xt7kh12v6014_718 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1950-1952 text 1950-1952 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_157/2008ms006_157_12/59314/59314.pdf 1950-1952 1952 1950-1952 section false xt7kh12v6014_718 xt7kh12v6014 E   ;Z; ,,.l / ; ¢;iC`
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 Industrial Accident January l0, 1950
C. G. Gregory, Manager -
We are submitting Form I.A.-13 on each of our open
industrial accident cases.
In each instance our estimates have been made with a
view to adequately estimating the over-all cost of loss,
or in other words, we have used maximum instead of
minimum estimates in each case. Our outstanding Liability
as of January 1, 1950 on all open cases appears to be
approximately $20, 527.03.
E. D. Sturglll "
CC: Mr. E. K. Newman

 { D
£Eii'I;’§‘.E‘JZ;,I:;;I;SL. AMER   Pleese Write Legibiy fe Expedife Sending
T9 .$.PJ2JTELllL Ane.,   .-._ . , .___ ' AND copy TO,  
.i.--G.QB.l_.}{[j.IlB,$,,  Benham, Kentucky -,_ I _________,___ _________________;___
DATE?_{§·A@£2f.}};,,l95Q I L _TIME_.lil.5.2•¤•
. -_-_._.__L_§i9;;ave.I1>_e2=;IseIe;esLg99;*·ALe ,.II I ___
;.____ 4>;=-12ét9,. Eqeiiept $;L;;=j;Lqg_1z:z__F;sJ¤;;r;·y;;_,_____I_,I I________
Please; mshIOaua.lj;g;_g ,_E‘0rm IA lf}, s0__th··;t wa will __
have them ·;1t.h1n. za. week. Refer tangy _1g§_ter of Novembcar lib, _
_.._.._ _____-L __;;._ ;__
  `O A A A W A E”ET"“A`“""'_"“*`"
IL.._L.~-.-L.L-__- _».. L. ...e  I , L I I ..e+e I--».LLL-L  <;&¤
LM.? .,,# L*-LE.I--L._.     ,.LL.L-__ - 
,,__________.____,______-._ M- _,.--_.LL-LL.,L-.I,-,,_L.,.......__. --L. I L._ ____ _

 _ ` g nscuvm  
E; J;i.`}1}?iYjJ "

Industrial Accident January lh, 1950`
C. G. Gregory, Manager
Attention: Mr, J, J. McDermott
Reference is mde to your teletype letter of
January 11, 1950 regarding our z-umue]. statement on ZL9}49
accident statistics.
This is to advise that Form IA-13 was completed
on each case and mailed from our office on Jcmuary 10.
Judging by the dates involved it appears that the forms `
were enroute es of the date of transmittal of your
%D, Sturgzlll

 Thursday, March 9, 1950
E 2*5. Ei 9. 33. 5; 5. 12. H E
In accordance with Hr. Grogo:;y's lottor of Apr:1.1 lh,
19lx9 5.1*. will no longer bo nocoasamr to furnish Works Form 355,
Statcmoxnt of Earnings, to tho Chicago Office Ln any casa
ooccopt those involving loss in oaming capacity.
.   /8
zéirf smvgm
Original: Mr. R. L. Talborb

 Sampson and Sampson, At‘b01·neys
Harlan, Kentucky
o Attnnticm Liz-. James Samson
Door Six:
Ou December 21, 19h? wo were advised by the Kentucky Goal
Association that mpzvsmmtims of organized labor had sub-
mitted certain proposals to amond tho Kentucky Worlanouh Gom-
ponsation Act. Wo wom advised that certain cow1·bo1··-proposals
more being made by j.!1€h18t1'_9' following which time I presum an
agreed bill was to bo subzzztttad to the Log1¤1.¤t.u1•o for its
No doubtyouwilloonixtmmtoadviaeus inthousualmomxsr
rogardingmwamonchnzxxw passodby the Logztolnmro o.ndIa:m
passing this momandum to you for your oonvoniouoo when tha
occasion mquiros.
Yours vozy truly,
' mms/uz
GCI YJ15 Cn Ge  
I.A»D.,, Chicago

 ‘ ··     ‘*V=  
Industrial Accident March 9, 1950
C, G. Gregory, Manager
Upon returning to the offlce Mrs, Alley and I have been golng over
our ecc1dent forms currently in use and those which it is proposed to
In checking my blank file I find the follmwzlng forms which seem to
. be available for use of the Vforks Surgeon in reporting injuries: SF-2,
Surgeoxvs Report; ILA-·5, Surgeorvs First Report; IA···5·G, Su.rgeon*s First
Report; and IA-6, Surgeorvs Supplemental Report,
Much of the requested :Lnfoz·met:Lon seems to be duplicated from
report to report and I em wondering if it is preticable to adept all of
them to our situation. For example: IA-S', Surgeonhe First Report,
duplicates much of the information contained in SF-2, Surgeon's Report,
which we are using at this time. In turn,l‘A··5-G somewhat duplicates
IA-5. Form IA-6 my be ueed in lieu of the letter which we ere now
periodically giving you. Form M-7, Attending ¢’1zy·sic1en*s Fine].
Report follows and, more or less, summarizes infonnation previouelgy
We would like to establish a routine along the limes desired by
your office and wil]. eppreciete your opinion as to whether or not m
should try to :!.n:Lt:i.ete use of all the forms mentioned. It is mr
thought that SF—2, IA-6 and ILA-? may adequately serve your purpose,
thus reducing the quenlw of clerical work. Plese advise.
E; D. Sturglll

 -.·p..·» , "[ V)7 [I,
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 memme:1 Accident zemn 1h, 1950 .
G. G. Gregory, Manager
Our revised manual now etates that ”a signed *oopy• of
each receipt (Form I. A. 78) should be forwarded to the
¥!ox•kmen*e Compensation Board". Gu the other hand in
reierence to Form I, A. 79, Final Report and Settlement
Receipt, the manual states, ¤Ox·i.g5.na1 final receipt should be
sent to the Woz·kmen*s Cowqoensetdon Boerd.”
Naturally, I assume that the manual ie correct and that
there was good reason beck of the decision to inmish the
Boardwzlthacexbcmcopyof theone, butthe originalofthe
other. However, since it appears to be e likely spot for e
slip-up I am calling the n:e.tte1· to your attention in the event
correction is indicated.
It ie uy thought that comgueny files should contain the
original of each receipt since we, rather than the Board, are
the "primoipel party" to the agreement with the injured em-
Your advice will be appreciated end of course lnatzuctime
XD. Sturglll
o n to         c   no  n  te  & - ¤ Y - l » 

 The attached is the letter which should
have been enclosed with Mr. McDe1·m0tt's letter
of April 3, 1950, regarding receipts.

 Industrial Accident March lh, 1950 f¢h-
C. G, Gregory, Manager __t_, `»r`
Our revised manual now states that "a signed 'copy' of
each receipt (Form I. A, 78) should be forwarded to the
Uorkmen*s Compensation Board". On the other hand in
reference to Form I. A, 79, Final Report and Settlement
Receipt, the manual states, "Original final receipt should be
sent to the Jorkmen's Compensation Board."
Naturally, I assume that the manual is correct and that
there was good reason back of the decision to furnish the
Board with a carbon copy of the one, but the original of the
other. However, since it appears to be a likely spot for a
V slip-up I am calling the xattar to your attention in the event
correction is indicated.
It is my thought that company files should contain the
original of each receipt since we, rather than the Board, are
the "principal party" to the agreement with the injured em-
Ycur advice will be appreciated and of course instructions

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 Industrial Accident June 21, 1950
¤· ¤· Gr¤g<>r:r. Ficzmcr
Jum 9, 1950
In accordance mm your request. we am attaching the follcrwrmg
`iiazdical wpcrts for :
820 838 r
E 635 8Z42
Dczgbcipta, Forum LA.-78 and LA.-79 for cases mmbcr:
372 A 586 BBQ
S22 596 ass
_ S c 631 @38
568 690 839
586 c G20
A Elith reference to accident cases occurring prior to liarch 16, 1950,
Fam LA.78 receipt will bc pzwqntly submtwd.
Eicdzical reports have been rcquesticn cases mmbar 83.9, 530, 839,
and BLD and will bc sumnitwd to your office when received by us frm
our   Iéepazrbmsnt. ‘
  YF. sswgm
EIlBS• l
GC: Dr. J . A. Mullen, MJ}.

 Industrial Accident. Juno 23, 1950
C. G. Gmgcwxy, EJa:1agox·
Juno 9, 1950
For: lir. L}. H. Nanfoldt
In accordance with your roquost, moclioal roporta for tho .i’oll0w3.¤,g
cases are atmohodt
319-D ·-· Cecil J ohmson
830-D ·· Hmor Brown
BE?-3 •• Ch&I'1BB @*1011
8 0-J3 -· `Haltox Rhuev
Reports for mm {mbox S20-D, S35-m, 036-D, 838···D,`@md {mz.}; ·
wom sutmittod with our letter of Juno 23., 1950. With those reports
wo also sxxixnittuod forms IA···78 and IP--79 in accordance with the list
rooguostod in your lotto? of Juno 9.
Apparently this brings our f;i.1os pretty will up to date now, but
if wo have ovorlookod something, kindly advise and wo shall bo glad to
,.2 ·’
E. D. Sisurglll
E¥lGS• 7
CC: Dr. J. A. Mullen » A

 \\ Mr. E. D. Sturgill, Coal Mines
DEPARTMENT   >>"— V __, xm   . » · " `*'‘ ' >
DISTRICT OFFICE `_` r.r-' rw _ C ' · .
ORWON6 Works' Industrial PHCAGO ILL' September 7, 1950
FORMR_ Relations Managers
· Because of the strike situation at various Works, inquiries
have been made of this office as to whether or not an employe who
did not work on the last scheduled work day prior to and the next
scheduled work day after Labor Day due to disability resulting
from an industrial accident or an occupational disease should re~
ceive eight hours' pay for that legal holiday.
This question has been taken up with the Industrial Relations
and Labor Relations Departments and it has been decided that eight
hours' pay as defined in policy No. H—OOl—l should be paid for the
holiday to such an employe who was incapacitated from work because
of a personal injury or occupational disease arising out of and in
the course of his employment with tne Company. The fact that a
plant was on strike over the past Labor Day will not effect the
application of the policy insofar as this specific group of employes
is concerned.
It is understood, of course, that employes are not entitled to
compensation in addition to wages or salary, as, under the Compensa-
tion Laws, such remuneration would be deemed to be in lieu of
xy , _ '— f, , ’*. fl ”
}?(j'(r(,J·’. M     N] Ze/1(  
ifyohn J. McDermott
. Q .
· n cc Works' Employe Insurance Supervisors
e Works' Auditors

 ~ . /.
' "·-.,.. /2/ fw , A
1 _¢ { 1 V 5 Y L {
._/ / ¤,‘
  . fj. , · _
1 ' ’ `
·· II

 www 20, 1950
%"Fox·hxcn*s Compansatinzz Board
Fmn}c€'oc:*b, Kontuclq
Will you kindly mai]. us tluree copies of the
latest issue of the pamphlcrb co2z%,a3.n:i.:1g the Kentucky `?€o2·lm1m*s
Compémsatzlon Iaw and amondunonts thoreio.
Thank you. /
Yours truly,
Ehzplcya Insurance Supervisor

 Y;Z€fi‘E£F$Ti}ZLe. .Ti5     N] E |V| Q R A N D U N]
V E   h » ,4   POINT or omsm ` mf*~`  
MR;& _` AK"- .· . .. L`.*.....‘   A ·"= _ Y SU BJECT ‘ - A L`   E-
  ’ ’   ‘ ‘ ’   E; K-A-n—":w..L.4`= .. - 7 - *..;;_`;,- -*?;,  -   . -- —   '
  7 _ ‘\` ·___ _-;-777; ’__ _   .~ *
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—. A x` A
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  .r.,r .+,-;.52 ,  
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 ___“ E¥E___E_E_, A ;§;ii;___,__
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 ," Thursday, ’¤accx• 7, 2350
/` . *»-/
./‘   x
\  AAr   For: Zi?. J. I, Lbmt
· v»‘‘ ' ’' V »   .%··   - ;"ubj•;»ct.e Compeawwbim limilmmt Policy
i·~ ' ".
 ~ ..<¤ mm mnezzm .·.z..,l0yc .,.1::; `,.L .:1 u ·.·,x;:c.*v1.,4¤¤ ¤·¤¤~..1n;3 in .»..;,...»_0, ma
zz:-r:1.» `c:1·?, ¤;s¤·= cs? Jcim £¢;i,].li,a:m, (Accj,;?1mi. S30, T5?-D), was used to ;il];.;;rwa1;e
cm::.;·;;_· i;:;:?;€.c;.r ..i:&i:. 1~<>.?m·¤·:x;cs; 4*·;» ·‘ ’:.<;   L1.¤:.m::t. 0;* cmews z·d·m··a a. .;ii,s<: ;_:m·¤z;¢.¤zt; be-
tween   §:j1;:·;:;1 mai the cc»m.=;».;; or $.-1 cz 4;.:; ta ;>.·.+,cmi, uf  L.  ;E_;;..;. i'l,1t.y,
?E:#z 1.‘.i;'i` <~;*<~ti¤?r: mi.j·Fv‘b excise in milf cx   cz:} two ·?y;i»c ceyzsnv, JZ¤11w1€;<¢>;·· waz, {fac case
wizczxa Qzre   Y’lEi‘.‘G LmLL<.r»tc:»¢L   ~¤:.~..r=xt.*.:.x ‘¢· ccf !`a2,saLsi."Li~t.y bclmv L*w·’ for Mhiclz
the kjasm.? iz: 2:i1TL.i.zz;_j to alma, :2:; .»‘V Z; .:.~, ‘;1:\>ewc cams  are fha ¢1»>:;·1c»:*;= have in-
  :10 tmxiring <;Tim’:i1ity,
  *;?;·*;> ·::.1;·t~·r::·1U     ar   r;.;a;-1j.i.c, the czwlcyc S11E{}·C1.i}EC=J al Zrszcdamxwd
£'0=2i     ici; has <:0:;:jn},*.·;—;*r»—..3, ";°1·?Z;’L’: `llcing no ;.t»czz*:;¤m;•z·:t.   `. Asability
bzfz ix   ici: Zli,i;,* c::is·i.a, but which :2.5 :20 pn@’c
  m;¤¢21~: 5 wi.1l Mkzaly be mlaen to €.i·:¤:· a; .2::3. who, in all ;¤r0bab1lj.t.y, w:.·111...;  
ccxzgzcnasézlmt. ;%·:.=ccu·b cxpcrimzca   :·a>;q_;2z~c aE..u.1·t s; ..·3é..¤s’c.inct.1on }‘}€3`?I·`w¤G€£:1 "1¤;¤].
dia i..>il$.·’¢y*‘ and ":m;?ic:azl ;ij.scab5,1;3.{;y". is .2 ‘·0*’.; it,   "m~:3;c:11 <;isa2.:·&.2.i.·k.;r" is a
case in gx ici: ihc LiO·i:iQY£$ 5.<.kani>3.5.‘7; El m:.`.3. and e:;b;;xa;ic.;.2. ·.Z.i.¤¤i¤i1;‘ui;r 0:-zisfca, but one   w?;5.v2§1 nam
1%:.3.1;* ccrnsztiizrwsi ?.;:x¤¢: iiua I'”?·<:•z2:·~;! to cZ;!.sccmm;fr· wine; ·g>ua¤¤¢l1J2.c :;=cm€;c11d@z•a, cvcn i;’:·.>a:L ;3’x   am-
t,1c;i.;jm·i>m‘z am mram·:ua.1 m3·mx•::e i’5.n·:?m. Em isha muse ·“E2a·2y   ;>m<;m3u:·a »ij,:=.=c:<.·=;zx·z1;;;e—x}
other i·—c"‘,a:·:t5,a1 claims by c:s¤tz1.b3'.i1.s?;£11;; a m;:>v.zta.t§.¢>n for tasrcz 0:* ]., The }}1‘8C?·3.CB was zmczmmci l¤cs.:1];,r as 21 policy wixzich wm fw].

  ,2£a%t1@i· Fclicy -
me   ml). xmdwatocd, it beam; www for mwmtod that the amllnags nf mw
cmamity grwtly cmztrzlbutnd to tm gémmml spread of iufoxmhim a@ amgslagrss
as im   ~::2ispos:.·’.z$.¤m of any giwm cause:.  
Nam aatvmziozu wma m·;p1aim<2 5,:: cpm mmtmg at Chicago, but I   wld
that X   wks into ccnsidoratimu   claim ¤cns<:5. ¤¤ of tm i.x·zc15.·v:i.&m3.,
claim pcbmtialiqr, the muaipatm amziara uf than Ecard, gwned by the local.
aituzmim affecmxngr ccmpmnatim GGEES, mx! close the casa acccsrdzmgiy. In <>é:·!¤m.*
mw, the mspmsxbuity of whsmizaxngg gmssibilitias :L€' the naw is mw: to the
Bowel rests mah the loca}. ‘¤-fwim asm sizvuzzi ohms cr mtzla the case ai we lswb
possible com to tm cmmxzy :•%a:·c’£mza cf pass p¤·=:<:%.$.ca¤. Under €·.h1:s pmmsice
11:, seems {mat axwsmg the mm]. —2:ha% mvaalm the 1cmd¢¤•& is the ancapted pmcadzxrn
Hy tmnking is that this ;·¤·uc·*:.3.c¤ can be applied us cams  
l.¤m:· pwcwtagas of has cu- mmm me zixffmezuce between ¤»¤.u;>mw ems.? mplcyw is
mt mu mwah,. Saws involving, m¤   wml éisaivility whew thm is
emly 25;*5 loss bc the body, fw ammaph, cwlcl not possibly, it seam to ma, be \
hamllml in i>t¤:Lv.= mm.
we womb zmva mw umm Smwlvmg thu ;~z.·1u¤1pl¤, but www cm docs:
exim, tm   Insumnca B¤pm·»r2zc¤*, zmcimv garwmt 0`$.P¢%‘bB}3»0B1”·,» has rm cmiut
but to folluw ww-au ummm pomqrr sm cutlimd me   in wm mount mmim,
13, @S·%nn·g111.

 l ` · Thursday, gember 7, 1950
For: lér. J. 1%*. klovret
Fubject: Compensation Settlement Policy
Lu the recent Eznploye Lnsuxezzce Supervisors meotm in Ghiccigo, the
eccident cose of John ¢'iil].iams, (Accident No. 767-D), was used to illustrate
company policy with reference to the ztcoitlemont of cases where a disagreement be-
tween the injured and the compamr o;=;·I.s·ie as to extent of gzermanent discl ility.
The difforozxce might arise in either one of two type cases, Number one, the case
where the doctors have indicated a ··e1~cente.;3e of disability below that for which
the injured is willing to close, and two, those cases where the doctors have in-
diceted no remaining disability.
In the current case used as on example, the employe sustained a i‘rs.ctured
foot from which he co·21;>letel;;.· recovered, there being no permanent partial disability
but in xrilich case the injured claims d:5.as?>ility and insists on payment. In other
words, one of those cases in which no disabili