xt7kh12v6014_58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1919 January-April text 1919 January-April 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_12/2008ms006_12_5/11626/11626.pdf 1919 January-April 1919 1919 January-April section false xt7kh12v6014_58 xt7kh12v6014 FORM 235.
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 I , I
J numry lf, 1919.
TT, T. M. ERL tcm,
Tl;v¢;1h Ficcx,
Y? M. J. i. :4 1I _ •
Dean: Fiinrg
Ref aria; ., »»h»w;e»2Q¤n Lu-uh; re at1v& to
track ccnstruuticn gt ii; no VV-  win; at Q nham:
V Harzwith I rm gh` ing tc ycu t copy of Fr.
B¤tG¤3ii¢¢'% léttér Of January 15th, and I understand that
you will xnxx up .i;h the guntznetor the suggestions aw 24;-
mitted Ly Kr, i tcb&ldsr•
.n Ov
I also viam to call your attention to what he
r smygwzth rcfcrneus to the saab ccnncuticn with the muim line. ,
This is most Important, and Y:. Ccnvsise shouid at once make
corractiong in his plans znd a esiffuutiunu, unless, there are
gcod And »uff1ci¢nt xeaacns ~hy ia u;,m0t be carrlsu out. I
·(*· ish you would glagas ssc to it that the glama and specifica~
tlcne as raqucazad Ly ur. E.zrA¤.&ez gra sent LO him.
i4I&miv; to inspection: Inaamuch as Mr. Conveyse
wornsd up these plums, ana axac carried out the uct ila with
UGH, ll »GuLu 0; n¤Luz&; no JUQJOSB in&t thexa shoulu cc un
UHd¤IBEgyQiH& :;l¤Liv¤ to iuy ;¤;i0u, &¤u I gm aura that the
0Ib4ni:;;iun gz fwnnmk wiil mq &us@ éLQd EO asaiat him in every
— way pomzibla.
Ta em aqita m&zm21z I hm senuing A ccwv cf Kr.
- I » A.
B»u¤he;;¤;'4 Latte: Ing u coav 0; zhia.1Qtner to mx. C0¤v¢Is&
_ 3 - » !
aw lt is most imxuxtant LYLL we gan prcmpa &»Li0n•
Ycux¢ v;yy truly,
Q 7 BI¤Sx?T
Cwpica tm:
Ur. I; 7} ;%.t¤‘cl¤ar,
Mr, W, I. Cunvcrsa.
(Copy A tmchcd)

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 A ` " I l >.n 1 4 V 4 ‘ > i ‘ ly K ` V Z,
I · I J V A ` f.
’ · Be11h.;;n, 4;,., Jem. 15, 1,919.
' » . e V ` V
·•[1‘• U- k- i$i4;a;91‘t,.Vice President, V
f Chic .2g,q , Illinois.
U ,
Dear Sir: I . J ·
- · I peli, L.; e;e;·:w v.·.= lei-U :·ee.;4;>=. JT ; nay; :·VT` the l °
· ‘l$t.h’wJ.t21 rzopiu- of ;.%0.u· lettuars; to mr. C,;:v {uu end X _
·‘ nl!. ;·i£)* , :4; ij; ,LI,..4 .:L _ : V
_ * » .·   N.`22 {J. '
. ·   I -3 ,- .. IY JT JCL /Z\}..l. I`l ‘— ‘
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'T" " ,"\ I
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K ` i` V I ` _ ` { -1

CHICAGO W ; Lf ` __, ,r_ `_ Q, ,
gl v   AL · L;1 " ¤) ‘ ` i_ ·· _ j - ~   _ _
· I"}   _M· ‘ .·<_’ ‘ V- `»   _ A- T»  
"V *7 }` NT L I!   - `c 4 V A , U . > ` . . " ; v ,
l .»-`   A ‘,’ I   ` _ ’ ._, ‘   FIN
~ -~ `rl Y ` M    
ie Q `,   V.;--'..;°.

CV].! .
  5/lcigsagcg whichsregpparcptly v.}:¤ne<}ess_?H;. ir that jugd bg sen{ by grain ?*l_?_il, will be _trar;smitted and '
xv , t t rw r t t t mm 11 ti .
_ GMM- ° °’° ‘"°""’ ’ “ °°’é}§§m`f§%‘3¤`§1..1 1»i.m.‘;¤£”&?,2.5‘;rTG‘°F1¤1"““"° °“   °“ °“ —- TELEGRAM·
Rscclvsd at ...A.............. 1 ......,....... -_ ...,......... - ...........A.. - ..A...`.A.,. - A.».,,A..... - ,.......I..............................................................................,....,...............,.....»........,.. M ........................................<...... M .A........ I .............. - ........,.....A.. ,-191 4.....,... M.
Sm from. A.................................................I...l».».l...»lll»ll»l...I..._   ..4....,,.I.l.II.l I ._..,. , ,..l..»._ll 54€3.??JI3£L.'Z1g.., ,• ..I,I. Ju;. ..l» ;;.;.1.1., ...l.. 12.],9. ,l,,_»l...I......»»»_l_.I._IIII».»I.II.I.......__.,l»._._.,».,,».,....,.,.._,»_._..........»...A 191 ___.._. ____
T0- ....1.1._.   ,.... E; .....1 §2.%;.e¤1¢¤¤ . .. A
__________A·>_A_>   iJ..1i].¤.i;1g, Chicago, 3.1]..
-.- .......1.1........A...1....1...1_.............._,.,..........1.......,._._._....__1._11.11...... . .....11._.11111..11,.,.,1.,.,1.,..111.1,.... I ..11   ...1   ..11.     ,.1__ Q,Sl__V})_¥T1,Ql;§§ ,I__   __,II_I_______________,___1_____ _ ________________________  
..--...W ..,.   ....   .,...   ..,..   ...........W.W l¥:.}Y:%.?£;£Y§: .1.4,.   lll,.   .... ;;.§;2.lT4;}&} 41..1...I.,.1.1.V1V_V_V1411V1,1,...V......V....,....___,_,.,_____.,__,,_.___,_A__4,_4___,__A___A_,__________ __
,,......................,...................,.......4...,..4.....4..............4....,........4....14444.14444,14.......... . .,4,.4.,.».11..,,. 1 ,1.1_ .,.41,:1»,;,.;;m.i:1 ..._ .;.!;.eJ.al ,.,. L'.lQZZLjQi§,KQ,? ,.,._._._,,__._,14,_1__.,_1_1.__,,_,,___1_,_.____1,,,___4_____ I _4,_,___,_,4_4_»__ Y A___,______,_____,,__4____,____,_______ _
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 · if ` · ~ > ( - l l ` . 7   _ ~ I >' ` J , l J`;  n  
  · ·~ · . . ii
~ Balham, Ky., _Jaa.n. 25, 1919. · _1  
` K - " . ,
Hr. C. F. Blggssrt, Vice President, » __ »<
` . /
  Chicagqyo, Illinois.   1 _ . .~ V
mm. 2511% ’ .· V V 4 X" A.
— ‘ » Your lattw ui J;:m,;r;,· Elm; racaivad and cmtants ‘ l‘
carufulllq .;0tad. I Jin indeau-11 waxy ;_lz;¤.E to hervu the opportu-·· · ‘ 
mit; to ,,0 over t?  ;>r0g»0t···E r:·.1lr0   we Ertcl.-£1»;· zanhérn Hina ` 1
#2 with Mr. Com/·;_>r:¢ :;:24.5 .21:1.11   the but 0; 1:}.9 piagortu- I `
· nity. ‘ . ‘ `
. ‘ ·, `T YCU.I‘& VG2`;. 1E"J;;,’, ' _ · ·
.*.1.   QI t TQ-UL C-..’.-QTY j ’
· F. 3%. Er11:;br;,:·, [;}7.1¤;9T1Z1Y2€§T1¤?8!1li 1 -
4 · \ _ T)-.,
i ` *~J___ ____, ______________ _____ ___ ___ _ _____________,_;_,__ ,__ '
‘X`Z§`.C . ` ·
` . l _
A /

ER Am=AN¤s u I: N O BR T ERS
UPF wH¤Au.wAvO TH R P- O- BOX 1046 PRO¤uc:·rs
Jan 25, 1919 . A *
I Wisconsin Steel Cc.,
Benham, Ky.
We have just accepted an order for 4·—cars of sand and gravel to go to
` Roberts Bros. , who have given you as reference. Please advise if their status with
you is Ok, and what credit they are entitled to.
Thanking you for past favors, we remain with kindest regards.
Yours truly,
per :Z.2{é>&é4z2>»?#C. tgt/?€». J `~?""*·~~_ .
M...L_ Gen-Mgr.

· l 119*1*11 AND MORGAN S'1‘REE'1‘S
CHICAGO,ILL, Jan. 27, 1919,
Mr, Wade Horn,
%Wisconsin Steel Co.,
benham, Kentucky,
Dear Sir:
Please refer to attached in regard to
rail and ties, You will note that I am includ-
ing in the list the anchor bolts, because they
might just as well bQ,shipped along with the
other bolts and save you the trouble of handling,
Please advise me promptly whether or not you
received the separators bolts, and bed plates with
the big girders, If not, I will include them in
my next bill,
Yours truly,
  /R/  / ii    s »  
`; Engineer,

 Jun. 27, 1919.
Mr. C.,1F. giggert,
Véte R,ésid¢nt,
`t yiscohsin Steel Co.,
Chicago, Ill.
Deer Sir:
I am attaching herewith partial list of
material required for the Looney Creek Mine tracks.
This includes largely the timber and iron work for
the bridges.
I am informed by Mr. Morton that the rail
he: been purchased, but I do not know what kind it
is or how much of it hes been ordered. The amount
shown in the list includes sufficient for the proposed
new supply track, which will be north of the mein mine
trucks. If you will advise me what kind and how much
` ruil has been purchased und whether or not angle bers
are included, I will be in e position to complete this
list he to the track bolts, switch msteriul, tie plates,
switch ties, etc. when this is done I think all the
muterlul needed will have been ordered.
I huv§7§ncluded in this the track scale, be·
cause l believe that has already been taken care of,
but just as soon as it is ordered blueprint should be
sent to Mr. Horn so that he can have the contractor
» take cure of the excavation while the grading is pro-
§m¤‘&§· 1*§8£¥1§“§*E°§8§R¤¤§?“&¤&“?s°£RES §i§§,z¤§§5h°
. tgeg followed, he should be advised promptly to pro-
Yours truly,
Mr. wade Horn, Bonham, Ky.

i»··90·pcu. 6x8—l8' L.L.Y,P, surfuceu 4 sides, bridge ties,
-,— 65- ” 6xS-l4' " " " “ ” "
gv 40- * 6x8-16’ “ ’ " " guard rail
4- 16- ” 2xG-l4’ " ' " “ railing
40- 40- " 2x4·16' “ * " ‘ W
@6-100- " Hxln-IO' “ " “ “ sidewalk
,4. 4- " 12x12-10‘ e·‘ " " " culvert
150-6/4x9 machine bolts with nuts
150-Q/4x12 " " " "
300-;/éxbi _ " " " ", counaeruunk heads (6§" over ull)
450-Q/4” muilewble bridge wushcra Qnot more than 1/Q" thick)
450-Q/4* ’ bevel " * “ * " '
(fo: I beam flenges}
50-q/4x15 mgchine bolt: end nuts
. 4·;4* JBQ4 A hebuxehem I be¤ms 18* long
155-GT BO; rwil with dngle bars
(or Lm5 GT 75 yell if GQ} but gv¤i;;b1e}
z2OO-stenuArd 6x8-&Q cross ties
(trgck bolts, switches, Lic lates, spikes, atc. aepcnc on
rail _,uyc}n»ne¤),

 Form P, 2572. Enterprise Print, Hm-lan. Ky,
DAILY LABOR DISTRIBUTION SECTION No._,_____W__i __    _ _I _  _A I____I191I
No. NAIIIE Q nouns     I   mswmmmow J
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