xt7kkw57h67c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57h67c/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1985-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, November 1985 text GSO Newsletter, November 1985 1985 1985-11 2019 true xt7kkw57h67c section xt7kkw57h67c November
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if I?“ wouid like So advertise ind the 880 -——-——-—---—--—-—--—-—-—-~————-—--—-—-——————-
news e ter p ease sen your canera-rea v ad co y . . - ;
c 550, Po’onx 11471, Lexington. Ky. 40575. its “Jame“ ’9’“ ”n “9859 ””1” 1‘“
leadline {or ad submission is the 15th of each lnCIUdlnG 5 free SUbSCFlPtlun t0 the
teeth. Any ads received after the deadline will nonthly BSD newsletter (delivered in an
tot be guaranteed to be published in that issue. 'unm‘rted' envelo el
Ads say be submitted camera-ready or rough. d . p "
Rough copies are subject to additional charges as ----5051°59d 15 $10-09 (or 35-00 tor students)
shoun igl rites tsectipp below. 650 wilé not+be for each membership in 650.
responsi e or ypese ing errors in a a .er . ,
printing: advertiser is responsible {or proofing ____?lease 19? 38/45 Lnow how 1/“8 can be sore
he ads they submit for publication. I invloved in 650 or other gay/lesbian organ—
Th: editpr resegves tge right tot Eensor izations by calling (
adver iseeen-s uhic are eened in poor as e and - » . ““"“""“"““"'
to edit due to space and/or grammatical errors. ____or writing. Phone 3
Erotica, fantasy or sexually explicit materials,
or ads with sexual innuendo, will not be accepted ' ______________
for publication. ‘ Nafle(5) "_'-_~—-"—'_-'-—"""_'-—"' ,‘
’ étFEEt‘iiaFEEE""""""""""" 55E?" 1
Eighth Page a 8.00 mi
Quarter Page $15.00 _____________________________ _______________ 3
gab; gage £338 State Zip .
U]. a E . ' - -v ., -'u :1: t
Classifged $ 1.00 {up to 5 lines. s .05 Mail to 680, P.0. Box 11411, Le;., k1 40o:u t
each additional word) _____________.__.__.____.______.____.____._..____3
Typesetting $10.00
Screens $ 5.00
lhe GSD newsletter.is ublished eonthly bv the
DISCOUNTS: Lexxngton 6a Services Buganization Incorporated
P.0. Box 114%, 'Lexington, Kentucky 40575. 650 1;
1/4 off for boo. a non-profit organization whose purpose is to
1/3 off for 12no. prov1de educational, recreational. social and 5
1/2 off for non-profit groups. 3:;7gzgéi:g';:3;fldlrictlY involving 0' VEliti09 t“
Views or o inions ,ex ressed‘ in stories or
Placeeent of an ad in the BSD Newsletter DOES letters _i’E [E059 0‘ lg! writers and do not
NUT denote a person’s sexual orientation 0, a necessarily represent those of the BSD board or the
business’s custoner preference. newsletter staif. Publication 'of _the naee or
. photograph ot_any person, organieation or other
DIRECTORY egtigy in articges pr advgrEESing in the newsletter
no way in ica ive o e sexua orientation '
sso oayiine..............................231-0335 0‘ suthnsrsont organization or entity.
BSD Newsletter Seneral...... ...........299-0352 59”.?55lon‘ ‘0' th! "ElSletter are welcoee. All
’ Advertisement‘ 273-3309 subsissions becoee the ropert of the Lexington
Hailing List.::::::::::::268-3935 £311 ?:;::§:: tagginti'gi°"’ "n:- 351 Subli?510:s
. 7, _ u naee an ' a ress o t e
850 Recreational Events...................o1 0100 iqtfluré although n? :gline tzill be published 1
_ - _ wi ou pere15510n o e au or. lon- ‘ ' l
Sigfittcitgxttotgfitlans'""""""“""§3§-3§§g Retiglil lust _indicatghthat thgt person hgglgicgn
. ------------------:----- E is or ereission or e use b /h -
élperlgngggggnogathe Bleugrass E'P1r9---g2§'éé§; the pugticgfiiona t Anopyeous sgbeiéiiong c2:::t t2
ay an . ..----.---------------- ‘ accep e . e e i oria staff has the ' ht t .
fiat and LejgbfiBDDe-OErAtS of Kentucky....§gg-?Zig altgr :f?‘;§5i°"5 lincluging advertise-ehgs) t:
n erweave ......................... - see u is in re ire-en .
Lesbian Substance Abuse Support Sroug....252-5487 P 9 SgtnR TEE s
LouisvilleSErizi? Hotline..........:58§; gag-2% ”NM“
fluensboro a iance............. - .
Cincinnati‘s: Switchboard.........1513) 221-7800 { y ”"1“"; 5:" thought abovt taklnti advantage
National Gay task Force Cnisis LinelBOOl 221-7044 3f ”9 in 6351911 1.111%" 13 the tuna-l Tax credits,
NGTF AIDS Crisis Line..............(800) 221-7044 infoggatign, 290-0352. E" this Year. Call for lore

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 *; “1&3: ,. v; ’HHlSPERS’ ow CABLE TV _
* ‘i' i_ Hany Ionths of waiting has finally 631d off.
~ ' '§.' 650 has been able to get the ’Hhispers’ ideo to
. appear on Cable TV. he rights for this video were
‘ ‘ .‘?§5i purchased allost a year ago by 830 and it has been
45' *‘1 ;;I t? shown locall by hurches, ounselers Educators
" ‘, *- i-paa§§§v&§{é;e€’ andtat aanthEU Functigns; Th: Eabée showigqb "ééi
a .-. V ,S[ ‘steé _fi&§§§§§i* §“§§e” “ be he firs opportuni y or i o e viewe y e
. W," ‘ “ NQW ‘ conlunity at large. hopefully reaching many that
“>ilnflfi;gifig 5 "gf5;. ‘{ ¢i~ nay bene it from its content.
" ‘ _§.L¥;5 33'3g ~ ‘» .§;‘ *fi‘;‘ \ The ’Uhispers’ Video is about a young man who is
’ \ Hf1¥?;;se€3:e§g.in ; ‘s“- § ’ dealing with his sexuality, eventua ly to come out
7§%§Mg;§fif§f§ \g.,§??' W f,;?:‘ i§> - ' . 'se to himself, his family, and friends (including his
_ fls§§§fg%agfiggr.,ap$:3§ispifi;;;g§} JK-tf‘ s girlfriend). All the tension and emotions of
;e f §3§%§g§3§? §¢E§§ igxissériee' * it n . making each of these hurdles is very well expressed
«33“, -‘1.'""";=5 g, in this video. Each of us will see some gart of
ahgégfij‘373$figfigg”§c%§§§2§*;‘”. ' #ffiF“; ®§§ ; ~, ~ ourselves. This is a must see if you ave not
Sfabfifgisgg ii _3§§- ;§L§f;j ,‘ §§§ee” _‘ ‘ " § viewed it. _ ‘
fiilfiagxatggvj§§.;.$ ;§e§$§;5L§§?V*f§§§§§§§§§§§_5 i3 The tiles and dates of the cable showings
iii»;fif§§§f§§§;§i.§1si filfii git: iifif;fig§}§§i‘£g 3‘ are listed in this nonths issue of the B D
.EQL;?;3§§5§¥T%E?SES§':giffifiee“"f“f;fg§3igfifgttbej}f Calendar. They will be on Telecabie Channel 6.
~ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ’ Watch the Telecaole Programming for additional
tines and days throughout ctober.
‘ . Thanks to those of you who gave your generous
The weather was great. The companionship was pledge to the BSD billboard fund. We regret to
great. Making this year’s caopout a great success. report that at this time we have been unable to
‘or those of you tha missed it, wel. maybe next secure sufficient sugport to fund this nroject for
year? ' ' the one year period t at was our original goal.
The following is a list of awards given, this
year: Bur only alternative at this point is to accept
. donations to the fund as they are received and set
Eddie N. - host noise from a Single tent. then aside until we have collected enou=h to fund a
. nee billboard for a sixty day period Tthis is the
Earryl - Fashionably late. longest tine the artwork can be exposed to the
wea'herl. After each sixty day rental we will
hichael - 01d Suzanna. again accept donations that will be held until we
can once more fund the rental for two months.
hart and Steve - Veteran’s hnniversery. .
, _ While we are no longer requesting a nonthl
Jack - AVis and Dale D. hemorial. gledge, any contribution to our continUing effort
0 reach the non gay community and those who have
Jeff - hiss melt in the rain, and little brown not yet accepted their orientation will be greatly
- Jug, BEEFECIRtEd. All contributions should be sent to
5 and marked ’Billboard Fund.’
hart - Just passing through.
Once again, thank you for your continued support
Hac - Cinderalla. 0t 559-
éohn - Deadliest Toy, Honey Dearest, and most SACRILEEE AT THE BUNGALDH
nominations. t Forfighose 0th us wao enter the Bungalow, go
i. i _ + a . g . . .4 s rai i to e ju'e box and punch u numbers lol
”‘11‘9 He.t.st “hlle rena.ning a virgin. and Eat even befor: ordering a drinkp or looking"
a . r _ ,7 , around to see w o is t ere the discover tha
Eddle “' Her../Harts award. Fatgy és no lgnggrttg beHheard is a shock so :evere
r! _ r . - as o e near a a . ow many years and how nan
B'JCE HOSt c.eat1ve use Of color In a tent. hundreds of dorlars have we 5 ent listening t;
,1“ _ y A g Crazy and Your Cheating Heart? Bf course there are
” " ' ' other .reasons to go to the Bungalow be51des
Don’t worry if you can’t make heads or tails out %t§Efnlggt t2 Patsy. Cline, But for fanYh°{ ”5.:
if these awards. You had to have been there!! ,1 e 1 0 magic 15 gone. E can on y oge I
is not fierlanent, and we will be keeping a wa chful
eye on iss Barland’s numbers.

 h —— I *
EDITORIAls Tuesday, September 10, l985 —_The Alds Latter
——————-———-—— ‘_AIDS is imminently potsed to spread
—'- '—_-—— —through the mainstream of US. society.
7 ’ ‘ —
§an Jrannsro Chronicle
Where Is Research? IS LACKING
ON THE SAME DAY the World Health
Organization declared that AIDS is an interna- HERE IS A SCI-UT; ON
tional health crisis, it was reported that the "
world's leading pharmaceutical companies are
showing little interest in playing an active role The Harris Poll shows that 73% of adults believe
“Lime battletelilgainst thedscmgrlge. That are???" AIDS is a "very serious" U.S. problem but the US.
a e. Since eir conSl era e researc s l s - -
could play a major role in this health war. AIDS budget is less than that of the US Antarctic
. program! You can help. Xerox 4 copies (or more)
AIDISt 21°52? :fiflmtititaivgiidafdzl:gnilglnbilvgif- of this letter and send it to 4 friends by tomorrow
the problem. should have created a major po— AT THE LATEST‘ Then d'p' 5'9” and mail. the letter
tential market and, with it, ample financial at the bottom of this page to the Prestdent.
33:31:58:ng :f‘feskgggfi 8:33:23; 3:22:33: If everyone follows through, within 6 weeks after
vaccine to prevent the spread of AIDS and a you send your letters, the Wh'te .House .W'”
drug to treat AIDS patients. receive 1,048,576 letters demanding action; all
The first company that comes up with a this will be'generated by your 4Vlettersl—(The
vaccine or with a non-toxic. orally-taken drug calculations allow you 1 day t9 act plus 3 days for
that kills the AIDS virus will have a world mell dellvery-l If you do nothing. the“ nothjng
market of gigantic proportions. _ Will happen. And people Will continue to die... ..
THAT THIS pharmaceutical puzzle has so How many chances do you have in7youlr life to do
far attracted only scattered attention from the something that has a huge Impact. This, '5 your
major drug companies may be a sign that they chance. Seize it. DO IT NOW. Hurry. You ve got
have not yet recognized the dimensions of the only one day to act if we are to receive your help
prOblem 0l' the busmess POlentlal- in producing the highest volume of mail ever
To stimulate the big pharmaceutical com- * I'ECEiVEd by the White HOUSE 0" any topic.
panies. the federal government ought to an- -
nounce its interest in bu in enou vaccinelto ‘ W
innoculate the 3 million members 0 the mill- . Sendastamped self‘addressed envelope to:
tary. With that carrot research would quickly GRASS noors Acamsr AIDS
0 into hi h ear. 28d Richland AvenuE, San Francisco, CA. 94110-5842
s _ E 8 . E‘—
C San Francisco Chronicle. 1985.
Reprinted by perm-won. ' ' Thii letter meels all U S. postal reguhhonx
_ ) FIRST, Xerox 4 copies. THEN, sign. cut on (he dotted line and mail.
President Ronald Reagan
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear President Reagan:
AIDS is imminently poised to spread through the mainstream of US society. Please issue, as
Commander in Chief, a purchase order to be paid to the first company that develops a vaccine against
AIDS for the innoculation of three million members of the military. This financial incentive and
a possible world market will stimulate private enterprise to seek a vaccine for AIDS. Then this
vaccine could be made available to all people.
" , rr-h—Mzm

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wwfi’ fig. ‘ . §,...§"’z~;w”m¢’€
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~ .._...“ch a ,.,-....;.v.,,-.-.‘:A,x.,.... ... a”. J‘g’f' .. . .«n . .\. mm A A5.
. «.‘feflyré'sxw‘y‘figfluwmw Maw 1. . : z»: smwz»
' . an? ={:-’»~.:£.~,-:.air-$.73 2f )et'.=‘-(‘-.v.~v: ":':‘-‘r.\.».\:-.":'~ *“z'zrmfzt. fists; $132.. ;~..:-..~¢:;:,§$¢;~>.~ '- . . .. w‘ 32%? th‘ -
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:‘-;€'.'j'=- your“: . '- k' 4“. ..z-«z: 3 .u.‘.§:.s.;:.=:->=%.»' ~9$~‘ > .:::.=-‘
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Create YOUI‘ OWII U q I
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 . '.l L'
em momma memo: Alllllll||ll|lllllllllllllIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllL':

On November 4th our program will focus or: = 3r .. =
lesbian and ray people on television. We will = flit" =
watch an episode of "Bbothers"band then discuss how = 07’ =
lesbian and gay eop.e have een, are, and should : . . _‘_—‘“fi =
be portrayed on television. Refreshments will be = ‘ !IV CREATIVE. VIDEO =
grovided. The business meeting will begin at = \w R E

:OOpm. The program will follow at 8:45. 5 War/dings - Living Iil’il/s - =
e ... ”27::1113.‘53:1?' 5

Dear AubtAhary: Dhilambllin loyal Abbi2 he Swear: E E
be is too. .nd 1 rea y e ieve e is eing TUNES =C1thlcen OlvOs ”66-9698:
with me! That’s the good news. The bad news is ‘ ‘
that after nearly 6 year of seeing each other a filllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllITF
couple of times each week, he still is not ready
for anything more serious. I am. I love him so , G.S.O.
much it hurts (but sometimesnit hurts so goodl). W38 Receipts an Wm
What advice can you offer me:-

Betting dlder Every Minute July 1 To Septerber 30, 1985

Dear Dlder: It i? obviofis frbm the boob of your
letter that you are -oo out in ove wi h -his man . _
to take my excellent advice, which is to find BEOElPtS- ' ,
someone who is seeking the same things you desire Advertlsng $ 395.07
in a relationship. But even though I am certain Aerobics 8mm
you will not follow this'jsensible advice, l’ll . 485 (D
attempt to come up with some you may be able to use Bil—1W °
to reduce what must be a rather tense situation for Donatlcns 58.“)
you. tblberfillm' '

First of all, we are all getting older every . 325:: (I)
minute, so just get over it! Don t put gressure on 8m” Amtlm '50
yourielf [and your lover becauise youThhibk nowfis Volleyball ' 1QZ,CD
the ime tor a serious rela_ionsiip. .e ime or Reoe‘

a serious relationship is when both of you are T0121 1pts $1’709°57

ready for it and not one moment before. Second, if

you are constantly worried about the future (or Experflim:

your fear of a lack thereof), it is very difficult Aerobics $ 45 (X)

LU enjoy the present. You are in love! Lighten up . '

and enjov it, think how man" peoble would ike to Ell-1m Ell)

be Eble bo say they are in love .ub can’t. l W 578.145

inal y pursue your own in_erests and .Ieep - - -

busy, even’when he is ready for the more serious W mule 614.65

relationship you are looking for it is inbortant to wetter 762-“)

bfiintaén your own{identity outside tbe re ationship ane 263,41
roug. ‘our own riends and interes-s.

w VOWWM sea

’ 3

EE If tbing: sbéllfbave not changed in anotherlb
cont 5 re er 0 e irst paragra o my rep y - -
and git/e it very serious consideration. EXO$S Of WW over Receipts (393’29)

If ou would like to write to Aunt Hary send Cary Balame Jum 1 9% 02
ybgglletfer to: Aunt hary, Z6806 gost bffice Box ’ 3), 985

exington Kentucky 4 57.. Al names are
kept ’strictly confidential. If you wish a personal CashBaleme, 3991331139? 3): 1985 $ 560-73
repl", please include a stamped, self addressed 2
. Large house available to share within walkin
ldistance to UK campus, monthly rental, cal? AS OfSep‘t'arber fl, 1985, the balameof ttE
fiEithleen, at 266‘9698- (hicgo Resume Center grant is $990.70.
FMu~__¥a,ihficwiw .ccii

 _ \2 , ~. - (I , /.,/’5‘,V¢x:$ Lffl/{flC/f/ ;W7m» / W, _
v . ~ fiefirwirgflé‘flfa emfvy. W :
\ .,. ,. ' , W/ Xs‘rwlw-b . ~ “waif/find? sf?» é/KWWT/flfi
\ .- \e . .' :4 at ’ : Ad ’ “\x " r‘ / I trot/es“? ”1’ Je/‘A:%@«cgz\a?1 / ,/
71/1. "» 'L I<fi/sr‘v,"/4'5X ‘fL/ t:?),.f,:L'§"L.LL\Lh: \ I‘lf'XL‘ . L 3/. L’I’L' L “57/7! /, L L/I’LLl/I LLL ILLLL’L": /' «A: 4‘ L7 ‘
‘ ”Li/«‘5 "Afgv‘i, “wt;- “wtgjtgffimeXX fl, 3 /%//%%,//\H§QM”
' ~ , w t e! "- ‘ -t \l‘ / / ,,//- :;,-X\\ ' s gas,
“a , \ dieaiegw-ipz—s e, m2/ /\X\ ' r «i, ,. ,
C "’L‘ L L: L L L/X LAM /a"§"s ‘*X%\\‘"i;¢>w 9X\\\ti/ '~’f‘\'ti XXX X/i? ”’7’ L" XV?“ -’
, , Es \. _ WNW ll *le “XXXXXXHTTTHTTHTTTTT lllhhll nTTUTTXTT Illllllhll'lluanXXX ; ‘Tllt-zfii‘fX t4“, 2' jg?“
:\ L L \‘ L *LL—“LLI 5717:...“11 h‘, 'L L, ,. ‘ L L L LLLLLL ‘ ~LL L. L _ LL ~ "at? L L‘ . 'L \ ‘ 4 ,' L I’t’L /L’L
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—' ’L/ ‘ NXX iXLXe X» «a " , ——=—~m— —- ,. 7— til/z?"
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/ // ny/M/ '~ Ito : : - 3 , -*v~f,z.:r.ah
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7/ " ,- ’ .. L " 7 / //' .iI 39.1thin T 23 NGE - ‘1»j;i§-:.;‘;,
' I/y/WL // \g‘iimd, : 4 EASTSHORT DANCIN ‘ :5;“, i
// flyia/ /’2/// //////”/X*€ti:¥t§“‘=-u» hm . . 6 FROM IOZ3O \.; {1157/91
L “L L’L’LL ’/ ' //%/ L ’ ’7 IL IL lL//\‘ “ma (5“ L L L L L Lz‘h- '- "" "‘ “ ' -~i . <9 of 9-. vy . .‘ . w . :' rL'I L- L'L..L {LLfl Ln ‘ ”L“- /L
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‘3an ,4 _ //// ,1 W 5;, / i,» . . ““WWMwarm/mmm . .. .-. . “ “" ‘1’
XXX flan/W v ‘ ”Kg?“ 5 TUESDAY g; ,v m . ‘s a, / ~r-;@1
L's. I --,<'~.-"""' .I’L” L . ’."L,.z5’L’L’L7L HOURAL r’ V’ - 5 SAT. 1 Win"iLlL"L'L}".ilL7;'>:‘W'
‘ .- : \.-’ X‘ M/ LN‘GHT gt”. 1 v , .I. I!" I" r //
* L " . («XXX WEP. CHAMPAGNE seecmc 52 IL ARE, AFWAYS HOT 1 AIL-7315:: Leaf/{2 -
” § -ELLES THIRSTY THURSDAYS 2 -.BELLES?2%? COVER ., .“ a. e"?- ~,= . ‘-"- ’
§x\\“\%\\\\\\§\\\\\EL-L DRLNKS ONLY '75“ é LL” mtg-”DES YOUR L : 3:2) f; L
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At the Unitarian district conference the weekend The immune system stockpiles a tremendous o
of October 4th, Interweave presented a workshop, arsenal of immunocompetent cells. By storing just c
lSupporting Lesbian and Bay people and Concerns in a few cells specific for each potential invader, it '
Your Local Society." has room for the entire array. Hhen an antigen ,
The workshop was a success. Interweave members a pears these few specifically matched cells are a
from Fort Wayne and flinginnati bresented personal stimulated to multiply into a full scale army. “
reflection of their lives and he quality of life Later, to prevent this army from overexpanding h
for lesbian and gay people in the church and the wildly, like a cancer, powerful suppressor m
rest bf society. Interweave/Lexington presented a mechanisms come into pla
Leader 5 Theatre, "He Are your Ehildren." The Lymphocytes are the white cells that bear the n
mov1bg Reader's. Theatre examines the loves of 1ay major responsibility for carrying out the U
people and their families. Discussion of the activities of the immune system: the immune system By
PFEEEntation followed. . contains about one trillion of them. The two major h
IWattractive lnterweave‘ T:sh1rts were sold and classes of lymphocytes are the T cells (which are m
liberature was made available to all conference processed in the thymus) and the B cells (which n
dezegates. ' , . grow to maturity independent of the thymus.) Both 8 m
l e Reader's Theatre will be presented twice cells and T cells include a number of different ce
”O’e' - ’ _ subsets, all with different functions. h
_ fln Thursday November Elst at 8:00 Interweave B cells secrete soluble substances called
will bresent the Reader’s Theatre to Dignity, BSD, antibodies. A given antibody exactly matches a A5
and a1 other interested people. A Sunday worship , specific invading antigen, much like a key matches ol
service Ilbec. 8th, ibitfihhl. both the a lock. Sometimes, when an antibody interlocks be
IUPFTWEEVEiDIQHItY meetings and the Sunday service with its matching antigen, it can inactivate the st
Will be held at the cnurch._ antigen. The boay is capable of making antibody to
4 The Thursday program will be a desert otluck, millions of atigens. h
with all attendees as'ed, but not required to bring Every 8 cell is programmed to make only one as
a desert. All are inVited. specific antibody. When the B cell encounters its 5L
“H’For more information call the church at tri‘gering antigen, it gives rise to many cells p}
Lgé’l448. called blasma cells. Every plasma cell is [a
essential y a factory for producing antibod . Each at
of the blasma cells descended from a given g cell -
all men ers of the same family, or "cloneI - ac
» manufactures millions of identical antibody 3r
molecules. and secretes them into the bloodstream. an
Scientists have identified five classes of bl
antibodies, which are also known as immunoglobulins ar
/ lgG, lgh, lgh, l E and lgD. Each plays a
dif erent role in the immune defense stra_egy. in
136, the major immunoglobulin in the blood, is a so an
a le to enter tissue spaces, it works efficiently th
, ' to coat microorganisms, speeding their uptake by
'9“4 other cells in the immune system. Igh. whic. an
ususally combines in star-shaped clusters, tends to Ca
remain in the bloodstream, where it is very to
effective in killin bacteria. TgA concentrates in no
body fluids - like tears and saliva, as well as the re
secretions of the res iratory and gastrointestinal
tracts - guardini the entrances to the body. lgE ar
attaches i self to the surface of spec1alized de
immune cells such as mast cells and basophils and, wi
when it encounters its matching antigen, stimulates m,
the specialized cell to pour out its contents. lgD in
I G I D is almost exclusively inserted into cell membranes, sy
fine 9 ' where it somehow regulates the activation of the b
9E cell. a
Antibodies cannot penetrate living cells, so gr
they are ineffective against microorganisms inside
cel 5. However, the Circulate freely in the body a
ng fluids. Some antibodies disable the toxins bl
. probuced byf bgctbria. OthersEh by cbabigb tbe co
sur aces 0 ac eria make em a a a e o
I”""””°9kw”"n SUUC"”9 scavenger cells, cells hble to ennulf pand destroy :2
foreign material. Yet others glock viruses from se
entering into cells.

 Tcells do not secrete antibodies but their 1‘5 aetlvated In turn, It acts Upon the next In a
hel is essential for antibody production. Some T P’95159 sequence 0‘ carefully F99U13t9d ft'PSW
celgs become 'helper' cells that turn B cells or Thls _ PhEhD'E”°”i k”°"” 35_ the CD'T1"'ht
other T cells on while others become 'suppressorl cascade, 15 responsable for Ea“51hg mast ce 1‘ t°
[9115 that turn these [9115 of,“ release the chemicals that produce he redness, and
T cells also secrete lym hokines, diverse and 5‘9111“9 Of the inflammatory response. It C'h '1‘“
potent chemicals that can cahl into play many other br‘”9 a dramatically. rapid death to ha‘t“’1‘ and
cells and substances, including the elements of the other T9115 hY puncturing hE1T €911 membranes.
inflammatory response. One class of lyophokines is
interzeroni g3 _ all?! too, are capable of _Jxv
secre ing ya 0 ines. 3:43;;
All lymphocytes carry, on their surfaces, T§fififif S‘em CH‘
receptors hat recognize one specific antigen. In ”*h‘
the case of the B cell. this receptor is a sample I! 3‘
of the antibody that garticular B cell is prepared Recemor- ‘Recepim
to manufacture. ome T cells use their “,., .afjg;
antibody-like surface receptor to interlock with .§?j{ig xyjfgjg B Lwnphocwe
(and destroy) cells the carry the corresponding T Lymphocwe :fififigfiy Eyefifiw
antigen, such as microbes and transplanted tissue 'iin5” '””
cells, as well as body cells t at have become f
infected by viruses. _ . h '” -Annqen
Natural killer cells are granular lymphocytes. Anhgen‘ .gvzu 3gfifgh
As their name suggests, tey attack and destroy (flesemfidbg; :_::',I".‘;.'._:;.:
other cells. They are called "natural” killers acmp ag 3;f;g:: '5:§%F
because they go into action without prior “-1“
stimulation by a specific antigen. h ‘
Host normal cells are resistant to natural .
killer cell activit . Host tumor cells , as hell '_ ,g}}fi:i 53g: 1, Pl C n
as normal cells infected with a Virus, however, are Senshfled gaggggg flee? 3) asma e
susceptible. Thus, the natural killer cell may T Ltnphocwe -A;ggs' ”- '
play.a key role in 'immune surveillance' against *
cancer,I Runting down any cell that developes + VYL‘M
abnorma c.anges. . ,ggggsafi‘ Anmbody
Hacrophages and monocytes are large cells that Lymphomnes iTEEfiesei 7"4'f'h
act as scavengers, or phagocytes: .hey can engulf
and digest marauding microorganisms and 0 her
antigenic particles. Honocytes circulate in the ' .
bloo , while macropha es, in a variety of guises, Theinwnuneresponseicefldnedwteddbfi)
are seeded through boay tissues.
Macrophages also play a crucial role in and/“”"O’a/hhgh”
initiating the immune, response by “fireseting‘
a e ' ec " . -
tag]? gillt?” Iechéhiielghgm?p 131 "Y t at alljfis hghghiggnénrizgghethgsgggiecommon cause of human
In addition, macrophages and monocytes secrete diceaseI. Produced by bacteria viruses parasites‘
an amazing _array‘of powerful chemica substances. and fungi, infections may rah e froh’ relatively
Eglleghzonofigefiékgggse SEEEESQEES Larel‘go:g:rggle mild resgiratory illnesses, such as the common cold
monokines heippto‘dirgct and. regulgie ins ihmuhe to dabl itating conditions like hepatitis, to
res onse- ' ' 1‘*‘i'thieaiehigth‘55359233?“ ‘idfiflmthé‘saa- has
Eranulocytes, like macrophages and monocytes, deviged insegies of deighses 23 intriéate theyymake
are phagocy es and thus capab e of enveloping and war ames look like child’s la _ ' Hicroboes
destroying invaders. They contain granules illed attempiing to enter the bud mush Zirst find a
With PM?”t chemicals that enable them to digest chink in the body 5 externai protection - the skin
microorganisms. These chemicals 315° ChhtribUte to and the mucous membranes coated with antibodies.
inflimmatory reactions and are responSible for _the Then they must elude a 59,,95 of nonspec1fic
symp-oms 0* allergy. NEUtFOPhl 5! 5°51”°ph115' defenses - that is, those equ1pped to at ack .3
basophils, and mas cells are exaeples 0* variety of antigens, without regard for the1r
dragoggygizfit specific namebadge epitopes. t Hang oft tgese
The com lement system is made up of a series of gighghszr cziié. be intercep Ed y pa ro 1ng
approximatefy 20 pro eins that circulate in the Microbes that escape these traps face the bud ’5
b ood in an inactive form. Hhen the first of the specific responses. These may be celluiar
E°'919'9"t 5”h5t3“595 is triggered ' usually by an responses - directed by cells, primarily T cells
a”tlhOdY iDCkEh t” an antigen 1h an antibody IOCde and their secretions - or humoral responses -
to an entlaee 1“ an antigen-antibody comfiles ' 1t produced by antibodies that have been secre ed by B
sets in motion a ripple effect. As eac component [9115 into the body’s fluids, or 'humors.‘

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