xt7kkw57h93p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57h93p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-12-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1971 1971 1971-12-03 2020 true xt7kkw57h93p section xt7kkw57h93p 0
Newsletter compares 2 Democratic hopefuls ; _ _ .
MW . ,
SG t ' t l'd'f M G s pport ' * ”
By THOMAS B. SWEENEY McGovern as the candidate most Government, Wendelsdoit' said campaign to that of Eugene The strategy ”0w among _ I . I
Kernel Staff Writer likely to appeal to students. no formal action on an McCarthy in 1968. McGovern supporters. m, said. H ; II _I
A newsletter comparing the ‘Emphasize adifference' endorsement had been taken by L'k) M (~. tl Wendelsdorf to win the primaries Whm ”W . I . . I I
platforms or Sens. George S G p r c s i d e nt S C o tt Student Senate. saidl hic(}:velrrii’"sy-iupport comes state's convention delegates go "4 . » 'f . I ,
McGovern and Edmund Muskie Wendelsdorf said the purpose of Committed to McGovern “from the grass roots." He said to the winner. IlInI non-primary .- .
went into general distribution on the co mparison was to “l'm definitely committed to McGovern was doing well statesI plans cal. torI more I . ,-
campus this week. emphasrze that there 18 a , C f. anciallv mainl' because hm participation in tin state . . _-

Sponsored by Student difference between Muskie and mm though. However,I noIS ' .m ,, tx' . _ "I di'n 810 a conventions. ’ '

Government, the newsletter M‘C v m money was spent for this effort. SUPPUT “'5 are P eIgl g I I I II . . . I I ‘
features quotes from the two 21’8ng now there is danger of We did the research but the month 10 his campaign. That viIiIlIlId b; aniIoLii: din: ": III . .
Democratic presidential hOPCfUIS a split between the two forces of money came from nIon-Student “We also expect him to do Sling; 5:53:31"; "(limiting iii; ' ,

0n the principal issues 0f the students working for each (.overnmentsources. well in the primaries.’ New V3”; in ‘ (‘liicaeo .. I-I;. _
campaign “‘91“de the Viet candidate. Something like this In assessing McGovern’s Wendelsdorf said. “Muskie has W-rrl il-dort ”Id ”Wt-(CW . . f.
Nam war, reduction 0f U-S- could get the nomination for chances for the nomination, the party regulars, but “ 1“ " ‘ . ,~ .I
troop strength in Europe and someone like Humphrey, he Wendelsdorf compared his McGovern has the voters.“ ('untinued 0n I’glgt- :t. (til. 1 7 -‘
amnesty for men who have fled said. - .‘-.’ .
the country to avoid the draft. “We’re not trying to show ~. -. ‘ ',
Also included in the newsletter Muskie as a bad guy, We just .-
Will be the voting records 0f the want to show that McGovern is :i . I
tWO 0“ selected tOPiCS and more appealing to students.” _ . . I;I:
legislation. When asked if this action a -.

Titled “There is a Difference”. meant an endorsement of I .- I

the newsletter attempts to show M C C 0v e r n b y St u d e nt . . I .-I.
>:¢:-:' ‘:-:-:-:-:-:~:~:-“‘v .-:-:~.\:-:-:-:-' ..;-:-:-:~:-:~:-:-:i:-:-:~:-:‘:-:-:-ram-3;: fi-ZvZ-l-t-rszei;.‘-Z-Z-I-Z-:-:~:-Z-1920?:-lsz-l-I+355;2;2:Z-:;2'.‘4:Z;:;‘.;1;Z5‘”).1:22:35:;Z:2;2;2:Z;:;:$;:;15:Z;2:1;Z;Z;Z;:;:;Z;Z-‘-I'j.;: . ‘ . " 3
51313332 W nggEgégégij -_ I . _I .
(renter needs blood __
Blood types 0 positive. A positive and O . If. '

- negative are urgently needed by the Central . ,- - '
Kentucky Blood Center. Anyone from 18 through f
y 65 may donate blood. Students With ll)’s may I~ I'I
a: ' receive $10 for each pint they give. The Center. ‘ I-

{a located at 731 S. Limestone. is open Monday, ' , ..
megififix 3:11:11 fi‘ffisfijfi'flfi 32‘fo 9125"“ an independent newspaper published by students at the univerSIty of kentucky . .I,‘ I
egtfia’w Friday Dec- 3, 1971 LEX‘NGT”-\- REV“ ‘1'“ "”5”“ mi. i.\ l l l. \... m I ;
V ' t t ks action against apathy "
By NEILL MORGAN “Many individual veterans are been a drug addict for two appeal for an injunction against rcprcscntatitc democracy. you . " '
Kernel Staff Writer giving UP the best part Of their years. the Washington demonstrations have to go out and let the trutitilv. ' , I- If

Despair and apathy “are lives 311d some jUSt their lives,” 0 H e c annot be “was the fastest in United States know the power the} hold." lie " I _

" becoming infectious all over this Kerry said, “bUt they come back p s y c h of i c ~j u st a history” because it went from .i said. . 3 .II ,'
country,” John Kerry, a to find OUt that all Of the “happy-go—lucky American district court straight to the “There is no other country :z‘. ’f I II
multi;decorated Vietnam veteran promises about a better society junkie”. Supreme Court. the world that has 1m- in“) .t . -I .1 .
and executive secretary of the weren’t real at all. The veteran Turning to the VVAW, Kerry. Poses question gamut) “C mu. to JIM“ . . I I-I .
Vietnam Veterans Against the has come to understand that he who is billed as a spokesman for Kerry addressed the audience ChangCI“ He gal-d men, are min" . ‘ III _
war WVAW), to“ a "OW" 1“ ’5, “‘5‘ ”Other ”“an * he the group but who emphasilt‘s directly. asking them what they W5“ ”1“ WOW" “5““ ”5" “‘5‘ . '*
the Student Center Ballroom Rald- he speaks for himself. said the would do about the “wave of powertoctteci change .‘ I
Thursday night. Heroin treatment group does not function like the apathy" m the 1?,”th 8&1;ch “[3 0 By voting. but Kerr} ' ', I'

“Frankly. it makes me Sle-u in illustrating his point. be American Legion or the you believe .ii .itit]~\'ii‘-ic‘ni said tilts Ilixtiit’ Wichita? I' » -

he Sflid‘ told how a veteran addicted to Vetei'aw~ oi it"itrt‘it’” “Jr‘- H" Pit S slVU it “1‘5“” iilli‘l d (mitinued on Paci- ‘3. (‘ol 7'» .«' -~ ,

- . “We are £10”th W ”Wile "UT heroin goes about getting said the illL‘lith!'\' ot the group .3 I- , ~
0W” POW'eTleSSht‘SS m the L'mted treatment from the Veterans are “trying. iii a \t‘ilSL'. 'o privc . j '1
States unless something is .-\diiiinistration. sh”): tit twig-tr. Litics in”; .i . 'I , I ‘ .' . I W
done“. he ilddt-‘tli o The veteran must first .,_c,»iiscicn.ic". k t(l ( .1, It ’11()1l( is ’ - ' -'

Kerry “‘3“! ”“ “”9 “‘15 come to provi~ he got an honorabh lie mid that tlit‘ \WAW "igid ' v ' ' ' = ' _ ,’

realize this better than the \iTSt. barge .. but many tried ".0 At. this :2; them mock .‘ ,-I
x returning WWI-l?" who “”7“” addicted \‘elci'atis get less \rvzir {It‘llllC‘i trials in Detroit and II I II I h - II '. , I’ "
bath “3 1‘3“? ”“t't‘it‘h’llm‘llt honorable discharges. Kerry through dc:iiot'istr.stioi.--. it: (11),)i‘017pll I!) r Q ‘7 id" - y- Y .
lines and pic-critical .-n~ist..ii:;e 2! Mid ' it'd‘mngmn 1415:. .\pr}lI Kurt. ’ ' " / -- ‘2 - - --
he dc! 1th“ '0 73th?"- ‘itit't-i, 0 He mint Drove tit had added that tch inc-ennui")! ’ ." t. . ‘‘ 'l I
if: ilxtozitixilitiiiiiiwmxri-‘hi x’st‘ I- 'I.. I'
-. . é flan}: Hi .i new 5?» (it‘ll \iiii \lfitiEtCV in -- ' '

I "I. ‘ i'< state l-‘i‘i‘iirerii .ii‘id iiillitillifl\ (mutt. 1 .1 . I, V.

"“9 5 _ .ipi'iroacd the sale or .8" illlilii‘ll in one-year lint-c. . I' . ' ‘I '.

i ..I x . The notes Will be purchased by the ( licniictil Bani. I. . ‘-

‘ ,. - g" The commission decided to sell the one-year ’. .' " 'I

«a ° 5 ’ notes because it felt it could obtain lower interest 3 .

33% . ' " I rater later for the sale of the 30-year (long term) I’ W:

$5)» 5 " I 5' bonds. The long term bonds are necessary for the . :- - ‘ ‘-II.
é? , . it ~ .: . University to pay for the project from expected I I' '

q” it- I -» V 5"". " . ;;_ I gate receipts over the next 30 years. . ‘ ’ '. ‘I . J

‘ "5‘55-5.;;;a.;ii:?;.; . ” "'° The final plan for the stadium is expected by -I ,- ‘ ‘._'
' " . -. I "- .. ' late spring. and if the lowest construction bid is . .‘ . -_ - _
: It it" below $816 million. the maximum allotted for the I‘ . ' . . '

' . I ”fig M I structure itself . the construction can begin by . II-I f- I‘

. s "e " - ,. June, 1972. .: . . ‘

I, with; ' ' m if project plans go well for the Athletic . -II ~ ' f. ‘I

' f ' 3’“ ” Association. the football team can take up . . ' '- ‘

; . a" ”j ' "be Saturday afternoon residence in the stadium at the -I I » ‘I ‘

- i g - . 5 it i "\ beginning of the 1973 season. ‘ 'I . ‘

., r , v ta 1 am 3 He 3 e t » .

I" ' 5" Q") By MIKE YORK l. ism, ! K “will; m . -. -' -
«’15s " .1 . ‘; Kernel Staff Writer l‘tl\ilit‘s\ .ituiiix .iiid t“: \tvi'd-‘l'i ' '

g; I V" ' I" " ' ~ l'K‘s proposed Si 1 million c oiiiiuittcc ~., . ‘I ‘. I_ '.

v .. ' _. g ' i 5 A ‘ football stadium W1“ almost The I‘iiiwrsity ‘\ k‘\i"'\‘kiC’\i to .- . '

a aria" {, .' - " ' ‘ ~ it surely be built on the l'K Jl‘l‘h‘“? the V” ““""””“"‘d-" ‘_ ‘ '

" i 5%?" § 1 5‘ " ‘ eXperiinentgi'i tun: mirth of 110“ w""""”" t" we“ ”WITH" _ '

exit Cooper Dine ""3"" .‘ oIoIIrdmaItIner imii‘" kag. . ~ -

I V V ' " I" M U I . ' w ' . ’ . s ‘ 0 ma niverSI ,
John Forbes Kerry, former Navy lieutenant problems that face veterans returning from ArchIitctcturfal bfirips,$5r5c(t)az)r(i)c0d iiaigon" with the architects, saidy, I II
and executive secretary of the Vietnam Vietnam. Kerry, who received three Purple at 3 W5 0 a 0” ~ . “Wh . t t ex is t ,. . . \

- ~ - ' recommended Tuesday that the en YOU to" rac per 0
Veterans against the War, spoke last night in Hearts, 3 Bronze Star and a Silver Star, also . select a site for you you don’t .
the Student Center Grmd Ballroom. He detailed the history of the veteran protest stadium beI conIstrugItIedI on m: usually reject their selection." . .
lashed out It the despair and apathy he said movement. (suff photo by Jim Wight.) Cooper the Site- elf fePOY ‘ .I . I . .
had settled over America and discussed the Will now be studied by Lawrence Continued on Page 5. Col. 1

 ‘_’——THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. Dec. 35, l97l ___________________’_______.__——————————————‘ _
enei -se mg ays are gone I
’ l
. l
l’ d ° . 1’ w 1d °
. . , 1 ‘
B in students seek education for 1 ea or
, By DEBBIE PHIPPS at UK, is a senior journalism read assignments to blind room had an unventetheater place onVcaniqus I can “Ye' I
- Kernel Staff Writer major and lives in Cooperstown. students. and the fuse blew every time the would really llke V30 llVeV 1n a
. ‘ ‘ u] feel the biggest problem for For two years Myers used a Problems in partial sight girl across the hall turned on a dorm wltthy dog, she 881d.
blind students at UK, is cane to get to classes. Friends D 'd S] ht f h an hair dryer. . ' I came to VIVJK tnget a good
. traveling," said Edwin Myers. also volunteered their help. His f avg . 81th 812’ ah res 13.211 “I have 3 typewriter, record education, said DaYld
Myers one of 20 blind students junior year. he got a Seeing Eye rVon ovuig on, y. as pa 1 player, and 3 tape recorder Slaughter. .The day 9f a blmd
t‘ , dog. V151,?“ .1 ‘f‘ d bl' d b t which are essential for school person selling PCHCIISV On a
, ’ ‘ Most Seeing Eye dogs are tlIaT c aSSl 1e 3; tom et :10 work,” she said. “I must have Sidewalk or tunViVng planOS is V
. Y ' ‘ ' 9 . trained at Seeing Eye, Inc. in ye (“m 5?? enoVug g access to lots of electriCIty all coming to an end. l
. , . my classes , said Slaughter. . ,, ‘
-. g Morristown, New Jersey. Dogs “People cannot adjust the time.
- ' ~ ‘ are trained for three months . Blind students with dogs are K h
' V I, \ when they reach 14 months of szicggoféfiély£§ethilfirfi 3:31 pe rmitted to live in erry Spea s
i ‘ - j ' . Q: age. After that, it takes a month Classified as .blindy means or? Cooperstown. Dean of StudentS, . .
' , -' 5’ for the owner to adjust to his ’t t 11 ,, h 'd y Jack Hall, said blind students are Commued from Page 1

. Vi _ dog. canSVasVeehaVe: ’use: sata. es and given top priority in cause powVerV to change

. . (. ,t The dogs are first taught g p Cooperstown. “We anticipate hands—nor ‘5 It the fastest
, . V . readers to do school work. He . . t t chan e
.. . obedience, and a system of lives in a single room in Haggin more blind students at UK in the way 0 crea e g .

. ‘ V, 6 60 6 t rewards and corrections further Hall future,” he said. . Citizens have to

V , V .V.V ' 5 train them. Sighted trainers go ' A s s i s t a n t t o t h e become what KVerry called

V . - t h r o u g h a t h rec-year Kathy Szinnyey, another Vice-President for Student [“1th Cltllens . He Vtold .

‘ V V' , . - . ‘ 9 9 0 99¢ apprenticeship at the school. freshman, has a Seeing Eye dog. Affairs, David Stockham, said hOW three SUCh Cltllens
. . _ 7 W’W Jacob Karnes, director of She lives off campus in a single Cooperstown offers apartment from the group called

. V ' V ’ Handicapped Student Services, room. Ms. Szinnyey attended type living with rooms—large Common Cause guide da
' ~. _ ~ -. , ' ' t blind power company in o ora o

. - V pRIVATE BAN UET ROOM coordinates volunteer serV1ces Kentucky School for the Blind enough for equipmen . ..

' .. , V , V O for blind students. Kentucky in Louisville and was students need. lower ltVS rates by flllng a

. V . Reservation —— 233-1511 Volunteers for the Blind and the valedictorian of her Class at “A dorm room contains 185 COUIt SVllltr

V . . . . ”9 South Limemne UK Women‘s Club record books Lloyd Memorial High School in square feet,” said Dean Hall. We 0 Finally people have to ‘

' f . . - - V on tapes for blind students. Erlanger. get complaints from students make Vpersonal non-Violent i

' . ‘ Many students volunteer time to “I applied late for a dorm," about the size of dorm rooms.” commitment t0 change.

. V = ,. , said Szinnyey. I want to get in a Wants to live in dorm Kerry said if this is done, “We
. ’ V ' - a dorm next semester becauseVl’ve Midge Ball, a senior, lives in can give this country back to the .4
. . f V, I he Museum Plece 1’)an enough Of bad hOUSlng, She COOPEI‘SlOWH. “Last year 1 people to whom It belongs”,
' . " . . said. . . didn‘t have a dog and lived in a in answer to a question from
. .I ' I Tlme lece Bad electriCity dorm.” she said. ThisVyearl have the VaUdlenCVei Kerry said

V " V , . p 0 She went on to say that her Dolly and Cooperstown is the American foreign POIICY ShOUld
; V. , , V , _- be entirely defensive—except
V .. : V , . . i-"t‘; : . when the integrity of the
., » t . - = Phl Beta K a a ta 3 41 tt tttttttttd tt whtt

. ' ' . V ,- we are in grave jeopardy. “This

. , , 7 j ; , . , . does not include Greece.

., V . . . , .. UKs chapter of Phi Beta Helen P. Hackney, London. Pakistan or Vietnam,” he said.
; V , . - V , Kappa, the national arts and psychology, Jane B. Harrison. In dealing with a question
‘ V ; sciences honorary society tapped Middlesboro. music. -

. about third or fourth-party

_ .- , 41 members. 35 of whom were Deborah Kay Padgett. - -, ~

. . . , , . . . . . politics, Kerry said he was
. .V . . // V. , initiated Thursday. The Paducah, urban anthropology. skeptical of the movement’s
,' , - . , ' ,/ ® ' - _ remaining six will be initiated Melba D. Porter, Russell Springs. - - u
. . . , , . . , . getting together again, but I
,' , . . V . / V V ~ during the spring semester. history, Samuel Greene Lindlc. h - n . ‘
. . . _ , . » . . . . . ope to hell it does. He said,

V . . V VV VV -- . _ , 7 ~ Campus chapter preSident Dr. Sturgis, mathematics, Bruce W. however “Peo 1e should wait

“ ‘ .. '. , . . . A. Lee Coleman. sociology, was Boss, Somerset, psychology. and and see ”what hr; ens in Miami

. V '- ’. ,V , ' ‘ - El master of ceremonies for the Rona Susan Roberts. Monticello, (site ‘of th‘ Demiigr ti. , t’ l ‘
VV -. '- . f1 t'__'V- ‘V 9 initiation of the following 35 English and music. conv nt't k) t a n ma iona
’ I -. - ' -» ‘5 l“ new members: Donald L. Eaer. Florence. .. e ”n nex yearV.

'. V t .V . . V . , . _ _ ~ , , , Clearly, we cant get the r

. . . . . . .. V- . Vl illiam M. Batsel .lr., journalism and sociology. (,arol - . .

V , . .. . , . . . . _ , -_ ideal candidate but maybe we

-, ,t _- . .. e - ‘ psychology, Barbara Belmonte Eubank. Covmgton English and . ‘ a, . s

. . V V. - V. V ‘ ‘ , can come a step closer, Kerry
V . V V V . .\ / ,7 . V Lllison. computer SLlCnCC and Margaret Lynne Woodard. lit. said 5
, *4 . ':. » :- V business. Christine Griffith, Mitchell, English. ' ,. s
V . , f l , I V comparative literature. Pamela John T. Algren, philosophy. VanVrViWVrVegaVchlVXVt): whethleé [if F
. VV, ‘: VVV . . , ' '. Groben, zoology. Elizabeth W. Marilu Dauer, sociology- reelected i], said “XVI—g: -. e c
. f ‘ .V - . 7 ~ - Haley, German. Donna T. journalism. William A. Gates lll .’ l ’- re 15 no c

V_, . . . . ,V . , _ ‘ new Richard Nixon. He has
1. VV , .. ~Mr HeWctt. mathematics. Joseph D. medicine. Damon Wilson always had a Horatio Al er
.- ., __ .- . . . MOVADO Reister. psychology. Arthur Harrison Jr., history-economics . g
V -; _ , , . V. V, . V . , - t dream to prove the average man t
V VV V V Patrick Schnieder, Katherine Chenault Kurk. can become resid'nt" ..
,' - V V , .. transportation, and Linda West. Spanish and French, and John F. p l I t

V _. VV , political science, all of Reesor, economics, all of A
. . - -. This MOVHdO so impressed the directors of the Museum of Lexington. Louisville. A r0 Da f

V-V ‘ ‘ .~ t‘ VV - Modern Art that they display it as part of their permanent NaVncy Lynne Carpenter, Charles M. Czarski, RiViera y t
V . V. V . colVlgectiVonVVV , . V .- 0 VV . English, Jennie D. Julian, Beach, Md., history, Ruth Gat,

. V, V V V V :tVIVts deaptydishnot on y skin deep. Inside, there beats English, and Jackie W. Wiley, French, Israel, Katherine Sue r0 ram set .
. ~. , : apr ” a“ ”a 3, ear" . psychology, all of Frankfort, Robinson Virginia Beach Va p g I
- - ,V , . . In four generations of watchmaking, Movado has won - - - ’ ’ "

V, . , , . , Barri R. Duncan, NicholaSVille, anthropology and Howard
. , . , more than 200 Swrss awards for accuracy. And they did - - - . ’ . . . E d ga r A W a l l a c e

. , _ . V , English, Michael Bowling, Wunderlich Springfield Ohio . ' . ’
. . . , . . . _ ~. , it by making some uncommonly precrse watches. Hyden sociology Barbara F zoology i i , independent candidate for the
.. Wh‘chi. i"t.1r. , . .t . - . . - ‘ '
,t - . ; , I m" M mm Greer, Louxsa, hbrary science, Spring initiates will be JohnS sulh “9316mm” D‘§t“°t ‘

.‘ ‘V . 'Vl I . The Museum Piece Timepiece: Nelson Lexington philosophy. Specral election Dec. 4, W111 be l

V. .' V V- :2: {18? 1:133:11. . . $313: {«VW&Cs:‘i/[3/L/r)‘ HEAH M /5, Docflfl WE 'V£ You PEOPLE HAD ME p y V
.~ f. _ .‘ - . f :1 1.4%.? 5 HA? H42; 70 BE - NOW/0m. 5o/15Hoh/ FOUND A 8/7 APPREHEA/S/WE Ti 1
. . ‘, . V .V :7 V, . 4/ er 30M! awe/eat. f’ i, ‘ /T 11/45 fax/”14:50 /T.7 Mng For? A Moms/v f. 0 11" H¢0Mk9 H¢ffl¢l
V ,. } .L, - 'r\ 1 V / if” . 5 VL/V M/TO 77/5 COED [7 \\§ . ._ -\ 'stTthe Kéntucky Kirfiel' ULH'VEITJSeltY ‘

VV VV 7. .ct, /.- ._ l . ., ‘ .‘a', . -

. . '. - . . g / AV, , , \\\ ‘ V/ ' RECORD 5EC‘f/0V. it" ’,tV / \ F m mgtifiii Kenriiifglzgy43506.egteuc%nfiii claés ‘
_ . V. V , .- V . Q7 :/ Vi_ .n has» ‘1‘.’ ...,. , / / V L,’,,’/}9 / ’, 35% it; , postage paid at Lexington. Kentucky. 1
,. . '. V V l V , V l V V V \/ /. _ V. V V :y ~ \i‘h o a. r!" Mailed five times weekly during the

. . V -. '. .l‘ V '. , / . .7 V I“ . JVVV m ? i VV ”>1 . . J/O ‘ O 9 V,“ school year except holidays and exam
V '. , - ,V 1 Jim”. ! “\_Lj';s;7£:i-’~/ , '.\~;i\. ,VV ( ‘. I»??? (V I ‘\/'| \ 9‘ 9. periods. and once during the summer

' ’ " .' ‘ -_ ., I, :‘l'l/ ‘ m " -r‘- m: "3" '- 57415“ ll: , a t h ‘ ‘- .. . Witsmiii'éi d . E St d t

-' ‘, - l V V' -. i? :3 ,‘l I'i . r” ‘l" ‘, , t // fl . r... ' i, K .3 l" V \ g 9 V ‘ ; w - ‘ a : n PubuliczlitihQris.bi}Kt}}$osT%lfgc§ Boxulliftiii. ,
- - t. V. ' ,3' l. “ .V 4:, . I 4- 'f/ /,‘-‘-'~ . , V t, t,» V . , ‘ . ‘ .. f, o Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and .
‘. '.» -' , ‘ - t. _ 1‘ . ’r‘" ‘3‘ ggdfl, lV ( 5/. c; \‘4” ,- ‘ j‘ I i _ e \ 3/“ i V V1» .. \‘t i z plill)llf . A“ Vega-t ,«t ‘.‘,r \ , («$ng My 5’ : _ ,,//—& . unnr l..315...T]???.C.l.r.c.‘f.w258—4646

 __——_____—_____—_________________ TIIF. kENTl'CKV KERNEL Friday. I)('(. Ti. l97l -— 3
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,ed \x . . ,
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)1: p \E w E. a] Every year —— Without fail —— the Bookstores or the Publishers f z ;
.ed “2 '3' run short of certain titles at school opening — and many , -' ,
i . ‘1‘.
da _ ‘ rt; :2: students are Without a text for 2 or 3 weeks ,' .-~»
0 é. — - ~, -. .I . > . J
b [r _ ‘ .
; a X’ Awe/i or “Jams? “J~_ _ BE SAFE AT WALLACE'S — RESERVE BOOKS NOW ,. ; "‘ .
’ _ ‘ ‘V‘. ‘ - h ‘ , 1| I .:
[O M—’—---N—-—-w—~—-l-.—_~.u._._____,_ I i, ‘ '. ; : ,
=nt :hlel abf"; maPsshows a proposed Site for UK’s new multi-million . . - _ ,
' 0 ar 3 a min. ee page one for stor . ° 7' '- '
Y Reserve Books This EASY Way— . . v. .. ;
““13 &S 9 — a, | .‘
',~ ,vming fame 1971 72Distinguishedpmfessm-Aw d THEN FORGET ABOUT YOUR BOOK REQUIREMENTS UNTIL YOU
rom ' . ar .1 ,_
said of UK’s College of Arts and Sciences is currently in its PICK TH EM UP WHEN YOU RETURN To CAMPUS' A I t
lOUld third ballot, and Gerald E. Silberstein, chairman of the 7 ‘ ‘ « C
(cept award committee said he “expects a fourth ballot. I i I.
the Silberstein said the winner probably will be picked U . W. i .
when early next semester. WALLACEIS UAR 'l .l ‘ l
‘This Eight Arts and Sciences professors were nominated by G ANTEES ' *
eece. the faculty of the College of Arts and Seiences. Those We Wlll select from our extensive SIOCk, GOOD USED or ' j ., l L "
said. nominated and their departments are: Roger Barbour, NEW . . I H ,
Sum, Zoology; William Randall Brown, geology; Holman reqwred books, as you specnfy, sock em, and have . . *
Hamilton history: L. Clark Keating foreign languages ‘ ' '
part. . . . , , them read for ou to ick t »
ways John Estes Keller, foreign languages; Rey M. Longyear, Y Y D Up 0 your convemence' . 7 -
lent’s music; S. Sidney Ulmer, political science; and Paul M '. l . 1 ..
it “I Knowlton Whitaker, foreign languages. fl.
said ‘ Voting is done by UK faculty members through the .
"““' . WALLACE'S ,
m.) Candldates com ared .-.
the Continued from Page 1 If McGovern fails in his quest ' ‘ .~ "
e w> ‘ . - - - . . I . x . -_
(err; sending six people, Eastern is for the nomination, a candidacy FOR THE RIGHT COURSE. , g .
. . ,, ' . by either Lindsay or Kennedy . '
sending .5, and Western is . h f h‘ ,
_ . < Th .11 b’ a lot of could draw away muc o is , g _ . .
the sending lo. ere M e ‘ I ‘ .
people showing up when it support. “endelsdorf was asked , , .
' be cOmcs time to choose the it 11.6 would support anybody BOOK RESERVATION BLANK . -
15 “0 d l ates in Kentucky nominated by the Democratic ( g. ' g. .. _
has 6 eg t’ ‘ . puffy in thdt Case. or turn to Li A” BOOkS Fully RGIUFnOble) ‘ v.3 “ . '
Alger Wendelsdort‘ said by doing fourth party candidate. ' -: - , g -
man this, the McGovern campaign “it would take a hell of lot to Course . AT m . . . . 4
, . , . . . Dept. Sec. 21 €———————————————————- .
‘ Wil; avoid the mistake made by throw me into a fourth party. Number ; . ~ . ' .~ .
McCarthy in 1968 when he The only thing that will do is ————-——————-———————————— . ' _
‘ n o ' '
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r 8 mm 8 T '
e r r l - ¢ 9!! I" 9 ¢ffl¢
= II Itle has 0 an e
Editorials represent the opinions of the lzrlitori‘, not of the ( itiversity.
‘ l _ *“fim—W
I ' ‘ . Mike \Vines, Editor—in—Chief Kel
Jtr - werry came to tour campus because they too know that little Jam. Brown, Managing Edna, Jerry Lewis, Associate Editor of
. 111M » apparently hOng t0 J‘dr has changed since the massive David A. King, Business Manager John Gray, Editorial Page Editor WW
‘5‘ . ' ' ‘ ' ' Greg Hartman". Rachael Kainuf. Lincoln R. Lewis lr.. Dale Matthews, “'cndy \Vrigh(_
‘. ' Stlldk‘ OUt Of their State Of OUtpounng 01 sentiment In May Lynn Martin. and 'l’iiii Ballard. .‘i.\’.\'h\ltl"( Managing Editors Fa
apath'. that has Permeated most 1970. Mike Tierney. Sports Editor Don Rosa, Cartoonist Rona Roberts, Arts Editor p:
‘y . college campuses since May of The war is by no means being Ken \Yt'uu'i', Photography Editor it.
~ -. 1970- “wound down.” Every day the th
' ' Kerry knows. as we all do, why bombs continue to fall on the 0P
. . . .‘ ' " that apathy CXiStS- Somewhat people of Vietnam while a military dmo
- - _ a” _ naively students thought in May dictatorship rules the people, re
' 1970 that their actions, be they ba cked up solely by our
' ‘ , y "_ strikes. petitions or violent government. Sp
' ' demonstrations. would stop the The blind hatred that caused ' A
I - 9
‘ - . y‘ ‘ ' war. When they didn t. many Kent and Jackson State has not LOW norm? y - . , en
. ‘- . ;' pe vile gave up. lniplicitly many ended either; it probably has gotten y..&;;.;:g‘<_:.‘«€ W’l‘ ‘rr .
. . _ .- began to accept the ridiculous lies worse. What has happened at y {Tom . Q,¢_fi.y...,.t; r,
. . _ , _ . - \’ '. ‘ v ‘ L 4
. . 3 ~ , that the government has been various prisons. especially Attica. 15 ii ‘ ‘ gig y
" ' . - - ' . y telling us: that the war is no longer a prime example. ' wfi‘k . .‘\‘ “
. ' " ‘ an issue. that it is being “wound And despite of its rhetoric of " ‘ \
. - ' ' , u . . . . 1 J‘N a, ‘ l \
, down. reconciliation the Nixon 3w , ,pi-
". 4 , - ~ , . . ,‘ . . .‘ .7 '. ‘ . _. \ ‘../ 1‘11““ .‘l‘
. y ‘ _' And the politicians Who huh administration is still not trying to \\/ IJM -
-‘ ‘ been defending the war breathed :1 bring the country together. in fact $~ " ”‘9‘ -;;-~ 3",. in
y. " I j ‘ Slgll (il‘ FL‘llL‘li. Just last Wednesday. it is alienating morc PL‘OPIL‘ CV’Cl‘y ' I“. re
. ' '.~ , our President told a national day. ‘ ii.
.. » - ' comention of 4-H youths that he John Kerry reminded everyone of y . 1 w
‘ f . . was confident “that the long night these facts last night. and whether i; 1\;\1 . U
4 ’ 'fl of turmoil for youth has ended." or not one accepts his solution for 2’ ' 1 / ‘ ,_..1\ 11: P
. . . , . ‘ ‘x _’y_ , \y‘fl ._ «I ‘ q
. . y. .y What he meant was that he IS glad the problems— working through the gfiwy -- {\‘W P
v . . ' | ‘ ' ‘ \ / “ .
3 3 f ' ”‘31 WONG have forgotten UbOUI political system the reminder from ‘w\ .1 $173. : I". \ re
. 3 ' . . . ' . the War and the many other ills that a person who has known the n