xt7kh12v6014_706 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Correspondence and Related Materials (Restricted) text Correspondence and Related Materials (Restricted) 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_156/2008ms006_156_11/58951/58951.pdf 1931 1931 1931 section false xt7kh12v6014_706 xt7kh12v6014 W/%//’   -   . /A/2%//’N
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/AM}//N ./4/;/%.}//// r/JU/QQL/N //./76;////,, Z;//A//M
’ //»//A////4;////» ///»//·///A;/ /y %/// //////   /// {
. /A/2%/N,. Z/C/A//A/.

 . .\p
> 4 ,}<2m1a1·y 19, 19151.
. V W ` , c
_ hir. §.'110s» E. Cvimbridgqa, I.;·m::5t.z: ‘
industrial éccldcmis ;><2g>a1·t1z16z1‘b,
Cizicrago, Ill. ,
L2a¤1··Mr. Uam’br1&;;c·;·— "
{J1; occurs *00 me twat you wuxld Lil·:$a·L0 E-7;*102-.* V
" that Hill 5$a1:<·;>s0n's fsathay, Elr. J. Zi. éamnraon of
V  ·1dl@::bc·;·0 iiiezd ,?amr‘2r_y lith, 1351.
‘ `i©u`;`$1  rj; *b1'CL?.If,

F°" mr. F. J. Ovgonnell, Supt., '°"" Febmery 7, 1931.
·'?EP’¢~'$é“»?é“T Cool mime.
For: Mr. J. vv. Mowatt.
on Fu.: N0.
will you please send us your report ./1,07 for the
month of December as soon as possible?
YOLITS VST}? T,I`U.ly', l

` V
` *
Jr. J. J. Mowwt Febrnvrg lf, lUZl.
Coal & Coke Jorke
dill g=u kindly edvise preeent et fu: of ;Li; exec. ie make i
tkmt one injuries ¢re now he lei ·2i Live hee; for sole ti;e, tlomgk toe
lest ieiieil report receive} fron Dr. ietf; refer i ·.=, ie of Cotober C,}T5O
eiated thwi Liere uae exe wound uhien Q·? nrt en€i~el4 Lggled. li aenld
probably be well for Dr. Feity to iive my e fin*l :r¢orf sifting tlit the
wounds hvve vll heelel if such ie i f;ei.
It wouli probrbl; Plz? e ‘,·“ sell to L-ve our Tile snow ekere this
man is at pres nt loc ted and *;ether .·—,* cr not {Here ng: oeex any attempt
on his part to rehahilif is Limself For ;e~? ?i¤G of em7lo;m@mT.
In makin; up our enxval $t;ia,¤»t ·,·_ inri 4 i*e pest Few dege we
rin ¢crc;x several Coal & Coke norke ezine xl*re ·A·l o were nnable to mrke
‘1; ¤GCM*¤f@ €¤€in fw *5 Lo ine yr?b&b‘» perioo ¤V lost time or the
probable degree of impeirnent. ln sever l of iLese 2 ge; 2 ere hai
been no medical regoriz Since ltii Catcher. Le r igt to Live medical
report; o all conciunui csgee at lezot once 2 renin, but we ~re not
referring to the Ailgore case re a eogtinpinr easeaa; we have already
recognized it or one Ewvolvirg jeroament total iiéaoilitg. ‘Iee re
referring to several other GEQCT `.·. rich are still heweiug ani where gou
are paying coupe cation for ten orary toiel dixebility and where there
will, mndooltedlg, be some rerwenent disability. le world be ver; much
embarrassed if eoweone ehould eek to review our file. Ihere are not
many of these cesee vnd we see no reewon why 2 eo olete detailed report
wni picture of the ease cannot be mvde out for our files once 2 month.
This would mean twelve reports e year on eéoh case.
Hill you yleaee take this uettcx"'x ezd ve would thank you
to advise me tie; the ;~·gexiinne me hfvo mede will be complied with.
' SIGNED THCE}. E C}~;.`}3i7.lDGl£.
. `

Doctor wxll E. Lyon, Feb. 17, 1951.
CHICQQO, 111.,
Stephen H. Fic1ds——Aocldont Ho. 3Z7—C
D€*r Doctor Lyon;
1 am just in rocolot of your letter of Fohruvry 13, rclotivc
to thc above cose. 1 was-vcri much surrirood and ouzzlcd to lcwrn that
you hive rcccivod no mcdlcwl rorortc oq this cvro olncc October. 1 gm
at a loss to know ·.». ·hv or did rot rccolvo rcoorta undo Dccomkcr 27 1951
‘ c U . s
and Jrnugr, L4, 1TEl ond um cmcloslwg More ith ccrio; of thcsc TQJOTZS.
1 am of couroc wr~blc to semi thc cpoclmcp of his gignaturc mcntlonci
in Mb report of J;nw¤rJ LQ.
hr. Field: gt L,o preocyt trio o~po·r: to be in excellent
comdltlon consldorigé tho severity sri oxtcnt of hl; injurinz.
There 1: wood uwlax o? ‘ o fr cipred nuncrué, wood allinhott
and cxccllcyt Eutctiontl rc; lt. You =i1l .·.· rrtc fro. tlc l=;i I~isy
picturo tlot i.cr;·E; ·1,.’i ;omjl@t© clicr tion of t w L}irZ fr;gmc;t.
Tfo 3Zcr;en El ti of ccuroc, Atv lct Loo; iirturbod.
5 .
Uitk rafcrsmrw to t.< fura- ·o’’ ri, 1 ·g :~rr· to r1~te ;L t {fo
Ewuctior l récult in got po ood. Tow will rc2·ll tL—t 1:;) fr¤c;vros
of tho Rvdius ·.·.· orc trotted “g cost rai`c;i¤n -1d ile ;:*llcitic; of
sicrvlu Ylatz . .c L vo ;hioF·cf vcd Log; r;io;, the olut;; Laiig
still ln? ot, int ; cre is cc sld~w~¥ to we erin QA ;° @scin»»©:;‘v:€ go. I41»¤,
~¥2j ·*»&¤;w:0rm~~c2i·A¤:.z {V0. fiSi¥~`», ‘w!? Ji~·“.¤ra JY ~l3;#~
¥@c* *¤;&, gc. LEE?-~i, ¤EE_ of {P‘P'Q `Lw€;i>ri 1i§"· * for
¤0;thl* rwpwrts uni it Xt wlt, ictoi gs. Trim 2ui*~2icG
in gr. Awwrr thwy L¤ z-A ain x~;;#x cr- shi a t€c?l~y
#§FL¤m whe:¤b; vo would wcll uti¤.ilnn im tT¤r¤ vwnaw
wi £c€i¤lLw j i»vvwls 20 LY¤; *4 xc;LF T; r~Yf~r;E G?
t?w¤ ~:zrG wc 0I` i i;Z=r“ 1 0  2: ‘r;· L`·*;` Z22 `T.x ·4§¤;i, ~t;:»  
W; rr; wivinzi 1T.L 2*1s ~¤Li*‘ Vw; 725219 if
vit% wr. »n@§n cn 1&¤:3¤i _V.“ ci°2 T3 yew) nai Rv tc§‘ uz an
Zan? ivy h¤ wezii nw gn ~¤i¢rsi¤y »0rnZ." ···  LQ 2élL Le as
. —x?r0i;,1 ii,. .1.2*; Qc T L; i;;.;»e :.1 1 w Taxi     »¤ fit  
·%1j 5umi :v» Tw ·‘Hv %"¤r~ zwct Y~¤·;2 wb1t2 L€=‘ain ‘·Er,
· Aw xeccivéi a cwgj of *;c 2 xl; S0 `S. jgcn  
0* cn}, t¢:© ~t*z;iyc:z .CL¤;»i¤ :;n JG A_ ¤tL» u` z;] 234i .;> z oT4~ T;if
r¤f0:¤nm# to ’;¤ rwyorts 0n Pim}&0’ as diiicn iwt—* _
• 4ccwwb~r LT, 1951 wyi Jnnuuxy L4, 13Ql, c0;i~: of @*2ch
varw &tLncM2&¤ ·
his v posi Of Mmcwmbny 57, AJQ yet rv1¢k·us
ani we b¤& nova? PGLH it b&f0:2. Ike uno :1tv* 322. if,
  { , ,_.. _ M" ,-’ :,~ . .. J"‘ 1 4 ·. 4`—(·. .. ~»..i·$ . m ·. ·
Lag hc»¤ CDTLLJ4 LL 04; $LL0 m0 GUUUL hgU» 04& nnngal
I ccmycmnwtiun rwéczi. sizcc wc huva uct gpt TTC*iV3t - -
r0p0?t¤ Om tha ‘A bvcwm ani -mg xnG2rz0n c¤;cs, we ara ·
f0rwn2di;3 cur cowpnmszziwn yzport and the iaezwg ré crt
and me will fcrwazg the Oilcwm along lntxx *Fan .·;· we imt 2*am.
gt our zaygz cyyovtunltg we *311 *13*EET tk?
mntpev GI rombhl ;¤;uy24 the u4fE1], wx wvll we cpkwru
Lhnt ha Vwys y~»;e;;2&, xué wivi;%.

 ‘.’   id . '
` 6%
an ·r qw we "`Q` _ ` M .,_ r` *
.. _·   .~ fg _1 ’ ‘ .. xr * ‘.   ya; 1 'v ,.’¤ . ,., -4-L .1} . 4.
:.€_Y $.:;..].44;, q‘.;`_.., ,,` ig.     2. ·*_*~.}.,¤    
{L_ '_»v.·· .» ,4 .rv.,___ _,·_ g ·
  -33; v=2*gj_;‘·?’   » I ; '* §=       K, LL T.4;¥.   .?L¥3‘3$ Mifhtye
l Q4: ,.. . .._.. .,,, ., · 3 . '* +1. _ I ,`,·.·{· ‘   ` 4 . * 5 f. _. ,,,•.·..2 Q
B1'., »-·G;§5"§{3 9 TEC:   ‘;`, ’}i}W.’;,$.}GT. K. 2.. EIC! -~..»,I.!,·"t =.x" ~   L.·.;u ..04;
4 4. _,_ . ,. .,.{.T , J., .·_ , V { .., .£? .` yl-,‘{ HJ .. !
E3 ¤ »..f'3·:» !.a.zF.`..“;f ..L"\./. Yiww OA HL, ; '?h~·<·
·r..»_.,· . r.~· * -»"—-
-.1-4* T vnu ··,r ~ ‘* *·»· 9
x, ,- Y' ‘r· ¤ I * ' * *_} "   ·'*
-.; -4 4;/QL. ..·_ _,.,, ,7.., 1,.;, -.;»`»¢.·
"G - qv-- . .._~·: ‘.... .s »¢ .. :2 ,
*¤ g. » .   ,4, --x»;·.,T..`.Z..’r$'T.s"DZ;C
;`.1?iLT _:•-—".4 · Ai .‘·= ._]- _,};.— fj-
- `

 V 0
A. ...1;-` ·~•.~·-A ,3,1;.
, -   • _
· zmnhww, hy.
Yryv Ts -*-W   rf     `¥. 14. - W . z·* * ·· F7
·~ * - · MA ¤ uQ¤!QwJ“ UL Jvclg
» . J 9 *
~ juduniyiul £ccLd0mt
£“·-f 'IiiYi`§     -.Y __<} ·~: “V‘~·'I.i·~ LI   gr? ii ¤   SUM 3 uA:}::V£;Z5 ,
¤ivu¤ iifilyf ‘.‘` #;t tu?iy TLCHT é?i$ ¤u%j®2T 4
we kwvv ~uJc '\:e Liv U¤?L y T1t*v2"° ~* ¤t*+~* in
- cxx CEP?iGUU 7¤T2¤r 3*. f¤"~# Wvv at ni fw L¤Tw no wg
QLP EG BQLG uz Ku nGrj¢ ¥¤ 7% *1T wL¤ Vu fhiv Limv wc
h¤v¤ nm? men; *i;¤ l »
Mc +i]_g’ is AT71 **" ‘x2" i`i*·i‘*`¤ *"7=?7S—
c4-;;;&*· ‘V@ :"¤‘“*.r ’i1qiz:=r¤ ?*= »:·#‘i~:& · ir F~~ni *-¤1#@d
. aictt Fxni f? ‘%’‘. 1:, ’: ui" W¤r*€~‘·¢. ""** EWTV, ·¤* azrinw
all 0; T i; L‘Hc GRI; ©ff1»“ ·; cfiéévcqwd fc vw; ima M
umijyii uf Chaz: r©·0ytn TT ¤u·v ·l‘. l?¤‘ if ¢ ~¤r?¤*’0¤l
Sjstzhiiic %u¥i». 10m ‘.A.· ui;Q;w “¤i YZ w¢ lf irc "¤tt¤:
@¤vG¤Rilly ini by Lit?1? TTI T?:#0 ‘¢>¤ *¤*# tary vi-
' pL®m2t;cns 221 iscrfiwwc ¤1r;¤ vc Pwnc Psi :¢»¤rZ¢nc@
/  w;;n 2; as r2»— ~»&w Li;L" ¢T * ···= ¢¤ Li w~*"¤?; ·¤7¤ ver-
bil ;@¤a¤cLm; igxs mw`] LAK iwixir wiiw ;@· ~¤¢ipr¤
» ami G@§iSQV Ecyx: icy ¤i;rl;:$?<¢ t?w ·=¤zv*s» Tho »
. wvibcr has Eisen fhcac ;~ zvzf  0r; *Erc~;: eww ¤·: `
ihwT;m§pc§ icy tan §@ijcw1 M¤iw?T¢¤nt ¤$* ?= “n0w mf
no cttw? wiy is ewn mnkn F; “i$E°f iu? 7W°i no ·‘*· —L *na
T3pOTL8 Cub.  
frcx Mgg ;5@m’x :¤02~1 Y=®*¤:2 wc Lewyncd
·· thnx the ~utint acm £`uu;;®;& it your eij?c¤ 2 xhcyn
Eine ago nu& Jra Lyon hi; eil;*d wbfarxiqn Lo it in
· him ;QLLiTB¤ gm; ¤uC?u;ity iu jir;7—? C; "¢~uw‘;i;p
the yupcyza u¤& uu: 2cL;vii:w: are ;inE1¢¤ tu r»¤i1%-
< in; und cmogwwvzirjk Eu rvifnte iffwi of ww" *ufi¤n iw
_b _ ccnnéciiun wink ¢itLin; LQ; ;~¤uyix qui —*="f *OUYP¤
wu qnmnmi ima i.¤ M?wt V¤ qua =¤a@n·ii;W fg {9inM over -
’ L?c xnntiexy 6u4~¤¤Lv@us SQ VQG  ,Qu.¢nz¥ ;r. giiw *#iF?
cuvcywé jb @¤urwu¤n1¥ wrm it hws b¤»n iiuznwsai wiih
QT. $@25& kara Lixz };;$&uy.
':v¤O*'· €`¢`0 IJ,     ii L ? Q Q2.  LTC to 572** TTYL $12*; 11*;
the future, in r®*2¤Ai'n~ Lknnw w¤¤urt:, tvut wm wake
A typewwizzan Liui mf Linux N@¤d€d LELW QU; YGW¤”k¤
A nhcuz inzivgauul cuuws. Enix mhcuim uv ~Lv¤n L0 thu ·
` · Jmetur 0m **¤ Bhtm of mwah m;uLh 1wQ i€:@m~w0i if
nmcazwary Hmm lnmqyw Qhmm ,lwu&y Qi ;=w¤ LO w~L gpow _
vg aka 1*Lh ut Hum £©;10wEmg month. I“¤r" www wlzo
SGVQTQ] ¤ll@¤m@ iuuidqntw H jwir Om wE?c% ?¤¤0rts srv
CGQHGBUOG and mOU TQCGIVOG unM Lha w cumin UQ included

 . s
}>szl`¤ T• 1.w·• U•""""""··:{»$•
O·   '}»,yb fi .r\—y·. —.·["’ + ¢·l ..»~1··» `A ". -. 3,,* qrii »;·~, Q
L']. ALL .·..~ v M bwl`, L». n ;—. (»uJ&~ UV. IJ..l.n.L.».;·,!'IL;... _;UL4, ..,0
` that im tha rwpuvts nrc men :uyn;uh¤” inn mnttnx cuulu
V _ _ _» 1-- __i__ ‘Y`__ _.'· _ '¤ , ·l · _ "\ av.
`DO `LFJKOI1 ll? Kiwi Lex) »U&¤;)·‘>;'\‘?.»OI` OJ. HB :1(J‘Ti.L ¤G1\·,\.Cf3»
‘ W), of CJOIITSG, X'.? Lg, ;`§1'u'&2 i5`1U·‘; "LJ:rsjS'bGT1U€'2 HQ} TF'? CGR Lu
axpcditw Lin ynpvrkt. \ ·
gl Lu vavg unn¤t'uiwct0ry to uu Lu Pave to  
C}@!?:1¤f»i 30 T.'TlCi'l `?Z?,!;s"¤ {-`}`€T7,_fg iu 'YIYL TTT€97i,C‘·WZ. "’?-EOTLG OH
zxnes unuwxo NG wavw U @0ua qqal othnr vorn 20 do and
it certainly would help can It Lnuse snpurnx 00uLd
· coms to uz rcrulnciv Tian ur xittle mficrt um cnn
_ KJ ..
§L1?`*Q Oi? O‘7Q2`jj'OI1O GClHLt€?l"l‘iGLs.
Ars wi 1.1 HSODT, z4.¢ii>a plan ami rr: YECJQUQ bint 7
210 ILT.I’T.'·"a@l.‘ dif1'.:.<2U.j.`¥.¥j,i ""ZLJ.], D'? !-= zz’·’..Q.I.¤.F;£?EL..'—?.»£·:.,¤¥;>¤’¤·=·f.,
, V;.i.th sfurthcr reference to thd/41mt·Lm:·,, Dr. ?>og;g:~a myd the
o writer went over the subject of monthly progress reports this mom-
im;. He also fmmiohecl no with reports on the Ed Brown and my
_ ,·mdez·oon s·§i;.%&‘li_?IA_I_,» _;xQCI,;‘>.¤ viii?
  we ;~·%,i;rc:%1iu_r; list ci? mrmthly mmdica;1 1:0p0z·i4c= which `
hmm been z·0r;uc¤tc>d., _
Y¤uz‘*s vcmy tm1l_gr$ -
..‘l·>C{!Y1.»IZ3 L$G’¤¤1»i~LL COEQMITY, INC.
  [ F, Iyo O'Gmmc11, fJr.¤··u;*1nt:<·mdwt.
_ ;um?’¤.L O,}¥Z}G1'1`Y3 ‘··I;;23.€=.5G1‘.

 » · F
· o ·· o O   I
o LiQIj;.gg{.g,}i‘_ ij§fG.’1i   I   »mi5:té<2 to your offlcgc {amt; vfizcrnczon :··i"cc1· im ouit
_ wc¤·l:~mzd tlwia ;;;r=u {som him ian zsiszzy iY?.L`Qa.` fz·oarz r·ux·Z: Y.1om3.my whicix wuz
· am idle day.
Fam 8 oixowo z#.cz»;·$c cmjamct ivitzio wirtzlx cornea,}. ulcer
of the loiiz obo. ‘
This m;:<>1**tz hum gT·Z'U\'f.ii3L»i.S1.,Q bow ronuc·stc& ami. wc ogjrcod
the other amy mmf; me msould pai; it wsa 2215.;: list.
» GI.·f.Z·2kiiICE KIi»GQj§3——.&CCI. HO. 51545-··C V -
Hr. Cro—mbz·idg¢  11:; ;‘·i.L¢£x‘!‘€.·Z.D.¢11 to aha lvszt ucadicael 3.°€‘}5GI"{3
£`1;·c>m Dr. Pe2·!;t,y a mm· 29, 1950 ·.:i13.c:L; state:} timt tizczm
wma ono wound 2‘:I1i.c31z Ewci not »:2u*2;Z·‘.;*<;=,3._,y imzzled. fir. G‘s’nmbr}.d;;c sug;g;cs”cs
` it would be *:2:23.1 to have   Sim.; x=o;vox*%. sk.:=.t1:¤;· Vbivof. the enomxdo
have all healed if macséz is ;· moi;.
  !é1.·;£;·,.o23-~·—;;GS1.. ifi:.   »
Gm .·:n<_u;c.1e1;‘£» of Lim mccxxiz yo,··;or·i;, this filo 113 ui to dots.
Since ·i>oz:¢1g><>xw1r_;{*‘i¤<>%.:.¤,l G..’L.:.¤,`¤ilii»;, L1: this :,;:0 new: ost_E,m¤i;od at imclvo
weeks, this wm shemld be able im rctuzm to wor}: about Hmrch wish.
_ .:~€E‘E;?*2U:3i¥ P“‘H~LLi¤;§~~r,CGI. H0. {ifi?-··G o _
Reports in this wma nre: uy im clots. The ootim——R:c»c1 tem
monthcv temporary ‘2;o·t>:¤.1 siimbility will be up on or about ?=l·n,1·czh Sth.
It will bo ;>osz:s;i.blc: to 5301: this mm az. ligjxt job most any time ho is
cable to be on tho job. f
HNSI %e;NDZ%E$&JOIJ—~»”¤.iTCI¤ im. 537-0
H0 reports are nocouumry smtil §5m•c;1 zi5·t211 rfb which tim
you plszm to furnish »K·——Z`@.;y picinxrw and éxascrlbo condition.
» » . \ _ . `

 . . -. .· _ ·
’ °   “   ·
u. fj ..
J . G. L";E..iF1lLI§--—.LEQZEJEDJQJ—-—·J;J‘¥. 9, 1931
This 1*.2.1: ".;?".;c:· ·:~3r‘:iz1·*; eT*”Y1T'¥‘}"Q’*’ {Nah c¤?,1I5l.:.}’2."{2.$.OX'§ und 1: is :rrr··=s·Er>m: TOGG1`0 uhmvczd Mm  
‘ have stomach t·mub3.cz:.. mud.   ].c=¤.x·2·=c& that ·w sz¤bsvc0u.·:ar1t: @:;za.mi.n·~
_ ciisn by D1'.   E. Elilcagr, €70u.v1t_y }"!`ljG1G inn,   rmzicz mad thm? he
fcwzxé. nczthlzzg 4;·:;*c·2.z#—· rz-ith P1:} ile.
Elm Palmas bvs: c¤r’2=·=12*uu? his €z·;v0::+=3V;w·ti~<·r¤ of {:*234:
zmthcr amd my filas lss cosnplcta cz-tccant for M20   such A

 Hr. T. E. Snmbriira g3H· 6, 135C- ‘.
Izéusirial éccidvnt »
G2;3E; J E&`ikQ » · "
em qc m0w1a&ic vmzai*% cf yan? IEYQTQE lwiizss .
rnius tiny Dxcgrwrs iakaras on bur injure} em;E©3e1 3H0w~
  img cuméitium, srogmosia aiu. _
in may hospital 22&Q£ mc have raqueetai reaerbz
£20m Dr. Q©&& sevsrai ti¢as; fixnily we were naked tc
havn the kczpitul cases rapcrt @0 the hcsvitul _·_· fer X—Rny V
nu§ mtxminatiam by Gyn 30&& an £huws”2;. Them it 5¤v2l»
. a¤aQ Lhat the Dcctc: Eli 50 be out of town fhnrsiay but
he ISBQTSG nz if wa wcali have our man 2022 tc C22 ?;:- _
`siihl thai he wculi be tha@@° All of th2.mcn rao0?t2% as
‘ rsquautai ami we new Lqzwngi that Bra Tcii laft iutixg
Tadnaaiay night EEG will moi return till §un&a;. he
left wsyi that he x;;Li in svc? these xanax next Umasixy.
O l ‘ »
. H0 aver, JY, Qz#£i Was ilven as retort: an ‘_.
ig JG "2Gl2xsry, 23Di¤ T0. 3Z?~?, Tzu ??GRt, loci. 30. ·
EGZ~C, Eeoyqa E. Smith, nzsin fc. E3§—C, ami V2m£y Ezyvis,
$221. 30, E€$·C which T2 zrw zttzeiing. Ka ha3 ciamnzi
€¤ five uz rovcytx qu @*0 other can 4Wc have hasn iswrici
at icnkém Pat Ev iii EC r%A7 fic? ;@0@ln is was @%nL ?c
, »   cculé moi gat to it this mewninqc
- All of thcze injuved man are receiving ys;u?2r ini
proper wttamtian by the Dcctcrs; we are vwtchinq all cf the
cases closmiy cmé we incr thai Dr. Eeggs will give uz rc—
, mart; just TE scam E3 he za:. is far 33 any hc@;it2l cnnas
' 222 cqmccrmai it may be ccsziblc ic gat these xancsta s0ma—
@im$_mext wcgk %ut Dr. TOG§ has ic he out 0f_t0wm @0 xack
2mQ is therefore no bus§ vkam ha`ia in town that wa e?¤ not
·3% all @&?@ when he will have Sirs to examine ihc wen Gig
· - hive as tha nrcrzx iufcvvxiien so Liz? you can he niviscd
as he ima-yxogream cf our 1mjuv©& men,
.;*v ’
_Thr¤e ef the at;1ch©& rspcrta are on www who . V
warg huspitaliaai ani failing to get xapaftz iscm Dr. Tcii,
· Er. 3@§g@ has revicwcd ihc Games. -
~ , YG&?G vary truly,
- ¥I$G R32} Sfiii G I ALE, IAC,
Y F. 5. C’Gc¤na11,-Suparimtamiamt.
  `§*r ” .
A Employment kanaqer.
, l  Emo. 4     ‘  » 4  ;    

 ,: ‘ .5 . ,·‘ . ~
hr. T. E. C9mbZ$d§S Jam. la, 1950.
1n&u2tx1el Acu;&@nt
‘ Ex$GR£3& HEPGR?$ »
· aunplemcntimg our latter ci Jwnusry Gah ·
. , . , _ . ' "
we wlsh bc a&vise that Dr. Tcdi &XQ@1B8i our hcunibml
cases ct Lynch on January 7th ami we raczivsi :1; ci .  
,4,1 ._ · * A .. ... ,. '*. . ..- . ..
Uma £@pOr.‘$G yG$i`,91‘.}#}y €J;»c@;.1$ ODD 013 HG1}; ‘;3mO¤’J!  
¢_ -‘ _ ,_"\ . ‘ . . Y, V _ _• .
_ was taxon airs 0; by Dc. Qaizg. Dr. Batty dictated
the rspcrt while wa wars thsrc and we $0 not u¤d¤r—
V stand why they did not sand it along with th; cthzrs.
5 . , , .* • ,.,. ~,. .., .,..·— .. ,..4 .
:23 SOO!} *33 *.59 6%}*1 OK){C·`¥l]T SGFLYG }1Ow.9mJI‘ we., ¤..L.L1 i`CE;.e‘:£d * · 
. • it! '
Vqmovsr was imjucai September 27, EQ2?
sustalning 2 simple fricture cf both bcnss cf img
.· e 2 . •· .2 : ’ e . ·~v’ `
rzzmt 102. Dxsublilty is @SE;E3i€G it not ever law
V 4—‘. ’ , 1,.. M »r.. .·   :.. ·· `
bg one lz;. v¤cc0r&i¤q to tag X—RgJ anion LS _@st Le—
g mning ana tzmpcraxy tctzl iislbilitg xiii  rcb¤b1;
run for two or threw msmihz yet. `
. Yours vary truly, _ · -
V ``.  I£Li.iLilu 5;Vi;1l QQXITQLEY , I ,G.
F, Qu u‘Ccnm0;i, Suwsriatzxicmé.
‘ V .1~·: ..
; »· J··•-····•-····~·· ·7··*······—~······-···—-- ~~ ··;··é j·~····*·*—*~· —···—·-·—··-··-··-·—-
_ . ‘ =P.1g;l¢>ym¤?2·2‘1i L Lmiiif. ·
. /0 .
J —· .
•   .
- `
I I l x 4 lj

 _ - , INC.
o — .%Q¥‘£!IiA!.i, KEHTUCLQY.
Dm T- R· I§$gg—’;S ‘ October 6, 1950..- -
MGGJGQI ])S:i>'C·  
_ ' • .
  following ;··;;;~:r’e.s sahozzld be in my hands by o
Hodnosday; » _
I   George E. $$.111*sh 2
V   . Eby Anderson
· Clazcamoo Kilgore A
W J. E. ExlC>W.?§'J.‘
x xt _   4

LIST OF 1950   .LC‘CIl)P1Z§Ti3 CL . .' HICZZ 1T3·101’J.·-L E-?i·j?{‘R’L‘§j   RE JUELBTED
Ksézmeth i‘·»0r<~e1<>ck-—-T‘—Lay 19, 192%*
End Jones:
Edv12,r: 1 P.°.;2'1€
Ale; Hyde
..1111ie ,L—i0m;:—·-é·-edict-1 rcgsvcrt 0:11;

Fon hir. J. Z2'. ?.I0m·s;1*b ¤**= F€"Ji"—1*¤.FL' UI, K9?}
¤=··M=·T~:<;~T Canal & Coke lin;-lcs
vc>¤R ¤-¤T¤—=R s F<»b1~u>zt~y Zjillzit.
  i1;‘;v;— I`*C·IT'i?.'¤"‘.rI hot,. of j r0;:.i L2 1, ¢..;¤1·:·   i*`€`u;‘1r:?;·;,· Zlib.   vie; note
Strom the 1.<·‘;h¤;’· on- Ebkwf to;   122:*7 out ·. Fcucrzc ·*h5.ch 0ug`¤+, io
<"01¢}—; rmi ¤·w€.*:·i?i rs: ><>r‘i; @@:*1 rnorxth L: s1;fQ`i;:i<;2z`_ 1ml2;i L2;i;~:~ ir  EI; :_*>—2ci:l
ini c¢>r;1¤$ ug ’“I}f`)l1AI) F:·t2+é ;`*YYY"EiiT5LLI.C"L` i`ij1;1‘j,‘. **2 i;1;2‘*; me Flculb `ami; thfaj
you sm?     vill ?:;“ :2121* to 2-·02t·?. our`; ·v ;#gr$i.¢r~ i¤11jc3; rill .:0rk out
nicaly.   K
’/ };L_ ./_ (J -1 _ ( (’ -1.- , { / / W r

55qq--g.;q.;g _ DEPARTMENT USE ONLY
F¤R Mx. J. R. Howub ¤¤* ?@bru;#y RA, 1731
DEPARTMENT Coal S; Coke 2~.r0;‘E·C:*
ZSBJESEO.   F.¥"Qi&"QY£€;'§lQ€ ; 1232
be have receiv¢@ ycay r;zh¢;~; uu -¢ciT<;K riwii¢ii:c for l?}Q
for which pl·r;¢ ;?c¤yb Llrmkr;
Fiv# OE hiv r¤ri0u¢ cgi f *ié®v=i~i *0i :¤*i ¤* f©~* c0mg¤nr fiom
etyaasa lzéb 4·.E you;. Tc Avi Lrcaig jr j»;~J eww ri i¤·ewi ?¢C0y~ N;
recsiv®& your fiinyes, but ii wxy imi=y;=i jeu to ivan ih~5 ii~ wciim he
TO zlac i on all nf jzuy agri: for lyio mgc »;;,7_!.l’. Your csiimate
‘ '· 'l/ , .., J`! ., ~.,r,4 ,4,, W'},. ».'.. .1 J —l;.‘ 1,1 9,1,, J`. '..
lS ‘2l;5;e.l5, so ou; !;ii1“r »;E -+ G T L.e¤~Te-L rc l»L R? she ln-
curred compensation cost it concnvmzi.
xr /'  
x, — . , ~‘"
I }/ ,/ r»

5500-11-ze-xu * DEPARTMENT USE ONLY
F¤R liz". J. 2:. Llicwzrb ¤¤= F@b1·¤.1ar_y 27, l%':El
DEPARTMENT >‘_ C; /3, M g; *" dry
OR WORKS (JO-.l E Co-~<> ..o1¤;
voun LETTER  15th
Z§’T.‘EET..¤. ??iW'E'Z?€£J¤Z _L§?i?21@L,.I’;* iiZ`QIi'E€
If it 2:0ulI mot enum you any iztctoinvc:1i¤‘·1¤:¤ voulfi if not Iv; ?;·e>i;i;@1*
if you listryi czech om; of izimrvo c·,=s<@:* Lo Dr. Beggf on 4;; Eep;T1*:%’c@ sheet of
toiroesr?   0ne—h:2li? FI'1€%(`t`t mouli`? bn :u_Ei`icir¢;1L. `,’,D   °coul¤¥ ilocn  ’=¤¤"°°""¤•v~»¤¤`¤¤,,w_$?=”'~\·{f`&`