xt7kh12v6014_626 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Water Supply text Water Supply 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_71/2008ms006_71_8/54199/54199.pdf 1938 1938 1938 section false xt7kh12v6014_626 xt7kh12v6014 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY
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Wisconsin Steel Company Jen. 24, 1938 s  `·§  ‘.,
“   Mr. Geo. E. Rose, President i .‘, Q
Dear Mr. Rose: V i *€
I wish to refer to u circular letter which we received over V »Q
the signature of Van B. Hunter of the Industrial Relations Department E
under date of Dec. 26, lQ5°, calling attention to e recent experience W  ,,V ;
et one of the compuny’s manufacturing plants which has disclosed the ` il
c fact that it is possible with the direct pressure type of flush valve, » `Q
and in the event of failure of water pressure, to sypben sewerage from d -e‘‘
toilet bowls beck into the supply line. In this perticuler instance `7
evidently this was due to a vecuum.heing creeted which was sufficient _ »··.
to open the valve which is direct connected. i _
The letter goes on to state that this danger can be overcome V ·l
by the installation of vacuum breakers between the flush valve end the  c "
closet bowls. e
On the job here at Denham we have 20 installations of this , `
kindc 19 of them are located in the white school building end one in ,
our jail. The Possibility of the failure of the water pressure is quite
remote as the water pressure is cut off et independent valves to these
buildings when repair work is being done to water supvlv lines, however
in the event of e repair job somewhere else in the town at e lower point
i we cen see where there might be e remote possibility of the water pressure · V
being lowered to an extent whereby siphonage might_occur and in order to ‘
be absolutely safe it would seem_thet the thing to do would be to install
_ these vacuum breakers. We have received quotations from the Crane Com- d 1 _
e pany on this equipment and en estimated cost for installing the 20 break- _  
ers wowld be as follows: ‘ I
20 Vacuum breakers, Crane type, ~.‘. ‘ $4.00 each d Y
· f.o.b. Chicago · 80.00 ·~
Transportation charges (Estimated) 5.00 i' [
Labor installing 50.00 `_ 
Pipe fitting materials including elbows n ,
V ’ and nipples for application of breakers s. _*
to present layout 10.00 _ »;
* Total $l45.00 A ` ·V
_ These plumbing installations were made in the school building { rf
in 1927 by e contractor and evidently consideration to this danger wes j
not given at this time. In every instance handles to the flush valves i _ ’#
are located flush with the inside of the well and the valves themselves » or
and the rest of the fittings and piping ere located either inside the _ _· V cd,
partitions or in elooves between the partitions, which makes it rather_ - _ “*fV”“*Q

  ` ' H1‘• G60.. E. Riga - im. -24, was   `   °   Q     j ‘` · I    ·· gv { .»A`A    
difficult to gat at for the iustallat lvm of them vacuum breakers.       A  
If you will approve an expenditure of @33.45.00 as outlined   ’  
above we will go ahoad aud 1•ex<;uissit10u this material and do the job. V _A  
Yours vary truly, ;_  `ri  
- __ wmcczesm stmscx. commu  
Superintendent r  
arms W.  
r       - r o     ·.  ~.r é         _oor   QQ ‘  ‘o:r T rooo   u oo    ror  ll   oooor   ugoo  

¤Rw¤RKs Ccal Mines CHICAGO.ILLq ,u&fy 28, 1938
F°RM* R. L. Galbreeth, Supt.
SUBJECT _ _ _ _ _ H
?e qpve not as yet received ,e42 acku0wled,ememt is wr letter
of December 25, l937, Ul the eheve nenil ucd subject, xhich we lre equi-
i;; below L.'" DI aww w nvenience.
"L recent elgewlenve at e;e or »4v danufeetnrleg pleats has
disclosed inet it ls as lble Lf? iL· direct-gre; are type of
flush valve, ad in €=e ev pt sf fyilurc of wales eyes: re, to
eyehem eeaerege frym toilet bowls hse; in" ice smelly lines.
This is cue in e vacuum belwc created w1,ch le sufficient to
open the valve rNLc¥ LL direct-connected.
"Tze (i3:‘.YlY;j£`I” can Ze 0we.:·<;.0;ue· lg, 1.;; i11e‘Lallei.L-n1   sl 'v'i‘C'L1‘.lm
breaker hetwe.n ile Y Ash vale; ;rf lpe Fowl.
"In tge cerz nf seet·®pey:i Q ·,e:.re Lexis VY.» .e {ng; Q no
way in silch t“ey can e wane safe, age ? e bcje if flxiure
shoula no be used.
”J;y urvaee ‘- . in celli·g L Le ie ;~2* qiienflaq is T0 inelre
against Suiure imetellell us bel 5 ¤‘;e ihww pile? nrwse Ejec-
tlous. Ve are edvleed ueet ell epeci?ic:n1·¤e i ·t .re elbn.ited
to the Iniuslrlel En_ineerllg .¤d C ·..·· aelrlclipg le;LrtneuL will be
taken care cf; le iect, ihie h»; Been d·me ;»r {Bali tmc _.»· cols.
Tzere ;s a cxqnee, ;nueve:, i~·i on emell lmetelleil me cr yepelr
wor; handled locally tL?e poiuw ua; ,»· Fe 2v.rl0zked.
”Y3; aill see that eveyyelc l; g;»1 local Jrgenlzatlou who
hee id do wizh tele cleee of wlxk ie unfiflcd en tall 1 le recommen-
datl>n will Fe u¤ce fwlly effective.
”Ye should epprecleue yndr ecknouledgemenx lJ +_Qs letier.“
Ven/?K neuter

 e R · U  A 4  ‘;;A·  
  Industrial eletions _ J·Em_ 51, 1958  1 
Ven B. Hunter A    
DIRECT-CO1·K·!E£C‘!7i2D FLU6}1 V!\l.`\fE.‘% o l V » »VV'  
e We wish to acknowledge your two letters of Dec. 28 and U  
Jen. 28 relative to the above subject.  
_ ive have twenty of these direct connected flush valves et V l __ 
___  Benhem - 19 in the white school building end one   our jail — endl ‘ `   * _?
_ are now giving consideration to the installation of 2.0 vacuum break-  
_ ers in order to eliminate the possibility of any danger from siphonage »  
  from closet bowls beck into the supply lines. `  
Yours ver}: truly. lu  
By _A
Superintendent e o y
cc to mr. mee   >¢'·
HEG:C d l   »:e. i

G, 1:11tv1·1¤u111 mam c.c. 1:. com
¤   . , , 11
E Gel, 20° 48 hrs, A§;Zu‘ 3T° 24 h1‘S. Raw: Filtered Disinf. 1U°M‘\1‘]\b
E ···T 
O   ~:   6 i s . 1
2 vi 2   ls -§ 2 5 .1   g .01 .1 1 10 .1 1 10 1 10 Ources
ed cv 5 Q; $.1 ··-1 :5 GJ ZZ ·~·* ; of
Q zz: Q an Q Q Q rn Q Q . S
l .6 · · l Branches 1 1
2 .5 " . 1 . . .
E5 .6 · · 2 1 l 1 (Local Test) " . . _
4 .6 . .   N _ _ l I
5.-6 4 .1   1  .1- ,...   1 " —1 E · .
6 .6 - - g " - ~ — ~ COMMONWEALTH cp nwi1:;; blanks are not to be illlecl 0ut by Sender.
¤ I ` V ' ` ‘
20 . *6 1 § ` ..... ; . .1... " ` ` ‘ (
21 _6 _ _ •• V _ 1k’0cee`a·cd .............................................................................................................................................. 1
22 Q5 ' ' " . . .
23 6 _ _ 1 •• _ .11*7-*00zrlcdgycd ............................................................... . .................. . .............................................
24 ,6 2 l 1 l [Local Test) " . _ _ _
25 .6 _ 6 *• _ _ _ 11bs!ra0t ..................................................... 1... By ............................................... 1 ................... 1 .....
26* 6 . . ? " _
27 ·6 l .. 1'vl[C(Z ........ 1 ..............................,.....1......... 1 .....................................,..................................................... 11
28 .6 - _ " A - - . _
29 · 5 I Q l •• R’ng>0rfs arc fo be son! 121 Hm:/72Zy.
30 .6 . .   " . 1 . _
61 .6 - · _'__ 1 _ _ _ " · . . .
.6 . 1 _Note:·· Acti vateq-carbon Afsed _ _
,6 . , _ _ Alum : Carbon Ratio. _ _ A — 
,5 . .   20 : S24 , . _
[ l, *7 "
4  »~ 4 _ ~·~~ 7 _., ,1 V.,_   . 1 NTH .1.,1....___   _,__,__,,
SIGNED ...... 2   A7}? . Q/
Qhjgf Enginggr Tltic. YEAR ___,____________ 1,9,38 ..................   I V, ..»1 /
{    /76

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¤> '•~ ¤~ y .· . . 1 » I. i . , .
LZ & Z E Tg/$5112gD S 1I{§gh]§§I,2;   I POUNDS USED I pE(§R§.¥f,i0N P;     I TURBIDITIES comms ALKALINITIES Fggzk     DH I§V8(§§D
#4 ‘U *·’ m \V —] ' A     1 V  
.. 2 2 . THOUSANDS   2 Q S €.Z5§;“ ,. 1; .....1. 4   I _
Q wz ci zz OF GAL- Q U ¤ —————— 6   Q E; I Ammonia (D P P M Q gg 2
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Q ,.-4 "‘ . _ ··‘ q) " Q •-• qg 2* 1 cd cD 2*  2 ¤ 53 . § ¤s M E 53 a fi I ¤ ¤ S sa 2 2 g ·¤ za 2 sg B 2 {L3 B Q v § wz a Q a g B 2 a 2 2 2
=· ws  
560474 ‘ * D;32 · 2 ‘ f = I = — = ¤ — = z U;—.
560640 166 1 155 I 2 16 I 19 .50 9 1.00 1.0 .4 .5 .9 8 50 0 48 54 2 0 7.5 7.7 _
560810 170 2 117 2 14 I 18 .50 9 1.00 1.1 .5 .5 1.0 V
560996 186 3 255 12150 2.9 2 28 50 1 8 50 I 54 .75 14 2.00 1.0 .4 .4 1.0 8 20 0 40 46 2 0 7.5 7.7 _
561179 185 4 200 I 2 24 V 54 .50 15 1.75 1.2 .5 .5 1.1 8 20 0 42 48 2 0 7.5 7.7 _
561555 156 5 _ 158 __12150_1.6 2_19_ V94 1L 8 50_ I 29 .50 12 1.25 1.5 .4 .5 .9V 8 20 0 V 44V 48 2 0 7.5 7.7 _
561504 169 0 167 2 20 I 27 .50 12 1.50 1.1 .4 .5 1.1 8 20 0 50 54 2 0 7.5 7.7 _.
561685 179 7 200 2 24 I 51 .50 15 1.50 1.1 .5 .4 .9 8 20 0 52 56 2 0 7.5 7.7
561840 157 2 155 2 16 I 20 .50 12 1.00 1.0 .4 .6 .9 8 20 0 58 62 2 0 7.5 7.7
561982 142 0 155 I 2 16 18 .50 12 1.00 .9 .4 .5 .9 8 20 0 58 62 2 O 7.5 7,7
562141 159 10 217 12150 2.0 2 26V V72 1 8 50_ I 55 .75 14 _2.25 1.1 .4 .4 1.2V 5 V 20 0 V 60 62 2 0 7.5 7.6 ,
562510 169 11 158 _ 2 19 24 .50 14 1.50 1.1 .4 .6 1.1 5 20 0 64 66 2 0 I 7.5 7.7 ,
562472 162 12 175 12150 2.1 2 21 71 1 8 50 L 27 .50 12 1.50 1.1 .5 .5 1.0 6 20 0 64 66 2 0 7.5 7.7 l
562620 148 12 158 I 2 19 _ 24 .50 11 1.50 1.1 .4 .5 1.1 5 20 O 66 68 2 0 7.5 7.6 _
562769 149 11 150 2 18 _ 24 .50 11 1.50 1.1 .4 .5 1.2 4 20 0 68 72 2 0 7.5 7.7 .
562907 158 1° 155 I _2_16_ _ _ _ 18 .50 11 1.00 .8 .4 .6 .9 4 20 O 68 74 _ 2 _ 0 _ 7,5 7.7 r
565041 154 10 155 2 16 19 .50 11 1.00 1.0 .4 .6 .92 4 20 O 68 74 2 0 7.5 7.7 _
565202 161 17 167 ` 2 20 24 .50 11 1.50 1.0 .4 .5 1.1 6 20 0 70 74 2 0 7.5 7.6 .
565579 177 18 217 12150 1.9 2 26 77 1 8 50 51 .50 15 2.00 1.0 .5 .5 1.1 7 20 0 . 70. 76 . 2 0 7.5 7.7 .
565557 158 10 150 . 2 18 I 18 .50 12 1.25 .9 .4 .6 1.0 5 20 0 70 76 2 0 7.5 7.7 _
565698 161 20 _ 158 12150 1.9 2 19 _76V 1 8 50 V 22 .50 12 1.25 1.0 -4 .5 .9_ 6 _ 20 V 0 70 76 V 2 0 A 7,5 7,7 _
565859 161 21 185 2 22 50 .50 15 1.50 1.1 .5 .6 1.0 7 150 0 54 64 2 0 7.5 7.7 I
564002 145 22 125 I 2 15 24 .50 12 1.00 1.5 .5 .7 1.0 7 500 O 50 40 2 0 7.4 7.6 _
564154 152 23 155 2 16 E 28 .50 12 1.00 1.5 .4 .6 .9 7 280 0 50 40 2 0 7.4 7.6 _
564280 146 24 158 2 19 56 .50 14 1.50 1.5 .4 .6 1.1 7 250 0 50 40 2 0 7.4 7.6
564442 162 25 179 12150 2.4 2 21V 60V V 1 8 50 V 55 .50 16 1.75 1.4 .5 .6 1.2 7 100 0 58 42 2 0 7.5 7.7 _
564598 156 20 155 12150 2.8 2 16 55 1 8 50 22 .25 12 1.25 1.1 .2 .6 1.1 4 80 0 40 44 I ( 2 0 1 I 7.5 7.7 .
564771 175 27 200 2 24 I 55 .50 16 2.00 1.2 .5 .6 1.2 5 50 0 44 50 2 0 7.5 7.8 _
564955 164 28 150 V 2 18 25 .25 12 1.25 1.2 .2 .6 1.0 4 50 0 44 50 2 0 7.5 7.7 _
565067 152 29 92 I 2 11 1 15 .25 8 .75 1.2 .5 .6 1.0 4 50 0 48 52 2 0 7.5 7.7 ..
565259 172 20 155 I 2 16 20 .50 10 1.00 .8 .4 .4 .7 5 50 0 48 52 2 0 7.5 7.7 .
565575 156 31 217 12150 2.4 2 26 60 V V 1 8 50 V 58 .50V 15 V2.00 1.2 .5 .5 1.1 5 50 0 V 44 48 2 0 7.5 7.6 _
4,901 gg; 4,995 109550 2.2 599 l802 15.25 586 45.25 I
158 AY2 165 12150 2.2 2 19 68 1 8 50 I 26 .50 12.5 1.40 1.1 .4 .5 1.0 6 60 0 E 51. 57 I _ 2 I 0 I 7.5 7.7 . I
181. 2wX‘ 255 gZ9I 26 94 J 58 .75 16 2.25 1.5 .5 .7 1.2 8 ‘500 0 I 70 76 _ 7.5 7.8 .
152 1h4 92 Lgi 11 V 50 V V I 15 .25 8 .75 .8 .2 .4 .7 5 I 20 O 50 40 7.4 7.6 _
Rate of Filtration M_ G_ A_ D_
  Cost of Operation per M. -1 of Water Treated ..................................................... .
Al   Chemicals .,................................... .. ............... _
__ Iron I \ l Totals ......................................................
Soda I I I
Limo I I I
Chlorine I I I

DEPARTMENT Wisconsin Steel Oo. Inc.,
§§’\'f,$,'§K$ Benhem, Kentucky CHICAGQ ILL" F€bI’U~8·I`Y 2» 1958
E°R MR' R. E. Galbreeth, Supt.
Referring to your letter of January Qhth relative to direct
connected flush valves, it is agreeable that you go ahead and have all
the installationsof these direct connected type equipped with vacuum
bI°€=8k€I`S 8S p€I` ]fO`IJ.I' I`8COI'lIT!€Ild.2.'I'.l.OIl•
It is my understanding from your letter of the 2}+th that this
job of equipping each of the installations with a vacuum breaker will
cost a total of $1}+5.00. This cen hardly be regarded as anything; leee
than a. repair job and, therefore, I presume we will be obliged to take
the amount up in our costs.
—····w····—Q· —···Eyé,/ 7- ·····
~ /
cc to V. B. Hunter

 *1 *.  wi   T 7-f—· sx, —   ·¤x`»·*•‘» ~${?   -— — * »A`‘   . .     `*  — ’ » V . . , ’ . ‘   V   .4; ».   4 ..   »—  .  »`A .,   .   . . w.y·»   ·    ...,
 ‘ ·s?·5`”‘·    `  §:<¤  · ;?r»L:&i·_;?1$;·E$*:.¤   »_``     . » V. — - _ .   · ‘ ‘ . -· . . ·_ , A ‘ '- "‘=;*·“i‘  _#   5;
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