xt7kh12v6014_733 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1914, 1928 text 1914, 1928 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_160/2008ms006_160_1/60521/60521.pdf 1914, 1928 1928 1914, 1928 section false xt7kh12v6014_733 xt7kh12v6014 O I
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.F?llTL?~.Elll..C§‘l5$!*EE¥F. EEQEQQEE
TAEETY The Safety Inspector shall he notified of tho accident and
INSPECTOR after an investipation he shall make a report of his finding?.
DEPARTMENT All Department Heads and Eoremon, in Dorartments where
{EADS AND similar accident hazards exist, shall he given copies cf the
FORILEE Safety Inspector’s initial report. Each Deportuent Head or
Foreman who receives a copy of this report shall hold a meet-
KEETINGS ing of all employe: ~crkin3 .·.* under his supervision. The Depart~
ment Head or Foreman will read the report to his men and ez lair
PREVENTION to them, in detail, how the accident occurred. He shall they
tell them tho or what was responsitle for the accident and Low
it could have been avoided. He shall also explain to them how
DISCIPLINE they are to prevent such accidents in the future as well as to
tell them what disciplinary measdres are to be taken.
PERSON OR Tho oerson or persons responsible for the accident shall
PERSONS · not be present at the meeting when the accident, in which they
RESPONSIBLE are implicated, is discussed. These employes shall be talked
FOR THE to by their Department Head or Foreman, individually, at some
ACCIDENT other time and shall be disciplined at that time.
Each Department Head or Foreman who holds a meeting of
his men shall make a report of the meeting and forverd it to
REPORT OE the Superi;tendent's Office where it will to attached to the ’
MEETING accident report. This resort should show thc purpose of the
meeting, i. e. the accident case for ·;ich .·.‘ it was hold; the
date and hour of the day; the subjects talked about in the
meeting; the duration or time required for the meeting; the ·
number of employes present and some remarks as to the ac-
complishments of the meeting.

Every cmiloye who suctainz a personal injury, rejerdlecc
RBPORTIYG of how trivial, shall report it to his Forcnar imnediatclg and
- INJUBKES to the Doctor'o Officc for treatment not later than the end of
the shift on which the accident occurred.
The Foreman shell investigate each no-loot-iiac accident
and make e report covering the accident as soon ac practicable.
He shall then hold n m»cting of ell employe; undnr his super-
FOREMAN vision, et the and of the shift on which thc accident occirred
or not later thun the following shift, and toll then in detail
MEETING about the uccid nt; cxnleining how it could give been prevented
and pointing out who or what ·.·.’ as at fault that ceuccd thc acci-
dcnt. Ec should phow his men how ouch an accident could le
prevented in the futrrc and tell what, if ang, digciplinary
measure hc io twhinj.
The Forcwun shall make 2 regort covcrini thc zbovo xen-
tioncd meeting and attach it to his accidcrt rcycrt which is
sent to the Ccfetg Dcpirtment. The report of tn: meeting
REPORT should chow   re=;_;¢on for time gtacetingg; thu. date And hour it
in hold; the topics discu. cd; the duration or tiuc required
for the meeting; the nunbcr of emplojec prcu·nt .‘.- ;nd ;one re-
marks as to the *ccomgli:hm~fet;= rules; eleo rs ‘
eo;,v;,r of dhengee   eddiizi one which me wish to make before hsviggig
Q! . .. .
them girintede   zmenged rules eee crossed out in the original
bookmznd the ehengee ond additions we vrritten out in full on the
typewritten pagzeee *·IkGS6 rules ere iso be pleeed in the book in
their consecutive oraer. ‘
V Attached ico the changes of the rules is e copy of ghehggee
_ to be macie of the isuicx; also .9 eq g: of some so fety slogees that _
d e meg; be used at the heed of additional pages which may be required in
, the nam book.
` _ rhe princinw or the rules hee heretofore been handled
‘ through the Industrie}. =~eletions bepertment, therefore we ere seri-
  the attached information to you to have 5000 copies printed .
for use here. we woolei like for the ·.a--sriilzig on tho outside cover
to remain the same except the date awzieh will be May 1, l928» Tie
would like to   the eolor   tee zgvmé ehenged so the new rule homey:.
eee be dietixieolexed from tm oldoues.
. ` lie required by the iiine i·~ex~: cm the Qtete of Kem.ueL;y we .
· `muet keep posted et rerious places about the plant e eo ry of these
l rules. Jhis, we wi eh to have printed on e lerge card boerd. Please
v ` have 25 eoyies primed as Ehey must be replaced from time to time.
if necessary I een www you e eciyg of the roles printed on gem? hoard _
bef-.2;*e the ehcngoe Sam; =z{Jditio1zc were made. e l __
— ee would liese to have these roles printed es soon ee convenient
~ ae our present steel; of rule books ie rather low. ,
  A Very truly youre; _ _
l _ F- Jv O'G0¤¤9ll ·· Mlperintendente _
’ A _. By . V
· “ 5ofet;y Inspector. -
I I _ •

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Z2u,¤_l. Alilh lull;) `,.J;l[L3
3E1,;L€L};g; IL ;.:;;;';‘k' `alll LQ.
  Eli;}. RULES .
Rule l
IL shall oe Lne ci .*,;,7 of   err; loye, lf fro ··isr;:>:rsi,n ~ceel
C·é:1_¤n;,=, lm., ·.xor?un_y`of`alllinability before they shell
be allcwed to enter the mine. Any such persons ennex*§`ng\_gne mine shall
be ecsompenled by the mine mremen or other officials.   ‘·

   " sd "
Rule 10 0. H.
u   On K•
" 12 u. K.
·• 13 0. A.
H   bt j·`~•
" 15 U. K.
Rule lb
All cr;;;_,l=-¤ye2:s shall. dsx {wr mx;. msc;} lr..sLV:.=1:r:ii·;.ns about d;.z1;_;€»r‘s
cf truvaalizzgg M. amd Trax; tneir v. >1·}·.i;;;.  "lages, ds well Us tf: dangers
at the   ;1*f;.€:‘;g ylazee, Jr L. E·’1`t»G5L!liI'lg{_ * J tixéir v.r.»I‘k. y
. Rule 17 ig. li.
  0. ii.
"   Us  
u SG {>}• Ko
" 22 C. ii.
"   [M K•
"   Us Kn
·· 24 0. y;. /
H   Ch Yis   `_
" x6 U. K. 5  
·· gv 0.   if
*·   Q.   /*’
r .
. { · .
All persons are ;;.rohiu».i’ce~d ICYJIH taking lighted   cigarettes,
cyan flame launls w J>thr>r‘ things gontaining fires 1.11tG ang? nil huuse.
Rule 50 U. K.  

 A*` · 5 *
Rule Bl O. AQ 1
•·   0. h.
" es   ;;.
" 34 U. K.
"     lit
U   (}• K•
" 37 ay. ii.
** Z5 u. K.
" EJ u. H.
uulg 40
In case »F Lne injury Jf an emyl ye while on dgcy it shell be his
dumyj if yessiblq, LJ re;. ¤iti‘ Ame fine Yu”?YEH JM —ssisTa¤L exe pu gt
unze Lu axe U , .. efer Le Leve ine imjlvy Uressed: jvwvided, that in case
uf very trivial injuries Q =ir;L Mig dressing may be epglieé by n com~ °
petent ,ers©n, cnn the irjured men may, ·.·, Ti; the Lermiesien pf his ibre·
man, remain at neck .mtil the ené yi ine snift. he sxall then reyert
5;; 3},5; g*·,;gL.;;· {Lp e;;·;:·y:1i;1;em;i.;»r; ,i the inf z*L‘ and i`.Yr'c};s;»1* tI‘ea`tn‘1ent,, amd
shall ne: ¤g¤in rea ru z> norm un;il be shell neva secured iran the
darker Q eertiiicene lf his ebiiizy L  .·- retvru YJ his work with safety to
lule 41 U. Ai
" 42 0. K.
" 44 Q• K.
Eule 45
Trackman, brattiqemen und zthev employes shall befgre beginning
wqmli gt any bein'; exegnxjpe the reef and c<2¤dlti;}¤S s»11‘I‘·3=.mdir1g»Y theft? ` V
‘ Q. -~   V U l

 ·\ -· 4 -
wuric and ..s;sm·e Lmrzzsselves Qs no me su i‘<>t;,· gf their visvk amd ‘.‘·o r¤ing:
ylugezs. Huey must look out fb-1* the passing ·>f` cer; vurxilsa tt;w@1ing»
Uluzzg r1a.1lw¤;,rs and be: in L. blues; .Jf` safety; durimp the jmsssggge <.f’ cwrs
  Q5 C. K.
•· 47
$11 men in Luc rzijuas, 5:4411. use g;·E ;;l@5 Fheerx ding-( any _yi#;¥`. CT lzamr
mer wnrk; except ‘-'·`!16*I1  i¤s:Lr··2:rte=m uy {TIP i:41:A<2cii:+‘£+2 i'e=i`£=:*¤· $1* il-
s?;;j1‘Es. xgetcing .»; ; jr . :·§`>i` r:::m1‘r·i;, 2-·;ki1lQEa it. ir ra;,·:i;;;;    _;~;i+i~:r>';g; gpo- -
hi bitsue
Q?u19 49
All , ¤az·scns $,1]. me ;»1*i>}1i'ziic ¤i :1*;::1 ez;;r»Lri,r1g· mv @T?Zf~Y,;,’i1Tg or filling;
rwrbiaiea la;1:‘:1;;:€ v-.·hil<=   tme EZ\;I'lLZ‘i.]>•
Dij’§‘IL£§ p5` YILJLL ;`·i.;I.CA1f ‘
hula ic I;. ii.
" 51 O. E·I•
" [iz U. ii.
" EEZ Q. il.
'°   C• K}
" 55 LJ. li.
" L6 O• H.
H 53 ®• i{•

- g, ..
Rule 59 L4. tn.
4 "   U. rk.
Il   Us l‘•
U DU’2IiL.;S   .·`lE¥.t. Ami;) =,?. 51“bQQIAI. E,§i§£Tll;Z·jii
Hula TO LM jx. I
" 71 0. L;.
" 72 0. 1;.
" 73 u. Li.
H   kia  
  "   L- ZC•
A   Us In
Rule 77
jhe -f`€.:*e ·¢<;;;p    mial —<:;arr.Et;..;=v· $3}:.:.113 vt CTL times rmjurt ta the
ffizgew Mpreerzzcm ..].1 :m1ig=1*-,=:s w-·::ii*.f nm he cEisq~cve>1·e-s. Tie shall 3‘Q-HIEUCVE
ull e:;;u;.in¤=,$ ms ani Lev  J1 Q Ws tigizies in strict »;»11;Q`·;2·r,.it.;,~  
the Lining ].:;w::s uf am ¤i;aL.@   Ef@.··;2,:;ri" Q;.
l}.i..f;-·}j     J·‘.QI§Q`, $.1; E.ILQ*.$ All ’i’}·.,;;‘i·LE·.;&
Rule JG us. Ji. `
" .31 C. Ii.
Eaule 32
ZfuL»Jz·1:1e>n must 11-A run by  limes v.·h@r’e> reg 211:.21* flagjmen una @rn;110;‘»:>d
vithctzt firext ge=>tti:1;; tne qdlewr alggxzel. Z.'.0t.>1·me11:r;nst mt vm past any
alevqtric or utmr dzmgrsr sig‘·n;s1. jL.L_jIG1~CAL shall rtuaan the gzirnea as  
  _;.LL mctcurmewn snail stop ut all te:1ee;;»h0ne stations and
I‘€©&i‘f@ running [grders frmm the trip dis;.ve·¤t;:?1m‘s b€*`€>Y`€ {T¢>i¤¥’. '—-mt (mu)

 . - 5 ~.
ihe 1:;. in u..·u1:;¤y;e xwueis had u=3iT;z·e— €eI1€}€¥1"‘j..I'l;Q into tn? wrrimus; seectibns
uf the ngime.
Rule 55
L.<1I;>1*1I&@x1 $1;.31] 1..=·1‘1¢}}¤2 T,:`·@lI‘ !Iz·Qt·Jr‘s s‘.> us tp j.Z‘GVCl1T. in,fU`f‘f,7 Le, <3.".Li·
l¢>;;as nm? c*;»r·.;.,gi i.e—·i uml JYiJe?`·V"‘·`.‘.5€ we? QZYL z1@;@$sc~v‘;h L/‘r@f:;1.i*;i·»r;; T-L Y»i¤·-ey TILE rr.·;r.tsr·s
unc} *;;*1;; far: ueigz. ,_,r /; ..;.»@:..;‘.·.U¤·;   ..;.·; ·,L1-~.;1 er..; ,..·_,e>;, Lu hm;   mm
than   Y;:.r= :1;.»®.;;.>r‘ mid ?j°;'i.i. inlet ve? ine First (gfx zsmsit i3;1j,i;‘?;g:1t <:;;;2iiiC@1‘··
giiuzi »f`   zz`..1i,,L“T.’.:;!i Mita" *..»_..l¢L‘, :.:11C E/116Fj; iz.  ci:T‘==i'aI}.jJ Elm}; <.,\;t t`L’!‘
(%&1.?1g‘5>" ;-t ¢¤'L.vz1;i the *‘ mime:   ir.-@3* ‘ .‘.’ -3*1 and i‘e*»g...»r*i   3 J TLP IQ  ·‘·.»‘1‘r~1i·.;en.
'jhny :1.;;+. nw; ..1;., ·.·. Lnyly   izztg, LY;r.ne@s ‘x.‘:‘am*e 6;;:1; @r»ur= 12·;=nc3i.ti1‘¤s @>;i:= U.
If L1;·;·j; 1r·;;z‘·:;   :4::;; s:;n;=. ·;;;;;Qi.t, ..1>e* *.r;»f:g~.r :::.:5*; **6;   mist: J; Qnne; tg: TIAS
Ziizgc ·'Y.,;·+zr...m. l.L;;..m2..@r; ;¤;u ¤ '¥*,.LI_»]1F`·I`S gkmll. mwye   LE1e=i1‘ t2‘i;,s mid switch
gum; .:5 r§eeg‘E.;·11gete»d `:.·y ¢;:;q=iz* i` ;#·r>:.;¤1:.
iuie     1:.
" B3 L;. li.
" 35 L. zi.
H   (JI itil
·• 31 eg, zi.
·• Q2. 0. K.
H   ‘U•  

 ,¥e __   _
Rule ufl
Z.l·Jt·‘J‘:‘m@¤ giznll nu; ..l1n1*.·s Qmydme Ln}, naw swf; ;a¤;xI`S f?}.C7F·r}4`·€- ima r€¤i;¤l;;;* :n»L.>z*rm¤ sm'? ~¤ 4 .» ¤. ;ylr¢1*, pit; time c>;r;<2gL·
hn -_»i` tm; desi 5:;.:111 °_I`&·Y..`;_"1 um ;e;.;;:; sc;2t.i"—n in <;:;:»mg·e=¤ of une YIlOTY"iT‘S, = .‘.· he
bw  ;¤GY`Y1.i.%.{`.{3ij :4; ride tm  ar 7`x·»:; Um}     my 1,:* burn.
·-Exile- 1;;: .211 ., tr.; :i;=11*‘2'  ‘ r`i;€, ¢L V-:;r*e= s2AqLL La tame:}   the
zzwiz-_;1·1·m@;?z, dm; 2,140 ;·;,ti© .»i` ;—;, ew; ;;z;;-L1? xx. &;—;;ra=@¢;; ;si:·; : 1;iAl@S 5151* 1·;e,Ar.
All G2ZZ.L;,=:V,’E?$“€ z‘i··i;1r; ,;; Lge; :.;::;;*:1;- will ;z· muse? eEi‘:*r:,;1; t*!1;2z‘g ·@ .;f 9;;:.5
y-%2‘s‘·  =E&:¤;;E.;r1.·_¤r»>4E   3::12 Yin; -·`.;·*<’:i.;·:x.
Qiule .*5
h f§—;;· ¤·rr. l.; >e~ ;·r»;-11.     ,;· z;iae:·:,i ti K:  ;:;,;·  tv;   gw,  w  
.*‘E:.{v-1* ‘p»L;i;,   I   V     1  Mz;. -{_ wr.;   LS Z§T`!Z` .`Z"C; tu
'ft-,v{»;€r ‘$r,;i*¤ ¤—   "I wi Q;  V ii ‘   f-:1 ..:15 1**1;, 1‘*1s_}·”=:‘%¢, mlécss iY}.*T.2",Ej»T_.¤'J;
L..~ cw nw   ipee ·»1.2jrWfi.';?,"2L”if_l'¤.T., `iL;;e ·` ,;*e r:,.,n   1012* i;ES7iSY?..*’Lt-Sa Y'*>t·;;:‘-
rrp:} 2;;’;·;·  {L-"—‘z·; :i;4¤»;lQ     ;+i,.;·~   .:   ;:1i2;gi ,—z;<€ ::;e};;1‘rr-my vice>s, geek ds: eiyéwgg, dgrqilss, etc., small be umd cn
di.} sl·.»y€e$ emu i:2r;1i11mi ilggcas to gyrcveént mms 01* c**iLs {`rtm rur1:‘zir.g·
gx·.¤;;y. AHC by ilk x*i·jiea1· snull rim; Um tmc rmr em} nf bil mqin line tr iys

.. 8 ...
caming to the Jucside Om! ezmll k»z¢·,, niet light L,mgi_ng GL ,],1 times so
¤s In be ez;A:;i1;,¢ seen by Ong; tri; ¤.;V.~g;r‘·;u;.2hi:‘1;_g i`:*r,,m Mw 1‘¢=;;1·.
Rule 1Gb
Lion cvmen and ;J¤1l.»1¤re: gnpll lcaew ull 5v»ii:;he2s lined fx mae Stzwirht
Lz‘;»;;L: ;;r;;_e dezmilss sym: :7.-t` all Lines.
Lula MZ
~»©2; 10;*5, :1y,=€,;=r;‘..c;z‘; ·_;:;<_: ,~ixm;‘:z Eiluxtk 1; =t Jin? L;‘.@iT* heznrcs $2 guide
5:.zm nz; tue wsdl x'v·,—::. rj   _.i;e -;2 raw,    xw viii; tin; L;;Z¢  rqle ··,_ ? ll
  ?.2¤i_’€ri:`fi L;} (r2iT$`Tl.C.:f`;>€•
Elule Kiki
nl; :I.·;»1.  in ,»€~L‘;;L’ ny ;~L;:iOl‘QI ,5; ifs; fr; ·"·;..;,l“g€- `_2f` 11m ¢-l€2_r·$€:.:’.gi
n;,>one els? Geez rut vie *11 the reel
guhxw OY 111 1* .1); pf tm} 1`i:.,J Q!’•
hblkifj ¤‘·..] 1 Ill IQ.;   g;
  Hula UO J. Ei.
H   ,•  
" 1}.2, (J• K•
U 115 Oo Kn
H   Oi Ko

 ... Q ..
• I
i·1[L€: U5 KJ. ii.
“ llé Cu K.
“ 117 {2. bf.
Rule IIE
lim e~m;,1»Jy@ 514:111 mia; 1;t¤, tkeesea rninezs A11]; y0` .’.‘ der ur 42;;;-1rJ:¢:e_;>t Lhut ·»b‘c;11r:cd 5%*01:; che <_··m.;.~¤¤j;' as rr.r»g:2z.ir1€. ull I wder and @>;··
yludmw E,a.&€e11 inane: fues-,q xlmas; Ii;  be in tue J‘JT."£A<;I1f.7' 5 A{;i»‘r·©vs~d `.`,’00;Eeu
1-;OIlT,&—1I'1EE‘I‘(3• .¤r1;,wnee ;'u;u10 with 10<;—s`r· _1/‘.f»`¤!lGI‘ UP <2>;i/Rciezrc :=,4;.¤tt€·r*eci
g¤2J.`·'2Z the 1:1i111•25 2:11* we s;2b,j·2©i ix Ji:;;·;_;1·YLusi*= =a;: mr de2·:·z1.·z·>rg $@11 :.0 zxmled wx gmgz ezleetriqz
1:;0f.:;r or ;_1ug,· trip, z:;;¤r;1;r·i;   ;;>lusivr2s
sha. 11 nam lm ;,lu;cQ in ·s»·· uyun ..:1; Gflrifijf i.:· landed cars, eu.qe·;./t when
cqrriead 1:1 to ·:.i»ri<; by the 1..24:1 in the mum2x*ig», mu; tthcm 41.;; in was
z..¤th0z·1z•ed ·.·x¤.»·.>@»2n m¤L;in·>r·s.
Rule 13:. U. im.
·• 133 11. Ic.
·‘ 154 1;. ii.
A •• 1:5 L. 1;.
·‘ IE6 e. gg.
  ;`~,.j. L.ZIQ.{;ii5
Rule 140 O. L'.
" 14]. (En Ke
H   Ca he
"   C• ;;•
H   (Ja  
·‘ 3.4-5 G. ii.
*· 145 0. K.
H   OI   _;
V “ 14:3 O. Ii.
" 14-9 O. K.
" LEO B. K.
H   Ch Ke
" 1525 C. K.
" 153 0. K. `

 ¢ ' 11 '
Rule 154 U. K. I
" 155 D. K.
M 156 O. A.
Rule 157
Lvery miner muwr ;r,vide hireeiv with and Kew in yuou qenditiun
the {allowing; bremst ugyer, guel shovel, cas: anwvel, t', ‘.·. Links, ehe
with handle n¤L ever LQ i2q;es ever ell, wuueen merging eLink, truck
wrench, syike bur, yleme InfZ`€Y, elgze menpc, bett ry end nec lees than
100 fee? mf loud wire. ~u2n ren sne11 else surely hingelf with gwvéer
in yuwder bzx umu eupi in iu, max.
Rule 153 u. K.
Rule 160 in K.
A " 151 La K. V
H 16E Ca 1‘;•
" 155 O. K.
B.U1g 154
A Tfacninemen muy: et ell Jimrs keep tuemselves supylied with Lrcyer
teelg fur musing miner reyuirs, end Sufficient 011 anu greese te grup-
erly keep their mugpiue well lubricated. ¥he lgrge 011 gen must be
stured in u safe rluee at 1e;st fifty feet from tue meenine hole. The
cutter ehdim Sn;11 be eileu ufter eucn and every place is cut.
Rule 155 O. K.
·• 166 O. K.
·= 167 0. K.

Rule 163 1
M¤chinemen smnll take dll broken ru;es and other broken parts of
tneir manning to une mngnine bale and snnre tnem until they can be
taken uutsine. Luenine hnles must be kept glear of all rubbish and
refuse at all times-
Dbllnj 4} 4gL ;LGiL;LR
Yule 17Q L. K.
Rule 171
fha fun enginspr skull keey the fun engine r¤,ms ani fnn houge
neat end glenn. he mugc see tn;t tmc rruqnn in tha vicinity if the
fan nwxse 15 free from debris can ,¤rcig;l¤rly {rpm inflummgble material.
X0 fires shall be permiuted in gr nanr mny fnn hcuse.
hula 17z Q. K.
Rule 150 bl K. -
" 131 O. K.
" 152 O. X.
" 183 U. L.
·· M4 U. K.
** 185 0. 2—;.
·· 18+; :1. 2;.
" 157 O. K.
`l 135 Oo Ko
" 189 O. X.

I.ZECZ·€.LIxlCAL ARD JHUP .IJI;L·’»~,l;Q‘l,..:§L.'L’S
_ Rule   O. K•
U   O• K•
nl   U• Ka
" :03 0. K.
it LOA: 'j•  
`I 405 Cr K•
H   Us K•
" zO'? 0. ii.
"   O1  
"   O•  
.1 L10 O•  
` H   Ce K• '
" xl: 0. 2:.
H   O•  
"   Co  
·‘ ala 0. 2;.
N   O• Xa
A   O0 Pia _
" gl.9 U. K.
—• L20   x.
_ IKUML5 Epi th.}; YARD
HUEG   C1  
·‘ 231 0. K.
" 252} 0• li.

` I-      
"   O• Ka
"   CH K•
  nhl. .5;-Q’?£ BLUJE:.
Rule 240 U. IL.
'° :.41 U. H.
" gu 0. 1;.
W   Co Ko
U :.44- {T} Ke
°° :.45 O. K.
N 2:46 C. }€.•
H   OO lil
" 448 O. ii.
    LL {3
RUIS .650 O•  
1l·QTuL—I1 C   TS
Rule 260 O. 12.
A .`.‘I ;_;$QUi€SI]Q QJTLEL Jxj,Q.·hQ.Y, II·C{2R:~..·R¤'JLD.
Per E. J. “~f··.L` L: 2 *5 ,)*;.1; `.   7.;;,.. ,..·.'     7...; ]UIf;[;.:,.T§ J {Qi`; I-;.'... pj   .. '.I.*L iz .1.1
  ur 3Z1*.¤¤.l 1  Q4 :<>.;11;1*.;;2; i 1*.- :..1;.   i.;` .:*.3;;; v ,, .,   L   . ·.. Je 5.*,;. -;
.."-1-77 `.7.- , Q . ..   ,. .4 77 *7 » I :.7_7‘.71‘   .77 ., , ‘ ·   ._ ,
w,. €.*.;L` C.1: ;L   . ..4,) LL * .r.;; ; .*4...;*] n     ..·.· ,,,--5; ...1.;: ,; J   ·-.,7 ..,-t; 4.7...*.*; .,.L.
A .1*..;.*..;;* .;=.ww.·<,‘>·r7     `·I. * .;*..7; .r;.©»¤fQ. .   * 5*.311   · 5; wp ;‘;* I, · i. .L-`;'..;;‘=2xz*; la-.: , 1  
‘¤. 77.  7‘ ‘ 7.77 .7   " . · _-. ._ :   4 . , , · , ¤. _ 4. ,   .. ..,. ,- ~; w ,. ,,_.
-L·; :;-0 fl ·.L<.-11 m.»- L., . <.=-. ..;;.-..*1. . .. .. ... ..-7,.- 7. ·....-.l Op€E‘I`8.¤ ..~-' ...2-....l 11.;.1 V
4 . -·-J . ¢· ' -. ..,T.-, -E- - 1 Z. "  ‘ - . ‘. -7 - 7 7 -,-· -,1 , 5- 7 7-,.Z . qw   $ ,-7-. ,--' 7 ·
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