xt7kh12v6014_573 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Establishment text Establishment 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_54/2008ms006_54_22/50605/50605.pdf 1919 1919 1919 section false xt7kh12v6014_573 xt7kh12v6014 Lim Laédi,-:
I `maliava _A ya; (/ec     d._._;,¤e,, ;;.__0 bcmuklyia;. »;.L¤.;. W —..~u;.~ .
like tc ly vs :>:`r;i··1m·oJ :.-v;z· vclojl ¤‘1 1 :·1ct. 21;;::}.:2 t·»k·a tai; up
before: the pz·0;,·:;;· uutiiori ci   pm?. sem t`¤~.t nm ;c‘·0nl district; 1117.6
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Jan.26th IQIQ. L °`>
Benahm, Yy.
Dear Sir;
It was my privilege to visit your sclmol on Thursday
, January 23rd and as is my custom I made some notes on what I observed
and am reporting to your principal Prof.Goodman and I thought it might
be of interest to you if I were to send a copy of this report to you.
This report I must admit is too brief and hastily done to
do justice to the work of your sctnol there but it will give you some
idea of what I think of tre school and its work.
I shall be very glad at some time to go over your plans
for the future development of your school at that place.I presume that
with the recent developments you are making that the school situation
will demand attention and I stall be only too glad to aid you in every#
possible way in suclza development,
Very sincerely,
. i/42%e¢449Li<;a/>)éL;£Q@ Supta
ec Wear   MM swf    
Ziééz xzékéaaaxg ~%¢A/QV ¢*éZd*’¤¢L*L QLd"Q &££;%? U/ i; /I'
»&AA/_/ptA/ jlayéqf /Z/%/ 6g;AA;L7 ,£/ceeaaf /é2¤z22>a,
Ki//I pyyi   .

Jan. 26th I9I9.
Hy dear Prof.G0odmen;
I was vory glad of t o oooortunity to visit your so mol
and to make n wortkwl otudy of L ~ situntiox wud of your Lu.o=ero.I
give you e vwr; orlef record of my otservatious of your towering force
as follows;
» QL`?} ».; 111* in;
I found *ro.”uc.ou¤n viti an ritomduuoe of uoout 61. »r o.dldren
fksr t e »c;,L grlxrt ‘:e;w2 n;;s;l :»u‘1 ii; kxno I oxwiox . (rr ;uo·L ocle `SMETE ;;»¤»d
and if I were to suggest to wr it would be t at ere give u bit more of
atiryziou to p 0 ¤et·ils of ·r lermo. und ro uiro ur ouoil; to webs f
to and from classes iu wottur oru·r.
Ties fstridgo;
I found lor: :·. tr:t..w ~,u ·ns "   v·r;,‘ ;:`3"?Lc1~:;xt. vt mica, aézisié
order, recitotions and interest were vcr; good indeed.;ome of tix lest
reading I suv. euro in ug; mw oo} T onrd in moi; r~o¤,?cr cwildren
are governed admirably and there seows to he a splendid so col spir-
iC.1[OLlIuH$’ oowuxt ;;lu1wsoiJT ;Io;·tu;r:Le 1,u unui, ;» tquio Aer.
"rs. ill;
T%is wve my rooond c once to o— ervo Tro.Yill‘a work end I found
it as usual vory good iJko»`.T o?~»r¤~u l~r org in Langougv und I find
ker punils interested wud doing effective worx. or met&ode were good
and toe order end interest is ulwost so good as I found in Kiss Es-
tr1dgo': room.
"iss Tri ole; ~···
“sre T fouwd 2 very i corset n" frog; of o iliror of L wt ro and
Size wricw renders it ard to Paco ;.em Lutxre ted und Luey,I found A
teacher ~»o knew sow to train rar umol]; to rend uaturel and one who
had arranged some eoloulil ouuy »orx for er c·ildreo,V>; room sus .
neat and nttrwctjvo ann ~¤r c*ildr¤n wzro rue; esi `anwy.I rm: rd Ties
Trimble us u oolonlid Dri»ury *eoc.cr.
Cm t,e wQolo I found ocioolrooms ;ttreotive und evidences of
a 6ood so ool spirlu and I oeliove it is oo; saying too noo for you
wasn I state tout gour eoiovl is one o? L o Cost I Lavo sud ooportuni·
ty to observe und 1 feel tpdt I {eve gotten eowe trimms frow my ob-
servation t2oro t.uk I can owns along to sono ot or teuo are w.ioL will
be well wort;Lwlile.Your irregulur attendance is L o one t ing tint
needs wttentiou lol * trust t·¤t we s rll bo ublo to meet t·ds problem
in some effective way.I am certain tkut if we could .uve e regular at-
tGHd&HC8Ȥ}G pupils would make rapid wdvmuoemont.
I Wishing you u most uuocessful years work, I em,
Very sincerely
,  'V' ,» C? \ )
V/@7éLA/L¢VL ’/y Q4D éupt.

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 Apr. 29th, 1919. 1
HI`! L • its   1  S.  qr| , 4‘  
1 ’LV!1Ch Ezines, Kv. _ A
I DEBT S1»I`:·e·‘ ‘ . I
we oro enclosing vou herewith copv of our letter ·
ot‘J`au. 3rd, liflo, to jfr. F.   Dunbar, Supt., and copv of
that part ef our latter 0i`2·'z.1v 19th, 1915 to lfr.   C. Tucker, »
Supt., movin: to Go xmiun LUQ question of cowmon and qrgded
school districts, taxation on same and methoc of catahlishjnq
Qfadéd school districts.
- yo believe that con znformatjoo contoinou in those
lstotorg is what vcu want. we Shall be salad, however, to
further attempt to explain any mattor which m&V no; be clear
‘ to vou. ' · _
it occurs to ug well to suszqagt in thi s connection
that under the Revenue Low oF 1§17, tho ibilcwioq prcpcrtv is
subject onlv to taxation for State purposes. jucn propertv,
to tmc ext ont thgt the state lovv is For school purposes., would
be gubj ect to tax for ’C.l‘13t purpose but would not he subj ect to
tax for gmv other gchcol levv. The propertv so exempted is;
Farm implements and machincrv owned bv pergon engaged
in i`urrr·imz; machinerv and products; in course of muriufactzircg
ruzv znatseri al on norm for the purpose: of mwnufacturc; azonov in
hand, notes, bondmatzcounts and other credits; certain shares
of stock.
"o_ur;; vcrv trol v,
Copv to Sr- F. B. Dunbar, Supt-, I
Beznham, VV.
\"’· {

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 ` .""‘:*" F » ,.
- ABNER C. JON ES, Supsmwrsmoswr
Kay 27th I9lQ/ ;¥}~v~`f
Yr,F,?,Tunbor, Supt. Qpf A, ` Q
r     . \Q‘;§‘·\
Beidvqn, Ly. FGXQFF
> J OSX)
Deer Sir;
I have your letter with reference to the number of teoch-
ers for your district,I regret vvry much thdt we ere uneble to do more for
you but if you understond our conditions as e county I believe you will betteV
eppreciete our position in the notter.Your ccnbingd white and colored census
lest yeer showed 457 end ot the stnte percopits gove you Q2oeQ one when me
have finished paying your teachers solcries ie \·.o ·i1l .y.; here poid you $2325 or
practically the entire per cepitd.Tour district has fared better in this re-
spect then any other large school in tbe entire county-
1 You perhaps do not know that ve here in Herlnn County 24
schools with e census enrolhvent of on average of 56 which ot `5,H5 por cep-
its would rnount to QIZ? for six qontbe service or e?out ~5$ per month.You
cen readily eee that these Q4 schools could go without e teacher for board
would cost ot leest half trot much.TLe len is co ¤ritten .·,· tlut the larger ond
weelthier districts must shore with the emeller ond poorer ones so that dll
the children of the county shell have e chance for attending the public school
It is imposei le to consolidate dny further for I have studicxgthe matter
cereftlly and I hdve succeeded in makin; consolidation in two districts but I
see no further possibilities in this connection.
0ur policy in determining the number of teachers hes been
to require o census of 125 for P;200 for Z;500 for 4;400 for 5 endsG on.I
trust that you may see that we have tried to be fair ond just to the county
as n whole in our plens.We could give you six teachers at en average salary
of feb per month but tois would not help you any more than fopr teachers Qt e
salary of $65 por month and the former would so lessen the teachers seleries
in the county that we could not secure teachers.? shxll be glad to have you
come into the office end examine our records end see tint you ore getting the
some consideration as any other district in this county,
In view of the fact that you have shown so much interest in
school development I heve planned to provide equipment such ns you may need 2
in the new building which I hear you ore to construct.Lost year we furnished
equipnent for your schools to the emount of more than $200 end we expect to
ppovidc you with much pore during the present yecr and I have written Prof.
. ocnun o inquire muws you will HGQG in tnis line.We cent do ;ore in the

matter of teachers for you because this would mean not less than EO districts
for us to consider and would mean the employment of ot_leest 25 more teachers
and the result would be to loosen the salary to such an extent that good
‘l1©&1C}lc2i‘$ would no ].c¤ng;a¥r lie ipo:‘;s;is:le,
I have ylunncd to go to Lynch Zines on Wednesday and shell
come down to Bonham Thursday nornir; and if I have not mde myself clear to
you and you nant any ·dditionml infcmnation I shall he very glad to give
it to you,.We very groetly appreciate the splendid cooperation you jeoylc
have always given to the public wchools rnd I ntonre gon me are ready to
shov .·—, our appreciation in so for as ;>0:z ‘
All of which is r¤sspectfv.l]Vy submitted. .
* /
. ·"“""" W ‘ V M / € '
~_'T;; . ’ ‘ - ——»_rU `  
’ "’7" 1

 The foregoing petition to establish a graded common
school et Lynchihines, Ky., and for other necessary step: in
A connection therewith having been duly considered by the Board of
mducation in and for Harlan Pountv, Ky., has been ond is hereby
approved and so endoreed.
IH TESTIMOMY &UnRhOF, the members of the board of
` Education of Harlem County, Kentucky, here hereto net their hands
this the_______day of 1919.
l B¥v2......................................................
The foregoing petition to establish a graded common
school district at Lynch Mines, Ky., and for other necessary steps in
connection therewith, is hereby approved and so endorsed.
This day of 1919.
Harlan County, Ky,
The foregoing petition to esteblieh e graded common
school district et Lynch Jines, Ky., and for other necessary steps
` in connection therewith was this day filed before and with;;Qdnd
in my said Court. _
'· This day of 1919.

 Filed in cpan Court this day of ,
V Clerk Iiarlan Couhty Cour`?
By »_ D. C.
- ~ 15h

 1 I
.;3\ILL`\’l`Iil`lI§ &@.LT1‘Y1Lt?’1`ill¥ ve uf itmtlv `”'“‘$£.`['$Z?E°§'B¤¤O_KY.
` .J,E.sAMPsc~
P/|lDDLE5BORO.KY. "‘AF'L’*"‘·’(Y-
July 15th, 1919.
Mra F. B. Dumber, Supt.,
Benhmm, Ky.
Deer Sir:e
We recall that some time eimce both you and Mr. Billipe
of Lynch had up with ue the question of the establishment of e
Graded School District. Mr. billipe has asked me to prepare
a petition for euch district and we have done eo. We enclose
you e copy of our letter to him, ee well ee e copy of the petition
prepared, as we do not knov whether the proposed district wil}
effect L‘noh alone or whether ou and Mr. Billi e have erreed to
a dietrictwhick mev iointiw effect Lvnch and Benhem.
u u J J
Youre very truly, //,
e/JF ,/
/ Nj 7 _ *1 ‘J .   )  f 4_ / fl V
KQ4//Kr   r, IV _/   _ .. A V: A, , V,   _ 7

 Form 1*96
CHICAGO July 30, 1919
Mr. F. E, Dunbar,
Supt. Wisconsin Steel Co. Inc.,
Benham, Kentucky.
Dear Slr:— ‘
Referring to the minutes of the Eenham Works
Council dated July 17th in which the school problem is
discussed, we will continue to work on this problem and
_ it will, of course, be necessary to get information from
Judge Sampson as to what the State will do, and also
work out plans as to what will be required in school
buildings for both the white children and the colored
children. Mr. Price will help all he possibly can but
he must, of course, have the proper inforzation. Please
keep right after this as it is taking considerable time
to decide just what is wanted.
e Youre truly,
I ° fl * Q ,4 /7
l Vice President
cl V

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