xt7kh12v6014_619 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1948-1950 text 1948-1950 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_70/2008ms006_70_18/53463/53463.pdf 1948-1950 1950 1948-1950 section false xt7kh12v6014_619 xt7kh12v6014   COMPILATION  
  of ii
g Provisions ,
  Of  _
 Y ' `V '\ v W '\ 'i ’ "\  
 5 Vs ACI; ..s\(¤RI;IuZ\ILBTb , 
 i o
  in Iiiicct  
  Ju1y1,1948 Q
  Kentucky Distiict  
 i District 1*10.19 I
  Propurod hg,  
  l}NI'I`l·IU sixxrizs uoixi. Axn com; CO?•1I"ANY ig
” Si

in EI`I`cct
July 1, 1918
_ betwocn
Kentucky District
District N0. 19 `
Prepared by

 ing Company and the U. S. Coal and
INTROl)U(`TlON Coke Company; executedtoflt?0\’€H1_l>€1`
c· er. ~> · ·’ `* c ie ex Jira-
This compilation was prepared by the United %i%I11gf17i1g1£)§1§g.11€;%1éH1·E_ [19;;] Sjypay]
States Coal and Coke Company for the purpose of  
providing a convenient relereiice to currently effec- The 1945 Ag-yggmgiit; National Bitumin0U_S
tive provisions of Wage Agreeinenfs between the gmt \\i;[p·Q _.\_g·i·geiiient effective Aprll
Company and the United Q\line \\'orl—
istiicts Nos. 17 and 19, executed on _ ~ ,,, NN b . Pitumhmus
December 15 1941 and effective from Qcumd On Jum “"’ ‘ ` ‘2‘ B V Y ,
· ’ ‘ . e · · tors and United Mine \\ or k-
AD1111 1’ 19111’ to 111111111 `11’ 11113 [19*1] g111s1tii?111in1e1‘ic;1, and effective from July
The 1942 Agreement: Agreement between 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949 [1948]
United States Coal and Coke Com ianv, . . _. _.
Lynch, Harlan County, l{entucl<_x1, and Paragraph numbers appearing in each oiigiiial
United Mine Worlcers of America, agreement have been retained, but new i}a1`a_,,i51pvi
District 19; executed on April 30, 1942, numbers have been added in the margin moi in ex-
and effective from May 16, 19.1; to mg and reference purposes. All iiiatte1s1aiJi)vea1—
March 31, 1943. [1942] ing herein were taken trom theroiigina agree-
. ments, except notes and explanations enclosed in
The SlX'D?lY \VOl`k \lTCCl( A§;`l`€CNlC1lt O1, byackctg [   Figures shown in l)1`&Cl<€1LS Ht th€ €Ud
19422 TlT€l1101`2U11'1*sl. ll IS the 111-
the National BltUIlllll(>llS Coal Wage Agree- tout Llllll pu1·p11s1_1 .11l the ])Lll'llt,‘S l·10l`CtU that
1719HlJ (dated April ll, 1913) Oiiectiye April 1, thi; _~\Q`l`Qt‘lll(,’llt will Dl'*»l1l1'*tQ and 11111J1‘p\`e 1Il·
1945, the National Bituminous (`oal Wage tlllglrlllfll L\Il(l 111·11111»1111c 1·cla11»111sl111> 1I1c}C`l1@
Agreen 7(dz1teclj1iFSi-9;17Fi`i°e6 llltllllllllfilli coal lll _°t"l_l { ll qq WCM
existed 011 June 30, 19»lSQ subject to the terms lll lll" A?“`*`°lll°llt tltllllltg flu l_j;_?, L `UQMT]
and co11di  }\Q`1`9€ll1€Ht and as lloliiwlls No RNC will mimi il) W L U
· amerided, modified and suppleineiited by this 3 (NOT1g)_ Tim mm1m1111C111S to lilo 1111111111iig
Aglggmcnt Hg ll‘*"‘°m Sgt out clause of the liasic .AQ`l'Ct‘lllO11t. C·11<1¤S 1¤·1<*¤·1i¤¤<* me 1-00111—11111.111 111i 1110 r[Ylllt(’(`l )lll]O 11*01-1101-1 ot
from 1948 *\gl`°€m°m‘] 1~111101—1111. do not cl1;111g‘11 the rules or practices
. 2 w11N12ss11T11; lt 11 111·1·ee11 111111 tl1l$ 9i “‘€‘.i*‘*lu%**`-*` 1‘*"I‘*“"““" ti". lilf"l}-`i`Omiii1i1
contract is 1`111· the exclusive 111111t use and NW Mlm \\,‘“`l“~"" lmmlfil W lll ltll;l(_Il uy _
bGH€ht of the COIltl`2lCtlI1Q parties, as defined UIQ l`lQ`l1t* Ol 'llilll€l¥`@lll*`llt,*l“ lwllg tltilllt  
Hhfl S0t `1°o1‘tl1 111 this Ag1·ee111e111;_ it is §]_‘Q_`]‘QQd ticed and 11111lerst11111l. the I *1111 MV 3 klm
that the United Mine \\'111·k111·g of A]]]Q]`iQa js U orkers 111°_A111111‘1C:1 ziuree thz1t_.111> {@11 U_>1<11 e»I 11IIII*II III11“II111I~s 1·II1~I*- ‘I€iT·` `·’·'*II~*fI> ("‘<‘*"‘I I*.· III!> I‘·II·I.iI[1I·1:1111.`<·:i*1I·*‘;111 1!1·_11\1·I11:1I I1;1s I1t,‘**II IN IIIII 1<>1;el II.III_*. _..`..111I.1I .i_I11I IJ.1111111_Q> 1*·1
C11113II1y(;II ;;;1II   III ~_I,·II1‘I;_ [19.11] s1*‘.‘I}E1 II<·IlI'S :1111I I1Ii‘I·I·1L1711111111I*s II1\`111;1111III11I_·—·11I:I1`II·1‘ II.2·1I 1i·>111`s. [ULM]
31111;::1111111 Ei1:11=‘. 1 :1 :111 \‘; <:1‘I1111;;‘ 'T`1111e
- j . . . " I¤· I? I`{1II ‘1I1‘ {III II`~I.III 1·11111III1‘1¤11s :1 \\'IrII`I{ I `I II _III , __ v_ . V _ _ _I_  
1I·1~ II` 1}.11+ I —   I 1 A` III I I I ` \\`Ii1I ;:1‘I~ 1*11·e‘:Iv_I·-.I ;1I 111I1->III·
.1 I I *2.;:. IIII.I"~ EI.'  t,II",; ‘;1 ,‘ . ` ` ’ - .· . Y  
.1Z I.· l`   - I; I `I II III JINI II` 1II.II< ;I11II I)I_II`1lII`i II1`:1‘·1‘·1I111p‘ <··~11.11111I·11>I}. II·1
O~Iz1•>11>¤.1<;1/I. 111<:Il1 :.11}* EI <.1;=2%`;`1*i‘o1I II111‘I\’ 111111- I1 II` ‘ I` 111* Id") IAI1"" II·I1~ ·111II `I(`1I4IrIIIm‘
1,; I ,, . ‘. . \`_~_I_*.—_:I .;. .IIlI` I.1II._1..,_ 11 >. >
mcs I··1‘ I11*1tI1. ;1.·1II `·"7‘iYI‘I!I :1111* 1111I·1·1111;11 ,]I_.mj V. _l _\. .,.1. 1..., ‘_.· !._il_.I_1. IU._m.< as .>¤:~-I1,-
11*  1S1I>1y·’ ~ III .I...I·;.·`._ —\¤ II · .—‘ — — II'  Il."" §.I'I ` I"’ I" “"" .l`  "   "  
I ~1H1 ·\III~.11 . IA1. ..1 ~1I `.e11II1_1;1I1I>11I II10 h$m__d m(,hN1nH,H M_._·;.KUk,l.€,1 {.1.1...N mmuI,_.>
1I21‘.'. i‘<11‘ 111*11 ¢· ='IIL" "I~i‘I—iI~1‘>< IIIIIFIII O1**`I1I’ I111111‘s . ‘ ` { . " · I `. · , `   ..
. ° I ·I   I . · .·   ‘II‘·1‘ IIIII ·’,4 *1 [IIII1 \\rII`I*II.II ;1II\' 111I1·1‘1111>>—1I111 Ul
.1       ,II.I~   I.1l_»1.III 111}   ._._‘,,   .`_— lx   -1,_,U._ {,.111
, · . . . II ··~I· 1~1·· I. 1111111;. >_.nII II 11.11III·1..11..1111,.
IIf>III'S 1101 \=·4(III`I—_ ¤'I1‘IIII’* ··· I I~··I1 —· I °` I """ - — .
I.II·   H I I```4` II II(·`III·I IMI   Hm ·°mI IIII‘1‘ 1‘;1I11, (I\‘111‘111110 I1111TI’111II I11u’I1K I1·¤111‘S 111*1
0!1Q—I121II ‘.‘.’III1 III1 17‘·‘1‘_-y·I1yI=111;·‘ III I1\‘I¤1‘I1I11I1_ ’ ‘   . I ‘ _ v,_‘_  
1. . I, I .\..     ,. 1..111...1
QI- ‘I I- I· I · - · 1.:11. :11111 III11I I11»11=—~ ..11. \\11I1 >.I11.. Wl I.11.
.II,1‘;11L·_I11, IIIIIII 1‘;;11~— 11.;- l{]?,Il'I(‘ II;1\’ \·.‘I11‘I{1~1·< . · . I .. · _ _ · · .
II 1 `I , I 1 -— ` ·.1 · ` II>1‘ :11* 11111I~ :111II I~1111»I¤:1I1 WIII1 2111 111 1‘:11111I1:1II ·>1· 1I1I· IIII;¤I  IUI {IIT.
,. . _.,_ . I I,.1,¤ I _‘. ;1_ I_ l _ E, I; I A. Y '_ '< j _ v_`     ,1.1}._lU.iI,r1IwII   AIX
(>. \\II1III—1. II1\1¤1III _ ....   _ _
[LMI] {hg 1.II;1I II;1_1I1· }1I11‘i11;1I >1I‘.1II <‘:11'11Ni€1`$'I'*II`OIQEI
6 (I)) IFIIY QII <>III~2IIIQ <‘I1lI)I11§`(‘(‘S Q}{(·I111'[ I111111‘# >¤I~ <.·<1=‘I11‘1>I1I III 11*1%‘.·=<·‘<*·1=~I1 (01 I1(‘I`(‘(TI? (111-
cI11II111g 211I 211111 11I1:1I~ IIIIIVI I·III;I> I>x·I>11 0111- S IIXI Ii; II:s1II11 1,;- ;II1I.,..,.Sj(m .,1* ,,I)(I.,-Imlmg I1I1‘I·.‘I‘}I‘111‘. II1z1I I;11#I\ I1I I1II11I\<,‘I I4111111111. 15 1101 I1
. _ I In · . I\ I · · · \w V *·> \ \_`_`
I.I1l'<111QI1I>11I II10 <1:1_\‘. 1I1I·sI— >:I—x‘I»11 I1(>llI`S ;111I‘I IIUIIIIII III“ III‘III‘II`IImI‘II III IIII.III`I’ .I._(IfII Q"
IIIIICOII IIIIIIlII,(‘< ·¢I1:1II IIII 11:1iII I`I)I` 2IIr SI`I`2IIQ`I1IT II_1*111 il 111!1¤‘-I1I1111‘ I11I>\1’ #—I1I1111 I· SIIIII v.OrI 111-
IIIIIO 1‘;1Ir>, 0\v(‘}`II}1]I\ III»Ig(,m1 .%.11..] Immx {md s1rII1 (‘IIII1I<1},'(‘£‘H ;111II II11 Iusi IIIILIII :111 O1&`1I1I LNIAII
. · . I \ _ __ ‘ _ , f` I ii: , Q ` " I - *__
IIIIQI111 11111111II—;< 1II_—I· II;I1* :111II 1I111·I;\’—six 2'III(I <”II<`·III'*¥ 11I·1· 11II»I—1{ IIIIIIH IIII paid -I'I>)]' SVI? OIIII*I<*§`<‘<‘¤‘- [ “ ";I
{lt I1111O 2111fI I111!*—I1J1II` \\'III1 gm I')_‘,’)`;l]HI(II]`IQ_` 0I`
O\`O1'IC11110. }II,I`;1_1f>fI1I_‘ II111I~ (}fI]'I1i})L{`§ rI`()l` I111I;siI’IQ * [;I’I—1- [$1.17 .—\g‘1‘<1I11111¤11I.I
10 11

9 EXCEPTION: Ox·m·Lim1» shall my he man-u·ip at the schcclulerl rlepartxhe 1t1;wi1(e.
. · · _ r` ’   ·*»"x··1‘i"( _*_'-
pymm1(lg(l aml umu anal <1‘ Nw (·)l·l°l‘wn blmll MIM] lm {ITIL lla;  
Dallfl \\`llOl`C the l`O§1`Lll£ll` 1·¢>la11·m hl shut; ye- nate tha, pmtal m r]J<>1lf1_> (EIN 1LJ§ C'liti€Q
quires the \\`Ol'lIlS@C1ltl\'C twenty-I`l»m· hhuy pp;—h>:l_ cmwoxxxexlces ami mich} we ‘ 1U1111> M
[19.13] mine w·>rlub_1ect.t0
the right <>l` l`L‘\`lL’\\' vm the part 01 themme
10 900. 1 , . . ['1`he 1`m‘0g<»111g· lll2`tXllll1llll ll4'>1ll`$ \\-O1-km-S NIMH- Uyjslmg- g`l`lQ\`;_lllCC 1llLlCl1lH@1`}'-
shall ]ll`@\`£lll._]  1~x<·1=]>t in cases <‘»t` ac-citlent [194.m]
`lludl t°`mD‘·’“‘“l·"' ""”“"‘"“t?" l""Q`°"' l‘"’“"“ 1;; The l·..11lm»m· classes of mine w1·1·k<—1·s are
for those mma w01‘l<1·1‘< l'1‘l|ll1l`(‘<'l UN :160*11111 _ _ A (I "fmm UM, fm-C(—.·Uiw»— i~.1·.-,\·jqjlm; as to
thereof: and 2llF<'l <‘K<‘<‘l‘l»lNQ lllflt mlmllcl "l` lritl ·ij]Nu]Nl1()L1l’<(>l`l:'Ol`l;` l 4 [1942]
_ mine w01·ll·l;g1,·s engagecl lll the tl`ZUl$l)Ulj‘
s \\‘h0 2110 1·equ1r0alt·1>remam on duty whlle men mum; of men and wal shall \\‘wl‘li the 3€lFl1·
arc Cntglmg OY l"`?l\vUl¥` H10 mm1? [1942] tional time necessa1‘_\‘ 10 hamtlle man tl‘1pS and
- . . 1 · · ` ·;   · ilmll lm mid the l`OQ`1ll"t1`
11 A. The banc wr>1·l< weclq wi tllll`lZ§'-fl\`€ ?ll i_I_ltt3 l.l£;lal“:S(L;<`t QC\tO}1‘(»n [mm. Si 
` l_`1lO\\` »/1Ul* lmurs her imlix’i§`C<'l lm · ‘_ Ly ` `. 1- · . .11   Q
1 · 1 · llOll1`S and tune and OllO·llll.l lm .1 mm xm .
shall be agreetl as l)(‘11`llllllIl1;' an l\l0mlav of [1942]
each week. [1912 Six—Dz1y] _
. . _ 15 Outside employees engagetl m the dump·
12 2‘ FOV all mmdc (`ml°l°Y°°S· wmk Umm hw l1a11clli11<>·aml prepa1·;1tihn 0100:11 andthe
shall hepjm at_th<— 1_>m‘tal mul earl at D01`t2llZ D·]é_]]]_lf12]Qtu]‘(é(\fQOl{C shall\\‘01’l¤¤~m lm lmmlteg MMT lll]? Smlt Of Cach duties iucilleutal to the operation 01 coke
ume—lmur [now g—ll(>lll'l  slult and shall ar- vs · . » · · ,» y ill the regular llOlll'lY
. , _ Ox tus am sm >1, lll _   _
rwe at the shalt bottom five mmutes l)€l?0l`0lmv01‘0rl so as to he m the [1942]
  [l”e1",1f)»17 Agmcemcnt.] * [l’c1·19»17 A;;r00m0ut.]
12 13

 ~ _w_ ,.*1...,.,] i ‘l l givll · -
16 \\lll1
Ll _ . . _ , . .`. ( ·)> `
Uhm Um mguliu vom. [IMA 22 O. All l·lll1llll§*·\~.u> ;l1 l"litlll` wil];-ll lllwlllllqu
17 Dyivcys sllzlll lllllu llllyill llllllL}S1<>Llll: ll‘¤ll‘l;. gfx ll;ll·S_ l,;ly.llllg .;.li° lll.lil·ll§lllli l}lllll‘ l.llll·l..= (ll} llgllylllg
tllc ll{ll`110$Slllg` zlllll ullll;ll‘lll;ssiil;;‘ ill` mules tlwm`$gK(l;l\r,·,‘l_l_l(,l·l{ 3; lll·l_l§lillili=l.l. llll·l~>]
Sllilll be CU11ll]1LlC(lllll`llllg`ll<,lLll lll(3 lilo lll lllis _ ` (_ _. _   4. [_   U l_
. Zlgrecmelll. [1912] ZZ} \\l<·i'l<_l¤<‘1‘l<_·l`¤ll§‘¤l}Ml *l_l*° ?“`\(""l*lll_I;;l§‘”_i5hl
livuczlv l:%ll1ll. llll ‘l‘·isl»‘I» ll~‘-"l`l “'· °"".
15 (ll) 1’l()ClUlLl:l‘iz0rl, Clllllllllll T5, il.,   §l_l.\.`l:i.l\ ]`lil_ all;.LJ`__llLl.i,l.ik.QQ
]_}l`O\’1(l€(.l lllall zlll illllivilllllzll lllille \\'01`l{L‘l'S $lXlll im"     .`'. f.A`O.l.l,` Wllioh
w0l‘ll‘ (lay gg sgg 3, ’l`lll*l 1`lllllll.lll;;· lll~lllf;l_— S (.ill‘l_~ IU-,
2l.11(lH1<>1]llll_\'INCH,ll· Six llnv [my mul-LllllilrllUmaill:"\i,' ll,lI`\iU,llf.llltil{l§    
Work Week J\,2`l‘C(:llll‘]ll, \'<,:l'y1l)lél‘ IN, l-Ulf-il i 7 l HOL 1'1\°€lll<‘<>l>¤‘·¢l»¤‘¥ lll · ll l‘<*‘l ‘ l "" ‘
1-1 1;)

· , *' . »— u ; k‘§ K -
the 111z1xi111um 11uml»01‘ ul` \m1·l< l1<>111‘s per ljwll; l’“"l_"* Ul “{’('\(l1_`w°" Ul{l_pTl;E];.il`,,}&;§Q
week as ])1`(`>\'l(lO(l i11 the S<¤11Ll1a~1‘11 \\v£lg,`¤3 l°`“‘lm*· mll W Ml )11`l"L` M.] 11;.L·l*·1·l·1; mf 4%-
Ag`1‘@e111c11t. Sat111‘d;’1jv is not 1'CCUg`1]lZt‘<'l as :1 m {ml, °llY`_hTli I;-{ml];llmllsull. ((},;.;1(lQ;]l{’ mlmthl
· · . ’¤ "1* ‘._>i* ¢ · - * '
hOhday. [1943] ¥%cEht%1;(tLl(1)ll‘(rl (1)»ll'<~11s1· i11 :111·)· 11110-l·1;1ll' lllOlltll.
26 C. ll0liclz1ys lll2l_\` he \\`f>1'l{Q('l. {)l`()\'l(lC(l the $]_T1ll`11·11se 111 2'llllv ml?
coal c0111p;m}:, the lllstrict O1`y_'£llllZ{l[lOll uml {mit mhmh hc muy he c·;1l llllltlll agree (·1·(i»(m11»l`lho111i110111:111;1g‘1~111011l1 Alsh,111 :1115*
upon such l1ol12ll(l l`<11‘21ll huh- mom gulp lmw 1111; yjghl lll l1i` time zmd 0110- mmm; must ho 1· \\`l`1·l<0cl, shall he pillfl Culllllg 11111* lw. lldllfllfihénwllulé tlllw1·1;J1u‘l1l1‘
for at time illlfl 0I]C—ll2lll: hr mtv ;111cl <1»110—l1;1lf. mmm°l' ill *l1_¤j***‘_*}*.·_-Y]; wt l"` {1942]
H0l14l21_\‘s shall hc c<»111p11t01l lll 2ll`l`l\'l1liQ_` at the Clomwd bulnum Cm 15 N ( '
sixth amd seventh (lay lll the week. [19-17] Wage Rates
Clc;111i11g and P1'0|)2ll'1ltl()ll of Coal [Note: Svc Appomlix li lm schoclulvs of
t01111z12`@. llOLll'l)` uml clay wngc 1‘:1tG$.l
29 Sec. 4. lt is the 1)lll,`])(>SC of the United _ .` _ . .   , _,_ ., 1.. th nlinof
gt, . . . ·1. · . V . 1   32 P1cl\ hlll1lllQlhlllL‘ lglllO\.ll 11 0
. (Utes C<,>.1l 11111l Colle: (,<>lll]>dIl_\ (xml 115 em-     _ _ 1_ _ it Wm lmdwcut COutG1._
ployces to ])l`<`)ll“lOtC the l('>Ll(llllQ` ol`, uml the Of will llhll l‘;“vll‘°   X" The MSM, mh,
payment l`()l`, clc;111 uml lllOl`CllZll1t2ll)lC‘ coal, <*¤*<12‘<*1‘¤<‘11*_*>  ]ll_l`U}]lll3_2,`HW,.(t_ylgOH]lS1m]1
amd the ClllDl<>YCOS. l,l1l'<>ll§`ll their 1·Cb1·es<211t;1- ?<‘>1·1»·¤1< “llNll·lQ’?}llf`·‘·1l.ll_(_ll`{Q (MH Qhmtlzmd
tives pledge lQll€lllSCl\`CS to C<)—()])Cl`£ll;C with the mcludo UW ll?  ‘f‘}‘1_‘{‘;r__QW\. `Hmbm. tho
O])€1`2llQO1` 111 the [)l`()LlllCtl<>l1 01* lllOl`Cll2lI]t21lJlC Cl°2{ll.ml(ll}0`l_( _ li_3ilL;11\l(_1. {\.,“.k`2md Cugfmng
coal. [1942] ?"‘ll""Q‘”"°‘··"l“ A ( ` 10.11]
30 H f I L _ bl 111c10110, slate, 33 Sm ”· ln pmmg im CMI bofmc It I

 SC1'€€11€lls ol lllllllllg anll blasting lun]; Hm] gwjtghoa lhe p1`Q561l:E·CLl>l<*lll of
CO£1l O1` to 1‘l>p<¤l'llon ol sL·l‘@@11o4l 1·Qppr,yjpg jumpers to €I1Zll)lC 1lli1Cil1IlL‘> U; Cgll
lump, and any nnnor wll lm sullycct to tlist·1— Shall ho continued. [1·l‘l·]
l °l I" '··’ ‘: ‘ ‘; ‘¤   J; ·1· _ . __ __A
mule, ll ml l—(ml·l:`HM mul L U.Llki\HBl\ olly 38 It rs rnnlorstood that the nnncx shall DG
an\ other canso. 1:ols to ])l'l>llCl'l_\ nnno, shoot , o. o _ I . _r __ l—J_   tt
` - - responslblo lor tho care wl all supp n> stn o
and load tho coal. ll l'L‘<|llll'L*(l lay the 1ll&lllLl§`O- l J 1.   ]   we _md UVM hc Wm ].CCl_\.C1. up
ment thc minor must block and cloan out ma- um lll ub "   p € __ . . _ _   _- 0.
Gly 6 Cuttjnw ley yl Q] ,, U ,,~ [lop] Cars. turns, 1‘a1ls and tres lll plllal Lllrl\\lll;
m ”b J U L A ll) HF   _ wllere possiblc. Mine cars shall ho llol1yere£l(llllQ` coal shall lnelntlo to {hg minors at then yy ollymg MCG. [U4-]
fhg ll-Ollk léqumlll lll {lull lslllloh Chem. llml 39 8, For each nnnc xyhore the p1‘aCtlCc IlO\\`
oacl the coal. DlU}7Ull_\ l1lll)L‘l, tho xxollong .17 thx dLH\_Ll_\_ U1. UN to HN \\.m.km_,.
places 1n tho nnne 2lCC(1l`(llllQ` to the st;nn·lar€ 1.1.1 J_
lN‘1H'l"`€` ¤ t ·l ·ll l l· ·· *~lt ‘ *l ‘ ~ wm O ° ·
( tl, mon sua Jn l(,(|llllt.( o Iu1n1s1tnl . __ _ _r _,,1 , { ._
` *‘ · puslnnw Any contlox orsx as to the Con lnua
H€C€SS£1l'_\' ])1`0]’JS. t1ml>l·1‘s ;1nl`l{lllQ` places as near o. o o   r _ 1 ,1 , H 1)
0 ` » · · - must he consnlorocl as a lhspulo, anl sna e
the face as practlcal, nn compllanco mth thc .   .· I tl
Qtqtg \[jnjn¤—]·w— [N1-;] settled promptly rn accordance \\1l¤ ye
K ( X “° A ` " customary grievance machinery. [19%]
.7 Wh ro tl , 1 ··ta1·1··l' t o · · l` _ . . ·, .,
3) Y   sl? Olmtl U ‘1“`“ the hmdel O 40 \\horo a nnno worker IS rcoulwal lr} J
any part of the regular xxork or oxpcnsc 1*0- . . . _ _ ._ _ __ _ o V 1 ._ A t
· · nnnc ofhclal to loaxc lns \\Ollx at they lac; o
qtnrcd above, a lowor ploco rate as mutually o _ _ _ 1 _1 , H I X mid qt tho
.1,,~1.G€d U 0,] al r o, ,.tl ls -. ) . 0 I perform other labor. le S m Je l.· g I
.C, 4 pon sua. 1; llSl`1L(l to compcn— o , n _ ». 7»   _ I, , H I r Q
sate the 0 >e1··mtor for th » ·r1a1r1O¤·a oy mm rate 01 57.00 [nov >1»1.0»>l per wx- 10 1~
( I ( l L ( ( 0 ( A[l1()_1`*)j called to perform other labor whore this icalc
_ _ ` H rate is higher than $7.00 [110111 ¢1»1.0al‘  
36 When orchnary tnnbcrs, props, otc., are Symp bg paid the swig rate, [19-1-]
sont to the nnner rn nnnc cars, 1n roasonablc _ _ _ . H I l\1d“_m_l_
amounts, he Shall unload same. [194.2] 41 ll ll€l€ ·l_mm€l lh mllull tl O ( O ( Y _ V
. in his worlunq place he shall be pznd at the
37 Mnners shall lay all temporary track and ___,_
jumpers; also lay stool rails xrhorc stool tics * [Per19»lSAgr~eemout.]
rs 10

 rate O1 $0.2100 [110xy s1.v21=== pa-11i1111·O1~sia.7<; <>1`2·2}*’ 1><»¤¤1gls_istl¤~1¤¤¤#¤1‘¤» 0** ~‘·l¤1*1§}_1‘1*§
[new $13.76]   per day. [1942] rate snall he paul. ·
Y - · · . · · 47 '1`hc llasic 1¤.>l1I121§L`C. heurly and day wage
42 1] here a nnner is 1'l'l·C rates 111 all l.>1si
tricts shall hc lYlCl'¤‘il.~L‘('t lnteen 11er cent
43 In prepariiig new places such as butt-effs, 11;,; 1_ [1941]
peckets. ·b1‘cak—tl111‘011g‘l1s. etc., the \\'.O1;l{ re- ( 1 A I ,1.1m1_111_1_ \_111_11112_C· (1C111,1\\,O1.1{Ol.
qtnred will he paid 101* at the rate 01 $0.966 hw _ · kl) j   ° _ `·` '1· _ #1 1, 11 1_ 1.111111,,
. [new $1.172]  per h0ur or $(176 [HOW inotage n‘0rl1crs sl1al1l11c1p.1u   i111`1115C¤
$13.70]   per day, and the sanic dead xy0rk rate l1l`C(ll“li_1‘sl _llll1’l:.     311
i Shui] 2lD])l)' .lIf>l' tllltj lZl,l1)()1` ]]()\\' l3Q1]]1Q` 1`){`111(l   1£$£t;101\1(l]1i m111g1(>1;1'tN1&<;;—1111\s1.11(L1-1111 11111111 11`11`{U1 and
umn we Cmnpiewm Ul the l’l"°“’ [ 9i 7] eyertiine l>cy0111i1L'1d11it<1
W0rke1· 0f any 0t the above duties and in- tj] 1)1`9“‘lO the 1°llm‘mg1‘ Y t_11t\UF<élB11
creases his ]\1'O(lUCtl\'(`t capacity shall he rec0g‘— §llOOl(`l`S· not MSS tillmt   (ill,. l‘l_   1.   1
nizccl and a piece wink rate ;1g·1·Cm1 to tim-G- and an liourly rate 011 >1.1·i·1g. 511111. 11101
f01`D1'0])01`l_\’ related t0 the basic 1-;1t€_ [1941] yylicre the basic .ll1Slk1Q1 tion tn thnt pi··;»ridell`lL»tl\`QS und conveyors. _
shzill he net less than Stlllll per dgty, er $1.2Sl 37 -l_ (nl lCnipll»yees scheduled ter and
]>€1' ll0U1‘, CXCC]Jt that where the liaise rute tm stgirting whrlg en the sec<’>iitl shilt. \\'ll€tllQl`
ClC?Ct1'lClill`1S Or mechzinics in any district is les; pnid hjv the dnjv er hr the ten, shall he Dzilfl
théln $7.80, the base inte shall he increased tour et-nts gtvlilitieiiul ter earch hour eln]>lO}'€Cl.
15.4%. [1943] (Exmnple; l·`er nine [new Nl"‘ liZ3 The rate ter insi