xt7kh12v6014_630 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1928-1943 text 1928-1943 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_72/2008ms006_72_2/54401/54401.pdf 1928-1943 1943 1928-1943 section false xt7kh12v6014_630 xt7kh12v6014 »_»_ _, · .: _; '
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TO; l
Mary Hhite, Ore White Gilley, Belle White Bush,
Gordon`Mhite, Cornelius White, Edward . `. hite,
Louisa white Taylor, James White and Victoria White
On September l5th, 1928, Lewis White, your husband and father end
Iary White his wife, executed and delivered to the Wisconsin Steel Company,
e corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Qtete of Wisconsin,
a certain coal mining lease contract by the terms of which the said Uisconsin
Steel Company was given the exclusive riyht to mine and remove the coal from
the seam of coal known as "C" or Benham Seam on and under a certain tract
of land in Harlan County, Kentucky, on the waters of Clover Lick Creek of
Poor Fork which said tract of land is fully described in said lease contract
hereinbefore referred to.
Lewis White died intestate a citizen and resident of Harlan County,
Kentucky, on December Zrd, 1936, and the title to said lends described in said
lease contract passed to you as his widow end heirs.
Since the death of the said Lewis Uhite said`Iisconsin Steel Company
has transferred and conveyed ell of its property in Harlan County, Kentucky,
including all of the rights and privileges granted to it in said lease con-
tract to the International Harvester Company, a corporation organized and
existing under the laws of the Etate of New Jersey, who is now the holder
of said lease contract and all of the rights end privileges granted to the
said Wisconsin Steel Company therein.
All of the coel leased to the said wisconsin Steel Company under
said coal mining lease contract has been mined and removed by the said
Thsconsin Steel Compeny end said International Harvester Company from the
"C" or Benham Seam of coal underlying the tract of land described in said
lease contract dated September l5th, 1928.
Said lease contract provides that the Lessee may surrender its
rights thereunder at any time upon ninety (90) days notice in writing to

 the Lessors, Lewis White and hnry White of its intention so to do.
Each of you is hereby notified that the undersigned, International
Harvester Company, has elected and does hereby elect to surrender seid lease
contract and its rights grented to it thereunler and that it has and does
hereby surrender and terminate said lease contract deted September 15th,
1928, the seme to be effective at the expiration of ninety (90) days from
the date of the service of this notice.
You are further notified that the said lnternetionel Harvester
Company mill within said ninety (90) dey period, or at the end thereof, pay
all rents and royalties which may be found to be due to you under said lease
contract. A
This the Sth day of December 1942.
By (Signed) Geo. E. Rose
- g -

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 -Feb. 25, 1937
@5:*, C<»T"'Tif7]_$l?9 ‘i’m,
{_Y·u*hr~r·]rrmr‘, V]!. · (
Dnsnr Sir:
I ;»fv;c¢`<:~czc] j·¤z;1* czwvgs of :1g;1·acmear¤’c mmtirxgi you ngcmt tc handle.
time I“n`)f.?G1?/ififi 5‘c>~ the ss ‘1:1t hairs: of Your i’r2t?m:*. The checks  ·:iU.·
bra c0r¤im’ to § '¤= iuwt ns:  t` ·rc*: xw 1.‘tev>~e ·>rm<—v*¤ .·¤ t?.rn¤¤r·F¤ T¤*0Tmz‘
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tixis time 3 drzjr gr? Fteljr, }_Y`L§‘i%.
;a*i;;;;e-¢:z c>;:yir·ez;= pe;-·4§.-QQQQ,-·L§#$§
*`~'t©: See 0   2?c1s cm':; lctézcr cm this
7/11 ¢s.

 STAEL OF K; I I'i‘UL)}€3I‘l` nd, Kentucky,
states tnat he is an son t>i‘ Lewis Unite and I-xizry Tlhlta, Lewis
ilhita lmving died scvczml ycgrs ago,
Hs states that on t0—day, I·.iz.y llth, l9L59, he has
become Ll yer rs of age.
:.5%;. ___CL2mcs White _ _
Subscribed and :::.0rn tc bsfcyc mc by Jams white, this the llth day
of Huy 1969.
Liy cozexszission crapircs October l9th, l9/el.
I3{b;t1_;____________l3clls Er·g_;1··‘¤10y,
i·;41;·lm1 , Kentucky .
Dsezmr Sir: ME: LEJILL ·..`nI'l`E LEASE.
Your lacttesr of E¢e<:e».·;`x:m· 25rd, enclosing n»r5.&ji21:.:.1
ami nina copies of siqwticc of Cax;c¤;llz2i,i0n of zebmve 10:1:2:2 tis
zmcewivcad I20c;<~rabar Zt4`bh•
· Deputy .3}1©riff J. Li. Jcvlumson served iicrbioczzz 02; the
=.·:ld0‘.: of Lmflxz `.e?1i+;:·?: ami six of the hezirss thx ‘A.‘ L live 1‘1@éZ;1"
Cu=.=1b<:r1:~.;1ci rm i7BGOl?I.b€‘I` 31, 1.942 wud naar ssifjruad the 'J}`i.7fj.2]‘i1
to that Gfj`U*3'|G   {ich plmisc fimi e=a¤c;l¤;aeci. The otkwr i>‘a~;0
7-Zn€:i<:m;_, mea sxro x·stur1¤.in;_r *,0 you for Qbslivmry. T}l‘f¢3.1° m·.. 1. Lnziza i`:¤<;u,
Vnrlhc.- Icmci, séurlzzzx (20,, Ky.
i‘1‘·fLv&tc2 Jzmnaus 1311*00,
CG. ii, }.iT·*Ji‘; IJ‘\i`z-‘r1i.I‘;,',
Cémay iiéxcliqr, Fixes.
Yuxxrs =.v·m•y tr‘¤1}.y_,
IiiTEli¥·iLTIOl€ixL ii!&{V; Zf%TEi·£ COiii’£LIé"[ ,
i     //\/,/'7/;//r/
By /»/»_\  c:;____ ___ Q_
/A-/' J. S. Burma, Jassf;. Suptn
CC; EAP. J. C. Liz¤l],:z x·¤,Z, §·:;»x,·2;;a 11uvA;+;4;;-;—·»··""_""`”“`*   
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feat to cymus on rock; thumcc outh 46~13 .·4, ‘@$t 1F1.H5 fees to u azgkc
4* hickary Ytr; t&@ucu uwuth bc—&? ‘‘.  est 115.éb fact tc L stakw 4* nickcry ‘
Fir; thence Amuth 6G~QQ fest 257.QW feet tn n stake 1G” whmrtnua mak Pty;
thence -0uLh &6—¤@ @&t 1@&.57 fast to a wtvkc Q" c extant ,tw; ihayéc
$0utL &Y~1A .0mt 119.w% foot tn n sirkv G" hickory Qtr; tiara; .+ tL @?»
f  `.-' est 32.Vf iewt to cxoas on rock é" cucumb&r Thr; t·@nu0 Quuth 4G~;2
fest {QJ.? fue; to cr@&& on rec; L“ nic cry Ftxg thence ;©uth Z*~I7 Qet
lQ%.$G ivan :0 & stake 4” dogwoci ity; thence xouth §£.iL ‘%:t ;;i. ·._¢ 2
  +;,·j z_ .~5;=·_,·5e; tmgygcg ,,»(}`L1th £_ P-4C' €;;;·Q; 151,84 l}?·"FF;:b ?;~‘»   LBS-31223   £1OLlLZ‘--
good `tr; » ‘‘ tLam0c icuth Q&·?? .e&t P3&.66 feet to a stake 3* sugar mgpia
Fir; th@mc@ »0uch 4?»J3 ast * 6.7J feat tc 2 Stake 3“ ¤n¤¢z¤;a u¤k biz;
chzxcé iuuth 65-$5 Aeat ??8.Q@ f€¤€ to i·~ . vt he ii" Eééch ‘tr; $R“L3€
`euiu @l—f& M8B€ lQé.;l i¢wi ic r $;xk# 4‘ &¤uvw¢03 tri %g*&c’ cqhk
$S—1T agi i3?.7¤ fees to e St ke 1F“ ue; ‘tr; tnemcc crtp Ce~¢, est
    tw r;   ez isa c c»z·2.@:: of field; thence xprth 74-A.? cat Fj!?l.2?l
Ewa? €< . ·  a snake 12* beech Qtr: LLSLGE Icrti Q1—él .@St 1*6.5; fast tc
crO$; cm xack creek Leak; bhenue grth 7;-5; »@si i?@.4§ feet La grass
I we xecx atumy ytrg {Lance 0rtL ?5·&¢ ‘@2t l%4.’1 fest in a Sark; L* Q _—
aaai itz; zhwnce ‘urt. @e~4’ ;;Bt ?¤Z.C$ feet bw a szgkw corn r c§ sauna;
got; xpenua .0xah 6&—l; ,22: l?¥.@¤ i`ct as Q stake curaey as sc,c¤1 let;
; enca hgxtx °&—1e »;&L ;Q.LQ Ewan xc 2 ;;2h¤ corner `. . sw&ch let;
théhcw ‘;:Lh ¢?~l% Jgaa éc.’F ice; zh w siax; Q" *ieVgry ézy; gri ig
1€SEE€}b Li 5; tuwncc wmt; i¤&¤2s’a lime gra; £$~2P Lgst QQT,44 {set @5
ih; bwgiL~iu;; containing G1¥?Q  crss; ;
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Tha fsyagcimg Q —‘»· wurib&Q iirct wi lun; ia Q payt mj the sxms
Lani wnicn was conveyed to iswis “;itc ;nA wife, lswscrs herein: by gbsclum
Vuff by ;e@@ gated Wmvaxaor Bfth, FQQI **5 of recwri fn th: “z:Tan 5»¤uty
;©uxt View '» wffiue in Deed "uxk “, *?,©s QQC Qtc.
*ne lessee herein is una given any right to tas u .=.» Q of any
»3~ _ A

 ~bi.;z£b@2:* upon z.=m;i.;i l;¢.z.¤B&E.· fowmmr, the sgid lazumss in nai; to Em Z¤.5.;w,ulre· fox
sisziy brgltezs ia ism :2u.1·f$e.»;;:<2 0i` tzc land uzmszszcl by mi.1‘.1x1; 01* z·e:z.·.0v1ng, of
G¤.f»*;l §&.1’f6:€iC'·L®212, Hfzlf ikr any (>$_h.»?I’ ¤_1;$%,m;gg@ r;}.;=_¢., zgwfy  _>· ;;.g..;$*aj_ ;~_,<5, -· 3;·g5,:_;]_~?,;
    ;J;5.`5.j.lIlf eg ·  ati 
It is &.1i`;.=i€!$-{OGLE an .1. am; 1;;;..¤:t.A»;:. ;.t`   leakage     to .
  ·::·.:a.1_;, shaw ur =.i·· x·   cx? zs;w.1.d. >=<:e¤.=n   —; ·-T but thm it   mixm
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d&?Ei1“i;  be if-? E.©m&w?2e.—   50 ?a11‘>€.
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  timé -:;s:=.;2 ·2.irz»;‘·& 126 :·;·..:·~vmL by  t f1‘:.=rs1 tha g>1‘a=,·.z‘.i.@€¤¤ tz 3;.:..lty of l*'?·;é
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T.   c.:   27;.1 a..=T iixré rzes.       :zc>·r.2:. iz.   tb., 00:;.1  
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