xt7kh12v6014_710 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1935-1937 text 1935-1937 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_157/2008ms006_157_4/59045/59045.pdf 1935-1937 1937 1935-1937 section false xt7kh12v6014_710 xt7kh12v6014 · : /v/ · ` I l ' ‘
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{ C G§p`E .‘·- Harlan, Kentucky, May 22nd, 1955.
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Last December the Court of Appeals in the case of Scott Tobacco
Company vs. Cooper held that an application for adjustment of com-
pensation must be filed before the board within one year from the
date of the accident or the date of the death.
Upon a petition for re-hearing, however, the Court of Apneals has
modified the former op nion and h;s rendered an opinion in vhich it
has held that not only must the claim for comeensation be filed with ~
the employer within one year of the date of the injury or the death
but that there must be also filed before the ¤oard an application
for adjustment of compensation within one year from the date that
the parties dis—agreed upon the payment of compensation or the
employer refused to pay compensation. _
This now becomes the law on this point and it may be worth vhile
for you to bear it in mind.
Yours very truly,
  * ~—·~’ ’ i gy Qt`,/n/""*
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Signed this ............................................   .....,.,.....,._,,,....____,_..,.__________.__,,,_.__ , 193_§£,_
IL   I . 1. » ` . I-I-; I if 1)
(limpluyer) I  
By ................. I .................,..................
.. ,   , _ , .14 Iii; 1.2 .t 301*
Subscribed and sworn to by ...................... ff.: .... i..:...T.`i..QZT.Q...&I.? ...........................,.............. , before me a Notary Public in and for the County ef .......___..   _'_. ..QyI}¤€§_H ..,........_______________..,.....,__,__
IIA; L,. -_‘Ij_'*7
State of ............................ 4 ...........   .................. . ................................__,......
Witness my hand and seal this the ...........   ........................ day of .........................,.......................... $E.I$.}.:£ ............................................................................. , 19G..§2¤
‘, ·` , I c { I
................................................. ,.4;} .....   ....... 5..:7 .I..   .....   ..............
Notary Public .................................. I.? ...... IIIQEE ...................................... ce. Q.1‘..ii.? .............. .. ......  
Joe. ‘§’, Ll.I1I.II_;.
My commission expires ..................................................... . ....................................................................... . ........................................................................
· NOTE.-—Individual re orts for separate operations or businesses ot same employer may be filed if desired.
In case a fair estimate of prospective expenditure for next twelve months eaunot be taken from average expenditures to date, as shown above, please explain and fur-
,. nish new estimate.

 i ,
F°“ J. C. B·1l1;zr;1, Auditor DATE June 20, 1935
Wisconsin Steel Company, Im;. /
SEPQTRMKESNT Bgnham, Keni;uCk;f  
§.§’ifF§I¤. ?.AY.HO.L.I.» JE.? ?;Q?T..;.¥§&B EIEDI. *1 G..J.U_N E .30. ,....3.519 · ~
We enclose copy of letber received from the Wo1·1;men’s Comyensixtion
Board dated July 1, 1935 together with blanks fox furnishing this pzay—
roll by c1a:·sifica’cions. Would suggest thvt. you furnish the same
classifications; as lest yeer.
As to the e:¤biIz1¤t¤:d payroll for the year ending June BG, 1935, we
take it theyt the Bonrd will use the wztual payroll by c1ass.ifica*oions
for the year ending June BO, 1935.
//7 1 .
*2   , .
' ‘ éy/¢/*4 "/L ’C/C/<’
/ wi ( <   as
cc Wm. Sampson, AtI;o1·ney—e.t~L¤aw, Harlan, Kentucky

 ` C
. J   ·
; H
Frankfurt, Ky.
~ V O
Jul, 1, 19,5.
Wisconsin Steel Compiny,
606 F. Michiéwn Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois.
Losi jews as zrsrrrment rss mule esuinei the
eeiinebei yoyrolls o? own risk cerri re Y0: bhe ye·r eni-
ing June RU, 1035. In ovivr iuii ; sotrrcs eetflement may
be maie, ik S, nooesorry tL·i you S;t;irn is with en audited
peyroll for ine year fren July 1, l??4, to June EO, lQ§5,
or for the yerizi ;V ire y¤;r m;niion=i iuring which you
operated unier non risk permission.
We also wish to eivise th2t ei the close of UIQ
Fiecel Yenr on Juno 20, l€§5, we fini th·b the funis to bLe
credit oF this 1epertmen+ ·»·.· ill amount Lo less than Sixty
Thousand Dollars, and under one laws gotegning this deoert~
ment we hre conyelled to make an assessment against the own
risk carriers for the ,e·z beginning July 1, l9?5, ani end-
• /
ing June BO, life.
We are enclosing duplicate bl nk gnyroll forms,
with Lhe request kbit you lei ns have your ;uiiLei payroll
for Luo year beginning July 1, l9E4, and ending June EU,
1935, and your estimated payroll ior the jen; oeginugzg
July l, 1935, and ending June BU, 1926.
Yours very truly,
A. H. Mitchell

 .l..4,.-is [ , _
SM-Ml. i “°"¤‘£§ZS‘$.E'é'5’€'uQS°¤.L“i$E"
F°“ J. C. Ballard, Auditor DNE June 25, 1936
§§*’C,,’§,§,“KEs"* Coal Mines
§;"Zf§Z.. mmott 1;g13qa_T__e YELAQ mmm; gms 2gL pg;
We enclose copy of letter received from the Workmen's
Compensation Board dated July l, l?36 together with blanks
for furnishing this payroll by classifications. Would
suggest that you furnish the same classifications as last
As to the estimated payroll for the year ending
June 30, l937, we take it that the Board will use the
actual payroll by classifications for the year ending
June 30, l936, unless you see some reason why an entirely
different estimate should be made.
We would be pleased to have you furnish us with these
reports as soon after July lst as possible.
cc Wm. Sampson, Attorney-at—Law, Harlan, Kentucky

 : C 4
‘ O
Y .
Frankfort, Ky.
July 1, 1936
Wisconsin Steel Company,
606 S. Michigan Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois.
Last year an assessment was made against the
estimated peyrolls of own risk carriers for the year end-
ing June BO, l9?6. In order that 1 correct settlement may
be made, it is necessary  het you furnish us with an audited
payroll for the year from July l, l9B5, to June BO, l?E6,
or for the period of the yeer mentioned during vhich you
operated under own risk permission.
We also wish to advise that at the close of the
Fiscal Year on June BO, l9B6, we find that the funds to the
credit of this department ·,·» rill amount to less than Sixty
Thousand Dollars, and under the laws governing this depart-
ment we are compelled to make an assessment against the own
risk carriers for the year beginning July l, 1936, and end-
ing June BO, l9B7.
We are enclosing duplicate blank payroll forms,
with the request that you let us have your audited payroll
for the year beginning July l, l9B5, and ending June BO,
l9B6, and your estimated payroll for the year beginning
July l, l9B6, and ending June BO, l9B7.
Yours very truly,
A. H. Mitchell

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 NO'l`E.——'l`lii¤I report ol` payroll oxpoiirlsztl to June ZIIIII1, 193.. $2.., is rezguirod by Subsections 2 and S of Sect;on 8.3 of the Compensation Act.
\\v0l`kll10ll'S Compensation Board. Frankfort. liy.
The undersigned employer, under oath, hereby tiles zi l`¤*‘ll;.;e(;rioiIs 2 and S of Section S3 of the Compensation Act
covering wages earned by employees on and attor the date of their £\(C('(’DI2lll('(‘ of the act up to and including June 30th, 193 ...........
Clerical and office payroll, not exposed to any operating lnaznrtl of thc business, is reported as "Clcrical."
Month Clerical (.it‘lll‘I’LlI » J 3. ·   3.
I: ·. *>I" II, ·   _   1 TI »_;=‘I;Q·.2 I   I I
July ___,__________,__.__________, iIi;;__;;%___  __   ._... ti I   $.iii.·.? ...7 ....     ......  . .`.. ?·it'· $f;...t..¤f.ir#. n.‘.   .... $ ,....._.______._.... . .._. $ ..._................`......   .................... . ..... S .................... . .....
I‘n··_ XM. hq ·‘   I . __ ’· ·I‘ I··’· _v··v.·; ,, ·._·I:1: l I J __ I
August ___________,__,.,_____ , 193 ________ IF ..... i.1.9...·..:¥’.t._..;;.. >I·.:::::.:I ..... I .*.i   e. .......   ¤r.=..‘.Iv·‘x>f·-F .... 2..  $ .................... . ..... 5} .................... ,7 ...... $ .................... I ...... é ........---·........ . .....
.Ei n`   té Q`; I°¤’ -.   `?Y?` "I   . I . I L ‘
September _,_,____________ _ 19:2 ________ $.:::1.9 ..... { .... j .... J. §».:r...2 ......... .   r .........   ..r:v;·* I~I<.·.·.·r.nF.i.f.%... ....._ Fr ...................   $ .................... I ...... 5 .................... I ...... e. ................... I ......
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December ....,____.....__ , 103 ____,...   git.? { ....   ‘.‘.`. .   . ‘     ..1..r*¤i?..‘..“ r=·¤i’ r. ...¤<’.¤iZ.i..*.’.. .'.:f;' S .......... . ..... . .... $ ....................· . .... S .................... . ..... 5 ........ A ........... _ .....,
J ,1, ,'_I-J: ~—.»7   ,(. N ,' »:" ,,r., 'ltlfn .;,.v._, 1.;. Q _ I i `  
January __Y____________,____ Y ]_{)3___$;___ $._,4.,L,;._.=,:I.>.2.1 ;.;,; ;~,;&.i.9.é   .... aiu. b ..... 1.1¤.·.i.»Z-».:`..¢.`.s-’ >}·§·».·....g·J».:.t.a. AA.- $ ,r_>_»___________rr. . _ __ Q1 __........,......... . ..., S ....,............... . ..... S .................... . .,...
February __________________ , 193 _,______       .I2.....     .'l. :..‘j ...`.. C6]     _____,________.,.__. " _____   .._................`.,.... S ............ , .......   ...... 3 .................... . ...._
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)f[;u·gh ________________________ I 193 ________   ____ 3   _.__     e .... ....1B .....’ . .2.; ...... ·· Z}1TZ.'f::.3..:..;.`.]._`Q,Qi;·   ________r_______r_rV . ____   ______,.______ _ ___, _ ..... $ _.._.... .. .......... I ...... .} .................... . ...._
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April ______________,_______,___ , 193 ________ $__ ______ -?__f ....... I ...... $ ........ 4 ...........;.... { . w .......... Q ........._..... i > ........ P .......... F .... $5 _____________._.____ . ..... s ....................   ...... s .................... . ..... ¢ .................... . ..._.
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]\Ia,y ..._______..,..,..,........., 193 ........   ..,.   ...::‘ $».rSt>..!! ...... :.1.   w .... I .... arti: ......_.