xt7kh12v7593 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v7593/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 2001 2001 2001-02-08 2020 true xt7kh12v7593 section xt7kh12v7593 litiildaVS



Puppy love
Need Vday

See what

the Kernel
says I 6


0f the holidays that are
celebrated, which has
a greater rift
between love and
hate than Valentine's
Day? Either you love
it because you will
get gifts, hate it
because you have to
buy gifts or despise
it because you will do
neither. Here are
some ideas for what
to do for your
sweetheart on
Valentine's Day. A list
of alternative ideas
will be in today's

- Order pizza and
get a lZ-pack of your
Valentine's favorite
import. Nothing says
"I love you" better
than some Heineken.
Light the candle that
usually stays in the

Good - Take her to a
romantic dinner at
her favorite
restaurant and tell
her how much you
care about her.
There's nothing like a
big steak and a salad
to tempt the
tastebuds of the one
you truly care about.


Romantic - Invite her
over, having already
prepared a four-
course Italian meal
with wine, candles
and a gift that
includes something
from the heart (or
diamonds). Diamonds
are, after all,
everyone's best

- Sit back and let
your Valentine take
care of you, and
show your
appreciation. You
show your
appreciation by
taking care of your
Valentine, too.

Good - Buy your
Valentine something
that they would not
buy for themself, but
something they wish
they had.

Romantic - Give your
Valentine a backrub,
cook them a gourmet
meal, and see what's
on the Spice channel.

0K - Give your Valentine
a ring.

Good ~ Give your
Valentine a ring with
her birthstone.

Romantic — Give your
Valentine an
engagement ring in a
really romantic way. I
would share ideas.
but if someone were
to use the same idea,
whether they had the
idea before or not,
they would be
considered a ,
schmuck for doing i
what the rail guy ?
suggested. I

-lton Norton

[mails to date: I6

THE 411 t


6,8 3.9

Grab an umbrella be-
fore you leave because
you may get hit by some

Eu t'i’.’”~:.i..‘.


VOL. ttl06



News n is!

February 8, 2001

wwke.ynel.om g


Mumme maintains innocence

Recruits: Guidugli re-evaluating decision to come to UK

By Patrick Avery

Former UK football coach Hal Mumme
said in a statement released Wednesday he
did not have any involvement in the foot
ball program‘s NCAA rule violations.

"These things did occur on my watch
and as the person in charge I felt it best for
the program at UK that I take responsibility
and resign." Mumme said in the statement.

l'K Athletics Director Larry Ivy an,
nounced Tuesday that Hal Mumme had is»
sued his resignation. lvy then announced
that former UK offensive line coach Guy
Morriss would be the new ITK football head

Mumme said in his statement that he

wished to thank all of the people at UK for a
wonderful four years.

"111 spite of the turmoil of the last few
weeks. we will always cherish our time in
the commonwealth." Mumme said.

Ivy mentioned at the news conference
Tuesday that he was concerned about po
tential I'K recruits.

"We hope that the student-athletes who
have committed to us have committed to
the l’niversity of Kentucky.“ Ivy said. “but
if there are any who have committed to play
for Hal Mumme. we wanted them to have
the opimrtunity to make that change if llt‘t“

Mumme's resignation has not rattled
Taylor Begley. a UK football recruit.

"I talked with coach Mumme once or
twice but I didn‘t really know him all too
well.” said Hegley. a former Rovle County
football player

Hegley said he is coiifiderii that Morriss
and his coaching staff will do a good job for
the football program.

However one possible l‘K recruit might
change his mind about committing to I'K.

According to the football recruiting
web site Rivalscom. (lino Guidugli. a quarr
ierback from Highlands High School in Ft.
Thomas. Ky. announced Monday that he
was attending I'K.

(luidugli‘s father l)ale said his son
was going to reevaluate his decision.

Head coach ()in Morriss and defensive
coordinator will discuss football signees at
a news conference today at 2:30 pm. in the
Wildcat lleri in (‘ommonwealtli Stadium.

Breaking up is hard to do

It's over: Tips on how to
mend a broken heart

”Kelly SW99?


“Tis better to have loved and lost.
than to never have loved at all."

Students mending a broken heart
may say Shakespeare was wrong.

Couples enjoy coiipledom on Valen-
tine's Day. but for anyone that recently
broke up. a conversation heart saying.
”Bite me." sounds more appropriate than
anything romantically sappy.

For a serious (probably at least six
months) monogamous relationship to
have ended. it can be compared to that of
grieving over the death of a loved one.
said Mary Holin-Reece. director of the
Counseling and Testing Center.

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross‘ book. On
Death and Dying. describes five stages as-
sociated with mourning.

These stages are denial and isolation.
anger. bargaining. depression and accep-

Bolin-Reece said she can see these
stages in responses to loss in relation
ships or other unwanted life changes.
However. she said not every one will expe»
rience these stages in that order or may
happen to cycle back through them sever-
al times.

After a breakup she suggests having
a support group that will listen and not
try to “solve the problem." keeping a
journal to express thoughts and emo
tioiis. exercising and paying special at-
tention to healthy practices such as get-
ting qiiality sleep.

The idea of exercising isn‘t new. but
be creative in your methods. Try kick-
boxing. golfing or a new hobby.

Refrain from rebounding too. Re-

; a. ,.

» v


One sign of depression from a broken heart is loss of appetite, said Mary Bolin-Reece, the direc-
tor of the Counseling and Testing Center. Getting over a broken heart can take up to a year.

bounding only masks the grief from the
previous relationship and delays closure.

Also. Bolin-Reece said one should re-
member that men aiid women deal with
emotions differently. While the girls may
go watch a chick flick with all her closest
gals. the guys may head to the bar for
some brews.

Signs of depression include distur
bances in sleep. eating habits. frequent fa~
tigue. trouble concentrating and a lower-
ing of self-esteem.

According to Holin-Reece. the worst
scenario is when a person considers his
flirting personal physical harm because
he or she feels they have lost the only per»
son that gave life meaning.

“Create some ritual to mark the end
ofthe relationship." Holin-Reece said.

Some people resort to burning old
loveletters or even just taking down phor
tos of the past loved one.

A good indicator of when to date
again is when one‘s ex no longer brings
tip strong feelings and the relationship as
a whole is intermixed into one’s life expe-
rience. Bolin-Reece said there is no set
amount of time for how long to grieve or
get over a relationship fully

“In a long-term relationship of a year
or more. I would expect that it may take a
year cycle to move through all the annual
events like anniversaries and holidays."
Holin—Reece said.

Yoga, good for mind and body

Stretch: Yoga stretches and strengthens
the muscular system, instructor says

Elishla Reynolds, a merchandising. textiles and marketing sophomore.

practices yoga at home in her living room.

B_y Kristi Martin


Looking to stretch your
workout a little farther? Try

"Yoga is

calms. helps with focus and

awareness of self." Thomp-
son said.

Yoga provides many
benefits that most exercises
do not. Thompson said. The
yoga stretches allow for an
internal massage of your
body. Yoga also teaches

keeps your mind alert while



said liistructor and

into See YOGA on 2

Manager Karen Thompson

of the Yoga Health and Ther-

apy Center.

Yoga has many benefits.
strengthening the muscular
system. Thompson said yoga
ture. relieves stress and is a
fun way to work out.



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Hal Mumme resigned as UK football coach Tues-
day. Guy Morriss will replace him.


SGA court
shoots down

Glenn's claims

No good: Supreme Court
votes 4-1 against Glenn

By Jenny Robertson
oiiiocur :5 mm"

In every Student Government internal
scuffle this term. .Iimmy (ilenn has been on
the defensive: but Wednesday. the Presi.
dent played prosecutor. taking the senate
chairman before the SGA Supreme Court.

Josh Robinson. one of the Supreme
Court Justices. said after Wednesday
night's meeting. the court voted 4-1 to deny
(llenn's claim for injunctive relief. The
court deemed that Senate Chairman Edwin
()range did not violate the SGA Constitu-
tion when he called an emergency meeting
on Nov. 39 to approve ariiendirients.

“This means the new Constitution and
election rules are in effect." Robinson said
of the decision.

The newly amended Constitution.
drafted by Robinson and Michael Walker.
another Supreme Court Justice. created
what Robinson called a conflict of interest
for botli Supreme Court Justices because
he said they were both involved with the
constitutional revisions of the document.
These justices did not vote because they
feared some might say they were biased.

“It gave the appearance of impropriety.
and we felt like it was better for that not to
become an issue." Robinsoti said.

Robinson said it was a big deal to him
because if either of the two voted other-
wise. it wouldn‘t have rendered the deci-
sion in Glenn's favor.

Glenn argued at the trial that the pub—
lic was not properly notified ofthe meeting.
He also said that constitutional amend-
ments should not have been decided at an
emergency meeting. and that the Senate ig-
nored his e\’eculive order to gain student
input before passing the amendments.

Charlie Ticheiior. SGA parliamentari-
an. argued that a meeting notice was posted
on a bulletin board inside the SGA office.
which is open to all students He also said
the emergency meeting was called because
many predicted Glenn's impeachment trial
would take place at the next Senate meet-
ing on Dec. 6. when the amendments would
normally have been discussed.

The amendments in question limit
presidential terms to two years and require
for all presidential candidates to have at
least a year of experience in SGA.

“For Jimmy. the term limits mean he
couldn't run for a third term." Robinson

Glenn said running again for the presi-
dency wasn't of his concern.

()nly Tim Robinson. college oflaw sena<
for. has announced his intention to run for
S( M president. l’nder the new Constitution.
Robinson's competition is limited to past or
present SGA members.

The biggest issue in question last night
was whether Orange gave sufficient public
notice. ()range said he followed normal pro-
cedures for notification.

In addition to posting a sign on the bul-
letin board and sending an email to the
SGA listserv he also called the Kernel to
notify them of the meeting. A story
announcing the meeting did not run in the

Assistant News Editor Ashley York
contributed to this article.










thing I


being a
wife is
I’m not
the hus-

Esquire magazine
with one of the
nuggets she's
acquired about
being married.



Sharon faces immediate challenges
JERUSALEM Veteran hawk Ariel Sharon
will have precious little time to savor his lop»
sided Tuesday election victory as lsrael‘s prime
minister: He must quickly forge a government
from the unruly factions in parliament. and he

faces hostile Palestinians deeply suspicious of

his intentions, Sharon routed incumbent Ehud
Barak in one ofthe lnost one-sided elections in is-
rael‘s history. winning 62.6 percent to 37.2 per»
cent as the final few votes were tabulated
Wednesday morning. But the day after the ballot
111g. attention was already focused on whether
Sharon would be able to stitch together a stable
coalition government. and how Palestinians
would respond to a man they regard as an arch-
villain. Sharon's first act \V'ednesday was to trav-
el to his large ranch in lsrael's southern Negev
llesert to visit the grave of his late wife Lily. who
died last March of cancer.

Bush summons ‘families' for his plan
\t'.~\SHth}’I‘()N Hunting tot middle-c lass

support. President Bush is hosting a reunion of

the "tax families" who helped him put a human
face on his tax-cut proposals during the cam
paign last year. Bush has spent much of this
week surrounding himself with regular folks.
seeking to counter l)e111ocratic portrayals of his
proposal as a windfall for the rich. (in Wednes
day. he was bringing together ‘31 "typical"fa111i-
l1es who were carefully screened on the presiden
tial campaign trail to serve as Middle American
emblems of those who would benefit. Several of
his guests Wednesday were blue-collar workers.
single mothers or single-earner families with
children. They were meant to emphasize Bush's
contention that his proposal would accelerate
lowerincome .~\111e1"1cans‘ climb into the middle

Schools offer too much junk food

WASHINGTON Schools that raise money
by selling sodas and snacks on campus are send~
111g mixed messages and discouraging kids from
eating healthy meals. the Agriculture Depart
ment says. in a report prepared at the request of
Congress. the department says it should have the
legal authority to set nutrition standards for all
foods and beverages sold in schools. I‘SliA al»
ready requires school lunches and breakfasts to
meet nutritional standards. but it would take an
act of Congress for the department to begin regu-
lating what is served outside cafeterias.



2 l mason. FEBRUARY 3,3001 | “Whiting: El;

Bob Harley just
received his
long awaited
star on the
Hollywood walk
of fame today.
The reggae late
singers wife,
Rita Marley and
his son fly-Mani
HArley were
there in atten-
dance. His star
is right next to
Earth Wind and
Fire's star right
off of Hollywood


Springsteen will
bring his live
show to televi-
sion for the
first time. On
April 7, HBO
will broadcast
Springsteen and
the E Street
Band's final two
at Madison
Square Garden
on June 30 and
July 1 of last
year. The gigs
featured a ret-
rospective, with
old and rare


Study reassures cell phone safety

WASHINGTON A study of 420.000 cell
phone users in Denmark concluded callers are
no more likely than anyone else to suffer cancer
— but even this huge study. the latest to provide
reassurance about the phones‘ safety. won‘t end
the debate. The study. published in Wednesday‘s
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, found
no increased risk for brain or nervous system
cancers. leukemia or salivary gland tumors
among cell phone users, the types of malignan-
cies that worry critics. But the study didn‘t last
long enough to completely settle the issue. Sev-
eral thousand Danes had used their phones for
more than 10 years. the time it can take a slow
growing brain tumor to appear. but the majority
had used them for only about three years.

Arrests drop at U.S.-Hexico border

LAREIX). Texas Arrests of illegal immi-
grants have dropped all along the Mexico-US.
border in what experts say could be a sign that
Mexicans are staying home to enjoy a growing
economy and rising hopes under the first opposi—
tion president in seven decades. From October
through January. detentions were down 22 per-
cent over the same period a year ago. The de
crease marked the largest percentage drop since
the US. Border Patrol started beefing up its
presence in 1993 to stop a growing tide of illegal
immigration across the 2.1(l0-mile border.

Aristide's return feted by masses

VILLAGE OF PEACE. Haiti C- If he could
afford a lottery ticket in this sewage-soaked
shantytown. Jean-Jaques Nardy says he would
choose lucky seven the date Jean-Bertrand
Aristide is inaugurated to a second term as
president. Stringing plastic Haitian flags above Miss Black and Gold
the shacks for the inauguration on Wednesday. ,
Feb. 7. Nardy says he believes Aristide will fut “St ”I" 5 “'35 Black and 60m: “'5'.“ Shipley, 4'0““ 5m
till the promise to better people's lives in this Willi". i “COMO” education SWIM. It “all“ "KM" W
impoverished country he made when he was a
charismatic priest in the slums. But while Aris-
tide's return is celebrated by much of Haiti's
poor. it is being shunned by the international
community. which was angered by the handling ,,_ ~~ ,
of May legislative and local elections ()fthe few

diplomats coming most are ambassadors not day." Thompson said.
world leaders. An effective yoga session
lasts 20-45 minutes and can

he done every day or every
other day.

A typical yoga class in»
breathing and relaxation l‘llldt‘S hatha yoga. stretching
techniques that you can use (‘V‘I‘ClSOS- (it’t‘ll breathing
while exercising or sitting in and relaxation training. The





Continued from page 1

class. class ends with a mediation
1 Thompson said yoga conr 50581011.
‘1 plements all other exercise The Yoga Health and

routines She said yoga exer- Therapy Center specializes
cises help stretch your mus- in the yoga school and offers
Compiled from wire reports. t‘lt‘s‘ before and (liyit‘l‘ it Work» 21 variety of classes to fit
out. everyone s needs. Thompson

"There is no injury in said. Athlete and meditation
practicing yoga every day. classes are available and of
You receive the most hene- fer some different techniques
fits by practicing yoga every to yoga practititmers.










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Draw back your bow, find a date

The clock is ticking: It is never too late to
find a Valentine, here's where to look

By Scott Sloan

You wake up on Valen-
tine's morning anti realize you
don‘t have a date for the

Classes can wait because
you have a real emergency.
You have to find a date. Here's
what you do.

10 a.m.
gin to panic.

10:30 a.m. (‘ontinue to
panic and begin to scream.

, Wake up and be-

10:45 a.m. » After your
neighbors have called the po-
lice or your roommate has
knocked you unconscious with
a baseball bat scream again.

11 a.m. Shower and
drown yourself in cologne be-
cause no one can resist anyone
that smells like the entrance at

11:15 a.m. ,, Head over to
the Student Center anti begin
to shameless hit on every per»
son that walks near you. Use

your favorite line: “If I could
rewrite the alphabet. I would
put U and I together." Believe
it or not. you still don‘t find

1 pm. You still have
seven hours. No sweat. Head
over to the Classroom Building
and start hanging out by the
restrooms. Since your first line
bombed. start using another:
“You must be from Hiroshima.
”cause baby you're the bomb."
Despite your great history ref
erence. you still can't find any

3 pm. You've set a
world record for striking out.
so you decide to take a
quick nap.

7 p.111. Turns out you
slept longer than you thought.

You start visiting every
restaurant in town. seducing
people on their Valentine's
Day date. You get punched in
the face after you tell the per
son to "Lose the zero and get
with the hero." You end up on
the floor completely out of it.

7:08 pm. As you‘re be-
ing rushed to the hospital with
a broken nose and jaw. you try
to get a date with the EMT.
The conquest flashes the ring
and ruins your chances.

Too bad? You spend the
rest ofthe night in the hospital
screaming at the heart-shaped
green JellO.


Great gifts Only the lonely Not so great gifts I

Gifts that make a statement

0 The drinks

A bottle of wine or champagne, not
beer this time.

0 The musrc

A tape of your Valentine‘s favorite
songs. Just make sure they are songs
that your Valentine likes.

0 Vlrite it out

A handwritten letter k that's hand-
written. The pen is mighty and nothing
speaks louder than words.

0 Booty time
Good sex but safe sex. Above every-
thing else. be safe!

0 Beauty time

A pe icure. manicure or a back
massage. Either do it yourself. or pay
someone else to do it. Hint: This is bet-
ter left up to the professionals.

0 Cat's meow
A puppy or kitty. They are so cute
anyone would love them.

0 Food

Godiva chocolates.

0 Feeling hot

Get the red. hot lovers basket. They
are rated G. PG. R and X. Call 269-4438
for more information.

Compiled by Ashley York

Feeling sorry

0 Sabotage

Grab a friend and work on destroy-
ing your ex‘s fun-loving day. Why
should they be happy?

0 Ha-ha

Go to a restaurant where you know
there will be lots of couples and laugh at
them. Ponder questions like. “How (lid
she end up with him?"

0 Fat money

Take pride in the fact that you are
not wasting money on gifts for someone
that probably would have ended up not
working out anyway.

0 Lie
Walk up to random people and tell
them you are sleeping with their dates.


Spy on your ex. This could go one
or two ways. You will either see them
being alone or you will see them with
their new conquest. If you choose to do
this. be careful. Nothing would be more
embarrassing than getting caught.

0 Eat

Eat. eat and then eat some more.
Eat a whole bag of candy and then some
chips. Not the Olestra kind. Go for the

Gifts that are classless

No matter how desperately they
may need it. A self‘help book is not the
perfect gift. Save it for another holiday.

0 The music

A tape of your Valentine's favorite
songs. By all means. do not try to pass
off a tape you made for someone else as
an original. That's classless.

0 Stuffed animals

Furby‘s (even though there are
more than 350 of them now) do not
make good gifts. They may seem cute at
first but get old real fast. This includes
stuffed bears and hearts.

0 Booty time

Bad sex. but no matter how bad it is
make sure it is safe sex. Above every»
thing else, be safe!

0 Cards
If you are going to take the time to
buy a card then write something nice.

0 Enhancements

Breast or penile enhancements are
not a good idea. They will only lower
your Valentine's self esteem.

0 STDs


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real fattening stuff.

Compiled by Ashley York

No one wants or needs an STD. If you
have one then you need to get help.

Compiled by Ashley York



More to sending flowers tha

By Ashley York

Disregard the joker that told you
flowers were yesterday‘s news. Since they
probably don't have a valentine this year
and you do. it wouldn't be in your best in-
terest to take their advice. for two rea-

()ne. they probably don't know what
the colors of flowers stand for. and two
they don't know the distinction between a
carnation anti a rose. For all they know. a
thornless rose means get lost. when it ac-
tually means love.

Instead of taking this person‘s advice
anti buying something you’re unsure of.
that could perhaps be inappropriate. stick
to the simple stuff flowers.

“Flowers are fresh. bright and they
make people feel better." said liouann
Samuels. the owner of Nature's Splendor.

. \‘ACIub Tattoo .

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10% off All Tattoos over $100


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a floral shop.

Samuels said no one could go wrong
with buying flowers for their sweetheart.
friend or parent for Valentine's Day.

Even though some may argue flowers
are overdone at times. Samuels said they
generally result in positive reactions.

If you do decide to buy flowers. make
sure you pick the appropriate color and
flower. It does matter. Which is why the
Kernel will make it terribly easy to say it
with flowers.

Red rose

White rose

Pink rose

Yellow rose

Red and white roses together

respect. courage. beauty.
humility. innocence.
grace. gratitude. admira—

joy. freedom. slighted

// '7.)
more runtusato

You can say a lot with a rose, depending on what color
you choose to send your Valentine.



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wrr T-SIIIRT courtsrt












John Dobson
SportsDaily Editor
Phone: 257-1915 | E-mail: ponatnandzeaolrom

Will Hesser
Assistant SportsDaily Editor
t-mailz wemessO®pop.uAy.edu



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Pitching, fundamentals
key for young Cats




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UK junior infielder
Vince Harrison and
the Cats will begin
their 2001 odyssey
tomorrow in
Greenville, S.C.

vs. Furman.




Madison: ‘We might not be hitting a lot of home runs': UK will
rely on talented young pitchers and fundamentals this season

By Ron Cox

The ['K Wildcat baseball
team opens up the 3001 season
tomorrow when they travel to
(ireenyille. S.(‘.. to take on the
Furman Paladins.

The Cats play a [lll‘t‘evgztille
set this weekend. sandwiching
two games at Furman (Ii-lit
around a Saturday game at
Wofford (‘ollege (0-2) lil nearby
Spartanburg. S.(‘.

"We're excited about get
ting started with another sea-
son." said head coach Keith
Madison. who is beginning his
33rd season at I'K.

Due to the weather in Keir
lucky in February the (‘ats
won't play a home game this

Madison hopes the earh

road games will help the (‘ats
when they enter SEC play.

“We will be on the road a
lot earlier in order to catch up
with our southern opponents."
.\ladison said. “and hopefully
by niidrseason we will be able to
hit those guys pretty well."

This year‘s team can only
he described as a young one.
[R will have 19 players putting
on their first Kentucky uniform

l 1 freshmen and 5 junior col-
lege transfers.

To match last year‘s 15-0
start. Madison will have to
('ttlllli on four young starting
pitchers to lead the way.

Sophomores Rob (‘orrado.
.ltiseitll lilanton. Mark Michael
and Scott Wade are young. but
battle tested. accounting for 112
ofthe (‘ats :18 wins last season.

(‘orrado iiianton and

Michael were named to Base-
ball America’s top-50 college
prospects of 2002.

“l have seen a large im-
provement in those guys."
Madison said. “They are talent
ed. young pitchers and I think
you are going to see a very deep
and talented pitching staff."

Seniors Austin Madison
and Jon Hooker will anchor
this youthful staff.

Hooker. who led last year's
team with 28 appearances while
saving four games and striking
out 41. was drafted by the Cleve-
land lndians last summer, but
decided to come back for his se—
nior season.

“()ne of my goals when I
came here was to try to win an
SEC championship." Hooker
said. “I wasn't really pleased
with the outcome of the sea-

son...l wanted to come back
this year to lead the pitching

The inexperience of the
pitching staff pales to that of
the offense. Gone are UK‘s top
three run producers and home
run hitters from last year.

“i don't think you can re-
place a Jon Wilson. Aaron Mc-
Glone or Andy Green with
freshmen and sophomores."
Madison said. "We have to hope
guys like Vince Harrison, Beau
Moore and people that are re-
turning to our line-up continue
to improve and help carry the
offensive load."

So this year's team will
have to rely on pitching and
playing “small ball."

“We might not be hitting a
lot of home runs." said Vince
Harrison. UK‘s top returning
hitter. "but we will be putting
pressure on the defense by us-
ing the hit-and-run and execut-
ing the small things to make up
for the home run power."



Cats announce
2001 signees



The 17 newbie Cats who will join rookie coach Guy Morriss were announced
Wednesday. Morriss will discuss the signees today at a press conference.


2001 Football Signees
Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Hometown
Muhammad Abdullah DB 6-0 190 Folkston, Ga.
Chad Anderson LB 6-2 225 Canton, Ohio
Taylor Begley K 6-0 195 Danviile, Ky.
Aaron Boone WR 6-3 205 Filmore, Utah
Jeremy Darveau 0L