xt7kkw57fm5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57fm5s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-04-24 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 24, 1987, no. 502 text The Green Bean, April 24, 1987, no. 502 1987 1987-04-24 2014 true xt7kkw57fm5s section xt7kkw57fm5s No. 502 April 24, 1987
April 24 Galler Series: A John Jacob Niles Song
CeIeBratIon. Jackie Roberts, soprano. Nancle
Field, piano.
April 26 John James Audubon, 1785-1851. American
naturalist and artist. _
April 26 Frederick Law Olmsted, 1822-1903. American ’
landscape architect, participated in the design of
Central Park (New York) and Yosemite National
May 1 Dr. Michael Nietzel and Dr. R.A. Baker, UK Dept.
of Psychology-—"The American Private Eye:
‘ Fictional Modern Kn1ghts." Lecture.
May 6 a____ ' Fire alarm test, King Libraries North and South.
May 6 A First adhesive postage stamp issued in 1840.
May 6 LS\2000 Library Staff Open Forum. 2:00pm In the
May 7 Robert Browning, 1812-1889. British poet.
May 7 Archibald MacLe1sh, 1892-1982. American poet and
_ Librarian of Congress (1939-1944).
May 8 Harry S. Truman, 1884-1972. 33rd U.S. President.
qNext Green Bean: Friday, May 8, 1987 ·
Deadline for Inclusion, Friday, May 1, 1987. `
Production Staff: Kerry Kresse, editor/typist. Scott Lutz,
assistant edItor7typ1st. Cecil Madison, printer.
Ina Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

 . FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK —-Tuesday, May 5, 2:0Opm
——Friday, May 8, 2:00pm
Spring at last! The —-Tuesday, May 12, 10:30am
semester is drawing to an end, —-—Wednesday, May 13, 10:30am
and summer is on the horizon.
Don‘t forget about the 6th Please call Interlibrary
Library Staff Open Forum on Loans at 257-3353 before May 3
LSZOOO. This session features to register for the session you
a brief LSZOCOO update by Tari would like to attend.
Keller, and Rob Aken and Teresa A
Burgett will discuss selected
authority files and how they ABOVE AND BEYOND.;
relate to each other. The /CR
and /CN fields will be the Bill James, Law Library,
special files to be discussed. received the following letter
It will be held on wednesday, dated April 2, 1987.
May 6 at 2:00pm in the Gallery. B
Toni Powell has enclosed Dear Sir: ‘
the revised faculty document in I just wanted to drop you
this issue of the QB; Don‘t a quick line in reference to
forget to glance over it, as it the outstanding service and
will be the topic of discussion assistance I received at your
in an upcoming faculty meeting. Law Library on March 30, 1987.
>>A reminder that the On that date, you may recall
Gallery will be unavailable for the last winter blizzard we
` approximately 6 weeks beginning received this year, I arrived
May 11 because of construction. in the late afternoon and
l The Staff ‘Lounge will be evening to do some extensive
, available for meetings, and research on an issue as yet
‘ should be scheduled with Jean unresolved in Kentucky. .
Robinson at 257-1060. Naturally, this required '
research in other states and
nationally as well. In the
STAFF DEVELOPMENT NEWS process, I became aware that
there was only one copier
In May , the Staff working, the change machine was
Development Committee will broken, and there was a sign
sponsor a program entitled "An that no change was available at
Introduction to Interlibrary the desk.
Loans." The program will Fortenatel  for me
include a short discussion of however, there was one Darrell
lnterlibrary loan trends and Lewis working at   desk. He
policies, an overview of. helped me   arrange to get
borrowing and lending change, get the copies made and
procedures, and a demonstration get me out to town at a
of the OCLC Interlibrary Loan reasonable hou;. I know from
Subsystem and Micro Enhancer. personal e:rper·;§.ence and having
In order to allow everyone to been in privaee practice that
clearly and easily observe the sometime it‘s difficult to be
demonstrations, the same self-—motivate FLORIDA Salary: $20,000 minimum.
Deadline: May 15, 1987.