xt7kkw57h80c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57h80c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1960 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1960 Vol.26 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, April 1960 Vol.26 No.7 1960 1960 2019 true xt7kkw57h80c section xt7kkw57h80c . 41‘3“. I, :I, _ . . . Z - . ~51. pr} .(um nu”,- 1 ,._.,»,'I.,.,I1_,,.I_IAI, I,” an,” “H II . , . , . .
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1L: 1111 1111 1 1 1 I that they have a right to know. This C1111 APRIL, 196
|3 31311313331! l 3 Th K t k Press 1" AS 6 ee t + done in speeches at school assemblies11111~
1 1 1 1 . 11
1:311 131131 e en “C y clubs, and in church groups. 1’
31 131 13.313 How many people know they have a Let's let the people know of the 1
‘ “3 ‘ 7 ' — 7 , 1 11 f tl - 36°33“
- 1.11 Volume 26, Number right to know. Apparcnty not a 0 1161“, right to know.—A. O. Goldsmith1L1111- ‘
1 11-11 1-11: . Official Publication judging from results of surveys of various iana School of Journalism. onte}
1 111 .1 Kentucky Press Association, Inc. kinds made in recent months. It seems 111 111 1111 1111 1 1 CT km
31 , 3 1 3 . Kentucky Press Service, Inc. that Americans—or at least many of them— 1 A? A 0:: of
3 1 3‘ 3 - - ' ~ , .— . - ~. ' tortepurP ..
11 1131 111 1 Victor R. Portmann, Editor do not learn in school some of thrv131funda R C1liar1 2 z r 11 333“” y
11 111 guarantee of Freedom of the 13,611 It balm,“ foolish remark often heard is that 1Amer1 accuricy to idyertising 1lS a11re 'lpplletl31 42411209111111.111
‘11 3 :3 1 in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic. cans have a right to know whats gomg on. other informational subyects appearing: 16111113 provided i1
3131 3‘ 1 economic, social, and cultural community 116' Most people realize the foolhardiness of the press. He suggested penalty to bet: advertisement for
1 :1 "5101""6'” and Progress- such a suggestion.” Obviously some of the tached to failure to comply with agar: bylaw to be publi‘
13 1 _ _ uninformed school children are not writing upon standards such as, possibly, closingai 1119333101111m‘115tb6 W
3 3 33 .3 Kentucky Press Assocratron, Inc. the US. military manuals. The writer of yertising columns of newspapers to adu 331310 fiwgsstregel
3‘ 1; 1 Paul Westpheling, President the Air Force manual compared telling the tisers not observing reasonable rules. am A newspape
3 31 13‘ 1 1 13 1:31‘130" Cf’l‘37‘y New“) Fuuon people what was going on to a football team As summary, Kellstadt said newsptpct lished in the area
; 33113.3 _ ‘1 13 “3' F053” Adams’ hmpm'wlgfgi Citizen B e161 giving away its signals. It seems rather can be asked to accept responsibility forth 1111111611836? fordtl
1313 13 1 13 Victor R. Portmann, Secretary-[Manager 3 clear that he considers the American people ycrtising in their newspapers because: 1 lilisinseislcginieirs;
1 ‘3311 ,1 1‘ University of Kentucky, Lexington the opponents of the Air Force—the enemy. They have their own integrity to protttl1 second-class 111311111
11 , 3 1 1 District Executive Committee All of this strange ignorance reflects They have the enforcing power of penllt1 A newspaper prin
31 33113 1 33 3 Chairman, 101m B. Gaines, Park City News, strongly on the teaching in our schools, but because they COntrol an important 111131111 110th: eligibleblto
‘1 -1 _1 Bowling Green (Fourth): First, William T. it also should cause newspaper editors and to the market for the advertiser. 1 0313131321Y111331131‘1‘r 21C]:
13 333 - ' 1 - 3 DaViS" L330” 6303;"‘33 Heméd’ Eddygm? fecé’fldj publishers to do a little intensive self—exam— The nature of the medium—its 11611123 is locate d if there
3: 333' 3 ‘ 3' 3 Lari y Storie’ A “Sting?- rg1115,1 63.] m 11y, ining. Have we failed to keep our readers uent form and intimate relationship 11111 county that has a
- 313 1 1- 1 ; Third, Basil Caummisai, Courier-Journal, Louis- _ 1 1 1 1 1111111 11110 h l
‘11 33 . :13 ‘1 1 ville; Fifth, Frank C. Bell, Trinihle Democrat, informed of the fact that they hayc a right each community—build an image 1 11: us 01ut tie CO
‘ 3 3 1 3 1 3 Bedford: Sixth, George Trotter, Enterprise, Le- to be informed? valuable to both the newspaper and lllelt1 (tilqlltnfiliiiittl: c
1333 .3 1 3 “8110111? “WWII: Warren R~F35111e1‘1.l13~M‘/’TCW>3’ This may be just another example of ye'rtiser. 1‘ largest bona fidee
1 ‘1 3 ‘1. 11 1 lelSlC; Eighth; Gfiffige JOle Ill, co’flmon‘ knowing something so well that we assume Newspaper people possess the skills 1003 11m A newspa“),
111 11 E 1 . 1 iveali‘h, Somerset; Ninth, James T. Norris, Jr., 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ 1 1 Ieaul'ir _ 'f 1
1 1.131 3 l 3' 3 Independent, Ashland; Tenth, Maurice K. CVCUOHC LPGWS 11l- 1 “3 o1\er31g1t 115 (5311’ 33“ CECCh‘C 10b. 1 qubentl1ISSUE1 1t
11113131 ' 1 3 Henry, Daily News, Middlesboro; State-at-Large, gerous for )ournalists, eycn in reporting the 11 11 11 11 1 (1111111311133 011106118
13‘3 13 3 - 3 Fred J. Burkhard, Casey County News, Liberty; day3s “€11.51 “/0 knOW WC cannot take for 1 11111011111 ing pgermtittCaatlilrci1 21
31 .1313 3 3 31 Sl‘de'M'Lmy’ 3' C Van Curon,1State ‘Ioumal’ granted that the reader knows all we know “3 here 113% you been? \\ 11th 1t area for the 1m.
1 53131: 1 . Frankfort: Immediate Past Preszdent, Thomas . 1 , (l()Il€7 \Vll'lt Changes havc you made 31 3d -
13 3133‘ 1 1 L Adams Herald-Leader Lexington. about an event; we patiently background the ~ ( . 1 em 1011 113cm . A newspa
333 333‘. ‘ .1 3 = 3 “111108 M. Willis, President news, filling in facts that we have already your plant? \Vho are the “63.33 331113113 103.333 fide “”1313“
313 3 3 ' 3 ' - ..1 ' .. rl'cr i 105 around the office? Send these items '1 11lse1reulated gei
3333 3 3 33 3 Kentucky Press Servrce, Inc. 11sec m L31 3 $83 3 P 10 other in the business C21“ 3333333 3333333 3 definite P
1113‘ ,1 3 31 1 ; Messenger, Brandenburg \thther we relish the role or not, news— “55 5 S ‘ 1 than 50 percent 1
3133 3. 3 3 3 CCW‘EC M- Wilsom Fir“ V1359 P77351216“ papermcn are the guardians of the people’s 300' 3 333d fogby not 1e:
1.1 .11 1 .1 - _ - ' - . . ~ ‘ 0 ' ’
‘ 1 ‘ He'f'ld New) Haldebulg right to know. \Vc protect rights which the There seems to be an unusual nunrbert m istiibution
131 3 Bonnet. Roach, Second Vice President _ _ _ 1 . 1111111 (C) It must be
31 3 3 1 . Shelby News, Shelbyville mle'IClU‘dl docs not know he has. Freedom unknown firms which are sending 1111113 not less than four
311 31 1 3 Victor R. l’ortmami. Secretary-Manager of the press 15 not basmally a right of a pulJ- Kentucky papers. \Ve‘d suggCSt 33033 1‘ 033type to WthI'
11 ‘ 1 University Of Kentucky. Lexington lisher, but is a right of the public with the up on insertion until you’ve found 033111. lgfismg events of
3 3 Board Of Directors publisher given the responsibility of pre- more about the advertiser. W'rite 011331033131 11111 311111311330? na
. 1-3. 3 Chairman, Enos Swain, Advocate-Messenger, serying it. KPA we’ll be glad to initiate a ru11