xt7kh12v701n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v701n/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1999-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 1999 text GLSO News, November 1999 1999 1999-11 2019 true xt7kh12v701n section xt7kh12v701n Lexington Men's Chorus MCC Anniiuniies Interim Performance Art Night
Releases Live CD. Pastoral Leader
On Sunday evening Nov. 7,
As part of the celebration of their The Great Lakes District of The three women will present creative
10th Anniversary 39350“. Lexington Metropolitan Community Church has interpretations of their work at The
Men‘s Chorus is releasing their sec— appointed Rick Cox as interim Salon,at the corner of MaxAIley. and
0nd CD recording, “Lexington Men‘s Pastoral Leader for Lexington MCC. Maxwell St The gathering will start at
Chorus, LIVE!" The CD is a collec— Rick lives in Lexington with his part— 6 pm and there is a $5 admission
tion of live performances from the ner Michael Todd. Rick and Michael charge. Chili and corn bread will be
“TSI decade. More than 120 men are raising Rick’s six kids from his provided, BYOB and an unscented
from Central Kentucky have sung previous marriage. His most recent candle. RSVPto Kelly (277-6168) to
200 $0093 at 110 performances With pastorate was as Associate Pastor at give them some idea 0i “OW many
LMC. Choosing the songs to be Calvary Baptist Church in people to expect.
included on the CD was not an easy Nicholasville. Three performers will be reading
task. Rick will be serving as pastor from their works, using a variety of
The CD is a mix of gay and les— until a permanent replacement for forms of artistic expression to com—
blan Pride standards like “Great Reverend Rex VanAlstine can be municate aspects of their lives and
Peace March," "Color Out of found. We all have been missing the life of our community. Tina Gale
Colorado" and " I, AM I Am;" Rex at church. has read her work at the last gay
Broadway show tunes: “Blow Gabriel Lexington MCC is a Christian pride reading as well in different
BIOW" and "LOVE Changes Church which has been serving the cities across the country. Kelly
Everything" and holiday favorites Lexington Community for six years. O'Ferrell, who is regular contributor
such as “Season for Lovers.“ "Lo, We are very happy to have Rick with to the GLSO News, will be reading
How a Rose." and ”Christmas us and we invite the community to from her journal on sexual healing.
Without You." pay us a visit and get to know our The third reader will be Laverne
LMC is especially proud to church community Zabielski, recipient of the Sallie
include works commissioned for MCC is also seeking a dynamic Bingham Award recognizing
them from Brian Throckmorton." individual to serve in the role of Choir Kentucky ,...continued on page 2
Crossing the OhiO" is a stirring work Director and Minister of Music. This '
paralleling the struggle 0f gays and position requires an individual with
lesbians today with that of the African experience in establishing and main-
Americans using the Underground taining a strong music program in a
Railroad during the 1800's. Brian‘s church of 50 continued on page 2
unique arrangement of ”The Star
Spangled Banner" was recorded at
the Pride concert "Sing Out!" June
1999 When for- Continued on page 2

 m Men’s Chorus..continued from page 1 M00 ...continued from page 1
M mer members Joined LMC on stage at members. All candidates must be
“Eveffé the Concert Hall stage Of the supportive of the mission of the
Wheathwt; Singietary Center, Church and sensitive to the needs or
”yfiiwfijzsgfg’ The CD will be a walk down mem- the congregation. '
g%€§:§”3;§6§ ory lane for long time supporters of We are looking for someone to
e,‘:’%fi,f§§/ LMC. Remember the concert at the develop a musical program, including i
is! Kentucky Theater with Muse, the selection of music, choir participation 1
/ “We Freedom concert at the Opera House, in rehearsals and Sundays worship. i
l W‘tfl bet: the concert devoted to Broadway at The ideal candidate would work in .
2 the Singletary Center, the recent 70's the role as a volunteer, but the search |
concert that had 800 people scream- committee would consider individuals
ing for more at the Opera House or not able to work in such a capacity. If :
The GLSO News the annual Holiday concerts; Songs you feel that you would be interested '
VOL“ Issue '0 from each Of these ShOWS are tthUd- in obtaining more information about :
Published Monthly by ed on the CD. the church and its ministries, contact
Nothing can duplicate the excite- Tomas Wayne Edison at 226-0978 or ‘
. ment and spontaneity of a live perior- at twedis99@aol.com or Bill Chandler
The Lexmgton Gay mance. Sure the occasional baby is and Terry Mullins at 255-5469 or at
' ' heard crying 0" the people coughing misterb@gte.net. MCC’s mailing
11681716171 service momentarily draw your attention from address is PO Box 305, Lexington,
Organization the tUSh harmonies, hi" you are trans- Kentucky 40584. Our worship location '
ported to an event. The energy Of the is 385 Waller Avenue, near St Joseph
321 Second St. chorus is palpable, the audience Hosp. Phone 606-255-4016
response alive and real. This experi-
ence can't be duplicated in a record- Performance...conrinued from page 1
Editors : ing studio. _
The CD was made possible Women who have been leaders in
Mary Crone through the generous individual spon- changing the "V65 0f women through
Peter Taylor sors of each track, supportive busi- art. This award is through the KY
nesses, Friends of the Chorus and the Foundation Of Women. Laverne is the
enormous individual talents of the creator of Working Class Kitchen and
GLSO Annual Dues members of LMC. a facilitator of writing practice at the
and Newsletter: $15 CD‘s will be available for $15trom Carnegie Center 0‘ Literacy and
Dues and Newsletter for members of the chorus, at Joseph- Learning.
Couples: $20 Beth Booksellers in Lexington and will The space in the Salon is limited,
be sold at the LMC concerts this year. so call Kelly to insure yourself a place
0 ' . d . th GLSO N Coming up soon, the "Home for for this stimulating evening.
”“0115 GX YESSS In P. BWS are - ll “ . n
thtzlse of thepauthors and don’t necessarily ghe Holidays concert on Dec.11th at Secrets anb Lies
pm and Dec. 12th at 3pm at the
represent those of the GLSO Board. R . . . Sunbau NOV. 21
Submissions are welcome and become the eeltal Hall m the Singletary Center. '
Tickets are available now through the ‘30 Lex. Wb‘ Ulnar“
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves
the right to edit submissions and advertise- ticket office or by calling 257'4929' Reception 8' DtSCHSSiOfl
ments as well as the right to reject any sub- This COUtd be a wonderful start to your Diversity Films
missions or advertisements. holiday 39380"; don’t miss tt- no charge
' _ lYG LESBIGAY YOUTH HOTLINE 1- 800-347-TE’EN 7pm—12pm ThUrs.& Fri.
GLSO page 2 '

 . ~ 6 o m m a n a t Ne . g ..
GAMES MGHT The reigning‘Miss Ebony Male, Group is a safefsupportiv'e, easy
3 The Metropolitan Community Leigh Angelique and Miss Ebony Male going, place to be. Come join the
9 Church (LMCC) has renewed games 97-98, Bayna Starr will also be on group every Wednesday night. For
n night. Beginning on November 5th, hand along with the new Miss Gay additional information contact Jane at
Games nights willbethe first Friday of Lexington, LaToya BaCall and Miss 389-7698.
n each month starting at 7 pm. Please National 98-99, Ashley Kruiz.
h bring your favorite game and a snack. The contest will begin promptly at Social Concepts
s It is always free of charge and will be 9 pm with the proceeds benefiting The Social Concepts has been busy
|f at the Pride Center, 387 Waller Ave Pride Center of The Bluegrass. We the last couple of months. Women got
d ending at about 11 PM, For more invite you to join Ebony Male in wei- together for an overnight campout,
it information contact Tomas Wayne coming homealegend ...and creating dinner and a show at Comedy Off
:t Edison at 606—226-0978 or at a new one. Broadway, afternoons at Keeneland
rr twedi399@aol.com. and a Halloween Party.
2r Discussion Group Social Concepts strives to bring
tt Interweave Every Wednesday at 7:30pm the lesbian, bisexual, and straight women,
g lnterweave will be having second GLSO Discussion Group meets at the singles and couples together for a
1, Sunday lunch at the UU church after Pride Center at 387 Waller Avenue. wide variety of activities. We all about
n the service on November 7. Members We are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and making connections. In Novemberwe
h of lnterweave will also be participating transgender people who come togeth- are planning a Thanksgiving dinner
with the Women’s Spirituality Group or to talk about everything under the with all the trimmings.
for a Samheim ritual on Friday, Nov. 5. sun. We have a lot on our minds and For information or to help plan
1 We will be having a pot luck supper in we like having others to share it with. activities call Ginger at 389-7698 or
‘ the Fellowship House at 6:15 (the old In November we plan to discuss email gg40504@hotmail.com.
m farm house to the side of the church) ' Androgyny: "Don‘t call me sir or
i“ and start the ritual at the circle behind ma'aml" Book Discussion Group
y. the barn at about 7:20. Join us at 0 Homosexual Homophobia: "No one Charlie is interested in forming a
'6 either time. has to know we are gay.“ Book Discussion Group, focusing on
id OStereotypes: "Are you the man orthe LesBiGayTrans issues. He works at
’9 EBONY MALE PRESENTS woman?" Joseph Beth and can arrange for
‘d MISS BLUEGRASS PRIDE XXX) 0 Straight Friends: "is there such a good prices on any book chosen for
:1 Wednesday, November 17th will thing? > . . . a reading group such as this. Please
, . Our discussmn is always flexrble. contact Charlie @ 389-9352 if you
:9 be . a Homecoming to r . one .Of It you have something you need to talk have some interest in gathering with
Lexrngtons Original lllusronists, Miss .
. . . about, need support for, oriust need to others to talk about books.
West Virginia All—Star, Celeste . .
Holmes. Ms. Holmes will return home get Off your chest the D'SCUSS'OH Community news continued page 4
after a twelve year absence. Movable Feast Regular Events
Accompanied by Miss West \firginia is in great need SisterSound Behearsal.....Sun. 6-8, Park Methodist
Pride, Veronica Lake, Celeste will of drivers every GLSO Discussion Group,,.,Wed. 7:30, Pride Center
join Ebony Male for Miss Bluegrass evening to deliv— Men’s Chorus Rehearsal....Thrus.7 pm. Pride Center
Pride 2000. Contestants will compete er hot meals. Regina‘s Court Cafe...,.First Sunday at Reginas 6:30
at The Bar Complex in the categories Please volun-g CUUPS (Pagens)....12:15 Sun, UU Church
of evening gown, talent, Q & A, and tear. ’ P-FLAG........7:30 2nd Tues.
] creative presentation. Call 252-2867 Chapel Hill Pres. Church, Armstrong Mill Rd. ,

 ratifyiqgg.311113;, "fish; "9 .:.:’ iii}: x . . ‘ _ . theS and experiences 0‘ peOP'e Who
Commum‘lyNeWsConhnued "I now make Central Kentucky their
' A prelim’inary’imeeting willybe ' had the Annual walk along With the home.
arranged to hash the whole thing out Annual pictures [Digital this yeart]. On November 21, the Sunday
as far as meeting time, place, etc. A And now for the infamous annual before Thanksgiving, We will be show- '
facilitator can be chosen for each awards: “Most Noise From A Single ing Secrefsand Liesat the Library the-
book (Fiction or Non-Fiction) which Tent“ does not go to Jack C. this year- ater at 1:30. Directed by Mike Leigh,
we decide to be worthy for our intel— -he slept in the Pathfinder. “Virgin of Secrets and Lies is a poignant com-
Iectual grist. the Year” to Heath R. as the newest edy about a struggling white English
One book we might consider is camper, who actually slept outside woman who is reunited with the
the new Jim Grimsley book, Comfort under the stars! “Biggest Surprise black daughter she gave up for
and Joy, for a good read, as usual Showing” is a tie, between Keith [Joe adoption 27 years earlier. Following
He‘s an excellent writer, and you will 6.] and Tim B. [Joe D.] One of these the death of her adoptive parents,
enjoy reading his books. guys we never thought wewould see Hortense (Marianne Jean-Babtiste),
again out in the woods. “Entertainerof contacts her birth mother, Cynthia ‘
NOTICE TO ALL SINGLES the Evening” goes to John G. for his (Brenda Blethyn), an unmarried fac- i
[WAKE UP!] by Steve Floss shocking repeating of the collapsible tory worker who lives with her daugh- ‘
The 20th annual GLSO Campout chair serenade. "Neatist Best Stuff" ter Roxanne. ‘
was a huge success. Eddie & Vlfilly Award agin goes to Peggy R. for hav- At first, Cynthia is distraught at '
provided the warmest weather yet—- ing a digital camera with more options the appearance of Hortense in her l
along with a nice dry comfortable than Jack. life, but over time they develop a
ground to sleep on. Everyone shared There are two main reasons for friendship that is important to them 5
hot dogs & assorted munchies for din- writing this article. First is to let every— both. Cynthia revels the truth of this '
ner. if it has been a while since you one know that GLSO sponsors a lot of relationship at a birthday party for '
have had an open firecooked hot dog, diverse activities during the year, for Roxanne, distressing her extended 1
you really missed out. both men and women, And many are family and provoking the revelation 1
The real reason for the titled is events where singles could meet their of other family secrets. ‘
because my partner and I met on the future partners. The other reason is to This funny and compassionate I
first GLSO Campout, on the second reinforce the idea that this years cam- perspective of one family‘s pain and
weekend in Oct, 1980. We've made it pout was again the best one yet! 80 love provides an excellent stimulus 5
to every campout since, from the disco remember the second weekend in for discussing issues such as interra- '
party in the early 80's to the yearof the October for next year. Get involved cial family connections, adoption, '
frozen booties to the tenement shacks with GLSO—-you’l| beglad you did! class, and the power of family ‘
in the early 90’s [The road was too secrets. A reception and discussion '
muddy to make it to the usual camp DIVEPSITY FLMS time will follow the film. Parking is ’
site]. This year there were many cou- Diversity Films had a goodt turn free in the lot behind the Library. '
pies as well as several singles enjoy- out for the two gay themed films in We are planing to show Golden ‘
ing each others company. Mark andl Oct. We want to thank our major Threads, a documentary about ‘
were surprised & thrilled by the huge sponsor, Imperial Flowers, for helping Christine Burton who founded an inter- (
chocolate cake that said “Happy Boo us bring these free films to the com- national network for midlife and elder ‘
Anniversary”. munity. We are also grateful to Lucie lesbians. The film makers, Lucy Vifiner ‘
As we shared stories on into the M and a la lucie, Alfalfa’s and The Bar and Karen Eaton, are interested in 5
night, everyone commented on the Complex for help with the reception. coming to Kentucky for this viewing '
amazing number of stars in the clear Diversity Films will be bringing a sometime in 2000. We are looking for t
sky--not hindered by city streetlights. movie or two a month to downtown volunteers, financial sponsors and ‘
The next morning we had coffee, theaters for at least the next eight contributors to enable us to bring
along with tons of sweet rolls and months. Our focus is on presenting these women here. If you are interest— t
homemade breads. And of course we films that reflect the diversity of cul— ed please contact Mary Crone. t
GLSO Page 4 ‘

 P The 11‘wa come across as young or naive; she dust, which is where Foo-Foo was
'r . . was more like a long-lived being with suppose to have come from.
By Re‘”e”e 1" 10"“ unconventional communication skills Some of the locals started pok- ‘

y , A woman named Foo-Foo in a timeless body. Her skin had a ing fun at Betty; they asked for
Z" dropped out of the sky a few weeks cool richness to it, like your favorite cousin’s phone number so that they
;' ago in Cricket Hop. She said her milk shake in a tall frosted glass on a could ask how’s life in the iceberg.
, name meant newcomer. At 3:00 am. hot summer night. She looked Rumor has it that cousin ran off with
'r; in a smoky lesbian bar she could be quenchable. an odd woman over 50 years ago

anything she wanted to be Who in Wenny accidentally on purpose and she is probably dead. But,
e her right mind would question the rubbed up against her on the way Betty's family claims that both
if name of a goo d-looking woman on a back from the bathroom. She came women visit from time to time. Who
9 rainy Saturday morning? to our end of the bar muttering that knows?
’v Besides with Crazy Betty Foo-Foo‘s body wasn't cold or hot, it’s an old story that's not worth
)1 decoding theiwoman's words it was but some of both and neither of rankling Crazy Betty into tears.
5" already a toss-up as to how much if either. Wenny’s hair was standing all Pinks always intervenes when the
; any of her story was the truth ‘or over her head like she was full of sta- teasing gets out of hand, but this time

Crazy Betty's imagination. One thing tic. Foo-Foo had given Wenny a little it was Foo-Foo who stepped in. ‘She
t was for certain Foo-Foo was defi- zap With those cookies, then she had compared cousin’s relationship to
‘ ""er not from a‘roun d these parts told her to AMSCRAY! that of the hecklers, and well, at
:r Here eswere the color of sweet Crazy Betty said that meant that point she and Betty had said
a spicy brozvn mustard with a small SCRAM. Foo-Foo used all kinds of plenty. Foo-Foo drew a simple
It black olive in each center When you strange words. She must have stud- map to show the transonic snok in
5 looked real dee into those olives it led an old slang dictionary on her Central Kentucky that bonds into a
)r felt as it Foo-:00 was lookin ’a” way down from the clouds. She kept black hole, allowing picosecond
d through your insides She Ieltgyou referring to us as Amy Johns, even travel. [picosecond=one trillionth
n feeling like your emotions and desires though Crazy Betty told her that it of a second]

had been snapped wide open. was now ok to use the word lesbian, One of the hecklers huffed up to
e It was better to focus on her gold or dyke, or gay. the bar and said, "Pico my buttl" She
d sleeveless tunic The sleek fabric We didn‘t mind Foo—Foo‘s snatched up the drawing, tore it into
S nicely outlined two circles that would words, her voice was rhythmic and scraps, and ate it. Two of her cronies
" have been nipples on an ordinary soothing. She would start a sen- came forward ranting about two
1, woman Crazy Betty said that all of tence with a soft whoosh and end it lunatics meddling in their private
y the circles were protective disks for with a faint click of the tongue lifting matters.
n the more sensitive areas of Foo- away from the roof of her mouth. Several instigators (failed rela-
'5 Foo’s body Uh-hmm that was a When she stopped talking all togeth- tionshipees) were farming the ten-

cute answer. But most Kentucky er, there was a low hum vibrating sion. Peacemakers shouted for
’n k h d bl t n, d down inside of her. everyone to keep calm. Foo—Foo
1‘ gomen ”SW Wh en g” e {,5 uke d In spite of the hum, we preferred stood toe to toe with the three heck-
" (13v: irfgigelgfungelilotfijsn "fig“, that she keep talking. We were not lers. The black olives had all but dis-
3' nf ti d th ' f l lusting after the woman or anything appeared from her eyes. and that low
er co ec ons ma e e wom an ee like that. Well, not all of us were lust— hum had becomea low growl.
n sate, that was alrlggt, plus :thmade a ing; some of us were interested in the Pinks came from behind the bar
‘9 Siesti’nvfcgemsgosoicegeh; 8 egg: aesthetics of her story also. But, with the “split—stick". She pushed
)r tion ,,| ot milk for them 000;; ,, when Foo-Foo would stop talking, Crazy Betty down behind the counter
‘d ’Sogne of the women lau he d Crazy Betty would start chattering and shoved her way into the middle
39 but Foo-Foo had absolutel nogreac: about her cousin who lived in a burg of the argument. "You know the
t' tion to the comment Syhe didn’t on the other side of the galaxy ice rules, take it outside or sit down and
_ continued on page 10

GLSO Page 5

MOVEABLE 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:30 pm PFLAG (Chapel 7:30 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men‘s Chorus 6:30 pm Women’s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
FEAST Hill Presbyterian Church) Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) Spirituality Group \ ' g . -
EVERY DAY 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm UK Lambda (UU Church) ' ’ . _.__
CALL (Student Center) 7£0 Em {4134/1ch Games ‘ ‘u '5’ J]?! 14/"
_ 1s t t ‘) . . .' .'
252 2867 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA . I 9 ' ‘ ~
7 SUNDAY 8 9 10 l l 12 13
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Board 7:30 pm Fairness 7:30 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men's Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA v
11:30am LMCC Meeting - open to the Lexington (Pride Center) Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center)
12:30 am CUUPS public - (Pride Center) ' 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm UK Lambda
(UU Church) 8:00 pm AA Step Study (Student Center) 6 S t aur ant
6:00 pm Dignity
6:00 pm SisterSound reh, .
(Park Methodist Church) 5 5 7 S, leestone
Lexington, Ky.
14 1 5 1 7 1 8 1 9 20
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 9:00 pm Miss Bluegrass 7:00 pm Men‘s Chorus 6:30 pm Women’s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 25 3 '00 1 4
11:30 am LMCC Pride (Bar Complex) Rehearsal (Pride Center) Spirituality Group
12:30 am CUUPS) 7:30 pm GLSO Discussion 7:30 pm UK Lambda (UU Church)
(UU Church) Group (Pride Center) (Student Center) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA °
6:00 pm SisterSound reh. 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA £621th lflg the famous
(Park Methodist Chmch)
Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
21 22 23 24 25 THANKSGIVING 26 27 SCI‘Vll‘lg blueberry
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:30 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men's Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA buckwheat p ancake S,
11:30 am LMCC Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (PrideCenter) _
12:30 am CUUPS) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm UK Lambda eggs benedlct arnold,
(UU Church) (Student Center) . h 1
1:30 pm Threats and Lies GLSO NEWS DEADLINE
(Downtown Library) SUBMIT ADDITIONS Spanls Cane Cttes
6:00 pm SisterSound reh. AND/OR CORRECTIONS ourmet esserts
(Park Methodist Church) FOR NEXT CALENDAR g 3
273-9649 and much more
28 29 30
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study
11:30am LMCC All of our breads and
(UU Church) desserts are baked dally
6:00 3' t s d h: ' ‘
(Pameggisf‘gnhugh) USE DIRECTORY ON LAST PAGE TO CONFIRM In our kltchen
Free Evening Parking

 The Kauai $0t/erel5n lmPeYial Court of
Al l KentVek.”
l HVI+6§ o’ou t blow Friend; to Fartieipate in
MIGC Mai/q Christmas

DOSV sewn] ‘ Postmark. 1999 chinézton, K:___ ___—_|
l hat/e been a good girl thié 11an, and ', téi— :
for Christmas, l wovloi like to win the i . I:
Miéé Mari] Chriétmaé Pageant to be i I 1
held Wednesdavi Deeember 8, 1999 at aegismlt
Club 141 it ié onngoreoi biz} the @0001

Fee to o»C the lm Vial Cox/rt. Tl’rere Santa Clause

F I Fat 123 Cand ' Cane Lane

will be lots of fun fr entertainntent for ‘ 3 .

speetatoré. Mai/ibe biou eat/lot eome too. North POIC’ Arctica


Hopefvl Miéé Mai/11

For More information and Enth Paeket:
Email: Blvegtragcemplreéhotmaileom or Telephone: Kevin 252—5014
To subscribe to our entail list, simply email: BlucgrttssEmpirc-subscribc Ironclistcom
GLSO Page 7

 Over the past several years CLSO has become financially stable and has expanded its work
in the Central Kentucky area. We are particularly grateful to our sponsors for helping us create a
stong financial base for this newsletter. We are now signing up sponsors for the year 2000. If you
want to be a sponsor call Peter at 273-9649. We still are in need of more subscribers for this newslet-
ter. Every month we send out a number of free copies to make up the minimum of 150 we need in
Lexington for the lowest hulk mail rates. Our goal is to have 200 subscribers in Lexington for the
year 2000. This would make our folding and mailing nights go faster and would help us tremendously.
The newsletter comes in a non revealing envelope, with only a box number as a return address. so not
even your mailman will know for sure! This is an easy but important way to support our communi-
ty. Lower rates are available for students or anyone in need. All you have to do is tell us what you
can afford and send us a check.
These are the current projects of the CLSO:

The monthly GLSO News The Pride Center ActOut

Discussion Group Speakers Bureau Pride Month

Pink Pages Social Concepts Social Events

We are looking for more people and ideas for future involvments, such as:
A Community Education Project New opportunities for social interaction
Development of the Pride Center Youth Support
a subscriber, think how nice it would be to receive your newsletter in the mail at the first of every month. We
need 15 new subscribers in Lexington to be able to mail at the lowest rates. I
Name ' .... ...... _ ._____
_ $15 membership and newsletter
.-.____$20 couple membership and newsletter
I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate _.....__.....
Mail to GLSO News, PO Box 11471
Lex. Ky. 40575

GLSO Page 8

 shut up! Don’t make me have to say a fleshy scrub-pick from up under her time to close the bar.
it again, damn’it! And that goes for tongue was working around the The hecklers rose to leave.
the rest of you!" teeth. Pink's slowly turned around, "Sorry about the ruckus, Pinks." As
lnstigators and peacemakers as if to say, "What now?" She asked they made their way toward the door,
took their seats. The hecklers strut- Wenny to stop shouting and please one apologized to Crazy Betty.
ted back to their seats, all the time take here fingers away from Foo- Another gave Foo-Foo the finger,
grumbling under their breaths. Foo- Foo's mouth. Pinks shook her head while the other whispered, "Go back .
Foo stood in the middle of the floor and turned back to the sink. to where you came from, you Freak."
looking at Pinks, who had gone back According to Crazy Betty, the All three of the women made a hasty
behind the bar. Crazy Betty eased scrub-pick is an automatic reaction exit along with the instigators.
from behind the counter and led the when Foo-Foo has felt provoked. Crazy Betty turned to Pinks and
newcomer to her chair. Things final- The teeth are just teeth. She really said that she would close the bar, like
ly settled down. Foo-Foo tried to had no intentions of biting any- she often does when Pinks has rea-
apologized to Pinks for the distur- one...unless? Then Foo-Foo winked son to leave a little early. Wenny
bance and flashed her a ravishing and smiled again. it seemed she went over and yanked the plug on
smile. Pinks turned her back and wanted to play before she had to the juke box, then she kicked a chair
continued washing glasses. amscray. Wenny asked Foo—Foo if on her way out the door into the rain.
Wenny, on the other hand, she would like to have some break- The rest of us polished off our drinks,
thought Foo-Foo‘s smile was some- fast and a place to lay her head Welcomed Foo-Foo to come back,
thing to shout about. “Oh My Lord, before having to hop back into that and said our good-byes. Foo-Foo
Look At That! Will You Look At That!" black hole in the sky. stood by the door toying with a lop-
She was pointing and almost had her Foo-Foo never got a chance to sided smile as Pinks finished closing
whole hand in Foo—Foo‘s mouth. The answer. Without turning around, out the cash register and went to get
newcomer had two perfect canine Pinks clinked a couple of glasses her umbrella.
teeth on each side of her smile, and together and announced that it was intercultural Lesbians!
May» pa“, ‘4, 5",: Bend“ said "I love helping Moveable Feast its clients. Volunteers are always
(in Maven“: Pad 4 gum, and the great work they do in the needed in a variety of capacities, call
community is invaluable. in just one 252-2867 for more information.
Lexington's own "natural won- year, people's lives have been Reigning in its 18th year, the
der," Ms. Niagara Falls joined with changed for the better through the Royal Sovereign imperial Court of
the Royal Sovereign imperial Court improved nutrition that Moveable Kentucky is one of the oldest gay and ’
of All Kentucky in a night of enter- Feast delivers." lesbian social service organizations
tainment to benefit Moveable Feast Nearly 200 people attended the in the Commonwealth. The Court is
Sept. 29 at Club 141_ The benefit benefit. Ms. Niagara Falls' Birthday a private, non-profit corporation
raised more than $1,500 for the AIDS Hoe-down featured two sets with whose primary goals are to raise
nutritional service organization. each entertainer performing hits of funds to assist charitable organiza-
Taking to the stage, in addition their favorite country divas. in addi- tions that benefit the gay, lesbian and
to Ms. Niagara, were: Eden Towers - tion two lucky people walked away gay—friendly community as well as to
—Empress XVI" of All Kentucky, Mika with t-shirts signed by Patty Lovelace provide social opportunities and
Milano, Ginger Grant, Natalie Gaye, and Vince Gill. recognition of gay, lesbian and gay—
Victoria Falls, Jasmine Grant, Rachel Moveable Feast Lexington is a friendly leaders.
FlaChel, Jordan Taylor, and Sundae non-profit organization which pre- The Imperial Court of Kentucky
0' La Rouge with a show-stopping, pares and deliver freshly cooked is one of more than 65 courts in the
surprise guest appearance by meals seven days per week to per- international Court System, with
Cammie Dietrich. sons living with AIDS. By showtime, chapters in the United States,
Reflecting upon the evening cel- Moveable Feast had served more Canada and Mexico.
ebrating her birthday, Ms. Niagara than 13.000 meals in the 9351 year t0
_________________________________________________ ..

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 GLSO News IS proud to present i
our sponsors for 1999

Sills Inn, Bed and Breakfast Guest House (606) 873-4478
Voted “Best in the Bluegrass” (800) 526-9801

Mr Goodcents Subs and Pastas......................_...............,._..............,...253—l552
1050 S. Broadway @ The Marketplace

Metropolitan Community Church 271-1407
387 Waller Ave, Sunday Worship 11:30 AM '
A Church for all God’s People

SisterSound. 873-7791
Diverse music for all women

Windy Knoll Farm 299-7410
Riding lessons, dressage and jumping, trail riding, boarding

Royal Sovereign Imperial Court of Kentucky 294-0901

The Bar Complex255-1551
224 E. Main

Beverly K. Turner LCSW, Counselor/Therapist..............................269-6497

Sue Strong, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist 277-3119

Scott Ackerman, Paul Semonin Realty 269-7331
Call me with your real estate needs .............i..