xt7kh12v7164 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v7164/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1950 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1950 Vol.21 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, January 1950 Vol.21 No.3 1950 1950 2019 true xt7kh12v7164 section xt7kh12v7164 . 3155?:awardamine-=2:fiaéfiéfli‘é‘:773??%2€:¥'?€2¥79;T:$§=§‘-237:???522E“?*?‘3’--*2‘:‘=7”’ff'="fi ":39?*1‘"E¥€€f‘-.Z?E¥’I§€?E‘13:211.???z“it”?J':t~‘.’:‘.'?:"‘.'-‘fTV-Z‘tff‘f’i‘fEzm-r:‘-"fi;7i‘*'i'*"§‘1 :;:;2;J-;;::; E:::gws:;.5.2‘=2“z
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.-' :11E E EEE 'E 11E; EEEE ’ OR a half eenturV now. automobile $ ‘ , ' ~,j1 erset, United States Delegate to the United those state associations not now covered; a Following the closing noon luncheon, the? E
1 1111“‘ 11 1 Nations. The silver pitcher, sponsored by spring meeting in New York, March 29- convention was favored in seeing the pre- 2
‘ ‘11‘111‘1‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘.1 President Willis, was presented to Mr. Coop. April ]; the annual convention in Provi- view of the outstanding film, “Guilty Oli E
111111 1 ‘ er by Thomas R. Underwood, former presi- dence, Rhode Island, Iiine 19—21, including Treason", the story of the trial of Cardinal 1 E
i ‘1 ‘1‘": i . . . ‘ . . , =
11‘ 1. 1, ‘ “U. dent of KPA and U. S. re )resentative in 1 a tour of the New kn land states; and ac- Mindszentr, in the Gold Room. This ie E
.11 i _ 1 1 , l g l P =
111111 “.1 .1 E11 Congress from the sixth district, Kentucky. celeration of the Association’s continuing view was presented by the Overseas Press. 5
11111 1". 1111 1 In his presentation, Mr. Underwood stated membership campaign, National Advertis- Club and the Eagle—Lion Films, with James“1 E
111111 ‘ 1"- ‘, i” that the selection of Mr. Cooper was unani~ ing service, an“ the SCOPCr progress, and L- Cassidy, Cincinnati, in charge. The film, ‘ E
1111‘1‘1'11 ‘1 “ ‘ mous, and that he considered Mr. Cooper plans of the \Veekly Newspaper Research now being shown in Kentucky towns, re- 5
7 1‘11 i '1 as the “finest and grandest man Kentucky Bureau. ceived much favorable comment by the 1 E
1111‘ “i 1 1‘, has ever produced.” In his acceptance, Mr. The Louisville Courier-Journal, presented editors present. Following the preview, g
“1‘11 . ‘1 ‘1 1 ‘ I Cooper gave his impressions of the United 11 program entitled “The Human Approach the members were guests of Radio Station 5
1111111 ‘1‘ Nations, declaring “truth still appeals to [0 Selling Advertising”, featuring a slide W14“, at ‘1 cocktail hour. E
“1 “11‘ -“1‘1-‘ the spirit and minds of men." Newspapers PFCSCnthion. “The Greatest Show On This Slst annual meeting was outstanding‘ g
1111111“ 1“,: he said must continue to acquaint people Earth," and humorous talks by Cissy Gregg, in attendance, in the quality 0f the program, ,’ 5
11111.21 1 ‘of this country and the world with the llOmC consultant 0f the paper; Earl Ruby, and the interest of the delegates present. It E
- 1‘11 1 ‘ 1‘ 1 ‘ 1: struggle now going on for a greater political sports editor; JOC Creason, Sunday magazine has set a criterion that will be hard to surt1 E
, ‘ 111‘11‘ ‘ 1‘. ,1 ' ‘ ui writer B. N. Atkinson r., columnist, and )ass in the ears to come. .‘ g
11 ,1 . 1. _ 1 liberty and economic sec r ty. . I Y _
1““1 I 11 'He stated the ”great impulse for a better Douglas (iornette. The theme was, Me; 1 I __—— E
1 1‘31“. -‘ 1”." life" would exist even if the "impasse" in chandise your advertising, do hf" ”51:15: PreSIdent S Address g
1‘ 1 1111 1 I ' ‘1‘ the United Nations did not. That impasse “PM? 1Thh’ program presentation “I e At this oint the m am calls for the 1 E
1‘ 151,1' 1 ‘ , ‘1‘ ; - - d carried in a future issue of the Press. P P gr 5
“1 115,1" 1 “ challanges the Uhlted States to use Its lea - I l b . . h f ll (1 l president’s address. That is a misnomer for _E_
l 123:1 ‘ 1 1 ‘ ' ‘ ' n tie usmess seSSion t at o owe , tie , _ _ E
11‘1'1111'11;1 1 f 1 ‘1 ership-in-bolsterin'g the peoples Of the world. . . d' 1 this is an exhortation rather than an address. E
1111,11 1 Pau’en‘rjeand sacrifices are needed, he said. EXECUUVG Committee recommen 'lhg, tle When the freedom of the press is threat 2
11‘ ‘1111 1 “1 . 1‘ 1 In telling the newspapermen of the job they convention voted active membership to the ened with abridgement we will rush 101111 E
1 111,1 11 11 ,. , . . . _ 1 E
“ “1‘11 ‘1 1 ‘ “ must he“) to do, Cooper declared he knew Hopkins County Tlmes’ MadisonVille, asso- defense with enthusiasm but oftentimes we ‘1 E
‘ ‘ 1,111 ‘1 1“ ‘ f" “ ‘ ' '1 " ciate membershi s to the ournal of the _ , , ’ . E
.1 1 1 11:1 5‘ “ ‘1‘ no group more fair, objective, or humane. ‘k S I}; l A J. . D Will permit other media of expressmn to be 1 E
i ‘1 1‘11““ "1 “‘ . Featuring four outstanding act, the lively Kentiic y tate pnta A lssomation, r. Joe shackled without a struggle. I am afraid. E
“ .‘ 1 ,‘1 “ , - , , . . . , . . 1 =
1‘1 11111: 1 1 ,1 1‘ floor Show, Wlth Dng'ht Gordon as master “17" {011.1615 Jri Chm}; t8; neg“ migrzine, that if we do not help others maintain their E
‘i“i ,‘ ; ' . - " i e,” ouisvi e am er o 0111- , . . 1 E
111111111111 11 _ of ceremonies, drew rounds of applause. A 0 "5V1 , d' l 5-] R" freedom, we Will sometime be in danger of E
‘1‘1‘1‘11‘ “ “ ‘ , variety of acts were Presentd, though some- merce, G118m1 Rlamsey,1e iltl<>r T133 1: tknir losing our own. E
‘111111‘1 .‘ what‘c’urtailed by the smallness of the floor V‘ihe')’ l\ews, 516131191" 5“ '3’ a“ t e 9‘ ' The motion )icture in dug” is a most E
“ .‘11111 1 1‘- » - . . castle Record. Mt. Vernon, Burlyn Pike, l ‘ Y E
11“ “1“2 1111 ‘ 1‘ ‘ 1 Space, but the danclng, the skaters, the Jug- bl"l pertinent example. It is now so shackled Y E
111111 : ‘ 1 gling-clown, the lovely contortionist,‘ the P“ 131% 1 . with restrictions that it is doubtful that free- 1 5
11111111191 - ‘ singing, all were of high calibre and a credit James T- Wilson, veteran editor for more dom of expression through that median can ' E
. 1 1-1-1 . 1 - g. . . 1 .1 E
11111111111 1 to the sponsorship of the CourierJournal, than fifty-three years on the Cynthiana Log be obtained in a lifetime How 11101111111011 §
1111111111 1 ‘1 Times, and WHAS. Dancing, it 'til the wee Cabin, was presented for life membership like to submit your paper. to a censor before E
11111111" “ i 'Smaa' hOm’S" With "mm by the KentUCkY ‘" the Assoc‘atlon' H‘s ”ommam" lays publishing? While these shackles are being E
‘111‘ “121‘:‘ U: ’ ' 1 over until the mid-summer meetin for final ‘ . , E
111‘ 111111"! 1; . .Kernels followed the floor show. vote and confirmation g forced, the press has largely sat idly b1~1 E
11‘ “““1 ‘ “1‘1 " Followmg the breakfast, the Saturday ' sometimes even helping in the process. l E
11“ “1““ ‘ ' h ‘ morning session was open by the annual Announcement was made Of two new con- Unlike the press radio requires some can E
1‘11‘1‘111‘11 ; ‘ ‘ “i ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ tests for 1950; The Best Pictorial Covera e, _ ’ , , . E
111‘1‘1“ ‘. ' ‘ adldress)“ 1:165!de VfVlllllls (gdvel? m ahOther two sections one C'lCh for community neigvs trols m the matter 01 regulating frequencles E
11111131111 1 11 1 'co umn . e was 0 owe y secretary- . , .c ‘ . .- and )ower, but we should continually help §
1 1‘1“11‘1 ; 11‘ ‘1 ‘manager Portmann in his annual report to papers and small “W dailies; and Best Com- radioI to maintain and expand its freedom E
3“11“1~1‘?1 ' ' the Association. The secretary stressed the mllmty PmmOUOH, awards to be PYCSénted f 1. P l l have control E
“1‘ 1. ' need to stud efficiency and economy in the annually by the Louisville Chamber of 0 expression. eope W10. to 1 E
‘1“1““‘. ' y ' 1 I Commerce one to a communit neck] and over one phase Of radio are likely to try ’1 E
i111¢:i~ _ _ , v , _.. :1 \
11111 1111111111 1 newspaper office, stating tiat most news ”1 _ y Y expand such control to other actiVltICS- 11‘1 §
‘11‘1‘1111111 ‘. ‘ papers have raised their subscription and one to a ddl y- believe that we should always be found in, §
‘ ‘1‘:- ‘ . . . . a n 1 §
1 11111111 1 » . national advertising rates to a national com- Reports of the convention committees on the corner of those who He fighting for tliei E
1111111115 ' ‘ parable level, but many have failed to raise Memorial and Resolutions were read by the cause of freedom of expression 1 S
“1 .11 i : . . . . . ' ,
11111111111? 1' . _‘ their» local advertismg rates to a cost-plus chairman and unanimously accepted. These fill
‘1‘1‘1‘1'1‘ "‘ It ' basis; His address and re on have been are rinted in another column. The re )ort Please Turn To Page Semitic
1111i «1‘11 P ’ P ‘
1 1
.r 1 111111 1‘ 1 .
ii I 1111 ‘ H.111! a4 -
1‘1 11‘ ‘i ,‘ ’.--: .
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N11111:. 1 1» 77777;,

 I II'IIIvII-‘I I~ Page Three III II
'1. k Press I ‘ :II
January, l950 The Ken’rUC y ' III‘III '3
. . ”E I. I I I -: ~
‘950 ~~ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIlllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIlllllllllllllllllllll||||== .III I
I . A II' .
I lllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllll E ;.II-: :2 .
flllmlllllllllllllllllllll|IlllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I E IIIII. I _.
tee was unani. . g ' E ’III I I
a of officers Was 2 . - E IIIIIIIII -‘I
1g one vote. E ' I . .. S S E I II II I
mced that the E h P E III ‘ III
)hio river, asa I E What T e I‘BSSI ay E IIII I“I
mmer meeting, I :E: .. - I I E IIII I - -
because sufiLI‘I E I I ’ E . I . .III
shown in ad. I 2 About I I I he A& Case 2 III' II
inimum of 150 E".— - I I ' E IIIII I II
to reserve theI E , -‘ ‘ I II . . . . , ' - , E III III I
all 30 per cemI _=-== _ - I -.. - I I E IIIIII II
- E * , E ‘ III I I i‘!
l luncheon, the,I g ..- , . . . ' E I II II II . II '
ieeing the pre-I E .: , . . ,. E IIIII I .
_,“Guilt f g . " :9... . . . p E III a .
{:1 of CartlinIle I :2— Ever since the anti-trust lawyers filed their suit to d:s::"i)e¥ cturailtry: E IIIII I I
”m- This 9"" E thousands of newspapers, both large and small In 0" Parts I: on American 2 IIIII II '
Overseas PIIIIII EI I have editorially stated their opposition to thls latest attac ~,- E IIIIII‘I III
us, With James ‘ E . _ E IIIII II III
rge. The filmI E , buSIneSS- . . f und E I IIIIIIII IIII
Cky “’“Ins'm' :— Generally speaking, these editorials all indicate a policy or so -~ :— I II II :I . II
Imlem by 'III I E enforcement of the anti-trust laws. 3 III I III
tie prevxew, E . ' E {I i I ‘ I:
Radio SIaIIOII E I But they say they are against this attack on A & P for some or all I: IIIII“I II
d‘ g of the following reasons. _ . E » III III . I;
:IIsrrIIeIIIIIIZIérIIII E I 'l...The anti-trust laws were designed *0 prevent m‘IHOPo'IESI: in: E IIIIIIIII :III '
‘ E . - motel approaching «1 mon°P°'¥ "Y" e' ' E
sites present. II, = has nothing re Y _ _ , d 0 easy to enter 5 III , III
)5; hard to sutI E the food industry is so highly “mpemIIve 9"_ s l ‘ E III II I
‘I E that there is no POSSIbimY of anyone obtaining a m°n°P II: E IIIII IIIIIII
E . blic eing E II . I:
. E '- t l were deSIgned *0 prevenf the P" . E II . Vii
I E I I Trjggt‘llhltrlutshe gs: of A & P the complaint is I‘d “I.“ "“3 com- 2 II III 1 III I
1 calls for IIIIl—I E . w . , :any charged too high prices but rather that Its prices wereso . g IIIIIII [III
rmisnomerforI E: I low as to hurt competitors. . - G IIB’ItIII' . “ II, E IIIIII III
ian an address E I - d 5i ned to preserve compefiflon? .ll ,, I a: E III I. III I III 1 '
We” IS IIIIIIIIIIII E 3I Thlle :EiIItI-tiguitirl:i:; 1:; leawgs around to do just the opposfl'e E I‘IIIIIIIII
“1: rutsllllng I: I E I Is *0 protect competition and reduce competition- E IIIIIIII IIII
0 (en ' E - - - , here they E IIIII IIIII I3
I ion to be. E ._ t | e s' duty is to enforce the law. But . E IIII I III; I
pietm afraid. E 4I Tleta'l:;rtuos 99:“: nIIew interpretation of the law that Will enable E IIIII I II I
maintain IheIII E :hemrin-o impose a new economic policy on this country. E ,.‘III I II II
3 in 'dangero. g .. . E IIII E III
E - ' 'llions of citizens In E II!3 II II ‘I‘
E ' h th newspapers 0‘ Amem‘" ““3 ml -. - _ E IIS'I‘III III”
“V I5 I "III“ E II walkIIISIhdI: lIisfewszy tint they are opposed *0 “'e “SEW“: .°‘II'I‘I'I‘II‘I:I': E IIIIII II
. h km: ,° . ' r' ' re icien 1° ° ‘ E I
1::[SIIthaIICfrcfe- E puny which for 90 years has done the na ion 5 mos E: IIIII III III
.at median can E blfl'ion- ' , E II IIIII IIII II
'ow would Y0“ E I I E ’II 'III II I
l censor before E E ‘III II II I
:kles are being E I I I: III II I III I
sat idly by“ I E ¥ ¥ 4 E III III I??? I
re process. I E I E I III II IIIII
tires some can E ‘ I E IIIII IIII
mg frequencies e E HIIIII III:
“‘“m‘mI‘II E P - OD S I ORES E III
"I “5 “III" E A & ' ~ " E “III II
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