xt7kh12v6014_623 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1933-1941 text 1933-1941 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_71/2008ms006_71_4/53853/53853.pdf 1933-1941 1941 1933-1941 section false xt7kh12v6014_623 xt7kh12v6014  
Rates 3 _, U
Effective 8 nr. Pirie Rate per hr. .   A
MINING 10/I/5;; day .40 7-nr. my »    
Room Rates — K
Machine Loading — ton .41 /¥5 ji?
Pick Ming '
Heading Coal
1.6.. 0641 .48 , Y i.. _ ‘
Machine Cutting .085 . f l·‘/ . p I
INSIDE 1.46012   6   ‘ I " ‘ `
Brattice Man —per hour .54 4.52 4.72 .674 I ‘;.?
" Helper .50 4.00 4.40 .628 I ,{ 5
Coupler .54 4.52 4.72 .674 . .§Y6
Drill Men .57 4.56 4.96 .708 - K7}
" Helpers .50 4.00 4.40 .628 6 Q.?
Face B<> -67 5.56 5.76 .622   .%*5
Laborers .50 4.00 4.40 .628 · ·éE’
Miners cn day work .50 4.00 4.40 .628 I - Q"
Motormen .57 4.56 4.96 .708 . fyf
Pumpers .50 4,00 4.40 .628 _ T Gi}
Rock Duster .54 4.52 4.72 .674   S':
" Helper .50 4.00 4.40 .628 §—'
Rock Men .54 4.52 4.72 .674 Q `
" Helpers .50 4.00 4.40 .628 QI? `
Slate Foreman .67 5.56 5.76 .822    
Slate Crew Motorman .54 4.52 4.72 .674 .· .€>?
" Coipler .50 4.00 4.40 .628 ,§[¥
Slate Shovel Operator .54 4.52 4.72 .674 .Q“
H Helper -50 4.00 4.40 .628 ` ..Y}
Slate Loading —pr car .70 ,7'?
Track Man(Head) -per hr. .67 5.56 5.76 .822 ·%i
Track Mem .54 4.52 4.72 .674 . . gz`,}
" Help¤F .50 4.00 4.40 .628 V 6A%
Trveper -50 4.00 4.40 . 628 ` . ·    
Timber Man .54 4.52 4.72 .674 · . Q Y 4,»4’ .  
" Helper .50 4.00 4.40 .628 »~ li ~i‘
Trip Dispatcher .67 5.56 5.76 .822 ,7l}
Trip Riders .54 4.52 4.72 .674 ‘ .67`

Efggcggfve 8-hour Plus Rate per hr
63 dey . 40 7-hr . day
Car Bepairer - per hour .54 4.52 4.72 .674  T0;
" Helper .40 3.20 3.60 .514 0  rf  
C8? D¤mP€!' -43 3.44 5.84 .548 .   *’  
" Oiler ·40 15.20 5.60 .514     L
" Plleher -40 5.20 3.60 .514 0 "   L
Check Man .40 3.20 3.60 .514 W c”‘ I 5V Y-
Coal Inspector .48 5.84 4.24 .605   {
Machinery Operator .45 5.44 3.84 .548 .   I - LM  
Coupler .40 $.20 3.60 .514 A —4  
Laborers .40 :5,20 5.6;) ,514 , '0 I ~·    
Mine Office Clerk .40 ;5_2O ;»,_6O _g,l4   -¢ Q Q,.
R. R. Car Dropper .43 §_44 3_54 _548 .T· E  
R. R. Car Trimmer .43 $.44 3_g4 _g,4g   ·· ·   gf
Slate Picker -40 $.20 s.6c .514 . Zi,
Sand Man -40 $.20 z.60 .514 » ‘   5 L
Slate Larry Operator .48 ;5_34 4_g4 _5,;)5 ’ ., j
Supply Yard. Foreman .55 4,24 4,64 .662 .  
" Laborers .40 5.20 15.60 .5l4 . ° ·*   _.
H M¤t<>rn¤&r» .54 4.22 4.72 .6*24 . N
0 Coupler .50 4,00 4.40 .628 ’  
· , C; 5

Rates Rate per hr
Ei`57‘i}§E»1€ 3;‘§°“" *3.38 7-6-. -i-y I
Armature Winder—per hr. .60 4,90 5,20 .742  
Automobile Mechanic .60 4.80 5.20 .742  
Blacksmith .54 4_5g 4,_7g _674 '{  
Electrical Inspector .58 4.64 5.04 .72 I]  
Machini st .60 4_ gg 5,20 .742    
Machine Repairmen .60 4,30 5,20 ,742  
Motor Repairman ,Q0P 4·8O 5_gO .742*     ._
.5... 6......   · is .:,55 xiii. ;$i2°‘ 74    
Electrician .60 4_g0 5,20 ,742  
" .58 4.54 5.04 .72 .77/
" .54 4.32 4.72 .674 , 
Linemem .48 3.84 4.24 .605 . Q I
" .40 $.20 5.60 .514  
B¤¤d¤18·¤ -54 4.52 4.72 .674 - .  
" Helper -52 4.16 4.56 .651 I .].0
Machine Repairman .58 4.64 5.04 .72 [T 4*
Pump Inspector .58 4_64 5,04 .72 ,*7  
Pipe Vu -54 4.:52 4.72 .574 ~  
    Helper -52 4.16 4.55 .551 I  
I Tippleiliiepe-irmen —/A .52 4.16 4.56 .651   .   ·
Wireman .54 4.32 4,72 .674 ~    
" Helper .52 4.16 4.56 .651 ·~’ "
Bath House -52 4.15 4,56 .651 ‘ .   " 0 {7* '
Filtration Plant .55 4_4g 4.8O ,685 I ,   --
Fireman, Cent. Heat. Plant .48 25,94 4,24 .605 I _ .;.5
Ice Plant Tender .55 4.40 4.80 .685  
Plumber .60 4.80 5.20 .742  
" Helper .47 5.76 4.16 .594 -0O
H. R. Car Repairmen Helpers .47 3.76 4.16 .594 I . QQ
"   · .40 5.20 3.60 .514   , 52*

Efgafzeire 8-hour plus Kate pr hr` .
1071734 day .40 7‘*“`· dey
Switch Crew Engineer—per hr. .63 5_()4 5_44 .777 e  
" Fireman .48 3.84 4.24 .605 _,   li
" Bfekemen .47 5.76 4.16 .594 , ii I?
Watchman ,44 3,52 3_92 .56 ` · _  
earpeneer -55 4.40 4.50 .605 Q {
" .52 4.16 4.56 .651    
Janitors - Sanitation .40 ;5_gO $.6Q _514  
Laborers — Track .40 $,20 $,60 ,514 I   /4: ,   _
Laborer -Su.pt. Grounds .40 5.20 25.60 .514 `   p .
Mason -55 4.40 4.60 .605 0 if te
Painter -· head .60 4_gO 5_2g ,742     _A_
P¤4`H£ér   " I #*5 5.60 4.00 .571   ‘{'   l I
" Helper .40 5,20 3.60 .514 _ 7 ze-
Truck Drivers .47 g,_y6 4_l6 _5g4 _ {2-QJ
" Helpers .40 5,20 5.60 .514 U   .    
Gen']. Outside Labor .40 5,20 5.60 .514 - an .  

Hourly Dey
Ente Rate
Motormen —~- Rockdrillers —-———·——-— $ .68 $ 4.76
Drivers, Brakemen, Spraggers, snoppers
coal drillers, wiremen, bonders,
timbermen -———-————-———-—————————- —» -·——— .657 4.60
Pumpers, Treckmen helpers, wiremen
helpers, timbermen helpers —-- —---~——·- .623 4.36
Other Inside Labor not Classified ————— .623 4.36
Greasers, trdppers, flegyers,
switch—throwers ———--————-———-—— — ——--— .428 3.00
Bit Sherpeder, cor drepper, cer
repairmen, dumpers —-—·——·——-—---—---- ,.548 3.F4
Sand Dryers, cer cleaners ————---——-—— .5l4 3.60
Outside Labor not classified —————- ~-- .5l4 3.60
Slate Pickers -—·—————— »~- -—-——---—-~—- .428 3.00
Based on 7 hour day, 5 days per week
Skilled Labor not classified to be paid in accordance with the
custom at the mine.
Yardage and deedwork rates to be increased XXX Nine (Q) percent

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 ‘.`T5Q1:3P*f t‘(’f §$'PFII’L1 {lCTZ"‘!;‘T{, UICfS=r2Pw ’
,N?3Yi, ;<.Y}1=2 DAILY `»f;;T?ili :`?·;;$Fi'l;;?‘.1 , 1956
’=Iumb<=»r Tot   1 Av @-1*:2;%
E an E’1<‘=r·v1*¤ws ner  
l1©¤<1e21·s 4€*C>C# 35,256 .75% *7.15 g
  i»2‘1—2 Q, sw C65 5,81% EE}   74 /
Da? 1,911 ’FivéFi 422 ,   . BQ F}   /
ship 17'U; 8 , 714 . TC} 5 . 10 2
Ju-r‘i.t<: him; 104 527 . bd 6 .1.3 /
G¤2.1¢j>2nte1‘·$ J; Pr#ir1t2:·r:   1,64&$.O¢é 5.59. *’
Laborers; (Qwzteviid 550 3,026.11 4.45— 
Truck F}1·i.vc1·:; HD1   , 67 5 .31 ‘/
4m;. 2211 wen Nvnve 1·515<>·9 €*’7,§9‘:2.&T2 6 D1

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Number Total Average A
Men Earning e per Dax
Loaders 4164 29,598.59 7.11 Z
Machine Men 5*76 4,866.18 8.45 /
Day Men *2219 59,499.55 5.4*2 / l
Q Shop 1491 8,039 .89 5.59 /
Switching ae 550.64 6.40 ‘
Carpenters 8:. Painters 29*7 1,729.4-4 5.82/ 0
Laborers( Outside) 824 3,710.40 4.50 2
Truck Drivers 108 __ 585.58 5.42f
Total all Men above 14755 88,580.27 6.00
/ " ’

Number Total Average
Men fierningrs per Day I
Loaders 5746 I 27 ,9*74.80 7 .47 //
Machine Men -28 518 4 ,615 .00 8 .91  
Dey Men 28 5859 51 , 750 . 58 5 . 44 /
Shop 1580 7 ,252 .90 5 .24  
Switching 64 409 . 50 6.40 -
Carpenters S; Painters 512 1 ,692 . 10 5 .42 é I
Laborers(0utside) 617 2,757.92 4.44 /
Truck Drivers 98 509.20 5.20
, '12574 76,921.80 6.12

 7 N I.'5CC‘T~.“ZIT“’ i5'I‘EE*EL COlM0·’é\5TF$’, INC f`¤Rl’OF€.¤I‘¥·7D
COAL I‘.{ITl’¤353
A‘JER5i¤.0E Dsi.IL`5' 1'AGBY.3 FOR MAY, 19256
Number Total Jrvarama
A lien Earnings per Dav /5-
Loaders 4417 52,794.86 7.42 ·/[  
Machine Non 590 5,412.84 9,17    
Darrmon 6150 39 ,656 . 72 5 .56 ‘ j
Shop l4ll 7,567.57 5.56·“   Mr i _
Switching ll6 Epl'7.79 7,05  
` Carpenters *5; Painters 1554 l,B'7E>.55 5.5l - 55 5 5 5  
Laborers (Outside} 6l7 2,702,12 4.156    
Truck Drivers 1500 520.59 5.2l 5 5
Avg. all man above l5755 64,551.02 6.16
5 5 / 4 5`··
(5 ` ' ev),
K; K ‘ 5

 · wmcc;nms sums; <;c12`.;tw, 11\:ccm`c·m/msu
mu. :.1m;;
Av1@;m¤21     ima wrrzz, 1936
I§um?>ce1· Total .#\"*‘:I`€1{’•’5 A
__l .<‘A en , 1~3m*ni¤r*·2 per   fl,. 
// ..·»"/
L0aderS ·’ll22 V 21,16:;;; 7,5G fj    
?.lachine;· Lien 5CW 5,lZ54,44 é$.'?C> "’ {_  
Day Men 65252   , 115   5.40 (J
Lihnp 140;.   me 5,5*7 /
. I
Switching: 1],6 5555,58 7.4O {   /W/L
Carpenters   F*2int@1*·s EGFR ‘2,0'Z4,G" 5.6%   l
Labcrers (Outside)   §j,f503.25 4.20  
Truck Drivers _ 95 495.lB 5.19 l
Total all Men ;L‘>©vs> 125567 33,?'?2.54 5.19
(0,/ .`
l //
' V/' C6
. /
/ _
/6 cg //
,/ 7/
pf x  

 _ "FI3C<"`E’3 ITT? 5’T}£“idl.. C OI—fF‘¤JW, TNG OU F»F·R.·’JF"?:D
` CO ki,   INET;
.»gL’4T1`;.;Gi—L 1). {II   .‘.n·i>:·;iL ;`<`1L`< .`7q1a.`Y , 19156
Tiumbrw Tot an 1 ism rage
Fen   'H’?3T'T11T"§Y$ par 5.27 A
I,ca··ie::·s> 586* 1/   .   16 , 49 7 . 49
hlfxc} 117+*3 LXQ2"1   '7 ,200 ,   9 . E1 `
Dew Lian 13*3*5 57 , Q?  . $37   . 45 (I
’ 1.
sham   **,7152.16 F, ,44 /
 itc Exim; -354 (ALL .&;¤1 ‘ F .   4 /
1 Carp2z;‘h&1·s H. Pnirzt ers; S5?}   ,0155.41   Q1
. Lub~:»re:·e= (C·u1:si_d¤} SSH: fi,F~O4,i5 4 ih
I I‘Tuc%; D;*i*mz*& 31;; 635,16 5.38
'Pctral A11 Tyjerz abwwn 16’11T5 191 2399 ,51 6.55 .
. !
9 /ki/’
V · /VI//W
g / O ///
ZG "’{   V
{ L;/‘ O//· ’V
/ ,»·/ ' ·"’ /1 .
/ / G
/ A y r
4/ U g b3 IX Q
/   1
* _

 wxscpmsm smm. comm, INCORPORATED
Coal Mines `
Number Total Average
` Man E&]_‘I1j_I1EB EBI'  
Loaders sm 39,412.94 7.65 / _
Machine Men 659 6,460.*77 9.80
V //
may moo 5396 28,150.05 5.22 /
Shop 1144 6,152.73 6.66 /
A Switching 67 676.44 s.se /"”
  Carpenters 86 Painters 365 1,932.07 5.29 /f/[
Laborers - Outside 582 2,792.37 4.80 ,//{ /··/
Truck Drivers 100 528.63 5.29 fi
13464 65,600.oG 6 .6v 9
g\ / , A ooee     A.AA4 -        2  
° M ,·*/(\//\g   Q1 1}     _]  ,_,_   2   A
W /5     9  

 wxscowsm erm. 061/mmw, INCORPORATED
Coal Mines
Avsmcnz DAILY wmzs mz sxmmsm, 1936
Number Total A Average
` Men Earnings ger Day '__
Loaders 5497 42,302.27 7.70 '//{
Machine Men 718 6,973.86 9.71
Day Men 6033 31,737.14 5.26
Shop 1240 6,610.61 6.66    
switching 66 s6·z.66 8.15 V., ‘#‘”"“‘“7
Carpenters & Painters 357 2,025.72 5.67
Laborers - Outside 450 1,948.87 4.33
Truck Drivers 97 508.53 5.24
14458 92,644.66 6.41
. 9 1 _
1*1     1

C0a1 Mines
Number T0ta1 Average
Men Earningjs ber Dev
Leaders 5167 40,982.69 7.93
Klachine Lian 684 6,744.94 9.86 ` [ U__,vVAj
Daymen 5990 51,154.75 5.20 , ja my w_,
lz?.//\}{~ ·
Shep 1195 6,476.04 5.43 M  r‘),L# ‘
Switching 71 427.00 6.01 /
Carpenters 8; Painters 559 1,913.66 5.07
i Laborers - Outside 471 1,919.91 4.08
Truck Drivers 105 546.,05 5.20
Total all Men Abeve 14040 90,050.04 6.41
if \\~ /
.[ , , _ '*
{/;= gi     H} `
1 ; ` { I I
  W J

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_yL§ M O R A N D U M
Nov. 16, 1936 — 4:00 P. M.
To Mr. C. F. Biggert:
I have just returned from u tmo hour conference at
Lynch with mrg Hurry L. Moses, Gen'l quot. of the U. 3. Coal l Coke Company,
and Hr. T. J. hcrarland, iuperintendent at Lynch.
I heard today ut noon that the Jteel Corporation were putting in
a 10h increase et Lynch end went up to investigate this afternoon. The
steel Corporation in eot putting in a 10% increase at Lynch. They are
holding to their wage agreement which they have with their men through
their works council until ite expiration date on April l, 1957. However,
Mr. Moeee did ear that they were making a wage edjuetvent to their salar-
ied man, which they considered had been out of line for several years. In
some few cases this salary adjustment included decreenee, however in moot
of the cases there wee on increase of BW to 143, an average increase of
approximately 10%. This wage adjustment to their eeluried force effects
A all salaried workere having to do with mining. They increased their
section foreman from $190.00 per month to &200.00 per month. Their plea
of mining is eonmwhat different from ours and their set—up of supervision
is somewhat different. The section foreman at Lynch have charge of from
40 to 60 men without eny euh-foreman under them. Our face boseee at oenhem,
who are on an hourly roto of 90c ner our, have supervision over approximately
50 men. Mr. Eoeen stated that they intended to provide for closer supervision
at Lynch ond edd more section foremen and decrease the number of men unier
the supervision of eech section foreman.
` It will be remembered that several Fears hook we had our face
boseee on salary ond during the depression took them off eelery and put
them on on hourly rate in order to eeve money on account of idle time when
we were operating only two and three days a week. This question ee to
whether or not the face hoesee et henham Should he on salary or not has
been under consideration For eome time end the matter has been left stand
ee it ie now. I believe that et some future time, providing the outlook
ie good for a fairly good operation during the entire year, that we should
give consideration to placing our face hoeeee on e celery due to the fact
that we consider them part of the organixetion included in the managerial
group. They are eleo included in our mine foremen'e meetings and ere
instructed eo to the policies end procedure of the com any in regard to all
matters pertaining to management. —
I also discussed with hr. Moses and mr. Hcrorlend the poeeibility
of the Steel Corporation putting in a vacation plan end oroviniono for time
and e half for overtime as hue been done et the Iron Mines. They said that
such a plan would not be given consideration until the expiration of their
agreement with their men on April l next Fear. Mr. Moses, however, did
state that there was a poeeibility of giving such a plan consideration et
some future date. He said that the policy of the company would he to follow

{ -2-
Lhg €“n°ral trend of activitias in #ho coal mining industry in this district
and not do anything out of line with or detrimental to the rast of the mln-
ing operations in the Harlan field.
In this connection ho inquired into the extra compensation payments
wéich wo had rocontly made to our vmployas at oonhum. The information I
gave him in regard to this was exactly the Sumo ns it was published in the
newspapers, 1. a., that we paid our mon one waok'¤ extra compensation, w*o
had boom in service one vaar but loss than two years, and that we paid two
waoks' extra compensation to omployos with two yo¤rs° norvicn or moro.
'*hoSo gentleman at Lynch had soon naws moor articles about the
National Labor Relations Aoord ordoring thc dissstabliuhmaut of the torks
Council at ft. Layne torks. Zio; of courso were vary much interested in
this and ware wondering what the attitude of our comwuny ;ould be in regard
to our »orko Councils at tho other plants. _ Lo had u general discussion us
to labor policies and apparontly on the surface their labor policieo in gan—
oral have been vary similar to ours in handling recent labor troubles, La
agreed that our policies at both sonham and Lynch should be very similar to
those used during our lust labor troubles when union activities wars vary
much in the fornground.
In rogaro to tho development and mining of low coal in the "c"
seam at Lynch, they st¤tad that they have developed and are now mining
quite u sizeable tonnage of low coal in the "C" sonm. Whoy are also
developing their “u" seam nt one particular location on the oouth side of
Looney Crook, however tM1s "B" sonm development is still in the development
stage gud no sivamblo tonuages ara bein? takom from it.
Mr, Moons said that thou had B temporary arrangement with tho
Flo Men Coal Corporation to ocll 4" lump at o price of #2.25 por ton in
exchange for oomo Harlan County scroonings. You are already familiar with
this arrangement at Lynch. In explanation of this procedure Mr. Moses
explained that they were not undarselling the market duo to the fact that
the preparation of this 4" lump was not up to Standard on account of the
lack of good scrnauing facilities in this preparation of this particular
product. no made tho statement t·ut avory our of this 4" lump contained
six to oight‘tono of olnck.
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Coal Mines
—;NEfiA"}E·. DzLiL"s L}3·»C;;IJ FOR HOV E§1L;sE‘%, 1956
Number Total · Avearaggez
Nan Earnings per Jay
Loaders 457‘2 33,902.70 7.75
Iviacbima Mem 600 5,590.76 9.52 /‘ if
/ i
Day Men 5127 97,211177 5.3l e··/ i I
/’ ;
Shop 15242 6 ,727.29 5,42   * ‘
5witc1‘r.ir1g 89 576.33 #$.5-O 7 / ( J/V; _/I ‘
  av -4.
,4;; ·  »
Carpcrzfnrss LM Fainteerrs 3].7 1.,643 .27   ,·’   "   *4/ '  
Laborers — Cutsxclc Jew }.,6;55.'x’7 agi; ‘\ fr , %;·.# »
\\ (,4 yd
Trwzck Dl"i'v'€I`S 90 465.65   .3.7    
Total all lien nhnwe ].22E26 77,752.94 6.36
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Coal Mines
Number Total Average
Men Earnings EP Day
Loaders 4767 56,074.05 7.57 ’
. ,.   if
A Machnne Len 666 5,946.28 8.95  
Day Men 5577 29,629.14 5.51  
Shop 1219 6,624.19 5.45 /   _ O, _ ·
O g¢'f{[;" _
Switching 99 685.74 6.91 ` I .,,,;X$yA._;‘ ( #0**
Carpenters Ec Painters 560 1,852.49 5.15 1/- ,f§*/I;_',;N*
Laborers - Outside 519 2,4.641;.6.9 4,75 / \`L
Truck Drivers 102 559.55 5.29
Total all Men above 15509 55,514.1]. 6.50
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Coe]. Mines ·
Number ‘T'ote1 Average
Men Ee.rnirLg_§_ per Dev
Loaders 5775 42,947.26 7.44
Machine Men 768 7,051.61 9.18
Day Men 6146 32,508.54 5.29 M. ....— v
Shop 1241 6,670.12 5.37  
Switching 106 664.58 6.27 V
Carpenters 86 Painters 531 1,689.89 5.11
Laborers — Outside 422 1,842.56 4.57
Truck Drivers 96 506.52 5.28
Total an Men above 148815 915,880.68 6.151
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Coal Mines
Number Total Average
Men Earnings ger Dav
Loaders 5249 37,984.17 7.24 //  .
Machine Men 673 6,216.47 9.24 // [_ I
Day Men 5057 27,136.86   5.37 */ V V
Shop 1121 6.,035.22 ———~—— 5.38 / {   ’
Switching 93 659.91 7.10 //
Carpenters Pc Painters 272 1,467.34 5.39 / _/
Laborers - Outside 382 1,618.16 4.24 fw ’,
Truck Drivers 93 475.03 5.1L,/
Total all Men above 12940 81,593.16 6.31 I
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Coal Mines
Number Total Average
Men Earnings Ear Hay
» Loaders 5782 42,455.45 7.54 _
l Machine Man 790 6,919.27 8.76
Day Men 5695 51,016.27 5.45
Shop 1198 6,464.22 5.40
Switching 86 514.72 5.99
Carpenters & Painters 546 1,870.28 5.41
Laborers — Outside 425 1,854.80 4.54
Truck Drivers _j£gi 548.75 5.18
Total a11 Men above 14424 91,625.72 6.55
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A $4 F ,/A ,··    
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‘ ”`( WILSCLNSIN S?;:¤2.'.. C~J·;U.1w;1N;:S
CC!.ia°.&.11¤.&‘I7E.‘ WAGE AMP.;8 — BQICKIALQ lffliali ARD HA.R1..¤.iE 0Is3T-·:I·J‘iJ
Present Rates - mffective 4-1-57
Occulgetion Harlan Benhalu Lyné-H,
Hacking loading -· per ton
;i1;i;11 Coal .59 .65 .65 Plus 52**
gow Goal .65 .72 .75 56**1:0 44*
Mich ine Czztt 1114;-
A *§i5_:`r1 Coal .08 .105 .1242
Low Coal .10 .115 .1242
Bratticemsn - per hour .80 .82 .80
Brattice iielpers .76 4/7 .77 .76 4/7
Couplers .80 .82 .80
Drill Msn .82 2/7 .85 .82 2/7
Drill siolpers .76 4/7 .77 .76 4/7
Laborers - Inside .76 4/7 .77 .76 4/7
Motormexz .82 2/7 .85 .82 2/7
Pumpers .76 4/7 .77 .80
Rock Duster — .82 .80
Slate Rom .80 .82 .80
Timber Len .80 .82 .80
Trip Dispatcher - .97 . 1 Xian
Trip Riders .80 .82 .80
Car Hepeiror - .82 - 1 Liam
Car depsir helper .69 1/7 .66 .72 2/7
Car Jumper .69 l/7 .69~ .80
Car oiler .57 1/7 .66 .70
Car iiusher .57 1/7 .66 .65 5/7
Chsckmsn ·· .66 .70 %
Coupler .57 1/7 .66 .65 5/7
Machinery bperator - .69 :—. -
R. R. Gar Dropper .69 1/7 .69. s. .70
site iickers .57 1/*2 .66 .6*2 1/v
Sand wm: .65 5/7 .66 .65 5/7
Blacksmith .82 2/7 .82 .85 6/7
M80}11Ij.S'C - .89 .83 6/7
machine Repaizmau · .89 .82 2/*7
i motor Repeirman - .89 .82 2/7
Electrician — .86 .78 1/7
Bond Exam .80 .82 .80
    • BO •   •  
iiatchman ' .70 —
ri f, 7 .»  
/u ’£' _

Present dates - Jffective 4-1-37
Occupation Harlan Bonham Lynch
Carpenters — per hour v .79   .85 .79
hsson — .85 .88
Track laborers - .66 .65 5/7
Painter — .71 .75 1/7
Truck Drivers .65 5/7 .74 .65 5/7
General Liutside labor — .66 .65 5/7
Yardage aiates - harlan District
Parting in coal, impurities over 5" —
per inch per lineal yard .05
Draw slate or rock over 5" .05
Slate or impurities under coal over 5" .05
The above rates apply on pillar work in
slabbing up but not to apply on the re-
turn. where pillar is split open the
rate applies.
Goal in narrow work 12 ft. and under - per ton .04
Jhere top and/or bpttom is shot and removed
for head room in entries or rooms .06
In cam rock is shot, company will drill ..1:,1es
Jet yardage where miner bails water - lin. yd. .26
Coal 1 radar, dead work other than regular duties .76 4/7
Lote: - Lynch cutting rate per ton is based on their method of payment
for cutting by the place. effective 4/l/57 cutters will receive
.51.10 and helpers .30.95, total .;,52.05 per place producing 16.5
tons or .,60.124.2 per ton based on a place 12 ft. wide with 7.5 ft.
cut, 55" coal. there is no differential in cutting rates between
high and low coal.
April 1, 1940 A

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