xt7kh12v6014_694 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1944-1950 text 1944-1950 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_155/2008ms006_155_6/58149/58149.pdf 1944-1950 1950 1944-1950 section false xt7kh12v6014_694 xt7kh12v6014 s 1 1 A    K I    
s Rules and Regulations - ~  
A K Tables " *
1944 ,i_j
R   s_ss   ,  
Commonwealth of Kentucky »  
Department of Industrial Relations ,  
L. C. Willis, Commissioner I ·¢  
Frankfort, Ky. ‘ . .$
_ ]ohn.E. Shepard, Chairmen  
‘ Claude L. Hammons Beverly B. Waddill `  
4 Paul A. Woodall, Secretary O _ I  

 . I I _
;. I I
) . T 7 In
   JI I I
_ · ~ Rules and R€gUl2`1tl()1lF I
I . 1  
I I I 1 ablcs   I
.   II I
I I -
I _ I ' 944 II .
. I   4 l I
I I ANN(>'l`,\Il.`Hl) II
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I I ‘ J
I ag? L-Ee   _
I . I
·   COUlUlO1l\\`l2illlll of .li(‘IllllCl§§'   ‘
. I I s1ME0N wulus. GOVERNOR _» I
’ I I Depa.1·1.111e11t of lmlustmjal Relations  
I ‘ I ll. C. YVill,ls. C0nzn1rI.¤szY0m*r  
.   ‘ ——r— ———4— ~—~r-~-— I    
I   . w‘0RKMEN*s c<_m1¤1cNslw.10N l%<)ARl> I I
L_   F1`Hl1k[Ol'l., Ky. II  
I   Jolm E. I*ll<`*}\2ll'{l, [Y/IlN~7'I7l(I}I   I
I   Claude L. Hammons Beverly B. Warldill I I .
II Paul A. W<`·m`1z1Il, Sccrcmrg;   I,
I ` QI   ' - 
if _..,.._., __.1_.._v   

 "One who is disqualified from performing the usual
tasks of a workman in such a way as to enable him
to procure and retain employment is ordinarily re-
garded as totally incapacitated."

;-f {
  . s
  i ’ `ll ` ' ’  "\lEl\’%
.    RENT (lid WORL. l r
      j r W r 1
  ; ~ 1/i\;;O[H[ED 1
ig IT
é 342.001 Definitions 342.150 Lump sum compensation; when and
  342.005 Persons to whom chapter applies how made
i  342.010 **Employcr" to include municipal 342.155 Lump Sum compensation may be .
i corporations and state paid to trustee
:‘ 342.015 Acceptance of chapter relieves of 342.160 Payments to certain dependents for
___— ‘ other liability; exceptions; willl'ul others; application when depend-
 I misconduct ents under legal disability
 'V 342.020 Medical treatment at expense of 342.165 Increase or decrease in compensa- g
employer tion for failure to comply with *
~ 342.025 Hernia safety law
  342.030 Improper physician or treatment 342.170 Minor illesally employed `
E 342.035 Medical fees to be reasonable; fail- 342.175 Lien for compensation
ure to follow advice 342.180 Compensation claim not assignable;
342.040 Time of payment of compensation exempt from debts .
. 342.045 Injury out of state in person em- 342.185 Notice of accident; claim for com- A
  ployed here pensation; time of filing ‘
E 349.050 No employer to bc relieved of ob- 342.190 Notice and claim to be in writing;
  ligation of this chapter contents ?
 . 342.055 Remedies when third party is legal- 342.195 Notice and claim; how served ?
  ly liable 342.200 Certain defects o1· failure to give ;
· 342.060 Liability of contractor and subcon— notice not to bar compensation
_ tractor 342.205 Right of employer to require con- j
2 342.065 Certain minors considered sui juris tinued physical examination; effect ‘
z 342.070 Compensation in case of death of employes refusal
i 342.075 Determination of dependency 342.210 Limitation of time not to run I
g 342.080 When compensation ceases against minors or incompetents Q
2 342.085 Definition of certain dependents 342.215 \v01`k1`E1€I1`S (`ompensation Board; .
  342.000 Payment of death benefits in good appointment; term: vacancies ‘
j faith; payor protected 342.220 Board members; oath: bond; com-
' ‘ 342.095 (`ompensation for total disability pensation ,
{ 342.100 Compensation for temporary par- 342.225 Supervision by Commissioner of ·
§ tial disability Industrial Relations g
V ; 342.105 Compensation for partial perma- 342.230 Employes and assistants Q
; nent disabilities 342.235 Traveling expenses ‘
Q 342.110 Other partial permanent disability; 342.240 Office: equipment; seal. meetings: l
. C0¤1D€‘l’lS21ti0n procCedin;;‘s against board or 1119111-
' 1 342.111 (fontinuance of disability payments bers
` _ to dependents when employe dies 342.245 Meetiiigs; record of proceediiigs
before all of disability award has 342.250 Members' residence to be shown on
been paid stationery 7
342.115 Refusal of proper employment for- 342.255 Quorum; what constitutes an order  
feits compensation of board .
‘ ; 342.120 Effect of previous injury on com- 342.260 Board to make rules; procedure; Q
{ pensation payable subpoena: duties of sheriff; circuit t
. ; · 342.125 Review by board of previous court 1
t award or order 342.265 Compensation agreements; subject ,
{ 342.130 Compensation of alien dependents to approval of board
A _ _ , 1 342.135 Notice, how served; notice to non- 342.270 Board hearing; application for; time
‘ ‘ " ·   resident alien and place of; notice; informal con- ·
· . 342.140 Compensation computed on average ference with parties `
weekly wage 342.275 Board hearing; when award to be ,
342.145 Deduction of voluntary payments; made; record filed; copy of award
payments monthly or quarterly sent to parties {
. — * 3 . 
` I
   ii i -1 »»    ~ » —-·-~~»» »—~~ 3       - ·· “

 all   .
`z {1
le  _““"”`“"'  Y   1
  342.280 Review by full board; cost of at- 342.400 Notice of emplove’s election to be · · 4 . · ·. 1 · 1 .· ‘ · . . ~
  tendance of Certain witnesses preserved _ 342.001. Dcflmtions. As 11s1·4l 111 tl11s tll1])l¥)}lIlOl1.l7 be ’l(ll1`11lldlG(l, and any em-
gg $42,285 Appeal to circuit court 342.405 Withdrawal from election to oper- r l'll2l[)l(}l', unless llllrl context I'('(lllll°(’S o1l1¤-1·- plo}’<*rs uml tl14·1r (‘lll]>lO}'CS may, \\'1lll rc-
  342-299 Appeal to Court vf APPWJS _ .,4;, 410 gte; ?h}‘g? effec? 1;¤S:·=d{¤¤?¤(;= , d _ wisc, A`llU2ll`(lU 111411111s \\v()l'l{lll1’]l`S l`(llll- s11e4·11 1<1 1l1e disease of silicosis caused by
gg 342.29:1 Procedure if transcript contains un- " "‘ mp.°}°r “ 10 m S 0 C cc cme 1 ,, · I1 , 1 , · 1 .1. ¤ { .·]· .. 1 lt ‘ rk .
eq necessary material, circuit court certain defenses at lguv ]l(‘llMlllf1ll 1o;114I_ 1 ll lll ld ¢lllOll o s1 11.1 (llb . 111 1 c man-
3 · · ’ °42.4l5 Emplovc who fails to elect is sub- 1 1 1 ~ · V ‘ . ·- ~
li may Send Ougmal papers to Court ·> ject H; common hw defenses   342_0Q514hs4)1P€ySOnS to whom chapter llL‘l' \(>lIllll?ll'll} s11l1_]<·4·1 1l1r·111scl\e> lll<”l`(’-
3 of Appeals ` · _ ··1 · . · _ 4 ·. , 1. A ~
  342.300 Continuation of award pending my 342420 ‘I;Z{$1pIl;>§Se'lt1;§Ir to pay premium for rl apphes. ll 1 !__lrl_l$ (‘ll2Il)l(‘l' shall ;Lm1|v&; 1;.1 1o as 141 such (ll>l*2l§(‘, 1]fl—l·l_ 4·. bl, ’g 1)
[ pcul , V .. V _ f_ . all 1*111 1l<1\’¤*1‘s l1;1\’l11Q‘ Illl‘§‘4* <11‘_111Qj;4; 4;],11-
  342.315 Enforcement by emit   of 3***23 ;;§;·;;;¤€1~ reqwl *0   1       .».. 1 ri1lr1l1l— s .·‘‘ *1 °°l‘“"""*“t °‘ “°“’“"° “"‘¥ "‘°°‘ °°”°"g°
  agreement OI. award 349 430 Blfmk forms to be furnighcl b V J 1...;; r 1;.;---     _ j_;__§;@j tor employes, KRS 131.020
  342.310 Court may assess cost of um·eason— " beilrd ` ( l Q_<‘*‘l¥l;é*l_l<1ll <·l' [lily}; ¢1l1·l l<1 ll1<‘l1‘ 1*111- Personnel of Department of Mines and Min-
7 ° ., . ,' ' 7 _ `
  949 31, ;*;bl° ¥”°°°°d’“¥$ Y , _ _ $42430 B0€1l`(l`S mmu:11 1-eport 2 1·l<·:~‘· ~. <·N<·<·111 1l1¤11 ll .l1l1.l_4_L5 ·l 11·1 il >1,1.L_1..·1 °“‘lS,“.“d°* p*$’“S‘°“S ·1f;*’¤**1.~40
_  gcon to examme employcniccs and 342440 Insurance cmu-ICI. to pay mx on pu., _ Uésirl MMD-!-LljJr·——l—iJ--l»U»llLL-ll-lll Unemployment compensatmn, clcg1b1l1tv for
, cxpmlsesl Meqlcill Commlttec mr miumg 1‘411l\‘.‘e1\‘s. <11‘ Nlll'll 1·411111114111 ('2Il'l‘l1*l'S ¤11l14·1· benefits KRS 3413§0 to 341270 `
  _, €¥qmu}ah°" Pt Slhcosis cases 342.450 rlllllllill l`€tl}l`Il of insurance carrier V 1     .. ·1 .. .. · . . · 1· ’ · ` N l
1 ¤42.316 SIIICOSIS; glam; and allowance of amount ef me on premiums 1 1 | ~-
342-330 ?0 person to mxsreprescnt or de- 342.470 How notxcc may be given to insur- 1 l I I (ij { \ \ W1 I . l. lm U .H H]  l?;WO2g3;1;§lg{CiE$§E)>?g,Gdifldgggdcccm
4 l‘21l!d; present false claim ance carrier . "llll*·'1•_`1'<‘* l**l` il 1><‘l'*<*ll¤1 lll,1lll’}' >ll#lilll1<‘< “ r ` ` ` 5
l   Ernployver to lIlSl1l`€ O1` })l`OVl(l€ S€·   lqn/lployer carrying 0`VI1 risk to pay l1\` llgef (*l[ll)l(1\'4* l1\' ;|1*(*l1l1‘|]l ;l]'l\lll(l` (llll (ll. ljndplbthls SGCt1On Of CO¥_npGnS3t1QD   per-
i_ curity against liability to workers assessment · _ · - I A *` Hlltllllg emplolyers l0 111ClL1d€ S1l1CO§lS 35 23 j
  342345 Cclitificate of Sclfdnsumucer 1.ev0_ 34,2,4811 }I2_i]]t€]];[]]c€ fund; not to lapse illlll in 1I11· l`lllll·F(` 411 lllS 4·11111I41_v1114·111_ 411· compensable ingury when read \\’1lll~§GC· i
  catmn; new certificate; independent 342481) glb(1ll{ll mqposed upon those €·111plO}'C1iS \\'hQ {31% .
1 compensation claims; b(_)f|_1‘{l]]]}]_y]`€- me _ Hjg f1p1?1‘0p{lHt1011 V 111'1111·j.· l1y ;11·4·14l41111 as l14·1·4·i11 4l4·11114·4l sl1;1ll ii') Higoplmél iUfmd3tO1y £Lquu§l??L;`tS O 2
{ qmyc mmsm-imcc ;1—1~.49;> Ixennrclry Lmployes Insurance As- ; ,I _ · , __ MC CL dm KHCG H 11¤1»¤¤111¤>m¤ G-mi
342,355 Private ingurgngg; requirements; _ SOCIZIHOII created ll**l ¤!l·‘ ll<*11><‘> <‘k<‘<‘|11 \\lllxl.(‘ lll1* ployer was not piccluded fiom pleading; i
r z,_ppmval of board; tcmmmtiou   léoard 0l~(l1I`€Ct01`S; selection; term 1l1s4·;1~4· is llI<‘ ll2lllll'iIl 11114l llll`(\l°l l‘l*$llll 411A uséumcq 1-1% 1351 Zydefem? tO ,a?E1inbfO.I '
E 342.360 Agreements in policy as to notice; :34~,209 ]_.O;_u·(10fflc`€1·S elected umumuy _   A _' _ _ W I v l   l` t lr]! cleatheol Agiinoei vlOlll _pu_111ona1r eu er- i
 1 jmisdicuuu and liability of msurer ;;42_?19 Quorum Ot rbmud; vncemcws 11 11.-11111111l lIl4]lll_\ 1_\ (111 1m l111, lllll s lll C;_lVlO§1; caused by `S1l1CCl§1S. C0 >u111K\_. Q
342365 Policy to waive immfepel. notice §42.:31z> Rcpresentatzon of subscrilmers §1 1111—l111l4~ lllll 1·4·s11l1s lll, il 111·4·»4~xis1111e· 1}‘U.rm-AmQHCH1?2 PG£l€ClOuGS CO" 295 Z"
and be direct proniise to employe ·’42·°2° S“l?S°"‘I’“°"$ ”"q""`“d t° ‘S$“° mst 411<1··1~4· lllll ~11·111 llll‘lll(l\ lll·lll'\' Ill' 41··1111 lm)? ld S W` ( C l my — —
  342.370 Board to approve form of policies qv me £?gcy` l I b f F t 1- <· _ l ·] · r A 1 I .l . *·· ]11{111r1C$ 10 lgmgs Sl,l$l,?lIl$Cl asl resrilll 011 11%; E
  9,.,q~» - , -_ L . V, _ ·> ~·0~0 ' _CCi¤1l1`8 l`€qlll1'€£ C 0l‘€ -11‘S 1 114· T11 111 lil :1114111 111 lllllltlx 411' 1111X14111> 1a alum 0 ClllCl`}’ CUS . UH CSS 113 1`CSL1» -
I ..4~,sw Policy to cover cntue liabilrtv of pohcv issued , { ·   q'd>1·11" that is, an unanticinated 1
. cmplover and to state class ot l'l$k 9 9 ~9 * - ····1~4·~ ·11· 4~.0¤0 Board 1:0 group subscrnbers; amount e -·" ‘ · ‘ · - ‘ l ‘· *" and 11ndes1gned event occurring upon a ,
e ' ‘ wlic _ review. 1) Cal 0 &PPl0V€ q me of p1‘e·m1·um$ h ‘   ;111·_ ;,114l ;1]s41 s]1;1l] ll]('ll](l(‘ 111_j111·14·s 4`11· specified Clalu, Ol` Wlllllli 3 limited and  
l W12 '%8‘$ lusurlgncc ratestltg be reasonable- 042300 i?i§?Cla]mmt to hx umtmgeut lin- l <|<·‘11‘· . A hgyui;1 prox1maT.Cly caused by l1j3Llm3l1C
( 1I'€C 0I` 0 11lSll1ZlHC(·) nip . 4. D , ».. 1 . , . _ _ »
_) _ ____ ..1 ...> .1 iudcnds, all funds available foi ., \ Y I _ _ _ _ - - .. dd t   lt 31.113uv from me
,,42590 Empmycys notice 01 election to eemmgem liability 1_e· , l1_\ e11111 41_1 4·1s 111141 4·11111l41_\41a 111141 111_1_u;)   110 llbll tp 1 at S éltlgm
, -, _ - V __ , __ e .. , . . ,·; cr s1asesoas owarr n ac ‘ — 1
g?€(;`i1;§tg)¤;lllllll¤Il} rllllllllrlllflll 141 Oi Operation fOI.p1.€_eX1Stmg Ci1SGaSC\;\y}-llc}-I
X/V()l’l{lYlOH§ Compensation Act must be co_n- Act should be construed and applied and evi- 1l11· 1111;11·1l. in w1·11 IIIQ`. lA()l` such 111·1·1114l as occurred 13 years prior to date of accident.
strued liberally in favor of employe, its dence weighed so as Lo do justice both to mm. 1~_(, *4.14 .1 in mp ., ,,11..,411 ,,1 “~1l;(1], Highland CO· V- GOb€“> 295 KY 8031 175 ‘
PQFDOSQ bemg to afford protection to an employer and employe Ib1d_ ‘· ‘_ `_‘ U ‘l_l (' ( ` _ S. W. (2d) 124. l
      to Rule of liberal construction of Wo1·lm1€n'; I Sllélll lllx Il“l`(‘\`{1('ill)l(‘ lllllllllgi s114·l1 11e1·141ll Where disubmty is tmceabk pm-uy to pyg- ·
. y 31 md oal C/OlT`1[)€Y1S21l10l'1 Act does 1*101. mean disregard fl . r· N . . . · . ‘ . .‘ > ·` t' d` r· (3 and 3111* to qemdental
C0,-p_V_DC1ph 296 Ky 995 176 S W (2d) fel, Statue Or it e 1 d __ G . f · 1lll’ lnlellded *0 Exclude P‘%"°h*‘S° Gl °°’“l°€"?$*"*§{“Ré"§$‘i*§5°€67°fg§"‘ s1111l1 ll‘1€‘X`(’l)}’ 111» \\'ill\'t*tl 111 111 all ])€l'S01lS. CO'mD@l`l$€ltlOYl Act had been dismissed,
T;j fl`0l`¤ WOl`km€‘ll$ COmP€ll$atlO_¤ Act ONIY mg county €mplO;‘€S» · · · ( i. l_ . .' _ li lo _ 1 __ _" i. references by pla1nt11°f’s counsel to Work- ‘
  Such results Of pm`€X1Stmg dldease as Of This section is construed as not making I H °` Mm l` mdll M LM lm) M11 O" m_€ll’S C0lTlD€l'1$3llOTl ACt_ on examination
  themseulveg 1‘eI`lClg1`iCl €gT£D;g?’Li31§lr1S§i(`§il€$]£)%E; municipaiitics iiabic to their cniploycs {Oi- ? 1·11111i11·1;>;11j11p1 111- ;111_y 111l11·1· ll(‘[|(’lll' i11·11- at ]L1l`{l1`S fh/ere 110t p1`€;L1d1e12.1l IO"/iilletftehdzlht
  VIOUS O ·CCL11il` H 9. ` i ` · injui-ics Sustained   then] \Vhi]_€ Engaged l` _. ’ .' I I ‘ i _- _ _ _ I _ X lUt1gl lYTlp1`Op€1`. I`€Y1’ll€l` L O Ol.‘S V.
  (:01T1peI1$3:t1Q1'1 IS Clalmed, Bhd dld _D0t IH- in ivoi-k On bcllalf Of citics in cxci-cisiiig   \ ull ll ll} lillh l lmllll l' All Ilghth to MIM UIL gmllll S ACl1il’X, 296 Ky. 642, 178 S. W. (2d)
;1 lend tg ?}“gnSg.b€n€HtS upém Sgollggqgpfgag their governmental functions, such as rc-   1·111]1loy<·1· l<>l’ tlelulugcs (lll account ol such ~O5-
  Pl`€‘€Xl$ m ISQHSQ _l`€‘“ Em Y a'r'n nd na`nt;-iinin their cit * hall", l · - . . . . . , .. · ., . . . .
gg more susceptible to injury. Ibid. gt;·1C%t5?Of éoilovuo vg Hou, 295 }Ky_ 5;; ‘l lll-lm} "l ‘l"*'ll‘ hlhlll l" “‘ll*"l ‘l* U) All 3412.020 [loci}, Medlcal treatment at
  For injury to be partly traceable to pre- l’T4 S- W- (Zd} 24- Y l"`l`“"'l*- expense of employer. lll z1tl1liti<111 to ull
  exlsting Cl1Se3Se, there I?f11.1St be 21 Sl10\l/lllg I ef}- ;`>LL_1;11iill‘o;1·» (ll' v<‘l1fL&*1ltlrt·l1l   il11}` Uiiici- coiiiiiciisiiiicii i·)i·O\~idcd iii this chai}
  that some degree of d1sab1l1ty_the1etr0m 342 015 i_i8S2I Acceptance Of Chapter _; ` I _A _ V _l ____ iw i_mnwlN_ltiOH 5] _ _ _
  existed previous to traumatic injury proxi- _ ' ’ _ _ _ _ ;’ llllll "}‘ lll nf Hu ·
v '“€“S °°‘“""”‘““°“ is °lF’““‘°d‘ lbld willful mlS¢<>¤¤l¤<>l- lll “'l~·¤ ‘<·— =·* lllr ·~1111»1··~: ··..··. 1 11.·»1··1.   ll ~1·11l1Y11l- ~<·ll‘—l11lll¤1?Yl lllllll'\` SllCll lrll(1(ll('tll 1111-(-11-111 111111 11111-
· D"€‘th,°f “’°¥`km*‘“ “’hl1€ leavmg em` 1i1111~ 111 lllL‘ lllllll“\` lltllll 1·1111>l·11·-~1· illlll 1 1111111-1- 111111111 llllNl'llll(llllAl 111- i11lt<>xi<·111io11   . 1 = .1 1     11 1‘ -
{ plOy€1`S pI`€·I1’11SeS mOI‘e than Orle and Orle- ' ‘ _ _ ‘ ·- --1 - , ___ ]>ll1l ll 1 1llll1(lll, l11(, llt lll; 1l1l1>lHC, met 1-
a hEE¥1h0§l`S after COI;lplet11'1g d3%7’S wgrk mid Clllpltl)'0 ll2l\'0 t‘lOt5lCtl lll l.lll'll1¤ll <>l' z11‘C1}[.lt oi, Such oiiiiiiolcii Vu] and Sluyiliuvi Suppiiix and Appliances?
W 16 1 1`€SS11'1 1'OII1 CCLIS Om ‘ . 1 · ` ¤- - ·   ` ` ·· ·‘ -1 ' , . " 1 · · ' - -
lwme toggatheg kindlinag on e1$1pld;;~’; Ujllllumgfhnll umhl IEE Ulm mlini   {lily; 'l ll lllllll """ "llllll‘·l "“ wd lll els muy I'O2lStll12ll)l}' hc l'(‘fill11'(*(l at the time
PFQYHISGS 1I’1 V10lHt101‘1 of rule d1d not ";-11*15e l»ll‘llll'~l Ol ‘l llll*llll‘l Hhlul} · ll ‘· ll V- 1l11s >l*cll<»ll. \\ lll ll ltlellllli lo lllQ tl1>£11hL oi iiic iiiiiiiii- ami iii(1i.caiioi. (iumiig diSzi_ 2
{ Out of Hfld in C0urSe of employment " Har- {lll €lllDlt)\`l‘ liv urcltlcllt ‘llltl ‘ll‘llll lll-. A 111 \i]11~11e1\ 1·~111s1·1l l>1· thc lllll'll2lllflll ol` · · - ‘ ‘ I
- . ‘ - · ‘ ‘ ‘ · · · · · . · 1 - l llll\'. 1 ll 1 rxycg l111 ____
ii 296 Ky. 629, 178 S. W. (2d) 39, ( ' _ _ `_ _ _' 1 . ` ‘ ` ‘ ' ’ ‘ tfAt1l?‘~"»llll,LK il llllill @)—l)(°ll>€ l0   employe; ·
  Words `;3I'lSlUg out of emp1oyme111" 1—1;·f€1· 111 lO_l` _°l°“lh lwlllllllg l"l’m Sum milulh 1 1111 l·`:1il111··· ··1‘ <»111i>~i<-111 llll tllr llill`l Ml of 111c»1·c 11111114111·gjg__Vl11111el1·ctl 1loll111·;;____'1`g
’" Calls? of Hcgdelit, and term "1n course of Wlllllll 111*1 }'l`*ll'N llll`l`*`*ll-l'·`l— ill" ‘-"“l’ "-‘ *11 {lll (‘][li`ll(l}>l‘ 111 (ll)$(il'\'(1 rulcs 2ll1(l recom- l11>111·1l lllil}`, hy o1·Llc1· 11111110 within the
g Gmp Oymeh ’ re ers t0 time, place and cir- iiiill ho ii-ih]11 to 1i·11yi1l11 11111 pay 1··1111i11·11- · _ . . . ,. , · , 1 .   . ‘ :
I cumstances under Xvhich it Occurrcdi Ibid. O   *1 KH lvm \i`i‘;U Ut. ;h;v lllllp ll1Qll(l1lll(lll\ .1tl11i>lt1l l1_\ lllt (1l1]ll(l}L1 dlltl 11111ll) (lu} i1(‘l1 { < ’ _ , , _1 . i ’ * ,, _ `. '1 ,   _ ._ __ ` _ I _ i · · e , _
i An accident which Occurs xvhen Servant has M o U A w .7 v_{_l>l Qu yuh- el-Ililltll 1 (1 ll_\ lll1 \\1.11l1111<.11 > (itlllllltllml l1,l1lIlll(ll‘[ 01 itkltlltl Tlle llllllt ol eApe115e
4 departed from mastcrvs Scrvicc tO Engage lQl‘ illltl Sllilll, GM l lll J5 lllO\l~l-‘~ · O {mu }·l(1;11·1l ;1111l l{1~i11_ postllgl 111 21 Q01]- to llllt 1lX<·<*1·(ll1lg' ltlllr lllllltlI`€tl (.lOll2ll`S. Il ·
{ igtollgggé §;;`§il1;;;§§1L;i1L‘€ b€lE€Ht1 ‘%O€S ¤O‘~llOll lil Ol lllle *l‘-llllll dud lu kbd \}lll'll(lll> pl111·1· 111 illltl zlhuut thc 1.1l1111t; the l*IIl]llO_\`(‘l‘ lzuls to luriush such treat-
Q `_ 1l‘SCO €1'1“1pOy—   ·— , 1.., ·. .   `·_ _ _ _ - 1 ‘
I mgm}, ]b1d_ $·-lz-lll); lll? ltlll-·l*‘»*l lllllll *‘ll "l“'l lm ii,. i.~;iiiiii.o oi- omisoioii on tho Poi-i (,1 lllt‘llT 1`t‘2lNOll2ll)l}'. he shall hc llablc tor the i
  lJllll'~` · rcus 11·l1l· lx ’I1S“ \\`lll1`Ll the limits of 1
1 V ~‘ {lll Ollli1ltl\`(‘ lI‘llllllllll\' to slzuc to thc best ·O -l- < M PL tf · l 1
{   l¤L8<5llH$Hlpl-Oy€I`H to lilcludg     uuuyy (11* glQ;1tl1 ]‘QSL`Llt$ 110 lilll ` Hf his kUO“.i(_(ig.‘\ in HHS“.(,l. 10 inquiry Hug g(3g[j011_ j11(·u1·1·@(_l by 411- (11] bgljolj; Of _
  munlcllliil 00I`p0I‘€lli10Ile zmd state. "E111- 11mp]o}-C tl11—O11gl1 l`ll(‘ (l(?lll)Ol‘21ll) lllllflltlllll 4 mmio ii}. mo omiiioi-oi. mo iiioooi dm-oiioii? the (*Il1})lO}'O in providing such treatment.  
i lllO}`l‘l'-   l.l$€(l lll llllS lJll2tilt<,*l' llltflll(lQ$ of hig Q]]]]`)lO}`€l’ to p1‘0(l1l(t(‘ Stlvll lll_llH'Y Ol` ' Hm] imiiim. Hi iii-cyiiiiix ciiiii`]o>·iiiciii: lll 2111 €’l11(’l`Q(‘11l‘}`. lll? elllpltlye 1T`l3}` Cklll ll.1  
Illlllllttllil cr11·)01··11·io11,· ‘l]ll ·1 · g `·`- 1- ‘- · ·· ·   11*11.l*1t ’l" 1 - 1 · 1 ’ ‘ ‘ `· 1   ‘ ‘ ‘ `
[hu l lil < H \ < It <{l_\ SlIlltl1\1 1l1,(1tl1_ lllQ Qlllilltlft lll lll.\ tltit l <. I ¤\ (Ci ri_HliU1_0 and OHNNSIOH OH the part lll} ·d.\2lll11lllt pll} Nll 1311 Ul sll1geO1l to
N l (lr l'0l`l¢1I"l lflll lC1‘(_‘()f_ r Y 1 ·· 1-I · g < ··¤ { t é 2111 lllllj . - · ·   ‘ 1 ‘   ` ·   · Y -
i “iH I {ml * T ll U I tl!} tl tilllilll l1g1g111 (lttlllell \ll¢lll l<1t‘l\(‘] ll l ll { Ni HH Nnpiolvti U_Uli‘fuiiy to hu_DISh to tim 1ltl1lll11l~1lt‘l *111} llI\l altl 1€*cl;O1’1¢1lll} 111eC
l ' l '€*` 'Cll(f<‘ fl 11.1 <1*11 ‘·· ,· · i · ·' ' ·   V ( ¤· ‘ ll flllll W ` . - ·   " 4 % J   " ‘
 . Y · ` ° ‘l " `“’ ’° l’“’“‘l‘*‘l ‘“““T"""l"‘s‘ “‘ " “‘l`§ “ . 111~s1 111 lll> l{ll(_l\Vl(l[lg`() lll 1111111-O1 111 1111 <*i ll ll$ $‘\l><*llj¤ Ul ll? _€¤l1><>><>r I
 ‘ ·‘>°l‘·‘l~<*l‘0SC131ll·i· l‘ll·l <‘lll- . mquiw mmilx in, {iw (_mDiOW_i_ i-uii iu within thc l11111ts ot this section. · The g
Q'0\`<;‘I`lllI`l*"' l1o1,l1· tl1~1·c11“_ " ·` · -" ;~ - - ll 1 ‘ ‘1 -· ·> -` ·  `. l . `. ° . ` 1; ` ` ·   ` ·· · 1 ' E
V I ' 5 i I. tl G _ Lillliltlf G3 rls ])l()} 91_ lll;. t_l(}p(‘l1(l< llla l11d§ l)1ll1Q tlllt   iorumtum Himul the PVGVIOUS Mains Oi- llll ll`tl. lll llsl (l1>l,1 ellOll. olllcl} }ilpp0l`IlO11  
‘ UNM lll lls 131*1 V1 cr *1 sr 11*; 111 1,- -’ - ‘ i · - ' -- ·· o lf 1 ‘·v . . . . · · 1 _· ·· · ·
{ { E H'} t if " l ‘ ‘*  i
F‘ll‘l'll0ll Wltll l'(‘l('1.'01lcC lll lllls ('ll{l]')l'()`l_' gpqployg 1jl11‘()11gl1 '[l1(; (l()l1l)Ql‘2llO 1lllZ0llllO11 l l_W_(_i\_(_(i_ \\'ll<‘l`(’ lll(‘lI‘ llggfegdle DOCS Hll(l Ul1H1‘_g’QS
sh·1ll hc i‘X("l'('l.',‘l bv le I1 ‘ · -· ‘ '· 1 · ·  ,· · ` ' -- -   . . ·   ~ 1* ’ · · `· l
‘ "‘ ·, l" 'f“‘l_ "'· ”"‘·l‘ Ulm Cmlll-°l°"· l"l“°°l¥‘°9 *"‘·ll “‘·"·“·l Ol · 1111 lllllllllllll 111 s111111111 111 111p111e111 ex- “"“ld ‘**T"l_‘l'° “"*"““‘“ lm “l“*ll ll‘° 1
‘-l(’l’ll~l'llll(‘lll? M1 <#l·‘~ll11e‘- Mllllne wv- deetll, the €m1>l<>1‘<= OY llls .10..iin1i as.h.r,;,` i . ,· ,   _ · .
l ‘ ·’ ’ occurred 13 years prior to date of accident.   · · . · ` (lm °’“’ll"‘*l"““°> Cl-`eilllllii lll $01116 other
within the limits of KRS 342.020, provide Highland Co. v. Goben, 295 Ky. 803, 175 Clh°iblm‘l 15 1’g¥l`s**“*l‘*Ll· wuwl QI Cul; 1>e1‘s011 than the c111ploveria lerrql 1`q}e']'t -
volupetgut Sul-U-ical tl·QH*[nl€Ht by- radical         ·   lll1ll(‘(l,   illl \l]l]‘O;]$()]];]l;l(>>i.;}i]H1·C`iO Subév tO P1" dqlrlli TCS {she jpzjul Qi] bc 1 lc Jl 1 5
' . Q ° .. ' · .· ._ ,_ _‘ . ·. < <&’· ~» 1 ‘ <11t 1<>ll<1\\]-A11? ctiiiipetcpit sur-goij Emmy Claim Coinpcmsution O1. proceed at V
refuses to submit to the operation. the ` . . wil mm. mi mi`i-"’i' i‘l$»Q" .**.91}.E.. }· wl · .' *1. ‘ · .
· . l treatment- Us If It is Shown Hm,. this sw (1 1) tixi action against such other per-
·   ·; °(l jg- _   i` 342.040 —l$S|Ti ·  1
<111[1l<1} €‘1 1111}·1(’·>1i-1130 lllltl ‘i“l2·i)·)O UO C‘)lllD<`11$i1i1,Q_11 21ll(l such other poyson to FCCOYQI. dank
that il‘° °‘“1”l°Y€ he MY “l“`°“l“ ‘ll$"“*° 1icvi11.<1· that me life imirni or- ,_·se(,\·s,-\- ig";bj5§£li"lI"lll’l` ls? ;‘_‘if;Y“€"<’13 @*11;; Hers but he shall nor eoneer fl-Om bothh -
or ie othmuise lll. such ph)s1calco11d1t1·o11 Ot the (_mmO}.€ 15 bemg mldmlg_m_Cd or jr ` A   5 I 1** *1*111,1 3 #011111111;; 11 ooinpeiisation 15 axxsudgd under thls {
so as to render it more than 01'Cl111Hl'1l}' impaiL.sd Hlsrclw HN, bowd mm. m_dm_ tm ‘l l)(·I“"·l Ol “l"l"` lllilll lim" "`°`1Zli*..£2l 1’ll*ll1i@1'¢ (‘llll@1` the employer or his ju-
unsafe to submit to such operation, he 21 Chmmp in thé”ph_`_SiOi?m Or Usher TU ‘ i .?'l11Ql1l;J£1S; .Co11%DC11Satio11 sha