xt7kh12v6014_625 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1936-1937 text 1936-1937 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_71/2008ms006_71_7/54092/54092.pdf 1936-1937 1937 1936-1937 section false xt7kh12v6014_625 xt7kh12v6014 · ·- 1;.1,11   1..1-_j. `"`   _;Q`;§1;;LIQ..'QV';Z.§Z.'. 1. .. V V V VV V V V V V V ',`)Ir; .
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lé gi tj   T§;1§:pr§gD ,5 IIQ§;h1§I%?;   POUNDS USED P]§(&R(A?{{_?_I,%ON pi   TURBIDTTIES COLORS ALKALINYFIES       DH  
.. 5 ` 2 6 THOUSANDS .§X;*€é{. §   `V§Zl€$§°S 3 A 1 1...1..1. Q   .
x. T: ¤ m OF GAL- A ._, O ———— 6 Q A ¤ .»\·¤mn1:z i, U   G, 3:; if
gig gig LONS jg 22 5 Z 5 5   E     ,.25 g E E E E T5 *5 E "5 '3
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> 5.;:8    
$901gg 194 1 155 2 16 I 55 .50 10 1.00 1.3 .4 .5 .9 15 25 0 20 0 263 276 29 9 7.1 7.5
290516 187 2 200 2 24 55 .50 17 2.90 1.9 .5 .61.2 15 25 0 F5 0 590 550 54 10 7,1 7.5
290489 175 3 135 12150 1.9 2 22 30 1 3 50 55 .50 15 1.75 2.0 .5 .61.1 15 25 0 I 55 0 ‘76 #62 F4 10 7.1 7.5
290651 162 4 167 12150 2.1 2 20 69 1 3 50 44 .50 15 1.50 1.3 .4 .61.1 15 25 0 25 0 2€’ 516 50 9 7.1 7.5
290806 155 I 5 175 I 2»21 _ _ _ _ I _ 47 .50 11 1.75 1.9 .5 .41.2_ 15 50 0 75 0 F40 724 27 10 7.2 7.5
290970 164 6 175 2 21 45 .50 14 1.50 1.7 .5 .61.0 12 25 0 5 0 1 54 22 ` 2 I 5 7.5 7.5
291107 157 7 155 2 16 13 .50 9 1.25 1.0 .4 .51.1 12 20 0 — — FF F9 2 1 7,? 7.5
291244 157 8 155 2 16 18 .50 9 1.00 1.0 .4 .5 .9 12 20 0 — — Bn 52 2 1 7.7 7.5
291409 165 9 185 12150 2.5 2 22 58 1 3 50 24 .50 11 1.25 .9 .7 .4 .3 12 20 0 ~ — 4i 50 2 0 7,5 7.6 `
291556 147 10 196 12150 2.6 2 25, _ 55 1 9 50 _ 26 .75 12 11.25 .9 .5 .4 .0 11 20 0 4d 4% Y G 7.4 7.7
291711 155 11 125 2 15 16 .50 3 .75 .C .5 .4 .7 11 20 0 1 42 537 1 5 91 7,3 7.7
291900 169 12 135 2 22 24 .75 11 1.50 .9 .5 .41.0 11 20 0 58 53 7 U 7,1 7.7
292120 220 13 255 2 23 50 1.00 15 1.50 .0 .5 .5 .1 11 20 0 92 96 14 1 7.0 7.6 °
292715 195 14 155 I2 16 16 .50 10 .75 .3 .4 .5 .7 10 20 *1 121 12U 1% 1 7.5 7.6
292558 225 15 155 2 16 16 .50 10 .75 .3 .f 5 .7 10 20 0 120 120 15 1 7.0 7.6
292758 200 16 250 24500 2.2 2 50 69 65 2 3 50 41 1.00 17 1.75 1.1 .5 .5 .3 10 20 0 6 0 194 196 24 4 I 7.0 7.6
292900 162 17 242 2 29 42 1.00 19 1.75 1.2 .5 .6 .3 10 25 0 15 0 25% 254 25 6 7.5 7,6
295047 147 18 217 2 26 55 1.00 20 1.50 1.1 .5 .6 .0 11 20 0 10 0 226 220 V? 7 7.1 7.5
295191 144 19 125 2 15 20 .50 11 .75 1.1 .5 .6 .7 11 25 0 11 0 254 254 23 6 7.1 7.5
295557 166 20 167 2 20 54 1.00 15 1.25 1.5 .7 .5 .9 11 25 0 15 0 220 P7? 29 F 7.1 7.6
295520 165 21 155 2 16. Q 25 .50 110 .75 1.2 .4 .51.71 11 25 0 11 0 2421244w A 27 on 7.117.6 `
295672 152 22 155 2 16 24 .50 10 1.00 1.2 .4 .5 .9 11 P5 0 10 0 242 244 27 6 7.1 7.5
295825 155 23 229 24500 1.3 2 27 90 2 3 50 55 1.00 16 1.75 1.6 .5 .4 .9 11 25 0 20 0 570 716 29 7 7.1 7.5 ~
295995 170 24 135 2 22 40 .75 14 1.25 1.5 .5 .5 .9 11 25 0 15 0 996 296 F7 3 7,U 7.5 I
294149 154 25 150 2 19 1 50 .75 14 1.25 1.4 .6 .71.0 11 25 0 21 0 F10 510 Ti * 7.1 7.6
294273 129 26 I 1553 l I 2116 I n 27 .50 1;% 1.oo 1.4 .4 .7 .90 117 25 0 :20 0 H4 314 72 7 n 7.1 7.6
294598 120 27 117 2 14 I 25 .50 10 .75 1.4 .5 .6 .0 11 25 0 20 0 F40 F2? T? 2 7.1 7.6
294550 I5; 28 125 2 15 25 .50 10 .75 1.5 .5 .6 .7 10 25 0 21 0 527 $94 5) ” 7.1 7.6
294647 117 29 125 2 15 24 .50 10 .75 1.5 .5 .6 .7 10 25 0 20 0 7*3 774 70 T 7.1 7.6
294749 102 30 155 2 16 27 .50 8 1.00 1.4 .4 .4 .9 10 25 0 20 0 VB6 329 50 9 7.1 7.5
4,914 EE; 4,947 97200 2.1 595 929 19.00 572 56.75
160 Ava 165 12150 2.1 2 20 69 1 1 IB 50 l I 51 E .66 12 .1.25 1.5 .4 .5 .9w 12. 24- 010 I 17 0 I 2194215. , 22 5 A 1 7.1 7.6
225 Max 250 24500 2.6 50 B0 2 3 50 5% 1.00 20 2.00 2.0 .7 .71.2 15 50 0 55 0 500 562 Y? 10 7.4 7.7
102 mmm 117 12150 1.9I 14 55 1 9 50 I 16 .50 3 .75 .9 .5 .4 .7% 10' 20 0 I W 0 54 59 2 0 7.1 7.5
Rate of Filtration M_ G_ A_ ]3_
  Cost of Operation per M. G 0f Water Treated ......................................................
Chem. Used I Brand I Analysis I Pgsith
  Chemicals ......................................................
J9?     I Totals ......................................................
Soda   I
Lime I I I
` _&m2¢;I 

· C1   1 I
I E ‘ Gel. 20·· 48 ms. Agar 27** 24 hrs. Raw 1*11101-40 Disi11f.v RLMARKS I ·
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6   .3   V ` *• *• . . . . . . coMMoNwEA1.·rH ox= KENTUCKY
v . .4 ’ . . 2 1 1 1 (Local tan) " ” » . . ‘ ·
3 . ,4 ' _ A 2 1 1 1 (Pub. Ser. Lab. test} " " . . . . . . DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH
g { _4 _ _ Branches . . . . . . .
I 11 i .4 . . " . ~ . . .
12 I .4   · " · · · · ·
15 1 .4 1 - 3 · · · · Report 0f Oper . I . 2 ,
I3 gb gg WATER 3 I];§;hI$I%‘?;   POONDS USED PE§'°‘(§_,{];§_ON s   TURBIDITIES COLORS ALKALmm—iES   I¥§§¥§' I']1g°£Q‘ DH 1¥1§§ND
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294749 1 I I ,
294941 192 1 188 24500 2.1 2 22 71 67 2 16 50 40 .75 16 1.50 1.5 .5 .6 1.0 11 25 O 20 0 550 544 56 8 7.0 7.5
295084 145 2 150 2 18 56 .75 12 1.00 1.7 .6 .6 .8 11 25 0 50 + 596 570 55 7 7.2 7.6
295242 158 3 155 2 16 55 .75 11 1.00 1.8 .7 .6 .9 11 25 O 50 0 598 572 54 9 7.2 7.6
295592 150 4 158 2 19 56 .50 11 1.00 1.6 .4 .5 .8 11 25 0 50 0 598 572 54 7 7.2 7.6
295542 150 5 155 2 16 50 .50 11 1.00 1.6 .4 .6 .9 11 25 O 50 0 570 564 55 8 7.1 7.6 ·
295704 162 6 155 2 16 54 .50 11 1.00 1.8 .4 .6 .9 11 25 O 50 0 570 564 55 8 7.1 7.6 ,
295844 140 7 185 2 22 44 .75 15 1.75 1.7 .5 .5 1.1 10 50 0 25 0 255 210 22 6 7.5 7.6 .
296015 169 8 175 2 21 55 .75 15 1.25 1.4 I .5 .5 .9 10 25 0 10 0· 262·274 - 57 9 7.0 7.6 ·
296175 160 9 165 24500 2.0 2 20 74 75 2 16 50 26 .50 11 1.25 1.1 I .5 .4 .9 10 40 0 — — 40 56 2 1 7.5 7.5 · _
296551 158 10 167 2 20 _ 25 .75 10 1.00 1.0 _ .5 .4 .7 9 25 0 — — 44 52 2 1 7.4 7.6 -
294485 154 11 167 ‘ 2 20 24 .75 10 1.00 1.0 I .5 .4 .7 9 25 0 — - 46 54 2 0 7.4 7.6
296625 140 12 125 2 15 16 .50 9 .75 .9 .5.5 .7 9 25 0 — — 44 54 2 0 7.4 7.6 .
296766 141 13 125 2 15 15 .50 9 1.00 .8 I .5 .5 1.0 9 25 0 - - 44 54 2 O 7.4 7.7 ,
296897 151 14 185 12150 5.0 2 22 48 1 8 50 24 .75 12 1.25 .9 .5 .5 .8 5 25 0 — — 44 52 2 0 7.4 7.7 -
297057 160 15 158 12150 2.6_2 19 55II _     21 .50 11 1.00 .9 _ .4 .5 .8 5 25 0 — — 46 52 2 0 7.4 7,7 .
297206 149 16 167 2 20 20 .75 10 .75 .9 I .5 .4 .5 6 25 0 - - 48 56 2 0 7.4 7.7 .
297352 146 17 150 ,2 18, »»   18 .50 10 .75 .8 .4 .5 .6 6 25 O — — 52 58 2 0 7,4 7,7 .
297502 150 18 142 2 17 17 .50 9 .75 .9 .4 .5 .6 6 25 0 — - 52 58 2 0 7.4 7.7
297652 150 19 125 2 15 15 .50 8 .75 .8 I .5 .4 .7 7 25 0 — — 52 58 2 0 7.4 7.7
297771 159 20 117 2 14 I 15 .50 8 .75 .9   .5 .5 .8 7 25 0 — — 52 58, 2 0 7.4 7.7 ·
297915 142 21 188 24500 2.8 2 22 54 55 2 16 50 25 .75 11 1.00 .9 I .5 .4 .6 5 25 0 - — 58 42 2 0 7.4 7.7 —
298062 149 22 167 2 20 20 .50 10 1.00 .8   .4 .4 .7 5 25 0 - - 42 44 2 0 7.4 7.7 -
298200 158 23 155 12 16 19 .50 9 .75 1.0   .4 .5 .7 5 25 0 — — 44 50 2 0 7.4 7.7 ~
298525 125 24 155 2 16 17 .50 8 .75 .9 I .4 .4 .7 5 25 0 — - 46 50 2 0 7.4 7.7 .
298441 116 25 117 2 14 18 .50 8 .75 1.1   .5 .5 .8 6 25 0 — - 46 52 2 0 7.4 7.7 .
298565 124 26 100 2 12 12 .50 7 .75 .8 I .6 .5 .9 6 25 0 — - 54 60 2 0 7.5 7.6 ·
298695 128 21 117 12 14 14 .50 8 1.00 .9 .5 .5 1.0 6 25 0 - — 54 60 2 0 7.5 7.6
298852 159 28 167 24500 2.4 2 20 60 56 2 16 50 22 .75 10 1.00 .9 .5 .4 fg 9 40 0 — ~ -· 4; 50 2 0 7.4 7.7 ‘
298970 158 29 185 [2 22 25 .75 11 1.25 .9 .5 .4 .. 10 40 0 — - 4 52 2 0 7.4 7.7 ·
299111 141 30 108 2 15 15 .50 8 .50 .8 .5 .5 .5 9 25 0 — — 42 46 2 0 7.5 7.6 .
299215 184 31 142 2 17 U U I 26 .75 10 1.00,1.5 .6 .5 .9 10 100 0 20 28. 5 1 7.2 7.5 .
4, 466 $12 4, 597 121500 2 551 I 755 18.75 517 5D. 25 A I
144 A18 148 24500 2.4 2 18 61 2 16 50 _ 24 .60 10 .98 1.1 .5 .5 .8 8 50 O 7 0 125 109 10 2 7.4 7.6
192 Max- 188 24500 5.0 22 74 2 16 50 44 .75 16 1.50 1.8 .7 .6 1.1 11 I 100 O 50 O 598 572 57 9 7.4 7,7
104 Mm- 100 12150 2.0i 12 48 1 8 50 I 12 .50 7 .50 .8 .5 .4   5 I 25 I 0 OT 0 20 28W 2 0 _ _7.0 7.5
Rate of Filtration M_ G_ A_ D_
  Cost Of Operation per M, Q of Water Treated ______________________________________________________
Chem. Used I Brand I Analysis I Per Lb. h 1 I
  C em cas ..................................... .. .......... .....
Alum I I I T t I
Iron I I I oas .................................................... ..
Soda I I I
_ Lime I I I
I Chlorine I I I

 1 ` 1, /1,
¤   1 G 1
lg GGL 20° 48 hl-s_ Agar 37° 24 hrs. Raw Filtered Disinf. RLMARIXS
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7   Branches
9 .4 "
A ` I1 `   '``' T `I 2 A 1 ` I Tl (7`£m‘:nl"Teét`)" ' `   I ' "
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lll   ?
.~ A ` *7
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7 :1 l W JS,   193*7
;_ ° ` · _, f01· {]l0 111011171 0f ................ 1 .... . ...,   .....     1,....................... 1 .......... 1 ..,................   ............. 1
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19 _ 4   I 1 1 §( 3013.,1 Test} " Note: The following blanks are not to be Hlled out by sender.
20 .1. I ‘ "
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G) (H :7 ’ ` ‘v¢`¤ {» 1 . . <`{u’ .`j. .· ,. - ’
jj   C   WATER S I§§£h1§:g;?;   POUNDS USED pm? @111,iON P; 9 TURBIDITIES COLORS ALKALINITIES Pécgll     PH 111%;.p
T C “"`< TREATED *·’ \Vashin<*s A   1 w  
_ ;·;,’ "‘ ,0 THOUSANDS YY·§HR § E Hom-S° ;; A 1 _ ~l°l”¤1’¤ ‘“< 5 .
•"* » $5 XYA E ::5 . A . }`vr. *1 - . B-4 ...» [Q
s. ¤; ss s: OF GAL- Q FU O —.—-— 6   :3 E l ·11nn_a G) JQ-.- 1.. O Fd IU ` H M rl
:· ¤>   ¢ 1.0Ns U. ¤> ¤ z 4 :, —· 1 ¤ 5 z ¤ E E . S a E a a. E
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ZYN)194 17:* 6 167 1 2 20 25 .75 15 1.75 1.1 .7% .5 .9 ll) 4'1 3 1'1 1 ]_·1,"? 157   4 7.1 7.5
giswgagi 1*74 7 150 2 1:3 24 .75 1='1 .75 1.1 .G .5 .1) 11 S15 '7 “7 W 4* 50 2 1 7.5 7.5
$$.3515*.) 162 S 150 i? 1% 19 .75   ."5 .5 .3 .·1 .1 17 T?5 `) 7 O 45 52* I2 'U *7,4 2*,3
F.»T)Z.)Ii65 135 9 125 E 15 14 .55 '3 .75 .'? .?$ .4 .7 I?   71 il *1 iid 52 2 O 7.4 7.6
33*310 145 10 1225 12150 1.9 2 15 75 1 8 $50 _ 1ii .5* G .75` .‘Y .:3 .4 ."Y 1*) "5 ’1 *1 O 47 54 2 O I i 7,4 7,5
:"·%42 N2 11 167 12150 1.9 :2 120 78 1 8 50 E1 .75 11 1.50 .¤   .5 .7 ¤ via 0 V: fu       0   7,7
i'?C111·[>L) 164 12 175   21 1 21 .75 11 .75 .7   .4 .5 1"1 P5 0 —— — M} 59 ?   ”’,4 7,5
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$$014.24 153 1* 175 :2 16 14 .51 3 .75 .7 .=1 .4 .7 1'1   O —· — 45 54   *1 7,4 7.7
3.01575 149 15 150 . Q TT 13 , 7 H 1 29 .75 12 .75 1.4 .1P .f» .11 I') 5} W 10 7 50 53 E G 1*,4 7,6
Z¥T}1Y‘1f5 145 16 129 12150 2.3 2 155 55 1 G 50 P4 .75 1’1 .75 1..7 .7 .5 .7 1*1 4" T) 5 O 47 54 2 V) 7.2 7.5
FG1?49 156 17 155 ‘ 2 16 V 22 .5U 1’1 .7F: 1.1 .1 .F] .7 1"l 4* ’1 5 O 4"‘ {Z5 52 O 7.2 7.5
!’OPCl2£) 171 18 200 12150 2.5   E4 59 1 '3 $0 F1'? .75 I? .75 1.4 .5 ./1 .5 1¤'1 ?’1'1 ’1 511 5 105 112 TFL 4 7.1 7.5
YO?192 17? 19 147? 2 17 W1 .75 1’1 .75 1.’“ .7 .5 ." 1'} 5’1 ') .**5 ’1   54     Q_ ".2 7.6
${02766 174 20 225 L   27 __ _ ET? 1.·'l’1_ 112 1/ZY? .‘* .5 .4, .5 1') T?5 '1 1’1 O i 611   A U   ’) f 7.Q 7.5
YUT?555 123 2l 125 2 15 15 .75 W .75 .9 .7 .4 .7 1¥1 P5 W — —· 99 Z) E 1 7.3 ’?’.LQ
$*77%*3 154 22   12150 72.7   27 54 1 B $0 Z') 1.01 12 1/W1 1.5 .5 .4 .5 1*) ?5 T1 1* f`1us= 42   Z2 1 7.2 7.4
EEG21?'5 17-G 23 117   14 17 .57 4* .75 1.* .5 .5 .? 1*1   "1 1’1 0 41: 354 1’} 1 7.2  
30721117 142 24 129 12150 2.5 2 15 5'Z 1 G CW 17 .5”1 "1 .75 .’? .5 .-1 .7 111   T) li') O #14 55 3 1 *.2 F.4
573194 177 25 ‘2T‘Z5 2 2% 1 45 .75 172 1.’)V) 1.4 .-2 .4 .5 11 {ZF: O V7 '1 1*3 25 1’} 1   '?’.©
3   1 7.2 7.6
€?C·ZfE34l 15an 29 152 2 1 ‘'.4 1   .75 11 .75 1.”l .·ZQ· .5 .0 T1 25 O 54 73 4 2 7.2 7.5
C%i1SZ9'7I¥ 152 30 125 2 15 13 ."’5 15 .75 1.5 .7 .6 .7 1=1   O T'? 55 2 V) T.? 7.0
594102 129 31 129 12150.2.2 2,15 66 t 1 Q _i%O L 13 .50 11 .751.11 .5 ,1;, .7; 11) _ F’5_ 0 A 1 T7}? 50 2 V) A T.? 7.6
4, 537 11*15 4,514 121501) P.;5 574 _ _ _ _'r'·"l9 2il.f"55_52";O 135.75 _ _ _ ____ _ _
157.5 A15 155 12150 2.5 2 19 53 1 7 TS'] _ PZ .65 1*1 .151.1 .5 .5 .7; 11 _ 46 ’? 5 9 ·1'? 55 6 1 7.5 7.5
139.0 M¤X· V?5 _ I3? 72 Z 45 1.00 17 1.501.6 .." ..7 1.11 1·`> 2’Y1 ‘1 A 5*} Y’1‘•S_ I4? 15K? I 2L` 5 7.4 7.7
129.0 Mm- GZ g 17) 4-5 1 14 .57) 6 .50 .7 .4 .4 ,5 '3 T5 O 1 '1 O 16 Y"? 1   O 7.0 7.4
Rate 0f Filtration M_ G_ A_ D_ 1
  Cost gf Operation per M. 1 Of Water Treated _____,__ _ __,____ _ ________________ _ __________________,.
Chem. Used 1 Brand 1 Analysis 1 Pefib
 """Y  chemicaig _.................................................  
_{`·1¥‘B¥_.......1_..__.___J 1
— Totals ......................................................
· Soda, 1 | 1
Lime 1 1 1
Chlorine 1 1 1

Mr. R. E. Galbreath, Supt., A
F°R Wisconsin Steel Oo. Inc., MTE February Q, lg}?
'Benham, Kentucky.
331152*.0. pgtmsmc wmnn nnrogqsz
Dear Mr. Galbreath:
I have noted water sampling reports coming thru each
week signed by Dr. Brown, and also report from Public Service
Laboratories, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, University
of Kentucky, and call attention to samples taken from "Banv Water
Branches and Settled Water — Settling Basin" shown as contaminated.
Is there any possibility of anyone obtaining water
from either of these sources, or are they so arranged that it would
be impossible to draw water from these sources? Please advise
me on this.

 .\ i ` -
mr. Geerwe E. Rose `Feb. 13, 1937 _
Assistant to Vice President
Deer Mr. Rare: V `
In answer to your ietier of Feb. Q in regard to water
sewpliwg re~nrt$ which xre went tp Ckicuqe ue~Lly, we wjeh to
_ advise taut there weekly report? ere made fren swnviing by the
Me&icu1 Dcpnrtxent. They ;r~ elem ciecked ~wnth}y by the Public
service Laboratories, Kentucky Agricuiturul Experiment Steti,;,
University of Hevtuckv,
In eecmriuw the samples the taker is taken from raw water -·
at the Source nf eupwly und Petiled Meter ii settling basin before
fgltretivv ¤nH treatment. Tn niditieu to ikic f~¤r or five eamnles
ere g1w~yr taken at Qifferewt lecmvicnv ever the t¤.n frsr the d0mes~
tic euwwly syrtem w?ter fi1L?nti~¤ wei frewteevt. New water samples
very often skew cmnt¤miuati~¤ before the water is "iltered or treated,
however after the unter is filtered ¤né treated que Gietributed through
‘ water maine for nee it ie ver? Saleem t%2t ery Semnles shew centamine-
tion. The Seuvce of uupyiy ·f rex meter in takev fren reeerveirs
_V in xeuntein streams and free vewerveiri in vine to filtration nlent ~
t veush separete pipe ?ine¤ at lcv vresiure ¥~ gyuvite Fer treatment.
After the veto? hee been trerted it is Bistribqteé ev suvjing e
. ureer high YIEFCUVQ threwgh eptirelt Gifferent #1pe lines in the
distribution sysiew in ihe vaziewu L:~cc¤ wwe bxiidi~y$. There gre
me niie cengect‘ce for leakz;e. 3UThh“TW@TO there ern ¤¤ tape on
nur raw water pipe lines which calf uermit ary eee ebtnining water
from rex wnter sources.
Et iv, tlerefnre, impossible Fev any rue in drew water
‘ from rex wwicr eeurcec. Settlinw hmuie iv Lecateé ut filtretien l
*1unt my me ies4~n .wulJ use tPi¤ vnter ?0T Eviekivg er avy other ~
_ use. The onli possible way For any perern to obtain raw water
Would he for hiw te ret it nut of reeervoir nr etrenmx above the
reservoirs on the meuntwin sides.
i Kenra very trwlv, .
BY ke

¤   . 2 -
‘ g ‘ Gel. 20° 48 ms. Agar sv 24 ms. Raw Filtered Disinfp R’¤M=\R‘=S .
{ § E E; E E; Sources . .
3 ,3 E E 1.S ·;; E 3 1.: -.3; .01 .1 1 10 .1 1 10 1 10 n f`
0) 3;; ..-• , qg {jj .»-· _
S   DQ F5 (2 Kn Q I3 U2 Ln Q CZw_;r)!y]_y
1 I1 .41 1 2 I I 1 1 (Local 'Pcsut) 1 Brnmzhnss °
I g ,.4, I 1 2 1 1 1 (Pm. ¥·¤rv. Lab- 'Festl " 1 1 1 _ _
2 S .4 ‘ ` " ” ” " ' ` A
R '_ »· II ' ' ‘ ' ‘ .
$2 ·:. . . '_ - - · - · » commomwmuu op KENTUCKY
1 ./1 2 2   1 1 1 " _ _ 2 2 . · DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH
T3 .1 11 .
· 121 .¤.· ·22’ "
12 .;i 1 1 " 1 _
<1 . " . -, - . .
  ‘i{ . ,, - - ~ · Report of Opcratzon for Water Purzjicatzorz Plant
  ~ ` ` 2 1 1 1 " 1 T
2 1_ M1 · 2 . ...... . . . ,, · ~ · · at Beuhmn, H¤r1gn County, »ee~nt~1ck;y.
1 7 u   _ 11 , _ _ _ ` `f"‘ y 'i
1,, A ` I —~ for the month of ........ i1..?1?I.l1§¥.X ....   ................. 2 .......... - ............. - ,... 1. ..... - ...... -
.`.J‘ ¢`X`
lg ‘ _ 4 1 1 1 "   _ 1 1   > Note: The following blanks are not to be filled out by sander.
2221 .? i ·· 2 ··
1 211 •/li 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 `° . . 2 . . 'I Received ................................ - ................ - ..............................,l............................................... _ _________ _
    2 1 1 1 " . 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 J 2
  .4 " _ _ I _ Actmzowlcdgcd ....................................................................l.............. , 22........... _ _.___222,,,___ _.___ _____ _
  .4 ' "
25 .4 °° P Abstract ...............v........... 1 ....................... -.., By ............................... - .....2........ - .............. ...2- .....
’ EE   ` 1 ‘ ’ I °' 1 »
py _ 4 1 1 ` Y 1* 1 1 FUGCZ ........ M .............l................. 1 ............. - ..... 1 ...... - .... 1 ..... .. .... -..1 .... .2 .... .. .......... 1....- .... -.-.......-....
222. .4; ' 1 " _ _ _ V ,
t ‘ Reports are to be sent in Jlonthly.
Q 5 1 Notes- fmt1vl:te;1l·—r:·ar`·.¤n ll.f¥9(1 . . . 2 2
1 1 ./1f ' l A ` 1   lklurns CIi1°11O’ll'I. Krnfiw 2
I 'A   r     1   » — · - i .
_   "j,.//A, _A { ;;···— ' · ____ M0NTH...E€1.{}7:i€E`.X ...............  
SIGNED ....... 2.;. B4 .... ’  ·2 ....   lg'}? /‘ /
0 12* #~¤#*1¤~¤r Mile. YEAR 2222222222.22222222.22.22222222.22222222222 2 1   . (tv
,/   ·
J y

I- ·¤  —i-·----- 
 {E Q, E § 2 E. 35   E E E $1   T1:) E 5 5   U EP #2 $2 E rg E é E`. :5 B2 E :5 E :2 E E E. § E
304102 I ‘ A 1 I
304306 204 1 233 2 28 27 1.00 14 1.00 .8 .5 .7 .5 9 25 0 34 40 2 1 7.4 7.6
304449 143 2 138 12150 2.3 2 17 64 1 8 30 15 .75 10 .75 .7 .6 .5 .6 9 15 0 1 40 44 2 1 7.4 7.6
304604 155 3 142 2 17 19 .75 8 .75 .9 .6 .4 .6 9 15 0 36 40 2 1 7.4 7.6
304756 152 4 142 2 17 V 14 .50 8 .50 .7 .4 .4 .4 9 25 O 38 42 3 1 7.4 7.6
304915 159 5 158 1 2 19 20 .75 10 .75 .9 .6 .4 .6 9 20 0 40 44 4 2 7.4 7.6
305038 123 6 117 2 14 16 .50 7 .50 1.0 .5 .4 .5 8 25 0 44 50 3 1 7.4 7.6
305162 124 7 129 12150 2.212 16 66 1 8 30 17 .50 8 1.00 .9 .5 .4 .5 10 25 0 44 50 2 0 7.4 7.6
305317 155 8 167 2 20 22 .50 12 .75 .9 .4 .5 .5 10 25 0 46 48 2 O 7.4 7.6
305477 160 2 150 12150 2.32 18 64 31 .50 13 .75 1.5 .4 .6 .6 9 150 0 14 22 2 1 7.1 7.4
305610 133 10 167 1 2 20 24 .50 11 1.25 1.0 .4 .5 .9 9 60 0 14 16 2 0 7.2 7.4
305755 145 11 125 2 15 17 .25 9 .75 .7 .2 .4 .6 9 40 0 18 22 2 0 7.3 7.5
305905 150 12 142 2 17 19 .50 10 .75 1.0 .4 .5 .6 9 25 0 34 38 2 0 7.3 7.5
306054 149 13 129 121502.7 2 15 55 1 8 30 _ 14 .50 9 .75 .8 .5 .5 .7 9 25 0 38 40 2 0 7.3 7.5
306208 154 14 133 2 16 16 .50 9 .50 .7 .4 .5 .4 9 25 0 38 40 2 0 7.3 7,5
306354 146 15 200 224 _ 1 1 24 .75 10 1.00 .8 .5 .4 .6 9 25 0 42 46 2 0 7.3 7.5
306501 147 16 142 121502.3 2 17 62 1 8 30 17 .50 8 .75 .9 .4 .4 .6 6 25 0 42 48 2 0 7.4 7.5
306652 151 17 167 2 20 20 .75 10 1.00 .8 .5 .4 .7 5 25 0 46 50 2 0 7.4 7.6
306801 149 18 142 2 17 16 .50 8 .75 .8 .4 .4 .6 6 25 0 46 50 2 0 7.4 7.6
306948 147 19 167 .2 20 20 .50 8 .75 .8 .4 .3 .5 5 25 0 46 50 2 1 7.3 7.4
307083 135 20 117 _ 2 14 _ _ 12 .50 6 .50 .7 .5 .4 .5 6 25 0 46 50 2 0 7.4 7.5
307242 159 21 133 121502.0 2 16 72 1 8 30 12 .50 7 .50 .6 .4 .4 .4 7 25 0 46 50 2 0 7.4 7.5
307391 149 22 217 12150 2.61 2 26 56 20 .75 11 1.00 .6 .4 .4 .5 6 25 0 30 38 2 0 7.3 7.6
307535 144 23 167 · 2 20 1 18 .50 10 1.00 .8 .4 .4 .7 6 25 0 32 38 2 0 7.3 7.7
307667 132 24 133 2 16 16 .50 9 .75 .8 .4 .5 .7 5 25 0 34 40 2 0 7.3 7.7
307797 130 25 133 2 16 14 .50 8 .75 .7 .4 .4 .7 5 25 0 _ 38 42 2 0 7.3 7.7
307930 133 26 150 2 18 18 .50 9 .75 .8 .4 .4 .6 4 25 0 42 46 2 0 7.3 7.7
308065 135 27 133 2 15 15 .50 9 .75 .8 .4 .5 .7 4 25 0 46 48 2 0 7.3 7.6
308132 67 28 133 2 16 18 .50 9 .75 .9 .4 .5 .7 4 25 0 46 48 2 0 7.3 7.6
29 ‘
30 1 _
31 _
4,030 1;:11 4,206 85050 2.0 505 511 15.75 260 21.75 I
144 Av°' 150 12150 2.3 2 18 63 1 8 30 A 18 .56 9 .78 .8 .4 .4 ..6 7 30 0 37. 411 2 0+ 7.3 7.6
204 M“"· 233 2.7 28 72 V 31 1.00 14 1.251.5 .6 .7 .9 10 150 0 46 50 4 2 7.4 7.7
67 Mm- 117 2.0. 114 55 12 .25 6 ,50 .*3 .2 .3 .4 4 15 0 14 16 2 0 7.1 7.4
Rate of Filtration M_ G_ A_ D_
  ces; of Operation per M. G. or Water Treated .................................................... ..
1 1 Chemicals ................................................. .....
_AE=;;l___n L
_ilEm   1 1 Totals ......................................................
Soda 1 1 1
Lime 1 1 1
Chlorine 1 1 1

f E   Gel. 20° 48 ms. Agar 27** 24 hrs. Raw F111S1·€d Disinf. REMARKS _
5 I E 4: E ..2
3 U; E E g   E E S   101 .1 1 10 .1 1 10 1 10 Sources ‘ .
S E 1: $ E E5 p2 5   E A of
A I V p 'V,» Z ,4 L V z Supply
1 .4 I I 1 1 1 1 ?(L0ca1 Test) Branches I I I I I
2 .4 · - 1 1 1 1 i(Pub. Ser. Lab. Ten) " . - · . .
cs .4  I I   " . . . . . -
4 .4 I I * " I I . I I
5 .4 · _ I I   II I .,.. " -   - · · ‘
5 I ,4 I I I *• . . CSMMSNWEALTH or: Kzmucxv
v .4 . . § •• I I
8 p .4 I I 2 1 1 1 §(Loc¤1 test) ” . I I I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH
9 .4 I I "· I I .
H I ,4 . I   " I A I
12 .4 » * _’; - — ~
15   .4 . I ( I . » Report of Operation for TVaz‘cr P-ur1Y]?cat1`0n Plant
14 .4 I I I " .
` I N
ig » *2 ‘ I ‘ 2 » 1 I 1 5(L°°“l T°"t—) » _ e ‘ ‘ et ........ B¤¤h¤¤¤» -·-- H¤¤1¤¤ ·--» ¤¤¤»¤$¥» ---- Km-WQKX ----·-—·-------·- - —---—---—-·--··--·~—» —
17 I •‘? ‘   J ‘ I ‘ I fer the I¤~e~f7¢~ ef ----·—------···~ · -·—-~-·- I? ig-{YP! --··~ A gg; —---· ~ —»-·—-—-—— - —--···—··-——— — ----··~ · ~-»- — -~——-- —
ig   J; V ‘ I •• W V   4 7   Note: The following blanks are not to be filled out by sender.
ee -4 - ·     I I I " · — I I
21 A ,4; _ _   •• I I _ I Reeeived ··-—·-·--·-----»·--—-—-·--··--·- ~ ——-—·-· - —--——-- · ·-—···--·-·----·———~--————·~—.---—------—-----··-·~··~---—~—···—»——· — --—-—-·-·--—·-—-·--··—-
. - · 2 1 1 1 i(Lc 1 meat! " I » -
E; V _; _ _   ca I; I 4 I I eleimelwiedeed -·---------·-·--—---·»----»---·----—-------—----~··--·------»·--~»----—·—---···-·····»»--—-···---- — —»·—·----~   --—-  
24 .4 I I Z I I I I I
Q 25 _ 4 _ _ p   ,»,L .. _ _ _ _ _ Abstreet ---·—-----------»-—---·-··~ - —····~----·~----·-»--·-   By —·—----··-—»~---—---—-—-——-·~~—-—»··»···--   ·-—·-··--—--·- —-~ ··—--
I I 1 I •• I I
26 ·* · I I I ,, · ‘ me -e»»»»-- - .·-»»—-»e»-»--..·-·