xt7kh12v6014_731 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1931-1940 text 1931-1940 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_158/2008ms006_158_4/59845/59845.pdf 1931-1940 1940 1931-1940 section false xt7kh12v6014_731 xt7kh12v6014   • •
 .   ALJ 'l'l3AIl.I1;‘G \
gtgatili   l€Zl
Abbott, Volmcr I
Almory, John J
lll’j.1”lClgG, Clarence  
Allen, E‘1·amk $24 45iE££—F
Allan, J;2¤:·¤
4.lle2;;, lortrsr 4
l».nda=.¤~soz·., Cecil
Azxaiorsoxs, lic  ll.
Am;  r s on ,  we r u
A_,r::·s, J. An
;·s·.i<·;:, Carl Lu}-;.·2 il QEFQZC Y`-?
Balcor, ii-lie
bs,l<@1*, ,i.C:‘:.*;11*C1 J
samkss, `uilaom ’
lmrlcor, Crit A. J
Bea.rE<+:r ,  lvl.:1 D.
l3zxssi;za.m, Crockett A.
B&_yl,<>x·, .J.  
Boezleer , Lutlxo   L.
healer, I-life
Bickarstaff, Joseph
ljlalock, John l
Blevins , J amos W`.
· Bolton, James
Boyd, Guy

 I I
‘ Boynton, L. Lee
Bredberry, Ernest L.
Brewer, Arthur wp
B r 0 G lc , Lee
Brock, Lige ~
Brooks, Everett ·
Brooks, Roscoe
Jrown, Colwnbus Y. el 456268-F
Brown, Edgar X 55 é5£2$9—F
Browlz , Add
Buchanom, uwlgkt
Buoneuon, H. V.
bucheuon, John
Buohamon, Ore En
Bull, Swnuel l
Bullock, Quinton
Burrell, Eddie 27 %5@£70*F
Burrell, Jesse
Byrd, william ‘
Caldwell, Harry R.
Celllxs, Jillie U
Calloway, Glen
Calloway, Herrls
Cannon, Oscar
Gerson, John
Carton, Ralph
Cash, Alex
Gaudill, Jwues

 I I
Ceodill, Riley · ` A
Chester, Ralph 27 4562?l—F
Clerk, Clyde Cl .
Comb, Frank
Cole, Floyd C CB 456272-F
Coleman, Jacob
Cooley, Henry
Cooper, Earl
Cooper, George
Cooper, John. S.
Coors, Hobart
Cope, Anorew J.
Cope, Joan
` Cope, Rogan
Coge, Samuel ~
Coruebé, ;.llso¤°
Czuoh, Carl V. EC l5E275—F
Cowen, Harrison C. .
Cox, Luther
Greig, David L, EG @56274-F
Culbertson, Xelker
Cummings, Columbus C.   , _
Dalton, George R.
Dalton, Joe -
Qavio, Richard
Deal, Archie
Deal, Osoor oC 55 45C2?5—F
V Dedo, Alfred ~

 I O
Dembor, Percy
Donny, Elmer
Lick, L. J.
Dick, Lloyd
Dick, Sherman
Dillard, Allen E4 456276-F
‘ Disney, w. Oscar Q
— Dixon, John N. -
Dixon, Lan V
Dooicr, Adam
Dozior, Jmnos
Qozior, Jillimm 3.
Eggers, Orville 5.
Ellington, henry
Elliott, Lytton J.
211150;;, ous 25 4562’F?—F —
Erwin, Cochor
__ Estop, Jamos
Evans, Smnuel L. E7 456£7B·F
Eason, Hosia EC é562?Q-F
Fawbush, Howard EC 45628O-F
Fawbush, Hugh
Fawbush, Joseph C.
Fields, Henry
Fields, Eamon
Fioldo, Matt 56 456281-F
Fish, Ambrose A -
Fouoh, John D.
Franco, Jesse

 I I
France, Oscar ·
France, Pete
Freeman, George
Getera, Oliver
Gilley, Gordon
Cilley, Jesse » QC &56£82—F
l Gladson, william
Gleison, Gherles
Glcvier, Senmel J.
Glwmp, Ani;
Glump, Jnlm .
Geode, Lark A.
Qreg, Prince Gl 45G£B5—E
Gregory, Charles 37 456284-F
Grogan, R£,`;;,`lYlCI1’.:i.
Grube, W13} J. Z8 455285-F
Quinn, G. A.
Gum, Robert
Hale, Archie C.
Mele, Skevle
Hell, Baze
Hell, Leonard J. 59 456285-F
Hell, Oscar
Herein, Edgar
Harrell, Silas S. l
Harris, Charles H.
Harris, Cleveland
Harris, Robert L.
Harris, Willie

 O I  
Harville, Henry
Hayes, Jesse i Q
Helton, Shelby A
Helton, Wash ‘ 58 456287-F
Henry, Lewis C.
Hensley, Hence C.
Hester, George
Hickey, Joseyh
Hicks, Eilliwn Oscar 52 45628B-F
Hicks, W. Y. .
Higgins, Swwuel E.
Hightower, Clarence
Hightower, Swnuel H. ZL 455289-F
Hill, John
- Hines, Horace
Hodges, Eddie
Hornsby, John, L.
Huodleston, Clebe
huddleston, Luynerd L. 55 &55£90-F
Huff, Chester C,
Huff, Enoch
Hughes, William F. l
Hurd, George 1. 59 &§6E9l·F
lmmm,Chde »
Ison, George H.
leon, Leonard 25 456292-F
leon, lkuxious

 O O
' Jackson, warren
\ Jaco, Jwnes E.
Jacobs, Harris
Jarrard, Luther
Jarvis, Ambrose
Jarvis, Frank
~ Jeffries, Clyde
Johnson, Archie
Johnson, panic}
Johnson, neorge 1.
Johnson, Henry (3)
.Tcd;r1soz1, EYe;:r; (1*} l
Johnson, John L. V
Johnson, Hilton
Jones, J. h.
Joseph, John
Kaylor, nrron H.
Kaylor, Dock
Kaylor, Hubert
Haylcr, Jesse
Kaywood, Dennis
Kelly, James
Kelly, Karshall
‘ Kelly, Mciinley
Kerr, Clarence
Kidd, Andy
Kilgore, Arthur
. Kilgore, Ernest W. 51 456295-F
Kincaid, Clay

 I I ’
King, Johzmie _ 25 456294-F
King, Napoleeum B.
Kinsey, Ellis I
h / Kirk, Floyd .
Kirk, Hugh
Knoll, D8.ZO ·
Kc>0z·1t::, Floyd
L€d.TH`L»GI`4G, Cimrlas L.
Lezvahc rn , Thcma  
Lcath, Joe.
lee, Hz2.:1a¤cm
Lczcdy, Eialpix
L-sckhart , .L;·fh.wu‘
Love,   ilawz·.is011 l
Lnwaery, C;;c2:·i21"
Luke, Tixozuas H.
Lynch , .#.2."‘5i1¤11*
Lyozz, Jnim,
1·..Q.2.<:k, Isla};
  l 1 wry , ETa.·‘ch0.n
l:L2.rlc>n, Henry
liars, Tom
A Zl.i¤2rs?mll, Delmas at
§;T»frt5.11, Cscar F.
E.Z2.r‘l: 3.11 , l2c»`»:c>:·t   .
liassa; , Charles B2 4:562395-F
lmsscy, Frank 24 456296-·F
Matt ingly, Arlrmn D.
Mays, Lucius

 I I
h 1.i¤1~;;ax1, Iilbert
Z.Z<;¤;·r*ia, —T¤l`jl TE2z 1r_;·
ljmas, F>1·c&211
fLm;·z·in, A,. L.
Tycrs, Fralxla QQ.,
llyezrs, 30}.:1
}..ye»rs, E}rE:»ezn F,
Z·.iyc 1* s , .1 1   1 lam
;.;_ylees, ./alter
I."c32.z·+:;r, Amdrzzw Jackson
I·.lcG&.:·ty, fZ.&.1·i¤m
}*.ZcD¤11»;ld , N£L'*6}l8.Il
lic Gslha , Albe2r*a H .
§.IcGl:uncer_y‘, Am"0;1 J.
lvicllgxhem, Allan; O.
Llc ;u.e&ry , Semmel
Healey, William E.
l]·€VJ111€§.l71., Elmer K,
Ljeawtozx, I3. F.
liunlrzy, James

 I I
Osborne, Den ’f
Overbey, Ceger ’ 42 V 456297-F
Owens, Edgar
Owens, Jesse
Owens , Roy
Peck, Crockett
Palmer, Charles T.
Palmer, John
Parker, Charles H.
Perks, Celumhws P.
Permley, James
Pettesssn , Charles ng
Ieyne, lrlgh
Peek, giiert
Peek, James Ha
ferry, J. Allen
Person, Swnvel
Phillips, James F.
Phillips, Jerry
Pierce, Daniel F.
Pippin, J, B.
Pippin, Oscar
Peellnitz, Ewne 27 456298-F
Poff, Chester
Polk, James P.
Pecre, Frsnk I.
Presley, Robert
Prewitt, Ljge
Price, Greig

 l O O
Price, Emmitt
, ;p1;ll:, uxnust ~
huinpz, Jomoz E. '
Rasulck, Cnarleo
hasmick, Noni.
Loblnatt, Greed
Hebiuntt, Daniel L. @2 &56£99—F
koblmett, George P.
Robinett, Luther EO @5o500—F
R ob izmtt , Ll\;»_y
Robimott, Samuel
xobimett, q. P.
Robinson , will
Boop, Janiol o.
Schaffob, Qmnool
Lcnubert, Jake
Scott, John D.
Shanks, Mack Lewis
Shanks, H. Gall
\ Shanks, Roy
shorror, Charles ·
Sheffield, Daniel
Sheffield, Thomas J.
shepherd, Charles E
Shophord, John I. 22 45530l-F
Shophcrd, Thomas
Shophord, U, Riley ·
Shiror, George
Shoemaker, John 5.

 O I
Simpson, Garfield 40 456502-9
Siphors, Thomas
Slagle, Charles 52 45€5C5—F
Slusher, James S.
Smartt, Lconuid
Smiddie, Elmer
Smith, George E.
Smith, Glen
Stcmdifcb, Howard _
_ Stanley, Horace
, Stansbury, Jwnic Q.
Stiles, Gordon h. — ——-— —--
Stokes, Gene
Stubblcfiold, Kiran
Sturgill, Patrick H.
Sturgill, 7. L.
Suit, James E.
Svonick, Louis
Swift, Issac
Swift, Ollie 57 45650%-F
Sykes, Turner
Tate, Eowuri
Tate, Ira G.
Taylor, Lorenzo @8 &5é505-F
Taylor, Richard
Toylor, Willie .
~ Taylor, William F. —
Tcmplin, Roy L.
Testerman, John

 I O
D1‘l.01:.Lzss, George Z-4 IQ-BQZGG-F
fh01‘1¢i1u1‘5, will ` -
‘i‘imrm:a,n, viiil
Jipiinn, Jkzmczs ‘. `J. Q-5 LQESZO7-E`
wclliver, H. B. °
Mammal}., &.‘e,lt·;x
Brent, Alfmd
1‘;·<2u%, George
l‘;*uspe:x·, J.   ’
Pxzcécar, Clwmless k.
Iuckér, L. ii.
Qxzmver, ib`l"O11
Tyson, Qipsar.
'»/aug}1:2 , E’;,ul
2f~:·.lksa1·, .L:·*;)z·.1x~ 40 455508-F
.;;;ll<;a·z·, Leu-}.
    lace I  <;z~'L.L1"1`}. , J . D .
‘.u€.1liams, Lowery  

 O O
wilson, Charles o
  Wilson, Henry J. .
Wilson, John
Wilson, Lemon
· Uinstoad, Dewey
Winstead, Halo
win$¥oad, lack
*1tt, .’.  Austin
noo&s, Marry &5 4563ll~F
Woods, John
Yadan, John
     o  o »  
— I"<\ . '  
o Q  _ o

Benham, Kentucky.
ADDI‘l;l0IiAl. FIRST 1il;D_;l2iA_Il{{1_llG
* nr `” December_2Qrd: 1932
lygge of Employe (White) _ _£§g jggnyggg£uL____ ____
Aldridge, Clarence Bennett 50 Shop Foreman
Anderson, Robert Harve 59 Repairman
Chastain, william Harris 25 Coupler
Cole, Floyd Columbus 55 Mine Foreman (Night)
Cooper, John S. 59 Haulage Foreman
Cope, John Mack 40 wire helper
Dick, Issac Sherman Bl Hotorman
Dick, James Lloyd 25 Uotorman
Dick, Lorensia Dow 55 Pumpman
Estep, James 51 Repairman
Fawbush, Howard McKinley 52 Drillman
Fawbush, Hugh 68 Night ,atchman
Fawbush, Joseph Carter Gl Shop Foreman
Fish, nmbrose Arthur 51 Lngineer
Glovier, Samuel Jonas 45 Track Foreman
Guinn, Columbus Abraham 55 ripple Foreman
Harrell, Silas Shultz ZZ Drillman
Helton, Shelby 23 Inside laborer
Henry, Lewis Cephas 55 Coal loader
Hightower, Samuel Hall 58 Fire Ross
Huddleston, Maynard Newman Z? Fire Boss
Jaco, Janes Ernest 50 Coal loader
Jarvis, Ambrose 40 Section Foreman
Kilgore, Arthur 56 Face Boss
Koontz, Floyd Leason 50 Eumpman
Luke, Thomas Hogg 45 Mine Foreman
Lunch, uilliam arthur 58 Section Foreman
Marshall, Qelmas Telfenl 25 Hotorman
Mattingly, Adron Dawson 41 Section Foreman
Mitchell, John Hebert 53 Face Boss
Murrin, august Lafayette 50 wire Foreman
Tyers, Urban F. 59 Night Watchman
lmCarty, Andrew Jackson 55 Asst. Mine Foreman
McCarty, Marion 39 Face Boss
_ Newman, Elmer Kimber 57 Engineer
Palmer, Charles Thruston 28 uireman
Pippin, John Bradley 54 Night xatchman
Price, Emmitt 40 Chief Electrican
Raines, James Ernest 39 Section Foreman
Scott, John Dawson 35 Coal loader
Shoemaker, John Sherman 49 Face Boss
Smiddie, Clifford H. 28 Coal loader
Stansbury, James Daniel 40 Fire Boss
Trent, George Washington 30 Coal loader
Turner, Byron 42 Coal loader
walker, Earl Rilson 28 Motorman
warren, Sidney Ernest 47 Hepairman
whiteaker, Curren Clyde S7 Draftsman
miituru, David L. 47 Drill helper
titt, Austin 52 Drillman

 · 22‘ISC<>i»2L3 IN STL"le1L CCIPANY, Ig
Benham, Kentucky.
ADD Hl¥Sli<*.E   .4E¤l.Tli·*ILU.l°.
·"‘ _* *0 ~—-_ Ifggynhermggnd. 1932
Name of Emgloye (Colored) _£§g _gccu£ation _________
Abbott, Velmer 50 Coal loader
Aimery, John Henry 52 Coal loader
Allen, Jesse Lee 54 Coal loader
Allen, Lewis Franklin 54 Coal loader
Bailey, Sam 46 Coal loader
Baylor, william Beuben 40 Coal loader
Bickerstaff, Joseph 59 Coal loader
Brooks, Elbert 59 Coal loader
Brown, Edd 49 Coal loader A
Brown, Richard 29 Coal loader
Burrell, Jesse 49 Coal loader
Burrell, John 47 Coal loader
Byrd, william 28 Coal loader
‘ Callins, Millie 35 Coal loader
Galloway, Glenn 53 Inside laborer
Calloway, Harris E4 Coal loader
Carson, John 4Q Coal loader
Carton, Ralph 34 Machine Hostler
Cash, alexander 40 Drill helper
Cawthon, Thomas Felix 44 Coal loader
Cobb, Frank 38 Coal loader
Coleman, Jacob 4l Coal loader
Conner, Sam 42 Coal loader
Cooper, George 50 Coal loader
Crosby, Dan Clifford 58 Goal loader
Davis, Richard 46 Coal loader
nember, Eercy 29 Coal loader
Dozicr, Adam Henry 27 Coal loader
Qozier, James 57 Coupler
Ellison, otis Andrews 26 Coupler
Erwin, Cooher 5o Coal loader
Flannagan, William Carl 25 Coal loader
Freeman, George 52 Coal loader
Frison, King David 25 Coal loaderh
Geters, Oliver 54 Outside`laborer
Glenn, Robert Monroe 47 Goa}-loaderv
Gray, Prince 52 _ Coal loader
Gregory, Charles 59 Coal loader
Hall, Baze 49 Coal load€r
Harris, Charles H. 49 Coal loader
Harris,Cleveland 58 Coal loader
harris, Lillie 47 Goal loader
Uarville, Henry 42 Goal loader
Hayes, Jesse 28 Coal loader
Hester, George 49 Coal loader
Hightower, Clarence 57 Inside laborer
Hill, John 55 Goal loader
Hines, Horace Alonzo B4 Coal loader
Huff, Enoch 32 Track helper
Johnson, Dan 51 Coal loader
Johnson, Henry 22 Coal loader

Benham, Kentucky.
  ¥2ll.§dE*;I;.}l¥i~‘21L ;L¥2-;§§&lQl§lQ
2i¤;¤.·;.2i;2¤r.ls>.¤;s;..i9.<;L2r2,¤loa, are 2¤22.paii¤a- -..--.r....
Kaywood, Dennis 44 Timherman
Kincaid, Clay 47 Trip Rider
Kirk, Hugh 42 Motorman
Leath, Joseph B7 Coal loader
Lee, Qansom 53 Coal loader
Lowery, Chester Arthur 32 Traokman
Mack, Isiah 35 Coal loader
Mallory, Nathan Joe 30 Coupler
Keane, Theodore Douglas 36 Coal loader
Koss, Green 31 Coal loader
Motley, Robert Mack 29 Coal loader
Myles, "alter 35 Track helper
McDonald, Nathan 40 Coal loader
Osborne, Daniel Uebster 29 Coal loader
Peek, Albert W. 32 Coupler
Peek, James Henry 30 Coupler
Perry, Joseph Allen 35 Coal loader
Person, Sam 44 Coal loader
Phillips, Jerry 54 maohineman
Poellnitz, Es o ` 2C Coupler
Polk, James P. 37 Coal loader
Prewitt, Liga 4? Coal loader
Schaffer, Sam 43 Coal loader
Sherer, Charles Oliver 42 Coal loader
Smartt, Leonard Robert 33 Coal loader
Stanley, Horace 32 Coal loader
Stokes, Gene 40 Coal loader
Swift, Ollie 39 Coal loader
Sykes, Turner 40 Coal loader
Taylor, Millie Gordon 33 Coal loader
Thomas, George 35 Coal loader
Tyson, Gipson 33 Coupler
=allaoe, .‘,i Horace 37 Coal loader
williams, Lowery 45 Coal loader
iilson, Charles 37 Coal loader
· dilson, Lemon 37 Coal loader
Hoods, Berry 46 Coal loader
Woods, John 38 Coal loader
" A` W"" m”"W` ` "”""“ ;1¤.qs¤¤b¤ r..%?!*§;.}2§.%;
lea :2 .·>.»<;2e¤alqxa-J£.2L¤;edl,-.l.. lee ;1azepes=.ie1-._-.._.-._.
Yett, George Cecil 28 Uffice Janitor.

 I O
EEBRUARY 6th. 1952
Abbott, Velmer
Aimery, John Henry
Aldridge, Clarence Bennett
Allen, Jesse Lee
Allen, Lewis Franklin 35 517905-F
Allen, Porter
Anderson, Ernest Ray
Anderson, Robert Harve
Anderson, Sanders Eknmitt
Anderson, Thomas Cecil
Ayers, Dix Alphin
Bailey, Sam
Baker, Carl Luke
Baker, Eddie Lawrence
Baker, William Edward
Banks, Wilson Palmer
Barker, Crit Aulbern l
Barker, Melvin Dock
Bassham, Crockett Alford
Baylor, William Reuben
Beeler, Luther David
Beeler, Mife
Bickerstaff, Joseph
Blalock, John Willis
Blevins, James West
Bolton, James
Boyd, william Guy

 O O
Boynton, Lyndal Lee
Bradberry, Ernest Leo
Bradshaw, Henry Carl 31 517904-F
Brewer, Arthur
Brock, Lee
Brock, Lige
Brooks, Elbert
Brooks, Roscoe Conklin
Brown, Columbus McKamey
Brown, Edd
Brown, Edgar McClellan
Brown, Richard
Buchanon, Dwight Willard
Buchanon, Hiram Voyd
Buchanon, John
Buchanon, Ora Eugene
Bull, Samuel
Bullock, Quinton
Burke, Willie 24 5l7905—F
Burrell, Eddie
Burrell, Jesse
Burrell, John
Butts, Homer Benjiman 42 517906-F
Byrd, William ·
Caldwell, Harry LeRoy
Calllns, Willie
Calloway, Glen
Calloway, Harris
Cannon, Oscar Tee

 I O
Carson, John
Carton, Ralph J
Cash, Alexander
Caudill, James
Caudill, William Riley
Cawthon, Thomas Felix
Chastain, William Harris
Cheatham, Charles Clay
Clark, Clyde George A
Cobb, Frank
Cole, Floyd Columbus
Coleman, Jacob
Conner, Sam
Cooley, Henry Clay
Cooper, Earl
Cooper, George
Cooper, John S.
Coots, Herbert
Cope, Andrew Jackson
Cope, James Rogan
Cope, John Mack
A Cope, Samuel Miller
Cornett, Wilson
Couch, Carl Van Everett ·
Cowan, Harrison C.
Cox, Luther Lee
Crabtree, Thomas Lee
Craig, Davis Lewis
Crosby, Dan Clifford

 I O
Culbertson, walker
Cummings, Columbus
Dalton, George R. -
Dalton, Joe Bailey
Davis, Richard
Deal, Archie
Deal, James Oscar
Dedo, Lwels Alfred
Dember, Percy
Denny, Elmer James
Dlck, Issac Sherman
Dick, James Lloyd
Dick, Lorensla Dow
Dillard, Allen
Dinsmore, James Wiley
Disney, Willie Oscar
Dixon, John W.
Dixon, Lemuel
Dozier, Adam Henry
Dozier, James
Dizler, William David _
Eggers, Orville Bennie
A Ellington, Jacob Henry
Elliott, Lytton Joseph
Ellison, Otis Andrews
Erwin, Cocher
Estep, James
Evans, Samuel Millard
Fason, Hosla

 O I
Fawbush, Andrew Jackson
Fawbush, Howard McKinley ‘
Fawbush, Hugh
Fawbush, Joseph Carter
Fields, Henry
Fields, Menon
Fields, Matt
Fields, Stephen H.
Fish, Ambrose Arthur
Flannagan, William Carl
Fouch, John D.
France, Jesse Melvine
France, Oscar
Fracne, Pete
Freeman, George
Frison, King David
Geters, John Oliver
Gilley, Gordon Earl
Gilley, Jesse Irvin
Girdley, Alton
‘ Gladson, William
Glenn, Robert Monroe
Glovler, Samuel Jonas
Glump, Andy
Glump, Jdux
Goode, James Calvin 20 517907-F
Goode, Lark Andrew
Gray, Prince
Gregory, Charles

 I I
Grogan, Raymond
Guinn, Columbus Abraham S
Gum, Robert Abe
Hale, Archie Clayton
Hall, Baze
Hall, Henry Clay
Hall, Leonard Jefferson
Harrell, Silas Shultz
Harris, Charles H.
Hardin, Edgar
Harris, Cleveland
Harris, Robert Luther
Harris, Willie
Harville, Henry
Hayes, Jesse
Helton, Ceorge washington
Helton, Shelby
Henry, Lewis Cephas
Hensley, H. C.
Hester, George
Hickey, Joe
Hicks, William Oscar
Higgins, Samuel Ervin
Highfield, James 52 51790B-F
Hightower, Clarence
Hightower, Samuel Hall
Hill, John
Hines, Horace Alonzo
Hodges, Eddie Clarence

 I I
Holliman, William Claud 27 517909-F
Hornsby, John L.
Hounchin, Charles William
Huddleston, Clalborn Rogers
Huddleston, Maynard Newman
Huff, Chester Creech
Huff, Enoch
Hughes, William Francis
Hurd, George Luther
Irwin, Clyde LaVerne
Ison, Arnold 24 517910-F
Ison, George H.
Ison, Leonard
leon, Manous
Jaco, James Ernest
James, George Bl 517911-F
Jarvis, Ambrose
Jarvis, Frank
Jeffries, Clyde Edison
Johnson, Archie
Johnson, Dan
Johnson, Dainel Milton
Johnson, George Washington
Johnson, Henry Clay
Johnson, John Logan
Johnson, Lacy Herman
Jones, David 35 517912-F
Jones, James Henry

 O O
Joseph, John will
Joseph, Roy _
Kaylor, Aaron Hendricks
Kaylor, Acia Ruth (Dock}
Kaylor, Hubert
Kaylor, Jesse
Kaywood, Dennls
Kelly, McKinley
Kerr, Clarence Worley
Kidd, Andrew
Kilgore, Arthur
Kincaid, Clay
King, Napoleon Bonepart
Kinsey, George Ellis
Kirk, Floyd
Kirk, Hugh
Knoll, Dazo
Koontz, Floyd Leason
Lambert, Charles
Lawhorn, Tom
Leath, Joseph
Lee, Ransom
Leedy, Ralph Edward
Lockhart, Artgur
Love, nenjiman Harrison
Lowery, Chester Arthur
Luke, Thomas Hogg
Lynch, William Arthur
Lyon, John Steel

 O O
Mack, Isiah
Mackey, William Steve
Mallory, Nathan Joe
Marion, Charles Henry
Mars, Tom
Marshall, Delmas Telford
Martin, Oscar Floran (Lee)
Martin, Robert William
Massey, Charles Edward
Mattingly, Adron Dawson
Means, Theodore Douglas
Meeks, James Wiley
Miller, Jackson
Millner, Sylvin DeVeax
Mill, George Perkins
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, John Hobert
Morgan, Elbert
Morris, John Henry
Moss, Green
Motley, Robert Mack
Mullins, Charles
Murphy, Lin
Murrin, August Lafayette
Myers, Frank Xavier
Myers, John
Myers, Urban F.
Myers, William
Myles, Walter

 O O
McCarty, Andrew Jackson
McCarty, Marion
McDonald, Nathan
McGaha , Albert Hami lt on
McGlamery, Aron Jackson
Mcilquham, Allan Onkst
McQueary, Sam
Neeley, William Elijah
Newman, Elmer Kimber
Newton, Benjiman Franklin
Nunley, James Oscar
Osborne, Daniel Webster
Overbey, Cager Monroe
Owens, Jesse
Owens, Roy senjiman
Oxford, Verlin
Pack, Crockett Henderson
Palmer, Charles Thruston
Palmer, John Henry
Parker, Charles Ross
Parmley, James
Patterson, Charles Work
Payne, James Hugh
Peek, Albert W.
Peek, James Henry
Perry, Joseph Allen
Person, Sam
Phillips, James Franklin
Phillips, Jerry
Pierce, Daniel Franklin

 O I
Pippin, John Bradley
Pippin, Oscar
Poellnitz, Esmo
Poff, Chester
Polk, James P.
Poore, Frank Ossac
Presley, Robert Kyle
Prewitt, Lige
Price, Emmitt
Price, Robert Craig
_ Propet, William Valentine 57 517915-F
Qualls, Erneet Garland
Quillen, George Nickels
Raines, James Ernest
Resnick, Charles H.
Reno, James Elbert
Roark, Barney
Robinett, Creed Flanery
Robinett, Creed Mack
Robinett, Daniel Monroe
Robinett, George Patrick
Robinett, Luther James
Robinett, Roy Edward
Robinett, Samuel Wils
Roblnett, William Rrentus
Robinson, will
Hoop , Daxiie l Stern
Schaffer, Sam
Schubert, Jake H.
Schubert, Lon Barnie

 I O
Scott, John Dawson
Shanks, Mack Lewis ‘
Shanks, Robert Gale
Shanks, Roy '
Sheffield, Henry Daniel
Sheffield, Thomas Jefferson
Shepherd, Charles Edward
Shepherd, John L.
Shepherd, Thomas
Shepherd, William Riley
Sherrer, Charles Oliver
Shirer, George Pinkney
Shoemaker, John Sherman
Siphers, Thomas McGuffin
Slagle, Charles Emory
Slusher, James S.
Smartt, Leonard Robert
Smiddie, Clifford H.
Smith, Edward
Smith, George Elic
Smith, Glen Gussy
Spencer, Albert Scott
Standifer, Howard
Stanley, Horace
Stansbury, James Daniel
Stiles, Gordon William 56 517914-F
Stokes, Gene
Stotts, Speaker D.
Stubblefield, Hiram George
Sturgill, Patrick H.

 O O
Sturglll, Vergil Lee
Suit, James Edgar
Svonick, Louis G
Swift, Henry Issac
Swift, Ollie
Sykes, Turner
Tate, Howard
Tate, Ira Garth
Taylor, Richard Hester
Taylor, William Field
Taylor, Willie Gordon
Templin, Roy Lawson
Testerman, John Mitchell
. Thomas, George
Thornburg, Will
Thurman, William
Tolliver, Henry Bently
Trammell, Walter
Trent, Alfred Ray
Trent, George Washington
Tucker, Charles,Robert
Tucker, Lucius Halen
Turner, Byron
Tweed, Robert Carl
Tyson, Gipson
Vaughn, Paul Lynn
Walker, Arthur
Walker, Earl Wilson
Wallace, Horace

 Warf, Clarence
Warren, Sidney Ernest
Wells, Robert Bob
White, Alfred Taylor 40 517915-F
White, Clarence Vernon 20 5179l6—F
White, Henry Iesac
White, Jasper McDowell
White, Waynard Fay 18 517917-F
Whiteaker, Curren Clyde
Whiteaker, Edward Scott
Whited, Burley
Whited, Millard
Wilburn, David L.
Williams, Lowery
Willis, Edward L.
Wilson, Charles
Wilson, Ernest Jefferson 52 517918-F
Wilson, Henry Jacob
Wilson, Lemon
Winstead, George Dewey
Winstead, George McKinley
Winstead, Hale Phil
Witt, Austin
Woods, Berry
Woods, John H
tit ~r.n  
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 nv. »J·1‘ . xJ;.}· -J. .   ./Y~'.,A,,,,,1’ ,;,*4,
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“;e1‘ue~;.l "1L. ;i.;t, vn ‘   a W ;;¤·E:;-  1·i:·; —· ; ’}`   Y ;·w_es;
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 f r ‘zI;Ja}·=;;»I;· S’2¥ii·;L Cf‘·.3>.¤4i;`{, IUC.
*~} {Bonham, Kentucky
i2§.§:?§QiL¥?J‘.¢D. 3.. @..;¥Ti1_ ¥”Ii<§’Q .#LE?..1i“ .F Y?   1955
()Zi§;;ik£fLl 4.1) 1i;;1C1uNT CEEQQLIFIgx.‘l>LLi_j[L»L; Ms EO;.L·>`.;5;
1,ioC-“‘3*;;I1‘I STTTFQL CUil.L¥*AIIY, IHC., Bonhzzm, Hzrntuclqr
No. 1 Eine `Z·epm·‘tmout - ~——— — ~· ———- Slé &mplo;/os
ILS “ .;.21li JL‘£j¤LL C..§Ji, .3..:,G., .onham, ‘eu‘buo1:y
General ¤T*ut.sldo,, my ply and ..;Xli`.%'¥(3QI`l3'),{," — — 51 Fkuplogos
'3."A?Tj.L  oi.}Yju.$   LED ••   ·· ·• ~ ·• W ·· '• °· *' 39.
§=§t%··.—&==JF-%*?.¥;E;¢..-ilil..:1:;%%--i?>.,..     -..- .--   _ -
  si -.1L2Ea·;.2a¤=;=..1*.¤.¤i.#.Q1;-..   -.1.r.¤.¢. .·2;¤.¥ei22¤¢.     %12;’¤... o.‘a¤2;.=1aw... .‘.€ ¤.¤.¤;
gg I [ { , g",·§,uqy (1927 ]_8'?59C»-Q"; VV`}3
lienrgy, a.o·.=»1a Comms 35 .. .;. ;od;son 1930 .'5£;U540·-2* ,.
JG | 'V Jaco, James Lrzzcst 250 . ... Lacy 1922G (179050-F)
$6'lJ gmlawsar, ftilgwlca i;.’.{1I‘il8*GO1’1 28 (` , ;. Graff (1927 2 _
;;. ii. Yodysoza 19bO 54960o-R
,j4€,Q 1`almor, ,il.liamL3X1olbr;rna 51 .   oaoy 1927 (187582-C) I"**'33
,5 I4- S,3CO'Z£“{» Jolm Wwzzon   ‘ Q Ln v *926 { g
*3 ° (1;): :1: ?;o3§: on { 950 349442-F
CQSIS ;,:·.a5.s2·.llo, <)li:€fo:·d Zi. 28 -. T’. Todgson 1930 (15495052-F)
45[L, ’$x·cnt, ¤J¢~e2o1·jo us2;.1n_g;ton 30 -:. EE. ‘§oQ;g;som 1930 (15£>‘?27'·@-—?)
_35•g"] Lurnar, Byron 48 . -‘. Jac; 1926 (l5b954-3)
égly roliaor, nrl llsou EB .. -. iiodysrm HBO i.'5ié?16l—;‘}
All employes trained in nine Lessons of two 21o1u·s each, or a total of about
cigjjhxteon hours.
“s.·Lo¤ of ’L:·z1§.11lng — January Utah., lféth., 14th., Hlth., 17th., 19th., zjilst.,
Ebrd, and Jihzth. 19153.
A.QZ·.i.3:Z*`$lI'11J.T)5.0115 hold - Eobruzqgy 2-ml. ond brd. IQTE.

 wlSCoM3lh 5T EL CU.WnLY, IHC.
Imnhem, Kentucky
.£¤>.¤.I;@li.§  ni; ?l§&=iiL Allii zi?  
;z22.a.<;€;¤s·;1·el¤lv2...<..·¤..1¤·1l-.l.l.   -i;<2.u ¤.‘·.~5..¤¤.......--l -,...
nnderson, senders ummltt 51 ·iremen
gndorson, thomas Cecil 55 oath Mouse Qender
.yors, Fix Alphln 57 locomotive Engineer
Baker, Carl Luke 25 tutslde Leooror
maker, lddle Lawrence 51 Cool Loader
Baker, William idwerd 27 Inside Laborer
Banks, ‘i1son Palmer 27 Coal Loader
*nyker, Crit Aulbern 54 Carpenter Foreman
Anrker, yelvin nook 55 our enslrmen
naushem, Crockett Alfned 59 leohlnemen
weeler, Luther *ev1d 55 “otormnn
.%oolor, Fife 29 otorman
Alnlook, John "illie 45 Coal Loader
Blevins, James est 40 Goal Loader
Bolton, James 40 Jruck Driver
@0Jd, lliinm Suy 55 Zrnokmnn
Jrndberry, Ernest Lee 57 Jreok "elper
¤rv&shnw, ieury Burl 55 otormen
.rewer, wrthur 42 Tilter Plant vperstor.
Brock, Lee 59 otorman ·
lrock, Liga 25 lnsl e ,uborcr
`r·oke, }osooe Conklen 58 Ylmoksmlth
lrown, Adger ToGle1len 54 Cool loader
wnchnnon, Dwight lllerd 27 otorman
Buohnuon, Hiram Voyd 41 uu ply Yard ?oreman
iuehnnon, John G5 $1 ole *sborer
juohenon, ore Lugene 55 irettlcemnn
Bullock, ,uinton 26 Coal Uoeder
Caldwell, Terr, ‘eHoy 45 Cool nooeer
Gannon, Vsoer Tee 51 yrechnen
Geudlll, Jemes 45 vu`side laborer
Gnudlll, llliem ciley 28 Cool Loader
Cheatham, Charles Clay 49 ntslie 'eborer
Clerk, Clyde `eorge 55 ‘eahine Uostler
Cooley, Ienry Clay 45 Foel .osder
Cooper, Anrl 22 !i~ le ‘eborer
Cope, lnuorw Jackson 47 Cool loader
Cope, James Hogan 37 lcnvlrman
Gone, eu uel filler 50 `lre Helper
Cornett, ilson 44 outside Laborer
Couch, Carl Venxveret 57 vsohine Wostlor
Cox, Luther Lee 51 Coal .ooder
Crabtree, Jhomae lee 55 Coal Loader
Greig, *nvld iewls 41 Timbermen
Culbertson, elker 58 Coal loader
Cummings, Solumbua 57 iaohine Wostler _
Tnlton, George H. 36 Motorman
kelton, Joe Hailey 55 Goal Loader
o‘’` ~oe1, frchle 36 Iipole Cer Dropper
woel, James oscar 57 iotormen

 ` l;$’7¤‘”’.r3IZ, :11* `;.‘L Go ii`·aZ·3Y, INC.
Tie hem, Kentucky
.a1`~i>IT*:=E`;.·.L TFI;%:$‘l' AID   .»;iI.lE§G
  ;;¤r}2.a2.- J.&;¤.%.@.L-....-... .:212 ;1<=.m¢;*.£<1¤&-- -.-...... ....
Lredo, ..‘.. ewls Alfred 40 Coal Loader
_ cermy, éilmer James 30 Eopairman
Lsermy, John Paul 2:5 outside Laborer
Aélllard, Allen 26 Drank Helper
Lrlnsmore, James `tiley Z3 Coal Loader
nlsney, Hlliimn Fscar 28 Coal ooader
Dixon, John   46 Zeal loader
`¤1;*lel?s, Jtephen H. 41 Cer Ghecker (Tly·;—le)
Pouch, John D. 24 rmslde 'zxborer
vouch, omnuel 56 Garprxnter
France, Jesse Telvlne 35 Coal Loader
France, <"scar 30 Inside Laborer
F‘rm1ce, Pete 58 inside Laborer
Tliley, Cordon til Znsi-‘e Laborer
S?-illey, Jesse lrvln 58 i"z=<:hine Hostler
mrdley, ..1ton 38 Coal yoader
éilodson, iiliam EO rip Dispatcher
Glump, andy 66 Putslcie Laborer
i:—lump, John 28 rwitchman (B. i.)
Goode, nark Andrew   42 ol {.O{ifl81‘
izroggan, iaymond 28 ¤’oat<¤man
Gun, "obert .;be 49 Goal oarler
ziele, rchle filayton 29 Goal ’oader
Hall, i§onr_y Clay 27 Cool Loader
Mall, Teonard Jefferson 41 wml loader
?Ie.r~5.¤, Lobert Luther 37 echanic
Helton, Ueorge "ashlngton 41 Gee.}, ooader
Hensley, E!. C. 56 Goal I.oade1' l
Hickey, Joe 45 Lnsicie Laborer
Hicks, llllem Oscar {SI5 Coal Uoader ·
*‘lj,;ins, Samuel érvln 40 Goal Loader
Yzlgjhfleld, James 2:525 Hotormen
— ’iod,;es, i~;d<511e Clarence 59 Goal Roeder
Nolliwzan, vsilllmn Cleud 27 Coupvler
Hornsby, John L. 58 xirackrnan
Wonmchln, Gharles » illlem 41 `tnchinemn
iiuclslcston, Claibwn Roqcro 52 inside Laborer 4
Huff, Chester Creech 27 i·¤;_·=1e Laborer
Huyhes, ‘ illlam ;·‘ranc1s 48 Coal Eoader
Wurd, George Luther 42  imberman

 o1;;12"I.;,1€i o‘:*;i:L ct’i“‘11·rJ¥‘{, UIC.
Bonham, Kentucky
  ifiiiek 31E..§*l;l§l§lii ‘.1iLl’l-2
  sa-zl<2¤;a..L;!e¤,£*;¤.L ---_....   .;'2°.°3F}.B£*.*.%o‘?.’l,.-,_......- M. C
Irwin, Clyde Lavern 28 ilreman
leon, nrnold 21J Chalnman (vingineers)
ison, —.‘eor;;e II. 50 Laohlne Hostler
leon, neonard 28   ·le aborer
leon, Sanous o 2Li zthainman (gingginoers)
Jackson, »..llllam zierbert 39 Carpenter
James, George 29 Coal Loader
Jarvis, “rank 47 Qachlne liostler
Jeffries, Clyde lidlson 150 Coal Loader
Johnson, nrclmie 41 "lrema.n (Heating slant}
Johnson, Uanlel Iqlllton 52 `iotorman
Johnson, €Zeor,{;e nushlngqton 52 Coal oader
Johnson, Henry Clay 57 imber Helper
Johnson, John Logan 44 Qruck mpalrman
Johnson, Lacy Bierman 32 gwookman
Jones, David 36 Coal Loader
J ones , James Henry 41 Bath House render
Joseph, John will 50 Slate Shovel Overator
Joseph, Roy 52 Coal Loader
iiaylor, Aaron Hendricks 53 ire Tlelper
Jiaylor, .,1ola iiuth 47 Fireman (Henning Plant)
iiaylor, Hubert 255 C·=al ’4oader
Y-kzylor, Jesse 41 1‘rao1¤¤a.n _
nelly, Jciiinley 255 Coal Loader
gierr, Clarence Jorley 28   ple Laborer
Kidd, Andrew 34 lzxohlne Hostler
Zing, lrapoleon Bonepart 43 Goal Loader
Kinsey, George Ellis 26 outside Laborer
Ylrk, {floyd 53 Inside laborer
$31011, d?I~azc 43 Coal Loader
Lambert, charles 47 Fioohlneman
Lawhorn, Tom 52 aohlnemsn
needy, `ialph Edward 24 walnter
boeésaart, Arthur - » 52 ‘¢=z·illme:t
Love, Lsenjlman Harrison 45 Goal Loader
Lyon, John Steel 25 'irackman
I-iaokey, william steve 42 Carpenter
Farlon, Henry 38 dacnineman
 Lars, rom 45 Coal yonder
Eiartln, Czsoar Eloran 35 iruok Driver
Ziaartln, Robert nllllam 48 nachlne Hostler
Ziassey, Charles Edward 20 inside Laborer
iooks, James iziley 40 Coal Loader
Biiiller, Jackson 27 jotorman
Wlllner, Sylvln DeVeax 54 '_Z.°l§\;%].0 Laborer
jjllls, George yerlzlnl 45 Blacksmith
iioréjian, Elbert 29 Cmtside Laborer
Iiorrls, John Henry 32 Jirszberman ‘
Mullins, Charles B6 rrlp Téispatoher
igurphy, Lin 30 Coal Loader
iiyors, Jrank ;.avler 73 nrmature Kinder

Benham, Kentucky
 éi=L....·L FIf;5;T.;”..~¤.’..£;*;E¥§l¤;
2r¤.;2_.¤_f..1¤¤..sL2x2-oJ;2m.>.--.-..... les .<2.<2¤21r;&&..1¤l..¤ -.... ..  . ,
Myers, John 27 Coal Loader
ggers, yilllem 55 Coal Loader
KoGaha, Albert Hamilton 27 Car Eepairman (3.H.Z
LoGlamery, Aron Jackson 58 line Clerk
hollquhan, Allan Onkst 57 Coal %oader
To ueary, Sam 25 Hleotrlcan Helper
Hooley, oxxxlam Elijah 24 Coppler
hunley, James Oscar 57 Coal Roeder
Fverbey, Cager Ionroe 45 Coal Loader
Owens, Jesse 28 Coal Loader
owens, Hoy Benjiman 59 fireman
Oxford, Verlln 40 F?m:hlh€!IlE1!l
rack, Crockett Henderson 55 Trip wider
yolmer, John Henry GO Car epalrman
Parker, Charles Ross 57 Goal Loader
rarmley, James 52 Coal Loader
Vat arson, Charles work 56 Coal Loader
I·0.y‘X1e, ;ll{§h 47 Coal reader
yhllllps, James Franklin  2 “otor Yepalrman
Fierce, waniel Franklin 52 Coal Loader
rlopln, Gscar 58 “nehlneman
rofr, Shearer 55 Joel Ioader
koore, Frank Isaac 58 Coal Loader
Presley, Robert Kyle 58 oeomotive Fireman
Price, Wobert Craig 57 Goal Loader
Propet, xilllam Valentine 58 Coal loader
rualls, Ernest Garland 41 Truck Foreman
j;illen, George Nickels 58 Coal Losderx
?;axsn5.cl~:, Charles H. 56 .2z¤.chine fiepairman
Teno, James Llbert 45 Joel ponder
fosrk, aarney 49 Joel Loader
“oblnemt, Cr ed Flanery 28 Jomorman
.obinett, Cr ed Pack 55 Goal 3oader
Loblnett, Uaniel Honroe 45 Coal noaoer
Hoblnett, George Patrick 50 pxmserman
xoblnett, Luther James 25 Inside Taborer
1 Eobinett, Hoy Edward 25 wraekmnn
kobinett, eamuel ills 42 sruok Driver
- “oblnett, Ellllam Prentus 29 Slate Foreman
Hoop, wanlel Stern 41 ooal Loader
$chuber$, Jake H. 54 Drillman
smmmrmlmnsmmm 52 Cmdfommr
shanks, Rack Lewis 29 Grip Elder
Shanks, Wobert Sale 62 Filter Plant Operator
Shanks, Qoy 57 ‘eoh1neman
sheffield, Venry Daniel 51 Goal Loader
iheffield, thomas Jefferson 57 yrohlne Hostler
shepherd, Charles, Edward 29 romorman
Lhcpherd, John L. 25 on ply Yard Laborer
ihepherd, Thomas 45 Ti~p1e Car Dumper
hhepherd, Lilllam Riley 44 Jrack Foreman

 · i..$<2*‘R].4.if. :;;v.-;L TJ·'E»}»J5`I, I;
,->;z‘1£mom, ;Ient>u0l:y
1EELE§*J¥; :9: }*II;.&i?L,:!E??. gel iift ·
EZ餷l·C·&~.¤» !'$1`$$I813&$·¢ ·¥-2¥13Q» ·8¥i`l$»6¤ !1$»\'42t‘7t R. ¤l.§’fL‘3.®¤.$-K".! f E $:!"9*¤L»  ¢3Fkt!$$'1\ 
  A. W,.   ;IEF£.`*}..€E£Q'l.,     W.
Shirer, George Plnlcloy 35 mmpman
Ssiphere, Thomas Liocuffln :52 "oLo:· wepuirman