xt7kh12v6014_577 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1936-1937 text 1936-1937 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_54/2008ms006_54_26/50847/50847.pdf 1936-1937 1937 1936-1937 section false xt7kh12v6014_577 xt7kh12v6014 Bonham High School
Football Schedule
September lQ Evarts Away
September 26 Whitsburg Away
October 5 Jenkins Home
October lO Middlesboro Home
October 17 *Piheville Away
October 24 *Barbourville Away
October Sl *Lynch Home
November 7 *Harlam Away
November l4 *Corbin Away
November Bl Appalachia Away
*Cohferehce games

 Friday Afternoon, 1 :l5 p. m. *—_""""—_—;‘_"*‘—_·~‘·—’*—
Memorial Gyinnasinm.
l’1·l~..i¤li11g‘; ·liIIIll‘>< l·`. l{11¤1<·lle ;\. li. (`ll2llI~
;fI'illIlS l»_x· l’i·<»l'. \'i1·g·il Nlllllll ol' lvnillll <'<»lli—g‘··.l    
.   I I
OTFICCTS GNC] K.ON`IN'IItt€€S ol          
l’1·i·»iil·¤·<·li»1·. -l;l1m.~s \\`. lil`£I(lll4‘I'. .\ll¤llll·-»  `y§?2;*§?l"x`}·??'f=  ,.-f“·/fi
. · . . » Y    ··’ -·,* Ywlétn     V    ·    {ii
limo, l\l.]llll(,lx}_ F   » SAI   _'_. . hx W}, (."»_y_.,___.q.   {J J;  _ '__·
     i   · ..:‘!?.;*~*;"I'           
BOBI'd ot DIf€CtOf$ .·   ill   ·‘ .` §·i `~ ·¤";_   » . _,:-
. s~   i _ —ll I   ·· $$3  }§·i·§:”iZ'%':;“_;;z·$*.’~
Dr. ·lf>llll I). Iliwxss. l§;li·l>¤»11l·\‘illl~, liy.     ~ +}=§»_ fz   » _ xw   
Nlllll. \\'. M. \\'e>li-_x·, llelrlem, liy.    
W. E. l'illl'l(lll, t`(Il'lllIl, l{_v,     -» _ ‘ » ·   . ‘ 4.  
Slllll. ·lUl1Il A. l)¤»ls.m Barbourville, Kentucky
Knlil. ll¢·ll<>1l l\l1·s. l£:1xl<·1‘ lllellsop
Bill Slusliwr I`l:n·|< (llII‘S|llll
lx. I`. lam! \\ill1z1n1 l»lllIll(llI(‘ll‘(l l»._x·*· Mr. Moss Walton,
2:30 pa m. Slulu l\tle11mlu11<:1· ()l'll('(‘l`.
Place of Meeting; Chapel, Union College. Place of Meeting: Blackstone Hotel -— 6 p, m.
l’1·e¤i1li11g;ld.l(.)lu¤·lu·y. l’1·e·si1li11u; li. (`. l*le11¢l<·1·s<»11, l)l't*Sl(lClll.
•Si)(‘ill{Ul'$i N]>l‘2ll(l‘l`SZ
J. l). \\`llll&IlllS. llIll\'(‘l'Sll._\' ol' l{l‘llllll‘l{}'. ("llll(‘ llol»¢·1·1 l{l]ltf2llUl.U News. "'l`l1¤· Ncws5>ul1a.·1· Elllll l*]1l111;a-
(llyu )l<»1·1·is. l)lll<‘ llllllllllillll N<·11l1·111¤·11l lio11."
S('ll()l>l. `.l;(*_\'llll(l -\l‘L'l'Cllll2llll)llS.—`
ELEMENTARY SECTION: Thursday Afternoon, 4:00 p. m.
Place 0f'M€€D1H§`Z Cuibpel, wlliy $011001- Place of Meeting: Chapel, Union College.
l)1't‘$l(lll1gi ·l11l111 ,\. l)(llSUll. ). .· - _ , 1 i- ~
__, · l .llt*>ltll1lliZ -lu111<·s A. Lawood, l·11‘st \11ce
.D€IllUllSll'EllQlOll of l4l*>S(>ll of l{(’2llllll{.f, Sljkfllllll l’1·esi1l1·11t.
gruale level, co111l1u·1u1l by l\l1·s. ·l. li. S,,i.iiki,,.,
) 'liwllim I _ _ _ l)l'USlll(‘lll l‘ll'2llll{ ll. )l1·\`ey, [llllV(ll'Sll\' Of
lxlllllld luble COll(lll\‘lCll l1_v Mme Nell lurml, i{ir.,,mi.i{\._ =-·i·i,‘, NPH Step in Eliuuw
Pi¤¤\-‘ill<¤ lib'- tion i11 l{l‘lllll(jl(_\'.H l I
Anlelressi Mies lgiilvy (li)lll'()>v', ,lllll\'l"l'.~ll_\'A of Thursday Evening, 7:30 pl ml
ll\0lll\lLilx}. .\1»1·l;111g,l 1111 lll l¤·u··l1111g Piace Oi- Meeting, Memoriai Gymnasium.
lll lillcllllflllrilllv Sulmol. 4 ,_ _. . _ ._ _
· l 1l·~11l111g: )l1>s Al2l}'llll‘ lll*llSl1·_\'. N(‘lTll]ld
WPA SEGTION__ Vivo l’1‘esirle11T.
Place of Meeting: Room 106, Union College, l)<*\‘~>\i<>11~: Rev. ll. C. Uhilex, Bi1l'l)Oll]'\’lll€,
l’1·esill l11 l{t‘lIlllt'l{_\'." lllSll'lll‘ll(1ll.
Miss ·l2lll(‘ Sl1a·ll1y, l.exi11g·to11. l{(‘llllll‘l(}`. lh'. l*`. l*`. Sllilllllfhl, (`l1i<·ug·o. llli11ois_ "A
·~(),i,. ym.S,.,.§. S,.|,i,(,]S_‘> ll(‘lll M \Yo1·1l1 ol` lC(lll<'&ll`ll>ll.H
LIBRARY SECTION- Friday Morning, 9:00 a. m.
Place of Meeting: Library, City School. Memorial Gymii&Sium_
l’¤·<*~··l·¤¤= No- ·l. ·l- l`.~’<¤ Ir)l.[*$l(llll;£: •lZll]ll)< 1¤. 1<11111·1q11~e. l’1·esi11lf_M¢¤¤¤g¤ R<>¤m 102, Umm ¤¤l»l<=e¤. 111. 1c. ,1. Ross. `&El'lll)ill'll{*(l E¢l11<·ulo1·s."
l)""*l‘lll'§!¥ H- V· M*‘(`lll¥'*‘· S\`lllDONlllll], H(r`ll2ll‘?llll€‘l‘ 'l`lll‘0ll;Ill Emlucu-
S[)(’&ll((’l'SZ l lio11."
I'l2ll'l'_\` XV. P<·le1·s. Supt. of l’11l>li1· lllSll'llP— l)l'l‘Sl(l(‘lll ll. A_ l¥a1l1l1. Url`<`·&l(‘ll(‘l` 'lll`21llllllf.`{
lion. and (lllHl`H(€lPl'.H
Pl’OFl‘$S()l‘ lieu (»lll?lllll)(’l'l§llll. ‘Hl`lll‘ l)(’llNll)ll Pl`{‘Sl(l(‘lll` ll. ll. l)OllOV2lll. ((ljl'(){Il`€’SS Beyond
Plillkn l>lll` I1uw."
J. XV. liI'?Nlllf‘l'. "'l`l1e x\(llllllllSll'&lll0ll ol’ Rev. E. ll. l\'lr(’(`llll‘l<&lll, "'l`l11· (`l1111‘1'·l1 uml
Al‘l1lel‘i<1aNy·s or an imvyw:  ITUQ1 {UTI
HOUSE CllA)ll€l·ZlL, THE CAl’l'l`l>li
Presiding: Mr. Jus. A. Cmvoocl, llurlun, \'it·t~—l’1·t~sitlt·i1t uml ( .. ,
V Cliuirinun of Suction A      
2:30 Discussion of Census uml Attcmlunvo l‘rol»leins ot County his-
tricts —— Loading: Moss Walton, l)irct·to1·, Ccnsus uml i\ttt·mlum·t·,
Department of Education.
 I 2:50 Discussion ot` tlic Adult Education Prograunr l,t·mlin;5; llomor __' M _\ X vv ` T ` N _
Nichols, Director, Division of Special }*]du<·:ation, l}t·]¤:n·t1m·nt ol` 1`JUN     LJDLI    
*"1 `W , V" KY
I 3:10 Discussion of thc Budget in its liclution to (lovorninont l‘i·ojot·t:;   1 ION
Lending: George L. Evuns, Dircctor, Division ot l·`in:nn·t~, Dupuri
mont of Education
3:30 Discussion of thc N. Y. A. Pro;;rz1ni— Lcudin;;: l·`. il. l’t·t•·r>-¤·n,
State Adminstrutor, National Youth Adininstrution
·" "***  iff. Y“`;“f" ' -5
I     .,.. ., .,   li E' ‘
SECTION R - SUPERII\.lIENDFl;\:I.S O/· /NI}/»ll’]ul\.1}1r,l’\ / ij _ ·  
t» ».—. »   _-.»-·
. SENATE CHAMBER, 'l‘lll·} CA1’lT<>I,
Prcsiding: Mr. T. O. Hall, Grconvillc, Vi<·c-Prcsimlont uml (lllflll'—
mun of Section B
, 2:30 Discussion oi` Sulury Sclnedulo Proliloins oi' 1ml<·poml<·nt, l>ist.ri¤·tu r V
_ Loading: Supt. Allon l’utcrl>uup;h, li(cl{(‘llil(‘lli, uml Supt. Iloo Kirk-    
I patrick, Puris
, 3:l5 l)i.scussionvoi’ Ccnsus und Attcmlunccr l’rol>lt·ins ol` 'lnrlt·p¢·mlt·nt Doccnlbol,   and    
Districts- Lozidingz Moss Walton, l>n·<·ctor, Division ol l't·n>:ns;nul
Attcemlunco, Dcpurtnicnt ol` l1Z¥1·1~ 1)11L·1: 11.
1<`1{AN1{1·`111{'1`1111111 S1`11l111I..·\l1l11'I`11Ii111M ...,. WWE
) . . . 1 - . .`
 ` ·:   1 1 1. ¥· 1 Y: ··I .· 1’ ·:» 1·1 »- -. .. .
I1l‘¤1(11I1g_ 1I1~~ \111111 111111111, 11111 11111, 11 11111 IHUHSDAY EVCNINGL DINNER MEETING
111:1111 S 1111111 M11s1· 1. , . .
I) L A11; (.1 1·1111·1c f\1~1·.* 1}:11111.:11 1I1111·|
(1x*1~1·1111·e I"l'B111(1·11I`1 1113,;:11 S1'11(1111 <11·1·111·:.x11·;1 _ _ _1 _
_ _ _ _ I’1:1~>:11111111: 111:. 1.1. fi. 1:1j,·I11r, 111·:1111 (`11I11·1r1· 111 1·Z11111~;11,11111,
liv L11e1§1·1111111 1111· I11\1‘1' A1·.1|1v;11·1I>1—111·1:1 . . . .. 1 , _, _ ,
‘ IIl11\1‘1';%11.1' 111 1\1·111111·1;_x‘ :11111 1~.1·111111·1;j1‘.\. 1·., .1.. 1111:.-1·1·11·
Ii ·:111111`111 1,111* 111111111 1 "$1l`i111S~;\1I` *11 , , . , . , 1
I I ` N " .·\11 1·.11111·:1111·11:11 111v1·:1i1»1·j,‘ I11·, 11*:.111; 1.. N11·`11·y, 1’1·1.~>111··111, Ix1·111111:1;j;
1*`1·;1111;1`111‘1 1I1g11 $11111111 A11\l*11 1`11111‘11:1 1_1_1111_11111111 1_\_,1,111111111111
1'111I 1'1lS111I11, 11i1·1· ‘I11*` ,1 1 . , . .. , . . .
my ` ` A .<..111.· 1’1·11.1..·111»1·;11·111;1jF11111·1·1111,»·11~I~·111;= 111*. \`~.111:11‘·11·.. I1I‘»`1·!T>`, 1.11-1-1111=.‘.·
` ](1;15 111v111·;1111111~— 111·. II;11111111121 ;\(1i111l$, I‘:1s1111‘, (`111‘1t~l1I111II11111'1'11. >;,. N11111,11111 ;j11111.;1111,11 _.1_,,,11.1111j,,,1 1
1·`1·11111·1`1 1·1 . ,..` . . , ,. ,
` I .\111—·1.·- 1·1·;111111111·1 111;··1· >—1·&11»1»1111·11111·e:1·;;, 1‘11·1~111~11 11;; Mme 1·.11~1·r·:1 5111111.
111:1211 $tz110 (111\‘1·1‘111111~111. 111111 1·Z11111·;1111111 (111\`k‘1`1I111`;\. IZ, 1`11:1111111·1· ___. 1 . ,.., , , . , 11
§:—11.~1·1;11.1111 11· - .11:1:·.· i~··—.1··1, 11‘·1·11 1\··111111·i1:111· 111.111;‘11`;:111 1...··y»-
111:511 1{e11I.111·1;v's SL‘11l1111 I‘1‘1»1r1·;1111 h?11111·1·11111·11111·111 11. \\`. 1’.·11·1x¤ 1;- 1. -1 _ _, .1 ~_.
· ·- .1.1 ,,,, 1·¤1j·_¤1r—-111I11I:1}
11:211 '1`1¤;11·11e1· 1{1·t11‘1~111c111 1112 1.1111 NI. lY11:1111111·1‘|:1111 1111‘1·1·1»>:‘. 1*..‘ 111l` ,16111; _
1:11l`1‘il1J1)1~SL‘1111111S1.'1'\11'1‘, I1111\`1‘!`S1I}` 111` 1{1~111111·1<_1 1111.· $1.-111.. 1K.·;1y.11     1}1·1~.~1·
11:511 A11111111111·e111u11ts 11·· *11` .»\1·I;'. :1`.'11.1x·.-1111` . (11111111
1111US1i1‘111\M1Z1·j1i,’1`111·]1‘1\1’1’1‘111. 1·`1I.`.}f111·`111l'E` 11i1lI1 T;1`1111111.;A\1`111'1`1`11C1Iv)1
1‘1·1·s111i11g: Mr. 'I`. 11. 11:111 S11111·1*11111·1111.~11L1»1'111·1~1·11x111.· 111;.11-1111 1·1-1 ._.— 1151,11 ;   _*_111111 11_ ;;1.,-11-111111 \‘11111-,.1,11,»1.—_ 111~1.:;1,1.y11
Su1111 11.‘ , , ,. . , .. 1 ,
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1;1111 1·`1·;1111;1i11 C111111tyS1·1111111I’1·11;‘1‘:1111 T;I1]1l'l`111Il‘I1'1l¥11I 11<1}"1`1`I1i‘, I"1`11111{' 1.~,1_111... .311 11 1,1 1 .111.. ‘
1111 (77111111ty 111511:111 >?1·1111111s ,1 . .. 1 , , , ,. 1 . , ,1 ,
.11.11·11111;·‘ \·»1.·: 1»¤··.·1~.1111s 1 .=····1111—t—.11~..;.12;..1 1'1111{>·»11‘
1:111 M;11·s11;1l1('111111Ly S('1111(11 1'1:11;:r:1m $11111·1·1111.1·11111·111 'I`111111s1'11;1111111·1·s, :11111111 111111. 1111111 1,111 11.1,111.1; N111,1
1*’°HL°n 1)1”Ul°1 >°I1"')I” 1 111'1r1I1Y1I1S 1i1·r1¤= \<1111`1111l".'.`-IZl1E’x`
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1:511 Nic11<11;1s C11l111ty S11111111 1’1‘11q1·;1111 S111»1·1·1111.1~11111·111.I·I1’1—1*1·11 1’1`;111s1i1·1, 1g.·11111.·1.__1,· 1·].1111·;111.111 _·\S:1111‘1Q{Z€11!1
(JHYIISIU L)1StmCL bchnols 11:1C» l·`1·.1.·1‘.;1 .`.I1I 1`111· 1I11111·:11i.1:1 111·. \`{111;11·11 1-1. \11\'1*11F, 1·I>.111·1:1€\‘1·
2:1111 M111.1is11n C(1L111I.y S1·11<1111 1’1·111;1·z1111 S1111111111.1·11111·111. .1. 11. II:11111lt.1111, S,·1·1·.»1;11·;1·1 §§;11i1111;11 1·Z.!.11·;11i1111 ,*1.,:11.1;.111111
M11111s1111 (.111111ty 111s11·11;L 51:1111111s; 11113 1111H1111_1_111 111__1_1111}1.

 Bennnm Hirn Qchonl
Bwekehbul} Geruiule
December lb Qeiline Away
Dene;ber l8 HL wuetmr Home
Lwcvmber LZ ;h;Eez%urr Away
IZe<ées¤b¤*r {Gl, gliryxxi H une
J nuurnny fb *Iv¤r%»nuz";i]eL¤ kvuxy
Jenuery 3 Banville gwny
January Q X. X. i. Away
January l2 *i0rrin Meme
January 15 £NbTlEH Hume
January l@ *Lynnh jway
January [C London gwey
January 26 *?;n ville Meme
Jenuary 29 *]i€€]esr®r¤ Home
February E *U1rF;wriille Home
Februery 5 *C ruin Away
February Q *Nurlnn ,wvy »`¢`
February 1; *Lyneh K¤we
February lu Unitesburg Home
February l9 *P1neville iwny
February EO Lunden Home
February QB *I1ddl©sbnrn Away
*Cnnference names

1 YJ   1,0:33;     ;;i;"??*1iqi
1 1
1 Tuoaday, Fobruary 18 1`it;abrr; Horo
Thursday, Tobruary 18 larlan Haro
Friday, fobruary 1Q s;novi11o Thoro
Saturday, Door ary BO Eirovi11o Horo
\ Tuosday, Fooruary 23 · ;iCd1eaboro Tnoro
Saturday, February 27 Lynon There
Monday, Maron 1 Earbourvi11o Horo
Thuraday nioht Maron 4 Tournament Loya11
·J O 5 .1
_ A/1 / Friday night, March 5 Tournament Loya11
1Y*§W£\?3aturday aftornoon Q nigkt Tournamont Loyall
`~’ Both A and B toams wi11 play in a11 romaining games
oxcopt with barbourvillo,

FsTa1·ch11, 12, 13
1. Corbin __ ;
Thur. ’7 PL2. ;   O, é!,',,/
QD {4.yyv *7 O `.T L.  
11"-L,~1Vx 1 ..-. . {in, L,g,y7‘
5. Fiickfee : 2 :
Thur. 3 PET. SjQ,d1<7e~Tvq/ I 2
  Knox Central : :·
»‘3eturc1e;;T 3 PQI.: {Gia; Lg,,/Z;,·¤/
.: Champion
5. `1‘1·;*2v;»-112 : ;
Tricleir 2 EAI. : Egg; K!-{{4, 2
6. Ea11»;an : : :
I ¤
17I“1C1&y 153 1°.i&. _Z {7/Z,·~,·{ f;;_2"Z;,y‘ 2
7. Blaeketey ;
i*`rid;;y 5 PAT.: /)7Z1C1,;J€»>r€r :
8. ?T.;meheete1· :
Note- A11 games played by Centra]. Timo.

 {  ( If   {  #m M·A”i` ” “""~··~———-~»——.~._;J
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  j' » J .7//ur $, ·‘·—T——.._,.____  
  {3 ¢’ *$ {  
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 V?"1*fTl HA?YYTBjlTl.%C*mAF’LE
Feb. l6— Uhitestwrg Here
li- Harlan lHere
lQ— Pineville Theve
RO- Pineville Here
25- Hiddlesborc There
27- Lynch There
Mer. l- Berbcnrville Here
Mer. 4 - Thursday Night - Teurnement - Leyall
5 - E`ridev Ni gjht — " "
6 - Set. Aft. % Night " "
doth A and B teams will ple~ in all remaining
games except with Eerbourville.

   .5] / 9,. ,4 Hifi Tr/_ Y
*___“*“`_ `""'_”`T
l Kentucky 3
¥ `
  High School 1
Q Athletic g
l . . E
1 1
V l
l l
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%eE 1
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Constitution, By-Laws  
i and I
| 9 Tournament Rules  
 \(J/ ·—·  
  1 }_ $01936-1937 i
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  High School
Association c
Constitution, l;}`—l,Ll\\'S
'l`ouru;1mc11t Rules

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