xt7kkw57dx57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kkw57dx57/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1921 yearbooks ukyrbk1921 English Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian 1921 text The Kentuckian 1921 1921 1921 2012 true xt7kkw57dx57 section xt7kkw57dx57  
 University Archives Margaret L King Library - North
University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky    40
Volume XXII
THE YEAR BOOK OF THE University of Kentucky
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We, the Class of '21, dedicate this annual to the manhood and womanhood of Kentucky, as they stand for the first time in the history of our commonwealth as equal in the eyes of the law.
Woman has, after many years of regression and denial of that which was rightfully hers, been given her birthright, and is recognized legally as a citizen of her country. Since the days of Daniel Boone and Simon Kenton, the women have stood equally with men of Kentucky, as the bravest and noblest in America. No Pilgrim father could surpass the Kentuckian in daring bravery and in courageous determination. The hardships which our forbears overcame, were a fire test to strong, true men and women.
As they, our ancestors, both men and women fought the Indian shoulder to shoulder and laid foundations of our homes today, so they nova stand together in time of -freace. Kentucky, with reimbursed strength by the recognition of the ivoman fower within her borders as an able sufifiort to her government, looks forward to being a greater and more potent influence in the country s and the world s affairs; and we, the Class of 21, consecrate our lives to do our utmost as true Kentuckians to bring about the realization of this ideal. 

All hail, ye fieofile, one and all! for this day we, the Class of '21, have set aftart for the grand ftageant of our Alma Mater, U. of K-, wherein will be depicted those organizations and movements that have contributed to the success and achievement of Kentucky.
Behold, as the characters of this pageant, the saints of these organizations, foass before your eyes, you shall hear from their own Irfes their reason for existence, what their goal is and what they have done for the honor and glory of U. K..
For all herein portrayed are necessary units of our college life, each in its own way striving to carry out the fiurftose of the university in training its students for a higher and nobler life.
It is that ye may know of our activities, our hofies, our aims that we hold this celebration today.
-      .....:......                                                                                                     .-,.,-.     -.-......,.....:..,     .-,-.:.:,
Time:   1921
Place:    Campus of the University of Kentucky
Spirit	of	the University
Spirit	of	Classes
Spirit	of	Athletics
Spirit	of	Fraternities
Spirit	of	Military Science
Spirit	of	Publications
Spirit	of	Drama
Spirit	of	Music
Spirit	of	Locality  Clubs
Spirit	of	Departmental Clubs
Spirit	of	Christian Associations
Spirit	of	Fun
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/, the Spirit of the University of Kentucky, am the "dear mother of. thirteen hundred loyal Kentucky men and women who have come to me that I may tram them to give to the world the highest and the best of which they are capable. My aim is to develop them into the future leaders of our destinies; men and women who will stand out as noble in thought, in word, in act in the eyes of their fellowmen; as citizens of the fairest land, whose liberty and freedom they enjoy and vener' ate, and to whose eternal existence they have pledged all.
If, in the end, when they have bade farewell to my realm, they can thus go out into the world to take their filace among those whose lives are dedicated to the service of mankind, my mission will have been fulfilled. To bring to their hearts and minds the realization that this alone will bring them true haziness, is the justification for my existence.

  1      1	I		
	WAV*	E	
11 University Council
Frank LeRond McVey President of the University
Frederick Paul Anderson Dean of the College of Engineering
Paul Prentice Boyd Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Thomas Poe Cooper Dean of the College of Agriculture
William Thornton Lafferty Dean of the College of Law
Edwin S. Good Head of the Department of Animal Husbandry
Glanville Terrell
Head of the Department of Philosophy
Franklin E. Tuttle
Head of the Department of Chemistry
Josephine Simrall Dean of Women
C. R. Melcher Dean of Men
Ezra Gillis Registrar

13 College of Arts and Sciences
HE College of Arts and Sciences as now organized comprises twenty-three departments and eighty-six teachers. Its enrollment for the first semester of the present year was five hundred forty-eight. Its Freshman Class numbers two hundred four, and its graduating class, sixty. Its activities are manifold, and its contributions to the University work and play are made along many lines.
It is the central college of the University, supplying much of the instruction, such as English, mathematics, physical and biological sciences, economics, art, hygiene, foreign languages, military science,  and physical education to the students of the other colleges.
It conducts a number of professional courses of its own. Leading to special degrees are the well and favorably known four years' courses in industrial chemistry and journalism. The pre-medical courses have enabled Kentucky students to make first-class records in the best medical schools of the country. The Department of Art conducts a four years' course that is receiving enthusiastic response from an ever increasing number of students. The courses fitting men and women for commerce, business administration and social work are growing rapidly in favor. The Department of Education with its model training high school, is preparing teachers of the best kind. Graduates of the four years' course in geology are finding immediate lucrative employment and rapid advancement in the oil and coal fields. The R. O. T. C. course is attracting many men who wish to prepare for reserve officers of the army; its work is expanding so that students obtain much more than the old two years of drill. The Hygiene and Physical Education Departments are fitting men and women for the new program of health instruction in the public schools. The courses in music are supplying teachers and supervisors in music; while opportunity is now given for practice in piano, violin and voice.
The college fosters many so-called student activities. Students find helpful guidance and encouragement m their journalistic activities. The glee clubs, the orchestra, the band, and the chorus are promoted. Oratory, debate, and dramatics are fostered with an idea of the educational contributions possible in them. The Campus Playhouse activities are bringing an element of information, recreation and culture that is usually absent in the grind of college life. Intramural sports for both men and women are bringing healthful recreation to a large proportion of the students. The departmental societies supply enjoyable elements. Altogether, student life is made rich and varied and broadening, while at the same time worth while because of sincere hard work.
The college still maintains its ideal of an education that may not be in the popular sense "practical." Pure science and the humanities will never lose their devotees who study for the pure love of it, nor will they ever lose their culture-giving powers, nor will they ever cease to contribute to the enlarging of the boundaries of knowledge upon which depends industrial progress.
 DR. PAUL PRENTICE BOYD Dean,   College  of Arts  and  Sciences 
College of Arts and Sciences
Heads of Departments and Professors
P. P. BOYD, M.A., Ph.D., Dean Head of the Department of Mathematics and Astronomy
L. L. Dantzler, M.A.
Head  of the Department  of English Language  and Literature
W. D. Funkhouser, M.A., Ph.D.
Head  of  the  Deparlment  of Zoology
Enoch Grehan, A.B.
Head of the Deparlment of Journalism
A. M. Miller, M.A.
Head of  the  Deparlment  of  Ceology
J. T. C. Noe, A.M., Litt.D.
Head  of the  Department  of Education
J. W. Pryor, M.D.
Head  of  the  Department  of Anatomy  and Physiology
C. A. Shull, Ph.D.
Head of the Department of Botany
Glanville Terrell, M.A., Ph.D.
Head of the Deparlment of Philosophy
J. J. TlGERT,   (Oxon), M.A., Ph.D.
Head of the Department of Psychology
Edward Tuthill, Ph.D.
Head of the Deparlment of History and Political Science
E. E. Tuttle, M.A., Ph.D.
Head of the Department of  Chemistry
W. S. Webb, M.S.
Head of the Department of Physics
Carl Lampert
Head  of the  Deparlment  of Music
Edward Wiest, M.A., Ph.D.
Head of the Department of Economics and Sociology
A. C. Zembrod, M.A.
Head of the Department of Romance Language and Literature
Harry Best, LL.B., Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
J. M. Davis, M.A.
Professor of Mathematics
E. F. Farquhar, M.A.
Professor of Literature
R. N. Maxson, Ph.D.
Professor  of Inorganic   Chemistry
M. L. Pence, M.S.
Professor of Physics
'V-c                                  .::...-..     .--   ......-..................;,......::-..:.  ::- ,.- MISS JOSEPHINE SIMRALL
 College of Law
HE College of Law was organized in 1908 and has steadily increased in growth and influence until it has become one of the strong schools of the country. It is doing high-grade work, which is recognized and given credit in our leading law schools. Forty-nine of these schools in the United States constitute the Association of American Law Schools, which association has for its purpose the maintenance of high grade courses of instruction and thorough training of students for the profession of law. This College of Law is a member of that association and keeps pace with all advancements recommended by it.
For admission to this college the student must have completed a four-year high school course and one year of college work other than law. An additional year of college work will be required in the near future.
The aim and purpose of this law school is to maintain a position that will be most helpful to the legal profession in this state and to render all possible service in the proper administration of our laws. Wholesome advice or suggestions from the lawyers of the state in furtherance of this end are always welcomed. The excellent law library which has been accumulated and is indispensable in the law school work is also opened for the lawyers of the state who wish to use it. It contains eleven thousand volumes of well selected law books, and important additions are constantly being made.
The law faculty is composed of five instructors, each of whom devotes his whole time to the teaching of law, and four others who deliver courses of lectures on special phases of law and procedure. From time to time lectures are delivered by non-resident members of the bar.
The course' of instruction in law covers a period of three years and is designed to thoroughly train the student for the practice of law. In addition to a high standard course in substantive law, courses in procedural law are also emphasized in the office and court practice work, where the student is taught by actual contact the work that he will be required to do in the practice of law. This training is given in a thoroughly organized practice court, officered by the students and presided over by an instructor who has had many years in active practice. Further training is given the students in the Henry Clay Law Society where they are required to do careful research work, debate legal problems, and are instructed in parliamentary law and in the passage of laws in legislative assemblies.
The law degree of LL.B. is granted upon the completion of the prescribed work, and for an additional year's work the degree of LL.M. is granted. Provisions are made by the University whereby any student may complete the work in Arts and Science and' in Law in six years and be granted both the degree of A. B. and LL.B.
Bi-monthly the Kentucky Law Journal is issued and mailed to the members of the bar. In this way a close relationship is maintained between the members of the bar and the school. This publication has been made the omcial organ of the Kentucky State Bar Association.
 .-    .--.. ... .., -...-: ..     ..... JUDGE WILLIAM THORNTON LAFFERTY Dean College of Law College of Law
Frank LeRond McVey, Ph.D., LL.D. President of the University
William Thornton Lafferty, A.B., A.M. Dean and Professor of Law
Lyman Chalkley, B.L. Professor of Larv
George W. Goble, A.B., LL.B. Professor of Laiv
William Schacklette Hamilton, A.B., LL.B., (Oxon) Professor of Laiv
W. Lewis Roberts, A.B., A.M., J.D.
Professor of Laiv
The College of Engineering
HE College of Engineering has but one reason for existence and this reason is the ideal toward which the college turns its every aim and effort.     That ideal, and it is a worthy one, is to tram Kentucky boys so that they may most  effectively  adapt  their  own  efforts  and  talents  and  achievements  of science to the use of mankind.
That it is successful in its efforts is evidenced by the phenomenal growth of the college, by the outstanding success of its graduates and by the loyalty and gratitude which these men feel toward the institution which has given them their training.
"Kentucky Engineers" are known throughout the profession and are in great demand in every engineering enterprise demanding men of technical knowledge and personal ability. Too much credit cannot be given to Dean Anderson, "Little Paul," as he is affectionately known. He was here at the beginning when the corps of instructors could be numbered on the fingers of one hand and the students in engineering on those of the other. And he is here now when the college is known as one of the best in the country. He it is who puts the true spirit of the engineer into his "boys," he it is who fills their hearts with a worthy ambition and he it is whom they respect and honor as the man who has introduced them into a career of which they may be proud, a career of service.
22 FREDERICK PAUL ANDERSON Dean,  College  of Engineering . :.Vi. .-.-.-. -:     

College of Engineering
Frederick Paul Anderson, M.E., Dean
Director of Experimental Engineering Laboratories
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Louis Ecward Nollau, M.E. Head of the Department of Drawing
Charles Joseph Norwood, M.S. Head of the Department of Mines and Metallurgy
Daniel Voiers Terrell, C.E. Head of the Department of Civil Engineering
Charles Herbert Anderson Professor of Engineering Design
Thomas James Barr, B.M.E.
Professor of Mining Engineering
James Richard Johnson, B.M.E. Professor of Applied Mechanics
L. S. O'Bannon, B.M.E. Professor of Steam Engineering
Charles Stephen Crouse, E.M. Professor of Metallurgy
John Born Dicker
Superintendent of Shops, Head of the Department of Practical Mechanics
Dean, Graduate School
 College  of Agriculture
T is the object of the College of Agriculture of the University of Kentucky to give instruction in the fundamentals of an education that will prepare young men and women to become better citizens, more competent farmers or home makers, leaders in investigations relating to agriculture and the problems of human living, competent memben of business whose industry and development are affected by the farm or life of the home. Instruction is limited to the various applications of the several sciences as they relate to the field of agriculture in its broadest sense or to the realm of the home, both in its private and public relations.
The ability to initiate and to execute investigation, instruction, rural leadership and farm operation is the ideal placed before the students of agriculture. The students of home economics have before them similar ideals except that they relate to the home and the broader human problems that concern it.
Graduates in agriculture are leading farmers, investigators, business representatives, extension workers and teachers. Graduates in home economics are home-makers, extension representatives, teachers, and are found in positions of responsibility in business enterprises and in charge of public institutions.
Any statement of the purpose of the Agricultural College as organized in the University of Kentucky is incomplete without including its threefold purpose and service. Its organization represents three divisions of work closely inter-related, namely, the Teaching D.vi-sion, the Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Extension Division.
The Teaching Division comprises collegiate instruction in agriculture and home economics with a short course in agriculture for students who for one reason or another can not take up a collegiate course.
The Agricultural Experiment Station is organized primarily for research in the field of agriculture, but in addition it is charged by law with certain control or inspection measures to protect certain interests of Kentucky's citizens.
The Extension Division is charged with the dissemination of information in agriculture and home economics to farmers and their families. This work is co-operatively carried on by the College of Agriculture and the United States Department of Agriculture by means of demonstrations, lectures, bulletins, through county agricultural and home demonstration agents and through specialists.
It is the aim of the College of Agriculture to render such service through these three phases of its work that agriculture may represent the best as well as the greatest industry in the state, and that the homes of the state may become the centers of health, efficiency and the highest type of American citizenship.

.-.- - .-: :.......   .  
THOMAS POE COOPER Dean,  College of Agriculture Tne College of Agriculture
W. S. Anderson, M.A. Professor of Genetics
Maybelle Cornell, B.S. Professor of Home Economics
W. W. Dimock, B.Agr., D.V.M. Professor of Veterinary Science
Harrison Garman, D.Sc. Professor of Agricultural Entomology
Edwin S. Good, M.S. Professor of Animal Husbandry
Daniel J. Healy, M.D.C.M. Professor of Agricultural Bacteriology
J. J. Hooper, M.S.A. Professor of Dairying
O. B. Jesness, B.S.A. Professor of Markets
James B. Kelley, B.M.E., B.S. Professor of Agricultural Engineering
Edmund J. Kenney, B.S. Professor of Farm Crops
Clarence W. Mathews, B.S. Professor of Horticulture
William Durrett Nicholls, M.S.A. Professor of Farm Management
Alfred Meredith Peter, M.S., Sc.D. Professor of Soil Technology
George Roberts, B.Ped., M.S. Professor of Agronomy

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The Faculty.
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The Faculty.

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'pint of tl}? Jfosljmatt Gllaas
/, the Spirit of the Freshman Class, am entering on a pilgrimage to a land unknown to me, the Land of Learning. Far off yonder on the horizon can I see the glittering towers of this land toward which I have set my way; hut the road to it is set with many harriers, and I see those who, unahle to overcome them, have fallen hy the way.
Many, however, have succeeded in traveling this way, and with success as yonder towers firove, and I shall not falter until I have entered therein. Urged on hy the knowledge of the rewards awaiting my efforts, I shall continue to the end, this journey I have just hegun.
O, Tree of Knowledge, of thy fruit would I eat!


"iT   ......"

Nearly five centuries ago a band of men left their native shore and went courageously forth to explore the mysteries of a new world. Following their example, in September, 1920, a band of students, who had broken away from the ties of family and fireside, courageously entered the University of Kentucky to explore the mysteries of college life.
They have been beset by the sarcasm of brilliant professors, the taunts of upperclassmen, the threats of Senior Court, and the terrors of Student  Government,   but  like  their  brave   forefathers,   have  struggled
Class History
steadily on, and have gained marked successes in the conflicts which they have encountered.
They met the sophomores and vanquished them. They weathered through several class meetings with no disastrous results; their athletics bid fair to make them famous; and their girls are noted for their wisdom and beauty.
They are undaunted and invincible, and who can say that they may not, as those other intrepid explorers, go down in the annals of time as the faithful seekers of a new world.

Freshman Class Officers
Arthur  Bentley..........................President
Minnie May Robinson.................Vice-President
MarcaRET   Short................Secretary
Immanuel Van Meter.........Treasurer


Spirit of tl}F ^a
The glittering towers of the Land of Learning I can now see clearly outlined against the azure sky. They are no longer dim and far off, and I, the Spirit of the Sophomore Class, am -frroud of the successes I have attained. Struggling behind me I see the hrave Spirit of the Freshman, and just ahead the hopeful Spirit of the Juniors; the one I have already conquered and the other I must attain.
I must move on!     I cannot falter now; for half the way has been conquered, the darkest way and the rest is  lighted by the glittering  towers. My soul rejoiceth!    My heart is filled with the joy of accomplishment.
Ah, Land of Learning, soon will another enter your fair land.

...  .-. .-..-     .-..........! Sophomore
 Sophomore Class
Ryan  Rinco............................President
Louise Connell...................Vice-President
A. B. Cammack.................Secretary
Katherine Conroy...........Treasurer
 Sophomore Class History
*4 September, 1919, the Class of 1923, four hundred strong, made its initial bow to the University of Kentucky, and since that day no one has doubted that '23 is here with the good old spirit that makes our hearts beat faster at the mention of our Alma Mater. As freshmen, '23 had difficulty in keeping a president, but it did not daunt their spirits or deter them from a path of enthusiastic and vigorous activity. Their influence has been felt in every department and organization in the university, and its members are ably represented in all student activities. The popularity contest, football, and basketball would especially have been lacking without them.
They stand firmly behind the university in the great strides forward that she is making, and their perseverance, enthusiasm and "sticktuitiveness" have placed them in the many responsible positions that they hold.
Its men are filled with the blue blood of their ancestors who fought with the spirit of '76 and its girls are endowed with that rare culture and charm which make the women of Kentucky the pride of the land.

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pirit nf ttj? ilantnr
/, the Spirit of the Junior Class, rejoice, for one more short journey and the victory will have heen won; the goal toward which my eyes have so longingly looked through these years will have heen reached.
Even now can I hear the rejoicings in this land; their hafifiy voices raised in laughter and song. I must hasten my footsteps and delay not, for that which I seek is near at hand; only a few more obstacles to surmount, and that which is most worth while in life will be mine.
They reach out welcoming hands and they too rejoice with me that I have conquered thus far. Truly the greatest haziness comes from the knowledge of a worth-while task well done.
44 Junior

 Junior Class Officers
Eegar    Gregg.................President
Elizabeth   Kimbrouch.............Vice-Presidenl
Sara Metcalf Piper..............Secretary
Arthur Shanklin...............Treasurer
J.  Burton Prewitt............    Class Orator
Frances Marsh..........Editor 1922 Kentuck'ian
C.  V.  Watson.....Business  Manager   1922  Kenlucl(ii

46 Junior Class History
F all the classes in this famed institution of higher education we are the leaders. We came here when the S. A. T. C. was going on and we have been here ever since, showing the rest of the school what real school spirit is. Because of our over-abundance of life and members we were deprived of a "Tug of War." That did not down us in the least, for soon after we came out with the most famous yells of all times and all colleges"L, No" and "L Yes." Then in our sophomore year we originated the monotone and sang it on all occasions. Our junior year slipped up on us and off we went like a whirlwind, taking on every other class team and walloping them on the gridiron. The champions went up to Shelbyville and defeated a team composed of returned veterans, again adding to the glory of our class.
In the class room we have been the foremost friends of the registrar, and the discipline committee and all of the instructors love us for our good nature and happy-go-lucky spirit, if not for our knowledge of the subject. We are happy as clams at all times, yet we are not clams.
Our girls have had a full and sufficient share of the honors of the beauty contest and our boys have taken places in all of the honorary fraternity organizations on the campus. Our men have lowered records on the athletic field, running second to none in the South.
We were the means of starting a club house for the Athletic Association by receipts from the first, best, and most widely attended class minstrel ever held by any group of students of University of Kentucky.
We have selected our class officers by the beauty method, and contrary to opinion they showed ability as well as wonderful features. No wonder we throw out our chests with pride when we hear the name of the Class of '22.


f *'$ Junior Class Roll
Mary Christian Adams, B.S. in H.E....................Brighton
Y.   W.   C.   A.;   Botany   Club;   Agricultural   Society;   Woman's   League.
Paul Wendell Adkins, A.B.....................Williamsburg
Sigma Alpha Epsilon;  Pre-Medical  Society;  Patterson  Literary  Society.
George Burns Akin, B.M.E.........'...............Utica
James M. Allen, LL.B..........................Lexington
Dewey C.  Antrobus,  B.C.E.....................Williamstown
American   Association   Engineers;    Charles   Schwab   Engineering   Society.
A.  W. Armentrout,  B.S..................Linnville   Depot,   W.   Va.
Pre-Medical  Society
Paul Elliott Ashby, LL.B.......................Lexington
Phi Alpha Delta; Henry Clay Society.
John H. Atkerson, B.S. in Acr......................Franklin
Agricultural Society; Rafmesque Club.
Mary Edward Barnhill, A.B.....................Owensboro
y. w. c. a. George Woener Baumgarten, B.M.E.................-   .   Louisville
Glee Club (2, 3); Patterson Literary Society; Charles Schwab Engineering Society; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet (2. 3); Louisville Club (2, 3); Blue Ridge Delegate (2); Track Team;  A.  B.  E.   (2);   First Lieutenant  Co.  B.   (2).
Bailey  Baxter,  LL.B........................Richmond
Secretary Clay Law Society;  Democratic Club;  Glee  Club
Henry Jordon Beam, B.C.E.......................Covington
Vice-President Lamed Pe   (2);  President Acacian   (3);  Patterson Literary  Society
(2,   3);   Charles   Ectiwab   Engineering Society;   A.   E.   E. Herman  L.  Becker,  B.S.........................Louisville
Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Chi Sigma; Strollers; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet  (2, 3); Keys;
Mystic Thirteen. Henrietta Clay Bedford, B.S.....................    Winchester
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Strollers; Y. W. C. A.  (1, 2, 3); Agricultural Society (1, 2);
Romance   Language   Club   (2).
Ann Holloway Bell, A.B.......................Hopkinsville
Kappa  Kappa  Gamma;   Strollers;   F.   I.  G.   Club.
Martha Clarice Bellew, A.B......................      Fulton
Y. W. C. A.; English Club; philosophian Literary Society; Press Club; Fulton Club.
George Wesley Benson, B.C.E.....................Williamstown
Lamed Pe; American Association Engineers; Class Football (1, 2); Charles Schwab Engineering  Society.
Lula Beatty Blakey, A.B......................Beattyville
Alpha Xi Delta; Blue Ridge Delegate; Y. W. C. A.; Delegate Cleveland National Convention (2); Glee Club; Secretary Henry Clay Law Society (1); Secretary Philosophian Literary Society (2); Romance Language Club; Student Government Council   (3);  English  Club;  Horace  Mann  Literary Society.
Berl Boyd, LL.B...........................Sedalia
Pi Kappa Alpha; P. A. D.; Henry Clay Law Society (1. 2); Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Associate Editor Kentucky Law Journal (3); Ex-service Men's Club; Football (1, 2); Track Team  (2).
Minerva  Sue  Boardman, A.B.......................Paris
Alpha Xi Delta; T. W. C. A.; Philosophian; Glee Club; Student Government Council.
Arthur J. Bradshaw, B.M.E......................... Somerset
Phi Kappa Tau; Y.  M.  C.  A.;  Su-Ky Circle;  Charles  Schwab Engineering Society.
William Carter Broderick, A.B..................        Falmouth
Shaler Geological  Society;  Band. L. S. BURNHAM, B.S..........................Paducah
Alpha  Tau   Omega;   Basketball   (1,   2);   Baseball   (1,   2);   Keys;   Mystic  Thirteen;
Paducah  Club;  Shaler Geological Society. Marion Thomas Brooks, B.S.........'..............Bellevue
Pi   Kappa Alpha;   Mystic  Thirteen;   Sigma  Tau;   Agriculture  Club;   Y.   M.   C.   A.;
Glee Club;  University Quartet;  Robin Hood   (3);  Northern Kentucky Club;  Rafin-
esque Club.
LA   BROWN, A.B............\...............Lexington
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Mary Jo Carter,  B.S.........................Lexington
Kappa  Kappa Gamma
John  Feed  Casner, Jr.,  A.B......................Providence
Phi   Kappa  Tau;   Delta   Sigma  Pi;   Y.   M.   C.   A.;   Horace  Mann  Literary   Society.
Carlisle  Chenault,  A.B.......................Maysville
Chi Omega; Strollers; Cast of "Under Cover" (1); Cast of "The Climbers" (2); Y. W. C. A.; Glee Club; Vice-President Maysville Club (1, 2); Philosophian (1, 2); Nutmeg Club   (3).
Sue Elizabeth Chenault A.B.....................Richmond
Myrtle   Clar,   A.B.........................Louisville
Kappa Delta; Strollers; Cast of "The Climbers" (2); Philosophian; Press Association;   English  Club;   Romance  Language  Club;   History Club;  Louisville  Club.
Jefferson Davis Clark, B.M.E......................Lexington
Track Team   (1,   2);  K Association   (2);  Junior Football  Team   (3);  A.   E.  E.   (3).
Margaret H. Cole, A.B........................Lexington
Horace Mann;  Literary Club  (1).
Eva CoNGLETON, A.B..........................Lexington
Raymond  Hicks  Craig, B.E.E......................Lexington
Sigma Tau; American Association Engineers; Charles Schwab Engineering Society; Glee Club  (1,  2,  3); Lexington Club; Assistant Manager Football   (3).
John Werner Crenshaw, Jr., B.C.E.....................Versailles
Tau Beta Pi; Charles Schwab Engineering Society; American Association Engineers;   Freshman   Football   Team.
Harold Thomas Davis, B.M.E.....................Winchester
Charles Schwab Engineering Society.
Robert Ellmore Davis, B.S.....................Denver,  Col.
Alpha Zeta; Northern Kentucky Club; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Raflnesque Botany Club; Agricultural   Society;  Glee Club;  Blue  Ridge  Delegate.
William Bradley Davis, B.C.E......................Redwine
American   Associ