xt7kh12v6v0b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6v0b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1968-11-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1968 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1968 1968 1968-11-18 2015 true xt7kh12v6v0b section xt7kh12v6v0b Tie Keottosy Kernel

Monday Evening, Nor.

18, 1968



Vol. LX, No. 59

AAUP Investigates


Professors Appeal
Terminated Contracts


Managing Editor
Two College of Education instructors are awaiting a recommendation by the Committee on Tenure and Privileges, which meets
Nov. 26, on complaints that their academic freedom has been violated by the college's refusal to renew their teaching contracts.
Committee A of the local chap
ter of the American Association best teachers. They're really exof University Professors (AAUP)
cellent teachers."
has advised the committee that
Beatrice Mays is taking a class
it found probable cause for the under Dr. Foster. She says this:
"I've enjoyed his class. In fact,
charges of violation of the academic freedom of Dr. Carim Fosit's my favorite one.
ter and Dr. Robert Milliken.
"I can't think of any reason
They were notified last spring
Continued on rage 7, Col. 1
that their contracts would be
terminated, effective June, 1969.
If the committee upholds the
AAUP finding, it will ask the
administration to order renewal
of the contracts.
The dispute apparently stems
from the reasons, or lack of them,
for the dismissals, and from procedural technicalities.
UK may have a new presiDr. Foster nor Dr. Milliken
dent by the end of the month,
wished to discuss the affair for
according to the presidential
fear of Jeopardizing their appeals
screening committee.
Although the Board of TrustStudents Support
ees will not consider candidates
at its meeting Tuesday, accordFrom interviews with education graduate students, however,
ing to Dr. Ralph Angelucci, a
closed meeting may be held later
it appears possible that the college's decision not to renew this month. lie said the final
the contracts was spurred by its choice may be made then.
Dr. Angelucci did not name
disapproval of the professors' prothose being considered, but specgressive teaching methods.
ulation centers around six men.
The graduate students contacted had nothing but praise Four are on campus.
for these methods, and felt that
They are Dr. Charles F. Haywood, professor of economics; Dr.
almost all of the other students
Glenwood Creech, vice president
who have had classes under either
of the two professors would feel for University relations; Dr.
Lewis Cochran, vice president
the same way.
Barbara Stone has had both for research and dean of the
Graduate School, and Dr. A.D.
of their guidance counseling
courses and discribes them as Albright, executive vice president.
The other possible candidates
"I want to do extra work for
their classes, and theirs are the are Dr. Charles E. Bishop, a vice
only ones I've ever felt that way president of the University of
North Carolina, and Dr. Otis
about," she says.
Singlctary, a vice president of
use a different presen"They
tation, but I think it's better . . . the University of Texas.
Both of the latter candidates
if they leave the University, the
have visited UK recently.
is losing two of its


To Be Named
This Month?


The UK Choristers responded to the direction of Aimo Kiviniemi
Sunday in Memorial Hall and delighted a crowd of several hundred
persons. The singers performed three works by Monteverdi, one
by Brahms, and a contemporary work, "The Psalms," by Lukas Foss.

Tuesday Meeting To Consider
Hearing Activities


meeting to be held at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday in McVey Hall
Room 210, will discuss the implications of the Kentucky
Activities Committee's
subpoenaing of its first hostile
Joe and Karen Mulloy and
Alan and Margaret McSurely,
workers who were
arrested last year by Pikeville
officials on sedition charges
which were later declared unconstitutional, have been informed
that KUAC will subpoena them
for hearings in Pikeville next
They were informed of


KUAC's plans when they went
to Pikeville recently to retrieve
books and materials confiscated
during their arrests. The materials, which included private
correspondence, were returned after a court ruling ordered the
local officials to do so.
Dr. Gene Mason, political science professor, said the Mulloys
and McSurelys will be on hand
for the meeting, along with law
professor Robert Sedler, who has
participated in unsuccessful court
attempts to have KUAC declared
Sponsored By CARS A
The meeting is sponsored by

the Community Alliance for


sponsible Social Action (CARSA)
and Kentuckians Against KUAC.
KUAC, which was authorized
by an act of the last legislative
session, has not so far called
hostile witnesses, and thereby
has avoided a confrontation with
some of the questions of constitutionality raised by its opponents.
Dr. Mason said the couples
had been notified they also would
be called before a Jan. 14 hearing, of the McClellan Committee
in the U.S. Senate, and, as is
the case with the KUAC hearing,
Continued on Page 7, Col. 1

Less Than 25 Cents Per Year

Student's Share Of Kernel's Cost Is Small
Assistant Managing Editor
Each student's yearly share of the cost of the Kernel
is 21.6 cents, according to a financial approach the coordinator of program budget planning says is "as reasonable as can be found for determining student fee support for various programs.
"We don't consider this approach in figuring the

See editorial, Vage 4.

budget," the coordinator, Don Clapp says, "but if you
want to find a figure, that's the way."
The budget enters all income, including state appropriations, student fees, income from endowments
and gilts and grants, into a single "General Fund."
All operating expenses are then drawn from this
In effect, student fees therefore play a part in financing all facets of the University, including teachers'
salaries, research, and a wide variety of services.
Approach Explained
Here's how 'the 21.6 percent figure is calculated:
Student fees nuke up $4.9 million, or 8.33 percent,
of the total $58.9 million income for the present year.
The Kernel's actual cost from the General Fund is
$39,000, and 8.33 percent of this is $3,237.
This cost is 21.6 cents apiece, when distributed
among 15,000 students.

to be only $2.60. That is, it would if ALL of the Kernel
expenses were paid by student fees.
"Until a few years ago," Clapp says, "there was an
actual amount allocated from student fees to the Kernel.
But that was discontinued, a few years ago. I think
Eighty-Nin- e
Cents For PR
some people still think in tliose terms.
The Department of University Public Relations, for
"If we thought the Kernel wasn't worth the money,"
example, costs $160,000, of which 8.33 percent, or$13,328 Clapp says, "it wouldn't be budgeted from the Ceneral
can be viewed as coming from student fees' portion Fund, whether it was student fee money, state funds, or
of the Ceneral Fund. This is roughly 89 cents per stu- what."
dent per year.
Continued on Page 7, Col. 1
The Honors Program costs. $37,000, or 20.5 cents
per student per year.
"But even if you come up with 22 cents," Clapp
says, "the students themselves really aren't paying this
tt,33 percent from tuition and fees
for the Kernel.

Using the same logic, the per student cost for other
operating expenses for the University can be calculated,
since teaching, services, and research costs all are financed from the General Fund.

The University Income

"It costs much more than
so if

$280 to educate a student,

tuition and fees were eannarked for special things,
they'd all be used up for educational costs, and none
would be left over to pay for other services."

Cliarges Refuted
about charges by Dr. W.S. Krogdahl, that the
Kernel costs each student $6 yearly?
Dividing the Kernel budgeted cost of $S9,000, by
15,000 students, would yield this figure. But $50,000
of this is returned to the General Fund, from advertising
It w ould therefore be necessary to divide the ACTUAL
cost, $39,000, by 15,000, and the cost would be found


$4,9 Million
From Students

$54- Million


Other Sources

The hhaie of kimlfiit i onii ilmtions in ewiy dollar ihe
I'nivtisiiy !ihN it Its than a dime. Of the $1'U)
jeiil on the Keiiiel litis year, a Unit 'J'J tent au lel

considered l hae dune fiom
tuil ion anl fees pay nit ms.




� 2

-- THE .KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday, Nov..

18, 19G8

Eendrix Provokes, Sanctifies Garden Masses

"Wild Thing," which seemed

Kernel Arts Editor
a mass of purple silks, a blur of
kinetic charisma, made his bumptious presence felt Friday night
at the Cincinnati Cardens.
That Hendrix has ascended
the rock pantheon was clearly
in evidence; over 8,500 of the
faithful crammed full "The Home
of the Royals," Cincy's contribution to the second division of the

Cat Mother, a new rock quintet, drew the suicide squad preceding Hendrix. They did some

interesting, comparatively subtle
work, which was lost in the terand
rible Carden acoustics
wasted on an impatient congregation. Cat Mother drew its
most enthusiastic response when
the organist unfortunately prefaced his remarks with "We'd
like to close with.
rest of the statement was drowned
out by the mob's gleeful, cataclysmic response. Regardless, an
album is scheduled for release
"in about ten days," and this
group just may break through.
A radio WUBE deejay slid
surrealistically throughout the
proceedings, like a Shakespearian fool, feeding the young audience the pablum pavlovian
lines they supposedly will lap
up (i.e. "Did you know none
of Cat Mother finished high
school?" "Come on now, let's
hear it!! We
Jimi!!!!) Some performers have
a stage personality that arouses
our emissary from
WUBE managed to generate
pure, mass, animal hate. He
should stick to tiptoeing through




Twentieth Century Flock
Hendrix ("Did you know that
Jimi Hendrix dropped out of Seattle High in the 11th grade?")
finally emerged and began his
litany with the flock. Jimi Hen-WATCH BANDS


Fine Watch Repairing
110 N. UPPER ST.



Life Magazine

drix is a lithe, erotic, twentieth
century musician. The unearthly
sounds that peel out of those
four monster Marshall amplifiers
create a 2001ish aura. It is very
Now music, though not projecting contemporary sounds of clawing autos pushing past each other
to deposit masters in grinding
stone towers. Instead, the whining, screaming sounds seem to
symbolize some land of tomorrow, where cats with no eyes
scrutinize clocks with no hands
of giant, screaming, mechanical birds, and pervasive, overpowering, yet effortless, speed.
Hendrix runs through his electric arsenal as if he were John
Cage starring as the mad scientist. Stomping the fuzz box,
now roaming back among the
amps, catching feedback, turnpedal.
ing, kicking the wah-wa- h
The nonacoustics of the Carden
could not destroy the Experience
sound. (How does one stifle a
sonic boom?)
Hendrix has help in his eclec- -


at 2:00, 5:00. 8:15 '




Bassist Noel
tic adventures.
Redding plays with a strong
hand, though his backup vocals
are weak (For that matter, if
Hendrix were only a vocalist,
he would starve). Drummer Mitch
Mitchell is the most underrated
of the trio, hitting almost as
hard, often, and well as Cinger
Electric Mind And Body
It is the purple haze, though,
that draws the attention; it would
be impossible to ignore him. Hendrix does not play only with his
hands; he plays with his body,
embracing his Fender Strato-caste- r
like a lover, pressing the
strings hard, rapidly running the
palm of his hand over the neck
of the guitar, picking the strings
with his teeth, leaping backwards
like some giant toad, playing
all the while.
He plays behind his back,
between his legs, slams the base
of the guitar savagely with his
hand. Amazingly, his movements
are all grace, electric Nureyev.
More amazingly, he maintains
control of all this amperage,
achieving the unthinkable sound
structures he desires.
Between numbers he managed
to emit some of the most con- -

fusing lines since Casey Stengel.
After "Manic Depression," this
semantic disaster followed: "I'd,
uh, like to dedicate this tune to
and other
the Andy Pandas


American Indian, too
(turning to Mitchell) What's the
name of this song?" He later
thanked the large protective

of Cincinnati policephalanx
men for "coming out to dig our
gig," drew a strange analogy
to the Queen Mary, and then
warned front-ropatrons to
"watch that stick and judge your
distance from that blue suede
kick. Can you dig it?"
Civics 101, Revisited
Playing with such finesse,
Hendrix could say almost anything and be assured of adulatory
response. At the conclusion, looking at his feet, he asked the
crowd to stand, as he was "gonna play the National Anthem."
Was it a put on? No one bothered
to ponder the question; 8,500
rose as one. Those who came to
cheer stayed to worship. Hendrix was the master. Had he
mouthed a line like "Would
everyone please stick their finers
down their throats and retch?"
the Carden M&O crew would
have been faced with an unenviable Saturday morning.




turned out to be the Troggs'






fttLiAMD Vt


4111(1 llM





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Tilt Owl

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u St,hAi

j'ct rAiitrn

rather strange, as Hendrix had
prefaced the number with a sincere, though garbled, plea to
"stop hating each other." Then
somewhere in the midst of that
electronic maze, a riff from "The
Star Spangled Banner" slipped
out, then died.
Then Hendrix turned to that
army of amps and played quite
slowly, apparently quite sincerely, "America the Beautiful." The
native iconoclastic tendencies of
his audience at first produced
chuckles. Yet, soon applause
rocked back through the cavernous structure. You got the feeling
that both Hendrix and his young
audience, members of a generation subjected to massive verbal
defecation, deep inside desperately wanted this country to be
like the United States of America
described in those Civics 101
The Quixotic End
It was all quite appropriate.
Marian Anderson at Carnegie
Hall may say it for many Americans. But here, in the midst of
minor electronic disasters,' a
twentieth century musician was
expressing patriotism in a way
a young throng could embrace
as unshallow, unchauvinistic,
sincere, and, most importantly,
spoken in their language.
Hendrix went out with his
normal dadaistic finale, turning
to the amp army and charging
like a modem day Don Quixote,
once, twice, three times, each
time producing squalling, dissonant complaints as he rammed
his guitar into the big black
amp, which was barely braced
on stage by his Sancho stagehand, lie lowered the head of
the guitar and made a final
charge, ramming the neck
through the amp and almost
knocking Sancho off the platform. As the guitar dropped
wounded to the floor, Hendrix
clawed at the gaping hole, tearing the amp covering, flailing
away with knees and elbows.
Then, picking the guitar up,
he straddled it on stage, pulling
strings free, shaking the neck like
a dog destroying a smaller foe.
He finally stood, tossing the battered guitar high in the air, bouncing it off a surviving amp. (Hendrix maintains a selective cool
during performances. He covertly
exchanged his shiny Stratocaster
for a much older, less expensive
instrument before beginning his
As Hendrix strode off stage
exhausted, Mitchell paid homage to rock ritual, throwing his
drumsticks to the audience. Jimi
Hendrix, the swashbuckler with
the electric cutlass, had come
and gone, had vindicated the
Andy Pandas, and you could
dig it.

Art Department, Dali
Pervade Louisville
Four members of the Art Department are currently being represented at the Speed Museum in Louisville.
members Stanley
assistants Lester Van
Mock and Terence Johnson and graduate
Winkle and Jimmy Taylor are
represented by pieces in the
The Kentucky
Regional Invitational Sculpture
Show which opened on November
The Kentucky Kernel. University
Station, University of Kentucky, Lex1. The pieces range from painted
40508. Second class
ington, Kentucky
pottage paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
steel to wood and fur sculpture.
Mailed five times weekly during the
The exhibit is set to run through
school year except holidays and exam
periods, and once during the summer
November 31.
Published by the Board of Student
Surrealist Salvador Dali also
UK Post Office Box 4tfU.
Begun as the Cadet in IBM and
currently pervades Louisville galpublished continuously as the Kernel
show at
leries. His
since 1U13.
Advertising published herein Is Inthe Frame House gallery comto help the reader buy. Any
talk or misleading advertising should
mands paramount attention.
be reported to The Editors.
The display is a benefit for
the Louisville Fund. A show of
fit. 27
Yearly, by mail
Per copy, from tiles
Dali prints opened at Merida
Editor, Managing Editor
Callery Sunday. Another Dali
Editorial Page Editor.
Associate Editors, Sports
display, primarily lithographs,
News Desk
also opened yesterday at Tlor
Advertising, Business, Circulation 2J19




Attorney Says More Lawyers
Needed In Kentucky Politics




In the House of Representatives
Kernd Staff Writer
only 14 of 100 are If wyers. We
Speaking last night at the must have legal representation.
initiation ceremonies of Societas (We need people skilled in the
Pro Legibus, undergraduate premaking of laws," Sawyer said.
law honorary, E. P. Sawyer, JefHe said he did not mean
ferson County Attorney, said govpartisan politics, but the science


ernment must utilize people
skilled in the science of government and pointed out that few
Kentucky legislators are lawyers.
"In the senate of Kentucky,
14 of 38 members are la wyers.



Final opportunity


of government.
He said it is unfortunate that
many .consider politics a dirty

While contending that everyone should be attacking the es

tablishment to the extent that
they should try to improve things
and not Just keep the status quo,
he expressed concern about "dissent for dissent's sake."
"I hope lawyers don't just
argue for the sake of argument,"
Sawyer said. He said dissent
gains momentum and gets a large
play in newspapers. To offset this
he called for lawyers to let the
establishment know they support



We happen to he involved in one of
the fastest growing fields in the world.
And hecause we also liappen to he
growing right along with it, we need people
who can think for themselves when they
are handed responsihility, not become confused by it.
Individuals. The kind of people to
whom a challenge is a goad, not an excuse.
Sylvania Electric Products


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There's a lot to be done. Interesting,
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For example, in our Applied Research
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Whether you lean toward designing
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v, .



Facts And Gripes

Members Young Americansfor
Freedom (YAF) may be somewhat
confused these days, and with good
reason. After being told at a Board
of Publications meeting that the
petipremises of their
tion were invalid, they were told
Thursday night by their faculty
adviser, Wasley Krogdahl, that
these premises were true, In an
effort, therefore, to set things clear
for all concerned, we offer the following facts.
Contrary to the opinion of YAF' s
adviser, the Kernel is not supported
by student funds. The operating
budget of the Kernel comes out of
the general operating funds of the
University, which is composed of
student fees, taxes, contributions,
Kernel advertising revenue and all
other monies. It is possible, of
course, to take the percentage of
student monies in the general fund
and to apply that percentage to the
amount of money the Kernel receives above the advertising money
which the Kernel contributes to the
fund. If this is done, a figure is
arrived at of considerably less than
the $6 figure which the YAF adviser refers to. Such figuring is
and invalid, however, for it
would be equally valid to say that
all student fees go to support phys



ics research or to pay janitors. These
alternatives are, of course unlikely, but are no more difficult to prove
than that Student funds are financing the Kernel.
Secondly, although the Jour-

nalism Department does offer one
credit hour per semester to students
working on the Kernel, if the student so desires, this in no way
makes the Kernel an adjunct of
that department. Rather, the situation is that the Journalism Department is taking advantage of
the existence of the Kernel to offer
training it could not otherwise offer. The University catalog makes
it clear that the Kernel offers training to journalism and all other
students, not that the Journalism
Department sustains the Kernel
for the purpose of offering this
What seems clear out of all this
is that the YAF adviser would
like to get the Kernel, and that
he is willingto
the members of that organization in order
to do so. It makes little difference
to us what he believes, but it does
seem that he might at least have
the respect for those students he
is supposedly leading to tell them
the truth about his pet gripes.


The Kentucky




MONDAY, NOV. 18. 1968

Editorials represent the opinions of the Editors, not of the University.
Lee B. Becker,
Darrell Rice, Managing Editor
Tom Derr, Business Manager
Howard Mason, Photography Editor'
Chuck Koehler,


David Holwerk, Editorial Page Editor
Guy M. Mendes HI, Associate Editor
Jim Miller, Sports Editor

Jack Lyne and John Polk, Arts Editors
Dana EwelL
Larry Dale Keeling,
Assistant Managing Editors

Terry Dunham,

Janice Barber

Undergrad Research

In an open letter to the students, University Interim President
A. D. Kirwan has called attention
to the fifth annual competition
under the Undergraduate Research
and Creativity Program, urging students to take advantage of this
opportunity to have their academic
work recognized.
The competition, begun while
Dr. John Oswald was president,
offers an opportunity for students
to gain recognition for special academic achievement through research and creativity in any of one
of five broad areas: physical sciences, biological sciences, social
sciences, humanities and the fine
arts. Three winners will be acknowledged in what was formerly
known as presentation of the Oswald Award, and interested stu


dents should contact Dean Stewart
Minton for details.
In a time when undergraduate
education is so questionable, and,
in many ways, so impoverished,
this program is moving into the
future. Through it students are encouraged to study on their own,
seeking knowledge outside of the
classroom with the help of members
of the faculty. The regurgitation
of facts is stopped and the stu-- .
dents are moving into a real search
for knowledge and understanding.
Few areas of the University
deserve so well the recommendation of Dr. Kirwan as does the
Undergraduate Research and Creativity Competition, andit is fitting
that he has so highly recognized
the program.


LEXINGTON (BS) A new and totally
untreatable disease is presently sweeping
the University of Kentucky campus. Labeled arterio petitionitis by doctors, the
disease lias crept into every area of student life, affecting the signers, infecting
the carriers and effecting nothing.
Hie symptoms of the disease are obvious to observers here. A slightly dizzy
feeling accompanies the sense of accomplishment for having had the nerve to
sign one's name. The patient swims in
the reservoir of release for now he has
done something to improve his situation
he has signed a petition.
Hie circulators of this disease can
be distinguished only by their suspicious
nature. They tend to sneak by Creek
houses and dormitories late at night.
With persecuted voices, wary eyes, upturned collars and nervous twitches they
explain the particular cross they are bearing and beg assistance. They then retreat
into their cocoons until they obtain a
goodly number of signatures, at width
time they burst forth like butteiflys in
The causes of petitionitis are legend.

They are as trivial and as magnanimous
as one can imagine; liowever, certain
common characteristics are distinguishable. First, one must be concerned about
something. On the University of Kentucky
campus this is no mean accomplishment
and is not to be taken lightly.
Secondly, the intensity of concern must
be sufficient to arouse interest, but not
strong enough to motivate one into constructive channels.
Thirdly, one must be unable to do
anything else. To work to improve existing programs, liowever poor, is unthinkable. Tills causation is commonly summarized as "those who can do; those
who can't, petition; those wlio can't do
anything prepare petitions."
While preparing this story, this reporter was afflicted with the dreadful
disease. I began by signing an innocent's
petition to allow Fred
name to appear on the Kentucky
ballot. Then came CAJISA and its "Cliand-le- r
Resign!" petition. "End the War" petitions were followed by "Dissatisfaction
with the Kernel" petitions. Then came
more "Chandler Resign!" petitions, which



this reporter likes so well he signed
A number of contracts were signed
because they resembled petitions, causing much expense and embarrassment.
Fearing he was becoming addicted, this
reporter approached a
practitioner, Dr. Coodman, for his expert
"My advice, young man," he began,
"is to use your resources to better ad--i
vantages. Anyone can gripe about a prob- -'
lem, but few people-cacome to grip'
with it. A fool with a sledge hammer
can destroy in one hour what took a
master a lifetime to build.

"So indulge in patient and constructive criticism but use your talent to
legs on the criticism. Explain your irrita- -'
tions about Mr. Chandler to the governor in a letter, if you're interested
Join the Kernel staff to improve the paper,
in short, if you can, do.
"There may be only one tiling nore
ridiculous than signing your silly petition: doing nothing."


18, 19G8- -5

Doctor Stops 'Trips,' Goes On The Road
AP Science Writer
DETROIT Some 30 times,

the young man went on "trips"
with LSD.
Then, abruptly, he quit takg
ing the
that can launch hallucinatory
voyages into realms of fantasies,
pleasant or terrifying.
He studied, earned a doctorate, and now is an assistant professor of psychology.
From personal experience,
from interviews with students
who are present or former users
of psychoactive drugs. Dr. Allan
Y. Cohen offered today some observations about how to induce
people to stop using such drugs,
or to prevent their starting out
road in the
on the mind-dru-g
first place.
Dr. Cohen, 29, now at John
F. Kennedy University in Martinez, Calif., addressed a session
of the American Public Health
He had, he said in an interview, been until a few years

ago a disciple of Dr. Timothy
Leary, a champion of LSD, but
turned away because he felt drugs
were not the answer, were "a
waste of time."
Speaks At Colleges
Dr. Cohen, a frequent speaker on college campuses, said "curiosity, social pressure, rebellion
against authority, escape from
social and emotional problems,
desire for 'kicks' all these are
more or less relevant in many
cases of drug use, but add little
to our capacity to understand
the recency and magnitude of
contemporary drug abuse."
A "listening ear" finds also
a "theme of disenchantment and
alienation," he said.
Elements in this disenchantment include some experience
of futility, a "charge of social
and political hypocrisy reflecting governmental and social policy which seems headed toward
more war, hate and injustice,"
criticism of parents on grounds
of "basic lack of understanding
and discrimination toward what

W4JP Spans Globe
Student operators of W4JP, the University's amateur radio
station, which is located on the top floor of Anderson Hall, literally
have a pipeline to the world.
QSL cards, which verify radio affiliated with the American
contacts, have been obtained by Radio Relay League, welcomes
W4JP operators from as far away new members.

Ma-gou- n,

Makes Suggestions
to give
To induce drug-user- s
them up, Dr. Cohen suggested
in part:
A sympathetic attitude more
emphasis on public health rather
than legal approaches stress on
reasons behind the use of drugs
rather than on the drug themselves more availability of objective information about drugs
more use of former drug users
as communicators giving great-- ,
er responsibility to young people

NEW YORK (AP)-- A sense of
relevance, a sense of reality, a
sense of proportion that the male
brings is lacking when you have
college, believes
Dr. Edward J. Bloustein, president of Bennington College, the
first major private girls' school to
go coed.
The school in Bennington, Vt,
which has an enrollment of about
500 students, will admit men
starting in the fall of 1969 and


825 Euclid


chief is full of enthusiasm about
the change.
"In education there's weakness in not having men," he
said on a visit here. "Our students, at least in the recent past,
have come despite the fact that
we're a women's college, not
because of that fact. But, chiefly,

UK's Second TV Network
Begins Operation Soon
UK's second television network, a closed-circu- it
system designed
to transmit higher education programs to all public colleges and
universities in Kentucky, is planned to begin broadcasting in Jan
The instructional programs
will be received only by colleges
The United Campus Christwith special equipment.
ian Fellowship (UCCF) is preThe new network, as yet un- senting a film entitled "Vietnam
named, will broadcast to four Dialogue" at 7 p.m. Wednesday
community colleges early in 1969, in the Presbyterian Student Cenand will gradually add others and ter.
state universities to the system.
The film was made by Vietnam critic and correspondent
The first broadcasts will be
David Schoenbrun, who wrote,
made from an old gymnasium in
"How We Got In and How We
the Taylor Education Building.
Get Out." It consists of an analyThe University's first network, sis of the current Paris peace talks