lt(hIzln f 'Ork 6 chesIt X-raysI S§§tggvgsi2gf withSrawIn maniIiIally. IwhofailIorIinformofenergyproduction ,.
campaign trash littering the campus athletes. This.lfeel sure. was notatall graduate and profesisonal SChOOlS- 1 pa “C 5 co umn 0 ' r c‘l n 0 an me too mm W- Ic theystand to profitdearly. - '
and the old political ties within 50 the case as will hopefully in my They will be available to answer Saturday. March 31, 1979, warned that far. Theaccrdentkilled three men; two Its time for the Wizard of Carters f
endorsing one another.(Jim Newberry opinion. be proven in the end. questions about their programs on the :hfriifgifhdlifi: Evihlfngtigsltiizahhi . was , image campaigrl. Gerald Rah??? to l
endorsed Gene Tichenor‘ Gene. Yes‘ rape' when proven beyond a requirements for admission to ”15111.3 Frlda mog‘ Oflhe residents oftlle ' h '. “gas m9: 9“ Eldncw s.otgan tOturnt C re; 5
Tichenor endorsed Buzz. English. and doubt. is a terrible crime against its Among the 5Ch°015 represented Wl" aryea hadhiecided thatthe didn‘t (I . fitz I]: mic. ch‘" 113 :‘e’morate bah i i' l
finally Jim Newberry returned from victim. lagree that a woman who has be: Agriculture. BUSiHCSS and 5 or 6 chest X-ra S and had left "gr “‘7 h =" poIiIlca IIkassIeSI daill sojmgI ing ,7. i
the grave and endorsed Buzz English) been raped and desires to “do Economics. Education and Kil atrick was hu‘s with his-next l, . :acy [we if: -p “A ow. i h
are some of thethingsthat have really something about it" suffers the Psychology. The professional SChOOlS coliimn y "A ! wTfi'?‘ :ro Ilseritca. Tmhericai i ‘ f
i made 50 elections a mockery. humiliaton 0f “going public“ Whh her represented Whl be: Law. Dental. As one who has lo b instantl and a third seconds after he th' k hiheai' UT aslle 2?“ “3- d h;- i
Several 0f the candidates have charges and then must faceagrueling Medicine. Nursing and Pharmacy. concerned with the use oilgnu Ieen was remyoved fromthearea Oncof the C m I S ihmet we tc ahterd anf " i ii‘
declared that SG is a farce. I say the investigation and trial. While I cannot The forum Wi" 135‘ from 7‘09P~m- 0" f - c ear . - - ' - - -. “-81.95 a we are tire ? 3.
elections are the real farch and if we speak from personalexperience I; and Tuesday, April IO. Come and find out reactors or energy production. I Victims was impaled to the ceiling wnh sub5idizmg our own funerals. ld _ .
children don‘t straighten up the this may limit my viewpoint M I do if your B S degree is enough for what Viewed the Three Mhe Chm Whh fear a control rod. and due to the lethal p rcfera catchy 5'03“ New" Nukes ' . .
administration might take away our know that a rape victim suffers an You want to do and hope. I hoped that a disaster doses or radiation m the faculty‘ the '5 000d Nukes." I »
toys namely 90 emotional trauma incom arabl t The program will be held in the would be averted. that a meltdown body was not recovered for weeks. The A meeting has been $thde for “I -
‘ i I any other I do not h‘iarborcth0 Complex Commons on the south side could be prevented; hoped that this exposed parts 0f the victim‘s bodies Tuesday. April '0‘ in Madison. 2 V
Rod Thomas unrealistic traditional sexist view {C of campus incident would be the final straw that were severed and buried with “other Indiana. to organize against nuclear ' '
A & S junior rape victirri asa‘loose woman wh ° 2 ‘ would forestall further nuclear reactor radioactive waste." power. and prepare forthc occupation " ' ,
what she deserves .. lt infuriat 030 Mike Schlotman construction and steer us toward a The Chalk River and Idaho Falls of the Marble Hillnuclearplant siteon l -
I . too when the .ublic att 6: mIe. Business and economics senior serious effort to develop viable and reactors were prototypes for the June 3.l979. Those interested in ‘i '
r0" Olarles suppressavictim‘sri ht to 5:33;": safe forms of energy. Enrico Fermi reactor. built in the attending the meeting may call 3
Yes. Kernel sports staff. there is a rapist is convict d an dgpunishe d when: N at here' Nuclear power, as an alternative, heavily populated suburbs outside Stephen or Greg at the Good Foods 1. -
women‘s rugby team. I would like to rape has indeed occurred l f l . ' has proven itself lacking In all spheres, Detrort. Michigan. On October 5. Co-op, phone 254-6935 about rides. A
point out an oversight in the Kernels also that few women are soa cc. sure, This past Sunday we were appalled The projections of its safety. low cost I966. a partial meltdown occurred in group will meet at the co—op. at l46 E. - '
sports semen It seems the Sports be rii d that the we 1d “’I‘I‘O‘I‘Is‘: by an announcement titled “Working and potential have never been honestly the Fermi reactor. and disaster was Short street. Lexington. and leave atS I. .
when have overlooked the fact that for If: It shoulh beur rea he asd For you -7 In the NewmanICcnter evaluated. Unfavorable government narrowly avoided. The details are pm. on Tuesday. An individual from \
the" is a women's rugby team at UK. however that ra const'etmtem re . bulletin. Anyone can recognize this reports have been withheld or portrayed in a book by John Fuller. the Three Mile Island area will be
_ The men‘s tea - , . . .99 .1 u ‘5 an act famous slogan as the catchwords of doctored; the agencies which were- We Almost Lost Detroit, based on a is eakin at the meeting. For any
in has had articles and against the Victim in which she is an ' ' ~ ~ - ‘ -p g - '
photographs. (even the infamous un~willin artici ant . I Mark Metcalf and Sid Neal. How did deSIgned to oversee and monitor the statement by an engineer at the Fermi information about anti-nuclear
elephant walk). in the Kernel, the intercoursge 5V as thfs the in sexuha this happenlWheIn a church displays nuclear industry have become its most site. At a cost of over $132 million activity in the Lexington-Bluegrass
women‘s team has had one(l) picture. night of March 4,) case 0" ‘ e partisanship in a field completely alien vocal sycophants. dollars. the Fermi plant generated a area,call Stephen orGregattheco-op. Q
Aninterestingfact is. though the men‘s In the event that a woman brin to its sphere of concern. it makes its The crisis at Three Milelslandis not total output of 52 hours of electricity l
team has lost two very tough games such serious char es a a‘ t 35 congregation wonder at the Wisdom of the first time major malfunctions in over a ten~year period. It has been Tom Fitzgerald is a second year law . .
the women‘s team has won their last men when the "Igme 08f "15 a