xt7kh12v6014_705 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Correspondence and Related Materials (Restricted) text Correspondence and Related Materials (Restricted) 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_156/2008ms006_156_10/58914/58914.pdf 1930 1930 1930 section false xt7kh12v6014_705 xt7kh12v6014 \
January ll, 1950.
Mr. E. J. O'Co nnull - ¤up<>1·iut¤mont»
Joal guinos - `.b'oz·&cs e `
.,9 are desirous of makzitxg; O·..2I' aqmuzal :*.:1,o s .1~vaay of IJLC. plmzts and would
liko to suave you furlish data as ;·1;o=»m bo low, for bio 2»l1 ‘{9].&·1°ClOT‘.S•

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/ LW`. ,
Q" I
» B0n3*:a;, Ky. ’
’ M July U, ZL9.'51•
mr. Exams 45. .¢ambs·ic@;_»;¤, ‘
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P; >L;.O»,_g,_}j_MVd»¤T — ILA}? .3L%.&JI.`KG ¢}U;g~jj;,_ LSE 1..
.L}€5aa1' tiigfz I
.].11 ~20IH}_)li8Bi}9   yew ;·u\¤x.z,:. i; of July: 5rd, on emo
34OVB S`i,1UjGL$AG, WG {ANS 8'C€§l&.'-j.2'1gj Enoroco gZ.1yl"0l]. .L'·»3QOx‘t by \;L3t3Sj,5Z°L}.¢J3*•
2102.1:: for Jus ,;‘€3f?I‘ umiiug nuns 1:10., .g_:9.r$?.¤ 0 nm also atisszizhuag ·
QZ.'d;3€JiL"ti aizmzinig wc azzalguixs 4f thu €;—¤z ;u1·  1 ;»;»e;;s2?0E.l.
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Yomrz ‘cw.z,y,
  20 viii UT JL 23¤}z                
Ju1y—19Z0 "1531.Gi TOF4.T1 4343. 1 153.7L 591.90 1070.i4 15630.39
Bug. " 1540.G% 4956.05 Qéfi.52 136.1b 560.ZO 1702.02 11421.66
Va t. “ 976.50 4215.51 1055.49 *33.25 2G0.01 1004.53 $232.49
Oct. N 954.W4 4035.94 !27.1? 405.15 1 4.00 1125.43 7740.54
?¤v. ” 470.60 ?6L?.20 707.¥1 ‘$1.75 96. F 1003.51 C3§8.52
Dau. " 95?.05 4@7Z.74 1204.TO 442.20 165.00 1139.*4 3205.11
Jan. 10*1 370.15 *130.62 10G`,?0 $42.75 133.GO 1259.10 7891.57
Fab. " 74G.@0 TGS3.C3 739.iG &é9.9O 140.JO 1131.15 6937.99
` T’ur. " 719.29 $320.QS 9CQ.97 4C3.05 174.55 1174.21 7363.55
iw:. " 9?7.0? "940.1Q 9700.66 Til,70 209.13 1266.90 9194.70
'gy " 1100.05 ¤26?.V2 2055.21 $91.05 223.70 1?Q7.Z0 10265.65
Jawa N 1057.il ‘,.· i3Q2.?1 2046.10 331.05 229.05 14?2.&5 10272.07
°11·$70.`7E'> ..;;.§.5}§ ...;.Qg.1 %§{ §.;32§glll§ "§S.`§.`QE?2I`  {QJ? Y5EL§Z§§`”

 NO'I‘E:·—Tl1is report of payroll expended to June Sloth, 192'?;7 ,.., is l'(‘t[llll'Ml by Sub-sections 2 and S of Section S3 of the Compensation Act.
Workmen’s Compensation Board, Frankfort, Ky.
The undersigned employer, under oath, hereby tiles a report ot payroll subject to the Act as required by Sub-sections 2 and S of Section 83 of the Compensation Act
covering wages earned »by employees on and after the date of their acceptance of the act up to and including June 2:11111. 1112.   ..
Clerical and office pay roll, not exposed to any operating hazard of the business, is reported as "(`lerical."
Month. Clerical General. Coal wot
1 1 1 “* 1 1 1 1
my .........................., 1ez§Q.. e ...... 1 QQ&Q.l..5£l t ..,. }.?’2€?.€?.Q..l§$? 1 ....., ??.§'Z??>1..??4 e __.. 13951.%.lQZ 13 ........v..,.._..... 1 __.... 5 ..____.__..______._. 1 __._._ e ._..____._..._,___,_i 1 __,_.. e .,__..__.._.....____‘ 1 __.___
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August ....................... 192 ......t. $ ........   $ ..... YE ]z?¥?l..l96. s ...,.. ?€¥.?-?.·,.€?11.?e@ 5 .,.. ?§??.%.l.l??} $ ........,......,....   ...... $ .,_........._.,..._.   .__.__ $ __.____._.___._.._._   __.... $ __........_.._...,,.   ,..,..
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September .............., 192 .,...... $ ...... PL @73.6..91 gs ....... B3Q.»2..1&?. s ......   11 _... Q3 $ ......._..,......_..   ._____ $ ___,___._.._._______ 1 _.____ $ .,..._._,_._____.,,. 1 ,,..., $ ......,........._...   ......
October .................... , 192 ........ $ ...... 11     5 .......   $ ...... Z   5 .... %9.Y.Q2..Q]-. $ .._...,......,...,.. l ._.... 5 _..............,_... l ...... $ .,......,._.........   ..,... $ .................,..   ......
November ______________ 192 $ 11810l 54 $ 6598 ,52 $ 16603l 44 e 34802 lzo $ l S   S   $ l
December ................, 192 ........   ......   1; ,_._... $.?.Y?¥?..il.l. $ .,.._.     s _.__   $ ..___._.__,,_.__..__ i _,__., $ ____,...._.,,,__._._   ...,_. $ _._.._.,._._.__..... § ...... $ ._.................. 1 ......
1 1 .- ,- '
January .................i , 1925):... :1 ..,.. }¥l.?§.1?Q ss ....,.. ?.?.?}.._W. $ ...... ?€:}}.?.  J:}   .... @59.9.Z.. 9}.   .___....,.__,.___... · ..,... 5 _____,.............. I ...... s .........,.,.....,,. 1 ....,. z .............i...,.. 1 ......
rz rv ` nw 1 l V
Fe1>ru=u·y ................. 192 ........ $ .....   15. .....   .$§?...l?.9. $ ..... ?r.iF.’.]:Q.‘.l$ $ ....   $ ...... . ........... 1[ ...... $ _.._...c........i... 1 ..,... 15 .....,.............. l ...... $ .................... ' ......
1; p .. ·,~ ~ 1 t · * 1
March ..................r..., 192 ........ e .,...     ,...... ?.%?§?.i..1r.‘§. s ..,... ? $ t .... T¥§?.?f¥.l??§ 1; __..____._.___.._.__   ._____ S ___,._____.__.._.,_. 1 __.... 5 ..,.........,....._. 1 ...... s ...............r..,. 1 ......
emit ........................, we ........ 11 _.... l.¥Y9?.1.1??¥ y ._..... ?.¥?f?s..1?.@.   ...... ? ???l?.1.l?? e .... ?9.??$§.l?.?. 1 ________._._.____.__   ___,__ y ._,___.._._._,_,__._ 1 _,.... S ...._.............., 1 ...... e .................... 1 ......
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Signed une ........... QF}?.  .... 9.¥..€Y%¥l¥ ...........................................r....... 1923;:.
. ._.,.... 1f§_I$G._.Q§.$`fII&I...S'lTL5EL...Cfl.IP.A?lY ............................r.......
      · orks tiuditor
S11I>;.t·;·il)t·(1 myd sworn 10 by ._...__.,.,.....   ....................... . ...... . .... , .... , hoi`0re mo Il Notary Public ln {intl for the Cblllylly of ..............   .........~.r~.......r..~~.·~·.~»» ·
em.   __.............. . ....... ...逢1.t11ek1t ...........................  
~ Witness my liand and seal this the .............. 9.1311 ......... . ............ day of   ...t........................... .I'L1]..yf ................................·........ .*1;;.; ··»-·»---»·»--··-»·  
 112. _ , r
,__,_ L{   lji·1£·.‘é   .........r.............r..................................................
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llrly LtOlll1lllSSlOll (—£X[)ll`(%S ................     ....   ....   ............................. . ......... . ........... .. ....   ....................... . ........ .. ..................
`. Vi; NO'l`E:—-Individual reports for separate operations or businesses of same employer may be nled if desired.
" ` lll<‘1l>iQ Ll. l{tll‘ (‘SIllll{llt‘ oi`prospr·<·1iv¤w (N]l(*llllll1l\'(1 Y0? 110Xf l\\'0l\/O llltlllllltl Hlllllill liv l1\l{(‘ll l`l'(llil tt\`¢‘l‘;\20 (‘N]lt‘ll(lll\lI'<‘S lll (llll(‘. RS Sll0\\'ll }ll)<)\'l‘. ])l(‘2lSC· (‘X]ll&ll1l illltl l`\ll`·
nish new estimate.

 =·* ‘¤¤‘,4 ; f? .***1:7* #****3 `* ·*
..IbL OJJI14 .1,,1.. qi,. _.=»-.`1, IUC.
" <.,~ 4.. *,.
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v·· ..4. ·. 14., - - 1* 4 - _, 14 . ~., 1, ··.
8f-A ·- Albeéfu D¤1Hl:_:¤G£` - U‘l.1$G O1 1}`Cj?’l11"*3=Y :1*)-111511 LO UG
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" V": R. ».,'L.`Y.,..~ X ._,..,.··· .- .. -¤ .,:,r, . ,4. _ I,
:11-·, - J91f .w§1.;.¤1g;c — -:s>s;]¤11s10111t__, ,1 1;:1142nL nw __;1:;cd——
- 1N, * 1 .. .·.• 1 1., t 11-,, ,1 ` _ "A 1..- ;r_, M1 1 1 ,,.
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4* +   ·—· ·7·2·· ·£· ·1'- - ,-H `-'-. ".-.7 #2 4. ~.
O;. MIG G1; ·,.,3».· ;}bf11`.:i L!. ..1;1¤·L31`•
* / .
· ‘ . }~ *   if . —. —,. v— 1- _ »-»-$-   ` ., n
312L~L: · :*1*31111 Uf11¤.0,. ~ 11n>(1 —.3_,I.€1'lt.   mq. ms.: Anne.

1SB1G?l‘3I;} , Aa;-211‘£r102;5;.
ZQSDCI. LO. HALLE   3% 1D     DQ£____§i.§IZ$ILEG UUE
25-3 Charles rjizemom Jan. 19 ;;12.0C   gg 5553.85 1
{ 51-5 Ben Baker Jam. 17 12.0Q 52 572.57
1C7·-E EE. LJ. Patton   13   G7 EQUALS
15-6 Reuben ]z·QO?Z°I‘j.€`: 5212.].5 12.CC 74 LE6.85
56-G ii. Cn Eztcwm Jmz. E.? 12.CG 94 11323.00
92-C 5*1;*; $$012*3;*3 3%;;., I2]. 12.Zf lil ]'.4G5.GO
2158-0 Jnmw   Hahn?-:;@21sE:ip J··x;;¤ 15 $$5 EQ2 237.58
2*76-C Coy smith   3,/fe 3.2.JjC SSE 342/LOC}
_ 278-G   Gladscn Jan. QU} 123aCO   3.824.CO

 l_ » , IEC. A
- Benhem, Kentucky. .
Mr. T. E. cambridge , _ Feb. 4, 1930.
Iueuetriel Accieeet ,  
l . A e·
He ere attaching etntement ef eecldence fer
the year of 1929 with specxel reference to compensation ‘
- eee outelce meeicel coetee
There were forty loet—tl e ··,· accidents in 1929
including cme fatality, one mo—lcet-mime case invelvlng
eentel expense cely cmd one cwse in which meeieel expense
eel; wwe eeeumed. Tae total expense in ecmneetien wltn
these case; ie eetimztee it elQ,1sS.O6, eieiributeé as
Q •\
Gemeemeziiem el5,l6§.5l _
; Outside Eeeieel expense 5,837.75
· Dental " 47.CG `
_ Funexal “ 75.00 ·
Twe¤t§—siv ceeee have been cloeei lcuvimq
fourteen not clceeé but we ehoulé be able to close mee?
» of these letter ones within the next three months.
‘ Ycuye very iwuly,
;I53C5E5§ QTBEL GiI?£SYy l§G.e
E. J. C’Gcunell, Supexlmtemdemi.
By.Nl..HT.,T.l:.l7,T,..e...,ee_..., Q
— amp oyeeme Lcneger.
’   l m;,!¤ _ o l l
l EEC. 1 l `

 . ,  ·i .—..;‘¢;rrZFI~~i-*·i’*¤` 2:- ~:¤. gm.   may -·¤»:..‘\=v xceifw ;~`»·—=.; 4·—4. ei  ss. .· =.. `·»—       . ` .~     ., ., . .  .... . ...     ,   . `...~   .
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PAYROLL OF'i¥ ;..-.._f...Q,--;§...e.;:;..,.L...i..-...r;..TIMBER CONTRACTOR. PERlOD_y,-. .       TO;...-.»;.»i.r.¥:L"...___iF3
vs/As scam: wns ammo
_A: F. Furmisuso F , Fuemisuam
TO eAs:r~nNc;sv TO Emmnmssz
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Personally appeared before me   ~\,/I?   1L   y ii NO:;;;·}· Public
in and for the County and State aforesaid, the undersigned WL? ,4 r'__ fi!/’ Q ’   ',_   __   __ _   _ V_, a timber
(j()]l'i,1`ZLCI]O1`, engaged in getting out mine tiinheis For the United States Coal and Coke L`o:n;·;my, who lwoiniy by ine Iirst duly sworn,
deposes and says:~»
That the payroll as shown above   a true and correct statement of all of the earnings of all of his employees for the period
shown, and that the list of amounts shown ahoye as owing; and due to employees for work performed during previous periods is a full
and complete list of all unpaid labor claims against him, not including the above current payroll,
The afliant further states that he has complied with all of the provisions of the l{entn·;lr,`<¤/ I
/ yy l.· ,~ ,
/ H ./Z./~·<.s;?»‘¢ ¢i{·."·i"'.<., at ,i,,..»..ss,,__Y. . ..... _ __..i . .... I ..... . ...r...,r.. I.
  lloIz)% Public, Harlan C0., Ky.
My Gvmmissicn Expiresiag .... is ..... ; ....1 I   ............................, . ‘`“‘

 L;.’L5i;;§, ‘”°"¤é’5;Fé`4‘»I&“»?¥‘TU££‘%A'CIE”‘
F°" Mr. J. W. Mowat DATE March 24, 1930
§§P{,},*§,‘Qf'<*§‘T Coal & Coke Works U
We note with interest the statement that you have prepared as
of March 20, 1930, and as we understand it this statement covers all
outstanding liability. Those cases which have not been definitely
closed have, of course, been estimated. This shows a total liability
of all cases of $$27,828.73.
While this is not Quite es much as we thought it would be, yet
we believe it would be good business to try to keep this down to a
reasonable figure and, therefore, attempt to close out some cases
where advisable on a lump sum basis. _
` , , V(/ ,
/ /z(‘s/ gb Q a w M AY °~’{gj’Z

 in é&?’i?%f éii%%;’é*5) ` t ` `
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• gl »
l Bonham xentuo v.
er. T. E. Cambridge Esreb 20, 1950.
l Induetriel.eooident
gg hgvg ycuy lgtter ef yareb l7tb suqgeétimg
that we ereeere e statement ebowine the outsteniink lie~
I. L · J .»
bility for workmem'e compensation. So have been keeping
the Accounting oepartment eovieei ge to this matter from o
time to time but since yoe refem t our contingent lie- V
bility in your letter of march lltb about the Kilgore
ooee we have been meking up e etetoxent showin; the eniire
liability ini the amount ie thin: will be pe;2ble Qurieg
the balance of 1950. .i cop; of this stezoaemt is emoloeed
ani we have also furnished Hr. £‘Cco¤ell and kr. Burns,
the Eorke Auditor, with e ooo;. Since we here eo many ‘
eemdior eases uni our liebilitg is increasing me think .
it 2 wood idea to ereeere this statement for thee at least
every two ;cntbe.`
_ _ uuring the next eixty lege we will try to gay
` ·off three or four of the older eieee by making lump sum
settlements on the bzlneoe due and as soon es we receive
reports of ur. Brittom‘e exemieetioee we will be able to
_ close out e few of the eendin; eases such es; A. J.KcGlsmery,
V 268-C; Riley Geueill, 29o-C; M. C. oerry, SOG-G and Frank
i Dalton, 5l6~C._
T? ·· as `r ·•·~ `— »—-
ioaie wezu truly,
- - F. J. Q’Com¤ell, Superintendent.
Bn ....... .............................
_°"°"°"·`“'Y`°Y"T' Tm. . 1 ·;..__ , _ ·
. J DH; .*...C_yi.lG.G.u £.;”IH’}—[;G.Y°¤
  .m.;;z2 . ·
EEC. l A
I '

 I Lxiitii. _ ”°“¤§§Ié`$J&“§$‘L§£‘%,SE$“"
_ X
FOR { t MI`. J-• W. MOWEJO DATE M&I`Ch 1.7,  
DEPARTMENTK Coal Sc Coke Works ’
If you have not prepared a stetement recently showing the entire
outstanding liability for ‘»`5orkmen's: Compensation, would it not be
interesting at this time to know just zvhzrt this amounts to? In many
cases, especially those that happened prior to 1929, agreements have
been made in most cases. The amount still to be paid in these cases
is definitely known. Those where agreements hsve not been made, a
liberal estimate could be assigned. Probably also hir. O'Connell would
be interested to know just what all this contingent liability would
O amount to in dollars and cents and hows it compares with the reserve
that you nov: have set aside for this purpose.

 7}% . .
if .
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;r...¥·?• Thomas -=· »;;¤:¤.c£<3g0°
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$»Y;z0.;..L ,;.y. »4.Q * Yin', ..;;.21G ;1;_,,{ ,}¤}_j)..·x_§,
.$%*r£¤§;· ;J.`,.€§ ‘
in €39m;?3i€i¤V1?=?€¥’·-i`nluh (Y   Q?-§`Ll`L}£.§ V-fi `£.1,ij?’     *71*1}
, za‘b1s:;»s2eiv >g; In 40 _;> grmll mzmom, 2;; mln         for me wz, y`
il?·‘iZ?{§ *:;`uY}3` VAN}; ··$¤¢5§¤   I *9 FILL) £‘*';12-ii";. CQ IU _;€JI."$$ . GY. 
A9 #312,-.1l;;~..iS# Q? ‘L3?=.G G3"¤¤1’:.11 ,.K‘g,‘2°Ol1• —
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Iglalsizg I DEPARTMENT use or~u.v
Fm J.S.Bmm& Wmmsmmimr DUE hdy3,1Q%
DH RTMHW Wisconsin Steel Company, Inc. 2
°RW°RK$ Benham, Kentucky
SUBJECT §!QQ1Ol·lr.lQ?;IiOl¥E..;llE¢?£ .E£i3.I.§LCeJ.UlQ?;39J...J2.@
We have just received a letter under date of July 1, 1930 from
the Workmen's Compensation Board as per attached copy together with
forms for reporting our actual payroll by classifications for the
year ending June 30, 1930.
A year ago an assessment ma: made by the Board for maintenance
expense based apparently upon the same payroll that we submitted for
the year ending June 30, 1928. The estimate upon which we paid the
assessment amounting to $1,675.44 with a credit of $131.36, net pay-
ment $1,544.08, was as follows:
Clerical — $147,890.48
General — l,359,790.59
Coke — 86,568.98
Apparently the Board combined our Coal payroll with the General
and called it all ”General".
The classifications that we are to use as we understand it are as
follows: Clerical, General, Coal, and Coke, and the total should be
shown by months together with the grand total. This is all for the year
ending June 30, 1930.
Kindly complete these blanks, returning two of them to this office
properly signed and we will check them and mail the original to the
Board. You may retain one copy for your file.
cc Mr. J. W. Mowat, Coal & Coke Works
Sampson & Sampson, Attorneys-at—Law, Harlan, Ky.

 »` C
t a' 0 ·
‘. Y
` Frankfort, Ky.
July 1, 1930
Wisconsin Stool Company,
Chicago, Ill.
Last year an assessment was made against the esti-
mated payrolls of own risk carriers for the year ending
June 20th, 1930. In order that a correct settlement may
be made, it is necessary that you furnish us with an
audited payroll for the year from July lst, 1929 to
June 30th, 1930, or for the period of the year mentioned
during which you operated under oun risk permission.
In the event the assessment based on the audited
payroll is less than the estimate on the estimated pay-
roll heretofore furnished, you will be given credit
for the difference on the next assessment against your
estimated payroll, and if it is greater, you will be
assessed for the difference in order that your account for
the year may be balanced.
Please let me have your audited payroll on the on-
closed blanks at your earliest convenience.
l Yours very truly,
J. B. Eversole

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