xt7kh12v6014_689 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1954-1955 text 1954-1955 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_154/2008ms006_154_2/57887/57887.pdf 1954-1955 1955 1954-1955 section false xt7kh12v6014_689 xt7kh12v6014 A N 0 T H E I R
l Accident Report Circular No. 32
February 25, l95H
We got off to a bad start in the new year when another fatality occurred at one of
our works (see below) on the first working day. It is hoped that every operation
will double its efforts in accident prevention so that it will show a decided improve-
ment in SAFETY performance instead of the downward trend evident these past months.
During the recent safety supervisors' conference here in Chicago, tremendous emphasis
was placed on the importance of SAEFTX as it concerns the employe, management, and
the employe's family, centering it around four areas of activity: information, educa-
tion, recognition, and participation. Through these media we can accomplish much in
accident prevention.
The following accidents and their prevention should be reviewed and checked for pos-
sible occurrence at your Plant, then given wide publicity so that similar incidents
will not happen. Like preventive maintenance programs, accident-preventive measures
must receive constant attention.
Crushing_in5dries to left lcg,_followed by shcck and_death - 0n the morning of
danaa}yfH"the_bperator—ofma_H-inch~AeEe*headei?andThds_helper (both with many years
of experience at this type of work) finished setting up a M-stage die (lE§" wide by
33%“ high) in the machine to forge 360l69R couplings, This header is individually
motor—driven, has the necessary start—and-stop buttons and disconnect switch, and
is equipped with an air—type clutch which is controlled by an air-actuated foot
treadle. The treadle switch was adequately guarded from the top, but was open on
three sides, and was provided with a manually controlled safety dog or cam which,
when placed in the proper position, would make the foot treadle or the switch inop-
After a few forgings were run, because of the critical nature of the job, several
members of supervision in the forging department checked the pieces for quality and
size. It was determined that certain adjustments had to be made, and the operator
tightened the saddle bolts for the tool holder or ram on top of the machine, while
his helper was using a wrench to tighten the set screws on the back punches. In
this position the helper was standing on his right foot on the bed of the machine,
with his leg dangling in the U§“ opening between the dies. About 10:30 the opera-
tor descended from the top of the machine, walked around to the front to see how
his helper was progressing, and inadvertently stepped on the foot treadle, setting
the header in motion and crushing the helper's left leg between the dies.
Following the accident the employes were reinstructed to use the safety devices
provided for their protection, and supervision was again alerted to its responsi-
bility for enforcing the rule on shutting down of equipment before adjustments,
EP-\35.B A·9 Prinved in Unived Svuves of America

 - g -
etc., are attempted. The following recommendations are also being carried owt:
l. Treadle guards are Being standardized to offer more complete encloswre of the
treadle. 4
2. A shut—off valve is being installed in the air line ahead of the foot treadle
to make the treadle inoperative on all air clutch headers.
3, All work on pwnc es and dies on headers over 2 inches in size is to be per-
formed from the too of the machine, Healers 2 inches in size and under can be
worked on from the Lloor in front of the machine without exposure to the dies.
M, Step—by—step instruct ons in procedures to be taken before adjustments, clean-
ing, setting up, etc., on readers are teing developed and will be posted on all
(This occurrence emphasizes again the necessity for shutting off the power, waiting
for the flywheel to come be a complete ste; ard, in this case, using the manually
operated safety deg or cam to make the faot treadle inoperative. In addition,
members of supervision should te alert at all times to caution and correct employes
about performing an unsafe act .... JWY)
NOTE: Tractor Works has recentli developed and installed a brake (solenoid-
J -
controlled) for the flywheel on a 3—inch Ajax header. When the stop button is
pushed this brake ant matically functions and steps the flywheel within 2O seconds.
For further infcrmaticn (if desired} write Tractor Works for blueprint T—€3BP.
Severe ccntusien of left thumb ~ A janitor wes ticking ug milk bottles in a depart-
ment and noticed that schecne had pla ed ¤ne under a window as a prop. When he
lifted the window to secure the bottle, the window came down with force, catching
the left thumb of the ;l:ve he was wearing and pulling his thumb in between the
bottom ef the window and the ledge,
All employes were reinstracted tt place waste paper and milk bottles in the can-
tainers provided far that pwrpose and never to ;r»; wind»ws up with sucn objects as
bottles etc. Vind ws stodld be maintained sn they will not fall of their own
weight, or props sh uld he designed and attached as a permanent part of the window.
. . Arma)
§racture_of_left ring_fgnger - An inspector leaned over a table (on which there
were some inspection _augesl adjacent to an automatic pr;filer machine and placed
his left hand on the head of the profiler while it was operating. At the same time
the operator raised the head by hand and the inspector's left ring finger was
caught between the top of the head and the motor frame. The operatrr did not see
_ the inspector's hand In the pinch point.
All inspectors have been cautioned to keep in the clear cf operating machines while
observing them; and machine operators have been instructed to be sure that all is
in the clear before starting any machine, especially if others are arcund their me-

 - 3 -
_N?raEture o? left leg, bruises over lower back, and_sheck - A fork truck driver
i`iT;”zEéii"`{ig>`"E€.?Z>"§rAjE";V§t`éTéi"radéé"léntri  sEi`153¤s was t .·_; hold the ctnclz ia) as
deliver trem to the press shop. when he reached there he reversed his direction
of travel and started te turn into the aisle behind the presses. As he did this,
the racks tipped of! to the right and struck an employe who was standing at tue
edge of the aisle with his back turned. Investigation revealed that the chain had
been dragging and it slipyed under the truck wheels when the tracker reversed his
direction and tightened up, causing the rack to tip over.
All truck drivers have been reinstruoted to make sure that all chains, wires,
ropes, etc., attached to racks being m ved :.· are secure, not dragging. In addition,
all employes shruld he cautjened ah ut the denier us yractice of standing in aisle-
ways talking, especially with their hacks to the aisle.
  _ E·IOl