xt7kkw57h834 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57h834/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1942 v, 101 p.: ill., map; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.19 books English San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Bowie County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 19, Bowie County, Feb. 10, 1883 - June 11, 1940 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 19, Bowie County, Feb. 10, 1883 - June 11, 1940 1942 1942 2019 true xt7kkw57h834 section xt7kkw57h834 L ,' . , < WIN“WWW1WWW 7
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V f No.19
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February 10, 1883-June 11, 1960
I Prepared by
The Stateswide Records Indexing and Inventory Program
Division of Community Service Programs ‘ ‘
W0rk Projects Administration
The University of Texas, Official Sponsor
, Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences
The University of Texas, Stateswide Co—Sponsor
San Antonio, Texas
The State-Wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program
April 1942
, l

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The publication hereWith presented, an index to the probate cases "J
filed in Bowie County, Texas, is No, l9vof.the_Texas series of coun:
ties. .The publication is intended to meet the requirements of dantO“
‘day usage by the officials of the county, attorneys, businessmen, and '1
‘other citizens who have occasion to consult probate case records for . ’.
the proper conduct of their affairs. The publication may'be used by'
historians and genealogists.to obtain references to unpublished source. '
material. 1 ' ' , " ' -"
The names of the deceased persons, minors, and other principals" '
are arranged alphabetiCally, with reference to the filing date of the
case and the.case numbers ,The following numbers in series 1~L288.were
not used as caSe numbersi‘ 3, 5, 8, 13, 19, 21, 27—29, 36, 37, 39, A9,
51: 52, 57: 59;: 663:735-75zar77a.-78: 83: 9/40 98: 100a 101: 1033-1-10: »
114, 119, 121, 122, 125,128," L32, 133, 135, 137, 11.1, 143,144, 146, ~
1A8, 1A9, 159, 160, 164, 169—171, 175, 178—180, 187, 193, 200, 204,
. 206, 210, 212, 229;?231ng-238, 21,3;2n7‘, 250—252, 251,, 256,261, 268,.
269, 276, 279, 285,_289,_2919294, 296, 303, 313-315, 320, 321, 327,
33A, 338, 3h2,u3AA,23L5, 3h8, 3A9, 356, 358, 361, 362, 370,'375, 379,
386, 391, 392,‘ 395, 3%, 398, 399, 407, 1,20, 421, 423—425, 127, 1130,
437, m2, 444, A55, 463—165, 475, 476, A80, 482, 486, £95,197, A99,
500, 507, 54h, 5A9, 567, 570, 635, 6A2, 700. 727, 738, 807, 848, 872,
889, 892, 905, 915, 926, 980, 982, 988, 1005, 1089, 1106, 1119, 1169,
1160, 1162, 1328, 13h5, lhh6, 1h60, 1h63, 1533, 1605, 1639, 16AO, 178A,
1785, 1808, 1827, 1843, 1891, 1918, 1973, 2005, 2013, 2038, 2100, 2182,
2276, 2286-2585, 2616, 27.23, 2838-2810, 2919, 3073, 3183, 3217, 3362,
3h65, 3h76, 357A, 3576, 3580, 3585, 3726, 3835, #057, #062, A070, £071,
, 4077, 1,078, 4082—1084, 4093, 4106, 4112, 4122, #12434-‘ME’5;-1+131—l+131+, ~
. a137, A138, Inn, 4146, 141484452, 4155-1158, mac-A167, 4.170, a171,
#175-4179, hlEl-AlBA, #187, A189,.Al93-h195, #197, #202,76203, h206, .
A207, #210, A215, A216, 4219, #221, A222, #225, A22937A2305 423A, #235,
4237, #239f6243,'h2h5*42h9, 4254-h261: A263} 4266, 4266,r4271—A273:
h275-A287., M‘ - , . -i"';
In Bowie County the probate case papers are arranged alphabetie
. cally by first letter of surname of principal party, and chronologi-
cally thereunder. ’ i 4
Since the transfer of territory from one county to another has
affected the venue in probate caseS'and has therefore determined the
'county in which the probate Case should have been filed, a map and
table of territorial changes'are'included herein. Notations concern—
, ing present location and availability of records pertinent to Bowie
County follow:
Nacogdoches County, Nacogdoches, records extant. H
. Red River County, Clarksville, records extant,
— iii #

. All the areas given Were in the munioipality of Nacogdoches(l) until
‘ the creation of the municipality of Red River on 11/11/1835.(2) All areas
' remained in the municipality and county of Red River until the creation of
Bowie County in 18AO except area(§)for which see section(:)below.' '
_; (:) ‘in Bowie County -’ - {from 12/17/1840 (3) to .” date
r (g) in Bowie County from.12/l7/l8h0 (3) to ' 1/28/18hl
~‘ ‘ " Paschal County ” l/28/18hl (A) ” l8h2 '
H Bowie County ' H’ 18A2 (5) " t/25/18uo
5 " Cass County ” ‘ h/25/1846 (6) " date
1 (:)‘ in Bowie County ‘ i from 12/17/l8h0 (3) to 1/28/18t1
if U'-Paschal County , " 1/28/18A1 (i) H 1 18A2
,g '"‘_Bowie County " 1842 (5)‘"~ r A/ZS/lahé
'j my Cass County ,L N_ , " PHn/25/18hé (o) "« a‘l/ZB/i869
A , h .Letimep'touuty" '“‘*“* “ ’” “'H -" 1/22/1869 (7) " . ' 5'1875
i piZCase'County - u "'1875 (8) n - date
:1 z t. t n i . ., ,
l ,, _ .
y ‘ . y; . - .
:i It! v ~Q‘ ‘ - ‘, . . - u .
fl . . 4“ . 1 . . _ . . -
i y " u C , , - _,
* ' ”TF4-’—"*“'T+;*’“7‘”""f””‘““"*‘f‘7‘ ‘4'. . V ' . , 1:. C‘ ..V
i (l)"lt'is'assumed'that'the munitipality’of Nacogdoehee had jurisdiction
l '"over the territory.called the Department of NaCOgdnches which was
Q hf defined on January) 31, lBBI. :(ggg Cammel, I, 281).; ' ' 1; *3;3;
) C2) 'Gammel I,'532§' In this actd the municipality of Red River was'notj
1 ‘given any specific boundaries.' It is probable; however; that they:
§ 7 were the same as those given in the 1837 act to "Define t‘he‘b'ound—t
j ' arieshof_3ed Riyer_County” (£33 Gammel, I, lABl).
(3);,.'Caininél:‘,”_...II, 561.1111" - ‘ ” . > a
i t (A) 'Cemmel,“II, 52o.' - *** ‘ *
g (5) Paschal County was a ”judicial” county and acts attempting to cre—
) Aate,such counties were held.unconstitutional by the Tex 5 Supreme
f dprurt in l8h2. (gee Dallam's Texas Reports, StOCRton v; Montgomery,
3 "p,ju73). Therefore the area remained in the original county.
3 (o) ,Gammel, II, ital. (”1‘ * ‘ -
j (7)“;§ig., VI, 122. f];”‘ . ' ‘ ' » ‘
j - (8) Latimer County was created by declaration of the ConstitutiOnal Con—
? - vention of 1868—69., The assumption is that the county was never or—
) ganized because: 1) The Constitutional Convention of 1875 did not
3 see fit to reorganize it;“and 2) In the same year the Legislature
2 created Morris County, out of Titus, over part of the same territory
3 Latimer would have ocCupied; Therefore area(§)must have reverted to
g Cass.
i ‘ .
i . ~ iv v ..
i . ‘

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PREPARED BY W. RA. (1?. 2654-66—60 ”16/1942, /

 Explanation of Map Areas
(:) in Bowie County from 12/17/18no (3) to 1/28/1841
" Paschal County " 1/28/1841 (A) " 18A2
" Bowie County " 1842 (5) " 5/ll/l8lt6
" Titus County " 5/11/18uo (9) " 1/22/1869
" Latimer County _ " 1/22/1869 (7) " 3/ 8/1875
” Morris County " 3/ 23/1875 (10)” date
(:) in Bowie County from 12/17/1840 (3) to 1/28/1841
" Paschal County " l/28/l8hl (14) " 1842
' " Bowie County " 1812 (5) " 5/11/1811)
H Titus County " 5/11/18uo (9) H 2/ 8/1860
" Marion County " 2/ 53/1860 (ll) " date
(E) in Bowie County from 12/17/1840 (3) to 1/28/18A1
" Paschal County " l/28/l8bl (1).) " 1842
" Bowie County H 1842 (5) " A/25/1846 ‘
" Cass County , N A/25/18t6 (6) n 2/ 8/1860
" Marion County ” 2/ 53/1860 (ll) " date
(:) in Municipality and county of Red
. River from 11/11/1835 (2) to 12/14/1837
" Shelby County " 12/14/1837 (12)" 1/28/1839
" Harrison County ” l/28/l839 (13) " 1/28/18/11
" Paschal County " 1/28/18Al (u) H 18h2
" Harrison County " 18112 (5) " l/ 83/181114,
" Bowie County N 1/ 8/1814 (no " A/25/l846
" Cass County " 1/25/1846 (6) n 2/ 8/1860
" Marion County " 2/ 8/1860 (11)" date
(2) _S_e_e_ footnote (2), p. iv, sugra.
(3) Gammel, II, 561.
(n) Gammel, II, 520.
(5) gag footnote (5), p. iv, 3133a}.
(6) Gammel, II, lhhl.
(7) £2$§., VI, 122. ‘
(9) Gammel, II, 15ou. -
(10) Ibid., VIII, 469.
(u) 339,Iv,un%
(12) Ian I, 1390.
(13) Iggg., II, 159.
. (14) Ibid., II, 924.
. I- v .-

Name of Deceased,Minor:or Lunatic Filed , . .Case No.
, -. A .-

5 Abbott, Mary, deceased- Oct. 28,1895 246
Abell, George C., deceased June 28,1915 ‘ f 1556
Abercrombe, LeVie, minor June 8,1908 " i 815

‘ Abercrombie,Arthur,epileptic, ' ' . i
' (no papers) Dec, 14,1951 ‘ 5519 ,
Abercrombie, Arthur, NCM, , . ,' =

. (no papers) ‘ Apr. 18,1952 '5557,
Abercrombie,Arthur w.,epileptic, : v ' ‘

(no papers)v , .' Sept.29,l915‘ 1191
Abercrombie, Minnie, epileptic, V ‘ ' ‘

(no papers) Sept.l7,1912 .

Abshire, Mrs, Hattie, NCM July 16,1955 _ 5662
Acosta, James, tubercular, - - '

(no papers) -, May 5,1928 '

Acosta, Joe, NCM,(no papers) _~,1925 2618
Adams, Bessie, Janie, Lem, '

Louis and Melton, minors Aug. 7,1914 ' 1280
Adams, Charles Leon, minor July 28,1920_ ‘ 1857
Adams, Eugene, Lee and Leon, » .' '- ?

minors 1 > - Sept.26,l9l7 -' 1555
Adams, Eugene, Leo and Leon, ,-‘ ' '9 V

_ minors 1 July 21,1921 ..’ 1955
Adams, Flora, minor! - Sept.25,l9ll "‘ 1020
Adams, Forrest Edward,tubercular, ' ' ‘ , '

(no papers) 3: Dec. 11,1951 . .

Adams, G. H., deceased- Feb. 5,1955 2608,5608 '
' Adams, G. W., deceased May 18,1918 ' 1 1595

Adams, Lem et a1, minors July 15,1912 1067
Adams, Mary, deceased Jan. 5,1924 ’2218,2649
Adams, Mary, deceased A~ . Aug. 4,1925 2625,2655 ..
Adams, Melvin, minor - Sept. 9,1919 . ‘ 1726
Adams, Rastus, minor Sept.15,l9l9 1750, ,
Adams, Tom L., tubercular Oct. '2,l9l5 ' ‘ 1196
Adams, Tom L., deceased Dec. 29,1915 , 1217
Adcock, Harrington,‘NCM;‘ ‘ " ' ’ ' .

1 (no papers) - _ .- Feb. 16,1904 " ‘ 526
Adcock, Harrington,-NCM" Aug. 15,1908' 825' -
Adcock, Melvin, minor June 15,1907 ‘,1 740

-, Adoch, Melvin and OdOS'Lee, - . , 1

, minors 1 >‘ July 5,1915" " '1171

.- Adccc'e, Porter Boyd, NCM Aug. 23,19341 1 ’ 5565(B)
Addington, M. George,deceased June 1,1895 ‘f ' 155
Addington, M. Geo., deceased June 2,1895 _ 154
Adkins, James, minor - Dec. 17,1926 " ' 2778‘

. Adkins, James, minor Aug. 4,1927 2844,5295,
‘ 5476

3 Name of Deeeased,Minor or Lunatic Filed CQEELEE;
\ .
; Adylotte, Echols and Luvice , I
‘ (Luvcie), minor. , . _ .870_'
; Agee,Mrs.L.,NCM, (no papers) ’ 'Apr. 21,1896 , »
: Akin, C. M., deceased Oct. 13,1890 _ _ , , 65
I Akin, Dorris, tubercular,
‘ (no papers) ‘ Oct. 13,1938
, Akin, George and Pauline, »
U minors Dec. 4,1925 2671
* Akin, L. M., deceased u Sept.22,l9l5 1143,1161
q Akin, Mrs. S. A., deceased' May 14,1917 1502
3 Akins, Dora, Joseph and A , y
; Martha, minors L 1 July 2,1889 25
. Albright, J. 8., deceased June 28,1919 1704'
j Alcorn, Will E., deceased Apr. 20,1936 ' ‘ 3754
‘ Alexander, Ada, Evy, lone, Mary I -»' v ~ ~
1 and Warren, minors . - Apr. 2,1900 343(2)
p‘ Alexander, Alta, minor 1 'Dec. 26,1907 783
1 Alexander, Calvin, deceased, , ,
.:‘ (I-no papers) . ' Sept._,__;,l923 . 2136
-§ ‘ Alexander, David L. Jr., minor, Apr. v4;l925 2597
l Alexander,Elma,NCM,(no papers) June 14,1917_ 1511,1524
j Alexander, Ewen and,Hamilton, , ’;.-‘ a ‘
4 minors, (no papers) May 13,1906 . .679(A)
,1 Alexander, J. 13., NQM . . " Dec. 12,1919 . 17-57-
4 Alexander, Lula, minor Sept.21,1899 330 -
3 Alexander, Myrtle, tubercular, ,? ".xu i-w . . 5 i ‘
1 (no papers) ' , , Oct. -2,l933
1 Alexander, R. H., deceased Dec. 10,1936 .g- 3833 3
1 Alexander, Ras,‘deeeased June 24,1919 1700
‘, ' Alford,. Henry, NOM , , Dec. 3,1924 . 22.84
1 Allardyce, Robert E. Lee, . . =‘ . ,
g . deceased j .. 1 Mar. 8,1932 _ 3345 '
E Allen, Alexander, deceased Aug. 27,1925 p26A31'. ,
1 Allen, Britt, deceased Feb. 7,1927 , .‘2796; 1
1 Allen, Elizabeth, minor ‘ Apr. 8,1915 132l;¥;€
1 Allen, Ellen, tuberculan, ‘ ;
i ' (no papers) _ . V '.,' Dec. 30,1938 , s
; Allen,Mrs.FranCes,tuberpuldr, ‘ 4
1 (no papers) :, ‘1' ' .Jan. 19,1938. , T .
E Allen, H. A., tubercular, , -
i (no papers) , Sept.18,l922 , ,,
{ Allen, Mrs. H. V., deceased ,Mar.r 4,1916 1394 ».
1‘ Allen, J. D., deceased, , Mar. 22,1937 3866
-‘ Allen, James Gordan, NCM_ _ Feb.,l9,1934 - 5521 -q
1 Allen, Jewell, NCM, j v z r . .'.~w
3 (no papers) Apr. 11,1939 . 1'4058 ‘ w
1 Allen,M.K.,NCM,(no papers) . Sept.lO,l929 3088
é “ Allen,M.K.,NCM,(no papers).; Mar.il3,l933 . .3433, '4
E Allen, W. 2., tubercplar,v . -.: , ,=;,,' w, , '. 1 -
i (no papers) _ _ , , July 28,1938 .’ \ .- 5
1 ' Allen,_‘=f;'. J., deceased; , Aug. 5,1895: 216-3
Allen, ll’alterjAhf,minor , June 20,1919 ,_. .. : 1597.-
a - 'v———' ';4____ 47— ‘—:f3:—i:"v’f" LL_,__; .

 . 5
2.». N.a_n1e___o__f __D..e.~.ceawWWw
Allen, Word, minor Dec. 50,1908 847(A)
' Alleson, J. F., deceased 1 Oct. 7,1908 854 .
‘ Alton, William, deceased June 21,1929 5062
Alvis,Collie,NCM,(no papers). Mar. 15,1917 1484
Ames,Geneva, NCM,(no papers) Aug. 12,1929 5078
Ames, W. W., deceased . Sept.15,l924 " '2247‘
Anderson, Mrs. Addie, deceased‘ Sept.17,l955 ' 5681
Anderson, Alice, Bertha and '
, James, minors ._Mar. 27,1902 " 454 A
Anderson, Alvin, Fannie and ' ‘
. Joseph, minors. ‘ Mar. 28,1907 751
Anderson, Anna, deceased Mar. 24,1955, ' 5457
Anderson, Benjamin K. and '
Cora 9., minors Dec. 18,1918 1641
Anderson, C. 0., epileptic Mar. 15,1909 ' 857
0 Anderson, Cecil, minor Apr. 5,1894 174(8)
Anderson, Claude E., deceased ,Dcc. 11,1955 . 5709
. .Anderson, Curlee,.Dewey, Evil , ,
“ and Seville, miners . Feb. 6,1917 1470
Anderson, H. R. 8., minor, ‘
(no papers) Jan. 16,1905
‘ Anderson, Harve1(Harrel), and .
1) Othella, minors ‘ Dec. 27,1919 ' 1769
Anderson aliases Adams and . . - ,
' ‘ . Aderson, Jim, deceased, Aug. 5,1906 ’ I687
“ Anderson, Mrs. L. 3.,deceased June 28,1917 ”'1516(A)
. Anderson, L. 5., deceased' June 28,1917 , 1516(8)
- Anderson, Nancy Elizabeth, . p ‘ _
_ deceased , Mar. 7,1955 5616C,56l9 .
Anderson, Smithie and.Wevie, .
_ minors . . , Apr.. 5,1894 174(A),282 -
1 Andrews, Matthew T.,deceased Aug. 26,1959, 4114
‘, v Angel, Libby Davidson, minor Apr. 1,1912 1062
V:¢ Angell, Kathryn, minor Sept.l5,1929 5087
H1 Antwine, Lawson, deceased Feb. 15,1928 2911
Arbuckle, A. F., deceased,
-‘ (no papers) . Apr. 11,1925 2105
Arnold, Eva et al, minors . Apr. 7,1915 1520
- Arnold, J. P., tubercular,
(no papers) . July 21,1952
Arnold, Mrs. M. J., deceased Dec. 28,1952 5412
~ Arnold, Marjorie, epileptic, 1, ,
(no papers) 1 Feb. 26,1940 ;
* Arrington,H.C.,NCM,(n0 papers) Feb. 8,1899 ' 508
7" Arrington, Herdus, minor Aug. 27,1916 1452
‘" Arrington,T.N.,NCM,(no papers) Oct. 11,1959 4127
, Arterbery, Chas. G. Ina and ,. .
+ V. T., minorsa - ' Apr. 14,1925 . 2600
1 Arthur, C. J., deceased July 27,1927 - 2869
f . Ash, A. Robt., minor July 5,1912 1082
.% ASh; Chas. R., Emily and Ina ,
11., minors . Aug. 1,1918 1609

 . 4 , , y
7 Name of Deceased,Minor or.Lunatic Filed;;~_hw;;;_”0ase“Ng;
‘ Ash,James and Robert,minors June 14,1918 " 1605 '
1 Ash, Kate May, deceased , June 14,1924" ‘ ” 2222
f Ash, Samuel L., deceased Aug. 14,1917 ’ 1528 '
Ash,W.J.,tubercular,(no papers) Mar. 17,1922 ”
Ashford, E. Mollie(Mollie E.), ‘” ' ‘
j deceased , _.-~ ' June 19,1906 ,‘3 ' 685
; Ashford, J. 9., deCeased Dec. 19,1955 ' 5499 7
,; Atchley, Arthur and Luther, l ”1 - ." g '
A minors A n'. " Mar. 19,1920 ' ‘ 1805
j Atchley, Clara A., deceased Nov. 7,1919 ‘ , 1748
‘ Atchley,Cora,NCM,(no-papers) 'Apr. 4,1958 ‘-' 5975
j Atchley, S. E., deceased Oct. 6,1919 ' 1755
w, Atkinson, Gervase, Lucie Mae 1 - " ' ,
ea \ and Margarett, minors Feb. 20,1928 2915
,1 Atkinson, Lucie, deceased Jan. 4,1928 -' ' 2896
5{ Atwood, Lelia and Lucy-2., ' ' ,
}? minors 1 . '»«' Apr.' 4,1906 677
, Aultman,Henry,NCM,(no papers) "Mar; 15,1955 ; '5454 '
-j Auoudius,’M. Julia, deceased July 7,1891 85(A)
i Austin, Allen, Charley, Etta - = ' x ” -
d and Pearolee, minors Mar. 5,1920 1800
§ Austin, Andrew, Samuel and _ .
J William, minors ,‘ ' Sept.16,l905 657
j ,Austin, Lewis, deceased Mar. 22,1898 285,284,
31 V ' ‘ 2847};
1 Autrey, Estelle, minor Mar. =2,19l8 " = 1557
E Autrey, H. 3., tubercular, ' ' ' ‘ H , 1'
5 ‘ '(no papers) Feb. 14,1958 ’ "’
fl Autrey,Harvey and Marvin,minors Oct. 14,1950 5199
Q Autrey, Margarete 0., deceased Jan. 19,1951 5227 -
i Autrey, Mrs. Minnie M.,.NCM,
g (no papers) » -. May ,-,1929_ '5057:
Q Autrey, Minnie E., deceased June 18,1929 5060
1 Autrey, William Edward, minor Sept.21,1920 1855
E Avery, Clarence, minor ‘ July 21,1917 1521
E Aydelott, Echols, minor May 10,1915 ' 1524
i Aydelott, W. J.,.epileptic, ' ,
i (no papers) 1 . Jan. 24,1907 €722 ‘
g Aydelotte, Willie, deceased, .. , - no -
,; (no papers) . , June 50,1909 ’ 877
E Ayers, Mrs. R. 5., deceased May '11,1988 ' 5977
j Ayers, Raymond B., deceased . Sept. 9,1955 5795 4
1 -, -,,.
$7 ,f:n‘ 1 B _ _,. . .
1 Babb, D. H., deceased _, 1 ,. Mar. 15,1925 - . 2959 ;
§ Badgett, J. M., deceased Apr. 17,1958 v 1 -, 5952 g
i , Badwell, C. E., deceased, Mar. 25,1905 "¢"~w 602 3
; Bailey, Julia E., deceased. ___" __, ..n',s .910
g Bain, J. r., deceased ' Nov. 25,19l6> ,- 1450 g
g Bainey, , deceased Jan; 25,1904, " 524 ‘
g, ‘Baird, Virgie, minor, , . . July 9,1952 " ' .5570
é “ij‘—%’ ,j— 7 T 7* :7 if 7‘72" '7 ‘ __:, .

90. Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case NO.
Baker, A., deceased Feb. 15,1908 797
Baker, Allie, minor »” June‘ 4,1925 ' ' 2619
. Baker,J.S.,NCM,(no papers) Sept.21,1958 '
Ball, Bonnie A. and Waide J., ' .- ‘
'minors . . ' Dec. 15,1921 - 1965(A)
Ball,0elesta Harris,deceased Feb. 16,1959' ' 4041
Ball, Georgia E., deceased July 17,1905 627(8),629 .
' Ball, H., deceased Dec. 50,1904 ‘ 584
Ball, Harris M. N., minor Jan. 5,1905 588
Ball, Hartwell, deceased Dec, 29,1904- 585
Ball, Henry and Mamie, minors Oct. 7,1915 - 1198
Ball, I. M., deceased , ~June 20,1895 150,156A,
- ' 4 - 157
’ Ball, Jack Gordon, minor : July 9,1924 - 2250
Ball, Mrs. Lou, deceaSed Mar. 5,1892 109,165
- Ball,Mamie,deceased,(no papers) Dec. 12,1901 ’ 414
Ball, Mattie Mae,tubercular, r
, (no-papers) . ~ Oct. 20,1958 ,
A) Ball, S. E., deceased~ Jan. 14,1911 ’ * 972
f Ball, Sam 0., deceased Jan. 50,1955 " 5606
Ball, Mrs. J. 0., deceased Feb. 28,1940 ' 4208
Ball, W. M., deceased- Dec. 25,1929 “ ‘5111
Ball,'Wade J., deoeaSed - July 28,1951 ~ 5285
Ballard, Billie Joe, minor Apr. 18,1955 “ 5651
Ballard, Ishmael, minor, ' ‘ ‘
(no papers) ' ‘ ' Sept.11,1911* 1009
3 . Balthrop, E. F., minor' July 22,1895 ‘ ' 215
7' Balthrop, James et a1; minors May 5,1915 ‘ ‘ 1164 v
Balthrop, May and W. 2.,minors Mar. 25,1909 ' i 862 .
. 'Balthrop, Wiley R., deceased Jan. 27,1954‘ ' ‘ 5509
Balue,J.S.,NCM,(no papers) Sept.l5,1958 “5997
Bancum,Vassie,NCM,(no papers) Nov. 1,1927 " 2875
Banks, Eliza, deceased_ Mar. 2,1927 ' 2800
Banks, Mrs. F. E.,= deceased Oct. 12,1910 956,2800A
Banks, Frank, deceased Apr. 15,1927 ' 2809
Banks, W. W., deceased‘ ‘Nov. 21,1915 1205
Barber, Ellis, deceased _ May 25,1956 ' ' 5771
“ Barber, George, NCM’ ' Jan° 7,1957‘ ‘ 5844
Barber, Maurice and Vernon " ' ' '
Loyd, minors ' Sept. 9,1956 ’ ' 5797
Barcellona, Sam, tubercular, " '
4 (no papers) ‘ . Feb. 7,1959 " ' ‘ _
Barfield, D. A., deceased Jan. 1,1920 ' 1776‘
Barfield, Dock James, minor Sept.21,1909‘ '895
, Barfield, Earnest Donald,
, Cripple child Sept.14,1959 ’ ' '4122
f Barfield, Edgar N., deceased Feb. 5,1955“ ' '5607
*1 Barfield, Fuller, minor ' Feb. 25,1905 ' 477
1 Barfield,Haze1,NCM,(no‘papers) Oct. 19,1957 5911
, Barfield, M. A., deceaSed‘ Jan. 15,1950' 5117
\ Barfield, Ora,NCM,(no'papers)v Mar.’ 4,1940 ' 4204

 / . ,
a *6
«Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic finElle u.. ,' Case No.
Barfield, S. H., tubercular, . '
‘ (no papers), Sept.20,1955l
‘ Barfield, Virgil, deceased __J ' ,, 1558(A) .
; ‘ Barfield,2eb,NCM,(no papers) Sept.24,1954- 5575 ‘
, ' .Barker, J. M. Jr.,=minor __, 578
? Barker, Jesse EdWard, minor Aug. 15,1925 2659' _
% Barkman, J. J., deceased July 9,1954 5552
i Barkman, James W.,-deceased Feb. 25,1910 . 922
3 Barkman, Mrs. Laura, deceased 0ct.~16,1926 ’ 2762
3 Barkman, Tom P., deceased June 16,1915 1167
1 Barlow, Cornelia, Frank J. 7-- e‘
.1 rand Katherine, minors Oct. 28,1915‘ :- ~ l585~
1 Barlow, Henry, John, Julia, Lee
4 - and Richard, minors May 19,1918" 1415
j ' Barnes, Benjamin L.,cnceased Oct. 22,1915 . 1200
i Barnes, Booker T., minor ' ?‘1Ju1y 12,1955 ‘ 5661_
J Barnes, Spencer et a1, minors H~Jan. 1,1929, 5006,5006%
g Barnes, T. J., deceased' ' Feb. 17,1956' 5750
? Barrett,Addie,NCM,(no papers) Apr. 29,1918 . 1587
3 Barrett, Ella et a1, minors Jan. 8,1914 .. 1224
) Barrett, Frank, minor . 5 Aug. 26,1920 . . ~'1848
l Barrett,Lee and William,minors Apr. 22,1924 ,., 9.1847
1 Barrett,Lewis,NCM,(no papers) ‘Oct. 2,1907 . ' 768 ,
4 Barrett, Lois, Myrtle,.0tis - V': _ .
i and Price, minors Nov. 15,1922 4 2057
3 Barrett, M. J., deCeased Nov. 24,1915 1568
i Barrow, Dona 0., minor ' Apr. 15,1916 . , 1407.
l Barrow, E. Simpson, deceased Deo.,50,1907 ' .785
) Barry, J. K., deceased. Mar. 50,1909 . 885
2 Barry, Mary E., deceased Feb. 26,1955 5 5617
l . Barte1,Wm.,NCM,(no papers) Mar. 5,1909 . .=.8561'
% Bartlett,0hester Lee,tnbercu1ar, ,f, ‘., 1 ' '. . t
f (no papers)’ " . . July 29,1958 y,. , -
,3 Bartlett, Gertie and Lillie, .- ~ ., .. , .
y minors . _', Mar. 4,1918 .3. . 1572
71 Bartlett,J.W.,NCM,(no papers), July 17,1955 ,. Q 5464
,g Bartlett,Mrs.L.E.,.deceased Dec. 7,1911' '. .1055
:: Bartlett, Mrs. M. J.,minor Dec. 26,1912 . ,1124
1 Bartlett, R. A., deceased Aug. 15,1928 ‘ .2958_
;; Bass, Cornelia 8., deceased June 11,1891 .' . 84‘
3 Bass, J. T.,deceased .:Sept. 1,19575 1 5899
( Eass,Richard,NCM,(no papers) Apr. 9,1908 805 ‘
i? Batie, Forest, tubercular, “ .,x .. , .
i (no papers) . May ,2,1940~ - w - i ‘
.1 Battle, E. 3., deceased May.-11,19301.._ _ "1822
{{ Baucum, F. V., deceased -; Nov. 4,1929.., 5095
; Baugh, D. A. and Mrs. Maggie, ~y ., z- t. ‘W'
E . deceased _. , ' Nov. 6,1955 fl. 5491
§ Baum, Harriet, minor ,*' U . Nov. 16,1954 _, 5685(A)
) Bayless, Ernest et a1, minors Sept. 5,1911. . ,' 1552 .
1 Bayoton, Rossy L. et al,minors1 Dec. 6,1889, _- , .554(A)g
1”; Bean: Carl. minor _ Jan. 28,1910 920

 . 7
ER; '9998 of,Deceesed,Minor or Lunatic: ”Filed ’- _ . Case No.
Bean, Glarance, minor ,1” Jan, 26,1910 . 120
Beard, John R.et a1, minors Apr, ,4,1904 ,‘ 1‘550
(A) ; Beard, Mrs. 111.! Ida, deceased Dec. 12,1994 .. _ >192.
Bearden, Elsie, Howell and , .g _ .' _ '_f
Signor, minors 3 1 ___, . 858
' _ Bearden, Elsie and-Howell, . : ~ ,.
minors ,g Sept. 7,1916 ‘ .1458
Bearden, John Arthur, deceased Mar. 10,1919' ,_ 1667
Bearden, Richard, NCM . . Dec. 26,1922 ,2070
Beaty, Bernice, paralytic Oct. _4,1957 , '5909
Beauchamp, Mrs. M..M.,deceased ,;;J ' .; .2269
. Beauohamp, Mollie; Lucas, . - . , ‘ ,'
Sam, minors : . , Aug. 18,1908 , .884
Beckham, Olen et a1, minors July 10,1922 2018
Bedell,Bert,NCM,(no papers) Jan. 28,19l9w* ' 1655
_ Bee, General, deceased. Jan. 51,1905. ‘ 594
‘ Beggs, Effie, minor‘ . ' Nov. 16,1917, ' 1542
Beland, Annie, Luella-and ~ 3. , . 9
1 Roberta, minore' -, . __, _ 510
Belisle, Frank, deceased May 10,1924 .- 2207
, VBelk,Henry,NJM,(no'papers) Aug. 22,1922 , 2052
‘Belk, Henry, NCM ,_,1 Mar. 27,1926, _ 2690;;-
) , Bell, A. H., deceased Mar. 25,1950 . , 5155
Bell,A.H.,NOM,(no papers) , May 27,1952 5561
Bell, Cardelia, NGM » Nov. 19,1924 ' . 2257 ,
. Bell, Claude H., Joe Marion, ,
;- Lena May and Mattie,minors July 32,1900 , _:~ 505
f Bell, Greasy, NCM: ~ V Mar. 22,1909 ,- 861
) Be11,E11a,decedsed,(ne papers) Oct. __,l9OQ .'
‘ ‘Bell, Rowena, minor - Dec. 16,1916 ,1 .1459 ' '
51’ Bell, Mrs. S. M., deceased Mar;,25,l950 ‘ 5154
‘ Bell, Wm. Beach, deceased Jan. 16,1955 .. 5416
Bender, Gustave, deceased “’Aug, 24,1901 597
Bender, Jno. M., deCedsed Febg’27,1906 667
i Bender, John Max, deceased . ‘May 5,1906 680
L Benefield, Katherine, deceased Dec. 6,1924 2265
3 Benge, James M. and_Maggie Lou, , . V
L minors < ‘ - Oct. 20,1919 . - 1759
1. Benjamin, Jas. E,, deceased Mar. 5,1914 1256,1256%
L“ Benjamin, Joe, minor . .Dec. 51,1912, .1129
9 Benjamin, Lora, deceased July 1,1907.L' . , 744
S ' Bennett, Charlie R., Johnson -‘ , . ,
. ‘ D. and Margrett, minors Sept.20,1907 1 ' 762
Bentley, Lottie, NCM Dec. 19,1928 : . -5004
3 ‘ Bentley, Robert, minor. , Sept.l6,l9l4 , 1276
3 Bentley, T. Fr;~»-,4.-deoea'sed - cet.‘ 9,1896» . 2,45,1215 A
' .Bentley, Mrs. Teresa,‘NCM Oct. 7,1955 .,' ,5687
L Bentley, Thelma Mae,def5rmed 3 Feb. =4,1956. ‘ 5729
3(A) Berchten, Anna, deceased' Mar. 2,1922 , _ 1988
3:. Berchten(Berchten), Otto, ” :--‘- : < .
4(A)L deceased _ June'20,l9l6 » .» 1420
3 Berry, Bessie, deceased may 25,1951‘ 5267(A)

 j 8
i ,Name of Deceased Minor or Lunatic‘: Filed Case No.
‘ _n_..292____a___L2_«_~.___.1_a___.n.__n#2__~_.__.~__.wm.~wa
2 Berry, Billie Alvin, minor July 6,1951 5276,5267(B)
; Berry,0harley Arnold,deceased Nov. 12,1957. 5921
‘ Berry,M.N.,minor,(no papers) Nov. 751950 . 95206
1 Bertram, Phil, epileptic, ‘
1 (no papers) 9 May 25,1927 » 1 2822
% Bettell, Alberta, deceased ,Apr. 4,1950 1 5141
- Bevers, 0tho Lee, tubercular, '
.; (no papers) , 1 Oct. 26,1957 ‘ -
, Bevill, Ida Lee, deceased Dec. 7,1911 .. 1054
=1 Bevilson, Mary, minor , Jan. 16,1905 7259(3)
" Bice,C.W.,deceased,(no papers) Nov..20,1917 1448 ‘
3 Bilek, Annie, deceased» ' Dec. 2,1926 . 2775
" Bilek, Mrs. Anna, deceased Oct. 14,1952 5020
4 Bilek, Rudolph, deceased , June 1,1929 5056
1 Bingham, Nash, minor 1, :_ July 8,1905 ,: 501
'1 Bingham, Nash, minor . Aug. 11,1905 655
.f Bird, Mary E., deceased, Nov. 25,1916 , 1449
3 Birdsong, W. M. E., minor Apr. 4,1895 . , 208-
1 Birmingham, Mrs. E. F.,deceased June 28,1910 .1 .944
j Birtcher, J. D., deceased. Apr. .5,l905 ' , 606
Q Birtchier,Mrs.Lydia,deceased June 71,1914 , . 1254
j Biship, T. J., paralytic . Oct. 18,1955 5692(A)
i Biship, J. T., deformed, _. . 1
i -(no papers) , , Apr. 18,1956 . .5691
§ Bishop, Annie(nnna),depeased July 15,1921 1952
9 Bishop, Cleo, Irene, Mark and , * . . .
3 ‘Marvin, minors : 065,,21,1925 , 2658
1 Bishop, James T., minor Apr. 18,1956 5756
3 Bishop, Polly, deceased .1- Feb.-28,l906 . 668
i Bison, 9., NCM _' _ Apr. 14,1925 , 2104
5 Bittle(Britt1e),F.D.,deceased Oct. 19,1951 5508
i Bivin, 9., NCM . . ,_ Apr. 5,1956 i 5760
g Bizzell, Lydia M., deceased Mar. 2,1925 2614
9 Blackburn, Rosales, minor; Dec. 27,1919' . “ 1772
% Blackman, Curtis and Rupert, , .1 .
1 minors , Dec. 18,1919 1765 .
3 Blackman, Fannie, deceased . Nov. (5,1919 1746-
3 Blackmon, Eliza J., deceased Dec. 14,1955 ‘ 5497
1 Blaggs, Billie, deceased» , July- 5,1908,:» .-- 818
j ‘ Blake, Ida L., deceased... Dec. 25,1905, ‘ . 655
E Blake, J. L., deceased‘- a_ ,_:" 3717,721,,
1 Blake, Tiny, deceased ‘ Apr. 18,1950 .2 5147
i B1akeley,Louise,NCM,(no papers) May j25,1954 , . .5546
1 Blalock, Anna Esther and _f , , .
1 Georgia, minors"; 5 g June 25,1951; .5272
i Blalock,J.E.,minor,(nd papers) ,_hJ ' , ,4 , 4244
i Blan, Mrs. Martin,‘NCM’7'n Oct. _9,1956 ‘ _ ; 5809 .
E Blankenship, A. J.; deceased Oct. 20,1906 . 705
g ‘Blanton, Josie, deceased, Apr. 4,1905,V . 607
i Blizzard, F. 0., deceased Dec. 10,1950~ ‘ 5216
; Blizzard, Fred Gaynor and, ’ a I
i‘ Oakley Porter, minors., Aug. 4,1954, .,. 5560
1 - ,


.3191; -1\T_;a_.m_e.._.____..0f711‘:i§§_e_sed ,Mri-no r3 or. L‘u-‘na’o .7101 '9 F i'l‘.e__d'._-_‘_.___._._._._._.._......__~ Case .119:

(5) Blocker, Buck, deceased. ' Jan; 28,1958 - - 59424

. Blocker, Harry, miner ‘ Apr.r 6,1914 .1245

S BloCKer, Lida, deceased” . ' Oct. 22,1928 , ,2984
Blocker, William Howard, minor July 9919542 "- .-5554

3 Bloom,Jake,NCM,(no-papers) ' _“,1924 ,1 2265

- Blount, Isom, deceased June '7,1924. ' 2220-
Blount, Marian, minor . ' ' June 28,1922' 5 ' 5569
Blount, Marion, minor 5' . Sept. 5,1954 ' . 5568 ,

E Blount, Mary, deceased July 18,1952 . 5574 = »

9(3) Bloxham, w. m., deceased July 12,1954 . 5556)

E ‘ Bobo, H. 5., deceased - Nov. 1,1920 , 1865

5 Echo, Henry M. and Lillie 8., . . :

3 minors . »., Aug. 51,1920 . 1852

3 Echo, J. B., deceased 5'f May 21,1919 1589 1

L 80b0, L. P. Jr. etval, minors Aug. 7,1917 1526

5 Bobo, L. P., deceased * '- '- mar.-le,1919 1671

9 Bobo,Lillie Bird ct al,min0rs VFeb. 2,l920 . 1786”

3-' Bcbo, Lillie Bird, minor Nov. 29,1920 - . .1872'

% Bobo, Preston P., minor Mar. 28,1924 2197

D Bodenheim, Mose, deceased, =~ -' 1 4

i ICno papers)' ,“3 ' Dec. 19,1919s»"3 17664

3(4) Began, Adison, deceased Mar. 25,1915 :~ 1‘ 1515‘
Bohenna, Vivia,INCM3~fi- . Dec.'25,189l* ~ 1 -“ ‘

1 Bohrer, Peter, dedeased‘” ‘ Mar. 25,1914 “7' i 1258

2 Bohrer, P., deceased: '~‘ ' ; -Mar. 25,1914: - r 624.
Bolds, Elison, mincr’ ** Dec. 50,1915 I”' :1575'

3 Bomar, Shirley, epileptic, V ia~=3. ~ . f f -" J

5 ‘(no papers)’ '- 1:1, May’ 29,1959? _ e.-

5 Bonner, Frankie M., minor - Oct. 16,1907'-lr 1 772'

4 Bonner, Robert,'deceased ;Sept.15,l900* '-: 1 560

s Booker, Annie, deceased :‘Apr. 10,1915 ' «' 1156 »

9 Boone, Arleva, EsSie, Wésley ,.. :~I.

4 and Zealuc, minors ,,, Margt 5,1919 v s” 1664

2 Boone, Gus, minor ‘,‘ fifI Aug. 15,19272? , - 2850 1
Boone,James Amea1,crippflej’ Sept. 6,1959r ' : 4119’.

5 . ~800tright, Fannie and George, ,