xt7kh12v6014_627 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1936-1937 text 1936-1937 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_71/2008ms006_71_9/54298/54298.pdf 1936-1937 1937 1936-1937 section false xt7kh12v6014_627 xt7kh12v6014 ,_     q·,.., A,. V L..,..,i-;L-.. .14
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_ WEEKLY 0PE1%L ; - SING REPORT * N0'v”Elx¤IBER 15'I'H T0·NOVE1\¢BER 21, 1936.
General General Avg.
Sac. 2 Sec. 7 Sec.B iec.9 Sec.10 Sec.1l Dy Lbr. Nt.Lb1·. Tipjgle Total Avg. Last Wk.
N0, 1 mine
N0. Loaders - all Sect:. 121 87 58 296 246 408 1216 243.20 253.25
" 7 HI-, Shifts all Sgcts. 119.84 87 58 295.57 246 407.71 1214.12 242.82 253.07
" Dalfmén ” 200. 55 67 246. 203 380 1151. 230.20 233.25
" " not in " 140 119 158 417. 83.40 92.50
" ME; except Mechanical men 319.84 142 125 BQ.57 449 v 787.71 140 119 158 2782.12 556.42 578.82
" Machine: .. all Seats. 10 5 5 20 15 30 85 19.00 18.00
" Motouz " 10 5 5 15 15 30 80 16.00 17.00
" Cars of cna]. —" 753 595 433 2236 -.549 2647 8213 1642.60 1756.00
" " slate " 209 24 44 174 66 189 706 141.20 145.00
_‘I‘0ta1 Cars " 962 619 477 2410 1615 2836 8919 1783.80 1901.00
N0. Cars per motmr 96.20 123.80 86.60 L60.66 107.66 94.53 111.48 111.82
"A Tons per Sect. 1203 1182 769 .2 4060 2420 5027 14661 2932.20 3436.75
" ” per 7 HI-. Shift 10.03 13.58 13.25 13.75 9,83 12.32 12.08 13.58
" " ” Dgymu 6.02 21.49 11.46 16.50 11.92 13.22 9.35 10.55
" " ’* Ma.; 3.76 8.32 6.15 7.49 5.38 6.38 5.27 5.95
` 15th Sand.
Nc.   Mine - quit dumping 3:05 PM 16,
** $;00 PM 17,
" 3:00 PM 18,
" 3:10 PM 19,
" 3:05 PM 20,
did not operate 21.

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 WI.3i;¢,.i.1>1l€ STLEL GQMPANY * INCOR1»=;.RA'I’ED
General General Avg.
Sec. 2 Sec. 7 Sec. 8 Soc.%>__ Sec.10 §Eg_L1_1__ Day Lbr. Nt.Lbr. Tiople Total Avg. Last Wk.
No. Loaders all Sects. 103 70 49 238 194 314 968 242.00 237.75
" 7 Hr. Shifts all Sects. 103 70 48.57 237.14 193.28 313.57 965.56 241.39 237.57
" Daymen " 144 58 53. 204 166. 319 944. 236.00 243.00
" " not in " 128 97 159 384. 96.00 83.25
" Men except Mechanical men 247 128 101.57 441..24 359.28 632.57 128 97 159 2293.56 573.39 563.82
” Machines - all Sects. 8 4 4 16 12 24 68 17.00 17.00
" Motors " za 4 4 12 12 24 64 10.00 16.00
" Cars of coal " 476 499 308 1746 1322 2165 6516 1629.00 1610.00
" " slate " 117 33 31 16¥’f 78 180 607 151.75 165.74
Total Cars " 593 532 A 339 191.; _ 1400 2345 7123 1780.75 1775.75
No. Cars per motor 74.13 /133.00 84.75 /1/ 159.;-C 7 116.67 .. 97.71 --—- 4— 111.29-— 110.98———
" Tons per Sect. 1060 1052 552 34.%; 1952 3955 12005 3001.25 j 2916.50 ~—
" " per 7 HI-. Shift 10.29 15.02 13.65 14.49 10.09 12.61 12.43 2 12.28
" " Dgyman 7.36 18.13 11.41 165.3 11.75 12.39 9.03% 8.94
'Y " Man 4.29 8.21 5.43 7.*5 5.43 6.25 5.23/ 5.17
29 SU.I'1€1~•
did not operate - 30
No. 1 Mine - quit dumping 3:05 PM 1,····
" 3:05 PM 2, -··~
" 3:05 PM 3, "`
" 3:10 PM 4, ————
did not operate 5.
44 \./V

No. 1 Mine ., 1.'·H*Z1§1—Q1_`§ 0PEEU1‘1‘1T¥G___1;{_11£P‘0RT[' * DECEMBER 6TH TO uLCbm¤ER 12TH - 1956,
_ General General Avg;.
Sec. 2 $9c._7__ 5ec. 8 Sec.__9_ ·$ec.1O Sec. 11 Dax Lbr. Nt.Lbr._V Tixmle Total Avg. last ¥ik_:__
N0. Loaders all Sgcts. 154 85 60 294 242 402 1215 245.00 242.00
N0. 7 Hy. Shifts all Sgcts. 154.00 85.00 60.00 295.14 241.67 401.11 1212.92 242.58 241.59
" Daymen " 181. 77. 77. 260. 200. 595. 1188. 257.60 256.00
" " not in " 108 115 169 590.00 78,00 96.00
" Men except Mechanical mer. 515 160. 157. 555.14 441.67 794.11 108 115 169 2790.92 558.18 575.59
" Machines - all Sgcts. 10 5 5 20 15 50 85 17 17.00
" Mgtom " 10 5 5 15 15 50 80 16 16.00
" Cars of coal " 640 595 509   1540 2760 8055 1611.00 1629.00
" " slate " 154 64 44 229 106 225 822 164.40 X 151.75
Total Cars " 794 657 555 2442 1646 2985 8877 1775.40 / 1780.75
" Cars per motor 79.40 151.40 70.60 162.80 109.75 99.50 110.96 / 111.29
" Tons per Sect. 1547 1181 702 4249 2565 5109 15155 5005.60 / 5001.25
" " 7 Hr. Shift 10.05 14.25 11.70 14.45 10.61 12.75 12.49 1 12,45
" " per Dayman 7.44 15.54 9.31 16.54 12.82 15.00 9.60 ·/ 9.05
" " ” Man 4.28 7.58 5.12 7.68 5.81. 6.45 5.45 /‘ 5.25
6th -—_ Sxmd.
N0. l ~-izee - qu;t dumping 2:55 PM 7th,   ; V;
" 5:10 Pivi 8th, I ’____ { JV 7 7
" 5:05 PNZ 9th, T ..2  
" 5:00 PM 10th, ·
" 5:00 Pu. 11m,/
did not operate 12th.
. ,/1/   ,
'i ' x` /
1%. M.

Gene ral General Avg ,
Sec. 2 Sgc. 7 Sec. § Sec. 9 560.10 S€c.11 DEE izbr. N1;.Lbr. Tiogle Total Avg. Last Wk.
No. Loaders a11 Sgcts. 104 65 41 250 192 524 956 259 245.00
" 7 Hr. Shifts a11 Sects. 102.87 65 41 229.28 192 524 954.15 258.54 242.58
" Haymen " 142 51 61 204. 155 552 945. 256.25 257.60
" " not 111 ” 102 105 145 552.00 88.00 78,00
" Men except Mechanical men 244.87 116 102 455.28 547, 656 102 105 145 2251.15 562.79 558.18
" Machines · all Sgcts. 8 4 4 16 12 24 68 17.00 17.00
" Motors " 8 4 4 12 12 24 64 16.00 16.00
" Cars of coal " 502 477 500 1801 1229 2140 6449 1612.25 1611.00
" " slate 155 29 58 157 52 165 572 145.00 164.40
Total Cars " 655 506 558 1958 1281 2.505 7021 1755.25 1775.40
No. Cars per motor · 79.58 126.& 84.50 165.16 106.% 95.96 109.70 110.96
" Tons per Sect. 1215 975 542 5759 2:015 4059 12565 5140.75 5005.60
" " per 7 Hy. Shift 11.79 15.00 15.21 16..59 10,49 12.52 15.17 12.49
" " " Dgyman 8.54 19.11 8.89 18.42 15.00 12.22 9.69 9.60
" " Mem 4.95 8.40 5.51 8.67 5.81 6.18 5.58 5.45
15 - Sund.
No. 1 1».5_ne -   not operate 14th,
quit numping 5:00 fm 15,
" mm mx 16,
" 5:00 Pin 17,
" 5:00   18, `
diTUA.RY 17TH T0 JANUARY 25,1957.
General General Avg.
Sec.2 Sec. 7 560.8 __>Sec. 9 S6c.1O Sec.11 Dax Lbr.   Tipgle Total _ Avg, Lazy; $.1.;,
No. Loaders all Sects. 207 88 58 541 270 427 1591 278.20 278.20
" 7 Hr. Shifts all Sects. 206.85 88 58 541 269.85 427 1590.70 278.14 277.62
" Dayman " 252. 59 64 294 174. 424 1247. 249.40 252.20
" " not in " 116 117 160 595 78.60 75,00
" Men except Mechanical men 458.85 147 122 655 445.85 851 116 117 160 5050.70 606.14 602.82
" Machines - all Sgcta. 15 5 5 25 15 50 95 19. 19.00
" Motors " 15 5 5 25 15 50 95 19 . 19.00
" Cars of coal " 961 580 450 2475 1655 2721 8822 1764.40 1755.60
" " glaze " 250 10 22 175 98 228 761 152.20 161,40
Total cars " 1191 590 472 2648 1755 2949 9585 1916.60 1895.00
No. cars per motor 79.40 118.00 94.40 .105.92 115.55 98.50 100.87 99.75
Total tons per Sec 1;. 2554 1218 790 5070 2741 5249 17402 5480.40 5295.20
NO, " per 7 Hr. Shift 11.28 15.84 15.62 -4.87 10.16 12.29 12.51 11,87
" " " Dgymgp 10.06 20.64 12.54 17.24 15.75 12.59 10.61 10.15
" " " Man 5.51 8.28 6.47 7.99 6.17 6.16 5.74 5.47
17, Sund.
c .. 1 4-ine - quit dumping 5:00 1*111 18,
" 5:05 PM 19,
" 5:10 FM 20,
" 5:05 PM 21,
" 5:00 PM 22,
did not operate 25.
CUI \   1
1 I ~ / ,1*
  '.'’‘ 1 1./ KY/»? 1
  1 [,7 _/ J 1

 W1GC}L.E”511\T STEEL COIVIHXN-Y * 11·1CO?`PwR/aT 1)
G O!xLM1`NE  _
;·{;;__   Iyjjygg WHEKLY OP`}iZ1@E_‘1  H1QPC¤R'P__°1° JANQRY 2?4'F'Y·T 'VO Jxi11U1.¤&'y' §Oz1.95'7.
G@11+:·eO. Gen cmd Avg ,
3.%, Q Sec. 7 Sgc. Q_   -:2. 9_ ;;§c.1O Qjgc.11 Dax Iggy. ZIt.1fm·. "|7i[»[>1,·2 _?g;L·z1_ Av?. Last Wk.
NO _ IQQQ1   all ;1€·;zi, 5; , 228 BO 55 ,5155 2'76 été 1400 . EEO . OO 275 . EC
H ry E,. _§;hijy_,S gl]. $9.;;; _ 227,13 79.23   "j—l.'71 2376 4-31.55 1590   279,231 278.14
" Dzavrgen " 25*5 . '72 . 60 . . *7 . 177. LLIL1 , 1255 , Z5';) . GO   .49
N vv gym in W 1kiG 106 158 690. 78.Q*Q 78.QO
" 1`Q811 €ZCc€2_E»"; We O @111 i <‘2 L11 ITV?11 465 . 15 151 .   114 . 57 *51 . 71 /15YB . 845 , E-5 116 106 158 ZOL9 . $4 5G'? . 91   . 14
·· x.5&m;D;p_&q ~ 51; Sggig., 15 5 5   1.5   95 19,450 19.00
*• My; Oy;. " 15 5 5 L5 15- ESO 95 19 . OQ 19 , OG
H cig.:  of (5081 H 964 5249 682 .>\1'/ 1649 2515 8657 1731.4O 1704 .40
" " 5, Lggeg " BOB 52 759   74 LSZ5 EQX BO4 160 . BO 152 , 20
T9; {gl Carg " 1172- 531 421 .291 171   ZLOFQ $@51 1892 . ED 1916 . EG
N0. cam nar movhor 78.125 116.20   r·'•*J/ff 11.¤1.7Z5 102.80 99.59 101.87
Tet gl Tong p @1* LSQC: .· 2365 1124 OLE? { 78    EO 17010 54OE . OO ZQEO . 4C'
" " " 7 Hy, ;;>hj_i‘t 1O .41 14 . 17 12 . 1.4   . 98 1C ,37: 12. ,5%; 12 .18 12 . 51
" " " Dgymgm 10.02 15.+31 11.05 .».29 11% .10 12 .00 10.155 10.51
" •* "   5 . 1], 7 . 42 5, 79 ¤?’ . 52 6 . 29 6 . EO 5 . 60 5 . 74
EM}: — Sum .
N0 . 1 Line: — quit Qivzmpizilg   1G PLE  
" 2: SO PLL 27,
1*   Ci; 1*1;  
" B; U5 IGM 2.9,
did mq, Z: cperaxts 50 .
/   /
KN / /
I 1  
1[1 /A/V';  
{ gi ”'/ \
»   / Q
. uf  

NO, 1 Mine WEEKLY OP1URAT1NG  _i_.Q_lI@€Y 513*1;}*0 FEBRUARY 6*11%,1957.
General General Avg.
§_c£_,_.2__ Sec I 7 Sec.8 __ iih E$eC.Q_)__ Sec .11 Egg Lbr. Nt .Lb1·. Tiolgaa Total AvgL____ Last ?Lq_L
No. Loaders all Becta. 225 85 61 :.70 274 457 1450 290.00 280.00
No.7 H1`, Shif is all Sects. 224.71 85 60.57 5 W9 .14 274 456.28 1447.70 289.54 279.51
" Daymeg " 217. 65.   Fai'? . 185 . 584. 1167 . 255 ,40 250 .60
" " not in " 143 141 154 458. 87.60 78.00
" fhen except Mechanical men 441.71 146 115.57 6 #3.14 457. 820.28 145 141 154 5052.70 610.54 607.91
" Machines — all Sects. 15 5 5 5 15 50 95 19.00 19.00
" Motors " 15 5 5 5 15 50 95 19.00 19.00
" Cars of coal " 1015 596 406 T 75 1619 2812 8921 1784.20 1751.40
" " Slat.; " 2321 57 58 1 19 58 151 684 156..80 16;,80
Tote], Cars "   655 444 2 .22 1677 2995 9605 1921.00 1892.20
N0. Cars oer motor 82.40 126.60 88.80 L ..88 111.80 99.77 101.11 99.59
Total You-S per Sect.   1116 651 ¤ >1 2641 5174 16726 5545.20 5402.00
Total Tons per 7 Hy. Shift 10.52 15.44 10,42 A .01 9.64 11.85 11.55 12.18
" " " Daymgn 10.88 17.71 11.91 T .98 14.45 15 .47 10.42 10.55
" " " Man 5..54 7.64 5.56 .55 5.78 6.51 5.48 5.60
51, Sund.
v. 1 1.-ine - quit dumping 55:00 PM 1,
" 245:00 P1.; 2,
" 2555 PM 5,
" 3:50 PLL 4,
" 5:00 fh 5,
did not opererbe 6,

> General General Avg.
Seq, 2 Sao.'?___ 5ac.g_ Sqlbgi 5ec.1O Sec.11 Day Lb1·. DEX Lbx;._ Tipole Total Wg. Last Wk.
No. Loaders al1 Sgcts. 179 71 45 502 222 585 1202 500.50 290.00
No. 7 Hr. Shifts all 5ects. 177.71 71 45 bh: 222 581.85 1199.56 299.89 289.54
" Dayman " 181. 47 46 PRX 147 550. 974. 245.50 255.40
" " not in " 87 105 155 525. 81.25 87,60
" men except Mechanical men 558.71 118. 91.   E . 569 751.85 87 105 155 2498.56 624.64 510.54
5 Machines ·- all Sacts. 12 4 4   12 27 80.00 20.00 19.00
" Motors " 12 4 4 1 12 27 80.00 20.00 20.00
" Cars of coal " 734 511 511 li- » 1198 2521 7011 1752.75 1784.20
" " slate " 144 B $58 1 52 126 458 145 .00 156 . 80
Total Cars " 878 519 549 20· 1250 2447 7489 1867.25 1921.00
No, Caps per Seat., 75.16 129.75 87.25 9 .°-8 104.15 90.o2 95.56 101,11
Total Tons per Sec. 1772 1214 614 45 i :4189 4654 14651 5682.75 5545.20
No. Tous per 7 Fly. éhift 9.97 17.09 15.64 lr .1 ` 9.77 12.14   11.55
" " Daymgm 9.79 25.822. 15.154 E5. .€ ° 1-2:.75 13.24 11.27 10,42
•· " Man 4.95 10.28 6.75   5.07 6.55 5,85 8,43
7- sumd.
wot;} c>. 1 mine - quit dumping 5:05 PLA 8,
*` , “‘ 2. . " 2.55 rm 9
1\a;§g:j]l1ét;h1 it worked Illght did mm Opcmte lO’
O ' quit dumping 5:00 Hd 11,
" 5:00 Pm 12,
016 not Operate 15,
/  4*
.1,//lq . ‘b 7
[fm * M"`
$` iw ’/ /4 \
jx *%-1 /
2 x
z 7*

00111. MINES 0
, 1 Gen.; 1*:11 Ge neral 4 Last
Se c; . 2 Sec . '7  _ %_c;._8 _ _f§?_C;_L.5__ ·i$eCL1_Q   ___Dj£y Lb 1* . Nt . Lbr . T1001 ez _ _”1;0t&1 Avg , Wk ..5.vg,
NO, Loaders 3.11 Sect; . 221 85 52 575 280 4237 1441 288.20 286 ,50
" 7 H1?. Shifts all Sects. 220 .20 85 51.28 57&‘..»·5 279.71 427 1459.04 287.81 285.95
" Dgyman " 217. 70. 55. 284. 157 . 410. 1205. 240.60 259,75
" " not in " 155 104 .156 595 . 79 .00 85 ,00
" MGJ:1 exccnt Mechanical men 457.20 155. 106.28 659. 5 446.71 807 , 155 104 156 5057.04 607.41 608.68
" Machine.; ·· all Sects. 15 5 5 25 15 30 95 19 ;00 19.00
" Mqtcrs " 15 5 5 2.5 15 50 95 19 . 00 19 .00
" Cars of coral " 975 620 546 254113 1651 2758 8879 1775 .80 1722.25
" " slgte " 119 54 51 17*1 46 166 605 121 . 20 150 . 75
Total cars " 1094 674 597 27; > 1677 2924 9485 1897 .00 1855 .00
N0. Cars per motor 72.975 154.80 79.40 108.1 111.80 97.46 99.84 97,52
N0. Tcnns Der Sect . 2102 1411 569 51:] 2 2749 5246 17259 5451 .80   . 50
" " mera? Hy, Shift 9.54 16.60 11.10 15.7% 9.55   11.99 11,67
" " 5 " Dgymgu 9.68 20.15 10.54 18.‘ ¢ 16.46 12. 79 10.80 10/54
" " " Man 4.81 9.10 4.55 7.*.% 6-15 :5.27 5.68 5.48
zzlst — éund .
.0 . 1 wine - quit dxmping L5;05 H.; 22nd,
22:55 11. 25rd,
2.:00 PI.1 24th,
5:00 FLQ 251111,
5:00 PLE 261:11,
did not 0p·a1·a*;.; 27th,.
C//7 7
  1 1 ‘/1 if
1 w   /4 1
  y   1 x

 W1;<10I3S)IN 53'1`LE;. 00I~.1PI=‘{1TY*IN001¥’ ORATED
COAL I·:11N}*1S
V 1’.7EE£1&1.Y OPEZLLHIIIG REPORT * FEBRUARY 281*11 1.¥&—iCH 6'1’H , 1957 .
NO . 1 1\11j_I1€
Genezr al Gene ral »·-vg .
Sgc.2 Sec. 7 Sec.5 .2300.9 _Jc2<=.10__ §g_g_.11 1Jg_y_£rg;. N_g;.1b1‘. Timlc Total Avg. Last Mg,
N0. Loaders 2111 Sects . 184 72 40 294 220 554 1144 286 .00 288 .20
" 7 H1`. Shifts all Sgcts. 185.85 72. 40. 294. :320. 554. 1145.85 285.96 287.81
" D8 ymep " 176 . 58 . 50 214 159 519 976 . 244 . 00 240 . 60
•* " not in " 128 106 154 568. 92. 00 79 .00
" Men except Nechanical men 559 . 85 150 . 90 . 508 . I;579 . 655 . 128 106 154 2487 . 85 621 . 96 60 7 ;41
" Machines a11 Sgcts. . 12 4 4 20 12 24 76. 19.00 19.00
N Mctoys •• 12 4 4 20 123 24 76. 19 .00 19 .00
ibtal cars 0i' coal " 745 512 275 1867 1317 2065 6679 1669 . 75 1775 .80
" " 51 ate " 100 42 42 156 52 156 498 124 . 50 121 . 20
Total cars all Sect . 845 554 517 2005 1269 2191 7177 1794.25 1897.00
N0. cars per Sect. 70.25 158.50 79.25 100.15 .>5§·.75 91.29 94.45 99.84
N0. Tons per Sect . 1785 1095 464 5897 014 5895 15148 5287 .00 5451 .80
" " per 7 hy. ahift 9.70 15.21 11.60 15.25 .15 11.56 11.49 11.99
" " " Daymzm 10.15 18.87 9.28 18.111 L .67 12.21 9.78 10,80
" •’ " Man 4.95 8.42 5.15 7.67 ..51   5.28 6,68
28th - milid.
1 1 Mina — quit ciumping 5: 15 11.1 1,
2: 50 ylvi 2 ,
:5105 .1:’1»'. 3,
5: 10 rbi 4,
did not operratee 5th,
" 6th .

 1*1150 0; BIN E5'I'}1E L COM1‘ANY*11JC OHP0 RATED
00.11. MITES I
N0. 1 Mine.   OP;i1g‘i1‘1NG REPORT * MARCH 711*1 T0 MARCH 15THl1957.
General General Avg.
Sect'; Sec. _']_ Sec. 8   é$ec.1O Scc.11 Dgx Lbr. Nt.Lbr. Timnle T01:.1 Avg. Lagt  
N0. Loaders all Sgcts. 228 90 50 2175 277 414 1454 286.80 256.00
NO, 7 HI., Shjjts all Sgcts. 227.15 90 50 57¢ .71 276.71 411.99 1450.5*- 286.11 285,96
" Dgyman " 217. 67 67 515 . 176. 567. 1209.00 241.50 244.00
" " not in " 148 112 166 426.00 55.20 92.00
" Men except Mechanical men 444.15 157. 117. 69¥ .71 452.71 778.99 148 112 166 5065.54 615.11 621.96
" Machines - all &cts. 15 5 5 ; 5 15 50 95 19.00 19.00
" Eviotors " 15 5 5 li 15 50 95 19.00 19,00
" Gays Of CO.;} " 969 655 554 LL! .7 1604 2690 8777 1755.40 1669;75
" " Slate- " 129 27 40 , Z1 65 150 540 108.00 124.50
Total Cars " 1098 680 574 M 15 1667   9517 1863.40 1794.25
N0, Gay.; per mgtgr 75.,20 156.00 74.80 1L»‘ .12 111.15 94.00 98.0*7 94.45
" Tong, per 58.31;. 2516 1455 511 if L5 2676 5069 17155 5450.60 5287.00
" " " '7 HI., Shift 10.20 15.92 10.22 .1..1 .74 9.67   11.99 11,49
" " " Dgymgn 10.67 21.59 7.65 Lz.54 15.20 15.51 10.49 9.73
" " " Man 5.21 9.15 4.57   5.91 6.51 5.60 5.28
vm - Sum.,
N0. 1 Line — quit dumping 5:10 PL2 Sth,
" 5:05 Pin 9th,
" 5:15 HQ 10th,
" 5:10   11th,
" 5:00 1*1.; 12th,
did not cpearate 15th.
¢ /
V. ’/
/ X
0 @1

 'l71S0L·1. .1   PEZ 7 C 01.a1?A1E'Y`;°°11‘—¤.¤{2;£ ‘.1..[£‘ :1)
00.41. MDJES
NO, 1 mine, WEEKLY 0.P1*ZE4 8922 1784.40 1755.40
" " Slajge. " 151 14 59 L10 —10 157 541 108.20 108.00
Total Cg1"S —- " 1075 641 410 2790 1758 2791 9455 1892.60 180.5.40
N0..Ca1"s per mot Cr 71.   128.20 82.00 111..»· 117     .05 _   99 .61 98.07
" Tons per sig ci; . LL1  1462 EBSQ {W32 J $807 5058 i /¤5>’?9 (5509 .50 54;% ,50
" " pe-gr *7 Hy. Shift   16.45 11.49   10.02 12.44 12.21 11.99
" " " Ugymgn 9.08 19.76 10.10 1‘L*;L€J 16.57 15.76 11.25 10,49
•· ·· " mgm 4.58 52.9*7 5.58   ¢.I5 ¤.55 5.&5 5.60
14th - Sunni.
N0. Q . he -· quit dxmpirag 5:00 Pb- 15th.,
" 5;00 fw. 16th,
" 5:00 Ply; 17'th,
" 2:55 1*I‘.·i 18th,
" 5:00 PL-. 19th,
did ucc opcratne 201:11.
. I

 W13 001*5:5 DI   EL C OMPANY *1110 01917 ORAT ·D
COAL 1.1123138
NO_ l Ming   01“iJR.&'I;L1_(Q_§.?_L2:[{‘I_i_*__N1.LX}{.£H 21ST T0 MARCH 27TH, 
  General Avg,
Sec . 2__ Sgél Sec. _8__ _jJ;3_g.___9___ Bec.1Q   11 U2;] Lbr. Nt.Lbz·. 'i}_gL;1g__ Total Avg. Last Wk.
N0. Loaders 2111 Sgcts. 183 70 40 299 223 313 1128 282.00 287.60
" 7 HI-. Shifts ai.1 ijects . 183 70 40 299 223 313 1128 282.00 287.37
" Daymen " 185 54 53 258 127 278 955 238.75 233.80
vv *• not in " 129 95 127 352 88.00 78.60
" Mem except IvIech&nica.`L HIGH 368 124 93 557 350 591 129 96 127 2435.00 6.18.75 599.77
•* Macbjdlgg .. all Sect;. 16 4 4 20 12 24 80 20 20.00
" Motgyg " 12 4 4 20 12   76 19 19.00
" C·51`S Of 008.1 " 765 529 300 192fS 1343 2175 7041 1760.25 1784.40
" " Slgtg '° 12,2 5 38 112 35 117 429 107.25 108.20
Tgfgl Cars " 887 554 338 2040 1378   7470 1867.50 1892.50
" Carg, per motor 73. 91   50 84.50 102.01: 114.83 95.54 98.28 99 .61
n lvons PQI. beet _ 1776 1220 524 159:ji. 2156 4171 13815 3453.75 3509.80
" " per 7 Hr. Shift 9.70 17.42 13.00 13;*7 9.66 15.32 12.25 12.21
" " " Dayman 9.60 22.59 9.88 15..il·T" 16.97 15.00 10.57 11.23
" " " Man 4.82 9.83 5.63 7.42 6.16 7.05 5.57 5.85
21st - umd.
NO. 1 · .18 ~ quit dumping 3:00 Hi 22nd,
" 3:00 IM 23rd,
" 3:00 FLY 241111,
" 3:05 I’1~.·i 2351311,
die; not cgcruta 261:11,
" 27th.
.   / /
  7 02
Y/1 3 { V/ry / j
11 /

Ng. 1 Iviine. ‘.'·Hi1*i}U.Y 0k·‘llRATIi‘iG HEPLHT * MA1{JH 28TH T0 AQP1.I.1. {5, 1937,
General Gsnearal Avg.
Sec. 2 Sec. 7 Sec. 8   9 Sec._1Q_ §€;C;_iL_]; DH`; Lb?. Nt.LbI‘. Tiyolc Total Avg. Last Wk.
No. Loaders all Sgcts. 180 72 48 ;.;§35 217 297 1107 276.75 282.00
No, 7 Hr. Shifts all Sgciss. 180 72 47.57 2%;- .57 217 297 1106.14 276.55 282.00
" Daymeu " 192 45 59.   . 141 289 982 .00 245.50 258.25
" " not in " 105 107 122 532.00 85.00 88.00
" Men except Mechanical Men 572 117 106.57 51.%..57 1558 586 105 107 122 2420.14 605.05 608.75
" Machines — all Sects. 16 4 4 ; Tv 12 24 80 20.00 20.00
" Motors " 12 4 4 ` 1 12 Z4 76 19.00 19.00
" Cams of 008.1 " 72B $158 558 2.} Ii   2081 6986 1746.50 1760.25
" " slat " 155 18 22 - 1 555 115 425 106.25 107.25
Total Cars   526 1560     13.76 2194 7411 1852.75 1867.50
NO. Cars per motor 71.91 151 .50 90.00 10‘k.».·O 114.66 91.41 97.51 98,28
" Tons, may Sect. 1662 11232 598 lf 5 23470 $$778 15825 6455.75 5455,75
" " pér 7 HI`. iihift 9.25 15.72 12.57 11.. 1.3 11.58 12.72 12.50 12:.25
" •· vv Dayman 8,65 25.15 10.14 1.%. 5 17.51 15.07 10.51 10.57
" " "   4.47 9.67 5.61. V'. ii 0.89 6.44 5.71 5,67
28th — ouncl.
NO, 1 x·.j_n€ - digi not operate 29,
quit <.ump1x1g 5:00 PM 50