xt7kh12v6014_719 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1953-1957 text 1953-1957 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_157/2008ms006_157_13/59367/59367.pdf 1953-1957 1957 1953-1957 section false xt7kh12v6014_719 xt7kh12v6014   7· W ‘ 724
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,,E,,ARTMENTEh'11p ye IT1SuI‘é3.nce and Pension BENHAM, KY., Fgbruaijy 20, 1953
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March 17, 1955
Bausch and Lomb Optical Company
Central Uivision
18 South Michigan Avenue .
Chicago 5, Illinois
" · Wear $lra:
Will you kin6ly send us two pads of your _ V
Form A—525, 150, III-51, per sample attached, for use
in connection with preecviptlon gog;loa for our om-
ploycs. V
' Thank you. __
» Youre truly,
T, Patton t _
Industrial Relations Department

 .>·4 »
my 25, 1953
ii?. Jaz xw fzazrrpscm ·
!\·Zr2@;€10ijr at Im?
'Iz.11°1z‘z;1, 7i·.:uLa<>u noccnccsaxvy fiom ‘c:3.m is *03112 in
‘i;:cc¤.;:F 0}..2 mcczxls in our £‘£J.c>¤ rm ovdcr tc; mlm rom: Sw   :2042,  
‘ ¤:m~1;—c¤rb uésfzaxzticm involves cnr is uzmamv mccrds cm "n0·2.0c·L·L;1:.zc2"
c.1c;:<::E. {Amt ¤.fiJ·  
    ac:c;;”01z{». 1I©vx:.m·, L. .;,   uso   we ;:·.z.;3¢.E izinzesb
crizujm   ammo 1:5.uJ. will have 1,0 30 iaicm fm: 1·0LL3.c£,
T ive   ¤;i_:0 @2;;%,:; rxz~??.·L.a~:   Lisacuszsed at 1¢z·n,g;th cm.?   Limit %3..1·nz>
we cz..w:i,..§<>z··<;·c;L:J;.   fw
Kem 2·0c<>2·aw caszc um. Emo cEc1nz:b3.c   has
Exam 5,¤@m·;·x<·c;z¢:.¢a‘ *i;5.r;»·<_, T
indium, is in hc: cam rf ct;·»c:2:.::<: %.c szilim ;¥:;::·h ami c2:;:?;1   
:1.;:·L·. .<:» fikmi wE.’c-kiss 3 1*0:7:1*:7 uf ·‘·Eu;> .2:1%,0 of Tuner?. a:Ly>0c#.:*r2•
_““° T`m*0i’01·0, 3.:2 vim: 0“` i ,` »   0;;: ~m·lmc0 r¤.:1<.”. 5.ni’¤¤·mt5.0;z, IZ 0.:.2 Q? iizc
cxwimiayz Lim; :~¢;=vm;’m:3.¤{; {she z·c>c¤z·—i.s.: za xm.-;3,mu¤ of S   would ccybainly
Us .2·.?•:¤.;;.m*:.0 fw mm mmposcu ei: ivxi.? :?;:r··m• no &¤.Zdi%§.m&z1  $2* `V?;g.>‘ cm
wm c=;r>l’.0* cs?.   5 vuxrs :·.r;:· · ew.; s. Z'.·l1,%»].e2 high and xw wc Inj    ,·r>=12·¤
lcz1§;?¤:s· lm; sm mea; {FBO mcozvl,   ii; sE 0u3,¢.‘m'*b imrolvztz   PIX`? :; ucc
aw? cravbzzizzisy the ;·ico   lm.  
:.~..3<..~<‘;#.z.··:&.<> jvcsnscmawl :.~cac2c¤:*¢1ez 1:;; wm3,2.¤1‘i>l¤ in   off   <;..3a:?.¤s.
"0m· €3=.}V“Z,C0 in ccnmmcizzicn .»i‘€£’1 ix?  maixiacx will bc: &;¤i>&’<2cLD:2>0ak
  vcyx ’=>¤‘¤3J»
zh ’¥`Gé‘i>U1‘[_{111.
"T 5/Gp BGG: Mr. E. K. Ngwxzzxu ·
Mr. J . W. Hcwut
D?] J; Ag  

   ‘.‘_       NI E IVI O R A N D U IVI
 -i;‘7 · *1},:-.: " 7   I I 7 7. 7 77 7 77 -.-7;----.---'j.-j.{-;..7i---71§.J-
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 .· ‘•• *
June lst, 1925.
Internetienel Hervester Company,
Benhsm, Kentucky.
Gentlemen: Attentien ef Ur. E. D. Sturgill.
I em in receipt ef ieur letter ef Yay 25th.
While it is QlW?YS a reed thiny te have all ef ene recerds I
realize that it is here te keen sufficient space fer their
sterawe, I `enld .*.· seg that yen sheele net adert any hard and
fast rule as te miner injuries and ne lest time accidents. I /jQ
think thet keenine these recerds es much es five yeers weule be <; ;€
,}ple¤Ly ef time. Yewever, in cases ef severe injuries and
[ {muestlenehle hack injuries ann silicesis cases T think that these
` ireceres she le he kept at least ten tears.
I think it is e cuestien in which.yeu are Fein; Te have te use
experienced judrmcnt fren time te time in eeterrlninj which re-
cer&s ten sberli Keen and net keep. I de net think that jeu
can adept a he-Q and fast rule.
I think that if ven weuld fellew the suipestien that I have
sugicstce that yen weuld have sufficient sterafe space fer
imnertwnt ele files which jeu sneuld keep,
Yeurs Very truly,
  S/be   {
(/,#‘ I @LLL7~i4··:¤.. ..
J ; 'j   ‘ /‘
  ;'/ it _\ 2 M /§,
"* J A J /
. § QN/17(/{

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  A '?\:’OI} i”v’\/HNES ·
{2* “`_ " __ 7
    WA? mi?/°`
`~\\»`A_ ·¤‘¤’1¤“? · _A
  `xw QQ, \>\   V
  { U1

t `
Y »
Hgpgyt Og vj_S5_t 5.;, Cml biines works on June 5, 6 & 7 , 192.
I visited the Goal Mines mb Beuhum, Kentucky, on June 5, 6, awd 7, 195l, For
the purpose of analyzing their handling gf iauuatri L ac i%a4t cusea and
raviswxng the files than muvc been cn-,i;ad since the dac2utra;izaLion of
uork4en's comgausmtiog yrocciure wuicn bccame efiective March li, 1950. Tae
entire subject in nil its ,n¤$¢a wg; ulscussed w;th Ar. Eturgill ami to some
extsmz wizh wr. Mowpt. The Luqustri L Lccidéats w»icn occur at tue Coal Mines
receive aha pyampt ¤nd geczmsayl .tLent1ou wiicn they require ann Lua file; are
in @xca;l¢1t snags. I reviewed c¢;»> bwginuiny with acciguxt Ju. EA2 to
accident lo. )*3, in;lu ive. Lpiaehdg L; e lis: qi m.;;w aura; »;LL Lats wr
iucn;LL@tc Sc,¤rt¤ L1;;cmL;d u;`¤. L.; .e.1-¤J >¥ pw; »;J;1c¤ . .· .rh Q., QJ
appr&lsuL of Lge gugwywi Awnliixg wh sqcg came.
l. j2_;;£: Thure war; B7 f-L¤¤ ~..LU ¤» n.w iQ ;.i;· _ .A L. tM¤ .;;m,i Lsslance
J? rayurts. I;;s c¤.,v-.a€ ©$.7, mY ei. L ta; eqewa r¢v;¢w¤J.
2. Aeciuagt ;n,»rt; Tw;4ty~ive 1;-qs LK.;I;L;j LL;1 Knqi¤;hy F.y, ‘F Q-A,
.;;;t,;z j·. M»_;r;,  .n .·n -;p--;;;= Ln t., Q ;.- n;xbL. hiT§A 1HyE
-g; Laj¤rLas r2s¤-tL.. L4 4L».¤;..zy .L`; src tina .¢y— iay vr .4:ma1cnt
yari;.L ii¤~]Lli;y. T.,y 1;_;¢r-;;s T6.-V .Y L.v CL;¤= A\&;fZCd.
A» c2T;;4.LLnn gf L-L: ;»;-..é;, ,.yg; .lULif ;Y ;¤.;;ei we axis is
L1 eric?. F;r~L —; .L-, :»_:.. .2 agus -- L ¤ Qi is u;;n LL¤Lr
,2ri—-iw vLr;1» V- iM; I ·Q Y... JL. s Rev; J;€»r-;i Kr. E*:; ill .A‘, .¤;t
ida j»¤xi Q»ur ./n Q.:`~t Q>‘J L..i *~v@1 lay ~?nvL:L»4 hqlxg c®n,-icd
miéx e.. ·‘n ;· ,_ ·,.i L. ;»;...x  _» 2.; 4 ·‘J @d_Z&w&;:ky Fay; GE—2,
£i:_e;;': kc ;;., ;w_ay L.-, -.. .;:· ;;i ».L;; 1Li. za receives »
BXB £;;réao·N z ZxL»4yh *y;;vzw% ;4‘.»-&L;‘dj mic ¤c¤i.L;,L Ywr zzz sha1 {neu V
Swan: byii '.·.s ..,‘ L. L.; L,,.; -p 5.cé. Y;Ls _:»:,ju1; L2 ndvanL&Q€mus
b;Ln L; i.» W.:h.-n‘s Ig ,»»-»tQv. Z»»yl ~4. in 13a em;;¤y: insurance
2uj,;wi»J; EJ ;;·L, ;M§.w ZZ ;;€=5 acre 2:t Y6 wrtpd te inc Et is
within seveg »,}r, ic;;;;;; ggxg ;C $@2 :2,·:f age J;,;s zdugyunx sg ws; n l*g L; Law A,uiizet iayort
JA-; ;4;, ;J v;:w JY the TLCL ie-L LAQS ;& 1nLy e Le;nx.:;; ;¤;ay,
i4c auuhcy ni c>a¢@ LA wu;e; rs,;r:s c>u1J me c;AwiJ€rad aa yaving
Leén 4ade qu xL-¤ c»;L; Ln ;n;1c4se; Lrg- 37 ,J AJ, ¤;;¤; ¤nu;d
Live 7i.7" ;Q Ln: C&»L$ .¤vi wwe aa su;wi4; re_¢rts nrwiug been
miie out Ji ti e.
3. Issuaxce gg $1132 mciicu; r¢,>rz: j;.a e see, 14.iQ »f Lug `;-ES surveyed,
5gnw i»a &4:_e4;'$ ¤a.;rL, Kuqtucmy [nz; 5§—Z, as gpt WJVQRL Exam
uaqe out WQEELA .¤v¤» .w;a ~!1¢y tgu accLQ@ t. Qxst .{ t%¤2a,
hnwevsr, ~mr¤ in t·u0~tl4a xr que:t;nua¤;¢ cmsws lxi at L.; bi»e
uf U15 j,;1ju:·_y ·%,:;a;; ar¤::·e: ¢e:·L .·*¤>;»v:.>;¤·~L; Exe Lu Lim izcmwi. 'IM. ri·» me nn
the re,nst Jvmu 1.L .V.... Lw¤JS L4»lc~Le the inte beaL it is SiaTCJ

 . `
Report of VLsit to Coal Mines
on Juqe j, C, & fl §¤Q| __
and submitted to the ixeurence euperviswr. Tue ~rectice is in Jake
out tue Torn ani cute it and thcn Neve Lhe ducts? eign it. Tnere
may be u Lacze cj several nays or move wexw en the cane th t it ie
*:5:16 i»·1·t; _;_x,· tix?  be fi; _i it   Fj._:Aj·!·Ee_i:. The a‘}&1’f,=3: if iw-? T‘<%· @7**;
:nn4Ld We L»e m ·‘=. be %¤·L Lf is S1{*@J. Bnhver teen submit The
Lccicent He nrt 1* mne V#*Ti l~be, E Su;ye‘heu tn Mr. Stu? ill What
he Summit it within the *eve; s»y »er;>d ¢,ecLYi¤d anu t¤e1 Lwtcr
submit tee suv ~>u'e beyorh, $11ce t¤ere is no ececijzc time
s~¤c;i1ed by fno Bwcru ”;r ¤wbniLt;ng tac $nrge>n‘e he¤¤rt.
4. He ul rim _;; ;gQ;;g;g;;;;_;g_;;;;_;;;;;g;: Thcve »»v¤ n»~p Lw¤ *i'es,
;;_3j___ wg ·_(l_;;;; y»<·iy,,·:;_g, akin}; _;;._; 1;:; c>~1t*i·¤_ A T§G‘.:iC'iJ. ‘!"5·3TZ`t
iLv;;w ide ·ys.e;Lv=y r000¤u @¢¤tus ,» Tce c se.
5. Ec;crce_g; ;;_;;; cecL Ii-¤ cxgz--ee! 1 e j”·GTTF ye u;reu by t#e
e·r< -» iLc2 ww? xxi » ·»·» ve crn=—t1F. Tye
Llzjygjgg e,.,;;;é»; »J: gg. ;;c»:; npaelmiwg t~ tuin chaee of
QJ; xcr··; »@—;w~~t »y·weAars e~J ;1 w·r es gumned n;~k LY eil
»rn0u~Lilfv Vie we #·; Tc? ?~c a—L~ ~u * ·euLe w~? 5 ef ana;
anvil nawwwts were -xv~Lv¤d wwi t.· ¤¤fL¢¤> 4L} t¤+ ca;l nrauwtlp
¤yr .;: cncrx hr tw- ~ 3 Ms? ebeiti z .Qe ¢1* Q¤; ·=-- Liei the Jewel
L::.1;;‘r·· >·,. T.;   ..,e ·.e;`L :1;; ,11 li- »c».¤ »;;;;1rUt;:; ._—' e=e‘\,2: =?.;.-as·~e*J ‘%,.¢:;.T.
#.11;. ZT‘€"L   c { :°;JL,·.: ,1 EA »‘ `· L_ :.;§` rlj-.*1.
7. Era; tgegg ;3_;;;g;;; ;;;;;: cfLr‘xw·c~ e, ·.b—, see¤eG rv He re·¢ ngen
%f‘·€%_f*‘I} i°·f` ii.   1,}-·*‘   t`;_ ·"=;"#·i`1   E;.  T  W]? rr —5·nri;_j· we qr_?_w;9g;i,
Eneu 31 injury occur; io ¤w en,-cre ics r·c¢>¤r~ ~t the C al M;nes is tg
ggtify Lee curenei vi sxce ~ ~, L; xecxeenvf, i iemhate-y ;=t; iw touch
with Lee hv$,iteL uni LQe eaaetw Gu -rv;xv#. inc “¤rc es u* the ;:§ety
S¤1g,·:°r"VLSi)I‘ ‘€¥T`E¢ ].”1¥:Pt@fi ll f·?.1¤+ nw-c »M · `.¢;=£¤ ~;·;.>$·.‘ LJ »¢;z=`1’*¤`+ live ,:;:*¢·_ 2-’:Y·.~. a-ui
Aqt lg tne m2i4 uI'ice Wf%*@ tue 4me rzwva ~¤,~y:Lsnr 2 .»-% {crater. X; Luc
eefety su, rvLsnr ie xut ~v%LL2%Ee, mr. ?t»vgiL;, ixenrxnce eu ervienr, is
i.me;Letexy ucfiyied. The ewfety su ervieur jniarvixws cho emslcye, sbteiqs
mls et Le·ent, —nA xm crn_~s  .v  wit? ite lqT€hEi i;rs.Leteiv newea aq 1JYGSii€&—
tion of the ecciweun. lqe re.ar© lured u·gn tnis iuveekigution is nne w»sis
fur t»e reperte mcxc to tg; Bseri mx; to tnis nffice. ’
In cases »5 n;n0v 1 ‘ "~. jar; w»e?¢ S ;en re»»rts QL?&CCEY és the L}€;]EPl Lee
V iie5ica].iJ&@¤rtwent rv>ii.ics xr; ;:¤#1x;hce cu;erw;$¤x·;uu1:wan‘s eketement
Le peeeu before me ;eaves ine naeciaal mr be re wrts tg zne ;1s¤r~1ce ¤u;~r~
vlsnr ujter receiving weuLcai tremtzent and cis statement is h~ken chen.
The Accident hee yd Geri, Form IA cx, is made umm for each acrideut than ¤ccur$ A
aqd is eilcd according to accident number. In adciticn, a 3 x 5 index card ,=QfJ
ie filed eLp:ebetLcaL;y ec;cr¤i¤g to tue em lcye's wane, giving the 0-te JY
zqe eccjweut vn; the vccident nuwber. I euggeeted no Hr. SturyilL twat M

i·aa·c>·;>1·t of Vlait to C__>a..L Mines
cm June Q, 6, s; 7, 3.3 wl. _
{,119 Accident 1‘·.&:<1Z`·1‘uJ.\a. ¤2lj..u}.v.t,¤ *3}.-- ....-ki.; ML :ve‘u... mm :`.L..L;;;4 if 2./.-.: ;;4=..+2;·. card   Ji
¤1·. dt,».1zg1lL. &;_bQ[’€5r.`2d. ‘L.:..*. u;.;r. wu;} ·:l;.¤; LéE;L·; e;;11uw.;i&‘i1r;, .;·;·t.:;.L; ..,1. s. L=*t·zd
that L. li; g`»l°.);.>·;.:....Ll'{·,, fz.; 4..;.;.... -. ...L;>w t.:.i.;, .,:1.;,e.. *;L:>.1.
  mai. L3:. J. A. ¤*L*.1i-.-’3Y'1,   ..;:L~e;. 4.;.    .__..) .-1.     .;.:2 ae}.-  ,LS,
D1`. L. z;. ¤·.>.=.:;LS. .»1i·.     kx;.-J;.s.¤:·   -m1·;>L....;r   ;.‘.r.....’L   .,5.   .4;. Lace;
·.>1` meuxs —.¤·J;;a..»;s Mu;. >..L¤,:.; :u·..;·¤ ..:4 ·,...;.s 4 w·;>·~;... ~ .¤¤ can ..4.:-L tw, 0.. Lnem
...1··¤ —L»;.;e: s‘;v..11.z5;,2,e 4;. ~.>;r;a   my, .; ..;ve¢.;   . .;:;¤.», in ¤.e2:,.¢.1u.e>;. J.
I1L-L&¢i‘F1.'1 1i.. 'l.. p 1.;:.. ..25 Y.L#.- .;.-5   :52,. .   A`L‘·./+1 11:.’i;.:f}»
The; .Ln:;m.zr..·u;¤; S*}_···¢l‘\'j.f.—J.i° »x._>   Lr; Lz; <:;. sic nf ;zi>.si;;_g’ gm;   nas
-1U4i:;L;.;‘._>uE» .ua.LE>J.:¤;‘:.!.4.’·.;m·A18 `:21Z;A.v»$ w;;j.»:.1 >1<= ..·=:u;.;j.=11‘ L.; LA; C ,=.;.». £·Z.L..¤.‘T.
Mrs. l'nere=¤-.5 ir .Li;.;>;1   :::2 .u`   »“ L .·; 1*;.zti.;1<; ···:;>1·.··: —;-yxujctecci witat
j.;.;iu..:m·1¢.- .».;.;-.L<.:.11;&. Lx +1.).. L. >.1      .. ..1:.1.:. mz., .»-*‘L:.§j..L>;l, ..4- <;;>r1t,;*L:>u*.r1*;."
sm;m:Lt.__, ....21  
.-».>t,;¤;:es ·.>;` mr CF);·.·.,·LEL1.`L(.+? ‘·~i.<.r. Lm. :.¤:;u,...;;Lcy V.? wfiri .-.2.1*:- ¤...,... ...:..¤+ r,i xg .·.c;1.  
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mm ¤..1...¤_r:2’¤·  me. 1 .5...z.-1* 1.1 -.¤;¤ .i»..l5 :.:.1.; r.>2-.·¤:... ..12 .=.TY‘§.a;we. 1..e: sggnizxg
·;>·L` @..15 {lm:. Q2 .. _- ·¤.¢.=  ...:1 ze   ....   .1.-..2..,   u..  2-.   xj, e;i;tl¤jyc at
E]L’·3 Li·.¤e;.l .·:j.;1»—:. ~;   ~ :;;·¤nt.-ai 1    
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e1+at,:i.i. :·..» ;1,g ;@.·1L   W;-i=¤   mw '>.·e;..·z=» ;.,1.( .-.;;.4 ·.a:x.. ._·. Q L¤;=1.;~3; ·...   Lgtal
<;ur.1i.>e.a. T`,·.i..J¤"L, Erm. L5 L1 nb sam in 2;.e; .:.·c...::.z. ; ; ..:.;¤-;..a...ant y;-3;%.1:;;   ag;
3i;l‘€&i1{;:%iLi. Qs :;1.{{·1¤».,z M. L..;·; 1.5....v .i·;` 1-   ;`.i.;;·.L , .»·. _ ,...4; of c·n:1.»~.msy2;.:11 .*.:1/; thus
;-3g;T·;;.2u;@;;‘1h, ‘.—.:‘a.l<:!z Qi. ·.‘.s;1=£.Qs:‘·:..; LW ·.; >-. "’;T..>r-¤‘·:<..; =:g"1‘—;a2;;;-‘ ‘1L"   :§<:;‘.`L Lu Llui; D..>&,TCi.
The r.; ¤.¤es1;L.m .».i' »—;l;>».i; Ls ai; ".;,¢.£'.¤-..;.   ;=-a C "<2.¤;>s; ·:, r:;j1·=.·¢.;.e.1·t." e..y·:>see.
It 5.8 ¤.L;I.d.•;‘l';?L._w.;d ELI T. nil ·1_'f}.'·· T . . '· [ ....     J`; ·:·_i.1.L-.. L. J' T 2)%.....
·.i.;ub;}.j.i‘€,;¤ L.-. mz.   xs.;     i _. ¤ L ..   —·*¤.m.   .7 ..3; ..;»z ~..·1:;‘=..- ‘
%.~j.OiTl my .¤ s» ·..<;·2.£'J.c d.:·-··m¤;. :>2.    .2   .i— ?*.;· I  **;;*1.];   · 'V. -~;;;2·;;·* .‘.. agzrwe-
..a=z11;". _
In ;1a.1,3` ceiecsc ;.·._>;na8 4..1. 5 :;.1..1 ;.A   2.2:: &».;:~;....L¤;~:»; LN.: 1,?1:}.s -..C;`;c¢s Kiera é-Qs;1‘b11c}=‘·T»"
- Ehxm (SET 2, i=&:;J·_e4>·;'s 1-.·:;··.u·t, Le. 5.1T;1‘1.LCT.¤:G iq me   I pg}. when ::11*; t.;> v
` Hr. Stax-.-.1}.]. that this .: Lr.cc:: u:1·:1&¤·:;ss.:.r_j; work u.;;>.r. tr.; .-icgirzsi §)a:_.¤51·*<,.;¤e;1t,
nm; i.....L, :.;c..._.t 1.. Ln-;.z;.1zz.L. C’..I;.·>;L e:».._;;*+> e. ...L')1'L:» .$a¤·t·¤.1La;i T.; ..·. : ·1·tn ;.i.;E‘1T, be .
.iea¤;;·e2<;L by Luis -.>.`.j.Lc:c, i,k2>.~ :—i.;¤aa. .14er-..1am; we-_·::x·t,s »;.=u_I-..   ’ A
Frilcs .9.1 i.1·;f:,;;s*,1·;...L a¤;..:i¢1e¤;a‘La .i`2‘·;m .L·—9li: up me .;;...7 are Lzcyt in .¤ vuugt,. ceases
fm.e1l‘9A7 L; T.i;€ ;”I`%2f.=9.`L1Z— are iu me L.1;1;..stz·1s.L 1·a;m;1.m·.s file m.>.:;. he ;at,¤i.ur
g{l`.1>‘;L im:,;—..1da:s= but,}. =y,·¤2.1 em; c1.=.>z<·a¤. i`j.J.aa:s. Izm -o_-em ;Q»i.;=ss are {`1;:·r, r.¢a1* E€}..¤’·%1`21tnr?Ci
into tix-ssc: wuich I"G!~;‘.l].1‘C ;aai..1i.t.i0‘w.l re;.¤x‘·ts 6.:1.;.. bh  in whicm it,   .e:4;,ec*;e;;.
t,h.=;i: a>;;.;1?>;L0.ml _...1;ymc; 1ts of c¤m;¤a;xs:2L3..m will bee llixilé.

 ‘ ,‘ ...4-
Report of Visit to__ ·.w] sy -» Works on IUME A g, e y , l95l_.
%um$L;,J; in y;Ui ,_W. d,_ ;;Jy;;,i.; L..;·Mgwi_ egg-; »»;. .ice;.;el .4m linOf&1J&
an ea»e aw tneee eiacs he co4tvi;eo in ti, iiiieliial file;.
L lot new v—; e;;lo;;e she wax ";..i.; oeeq .sit or were »-;itLo; to u2;,ens;ti0J
Jni·_ nn n,;.;» ,—i. rii L ilscidlL1,n ZL c esti rfa-..nq;-;; ij 5w_;ir1;2t enamel to
bi-? _;l‘·.1 ‘n,:.‘{‘ in   3.1.%, ict-.
J. S. »uLe;»2Te
fh L/
" ·. I.   "’ ` . I, —·. V · ~_.r·#"""_r4
GU; s;.. .1. ».   rl- L, -- ,,.;-   .- .. ... ..:r.   ,· 4-. ·..’,   .   . .;.
  vv.), -6 T. A.)   _ . ._· _ . ..   , ·   . 5;. A . Y,   ·.,:._ ...-1*L°i
Designate by (X) lag in performance according to following code:
l. No lag (vi.
2. Accident report.
3. Issuance of first medical report.
Q. Regularity of supplemental medical reports.
5. Reports to state.
6. First payment of compensation, 16 — 21 days (X), 22 days or more (XX).
7. Promptness in closing cases.
General handling — G (Good), F (Fair), P (Poor).

 Report 0f Visit to Coal   I·,1O;~1»;g On JI-me 5: 628* 7 , l9§__:I·_.
_ Pezrfcrmcuucelgggg I Rating of Gsnegxal
_£1cc. N0. l .';I»__"i__I___Q¢ I   Qgctlczmcnt _____ Handling ____
I I ` I ,
I 1 1 1
*812-1> I 11 I I e I G
I I I 1
843   I 2;   I   I G
1 I   I   I I
      x I I I G
I 1 I I 1
I 1 I
mp; 0 1 I x I I x I I I G
3 I 1
1   I I I 1 1
{M6 I I X X I I I   G (C,,ues*t~io·<;able cass)
I I I I 1   1 1
24:7 I v I I I I     G
1 2
I I I 1 I 1 I
349   I   I I _ X I I F
I   I I 1 I
·1+a2¤s<> v _ I I I Q
I I   I 1 I
as; I za I I · x I I F
I 1
*352 V I I I X F Final meclical   close.
1 1
I 1
353 I v I I I G
$511 v   I I G
355 X I G
we I :1: I x I 11
asv I :1: x x F
asa I x 0
  I I I I

 Repub of Visit t0__ gigggggs Works 
{ { {
{ _§grf0rm;m0@ Liark ` Rating of General
Acc. N0. 1 2 3   6 { 7 Settl@meg__ Haundlirw
{ { {
875-D 0 vg { { G
8*76     { {     G
{ { { {
877 7 { { { · G
7 { { { { { {
{ { { { { {
*879 O   x{   ;{ { {F
, { , - '
{ * { { { { {
*880 { x I   {   , {G
‘ {
821 j { {   { { _ { { F
{ _ ’ ,
882 v— { { {     G
{ { { 7 4
asa vi Q { G
884   X { {
sas v{   {
- $86 v{  
*887 0 { zi ,
{ {
888 v' {
890 U

 Rspzrt 0f Visit to I3._;p,1I_ I·;j,;Ig5 Works on June 5, Ii fic 7 , l95L____.
CASES 1211v12I·.Im11
I Pezrformmnce Lisrk I Rating of General
Im. Im. 1 2`T 3 LI I 5 6 1 7 Settlement 1—;amI11n¤·
:;:91-;} I v I I I I  
++602 I v I I I  
· Im I I >< >» I I I  
I I __ I I I  
*595 O I ZI. I J. I I I I II
:396   Il   I I · I C-
@@7   TJ I I     I I}
{ _ I ' I
ISI.}; ·`) I V I I   I L:
I I   -
4/xr ,¢"   "[   I I I I fi
G7`}   I \ I I "‘
I ’ I
I I _
  I QI   I I x_,
I   I I
901 0   v I I I I?
@0:2 0 I v I G
983 I I2 I I3-
_ 2I?OI;,s1I¤   ... ..... .... ..... ..... -—-—
61 cams :;:2 I ll I? 2 II 4 1 I} -   GIMBS
I" ·- 1.1. czww:25
O ;E..1d;?.c:I:I.es agen wes.
All nam s cl sad.
I Z I I . ,

 F£i‘££F1?ii}*§;$ ,.T[ S   M E M O RAN DU M
n¤m:nNATsoNAn. mxnvzsrzn COMPANY
m¤¤;MAMMM§•;rtgeuMMM9£MMM€¤A;Mp_•gM     M M MM Eeyxy §s;¤’¤u¤k:vM MMMM MM___i i}}Ll@...w9_
M•e¤¤ Mze¤ eg;S; ~·¤  M     %?‘ii¤<». ¤¤»p;¤y·;· L;»»;¤MMq:,m_MMMM
MMMM 2¢#s¤¤wg¤M Ms. ¤¤-   °°“‘“‘“*   MMMMMM     MM MMM-
    I   Willi you pkirdly send puspa supply of epproximately p1.OOVMg_1[ tI1Qd§bQY!_  Mpw _M
V _WW p pppfome fopzjpjxse in reporting our coal mine injuries to you1•Md_ep¤M1:t¤¤nt,M_ MM   MMMM_MM__MMMMM_
  Tknnk yog. M   M M M       MM MM MM_M_._
p p p Yoqrs truly, V      
_    A A W I   .T. H. cope! Saiiety ·>upez·Ypispo;jpYw U  n _
  t t “1¢92¤eM&aMMMS$2·M1 °9·M1   MMMMM No
  t M   B¤¤¤y;;¤· K¤¤¢¤¤¤qM M M 

’ 1

 n` < A `     __. - .7  »'_ ’   o _; f`    " gf          . ·     ‘   -_ _   ‘   -·        ‘»   
  J ·    .   »     _ .  · ~ ·     j Q e ~ ·      2,;; ,* _ y · ’·‘ ’    .4, ;    ‘»’  
  ~  _'. f ~ ‘* _ _ i e 4 ' ‘   A } w ·_     ’·‘‘ ·`  »   e_  j   * » j  ` Ei     
` %’»’ow1¤neu's Compensation Board V ’ R o   _   4 AAV- `4
o   Q Fx·:m1cf0x·t, Kentucky k     e  
" Gentlemen: I e , ` 4
  _ will you please mil ua three copies of the lsizeat , -»
]ZYI’jIl't¤ZL¥1g of the Kentugky `ZIgg·}gg;gn¥g Cq¤pg¤gg_·{;,j_g¤ Lgw gud   ' ‘
. we have the 1950 issue, therefore, need the 1957.1 _ · ‘ o ‘ 
or the 1952 edition in the event 19511 is not yet in prizzt. e` A   ” 
L Yours truly, N · Q  
‘ `   . Sturgill i
    me/tp o   Q e  
\ , I ' » A .

 u » » V   *   u Q e       » ~       e e  · u           “‘  
— ’ - ; · V _ “ I - _ · ` ..%
e ‘   ` N   ’ ' *  
r A ‘ _ A · _ e . e  
_ u     may 20, 19Sh A    
Far. James Sampson »_ e A . A
.   E Attorney at law ` ¤  
Harlan, Kentuclqr _e V
’ ' Dear Sm e u ‘ W ‘ "
Will you please eclirriee us as isc aw amendments to Q 5
"· the Kentucky ¥i’cr1~:meu's Cqzzpezaeetiou Lew which may have been     ’
.. -   enacted at the lest session ef the legislature recently '
V adjourned? e ‘ _ u-   · · .
I n ·’ uYeuz·s truly, » _ l-  
/ > > .. ` V V ‘
V V EQ $‘·   { · il "
    me/tp ~     e _ 5
    ee T , L ·· · Y <,*   » - ‘        **a '   LZ      

 ’ A AA ‘ ~ , . u» A 2 ~   · A A,·_ A __A · ’   A A A A A ’ A AA A. _ A -· A     .   .A_A< ‘ AA;AAAAAA7A AA  
· - A    A   v4i ` AA     A ~A ’   — A = ·     - {fg-? A  
Af A Aj ~ r A I A r ` r  A A YT .     
A A ` A A A ·A-A r AA   ei  
A · AA   mwéo, 195h   A A   A fAA`fLA*
A   · ·· W:x·kman's Compensation Bdérd ‘ A _ _ A A A A <   ` [
‘ _ Frankfort, Kentucky A A . A A
* ¢ ‘ A ‘ » ‘» A
A A will you please .2dv5.s*e us with respect. to may A A 1   AA 
arzxandmcrzta to fthe Act which may have been enacted at thm A A A A AA
[   A. _ most recent session of the Legislatprea? _A AA · A A ~A  
V A Usually we get zaihnecgraphsd ccprics of the A A     
A V ~ Amendments. If these are available t.hree._c0p;ics wi1l—be A   -_ AA `QA
I , ,
- A édéquafbe fc? 0111* purpwgg, ° , A ~ · A  
_   Thé¤k :r<>¤· '   . A r " A   r    
r A A A 4 Ycum veryfrulv.   ‘ ~ ·  AA  A-SA
~ r AA A`EQAitsm·g111A ` r’AA r   AA ·

   June T, 1951;
Eastman Kodak Company l
e Rochester, New York ‘
Please advise if you have available anatomic charts
ef the human skeleton. Perhaps yu: have other charts of bones,
_ muscles, etc., that would aid ue in the administration of our »
insurance and 1ro1•kmeu's cazapezzeaticm
Yours tmly,
E. B.-~·ém·g1u

 ' June 21, 195];
Superintendent of Docueente i
U. S. Government Printing Qffice
Washington 25, D. C,
Dear S11-:
Enclosed is a mmey order in the amount ccf $1.30 for
which please send me ima copies at 65¢ each of the follcwingt
‘ Bulletin Z;78 ·· "Review of Literature cm Dus1·.s”
J.J.Forbea, Sera J. Davenport, end Genevieve G. Morris.
{ Thank you;
_; pd smgan

 Sepumabu 15, 19514
Ev. Russell Cumins
Baznhazu, Knntuclq
§<·>az· Sim
In acccrdmna with your raquaw we have izxvwtxigatad
mc} Muzi that an X-my was chwgad to yvur mccmt iu the
amumt cf $5.00 through mw.
Ifycuvillkindlyaallat curpqwindmmw
ambien- will refund yam- mmw.
Your! truly,
_ CC: bb, g, K. Hamm
BCC: Mr. T. G. Spuehlsr
`     }·’—¤»   ·`.··  Y`·YL;i¤»   "‘     V · · · V ~   V V ‘~`" i

 . ¤ »...,< * Y`
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?NNFAUc;:L0uNT FOR__A*/ V, _,/ » » ¤ l _ y ,· .__F   _ 4 Y. i     A- i ·’  _/" \     . _ , éa
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**/’· <’/F    .·'»’)/ · ‘ . .__ ‘ "` r ~ # Y. fx ”v'   .“’ ·‘   ~' .’ "   ’   ·
//1.. .. E. _.,.   -~·-——-
  ,’ ,,· ,4 •j r·_A I {
’ CHAreGr;.,__;_;;.;i,f;.._T_T{Y. _-._..-.__.......~...-_-._.....-....-..- .. ..-.- .. -__.E ...... __#........_ _.~--..--....*`E;...-
 Rzcnzrvzu PAYMENT
APPROVED.-,_, A- .. .._.._.,__....._-_T.....-..........-».....

C*"CAGO-*LL· February 8, 1955 ·
_ Pk. E. U. $turgi1l .
Wisconsin Steel Coal Pines
Dear Pat:
I have not been down to the Coal Hines since June, l95l, and had
you on my itinerary lpst year but was unable to make it. You are
the first on my list of works to visit this year and we shall be
pretty well caught up with the annual and semi—annual reports that
we are required to submit to the state Boards and Gomnissions
within the next month and would like to review and check your
files and discuss your problems with you at that time.
Please let me know if the second or fourth week in March would be
satisfactory, unless by waiting a few weeks we would have better
¢§%£;2. McDermott, General Supervisor
Industrial Accident Compensation Division
/ I}

February 13, 1955
ms. J. . pose
Safety I pervisor
E Joe:
we ser . rry to hear of the serious injuries incurred by two of
your emp es recently. without a doubt the time charges assessed `
will affect your safety performance record considerably. we are
certain, however, that your supervisory personnel will redouble
their ef ts in educating employes to think safety in the perform-
‘ ance o eir jobs and follow established safety rules.
ae case of Hugh Pofi'(IAD No. 116643) wouldn’t it be a logical
move, as a means of preventing recurrence, to relocate the dumping
of the refuse from the shed to an area where an employe would not
be subject to crossing the tracks from where the cars are dropped?
‘ · s, the potential of one being struck from where the cars are
drop ·¤ 'll continue as the frequenc