xt7kh12v717q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v717q/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1990 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1990 Vol.61 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, January 1990 Vol.61 No.1 1990 1990 2019 true xt7kh12v717q section xt7kh12v717q 5 ' " 3':

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’ Official Publication of the Kentucky Press Service - Vol. 61, No. 1 - January, 1990 " g; f. ' V

l . 24‘"

a , x - ,, -- ~ i

mm } KPA to have own post office at convention ' s

.“mml TheU.S.PostalService F sun 5 j a

DOOS’NOl ‘5 is setting up a special Ken— New: Kentucky pm“ (3' o4! J

ctr-cum“ ; tucky Press Association post Fnsndothu'm “mention 1 L

“ ‘ "W i officeforthe1990WinterCon- 1%”! 199° WM", 3 Z?
I vention, January 18-20 at the ' °°"V°""°"' ‘ , l

E Radisson EastinLouisville. @ s mamas“: "% 698 3;:

, Included withthepost ' “WWW <9,7 fl u. , ~ g

f office will be a special cancel- , LLE- ‘ ! _ “s3

E lation, commemorating the . i '. - ' fig?

' g - convention, Convention- Specral cancellation commemorating KPA Convention g x;

] goers will be able to send post includes a graphic from Na— of service to Kentucky news- 3 ' ' if

‘{ cards and other materials tional Newspaper Week, papers. The postal station, set i ' ”S

i from the convention and have "Newspapers: Freedom in Our up in the Trade Show area, . f» ' ~

‘. i . the special cancellation on the Hands" along with the KPA will be named the KPA Sta— 3
; envelope. _ name,1990 WinterConvention tion and will be included on by}

i The special postmark and the celebration of 121 years the postmark. p a;

l I > “

-: KPA In the 805. A Decade to Remember V

‘ The decade of the 19805 advertising sales position that ing agencies the readership ‘ “:31

'3 will be one long remembered gave weekly and daily news— strengths and demographic ,3 ' “g?

: by theKentuckyPress Associa- papers in the stateadirect rep- informationsolong needed by - j 333

, tion and its member newspa- resentative with advertising Kentucky newspapers; ' :3

Q pers across the Common- agencies and retailers in Ken- ‘ an increase in the ' t:

9 wealth. . tucky and throughout the number of districts (from 10 to , 1*?

Those 10 years brought Southeast; 15) giving more representation

with it: " two years where ad- for Kentucky newspapers in ‘ .

- " the purchase of a vertising placed in Kentucky the operation and services of ‘
building near the State Capitol newspapers surpassed the $1 the Kentucky Press Associa-

to serve as the central office, a million mark, and a total tion and Kentucky Press Serv-

move that many claim to be amount of advertising close to ice; 1.3.:

one of the betst decisions KPA $5 million; ‘ a substantial increase . ’ .,.‘

has made in its 120 years of " two retail Shopping in the number and amounts of ' . :_' '~

service. ' habits surveys, showing news- scholarships given annually to ' . 1

" creation of a full-time papers, retailers and advertis- (Continued on Page 4) . :3:

. 7‘ . 5"

APR 19 Ret’d "
. ‘ 'iflvelsfly of “Mme” . -


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unuo County Herald News ‘ pm 15‘ ‘ 35%;?
- ' ' am amen , 1"“,
duoaahon mi?" ’ “WWW" ;» _ ’ a
Darwin Advocate Messenger ’ Diwbt 155 ; Sig
s: M‘ - Guy Helflold . , 6,34:
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(Wintm Conusnfiion m mm W“ °‘°° "m“ 3?
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_ The Kentucky Frau (lSSN-0023-0324) is published monthly _ ,3 1'"
(502) 223 8827 and second class postage paid at Frankfort, Ky., 40501, and ‘ If}?
. at additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $4 per '
year. Postmaster: Send change ofaddreas to The Kentucky 4,514
Frees, 332 Capitol Avenue, Frankfort, KyV 40601, (somn- 2' ‘3
8821. , r 3.":
Offidal Publimtion of the Kentu Press Service . ‘_.
~~-___~___,___._ ~_— » , > . L ‘
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 i ' Page 3 I c,
. "
Newspapers mt 6 News
Public Notice advertising said the mzlming woutidbe "a will pay for special medical ‘
- more natur time to pr “C93 and su ort for families has {‘35
r PP , ,. ?
appeal hea d January 9 newspaper because “9W5 hap- collected about $50,000 and a
The state Court Of pens all day long and you take pledge from Mary Bingham for
_ Appeals was scheduled to hear the early evening hours to col- up to $50,000 to match other ' 5
oral arguments January9 con- lect it and position it in the contributions.
coming the public notice ad- paper. About midnight you Courier-Journal Pub" 1’
‘ vertising dispute in Whitley print it and you have the pre- fisher and president George - .'
County. dawn hours while people are Gill recommended the grant to r
,4 The dispute, between asleep to distribute it." the foundation, citing the fam. f
I the Corbin Times—Tribune and About 15 years ago, fly.like closeness between the i 32:“;
the Whitley Republican, cen- The Sun had a morning and two businesses, which operate t
ters around the state statute afternoon edition, but the two in adjacent buildings and were
that requires public notice were consolidated into a daily once owned by the Bingham
advertising to be placed in the afternoon edition. family_ Nine people were ’
newspaper in a publication Paxton said the change killed and 12 wounded in a . x
area with the largest paid cir— would improve the content, shooting rampage by a dis- '
culation. appeal more to advertisers and gruntled employee on Septem- . ‘
The Whitley Republi- would hopefully lead to in- ber14. .
can lost an earlier ruling that creased circulation in sur- «%

. said public notice advertising rounding Kentucky counties as that closed {a f
should be placed in the news- and southern Illinois because a W . j, - . '
paper with the largest paid cir- morning publication allows WIOII ;
culation. The Republican con- earlier delivery of timely news. . ’
tended that the statute referred Presently, the Sun is a 16881? F 1nd 0111: for i
to circulation within the six-day a week daily, with no SUFC b caIl' the
county while the Times Trib- publication on Saturday. y 1115‘
une contended it referred to all The Sun will be the sec- KDA F01 HOtiInC ,1
paid circulation; *A special pond Kentucky daily in the past ‘
judge ruled in favor of the 18 months to convert to mom- (502) 5895235 ' r
Corbin Times Tribune earlier ing. In June, 1988, the Elizabe- v r
this year. thtown News Enterprise made

- The Whitley Fiscal the same move. ,

, Court initiated the first action The Sun is buying new " '

i by filing suit, seeking a de- press units and other equip- _ . '
claratory judgment on the ment at a cost of about .. . ‘
matter. $400,000, resulting in more 1' _

color photographs and art . LINDA C ASTALDI
Paducah Sun moving “Mk 1§§3§§53§50
to morning on March 5 Gannett gives fund a boost . °rjtrokflsw55aper strtice
. e ver |Slflg ynainl'c-s 1.x:
The Paducah Sun has The Game“ Founda- flamethrergsm .
announced conversion to a tion has given a fund for vic- IMetro LaserArt"
seven-day morning newspa- tirns and families of the Stan- V
per, effective March 5_ gard ngvure shootings a c I E3: 3'“ :fi‘:? I no
Publisher Fred Paxton 25,000 ost. . , . . _
The relief fund, which Your oeame admntage. V
'W "h-g—w

 3 ' «' gifts
Page 4 . . . . 33:?
The 803. ADecade of Highlights for KPA
(Continued from Page 1) across the commonwealth; ners that allows for more of a . ‘
_ - a more concentrated full production slide show . , 'fl
college students majoring in effort on KPA and KPS finan- than just reading the names ’ . Affg
print journalism. This effort cial reports, putting bath com- "live"; ' if
~ grew because 0‘ the Kentucky panies in excellent financial ' a substantial STOWth 3‘35
Stak’Wide Classified Program. standing, and from it develop— in membership, reaching W ‘5'
in its first complete cycle, the ing a full-time in—house percent of the state's newspa- " 3:13;?
Kentucky Journalism Founda- bookeeping department; pers, up from 82 percent in the if"
tion will be giving $21,000 in It a full-time Member early 19805; i ’
scholarships every year to 28 Services Director position to ’* expanding KPS Clip- 3-39,;
students; assist in planning and coordi- ping Service operation with y: ,5?»
‘ the first lady presi- nating conventions, seminars, 279,000 clips mailed in 1987 '\\ - $5:
dent of the Kentucky Press contests; developing and pro- and 272,000 in 1989; 17:,
Association -- Betty Berryman, moting more services; respon- 1' coordination With .. 11,7232
publisher of the Winchester sibility for publishing the an- four KPA Divisions — News .
sun; nuai Yearbook and Directory; Editorial, Advertising, Circu— first;
‘ ceasing the relation- . a revised Yearbook lation and the Associates with “ tit
ship between the Kentucky and Directory to include more programs and services offered ; f 1-3
Press Service and American pertinent information about that are needed by those in- ,.: .t
Newspaper Representatives. KPA member newspapers, volved in each division. . 7 5%
This move was important be- plus the addition of a Market- These are just but a few / » '.
cause it allowed KPS to take a ing Section to allow advertisers of the highlights of the 19805 . g-_"
25 percent commission on more information about the 15 for the Kentucky Press Asso- ! if.“
. advertising from weekly as districts represented by the Vciation and the Kentucky Press I ., . :7""
well as daily newspapers. Be— Kentucky Press Association; Service. ‘ . ‘7
fore this move was made, KPS - creating a Board of The real effort belongs
was forced to take 33.8 percent Directors position for the to the members of the Ken- , I 1
‘ commission from “’99le chairman of the Associates kaY Press Association who 1%;
newspapers because of the Division, giving the Associates made their Association what it if
involvement of ANR ads; a voice in the business matters is today; to a dedicated and ' f
" the state's first Free- of 1(1) A; hard—working Board of Direc-
dom of infomiation Hotline, » two scholarships, tors and an impressive list of t g g
designed to give members of funded and presented by the Presidents; and to the mem- -, "It!
the Kentucky Press Associa- KPA Associates, to public rela- bers of the Kentucky Press u at?
tion immediate access to two tions majors at state universi- Association who weathered -' ‘ «3‘
leading media attorneys for ties; the storms of postal rate in- - ‘ £53
. information about a variety of s the first statewide creases, rising costs through- ‘ ”ilk
editorial and advertising ques- survey for public notice adver— out the industry and a variety " ‘ ’13;
tions, and one of the country's - tising to show legislators and of other obstacles to keep Ken- ‘ ’93?
few F01 Hotlines that is paid otherdoubtersjusthowimpor— tucky newspapers at the fore- i '1‘}:
for by the Association, not the tent public notices are and how front of the industry across the .: _ 3:7;
. members; much "those little ads in the nation. ' 7
"arewrite of the state's back of the newspaper'Vare As we head into the ' , vs
Public Notice Advertising read; 19905, the strength and dedica- \
laws following many months » more involvement tion of this industry in thestate
of negotiations with the Ken- with journalism educators at will allow Kentuckians from
. tucky Municipal League and- state supported universities; Pikeville to Paducah, from : 72f
, with it a closer working rela- . a change in the pres- Covington to Cumberland to ‘ :jl’f‘c
tionship with agencies repre— entation of contest award win. maintain pride in thequality of
senting cities and counties Kentucky's newspapers. , if,
~m__.___.___-*~__.___,___._~_._£___c_~w.________ ___.____._.__.____._' ‘

 . m Page 5 - ‘ 3};

Bar Associafion considers open hearings for lawyers ‘ . . . _ H 5

Tracking open meetings/records action In state i

. w

The Kentucky Bar As- inga judge to overrule the state 0‘ Newspaper Editors and the .- ' 1

sociation will be considering attorney general in an opinion 6th leCUlt Court of Appeals

' its own version of the "Sun- onaccesstofoundationrecords. are working together onapro- *

, shine Law" in June following a The complaint was filed 8? am to help news organiza- .

recommendation of the KBA's inearlyDecemberafteranAG's tiOhS f0110th cases affecting . it“,

Board of Governors that disci- opinion said that the founda— readers in the circuit that cov- L“

plinary hearings against attor- tion is a public agency because 95 Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan "3

neys be open to the public. it is an "instrumentality" of the' and Tennessee: :P‘

Sheryl Snyder, state bar university of "agency thereof." The protect, the firSt 0‘ , '

association president, said, That ruling came in October its kind in the US» Will allow it

4 "This is an indication we are and was requested by the reporters to track court deci- ‘ y

quite willing to open the proce— Frankfort State Ioumal. SlOns through a computerized ( j

dure to public scrutiny. It will The foundation is ask- btllletlh board that W111 115* a l

insure the public that lawyers ing the judge to determine that dlal')’ 0‘ (1905th rendered l 7,

are properly supervised in the the foundation is not a public each day- . '1

state." . agency, and that it is not sub- At its November board I

Snyder told a group of ject to the state's Open Meet— meeting, the Kentucky Press . «2

‘ Western Kentucky attorneys ings law. In addition, the com- ASSOCiathh Board Of Directors ‘ ‘ t it

that the change would show plaint asks for a permanent voted ‘0 contnbute $4,000 in ‘ w

the present system is "not an injunction to keep the newspa- 1989 and 54,900 in 1990 to h? / ‘ a

'oldboysnetwork' and that law- per from seeking records from fund the protect. Future con - g / . g;

yers on the board not taking the foundation in the future. butions may hinge on the effec- rt

. care of their friends." At the time of the state tiveness 0f the project and use f v" , j”

Thebar association will ruling, the foundation's board by Kentucky's weekly and‘ daily - - ‘ 1

have a hearing during its June of trustees was appointed by neWSPaPem- . , h

convention prior to voting on KSU's board of regents, foun- In addition, KPA has i

the recommendation. dation records were stored at invited officialsconnectedwith 5 ‘ : "’

Snyder noted that sev- the university and the founda- the project - including Circuit - ‘ g ‘ f i

eral states have adopted simi- tion's treasurer and executive Judge Gilbert Merritt, David ‘ t

lar procedures. secretary were employed by the Stolberg, assistant general edi- » .

, Anon-lawyer wouldbe university. torial manager for Scripps g. ,
added to the present three- Since the opinion, the Howard, Jim Delaney, PIOJeCt : - '_ _ ' ’

’ member discipline committee, foundation has changed its director, and 10h“ Siegenthaler V t
known as a tribunal, which articles of incorporation to - to talk about the program at . ‘. 15;];

' includes a former state bar make the foundation self—Per. the KPA Winter Convention in ‘ - i
association president,chairman petuating and now appoints its January. Although not all have at

of the house of delegates and a own board of directors. confirmed, the pl'OleCt W1“ be . ,

circuit judge. The final decision The State Journal initi— explained during a News E_di- -' ’3

on whether to appoint a non- ated the request for records tonalDivision breakoutsessxon ‘45“

lawyer to the tribunal would after a special audit revealed 01‘ Friday, January 19- ft
bemadebytheSupremeCourt. irregularities in the spending Beginning in January, Y, z

, of private donor money for news organizations willbeable '

KSU Foundallon aSkS university expenses. to receive inforrnation on cases ‘ '

‘ ' affecting their readers. The -
demal “access . . ASNE, court cooperate Sys‘em Wi“ ”Wide ‘ fit:

" ‘ A private fund-rarsmg . . . . newsrooms with a review of
foundation for Kentucky State to publlCIZG decusuons decisions for the past two ' ‘
Universityhasfiledacomplaint weeks and advance notice of V

in Franklin Circuit Court, ask- The American Society proceedings. . '
m at ‘
6 ,

 , 33?;
’ Page 6
, 7! 2
An Enormous Job .— _ .
' By Larry McGehee " '
. 9.91:3;
' thtm" Note: The ““0me article is “’PY: tion, put it into type, and fit it on to newspaper 5 ”ii:
righted by Wofford College, S.C. and isbemg pages in enough time and in enough quantity, :1
reprinted from “‘9 Fulton Leader. with enough accuracy in facts and in grammar y.
and spelling, to fill one newspaper day after . if;
. A Sunday ritual is to take the newspaper day — and with so little repetition? 9%,,»
and separate it into three stacks: pages I want to , The whole scope ef the newspaper en- if:
read, pages I won't read, and grocery coupons terpnse is absolutely mmdbogglmg. Even if ,4 r :3:
for my wife to clip. Performingthisexercise,lam you concede some Of the Whhhg has taken fig
often astounded by howmuch information there longer than 24 hours to research and write or ‘ fig
is in a newspaepr and how much paper must go that using ad copy from national advertisers v ‘ fie
into producing the newspapers of this nation and relying on wire services and telephoto * 2.11;
1 day after day after day. copiers for some news provide shortcuts, the 3;;
Most ofthepagesin ourpapersare double sheer magnitude of the editing and printing _1 ER
sheets. Each single sheet (two reading pages) alone overwhelms the mgmatlon- , .13;?
measures about 14x22 inches. The average daily Thousands Of persons somehow work ,:
paper fora middle-sizedcltyruns about 52 pages together to make what we take for granted we if;
a da Anaveragedail newspapers covers] 6 016 shall find in the driveway at 6:30 each morning . gt?
' y' e in ch as y ’ or 4 each afternoon. Add to them the thousands . ~ f;
I The Sifdnay newspaperisusually at least more who drive the. trucks or ride the bikes or a" 1 ,1
1 three times as large as the daily. If we count it as carry the mail to get them to newsstands and . 23m
the equivalent of three days of daily papers, we homes. Simply incredible. , 5: » a
, wind up with 10 days of papers each week cov— Can you thlhk 0f any other single serv— a???
ering 160 016 square inches _ in each household. ice, outside of electricity or water, of such g;
', Two weeks of spread-out newspapers would magnitude ahd dependability as getting your, i;
completely cover an 1800 sqaure foot home. A paper. Th ed h , ‘ 5%:
year of daily-plus-Sunday newspapers for one allege are Emil): w e101? ha‘hee 4.
person/ family would cover one entire football are n, lisspe or w en e paper te amv- 4
- . field and both end zones (8.3 million square mg is testimony to the faith and dependency a 3%,»;
inches). newspaper gives us. We are so accustomed to v 1 -.- 9:};
This is an astounding phenomenon to our newspaplflr's accuracy: and tliameliness that ' Z
contemplate.lamonlyonenewspapersubscriber we very unC y hehee V3] eh h p sec. ' . ‘ 53%“
and there are millions. I subscribe to only three The newspapers ‘5 our personal Pmtee'. ‘ ' 5%}
newspapers, and there are 10,088 of them in the tion against ignorance and isolationism. It is 3;;
United States alone, (with about 7,000 weekly our designed watchdog upon public affairs. It is.
newspapers). How many football fields would is a full-blooded member 0f the family, the 3%?
be covered b all the co ins for onl one da of initiator and moderator of conversation and r
all 10,000 agers p y y debate, of information and interpretation. ,2?“
HdDw many trees does it take to produce If one day's quota Of all newspapers in ~ hie
enoughnewsprint for all the newspaPrs printed the world were spread end to end, we wouldn't -. e;
in the world each and everyday? How is it 1305- have much of anything at all. But pnnted, pack-
sible for enough trees to grow rapidly enough to aged and parceled» out the way theyare, what »
keep up with the demand? we do have is a pretty well-read socrety. , 2.33:;
How man human beings does it take to For what we daily receive, we give E33213
produce all the nezvspapers of the world? H ow is thanks. Bless, O Lord, the hands which prepare ~
it humanly possible to gather enough informa- h'
, I‘ 1

 r I Page 7 ‘ . .
News frqm here: and there .
j .' f‘iik’a‘
. . ‘ " .13.?
. After repeatedly encountering the objec- The federal government is investigating a '
50“ that "“0de reads the newspaper" from a complaint against an Oregon newspaper that it ff
farm equipmentstorer anOhio weekly'5 ad sales published rental housing ads that unlawfully
' man offered to runa tn'alad for free, and brought discriminated on the basis of "familial status." ‘ . g
in the f°n°Wihg COP)" "A11 farm machinery HALF Reports form other states indicate more 3
PRICE" . . _ " newspapers may be investigated following a
"15 thls some kmd Of a JOke? asked the the new Fair Housing Guidelines that went into .
owner. "Only a fool would sell at this price." effect on March 12, 1939_
The ad man responded: "What 1‘9““ can Here are some tips to make sure you're
it d0? I thought you 531d nobody reads the ready for an HUD review of you newspaper: I
neWSPaPer ~ that it's only used to light fires?" ~ Publish regular disclaimers in classifi- (
The retailer then agreed to buy an ad. cations that meet the new Fair Housing guide- ,1:
"But I'll write the copy." lines. ‘ .,
‘ ‘Work with your real estate advertisiers ' 1*:
- . to ensure their compliance. ’ i
. Chrysler Corp, recently wowed that. it ' Monitor all ‘ad copy submitted, and ., ”)1
M11 spend 70 percent Of Its estimated $100 mu- make suggestions to advertisers on copy that ' ’
lion ad budget for the 1990 model year on would meet HUD standards -~ .
newspaper and magazine ads; a drastic change ” Run the publisher’s hotice in each edi- ‘ I j I
from “5 40 percent Pf'mt budget last year. F0116 tion as the first item in the real estate category. / . i,
at : ) sler are wanting to attract more upscale Lamimte the notice and post it throughout your
drivers from the high-end lines and think the work area and front counter '5 ' ‘
. best way is through print. They re right. mdud 1 Recommend to :13]; rtisers m they . ~ «:1;
And Radio Shack, which advertisosinmore e 93°5'Fmemen" . ”5am" make. '3»
13mm” than any “herrefaflercwm “’1" 25525332“ 312311? igzgntzlzytifims' i if
tinue to use newspapers as its primary ad . Have your sales personnel check with 3‘ 3»
medium. Radio Shack's basic ROP schedule and remind advertisers to use the 10 as .3353;
reaches 75 milli' 'on households and consists of *Require all real estate brokergis t; prop- ”9:?
about 70, advertisements annually. . erly identify themselves in their ads. gig?
‘ . . “ Run display ‘ ads containing Equal in‘
Some ideas on building circulation, cour- Opportunity in Housing information. - if:
tesy of Publisher's Auxiliary: " Establish a good working relationship - Egg.
" Give premiums to new subscribers. A with the local Board of Realtors, and participate _ 333;-
free classified. A small gift. Free movie rentals. in their EOH activities. . “$4
”Add an extra month to the subscription * Maintain a file of all pertinent corre- it
of a renewer who comes in before an early spondence with advertisers in the event you are )3
response deadline date. reviewed. i4
" When children are born in your area, ' " Review the Fair Housing Act with all .
' take a copy of your paper with the birth an— sales staff, ‘ if?“
nouncement in it to the new mother and father. Remember, it is unlawful to discrimi- . . fl
*Present all newlywedsinyourcommu- natein thesale, rental and financing of housing. 1:}:
nity with a one-year subscription as a gift- Newspapers with questions should call the i
* Involve your newspaper with the Wel- Kentucky Press Association (502) 223-8821. -. Z.
come Wagon or Chamber of Commerce. The above-mentionedsuggestionsinpre- "f
‘ " " Place a copy of your paper on the paring for a review .by the Department of Hous- g‘j;
doorstep 0f non-subscribers With a balloon and ing and Urban Development are from ANCAM jjf.
card asking them to subscribe. Exchanppg' 3- -‘
. . . iii:
2- , .
—,__—___ \ .M_;_.“ «‘1 :._‘;.______3 W ”:1 .1,” __ ' j 3 j ‘
iii, . j
- ‘ \ ‘ .‘

 e Page 8 }
Across Kentucky . .

Judy Hickman, who City. the .Anderson News. Don

began her journalism career Keith McDaniel, who ghitemnietzofrslevenlandnErk I;

. with the Shelbyville Sentinelin has previously been with sev- 0m?“ y 9w???“ 1:" . ‘:
1962, has returned to her eral newspapers in Tennessee, gegelradrnanaghers m entuc 1y ' L‘:
hometown after 27 years to hasbeen named interim editor ap nadianawho we’eF‘Fem); I;

become composition manager of the Casey County News. e egfith mist e POSItgntho r

of the Shelbyville Sentinel- McDaniel is filling in for P“ . “Rena ,° 3‘31““; at

News. Hickman, who owneda Maleena Streeval while she is 121:? . uptam. as ta en on v 33;}

print shop in Greensburg and on maternity leave. :. mom dutiesfias tcaquOIZI-

then moved to Ruseell County Pipes GaineS, CO-pub- 101.1 manager. d 1;“ m a o 53%,}

where she co-owned two lisher 0f the Bowling Green writes Sew:- an eature 5:0- {255?

weeklies, replaces PatMm-phy Daily News, and editor Don 185:“ d ta esghotographs or

who has taken another posi- Stringer have announced sev- t e n Bertson Gews. f

tion. Murphy was composition eral personnel changes in the d t‘ F We reen’ to?“ 33;}.»

manager for 12 years. editorial staff of the newspa- a .J‘er 19:3 Nr ep 135‘??? we ‘5‘

' Charles Bertram, pho- per. Stanley R. Reagan, a 1986 WI a 1m :llabew o; :2? , x
tographer for the Lexington graduate ofWestern Kentucky papegdm d _a.ma,d.as '; ’ "(pr
Herald-Leader, was named University who has worked nfimM a.vertislilngMirectoro / ‘ 3‘1
Newspaper Photographer of with the Glasgow Daily Times ghe algisorgi e cl 0659“?" I _ 33:33

the Year during the Kentucky anda ML Juliet, Tenn-I weekly, he rep ces awbl- hevengfer, [ . M

News Photographers Associa- has been named copy editor; w 0 15 now P“ l? 9:200. ia ; v 3 3 If:

. tion meeting in Louisville. Pat Annette Poole, former re- newsgaper group Ln ms ' ‘ ‘ g 1;
McDonough, of the Courier- porter for the MaYSVille as: {gen egan “FE“? , : its

Journal was runner-up. . Ledger-Independent, has i. “t D 1y 9,“;139 “”5“; e 1. "w

Teresa Bragg, former joined the staff as a reporter; unes a1 yin Sims", "11a ; g

' staff writer for the Cynthiana va'td C.L. Bauer has moved newsPafer .0“: y H (m: d. " «7;,
Democrat, has been named from copy editor to editorial Le d 15"ng on . era ' ‘4‘" {,3}

staff wrtier for the Kentucky page editor; and Andy Dennis a1,“ SSifiess‘i‘awnter la;- 3 , . - 715

Standard in Bardstown. Bragg has transferred to the sports gue m? :3 e d stlyvogat e fits
graduated from Murray State staff. dovereign lwirt ’ th eEd'na- ' ' ‘5
University in May, 1989, and Missy Ketcham, a De- Alan films? enh 2d ti? 11’: , ‘39;

worked for three summers asa cember graduate Of Western f wgr ts. esa r fielawéth . E"

general assignment reporter Kentucky University, has or esnnevxgspapg‘arMc it" 1 ., :3

for the Lake News in Calvert joined the composition staff of Egg; er mm e o rea 32
3 z .

The Kentucky Press - 332 Capitol Avenue - Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 W

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