xt7kkw57h82j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57h82j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1965 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1965 Vol.31 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, September 1965 Vol.31 No.12 1965 1965 2019 true xt7kkw57h82j section xt7kkw57h82j '2 - ‘ a ' "’ " ' .'e=»‘.‘5?:‘5"~:2".-.‘, 1
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' The Kentucky Press Association recognizes 5 5" 1' /‘ 1 ‘ "'"
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1 of propaganda under the guise of news. It af— ‘ J l ’
firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, ' ',.E
4 honest and fearless editorial expresswns. It re- 1 1‘ '11. l :‘1 -5
‘ spects equality of opinion and the right of every p 51 l >5
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guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes 59% 555" :’12.'.»-"’:‘~ ,1 5' E 1 ' E .
1 m the newspaper as a vital medium for amc, MM, 1531?: 1 1 E‘ ‘
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1 1 :‘1‘1 1 11 11111111 1 Volume 3], Number 12 Termepd t1 eM‘l.Sy.Sfem state legislature coueld steltnfiliinifI-R18282 a1
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1 11 1 1 11 11 111 11‘ KentUCkY Press 1551:3212; In miH‘efllltlgS 111mg held this week on an Ad- acgndmg to Industry Classificatmns 61111161 C
‘1 "1 ! 1111 '1 1 I C. HIS 'a 10 _ L ' . . ' 1
11 ‘ 11 1 1 11 1 1‘ 1 111 1 “much Press Sen/ice, Inc. the presedt {3:11:121 11)111 to 1ev1se and extend tion Pfiorlllents f'f HUB 8282 say the combine.
1 1. 1.1111 11 1 11111 Victor R. Portmunn Editor SYStem The b'll Hp Oyment compensation me t1 fn‘l‘ea 15th Standards, Federal Pal“
11131 11 1 1 111111 ’ b Co. - 1 , -_R. 8282, was introduced 11 s O excess costs”, and FUAB ' 1
1 '1 1‘1 1 1 1 11111 11 Member IV .1 ngressman Wilbur D. Mills (ID-Ark.) grain would eventually deStroy State 1110.1 T]
1 1 11. 11 1 1111 11 Newspaper Managers AssoCiafion Cianman of the House W ’ and Valuable « 1 1. SyStems
1 L. _1 1 1 1 1 - .111111 Lexington Chamber of Commerce COIDmitte A . 1 3Y8 and Means ‘1 expellence rating” COIlcet Kent
1 1111 1 11 1 ‘ 11111 :firuclgy Chamber of CommerCe hqs beee. . 1: igentical companion bill under which taxes are related to emplog D l
1 g 1 1 .1‘ “11111 e er usiness Bureau Lexin t ‘ 11 in 110 uced in tl melit stabilit r1 1 l] a 1 . .
. 1. 1111 1. 1 S ,, I you 1e Senate Y cnc t at federali - n b k
1 1 11. 1.1 1 1 1 1 ustalmn M b (S- 1991 , Zathfl of. ac
1 1‘1 ‘ 11111 11.1 1 N°fi°"°' NewspgflperenAsigciation H R 81282 . Unemployment Compensation would evenl D3
1 1 11. 1 1111 1 .111111 N 1 Associate Member em 1' 1 Would require all state Un— tually change the program from one de ‘ - new<
1 1'1 1 1 1 11111 1 1 1 11 111 ahonal Newspaper Promotion Association Fed) OYIIIUCHt Compensation systems to meet 6d t0 PI‘OVide partial replacement of 1110518” versi
2 1 . 1111111 ‘; 1 1 Publicat' ‘ era y-Set {Standardsf’ Th “ in emergenc "t ' 1 0me~
. .1 1.1.1 11.11. 1 1 1. Ion Office 1_ n 886 stand- 1 y 61 uations to a lo - ~ ‘ 1
111 1 11111 11111 11 11 1111 1 School of Journalism 1:21: dwsould: 1 extend coverage to an esti- hef P1311 ng telm 16.112211”
1 1 1 111111 11111 1 1 1 "‘ unive'SitY 0* Kentucky, Lexington (we 1 mllhon. additional employees, re- How “1011 additional the proposedl'b rsocia
1 1 111 111 1 111 1‘1 .1 1 11 —_________— gtlllebstates to Increase 1113Klmu1n benefits Billed benefit payments would COSt ‘l-er-1Y0rk
1 11 11‘ 1 11‘ yaouto —t" . ~. - 1. 1 151m-
1 1 1 111 1 11111 11 11 1 Kentucky Press Association, Inc, benefits f01.119<36l\11171di(refQLuie states to pay gossfljle to estimate s1nce they will var)‘1 Ft
: ‘11 111 1 111.1111 1 1 11 1 1 Maurice K. Henry, President Weeks of work “tad l'bor llo 11101'6 than 20 rod] State to State. One state estimates that 11101 1
. 1 ‘.‘. 1 11; ”1.1313‘11. 1 1 1:11 1 eraize - -_ 1111 er .R. 2 2' -
1 1 11 11 111 1‘ 111111111 1‘11 11 L Daily N 9103: Middlesboro qualifications, States the SNPA l31lllelsetilli1 dls tWice as high Sbyltl91'le21neht (1310815 “1011111116111ng
' 1.1.111 .11‘1 c '_ - « - . ‘ aSte ~ ._sie
1 11 1 111 1 111 1‘ . . 1 111 “Try Stone, Vzce Preszdent Half of the cost of these - \ th - . . _ 1 Y 2116 now
, 1 1 1 1 1111 1 1 1 1 = proposed chan ’Vl 111d1v1dualsrece ‘
1 ‘1 11 .11 1111 . 1 11’ 1111 . Messenger, Central City lwould b.e borne by general taXpayers agne; tax free, for not will? uPFt01$§5aWeek work
1‘ 1 1.1 1 1 ‘ 11 1. 1. 11 111 Ichtor RAPfiftmann, Secretary—Manager mtlf by Increased Unemployment Compen ities estimate that the prcimseilC elal {11111101- 1111:1111
1 1‘: :1 1.11 1 err . - 1. 1 - < . .1 1
1 1 11 11? 1111 1 9111111 F1 1:1] S ey.’ Asmt‘mt sec’e’aw-Manager m Ion mes 0“ employers. The net Fedem] the $5,600 base alone 7'11 b new ”1601
1 11 1 111 11111 111111 1 on aR. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer Unemployment CompeDSati0n tax _ ‘ $500 million “1 a out double the . He
1 1 - 111 1 111‘ ‘ 1 11111 1 University of Kentucky, Lexington Would g0 from the present 4‘7 to 5;;6 business in Fdd yegllrtlmw lieing paid 111111311111
1‘1 11‘ 1111 1 1111 1 - - . Th ( ~ 1 o ' 0' ” em nem 0 r‘ 1 131
1 11 W 117“ 11 ‘ 1 $1111 1 1 Dlstrlct Executive Committee CoriddeSt-basf On Wthh Unemployment a a P Ymeut mes‘1‘exi’at
‘ 1.‘ 11 1' ‘1 111 1 1 11 ‘1 Chairm ‘ Ion axes are Paid would f- a ' '
1 1 11 1 11; 1‘11111 1 1 11 . 1 an, Edwards M. Tom 11 H _ its re . go 10m 1nt01
1. 1 11 1111'. 11 i 111 ’ ‘1 Sande” Lexmgton (Sixth); Firs? living“? to 5156 650682333311) filial??? m 1967’ and Adopts Process Inks 1111111
1 1 111:. .111 1111 11 11‘ ‘ avis, Lyon County Herald Edd ’. 1 ' 1’ '1 - e 1 would re uire The ANP - . . .
11 1 1‘ 11 1. 1 111 1 1 111 11George M- Wilson, Herald-Newsyvfilifdiiihiiij :1 State: to raise maXimum benefits in :three Summer ’Ippihvtill thomcl Of' 1311'??th 1111511111210:
‘ 11 11.11 11131 1 .1111‘ 11 Third, A1]. Schansber V ' ) ; eps: 16 maximum would be s t 0' AN ‘ e ac 0p tron O the new .
1 ‘ 111111 '1 11 11 g, 0103 of St' Matthews; of tl _ - e at 50/0 PA~AAAA rocess 1 ~ ' ‘Vorkl
11 ‘ 11 1 1 11 1 1 51);; h,Fr:Incl)Elsher 0f the ,
E E E EEE. E E E E EEE‘EE-EEE EE after he had been a member of a Six mg: there. All my life,” Came a witty reply thhih 2yOCItizen Times, Scottsville, for more Sign]
E E i EEE EE‘iEEEEE i‘EE E E city council for ei h t E th yetth Eh a
; E a . E‘ E EEE. EE 1E E . g t Years. A f ‘ _ ——__ ~ ‘ -
E E E EEE E EEEEEE E EEE E EE E E papering, it has been “a love ofs thhe1 gttnlelflvs” H Mth' PltChtord dled at the Allen Count)E ‘ 28'.
EEE t EE E EEEEE EE 2E EEE E that’s kept him at it here for 36 ea 8 Adv. Frauds Brin S ‘OSthttttt. She hhd been under treatment thWh
EEE EE 'E EEE‘ E EEEE E E E A native of U . C y rs. g elfl'ences Stnce hel Car left KY 98 95 miles east of E subse
‘ E1 ‘E‘E EEEEE Ei‘EE ; E 11101] t E t t E
EEEE it ‘E EEE E E E i : E College for One . Ounty,-Be11 attended Newspaper advertisin has be . SCOttSVIEle’ plunged down a 40-foot em- glous
E E yeai bef01 g en a facto
E jEf E ‘- EE E 3 E j E 19 ' . e gomg t0 Work in in two rece t V . l banl