xt7kkw57fm0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57fm0v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1973-09-07 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, September 7, 1973, no. 16 text Bulletin, September 7, 1973, no. 16 1973 1973-09-07 2014 true xt7kkw57fm0v section xt7kkw57fm0v cept! 3
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PRESIDENT’S Room: Friday, the 7th, is the » -
day'formtheVmeeting of the classified and Se9f€mheLgLL_L213 NO- i6
unclassified staff members in the President’s ___ _»_~___m__
Room of the Student Center. The time for that
meeting is ll;30 to approximately 2:00.
PONDEROUS PROFESSION: Andrew Tobias in reviewing a book called
Th5“CompEtsr°§Efvi?al Handbooknalludes to our profession in this fashion: A
TThE?fEoET“"what"s nEEE: deals with business management and computers,
which can be two of the four most ponderous subjects in world literature
(library science and the tax code being the other two)." (Business_@eeh,
No. 2293: ll, August lB, 1973) M
QQBQECT HSADINGS OF THE WEEK: Briguets (Fuel) ~ Early works to 1800;
Trojans; Aiistides, the”dust; Outdoor recreation for women. `
QQLLQQUIUM: The annual Library Science Colloquium Series will open
SeptemhEr“l2 with Dean Larry Allen presenting "Going by Contraries." ‘
This program will be in the Student Center, President's Room, from 7:30
to 9:00 p.m. Other featured speakers later this semester will be Dr. Jesse
Shera and Dr. Fred Hilgour. .
QEEQQNNEL CHANGES: Appointments: Dorothy French, classified, Reference—
InteriLibfary`Loan; Sally Martinez, classified7_GTD; Linda Smutz, classi~
fied, Cataloging; Ann Short, classified, Circulation—Copy Servide; Rita
Tgngate, classified, Cataloging; Sharon Breeding, classified, Circulation.
DIVTQED CATALOG COMMITTEE: The committee to work out the details for .
di?iding tnempublio catalog has been named. Dorothy Green, Cataloging.
will serve as chairman. She and the other members, Mildred Legg, Cata—
loging, Emilie Smith, Cataloging, John Richardson, GPD, Sandy Gilchrist,
Reference, and Deanna Hudson, Acquisitions,_will_be meeting soon tomplan
(and coordinate this project. Any suggestions or ideas should be presented
to a member of the committee.
FULL STAFE: Tom Marcnm reports that for the first time since he assumed
· responsibility for personnel early in July. we have a full staff as of
September 6. This statement of course, refers to classified positions.
INTERMS: Since classes began we have four interns (graduate assistants)
iH—the library system once again. Two are rejoining us, Marie Morgan
in Cataloging and Becky Barrier in Law, and two are new, Bob Larson and
Nannette Wright, both in Acquisitions. “—`""`
98 days to the BIG MOVE ·