xt7kh12v6014_555 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Safety Award Programs text Safety Award Programs 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_54/2008ms006_54_4/50002/50002.pdf 1957 1957 1957 section false xt7kh12v6014_555 xt7kh12v6014 V \
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Wayne King, 21 year old faceman in Benham's N0. 2 Mine, owes awarded
the Harold F. McCormick Memorial Safety Award for saving the life of a fellow  
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workman., +·j_· ` " I N r is A A_r.  
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4 King and his crew leader, Ralph Whetsel, were engaged in setting a crib
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when a rock  ·thick·*and·’weigh&ng around 1700 pounds fell from the roof
fw; ~_* ‘·L»·"{`_,‘*.;_é"\ `
 `ifhetsel against the bottom in a jacknife position. Fortunately, one
l *6
end of the rock rested on some loose coal which allowed King to get one knee and
shoulder under it enough to pull the injured from underneath. Mr. `Hhetsel was not
breathing and King immediately cleared his mouth and began artifical respiration
which revived the injured. King then crawled   for help. Upon
returning with other employes Whetsel was tiedgridibandaged for a brokengback, I
\\°~°/V ·\ ` { 2 ·   »-   .
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placed on a stretcher and taken to the hospital/\ 'Phe=.e·e—· e »—.- found
/QQ;;_,:·<{,\_,<.., !-;   »- ·· . '
to*5§"éxtens1ve andasevere.
Without question King's presence of mind in removal of the rock and
his prompt use of artifical respiration saved the in;jured's life.
The Harold F. McCormick Memorial Safety Award has been awarded only 5
times prior to this occasion. An employe may qualify for it if, during the course
of his employment and on his own volition, he saves the life of a fellow employe

 ‘ 1
by adxninistering artifical respiration or by rendering some other outstanding
service that is regarded as saving s fellow emp1oye's life. -
Kim; is · member of the  generatimsolt Kingsrlehxployed at Benham.
He and his wife, Patsy, th their young   Viclcignligve 1n Benheuu.

N0. 240 October 16, 1957
To Harvester Managerial People:
1. IMPROVING FARM EQUIPMENT SALES. Perhaps the most significant trend in our business in
the past few months has been the improvement noted in farm equipment sales. lt is the
first sustained upturn of any importance in this part of our business in more than a year.
It is too early, of course, to say with confidence that the improvement will continue into
or through next year, but certainly the prospect is now better than it was a year ago at
this time.
The dollar volume of farm tractor sales for the 1957 fiscal year will be ahead of
1956, and currently it seems that farm implement sales will be about even with or perhaps
a little ahead of 1956. Prices were higher in 1957 than in 1956, however, and when this
factor is taken into consideration it seems likely that the total volume of farm equipment
sales, including both tractors and implements, will be about even with 1956.
It has been a good year for combine sales, with volume well ahead of 1956. The
orders for the new No. 46 hay baler are indicative of the better trend. One sales
district office--St. Paul--has written orders for more than 500 of these new balers, all
to be shipped at vendors' option. This is the largest single district order for balers in
IH history. Orders for this machine from three Northwest district offices--St. Paul,
Minneapolis, and St. Cloud--total more than 1,200. It would require 150 railroad cars to
move that number of balers, or the equivalent of 7H trainloads. This is nearly three
times the number of balers these same three offices had placed a year ago.
2. SALES CAMPAIGN RESULTS. The improvement in the farm equipment market began to show up
in the final weeks of the "Let Yourself Go" sales campaign conducted for a 46—week period
by the Farm Equipment sales organization. A total of 4,072 tractors, balers and combines
were delivered at retail in the closing days of the campaign, and a grand total of 77,529
retail deliveries were registered during the entire period of the campaign. Both tractor
and combine retail sales had increases over 1956.
The 77 McCormick retail stores now being operated by the Company exceeded their
quotas, ending with nearly 106 percent of quota. Seven district offices went over the 100
percent mark--Aberdeen being the highest with 117 percent of quota. Others over 100 per-
cent were Quincy, Peoria, Davenport, Des Moines. Louisville and Kansas City. The North-
west Region won first place in the contest, with three sales offices over 100 percent.
A total of more than 625 dealers and McCormick store managers won trips either to
Los Angeles or Hawaii in the contest.
There is a chance that good sales of such harvesting machines as corn pickers and
cotton pickers will extend into November or even later, because of the late maturing of
the corn and cotton crops in many sections of the country.
5. BENHAM MINER TOP SAFETY AWARD WINNER; A young coal miner employed at the Company's
coal mine at Benham, Ky., has been awarded the top safety award for saving the life of a
fellow employe. He is the sixth employe in the Company to win this award--the Harold F.
McCormick Memorial Safety Award--and the first since 1954.
The young emp1oye's name is Hughie Wayne King, age 21, with only six months of
service in the mine. His heroic presence of mind and action stands forth as among the
most creditable in all the Company's safety history.
Last July 17 King and a fellow employe, Ralph E. Whetsel, were taken by their foreman
to a work location in the mine near a break-through in the coal vein. They were working
as a team setting cribs, and had placed three and were in the process of placing a fourth
when the accident occurred. A large overhanging rock, estimated to weigh 1,700 pounds,
fall from the roof of the passageway, and pinned Whetsel against the bottom of the work-
ing. Fortunately, one end of the rock rested on some loose coal. Whetsel called for help
and then lost consciousness.
King immediately went to Whetsel's aid, managed to get his right knee and shoulder
under a corner of the rock in such a manner that he was able to lift its weight so that he
could pull Whetsel from beneath it. Only his great strength, built up in part by playing
football in high school, enabled him to free Whetsel.
When he had extricated Whetsel, he found that Whetsel had stopped breathing. He
turned him face downward, cleared his mouth for breathing, and began artificial respira-
tion, which he had learned in first aid classes in high school. After some moments Whetsel
started to breathe again. King then spread his jacket over Whetsel and crawled 400 feet
through the passageway to summon help. Whetsel suffered a fractured back, one broken rib
and other minor injuries, but is now well along toward recovery.
King will be given his award, consisting of a 21-jewel gold watch and an engraved ·
citation, in proper ceremonies to be arranged at Bonham.
4. IH A WINNER IN CORN PICKING. A South Dakota farmer using a one-row, McCormick 1 PR
mechanical corn picker pulled with a Farmall 550 tractor won first place for corn pickers

 of that class at thc national mcchauical corn pickcr contest hold last wcck ucar Sioux
Falls, S. Dak. This was thc first timc ouc of thc Compamy's corn pickcrs cvcr had won in
a national contest. Au IH pickcr took fifth placc in thc Lwo—row pickcr class.
Thcrc wcrc eight contestants in thc ouc-row contest, winners in state contests held
prior to Lhc national event. The judges determined thc winners with several factors in
mind, including thc time spent in covering the allotted area, cleanliness of picking,
shelled corn loft in the field, husks iu thc load and thc safcty techniques of thc
operator. The shelled corn left in thc field was determined by placing a squarc 40 inches
on each side ovcr a point at random, and thc kernels found iu thc squarc were counted.
Judges riding thc wagon behind thc pickcr held burlap sacks that accumulated tell-talc
evidence of glcaniugs, husks, ctc.
The IH winner, Al Powers, of Trent, S. Dnk., was winner of thc South Dakota state
contest and scovcd 86.5 on points. Next highest competitor scored 85.2. A crowd of
approximately 60,000 people attended thc contest.
§;__5OTH_ANNIVERSARRY OF SOUTH AQRIQAN COMPANX; One of thc IH fust—growimg suhsidiary
comp5Hics—-International Harvester Co. of South Africa, Pty., Ltd.-—has bccu observing its
50th anniversary this year, and having its bcst year in thc coursc of doing so.
The tremendous growth in salcs of thc South African Company is thc best indication of
its progress. In its first year of operation it had total salcs of only 3721,544. In its
l956—57 year it had total salcs of $12,184,1OV. It has firmly cstablishcd itself with the
large farming population of South Africa, and likewise has made qvcat progress in motor
truck and construction equipment salcs. It has for its markct, of coursc thc richest and
most prosperous section of all Africa.
The South African company has cxpaudcd iis physical facilities throughout the ter-
ritory ii serves, and thc area is largc, including Natal, thc Orange Proc State, thc
Tramsvaal and a section of thc Wcstcru Cape Pvovincc. It still has several dealers that
started out with thc original company BO ycars ago.
‘ Largest of thc compauy's facilities is ai Durban, wkcrc ihc general office, a sales
district office, motor truck, tractor and implement asscmblics arc carried cn, as well as
certain warehousing of machines. The Durban facilities arc iu two separate locations. A
sales office, service station and warehouse arc located at Fort Elizabeth. A ucw and
modern district office is operated in an industrial district on thc outskirts of Johannes-
burg. A retail store and service station are operated at East Loudon.
Today thc South African subsidiary has nearly 7OO employes, and ovcr thc BO-year
period of its existence its invested capital has been increased tcufold. It has one of
thc brightest futures of our subsidiary companies, Iargcly because of thc great future
growth and development potential of that part of Africa.
6. WESTERN CANADA DISTRIBUTION CENTER. Another IH subsidiary with a great future growth
potential-—IH Company of Cauada——has announced thc development of a large future distribu-
tion center to serve thc entire western part of that country. {It is to bc located at
Trauscoma, a suburb of Winnipeg in thc province of Manitoba. The project will bc
developed gradually over thc years iu keeping with thc needs of thc company.
The subsidiary purchased a 40—acrc site in Transcoua for thc project. The town has a
population of about 8,500 people, and is splcudidly served by rail facilities. The first
stage in thc development of thc distribution center will consist of thc erection of a
modern, one-story storage warehouse, with approximately lO0,000 square feet of floor
space. Work is under way on that building this fall, as well as the hard surfacing of a
large area around the building and thc construction of the required railway and truck
loading and unloading facilities.
It is expected that when fully developed, Trauscoua will consist of the equivalent
of a parts depot and machine transfer, as these units arc operated in thc United States.
In addition, it will have large storage space.
Announcement of thc development was made recently at a dinner in Transcoma attended
by R. B. Bradley, president of thc Canadian subsidiary and other officials of the company.
Opening of thc St. Lawrence scaway is cxpcctcd to facilitate trade between thc
Canadian and British subsidiary companies. This year ihc British subsidiary shipped its
new B—25O tractors by water through thc current St. Lawrence system to Hamilton, where
4 they were unloaded and distributed throughout Canada.
7, RUSSIANS_READ ABO§T_AN_IH MAN. Over iu Russia, behind thc Iron Curtain, readers of
thc magaziuc, America Illustrated, have been reading about thc job and thc lifc of Fred
Dunkman, a 33—ycar-old toolmakcr at Indianapolis Works. This is tho magazine which thc
Russians have permitted thc U.S. Information Agency to distribute there, in return for the
permission given the Soviets to distribute a somewhat similar magazine in this country.
Much of thc Duukmam story was told by photographs, most of which were used in thc
recent story about him carried in the IH Today magazine. The article tells its Russian
readers that at Indianapolis Works of IH, where Dumkmau works, employes earn an average of
$2.22 por hour——highcr now since thc recent wage increases. About 50,000 copies of the
magazine are sold each month iu Russia at a pricc of about $1.25 por copy.

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K Chlgxgc, {ll1xwl&g Qmhuhwr Y2 l§5?
Mw, En KU Newman
Ganwyal Eup@rl¤t@ndsnt
wi$c¤msln Staal Goal yiuug
Harald F. §cU¤ymicM Mamwria  ».»"
At a mewtimg ivdayg tha Smfwiy Award Scwsznimg Summlttec unauimcusly
agreed that thw Harald F3 McCcvx1ck Hzmmrlal §af@ty Aw&yd should b@
givan to Hughiw Wayne Klng for having sava& ths life of his fellow
emplaya fcllcwlng a rock fall on July l? of £hi& year, {A copy of my
rspoyt of this lncldant za akiamhwdnl
_ $hur€ly you will wwczivm & lsttwr iyum §rh Ealc Cox ragurding tha
iiprcxmmtatiuu of this awzrdm Hsanwhila, however, thsr@ are savsral
things ww shall h&v@ to know at your vary gmriiast convenience before
this d&§%TWM2Ht can proceed with thm engraving on tha award and iha
hand—l@it¢rlng cm tha citatimn which will amccmpany ihs awardq
Yau known of courmwm thai the award cumsixtz of a gold watch, Will
you ascartalu from Mr; King whathwy hs wculd like & packet or a
wrist watch and just how he would lika nig mama engraved an the waich
and lsttaxad on kbs citationc Bce& hw wuz? it to app@&r as “Hugh1a
Wayne King"? @%vi0u2ly wa muat also know tha Gate the award will be
We must hava all of thia lufcymaticu at least thras waaks prior to
the ·y@@&¤tati0n ln Order to live tha supymvuy and the &F€iSt am le
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(/ J O   ¥l¥.1¥2,A`A.ff, /7*
vd L v
Hcszraq SD LO McC&ffruy 18
90 VO Emuldcr 19
Hg OO Herchwr l9
%r00k$ McCormick 19
_A @&lc C02 20
RQ Ru Limdgx@n 4
IO Ln Willix 12
EQ HO Ecwd 12
MJ H; Hwmnn 13
PJ HO Eichulw Wisn Sxmxl Works V
CO %¤ Bradbuxy Wlsm Steal Wumkn
~ _ - JEG Du Stuxgill @i&¤ Rtmel Caml Eiu@$~
( /j Jn HO Sapa Wisl Siawl Swxl Klaus
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 QHQOTT mf ia#u$@lgu?*0u muws us »¢a§wwn€ whivh ncnmy:w& on
$u;y L7, EQSF? tw Huiph EN Eksi- ·_.= "R . ., éiwm pain ¥iwmE {wa} winmx
%mp}mym, bmcmmwz of r0m¤mm®m¤n'.sn iu$ QQ4 Hlh0ld »A.· 3; £;§mym ya
  ....., .-W.,....,A .`.. ,
Abou? 9:45 pwm, on July 1?, My, whatwe} wu£iww@& a smvaya {about SO%A c0m~
praszinn fxmctuww of the firm? lumbmr vc?t&mya, m Laiwrml fzxniuwa of thm
right scvauth 213; and a Small nmcuxi af blood in tha right chmst due to a
rock fx?} which pinned him down aggimmt thx b¤Ltvm in 2 jamkknifa pczitiwur
The accidwut occurred in Hina Es. 2 gi the new S :z&gk~£hy0ugh, ihird righi
huttg l®ft rcom, ”E“ seam, main face eniriewa
Gu September E5, in company with Ex, Cmye, sufaty supervisor, I interviewed
Era Wbmtsal at his home, and 1a:Qr ibm; afiayucun at aha Eine his immzciaée
foreman, Exyl Ritchie, mud Hughiw Wmyaa King Sfacemau and Whai¤@1’2 halpey)
were imtsrviewed before thc? stayisd te warn 0n the $@c0mQ shift, ?0120w~
ing i$ tha history I cbtminad ei tha ixcidexte
Er? ¥hc&sai? nge 465 with sligaiiy maya than XG y&uym” sarvicek is present-
ly employad as u crew 1B&&€T» Ha ami nix hwlpsr, Hughiw Wayne Kiugg age 21;
with six m0¤€h@* mervica, wxra taken by thai? fsrsmnué Earl Ritchiw, to the
Kocatiom of the work to ba pezfxrmwd écribbiug) at the h:c;k—ihr0ugh and
were inatyuctwd in how tau warm xhculd ba éoneq Thay had sat thraw cribs?
and aa whatwe} waa prwpmring to sui the {susan, a yuck ?*z4’4"xG" Quick,
i&p2ri¤g dcwn io X", and weighing mpyruximatuiy 1700 ibut, fall from tha
?00£ and pimnmé him &gmiuSt thw Bonham, um pysvicusky da@cxib¤d. @2% and
of ihc rock wagiwd on some lowza cum}.
Er; King told mw that just pyioy Lu the rack fall hw had scr&p@d the bcttom
around the post whare tha crih wax to be mei amd, as he sat down for a
mumxui whils EPO Whatswl tuck ovary ha saw it fz1l» ¥h@ta@1 said that he
aaksd King to move the rock uif himg aw ba ywxlized thxt he could not do
if himaalfg and he didn"? remsmbzr anything mcrc until his halpar advised
him to law quiwt while he wwnt for help,
Mru Xing wax able to gat biz righi knee and xhuuidar under the rock in
such a manner that enabled him to waiae ii so that tha rock rested om hiw
kmoc and pwrmittud him to pull biz partncr {you undwrm@&th itg At thia
timw Whatscl was not breathing, Ring said, umd aa hw straightened him out?
facs dawn? he clmnrad Wh@ts®1“m mouth and immwdiuiwly charted ayhificial
respiraiicuw In & little whilm Whmtscl began bre&thi¤g mgmiu and King
ccvcrad him with his jacket and im$truct¤d him to lie still whila hc (King)
want for help, H0 crawled abuui 400 £@®t to where hi6 furamam and cthar
men were wnzkingg and than %rq Whwtswi was pruparly tied up becausa of
his frmctmrc& hacks plxced 0m & mtyctcQprQ ¤xd trnmsportwd to the huspitmlw ·
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To All Benham Employee;
It is with much pride that we announce the awarding of Harvester's
top safety award to a Henham man for saving the life of a fellow employe.
He is the sixth employe in the Company to win this award — The Harold F.
McCormick Safety Award — and the first since 195D.
Wayne KiHH, faceman, and his crew leader, Ralph Vhetsel were setting
a crib in No. 2 Mine when a rock weighing around 1700 pounds fell pinning
Hhetsel underneath. King was able to remove enough loose coal from under
the rock to allow him to pull Uhetsel out. The injured was not breath-
ing and hing immediately began artificial respiration which revived him.
After covering Nhetsel with some clothing, King went for help from
employes in another section of the mine. Upon returning with the necessary
help, Nhetsel was placed on a stretcher and takento the hospital where it
was found he had sustained a broken back, rib, and other, but less severe,
King will be given his award, consisting of a 2l-jewel gold watch
and an engraved citation, in ceremonies ia the { ·?, l ; p_fQ· yvat
W {[ II.
__UQC’. Wckmk {Cary LU- ____,l%W,4twhmhemim@sami
their families C¥B&?’are invited to attend. ___ T V r___ ___A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ __; _, _ , ,V, V // {IV - VV V. / J J-» - ·» A A A --/ A- r ~—
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