xt7kh12v6014_712 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Correspondence and Related Materials (Restricted) text Correspondence and Related Materials (Restricted) 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_157/2008ms006_157_6/59105/59105.pdf 1941 1941 1941 section false xt7kh12v6014_712 xt7kh12v6014 .' JI C, BsI;.Le~r·j, Au.:,?,.Lt¤1·, (iw:-LL Lima;
§§;§*§LM¤NT z · CHICAGO, u.|..,
To A4.; V‘mye·;s Su e>1’·u1t»2nde-r1ts
7 Q
"°"‘ "'*"· Iudust1·iaJ. Re.La—,t,j.¤r1s III£,LI1*.z;$C1`S,
Safety Iu:2p.:act.©rs and I.¤.D. Men.
LZfi`e_·ctLv·,= January .L LN,}.
. P
In our "In:2t1·uctiaz1s¤ for )*.`c;imntE;1tj Imiu.:tri&;L
Aceichenf,5" clsltw. Apr;}. ifi, png, under I‘»S:Ci·;.I,€; of
Time Cu¤.rge.s'~, I\E¤>t·, 3, Lim seven, piegse cmknga
L; in ·s;- {FC   Tix/.
tw f wu C 1, _
C. G. ··}1·e`50r_v
./‘ /  
1.,, __ _ _ _,_.,,  ,.,, ., . V

To All Works Superihtendeuts,
Industrial Relations Managers,
Swiety Insiectors and I.A.D. Men.
J - , -
jffective Janumry l, IQUI
The methods of determining the average number of employees,
men~hours of exposure, and what constitutes e tabulatable injury
shall be unchanged. However, new methods of estimating our
accident experience, conforwing to the Standard Tethod of Com-
piling Iudustrial Injury Rates ap,roved by the Anericah Strudards
Association, are being adopted. This change involves substituting
calendar days of disebility for hours of lost time based upon a
fifty—hour week. The new time charges, as adopted, concur with
those used by the Rational Safety Council and the Eureiu of Labor
Statistics, Washington, D,C.
The Time Charge for auy injury resulting iu the complete loss
or couplete loss of use of ax; member of the body shall be the number
of days specified in the “Scale of Time Chargcs".
The Time Charge for 2;; injury resulting in the loss of a part
of a member or the perma;e;t igpairment of any fuxction of ary part
of the body or part thereof shall be a percentage of the number of
days specified in the “Scale of Time Charges“.
The time charge for each temporary total disrbility shall be
the total number of c lord r days of disability, excludi;g the day
on which the injury occurred and the day on which the employee
returned or in the opinion of the doctor wss able to return to work.
No matter at what time of day the employee is injured, if :0
permaueut disability exists and if at the beginning of his next
regular shift or turn he is unable, in the opinion of the doctor,
to perform his ordinary duties or thc normal duties of some other
regularly esteblishcd job, i.e., a job which is not set up solely
to avoid counting the cmse as a temporary total disability, the
injury shall be counted as a temporary total disability,

The following scele shell be used to determine the time charges
in number of days. .
Denth ~——— ~ — ~ — —————— V- ~~~—————— 6,UOO
Permanent totnl disability —————————~» - ~ ~ — 6,0JO
Arm, at or above elbow ——~—-~—————————- h,5oo
Arm, below elbow —————~~———~— — ———~—— j,6OU
Hand ~ — — » — —— — ~ ~ — ~ — ~ —————— — — — — ~ 3,0J;
rnmb -~.~ .- » — W - .- » » —~.»-~~~»»-~ 6/it
Any one finger— — ~ — ~ — — — — — — ~ ——————~— jOO
Two fingers, same hond— ~ e ———-—— - —————~—~ YBG
Three fingers, same hend— —————~— ~ ———~— — l,2QC
Four fingers, same hnnd — — » - — — ~ ~ ~ — ~ ~ — ~ l,HU©
Thumb and one finger, same heed ~ — » — ~ ——~~ ~ — l,2OS
Thumb and two finders, some hand —»~—~——— ~ ~ ~ l,5OO
Thumb and three fingers, same hand ——~— — ~~~~~ 2,0CO
Thumb and four fingers, same hend ———— — ~-—— ~ 2,UOO
Leg, nt or above knee —————- - » -.—.~~ H ~ n,5oo
Leg, below knee ————~~— »~ -~~-~—~»-—— 3,UOC
Foot ———-——V · — ~ ——~——-— ~ ~ » --~— — — 2,MUO
Greet toe or any two or more toes, same foot~ s A — ~ BOO
Two greet toes- — ~ ———~»————————~——~ Geo
One toe, other than greet toe ———————~~ {See Iote li
One eye, loss of sii&t— — ———~—·—~ ~ — — ~ ~ ~ l,3CO
Both eyes, loss of sight~ ———~——— V — ———- - ~ — 5,UUC
One eer, loss of heoring ———-·-————~——~ — 6oe
Roth ears, loss of hearing —————~——~ -- ———— 3,0ZO
Qlgl - 'F<—>¤=p<>rer;r Di   ii ry,
Hernie, loss of teeth, and loss of any toe other than the greet toe
are considered temporary diseuilities only.
Ceses involving permanent pertiel disability or disfigurement which
are not included in the above schedule shell be weighted in accordance
with the compensation allowed for such permanent partial disability or
disfigurement; i.e., the amount of compensation paid, divided by the
weekly compensation rote, and the quotient multiplied by seven (Y} shell
be the number of drys chsrged ngtinst the case.
Where temporary total disability exceeds the weighting for such
permanent partial disability or disfigurencnt, the time charge shell be
the number of calender days of Actual disability.
Iote 3.
Amputetion of the distal phelenx of any finger, or e substantial loss
of sane, is rated os one~third of the finger or lOO days. The loss of the
distal end any part of the middle phnlnnx is considered ms two—thirds of
the finger or 2OO days. Ampvtntion at any point between the middle ond
proximal joints constitutes e total loss of the finger. Amputmtion of the
distal phnlonx of e thumb or e substantial loss thereof counts ss one~hnlf
of the thumb OI"§OO days. An emputetion involving the proximal phdlenx of
e thumb is e to€hl loss of the thumb.
C. G. Gregory
¥—2l—Ul Industrial Accident Dept.

Effective Jaxuarywlg l§Hl l *m——*—___
Skull ~ El days
Spine ~ 35 days
Rib - ru 0_¢.;·¤
Pelvis ~ ES dogs
Shoulder girdle ·· ES @:2;*5
Zimwrus — 25 drwjys
Ulnn or radius — 28 days, both §§ days
Cwrpel or metxenrpcl ~ 28 days
Froximel or middle phalanx — El Qays
Dlstml ohalanx ~ l¥ days
Eenur — ¥2 deja
Pntella ~ El days
Tibia — EC Qags
Fibule ~ El days
Tarsol, *et¤22rcLl or cmlcaxeus — ES &&ys
Proxlmel or uii&lo phelaxx — Ql days
Distal pheln;x — l¥ days
Shoulder — l0 days
Elbow — l0 days
Carpal or metacarpnl — l¥ days
Finger ~ lO &eys
Spine ~ 28 days
Hip — U2 days
Knee ~ 23 days
jmlcle ~ 23 days
Tmrsol or metaiarsal — lh drys
Toe — l0 ery:
5. SEVERED TEHDON ~ 55 days.

 _ Industrial Accident _  
_ _ Jean. 17, l94l.  
1.]-• ¤T• l€RCDCrmOtt I
As 2·a-agueswd in your letter of Jzenuzipy 13th we we attaching —
hereto ataumuxxt of Medical, Sumgiczal qui Hospital exyegnssa fd: the calendar
yaer 1940. ` . I
Yours muly,
By_~_______·•-________-••·_____ `
l 8I1C3.• Works —’»udib¤ 1*. _

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gr;Arv:cér;KS>COal Minés CHICAGO, ILL., Jarnuarv   19)**.]-
F0R MR. J- C. BZ1].].E3,I‘d _
<2]; u
Please prepare the information on medical, surgical.
and hospital expense for the vear ending December jl, IQUO.,
This expense is listed under account numbers lOl·-A, lOl—O,
“lOl-E, 102-—A. and 102-BJ This statement is required in order
that our annual report on compensation and medical disburse-
ments for the year 19}+0 may be issued.
Please forward this report to us at your earliest
convenience r
, ` yy  Le new
I // ' ·   » _rr, 2 is — —/ *1/
, J. J. McDermott ‘  
J J ?—.·I:I¢iD

 / I 1 Jul 1G 1941  
xr! by ul   y ’ •
I¤ur· lczttczlf uf June ziéizkm, 2,2 are
¤.;*ge.cé;ing kmpgmgc :s*c4;·1;¤>ma»mt in chxplicszrm gf ¤;•uz· ~;myx·0;Ll my clussiHcu··
tions for tis ya". 1* ending Jung LSU, 3.w·eJ..
l Ymzzns truly,
2 Enqls. iiuxugs Auditor.

 Clerical General ,· .. Q   . -.
·;»Jx1J. ».·>;,`;.I..
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