xt7kh12v6014_702 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Correspondence and Related Materials (Restricted) text Correspondence and Related Materials (Restricted) 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_156/2008ms006_156_7/58779/58779.pdf 1927 1927 1927 section false xt7kh12v6014_702 xt7kh12v6014 v
} N· C 1
l "‘*~—;>*$—·-·· ";;£7L*L."'Zff? "‘i‘\ -`
fi ;.,.,~ie;~ ->· 5:*  2;;; ly. •AL*UN‘1` ING ·um*1>;i1Tév»z>NT · •
l A _, < Gwy} "
\\ IJ rv `
’ L ¤··`¤."‘!‘-& ~•
lll Jonuory ll, lQ¤?.
Bffuctiue J¤nu·ry 1, 1927 the att;uh¤j [erm lll to urod in
' place o? form 407 and must be ;ro.arly {illtu out ono myiloé in to the
Iniustriul Rolutlons Do; ·,*. rtmtnt bofort the tonti of the z~nth Follo ing.
Attached you ~ill Kind lUétTUCtl“DF ?or Eillin_ out thi: rc crt;
io aiah to cull your _.rticul»v attention to tF~t ,»r+ o* tue
new form which refer: to count oanulng ;ttt1em nt. Htvofu, lrovisiono
oro mudb for cllculotlng the robukle yi;-bility _tv;od, hour: lost,
o and com ¢ns¤tion mort. to reolilc tnut in tomb czetu it will be ;lnont
lm osslbla to give an wccurott watimute of the iten; enurerutué. Hov-
ever, the mtjority of caaas can ba fzirly »ull cetlmxtod, ani the Jiguros
resulting from suck ortimato gh old bo shown unier the ,ro_ur he G?n;s.
There will to ¤ You cases, as mentjoncd before, ~hers it is
im oaslblc to estimate the disukility ,¢rLod, houro loot »¤é 0::,cn-
satlon. In such cases, stato the facts on tht rooort givin; tht detuils `
und severity of the injury and ¤ny other information that will Give us
an ldéa uz to the ,rob bln disobility.
Ona juryo;u of the new form in to show not only the ouooz that l
have been settled but also the cgvts that er; aendinp eettlocent so
) .  
that all interuztad cnn got a fair ico¤ of whit the zccidant rtcori and
cost may bu.
The yeurly avcrugo occident record for l9L?, Q3, 24, E5 and -
26 and the monthly averago accident record for tmc sooo goers =.· ill to
sent to you about Huron L, 19a?. to ask thut —no¤ you ytcaivc theve _
figures you use them, glacial them in the roger colnnn; vton filling
out the not monthly royort form.
For your information, we will send you on or about karen lst _
a form filled out. For the rolort for the month of January ond Febru-
ary use only l9&7 figures. If thorn are any ,o&nts thot may be doubt—
ful, do not hositntc to vrltc to the Industrial Rolntions Do,ortw¤nt
for further explanation.
Auditor of Manufacturing
HR _

 _   · mernucrmns · ·
Q¤]ynn fl AVbheGh NUHBn§_QF Ln§LOEn; `
Use the figures on the payroll nualyeie.
Q¤]umn #g NUnBnn OF HOUML jghxhb
Use the figure: on the pnyroll analysis.
Cglumn {5 NUMBLR OF LO¤T Tgnn Ceann
All cases including those peniing settlement.
Qglugn Q4 ggd gs 50UHo LO:T ANL Oun:nHSnTiON CObT ·
These flguree may be had from the Claim or Safety Depertnent record.
T C Y0u_cnn furnish this information for l9Z5 end l926 ond 1927. We are
at present unable to give the cost of safeguards in the yearly average
accident record for l9EE, lQ;5, 1924, lQ25 and lE2€. However, if
any of the Works have this information et mend, we eek that it be in-
serted in the report. You can probably give the total amount spent
. for safeguards during there periods.
Gggumn §7· FH£gUE§CX gnln - NUn£;h O; LOST Tian nGGlDnNT¤ Fon MLLLLON hOUh;
· wORKED ·
Divide the number of hours worked into the number of loot time cases.
Cglumn #8 SEVnHiTY HnTnS - HOURS LOQT Pei lEQUélND nOUR£ ¥OkKnD
_Dlvide the number of hours workoo into the number of hours lost.
Cqlumn iQ COST PLE §LO0.00 PAYMOLL -
Dlvlde payroll into total compeneotlone cost of accidents. 1
Cases occurring previous to 1927 and paid in l9?7 do not include in
these columns.
Just no soon as the ensue gendlng settlement have been settled. (Do
not lint them under the above heading, but include the hours loot and
compensation paid in the flnuree (Col. 4,b,7,&,9)
1 THE COLU&N ”PRn5LNT LONTH l9E7” Start with the month of Jnnuery 19E?.
THE COLUMN "nONThLY &V£hAGL KOH MOB. l9E7" Show the monthly average for
the total monthe of 1927.
THE COLUMN ”ACCUMULATLD TOTAL FOR EOS. l927" Show the totnl for lQE?.

 · 4 V
‘ ' A S

 ‘     ` . O I   O O   “  
hir. T. 1:2. Cambridge 4 H¤1·r.:h;25, 1927.
 Indust1·5.a1 Accident. · _ _ _
I .E’}%1}.%&5JJ §·¤.L IEZJUHY Ri3P.»R’i'. '
. / ,4.  
,/ v~ · Ia
. ___....·-»·"""'; `'``> rtw
.>/E<  4 ,
- za me just in mcaipt uf Q latter- from the
  4-· Audit-c>z· of Lfanufsacturizag dated Jammry 111:11, describing
I ` ‘  l a new f»>1·m to be used 1:1 plane wi }`Oi‘!H 407. =.‘JG harm not
. yet fgqeizrgd 3 copy of this {-Lhrm and if 5.1; ig available
we wuuld liszg t.> gat   supply.   4 A
V · » `[€%2"Q *.}l‘i2:L§,? QYOUPS, ` A- *
, ,  ?’ STEJBZI. Cuff feEZY· . · .
` F. J. .¤’Q.0m1aLL1 - gxqzcriuterldeaut.
» _ __ B}! `
. E,Tmg_>1G}7me~z1t ;7:a.n:¤gm·.
M J  /   ` `

 231*. To L. G;4mbx·1d;;e. J`a¤z;i;;1*§; SCF, 192*7,.
V ·InCmstx•1zz1 ¢;ccidmzt:. -   .
i’Z’fF`L;‘1‘X¥%i;i5 ILE .2 .   .3'=’JI T3 FIRLBT *."Q€P' .172t:S _
1.*.3;% 'DFE ·; YEL`}? 105:23. _
  3.%) ;}{i.$,~;>-C3]ij3'3._*`T Z'=1··.·___Iuf';Z G"?'Ji?Z*i1lj` PI‘(‘!'IlJ_*IEE§BS ii?. d
<}0m;v@ns::ti¤1‘; .21* E i;··;z;,n;<·-r.‘i2sz   1..2;;i{Ea:.;A;;~ Uccuzwirzg eiuiiwr .
2€5;26¤ You ~..=i.2l   tgkwzt   L ;;;_·.uei;.;ts were made in less
timn Marge wmwiqg -;.;4-in Gif; cs? tim- :z;.e;z=>.q. _
. I arf yy égvzzft  gwnmg,
.1;%}   ;EZL‘":i§·L1. G`.):.:.v_»Z_;TY¤ _
` fc J, ..'Qa‘$Ejl9].]. " §§L§*@?i1ltSDG€;1Y·•
` B1’.....,.,......-... - M...,.,...,.,.....................,.....
‘ » Jqyqwlawymgnt F*¤u·*5’:>2*• `
· — T- /·-. ‘ '
V V r

 * 5M*|0-\·25. -
\r —•r __ V __ _¤ I
FOR mr. J. »w. Mgmgt mm; Y€V131""J.&l J 4, 1:37
WV ».-. ‘1' J2»·... . ·
DEPARTMENT ·..O&}.   COEL: .»C>l.¤..¤
suwzcv PR..` Q O.)/3 .
' L··.:1..LI.£!,l`}).·[’,f» 4,J.,;Q: _L.;,;{U ·
I 3;:;     <¢i·`*‘ ’¤=°   ‘*‘ =¤? E   { ‘¤*-*‘*~’n‘· V *2 ‘*0¤‘=*’· ].s;“',=·*’· xr'?
- ~.»· V /· .*.-   .`. ·1—`Tr .,E.`:‘     "_.,.`-...‘   ..  H:
· J’T.`aLL€;}Q;’ 5; :.*1 1E»t;1., T.} Lu; .;·_=..¢-.u%H{_‘, ~1;» ;.L.;..~»E11..» `Em.»    
···, Tl;. a;;uy:i;=    :LE*;¤ ifzr Ii  L1;       TT-[jg ll Enf ?E..<; 5.:12;
r·r?r` *·"`·» V. $*7 »·~ -* -»».-—. .»·——-ri ` " ... . Y.- ·...M- ~* » ,. ‘ 1 .. , 4, -I-i·,.4· : QC-ff
¤¤ »--» xs E. .`   Tw-*1 4.-Mt . . . r       1 _L·. -i . `E .   K}   ,.L*= , 412 nw;/5
0i`           ··        Nv          
  ~ ·; ` ·· ww; <¤·· — ·—\.~` if   n ~—·r· `
.;....   { L ‘ J .L. Qi"; ~.·. · *7-..1.. `,·.¢
,/"7 -—.
. ` P

 / · I ` _ , _ `. ° '
» Mr- T· E- Cambridge. March 1, 1927.
‘ Industugl Aczcldemm _ _
    We have fi¤<¤' laws? of   :5*111,
' with 1:u¤fc~>z·emc:e> in the manmm in ·;·hich  we i'i;;¤zz·c·¢{ 1
severity OH 19:26 pai:c*i:i:;1 pa1·ma1z·_m‘s drlsesbility c:>§c-as.
5.6 smqwpnsmd that the correct maathnd was to
assess the Qaualty em tha basis 0f the disability
  limi to thee bvd.;1 qs :4 wiwlc, hm`; ·;;e,> Fvwm ggqng DV¤¤I'
this and   tnmt mis is imaormct, msi in than
‘ future; we will assign paxmltg hours on the percentagza _
0f the 10% to the isavtic..zi_~»»;= suazmbcy ,Ln·;»1·vzad.
· Vcry truly y·Duz'S,
*.’ISC~¥`I5IE;   £} .Z?.iiZlY.
F. J.- L 'dozmcall -· guzgaxfim‘£ .»;>.z1dc>nt.
_ E2‘u;:lC»jymcz§ii }':a¤ag0I'• ·
J iff   or

 ` I. A. D. 21 > ‘· -
Foe Mr. J. W. Mowst· DATE FSUFUQYY 25, 1927
¤¤»sMw~T Coel & Coke Works
Figuring severity on pertiel permanent disability cases,
. we note that es e rule you have figured the penalty depending
- _ upon the percentage thst you have to pay for end thm.3.
_·.s.··=.z.•z··21 exatwcsuu &11:.s...l¤ .;m¢;1 ".i};:`=`1"T, *;·.~=::§’i1:;,
g*‘zr*ti.;jrr·, :2.:,:.; in. sw,. L?f‘·¥"·§1 1.;.01:;*     Lip; ism 
..%;.1 J.>x.ga,mg: f·1• 1;?;..u·z, ’»:;;?w1.;· glyyg,     2:.1.1 Li s. ?:= www wom
2*. zeiuki wei `;»...;1m1zx;··* ·.:Qif,Z4 6 .‘·.i:·>··;: at   ‘*>• TLB _r~.*m-1:, gy;.
·.r..; 1,;.ilw ;>?,;;_·_!i.z_j rv; ¢..2;2_; _>L·—:3-¤. sm _ »t ·~c ..·='i.:2a;.·>..  L2; 2 ¢· mid.
i.%¤·:.·.·t ;·1si.1J.z1w$:>>?ma¤ Airs- . mai.:   tm. is . sir. ‘@ :2:.1:0:* ~.·;¤;·k ·.;..»;.;;i; Um :;*.*13..:* .e;·;l *:,:·;¤<;.i;:;· . ti.-~z 2¤c>.v;.·isa scarf!
 my ‘€.. LL.8 sfficez gv tim ya?   . ;•= Jativzy .2 2‘¤.·=as5:0, Tn; YRGZ
 ,·’ 1*.-;;.2£?Y?i11   tau 101-;¤<~z* .:.1; f . 1:..: ..>:·t:i>m*_j we 23, ,‘..»;€ Es ’ ;~  Le;.
lil"?) 'JLLQ $3221 `¤.2:.isQ ~»;‘¤{;.2:z 2:1;;;'i`.<.;1 BEL  E; _¤.‘·m   Qi:;;::<· ‘ mJ¢:}i:¤3
tf: :2 fzricwzxz?. -1:.11% Lézyz ·,·;;z¤‘z:’=.   not ·.   ;»:; ·z.2- r' ;;i;—~t.¤;e.?— my ;_.;;.m1
:*5..1 tt; Lzaitri. hl:) cg? iam; ·1"l;;:id»: :1—f..¤~ i` 1* ..1. t<¤Z”Z.1.:xj` .1531 ‘;*2·_·C :.~ ip G.
in  .;·t $*2;:3 'crinys vg; z .*-» uz: ·1.’·'Es ’fEz¤3 ¢s;;;:'c _‘E1i1I._" .2..*.; ea; _<·¢.¤*; ui
rz-may l3F.3Z»‘.£`*a}. 2‘:*·· -.;zt"i5.·i· C3 wi; ..1*11 rein *:;.v1>§<,ie2 $'1;·.si~·; ·=:·;.tz>   .·u;*€;;.§m;· ·b·>z.=w`; is
ci;a»;s7.a·¢i flgmlag :*0   •:.  .~   .z*¤1; 3; 1.,; ‘ :‘ ··e=i.‘.1CZ3z·z’s; ;c.s·:·; gm za .5,.;,  
.r1v·5 :4:;; :1:;,* ¤3;u•biz2<_> flnzsic., 1i'*:<·;   .2; aw      .::*§~:"‘° vi Wiz: ‘b}m..¤ 5;*: E.>:»e·<..
..»:z1:.e:¤ :.:1.. .E$;7;!;em ,;_»; ..»3.¤ .·..   .,;.* ·—m<é ..1:; ewaei; ;.:¤;   .23;; zzrmci 0 Ji
muzi}. .»`m.£;2.5xz1 m3.;} 3.5, .   :.5 Z4 flmsic   *s·*·E<¤·‘·* bm i‘=.wci,, "`»~t<#s: :¤i,;·¤i;<‘~r:
$_%3_·}{, {wa =,3e,,9 ,§L1;;{; _g.].·.f>1I§¤ ¥.w"?.?1: '*:‘:...j].13   ZY. . .`i”rt’i}·f.L.;2 Wm] *13*2.%* {L   .•
gm:tkm1•, ·.2-swf;     ?‘I»·1°!'i.Z2"!‘§ LJ. ‘;.;· T§=Es‘;h xiv.; z~;•:2:1;t L·· tgp
mir Muse $.1 GJk:,mgi0 cl wimm __».*c3mz•· L 1*;* tv 5:5.1*34- -i_ L tim   wr. aww
‘x‘·2:‘-Lliix s1it¥;izi5‘ x.·1“»·dt1 --21 Jail   ' 1,.0 `D<&.1C;-{os; ‘;2.·.. ;;*·Sf"e°<.`. nic`, ¤. ;¤€;E.»‘-L? im mm
.» .21; bi.} ;;.#t"1{• §$1%:32lY—£?L.21: 1'u_j;L£·¤•.. blxyb .‘..=`— -‘I§¤··.¥*.'$ ;..:j>V<`1·   (hiv!} .`a;,·U._ -*1* G.
;,~,2¤;m t le. .·d.:.a bzmt;   3} =.:Jx··>z1;   · ew?.   E.·>1:;ux• ams .·i:1;; .¤w;:;,¤ ·2?e»2* xg
Sm.; 6:.:;,*5 ;~.ez.is *:,-;··.t   his Jxaj; 4*1*5 ';,.:»1i»:··.t:f:':a .:z.m{;L&¢1z»°t; . lv:} it E1=»0E~: ts. .s.·zt¢2.¤ but. Tmxsff; $2 1:1
bm 1.4;;;: nm ?,.m}—¤:e;*ct';; i.m;>_m;• msil aw ·.:cm‘L .r.mv 1, tz ua Zwtéz "uugc s mx md
·g_.3,gqm; 1;.. mp;. :1.3 mm: {3;..; b·c1·: mei ment; to c.m¤§.n; ·   1:»··¤ md Lim Liwtix

       ..3 TLS .   1T.·..w *‘“‘•··"··   ¤• LJ
fj .:..::c 2..;;:1 =>~2z:ma¤ sm .2 ·;.im.%¤'t. Mt _~.r·; izazni       €,.·: _p ¤;m`·cy   {31].:1 Q.}·,i:0g; zipt.
ii. Qxw umad b..a» ixcgzgxzr me y-,.».A6 .;s»¤;.> $,1: 22:;.3,, `·£;»;1e;a 1. .1;: 2:12..   ces-.;1`i:z’i; lim;. .;.:2;;
.2;%- xm ixkmn dv .n :li.e; ¤mc2···,: exim u.e~,¤;=:r ..422.: Lz1.:·=*o   ‘:»;·.1;* .;:.;ws»» Z2I"§.?`L" t.;·.¤·y  ::4;z2x‘:'LL.;»
V ai 1w ;.». w$7 rms ;x:L$;1;2.3_i § zuF.».¢* · ‘ ibm thm »1* .*‘:°. ..Z·;l?r·: wi; KH :2 :.82031 3.:1 ‘i··;i:¤.*u* e:3.G€é»
..'L*e.as BAL.;   Harm ZMAR ‘ii.E;a> .;*:2;% ·¤# :x·.4x#j’ f}‘z*¤r. E"’f”!'Y`»E!'L wud BE -.31 " ~?.E,,2€B 3V< :<2 wuli
;,_·g;¤, 5‘g‘·;i~J=:C£i:z•
..,: "¤5}»CE3 f..1z•@ .—:·>:•   ’:.~»·=1: mn ·:· 2 2 -- “ ;:  :•»»:er;z.~ ·=¤‘i’2f’ . :··i1¥r?§n azrw1*aw1iTL··~
2.:.2   wai? 134
i.;·t1:..p:· *.:..31; me 2;.; ,;_z; r·§. M., Az: ..·i:x·—“u   4: is Jiw   sim   Zéivezez
Art:} i.;-:i.;¤¤».».1 .w·¤:Jts¤;:;=° .3:,*;, Er; =   .*·*f:,   To
.5 tm! ,;1;t—w·.=   rt ;- 1.-   =A’;€:·.¤*’¢.::?= Er;.      ~;.;·;i.:¤;.‘·?t;;, ‘;.. -‘i, ?;t =i’ ‘·‘·P¢i
.:1¤—t2Z%n $..w.;a   ~;z»>.·:.·~:c?» .. iam.; up ..». 1,     zz     E: -.·· }.i.»i` ..4 ..·. is .4*. .2:: sti.  
·     Ami iz";     snnqw ~‘   :.12;;:; .3,, :~ ?.ji:‘.>. Fay 2-*:51, }?SZ7.»
.  ....  » :» ', , M  ....- .,..»¤..,.-....~....» ·.~.·.».
x /
(/L7/1 (·/4"‘ / ·   ./·
  V   I/ ’&'(·*’  

  "SJLFB F EEUST gii 23*521,::,   J, liz'. *;...?._i‘?I  T 11.5-iii *·   Evil} IEG
I .   EI Uzzg;   ii 31 I gk}  ;..\°Z; 31*.;:3.. J iis iE`;’,, sy-‘iC3E ;”`, Li';.   .35
T Z2; .*.‘.5¤;}i.E,'? F .1; ‘;3,,‘?~.< H.'? >?‘! i 5 4‘.‘ E'?   342i?.f;?.~i•
iéueztzser Iiutés  ·-· tr ters tL;.·=1.; .»b<:;•t ;`z•:;¤}-:15.:1 rut 111:.; with ax
1*3;:->1· im mis 2•1g;_é1t alma unclear his gmx at gbvut 6:15 a. i. vu
· Tag: IMI1, 1927 111 the ~;·;;;t  "vazew { tm; ir,;··:nsi·z qtnal ·_}l:.»1;`=5i1y,
»:<;ui::1;£·,, ;§§;>• Mad taint mis 1.!l,EZ!?.‘;,? xszzs the iwzsxslt >·` ra g:€1'9·Jrm1
-»il:11'k'Gl b6t*.=£0·.-an é2.1$r.$0l;` ;;r1d ..·k>»:?r1; 2* ;§?iiT?Li!1,
_Q`?.iI't»}}€$·TL°, tiugt hw 11;;,;:   1..=m%in;· uh-·>]. iw the iscmsln
yiteral 2J;r;g;;;r1g; i‘,>r ·¤b;,u·%; ti1i_.4·%;_;· giajjg, pw?  ‘?,*>i·; {:1.0 hw Yves wan
1% 4zr:3.21_-_: mai D.:_gix*uiz1{; with G iiwlrsvs rat _§‘3.·~=¤¤> he A ·z an awinzzm? with tm said
Ei -bm·t ~’z•:;;..l:15,r.x wé2·J?1;zs :,2sV   maize;   tm is .»- six: iizcaeal =;·=rn;>:;¤;;
mel hmm staying; at t .i= $1      =$: w001:¤ prsst.
r=?JFE!.2¢21*, em TTU;} }`.;2t?s =.eh}.l¤ intcs ams 5 5.:1;: frwt. iizea fi.;‘c3;
;=`=m.=;c> xe;‘i:z.•k owen Lim 2:·¤,e1T2r,—;;»;1 izxucicg; " tim .1sc:x2·· sca of 1z*~z‘¤tiu;:   h·2·.=¤0, Exc mnt
;·1·;_mS:1i21 at we lower ·;-zz .£’ J-dce »;tbe1*;,· i":· 2. Jessi; b¤¤a`»;•¤ me
 "t; tim gat}; `fuuse aygtezes stggtnza t32..>‘a   ;·sr=¢<» his d5.z ;mv1* bucimt
fm   friczzci ram that vmsn me not ‘·;z¢:3:lin srs me   strkcd he zasirad
gezirrr 1;;; 1;;,;-:;; zum z3;;;•..1¤;ca :T1qs¤l·; 21.~><· fur 21:.. telling; hit-: T.h:·4t rw had
tn   swmee t,:;i.n»=·az ;;L tm Si?.*1‘€'!• ifizez mx; ·...;.'i'!E..23gj .}`xG§1 iss got; up
wjtas amcnai i·‘1·r·».v:'1i;1 tw: mb mn his mmblcic flask wml kw atsgms ihgt,
i¤`1·,;q*=11;2 gmsezé Ezi; amt   {zinc; Faq di¤?zz’t; i—‘:·;»»w :~:1;,=t;Ezi1·1g1 bamt ais
  :L`1gs;L—t• me of t% =~· ?>'·€‘?¤Z}{?2'S 3 ‘¤1¤.i 2* £",.,a'1i"! tv tall inter: z·.·:·.g1¢:·n
gig; flask was :a;1»;i ;'1·mrz§·i} 121 7 arzmi SJ szuaxh thai'. ‘c2s.<2 man Yaluciiz 3.:1:.. s1€;¤>,§`·•
mmxikzxxmqx gwteren than tzoée. hula   1‘ ‘·m‘f¤;13.¤'s arm ami said, ~·i%u;;7
s·1~m me mg: cmxrbida i‘1;qsf»c, {Mm 51,.:1; to gz to <,z·=»x·k=‘, `*1•:’··» ` :Ti.3.n than ;·:;mbb;»e5
nzxteaa mm Extras   :: »1». -3: 3.3. . :;V:*.~·m¢.i éaim march;   Tweed his; lmnd l;¤;;¤¤:
.2:;t11 ¤‘2?:_a:$c.l.i¤ hula, hiw t.Lx·qt Luis {lss}-: was z1··z.?!m• tm; bod, ${3-*tcs :=tsta»:-s
bkiasat; he was jugt pl ggimr fsyiiit. f ·;z.¤~:‘.11n But Lira?. &—ta·3:11¤¤? SW?
1'.#¤.·1Q/·t1i.:i; sitt;iz‘z;· mum »»n im. 2 ‘ ue; bmncucas ··:·x¤;l asimei mir: wi·catmx· ha was
;_.»:»;;· tm »;4»=:1#;. Einmiclizx x·ce;1i·m.» tuwt iw e-lmrvt; mmm ;m;,· damn J1;;rx;·~¤r Sv
..¤»-mea wld, 213::2 témt Lewis I.,s$1·:¤2*st   J  a»v ha vm Ad
jugs tsgzm it, 9222. §Z:wt,cm stars os mm   tzslci him ha ¤·J=:1(m't do Mmt, ;3· tes
ygywz [1•r¤:;;2: in his img :522 Sx: sz uh} UIAIQQK thm zzsm;¤:01' hm}. wzxan T 11?C11¤ {’>t
t=s1•m;=:h with tha key hc; w<2u1d.az’t   lvm it bm}; t··1> Baatcm but levift it in
tzm lnk im }?.0¤km;t‘g mayor mil m wcmt ·>vm• tw ima L%s=t`·1 mugs mm md 1
1;;q11m;1 tk; him. HG tmm qq;-.e~e 22-mc md. wont to c;¤¤s1z‘n;·: 2% tm: amd. the Bath

 s1*¤L·;;2;;:;m uw l5¥L$T.;§i xmas -~~—-—— ~»:sge :10. 2 n
House: man because he ¤.»uldn’t gat gp {3.-}.1.1.851 wu no use the hangar and told Bates that
if 116 used tm-; hangar he wwld keep tm kay. si-wtos wld him ha c<.»u16n't keep his
kgy and than Fr {mlin drew his razrm smc stmmci pitsr Bates. During the; scuffle
walls Estes was getting hold   the z·z=¢>;· Z-`1"2~11}C].Ll.Y1 cut xm a gash in Bates' side.
The Bam ‘¢¥<>us sit ;i.=m.,
 zrtlmr that he is married his wii‘c*¤ zxemzs is Alice Bates wm lives
with izhepirsm ,Bustm•, J2:. in L‘·nz.2s Creek, ’fiz¢gj1;;5.s.
mates strwises that xm li; da1*stp22#3s the gbwse stwuaarrzzzztsgxmyg tint thwy srs
:1;-;% t1•&2,; gmc ¤·.:rz··cct ;#> the bszt ali his nvwledgce and belief gm} tugt his si{_n;qtuz·ce
  s`i‘i‘3.>;md in the pr sence .:17 witnesses. $ign.nr¥ ":a;7 1-Qt}1., 192%
/,   /QL/[7**71/{) L~ L-/  L ,//l /`W 

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:$'2;.TiZ.TEI·3'2 -.1F BUSGWR B·1TBS, Biz;FH.‘;.?,, KY. .¥L;LLi‘IV.. T. INJi1Z%Y*·.?·iCl-1I‘J’·iD IE?
'BFE; HESUZLT ·.·F AX ASSAULT BY R tB2;£·i'i‘ FZiA.2€{LI1‘T.
Buster Bates states tizst Tivbert Franklin gut mm with zz
razor sm his right side under his am at smut 6:15 A,. Ti, as
Bia;} 14th, 1927 5..21 the Bats Zjsluse of the iswmiru Steel G<.>zg·an_7,
iisnhazzz, 1;;;. and that his injurgy was the result of a personal
-.uar1*el between himselrq and ;}l·»JbGl*t Evahklizi.,
Further, that he has been leading c.>;;l for the iscensin
steel G.»x:;>an;: for shout thimtgr days, cswvinr this time   has been
iv; »m5.n;; and bssruing with ri LQ;-ines at muse iw- 38 ?-enham, EQ?.
.·5I*.»3 whilé staying at this gnlace he gmt gc uqlhted with tas said
R-#bC%I"!) Franklin who has als ·t.» ‘?»?lC1!l;' for the gis vi; sin steel {J-mpangv
and been staying at tie hsuse   }:.·;i {}:;i.nas fm ah=<1t two weeigg past.
Mfrther, on Kay 12th while aates was ;_ Jing frcm the Bath
muse a:;‘ts1= wu1·1·: dawn the zcsilzwsd tracks   the isconrzin Steel
Gillisny ts the office fm the pm·__;t>se .>i` renting e huuse,   met
ihaanklin at the lower em wf G>ke Egsttexcy ;;·.>» 2. Just `m~fz>z·e he
le ft the Bath House bstes states that   gave his dinner bucket
to e friend and that when ne met l.`¤·a;iE:1in ss s£_>>·,e stated he asked
21.1:2 to take his cstside flask h»:;;c= for him telling him that he he-wd
t»:;· {et slime tsings at the saws. The next rzxcrnizzg zzhen lm got up
gentes seized Franklin tv retnwn mis :3;-il"f3l(lB flask sud he states that
i*`1°a3>1—1lln cussed hire Out s;-gin;} that he diaizft know amzthingz rvbeut his
clamzied flask. une of the inverters told t`1"ft`£?C].l.ll ti; tell Estes ~.v`a1ex·e
his flask was end Franklin as zsseci so much that the men made him step.
ixmxitiiraxthmz Brtes than tool: held aw? }`»`Hl1l’{].lZl'S arm and said, "BDQ
{sive me my esifbide flask, 1*  ;_j:·.>t to go to work". `3.'Fr:`.¤?'l1j..l'J. then grabbed
dates ami: Estes get n-ilu ex? nie aiuxzmcl his nee}: and gwesd ids head beck
until Brsuklin told his that his flask was under the bed, Bates states
that he was just plsying with bvahklin but that ;<&·w;1z~eps1·¤t»ry tu ating up t: the mins and saw
;e*1•a:u ind a hamer was wing away for a
few days ;;nd.=»trmat as his ke;} fit La>ckstt's ha11ge1• he zuigrht use it until
Luckett came back. ¤‘1·ankl1n tuld him if he used. Lucketvs hanger he would
just tske it but Bates staees Mxnt he tnld him he ¤—>u1dn't do that. Evtes
gave n1'&i£1}Z?.1l'l his key sc   c u"¤2;j_;h with the key he wu vldrft rlve it back to Bates but left lt in
the lee}; 011 L0ekett's nanggew ntil he went ever tw the Beth. House msu. and
talked to him. He then came beck snd went to aussing B tes and the Bath

      · 2* 4:     ’¢T..#·:2··""•~‘·· ~¤€;€ "¢• 3
EZU.4:9 :.2;,:1 b»;=c;;us0 im c.Iu1¤1n'!: jot, ym:»issi m u » use tézsa »·»zm{;c>1• ami twld Bates that
{Li Am mad tue hmgsar me wmlefs iacaay tum may. .s· ms wld mr: he <:·2` Hi? *;‘1%:m.=.5 wh;} 3·‘v:·¤21>:Uz1 ;um’1'€11Ie;§a
nqitp, him pwd mnt; ?1···m·:‘Lin e wild mi; rmt;  .1~.·.u;; with :m;,*0m {md Emi rz gurl;}
1°’cE.;\;2' *§;.J;;;t; iw la ;.;5.·.‘.i¤·<., mis ::i?<~v’s ::·:V»’e is Plicé yjizevez *·sfkzv¤ lives
*1:;:4 t.;;,_z1r·;a>n _i=2stc·>;·, gm in  as Jweeéi, 1’i.·.*q·‘i.;£;4•
,?:;?,r2;5 S3{_`ei.Ll,E'f3   .1; :e· iz i'z.,;i'.iTtj`5!“L<_\B tb? ;1E32.‘;‘ SL-’¥$Q€}vJ£!YlL,{3;]{.IH§f Zhwfi C};r`·fy *a1•€¢
gggqkpz t;i;#¤2_~ ~·-ram ¤1»z·.°»3.;:é;   tziwv 32»3:;t;   nig;     Lveliggf qzpu but 132 s`.%.}‘:i;-»Sm·;·n
  _·;.‘;7i:·;:;~&3 ig; :5;; Lw engage ,;' pit L.·  gews. .-i1y>2·z¤ T’mj_: 1-%:*1, 7.9§2'7•
’ f ’•=..,A- / ‘ ,· A
f `—# K - »
  / V  
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 ésiiéiii *¤R.,2:::$;z:¢*,;:2,;2:ER·
FOR V, To All I. A. D. Men ,,,,,5 Nay 23, 1927
We attach two copies of memorandum that we have made
containing some suggestions for the investigation of accident
claims, particularly questionable cases. We believe that these
suggestions will be of considerable benefit to those who have
to do with making investigations, especially to those who have
not had a great deal of experience in investigating complicated
and questionable cases. We are hopeful that these suggestions
will minimize correspondence with reference to this subject.
We would suggest that this memorandum be read and studied,
especially just prior to starting out on an investigation of
some complicated case.
7   A it   ‘
    i: Af; /   1.1, [Z tx /(‘
/6 Z/L      \   "  

 ' May 20, 1927
In the administration of industrial accident work the usual run of cases
which arise out of and in the course of employment do not require a great
amount of investigation, other than to determine that the accident happened
as alleged and that the injured was performing his usual duties at the time
of the accident.
There are, however, many cases where a person suffering from a physical
condition which he alleges was caused by an accident that arose out of and in
the course of employment, which are doubtful and require a careful investiga-
tion of all facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged occurrences.
Whenever a person claims thet he is disabled because of something which '
occurred during his work, or that he met with some injury while at work, his
statement should be secured and signed by him if possible. If he refuses to
sign a statement a notation to that effect should be made, together with the
names of persons who heard him make such statement. It is probably better to
use plain or ruled paper for such statements securing enough of the historical
details to fill out the regular form of accident report. It is not always
necessary to use the company form of report in these unusual cases, but an
accident number should always be assigned for filing purposes.
In a statement of this kind, care should be taken to secure all details
surrounding the occurrence. Get the names of any and all witnesses, or the
persons to whom he first mentioned the incident. State to what person in _
authority he first reported and when the report was first made. Get him to
say, if possible, that was the first report he ever made. If he did not make
a prompt report get him to say why he did not report earlier. If he consulted
I any doctor get their names and addresses and the date he first say them. If
a patient in any public or private hospital, secure name and also name of
doctor who attended him.
Not all of these unusual claims turn out to be regulnr accident cases,
but they should be handled as such until investigation proves otherwise. The
statements of witnesses should be secured for the record. Claimants sometimes
change their own stories and early statements may be of great value in such
` cases.
The investigator should present his case completely so that the reviewer
will have the benefit of all the information which the investigator has obtained
about the case.
The investigator should familiarize himself with all of the requirements
of the law in his State, especially as to notice and claim so that his in-
vestigation will be complete. Accident reports should be made up in every
case where there is n possibility that a claim may develop later. If the case
is not accepted as regular in the first place, the records can be marked so as
to properly classify it, without tnbuliting as a "lost time" case.

 . _2_
" If it is found that the claimant was a patient in any hospital an in-
, vestigation of the records should be made. In most public hospitals the
record can be examined and even copied without obtaining the permission of
the attending physician or surgeon. Where the record contains information
of value it should be copied.
In cases where the claimant was a patient in a private hospital under
the care of his own physician or one of the hospital staff, interview the
doctor first, securing, if possible, what history the patient gave him as to
accident or the cause of his disability, and if it appears that an examina-
tion of the record is necessary then secure his permission for such
examination, reporting your findings.
There are often cases where persons are suffering from disabilities
such as hernia or osteomyelitis, etc. who, when interviewed, do not claim
that their disability is due to an accident, or that they met with any
accident which arose out of and in the course of employment. If their con-
dition or disability is one that when properly coached may be developed into
a claim of an accident, a statement should be taken on plain paper at the
time of first interview, that they met with no accident and that they do not
know what caused their disability.
The laws of the several States differ as to time for reporting an
accident by a claimant. In some states an accident must be reported as
soon as practicable. In others there is no provision as to notice. and in
others they must be reported within anywhere from fourteen days to six
months. It is important that the investigator familiarize himself with the
law of his particular State.
A The tendency among most states seems to be that an accident must be
reported to some person in authority within thirty days after occurrence.
By some person in authority it is generally held to include, foreman,
assistant foreman, timekeeper, doctor, claim man or any person in authority
over the injured person. In a few states reports must be made in writing,
but that requirement may be waived by the Commissions or Boards of those
It is important to ascertain when the claimant first reported his
alleged accident and to whom such report was made. This fact should be
verified by securing statements from the person or persons who received the
In some states a claim for compensation must be made against an em-
ployer or filed with the Compensation Commission or Board. This may be
made wither orally or written and the several states require that claim be
made anywhere from six months to two years. There are some states where,
under certain conditions, a claim may be filed within six years from date
of accident. I

 • ...L')...
The investigator should ascertain what the law ef his state requires
concerning filinq claim for compensation and make his investigation cover
all such points. Claim for compensation may be made to anyone in euthority
the same as notice of accident.
In some states it is held that the furnishing of medical attention has
the same effect as the payment of comoensaticn, therefore, it is important ·
to gscertnin if the claimant received any treatment from eompeny surgeons
and when such treatment was given.
In all claims it is important to determine whether the accident arose
out of end in the course of employment. Generally speaking, en accident
arises out of the employment when it is peculiar or incidental to the employ-
ment, and it arises in the course of employment when the injured is doing the
work he was employed to de, at e time and pla