xt7kh12v6z6h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6z6h/data/mets.xml Tennessee United States Work Projects Administration, War Services Project, Tennessee 1942 Published by War Services Project, Service Division, Work Projects Administration; Sponsored by the Tennessee State Planning Commission; vii, 21 leaves, 28 cm; Reproduced from type-written copy; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.2:M 322 books English Nashville, Tennessee: War Services Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Preliminary Inventory of Maps in Tennessee text Preliminary Inventory of Maps in Tennessee 1942 1942 2015 true xt7kh12v6z6h section xt7kh12v6z6h             I WQIIQIWl\IlI\u\a:\\uIIQn¥III2\\H\\v¥\I\zI I\I¤|eI%¥l¥\|\Me\||I    
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Publislxcd by
War Services Project
Service Division
3 Tlcrk Projects Adminis*:»z·a’ci¤n
* Sponsored by
Tcxmcssec State Flz»mn;in.g Crmmissicn
 _· I·Tr.shvillc , Tcwxzpyssezc
  `*.':`r· Scrvi ccs "r·n_j»:ch
- Septcmbczr M42
‘ 3

 — iii —
In time of national emergency, such as the present, inventories of
maps serve a twofold purpose. The preparation of accurate and adequate
maps involves expenses which may be justified only by the amount of
valuable and repeated use made of them. Widespread information on the
availability of maps will do much to speed the progress of work in many
lines, since the time as well as the expense of preparing new maps can
be saved. In addition to eliminating unnecessary duplication involving
expenditures of limited funds and time, map inventories also enable
various war and defense agencies to make use of current information on
all phases of the State’s resources, including mineral, property, trans-
portation, communication and similar facilities. Unquestionably, one of
the greatest needs at the present time is more complete information on
these tools and resources, new at our command. This volume is being
issued as a tentative opening of that vast, almost untouched, field.
Eventually a complete inventory of maps in this State will be pre-
pared, and it is hoped that every depository of maps and map collections
will be listed in it and subsequent revisions, advising as additional or
new maps become available. The Tennessee State Planning Commission, for
example, is continually adding nmps to its files. The publication of
supplements to this Preliminary Inventory, with the listing of all other
maps prepared locally or by Federal and State agencies, will increase
considerably the utilization of these maps.
Although maps are generally prepared for specific purposes, they
frequently can be used as base maps for purposes other than those origi-
nally intended. Inter-related planning subjects and projects are often
studied advantageously by super—imposing one map pattern on that of
another. New relationships and trends, presenting a conposite picture
which can be studied and analyzed, will thus be indicated, and solutions
for the problems prepared.
Dennis W. Eagan, Acting Director
Tennessee State Planning Commission

This Ercliminsry Inventory cf Maps is exactly what its title indi-
cstcs: u preliminary rcpcrt upcnfEbp_E$llscticns which had been invcntcricd
and 0n which ficld schedules were prcpurcd by thc Tennessee Historical
Records Survey bsfcrc its discontinuance in April 1942. A few cf these
entries havc bccn included in thc county invcntcrics published by thc Tcn—
ncsscc Survey, but thc grcst majority rcprcscrt unpublished items.
This Invcrtcry is dcsigncd tc make svsilcblc at thc present time
whstcvcr inTcrmut1cn has bccn compiled concerning various map ccllccticns
in thc Stctc. It is intcndcd that a complete overall Inventory of maps
in cfficcs cf Stats and other county cfficicls will bc issucd cs c sequel.
Field work of invcntcrying and describing such map collections is now bc·
ing ccrductcd by this prcjcct•
Thc work was suggested by thc Tcnncsscc Ststc Planning Ccnmdssicn as
a dcfiuits cid tc war, dcfcnsc, and Stats sgcncics in prcscntitg informa-
tion cn cxturt maps. It wss, for cxumplc, only through an incidental
survcy cf maps by thc Tcnncsscc Historical Records Survey in Gibson County
that maps wcrc lccstcd tc enable cn crdcrly acquisition cf land for usc by
thc Wolf Crcck Ordnance Plant. Intclligtnt plsnzing for Civilian Defense
is practically impossible without ccccss tc maps. It is obvious that maps
cf sbcrdcncd scwcr lines and pcwcr conduits, rccds, utilities, rivcrs and
chanrcls, and turncls and bridges cnr all bc of vital rcccssity in times
cf cmcrgcncy. Macs crc technically csscntial to the improvement, defense,
und wclfarc cf any given locality and, therefore, cf cspccisl importance
in thcsc timcs.
Infcrmnticn ccnccrning mapping programs cf thc cldcr and mcrc estab-
lishcd gcvcrrmcrtcl sgcncics may bc secured dlthcugh war ard nuticrsl
dcfcnsc work crc callin; hcsvily upcr thc cxpwricnccd staffs cf these
agcncics. The dcmcrd fdr msps is such that littlc time and irsuffici nt
pcrscrncl crc cvcilablc in which tc prcpsrc accurately thc spccific arcs
maps fcr which thc wsr und dcfcnsc programs huvc crcatcd A demand. Mapping
programs cf cmcrgcncy sgcncics crd rcw bureaus crc subject tc chcngcs, duc
‘ tc thc cxpcrimcntsl buscs on which thc programs mrc sturtcd, lack of
truincd mapping pcrscrrcl, und cthcr ccuscs.
At timcs mapping programs hcvc bccn initi&tcd,cnly to bc disccntinucd
bcceusc of lack cf cdcquctc busc maps or msppin; data, cr cf ccrtinncd
appropriuticrs tc carry cr the work, determination that the mapping
program was not ncccssnrv ard citbcr duplicated cr failcd to supplement
cxistir; irfcrmsticr, cr lack cf trcincd pzrscnrcl. Many inadequacies in
county ird city maps rrd surveys exist, as will bc dctcrmincd in thc usc
cf this und subsequent irvcutorics by tapping tcchriciuns cf gnvnrnmcnt
agcrcics who rcccivc copies for rcfcrcncc cnd study.

T Preface
Eoch entry in this book represents 2 mop series, vhether it be one
, item or fifty, drawn from the field description of the maps examined by
project workers. In several cescs, standard recheck procedures ond tech-
niques were not applied to the records und some descriptions in this book
ere based upon preliminary field inventories. The entries ere urrenged
elphobeticolly by title under the county in which the map wes locetcd.
This volume also contains ubbrevisticns end explanatory notes ond cn index.
Hot ull courtirs are represented herein, only those in which the T nnessce
Historical Records Survey operated.
The original field inventories were made by e considerable number of
project employees under the supervision of James E. Davis, Edith L. Pierce,
end Arch Feidley, Jr. Editing of the entries wss done by Beatrice O.
Kunnon and the index was prepared by Elliott S. Ford. Typing of the book
end cutting of stencils we: done by Virginia H. Sibcrt, Marie P. Stcwert,
Eleanor Waters, and Isry E. Norel, and mimeogrnphing by Sue S. Jones.
Compilation of this book end its publication were under supervision of the
The field work for this volunm wss conducted under gzneral super-
vision of Pkdison Erutton as State Supervisor of the Tennessee Historical
Records Survey. Both the Tennessee Survey end the present project have
been under the general edministretive supervision of Mrs. Betty Hunt Luck,
State Director of the Service Division, and T. Mzrshell Jones, former
Section Chief of Wsr Services.
o Acknowledgment of coopcretion is due ell county officials whose
records are listed herein. Particular ecknowlcdgment is made to Milliem
D. Price end Dennis N. Enron of the Tennessee State Planning Commission
for velueble suggestions end critieisos, end to Winston Mcrshull of the
Tennessee Stete Plunnin; Commission for the cover design.
Robert Cassell, Supervisor
Reseurch end Special Surveys Unit
War Services Projcct
September 23, 1942

elph. ...... . ..... ............... ...... .. ..... ....... alphabetically
approx. ................ . ...........°....... . ......... approximately
V err. ............ . ..... . ...... . ....... .............. errenged
aver. ....... . ...... ..... .... . .... .......... ..... .... nverege
bdl. ..°.. ......... .... ............................. bundle(s)
bldg. ............................................... building
bsmt. ... ...... .. ........ . .... ....................... basement
chron . ......... . ........ . ...... . ...... . ............. . chrcno lcgica  ly
ce. .......... . ........ ........ .... . ......... ...... county; company
clk. .......... . ...... ......... ........ . ........ .... clerk
ct. . ............ . ...... . ....... ............. ..... . court
dept. ......................,........................ department
fm. ............................................... form
Ge. ............................................... Georgie
hdw. ... ....... ..................................... hendwritten
A j. ..... ..... . ..... . ..... . ........... ...... ...... . judge
mi. ............................................... miles
nc. ....... ............ ...... ............. ...... ... number; numbered
num. ... .... . ..... .......... .......... .... ...... ...._ numerically
pp. ... ............. ......... .... .......... .... .... pages ‘
ptd. ............................................... printed
rm. ............. ........... . ....... . ........ . ..... room
rt. ............. . ...... ... ........... .... .... ..... route
strg. ............................... .... ............ storage
supt. ..... ..... ............................... ..... . sunerinterdent
U. S. ..... .......................................... United States
vol., vols. ................................ . .... .... volume, volumes
Ec .................•...».•.•...•..•....»•..•.•... Exlld
" .......... .............. .... . .... .............. inches
' ........... . ..... .. ............ . ......... . ..... feet
—— ...... . .............. ... ..... .... .... .......... placed wfter your
means to current dfte
X ....................... ... ........ ,... ..... ,... by, in dincnrions
Explanatory Notes
In this beck eecn entry rerrcsents e mcp or map series. Eech entry
is arranged slphcbcticully urd r tho county in vhich the mwp wss found.
The ectuol record title us it enrwcrs on the mwp or mtp container is y
given in the entry in upper ccsc lott rs, but if this exact title ir mis-
leading, vegue, or otherwise inudecuctc, an essigned explwnutory title is

 — vii -
Abbrevetions, Symbols, and
Explvnatory Notes
inserted in lower case letters enclosed in perentheses. If o map hss no
title, end it hes thus become necessary to assign one, the assigned title
is in upper cose letters and is enclosed in parentheses. The current or
most recent title of a series is used es the entry title.
The years for which e mep series is eveileble are shown im edietely
following the title. The use of a hyphon between two dates indicates the
inclusive years for which e series is aveileble. A single date followed
by two hyphons indicates that the series is current ond dates from the
year given. Dates ere broken to indicete years for which a record wes
not mode or could not be located. If it wes not conclusively established
that e record wes ectuelly discontinued at the last date shown in the
entry, no statement of discontinuance is mode. Labeling of the container
is shown in parentheses after the quantity.
Where two or more containers or records are considered in a single
entry, the quantity is diown in chronological order insofar as possible.
Also given, following the description of the maps or mep collection,
ere the name of the dreftsmen when known, the publisher, if any, whether
the item is printed, herdwritten or typed, the scale, size, and location
of the maps. Locetirn of all offices are in the respective county court-
houses, unless otherwise indicated.

1. PLAT Booz, 1225--. 1 mi. (1). 200 pp.
Flats of subdivisions in and around Clinton, showing plat number, loca-
tion of property, names of streets, and acreage, Arr. num. by plat no.
Index alph. Blue-print. l8%x24x2. Registerls vault.
2. PLAT BOOK, 1912--. 1 vol. BOO pp.
· Plate and blue-prints of city and county property, farms, subdivisions,
torn lots, and acreazes, showing dfwensions, boundaries, nare of ovmer
or subdivision, and locations of streets and alleys, or roads. Arr.
chron. Indexed alph. by name of property ovner or subdivision. Hdw.
and ptd. l7xl5xZ. Registerls office.
5. FIAT BOOK, 1925--. 2 vols. (1, 2). Aver. 150 pp.
Plats and blue-prints of land surveyed for laying out subdivisions and
new streets, shoving location and description of lot, and street, name
of surveyor, acknowledgment of notary, name of individual or firm owning
land, scale of plat, date received, and date registered. Arr. chron. by
date registered. Indexed in seperate vol. Ytd., hdw., and typed.
24x20x2. Register's vault.
4. (PLATS AND BLUE—PRIUTS), 1920--. 1 vol. l5O pp.
Flats end blue—nrints of land surveyed by the county surveyor, showing
location of propzrty, boundaries, number of acres, doerees lines run,
name of property owner, district number, scolo, and dotc drown. Arr.
chron. by date drarn- No irdox. Hdw. and ptd. 50x50. Grand jury rm.
5, COUYTY, SCHOOL BUS ROU£ES, l956—€7. 5 maps.
Communication maps showinq bus routes, locwtion of schools, number of
pupils transported, location of residences, condition of roads, which
schools are white and which colored. Pr pared by United States Office
of Education, in cooperation with State Department of Education,
Nashville. Scale, 5" : 5 mi. 26%x36. Supt. of schoo1s' office.
6. MAP OF CHEATHAN COUWTY, 1930. 13 maps.
·Aerial naps of Cheatham County compiled by A. F. Gani r from airnlcno
protoerephs token by Ceptein A. U} Stevens of the United States Air
Service in 1924, showing roads, secondary roads, streams, sosidencws,
churches, schools, cemeteries, civil district lin s, county lint, and
railroads. Drawn by; Kelter F. Pond, State Geologist, Nvsnvilll.
Scale, 5" : 5 mi. 24236. Supt. of sctoo1s’ office.

- 3 -
Chcothsm County (Continued) , (7_l2) l
7. PLATE, 1912, 1915, 1919, 1922. 1O plots.
Plsts of land involved iu court action, showing trsct numbcrs, numbcr
of scrcs in csch trsct, boundaries of osch tract, loostior of dwollin;
houscs, burns, and tomcrt houscs; nmmc of road or hishray pnssirq
through f¤rm, strcsms, sculc of plat, momcs of commissioncr, chain
carrier, flsgmsu cmd surveyor. Drawn by; L] B. Knight and J. A. Binklcv,
published ct Ashland City. Ptd. Soclo, l" g 50*. 62x52x%. Clcswt "B".
8. PLAT BOOK, 1855--. 9 vols. Avcr. SCO pp. (21, 57, 161, $52,
421, 547, 845, 974).
Pluts or drsvdrxs msdc by thc surveyors of lots, subdivisions, cr sorc-
igos, showin: rumc of subdivisior, or plat, locctisr of prop rty,
owhsr's cortificcto of approval, survcyor’s ccrtificsto, book ind paso
number of rccordctitr of dood to protzrty; drcwirr ulsc shows plcn,
sizc of lot, strc ts sud illcys odjrc vt, cthor bourdurics, dsto of ro-
ccption, dats of r xorlstior sud scclu of drnviuy. Arr. chron.
lndoxod in scpsrutc vols. Hdw. 28xZ&vF. Rojistsr's office.
9. ADDITIO"` TO COUHEY JATL, lP$%, 1 mwp.
Bluc-prirt of sdditioms to Fuyottc Courtw jnil. Draws by; E. L. H;rri—
1 sor. Scolo, 1/8H : l'. 37x17i. jsmt. stfi. vault.
10. BLUE-TR1 TS JHD N4PS, l§lG~—. E bdl.
Nsps and bluo-prirts o* roads suv brid os, sb Wirr rsnos, locations,
und tormirils of rosds and uijroort trscbs of lord, r