xt7kh12v6014_54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1918-1919 text 1918-1919 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_12/2008ms006_12_1/11048/11048.pdf 1918-1919 1919 1918-1919 section false xt7kh12v6014_54 xt7kh12v6014 , V __ _ - . ' _ • ’ V "J
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_ ` r - Benham, Ky., Dec. 5, l9lB.t tin
t u _ V A V V V j
:*13 Ds-     g ' I , ' , A V __ i {
V Chicago, Illinois. , 4 `
` * Dear Sir: i » ‘ · o r e
_ . I L
l , l have today sent you the £oll>tin, wire: A d i
_ i lnsaedd oi buildin; lest three eiecutivo houses would, _ `
advise putting bctements heating plant; and generally ,
V fi ishing doctor'; mine ?orcmn;‘¢ and Sclellenger house V · i
This »ould mcke six e ecutive houses in Lest location also _
X. _ A much more economical than movinr mouse; to provide sizes
‘ , zhis is by_fnr the belt thinr to do ldjuatments with ·
· contractor mill be mode setisfncorilg Bnlnnce comin; to
_ us will Co into extrn sott:;e;“ ,’
l ° In lookin? over the ;roun£ wit? the les: oi movin; the three ?outos - d
wvioh we talked of the ot er dag I find it it Ioinr to be more difficult uni . ,_
more expensive tru: we tl;¤gnt due to tre fact that we heven't tie metexinl ° _ ’
nor the men to a complisi tii; ai thi: tire. and the contractor is ver; in- ,
sistent that we locate these nouso; so thu; he-cnn get started. He 1; now -\
orepured to go sheen with tiwcand it will be gt thu hott ; couple oi weeks V
_ before Ee could prepare a.; of these sites fox Lit. · t _
1 he hnve lone into this discu¤;io4've1y carefully with the contr4ctor· · R
and nr. Aeizcr und undue; ionntly the Lest thin to do would bc to out in bnse~
ments under the doctoa'; wouto. mine Inre.nn'l Loose, and the house fomuerl.
_ occupied by_mr.*SchellenLer. Tnis eoild ,ive _`v— us the lost three executive houses _ ».
und rould take care of the men wyo ere livin; in these senses und who would be ~_
in line for one o; the executive houses, all except of course the ochelleo;er~ _
hou-; tkdch is new occucieu by the time keeper but which .ill ue mud; zvviloole e.
for an executive after it it com letod. Furthermore. these nousesr when fin- _ t _
isheu ns proposed, l»nid reel-; tc r tore uesi elle house tnun the sin that ‘. - _
we nre figuring on building und in ever; ley I consider thnt•this is·a fer oet— _
T ter move thnn nttemytin; to cove other nouucs ond build the housos which wee — ,
‘ had planned on. We will make the proper adjustments wit? the contractor ond
— cite: zeconstructinc the Louzos refe red to there will he materiel end lobe:
estimates remaining adequate to builo probably three or iour more cottn;es, l ·
tne idea bein; that we will utilise LUG cumin; covering these three houses ,nd
will det ns good value without cny extrns. _ · ‘;
r ‘ t 1 rebrct thnt-it nns,oten necessgri to ooeu this discussion again,
but I feel it is·well worth v ile und that we will be nhend in every wcy by
carrying out the plan which J hdve outlined\ fleece wire reply. _
~ Yours very truly, · ; . · ’ c
J LHB C ` l i _ Gen’l Supt. of Mines. r Q
_ , ‘ ' ` . · --1
. _ ‘   ' s' ’ - O _ _ gg
¢¤*» ,J V ‘ {l— l‘ V e *, M,._ ‘. r * » »· -r‘ .~. to i. ... -.-~, d
‘ * ' V * V —· · '—>‘ ·  —  Ja  » * · ··*   ~ l ‘ ‘ >’ »·   ‘ 1 3"‘?;·;$.ri; ’; @7;;:, FV "  , Ill.
1:1;*;:;;;... oz? ¤..eIil·i.r1__; Qian; I;1n·~I;; u:<¤,.ziv4¤  .»;»;;»;·:a   .4}.ci
a~5.»i.:.e _2;1;,.Ll;, I»4L::¢;4n;1i;as Lzq,;;t;;.,   ._.. hm. ;I;;.l _4¤;.;0nsz_.QIL_, 1`i,;1s..i.:z.V, ¤.f=0.;;.:1~';; mine
fume;    len-al ;.L.;2w ...I·.u this =xJ;J.;- ·.;_.;u   -. u;;¤<:m1.·¤>   in Lent
1c—;..2.i 121 elw zz.uci1z.0m aa·;l.»11a:s1cu.l Lamm ···¤vF.21g,; ;`...·‘..a?.·Q;L no pr0vi iiivisiaz
Tis in my f` 1* 1,:1;... ;·.;·;.   L?,.i;;_ 1;. de ilcikfuai x; .L;. vsii,h <;·n:1ttcy;·I;;>¤;· will be ~:;.ai:p
sa.t,:I.s;`:;.;r.0i·1l;; L>z;1;;,11l;;- ;J~;.i;._; up `Lllcv ..1].1 g-; i Lili} mzsrrz. ::01,:;.  
  . ;;.»;,..:2·,cs}. ee;.

'I`n guard against znir=tal, that is, telegraplied hack to the r:»:·i:inatin;; ofiiee for
cornparisnn. For this, ·»ne·I1aii the tttt:‘i·;>v ehargetl in addition, l'nle:»$ otht·rwi>e indieatevl on its faex. 'YIIIS IS AN l'Nl:
1. 'I`I1e Company shall not he Iiahle for mistake; or delays in the transmiasion or delivery, or for nzin-tlelivery, ni any L`NI{I{PlC.\’I`1€D ttleurant. he-
yund the atnnttnt reeeivetl for >entIing the smut; nor for llli>l(IIiQS ur delays in the transinissinn or tlelivery, nr for :it»n·rielivery, of any Rl·jl’l`·f.\'I`I·]l> tele-
gram, lieymnl titty tinns the cunt received for sending the >an1e. unlmzr .rj·ueia//y rn/rmt]; nor in any ea>e for delays ari—in;r from un:1voi·lal»le interruption in
the wnrI;ing of its line>; 110r for errors in vip/ter cr abscnrc Ic/egrnnnr.
J. Tn any event the Cumpany shall not he liahlc for dainages for any inizétakes or delays in the transniission ur delivery, or for the ntnmleliveiy, of
tI1i> ttltgrzun, whether eaustd I»y tlze negligt.-nee of its Servants or otherwise. Iieyond the Stun of FIIi'I`\' D()I,I,.\IiS, at v.hit·h znnount thi\ tt-leeixtan i-;
In-rr-by valued, unless a j`{1`t'(lIt‘l" value is stated in writing liereon at the time the telegrrzant i< ntierenl to the Company for iI'(tT`I¥ll}i>SI4\1I, and azt adtlitional >\ITll
paid or agreed tu he paid based on such value equal to one-tenth of one percent. thereof.
3. 'I`he (`rnnpany is herehy tuade the agent of the sender, witlmut liahility, to t"e»rward this telegram aver mln- lin;-s wi any otltt-r t`i·n1p::ny when
necessary to reach its destination.
I. 'I`<·Iegr:un< will he delivered free within one-—h;tli mile nf the COl`t`t]l(lll)'_* ntiiee in town; nf $,000 population or l·;t<. and v:F2I:°ii ··:¤·· :*ii`¤· ei rueh
ofliee in other Cities 0r towna. lit-gsontl these limits the Company dne< not undertake to make tlelivery, lint will, without liahiEity. at the S r¤={tn·~t. a=¢
his agent and at his expense, endeavor to eontraet for hint for sueh delivery at a reasonable priee.
5. No re$pnn; and if ;t tilverztnt
is sent lu vurh etliee liy one of the Ct»inp;tny'5 1ne>sengers, he aets for that pnrprtse as the agent wi the sendtr.
6. The Company will not l»<· Iiahle for damages or Statutory penalties in any e:tSe where the claim ii not pr<·ixty days after
the telegratn is tiled with the Lioinpauy for transtni>5i<1n.
7. No ont/·Ioym· nf the (>if¤U1]‘tlYt].‘ ix mrtlrnrizml In :·ur_t· f/is foregoing.

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» A i PAID up CAPITAL $250.000.00
A     ST EEL?  —. ·- 2     JQ.   .."V *;:21 ·»A·. . ` T?}  A L??`?>-*°  -3;:Zf;  _   S HVGTYOU 5 O % O H
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:       F TOTE  QQ Eli?  ag' ;        EY" 2     DE ¤ AN ¤ FQ E · G HT PAT ¤ B OTH WMS
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Bxxunzns NATTONAT. BANw_Cm¤A¤o I ! , _ . _ i I _ · ·
Bonham, Ky. Esc.; Eré Ti- if
T0 _
V Hcmth ly statsm ent fo r Labc 1* and Hut or ia} exp ended
em 3¢nheam, Ky A , Job Z?~.`>1' the Wi sscénain Steel Gowns ny te; Hoc .
mf", @@1 . gy
Total lqbc r and natctial 'insta?. 2. c   A'; 2 , T 5:-4* ,Yc  
Lass TTM! élégfyi ‘,‘· 1
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PAID up CAF-*1TA|. $ 250,000.00
LARGEST Buuomo MATERML PLANT uu AMEmcA-Ssumo Dmscr TO Cousumzn
  w Y 50%
  -¥fijQ'LE~l<  -%.»-.;= i   *·»'‘’     in ~ __
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  »‘U.       2'i’ 5 V/ °<=>74   i SAFE osuvsrav GUARANTEED.
A    .Av=     »   N    ,»,l—    
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E,  Nimiwj  `(A.`   at   Qksiigiia y1,} gig,  g ni. 2,}}, I ,. 5 . l\.
Henharx, Ky. 12/}+/18
Wisconsin Steel Gompany,
Bemham, Ky. Attentiozi Elr, W. D. Price,
Gent} c:1:s.e?»l:Jl·
Gonfiring, con··zerse.‘ti·1>1» lnetmeen youre Representi.t;€.ves
and the wri  1·;,T:;;€i.’lyx.n;, to L]   In cz;-f};.;§_1-E) of ‘f flee- tru   jjiit, said
OYU3 will ¢3f»Z=?c‘.at‘Z"J¤-: l;.=;t~.:7; i.·K»1> Ew:r.s<4s E,-<1"ir;,c?
alia-, }T— I I TATA I —T We Save You 5 0 % on
A e)}j__j;  ;.;~;;I .;;_  ;_;;~·j _ _·_4 gy I  ;_j ;      ;...
:·'_>\ ·___  A-v_ _`-` J 1,   ` Li g {.5;     ; & ·*1i··" I m" | |Il|'f‘  1   " Q  f;;;j;’,"g‘Lr{   I
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 ¤?; H §w__ www  M    J     iil          IM|T_LLWO R K , SAS H . DOORS, RO0 FIN G, ETC.
  · I`%i;‘zfY·i¤=· NW I¢§??Kz’»   ` A I ·  ""=?Hli‘iré’¤°i‘I ~     . Y *  ’
  I; I “““ ***·             O U F G U H V6 H Te Q;
      Br    ‘   Y ` *¥€"~   _   nv APTI<;LE EXACTLY AS PEPPESENTED on MONEY
          _·'Z1d’ QW   `     "   _ }??EFfLJNDED AN D FP EIGHT PAID BOTH vvAv5
»`       .   ,_ T  ·“   ’  .  V I    ‘-v •• . I   ..3* E4 "    
  ’'‘‘V i  {I    { V      ,;;ii AI__€-  ‘··== - S A F E D E LI V E PY G u A R A N T I; E D_
A l Y     ` `\ `I J? A · TTL-· 4%    
REFBHLNLES   A ‘ ·{>, ·   __ ’ ,_ -—’ {II 1* ‘ _'  ,  =  [T F I  
BY PEFZMISSIOFW     _e¢'I "J»m‘—_ ,19 y I     h'  'j A, J ‘
Surnr Ceunn SAvI~<;s BAr:»<.O;,—4I_~.»¢—=v v x
  ··*··   ll  *>@%®'S5¤X?€>€>¤>¥1<*»<*F<>¥!<¤¤1~f>¢>¢I ~ 5·—\·
W• S • CO  
Make such minor repairs to the €X`b€¢1'j.O r cf the hous ee as is
necessascy before patlrnti ng.
Paint. the exterior of the thre e heme ee us Gillg the paint. on
hand for the ‘l:hx*eeexecx;‘t.iv’e hous ee +LOg<';."b}lC1‘ with such add.i‘bi<>ne.l
material needed.
Al l pluzzxbing material II ec ee sexy fo 1* the three execut. ive houses
The be delivered to you here c
The we rk to be eign     seem   bri. .2}: can be delivered and
rushed te completion.
Youre truly,
G0 2* G on-Ven T in e Company ,
Gem. F\=;.;i·‘b· `

 V   e`   t   I ’ .»  s t   o s    
_] _ _ Benhom. Ky., Deo. 4, 1918. l `
._ I- uI`• lvm De PI°l.Cir), ‘ _ I V 44 I I . {
Supt. of Construction, _ ` I
. Chicago, I1l1no1s.` — ‘ » ‘
Dear Sir: _ l I
- _ I am enclosing you herewith an estimate on the barns and —·
outhouses from Gordon Ven Tino Combeny and we tould like to.have it _
acted pn as quioxly as p0s.iole because the houses that will be» ` ‘ V
ready to be occupied will need the outhouses before they can be used,
_ • and else you will find an estimate that Hr; Batchelder wanted me to
send to you xo chang; the roofs of the oow·berus and outhpuses fn>m
a flut roof to guole roof, not e Lip roof ee xr. Dunbursurote in _
- his letter. That I Mould like to see done for this reason. It will
please Mr. Dunour and it mill also edd to the looks of those bulld~
' · _ ings, which cen oe seen just es eesily from the street as the houses y ‘ ·
  _ themselves. This, of oourte, it ul to y,u es nr. Batohelder says to . ”
eot on whethenyou feel like doin;. that or I`.O'C•4, 4 · _ A
' , I all send you e pro;ress of the building-Friday. I want
to Let as much done as poselblo before I send in the report. I have I
` - . not heard enytning from you up to date in reherd to report I sent you ~
‘ as to whether it is satisfactory or not, that is the blue prints. » <
No one gettin; ulénm very nicely. The ¤>¤traotor hes 78 M ,
oe pentere on up to duto und he e pests more in today. I —
. · 4 Yours very truly, 4
_ .’;Hl{:G I i _
t ` — * , r`
_` Dictzltecl out not reed. I ' ·
~ xncl. ` ‘I · ·
I . 4
l ' V _
` '
‘ ,. · I ‘ { i `4‘ ‘.‘_ 4 44 ,
_· >4 V . -4} _4r` 4 44 . · 44 _"4 44; 44  

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3&c<21r‘:b<-:Z‘ G-LCE}
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L- A - • -• E
SUDQTlDt@F&C:E of C0nmtruct1cn,
Uexr iirz-
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Att chai L.; ze “iy& L¤c cwpian c; ;ctz;r wy11tsn
tg the Gor&um—V¤n T1;: 30miw;g x ,v of U¢vcnp¤r®,Icw&, f©Q¤fi1¤e
the 11;2·...2?pI‘cI:;L1c11 0.` 118 -..&;:.1Ia.11c@ `jlQ,`l,lQ(§ .12 the 0©Z;tI‘"=.cT,
, -.·.'.,-... ·+'~,-; ,». - ». ` ~,- .=‘ ~».   M ,1 K- `7 ,1%.  —. ,. "* ,L .·»v-
@0*.* 11...-_, 1,.1. f?O!.·1T,I` ~..*ZlO.1 0;. 4 2,1.1.911:;,   .1.. 1 Lf.  
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Law J€yRTPpCUt qui Tcrtcn ©.` in; TQTCH&UlHQ U@yurL.e;t.
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irxcicfs are »;tu0r1u©3 to cuncél LLC IKSMTHUCG
* -. -~ "T*`——   - f‘ ', ..~» ~,..~ ` . *,.,;_ ., ` F" ' .,
tm=é1@c.1i. 1.11: .-....011115 O. 1. ....1.;1-Ca to 1. c,.r1c¤:;,€:.i,
tgat 13 tLc v11u@ cf c 0L 1u;1v14ual }MllQlHQ, 15 to
be i¤t~rm1;~l 1_ our Yu? y1H;e;i@u©.
The C0¤iy·ctcr1 qw- 20 Pur 1Hh blue 5r1nm¤»
one of ‘·‘Q;1<:`.; 1*.11.1 ?T·¢ Z;s2L.i { ZQ.€2 "1“it·Ql", by *·*}.1c}‘1
c.ch house v1ll Jwvc an lH?MfQHCC xunb r gui tic
c1nccl.it1m¤ ef 1xi1 0] j)k%`..1“’1Z’.<:i% OH {Gull; }‘.O‘..2.3<2€-:
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-t1m. L10 ..tu..1e¤ .11 1L IE necessary to ¤1kc 1m-
QUlT}kT n%gu$ tye 1x~;rnnc0 from t¤1~ OfflC€.
\Y;.. 4·»»;T·_ ·—,¤··¤
.:.1 dr 1,1*..1; _/'L»L12..> ,
Ei].   A.1..L€11•

 Form Fall}
” CHICAGO December 6, 191Z»
Mr. F. E. Dunbar, Sup*c,
Dear Sic:
we are in raczaipt cf your letter of Zsecsmbcr
Ed., aa,}.-so the phawgzsaphs misnticncci therein 1ll·.m1:xa.t5.ng
Building; Site East, Building Site West and New Office
Bu1l;1ng» Please accept our thamkks   aww.
  very truly,
WI.i—';Y,>`i~E3; Ei Si  CfJ5EE*F·.`f—iY_,
Eine Pxcyiyxc; 1:.
» 4*- " ` "I

 it .; J
°“°”"‘iCi i2§.?éE$1~Z% i*$2"2§~¥IIZé’*J ”°"°‘
December 6, l9l8¤
Mr. B, We Batohelder§ Gen’l Supte, of Mines, _r`
B e n h e m; Kentucky. E C
’ Dear Sir: -V-MC
Your telegram with reference to the houses
has been answered by Mr. Biggert direct,
I believe Mr. Biggert will be glad to have on hand,
when he returns to the city, e rather detailed
description of juetmhich houeee you will move and what
you intend to do with reference to fitting up the next
street west; also an estimate of the expense involved
ee well ae a etetement as to juet what difficulties
you will encounter in moving a few houses,
Youre very truly,
Industrial Relations

 H VV ` .. V ._ I 7 . ._ JJ `J { 4}   _V ' _ ' _ _J·; J. QV, y _ .- '  . _ V V J` _ T. . J J___   J gj.`V.__:
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