xt7kh12v6014_536 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1956-1957 text 1956-1957 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_52/2008ms006_52_11/48634/48634.pdf 1956-1957 1957 1956-1957 section false xt7kh12v6014_536 xt7kh12v6014 1
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Present Plan
Z`} * Pp ‘
,¤g¤ Amount
1. &ctua1 cost of IQE6 calendar ran? vacations h,2hO x H9,hO9.
2. Ystimntcé cost of 1957 calendar year vacutiwns, based
an l9&6 sch@#u1c nné jraacni vacation plan, including
provision ’c? ¥?.G@ daily wa~a increase and udjuxtwmnt
4 for additional vacation nays 6uw to workin more
Gu&}.ii';»’i22 days it': lf?   czxlzgminr yegar 3; ’ §$}€f 1Qfj ’ 93’[_
$·»’2‘0DC»$+;d ¥ IP.!}
3. Yatiuated cost of 1Q$7 caloméar yum? vmcutLcrs, bzawd
on the revised vacation plaz, i¤c1udLm· xvovisien For
*2.QO éaily we~e i¤cr¤&sc ani agjustmeui for aaditinnnl
vncaiimn dayx in 1GB? uma to wmvkiwn nuxlmum HUEYGP of
qua1i?yino days in lG§€ calcméar gear *,?§G 123,765,
L. ;STiHG$@C.CDS€ if @myl0y¤s cvcr LS yemws vave rr&&Lcd
15 day vacation %,?*§ 132,7Eh.
§. Xnuicatcd cant cf ?,Y.?. slum ;f§,QQ2,
rf.; {3 •  
‘¤rks iudiior
Lozambwr 1E, 1956

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O to 21 O days O days
22 to M3 1/2 days 1 day
hh to 66 1 day 2 days
67 to 88 1 1/2 days 3 days
89 to 111 2 days L; days
112 to 13h 2 1/2 days 5 days
135 to 157 3 days 6 days
158 to 179 3 1/2 days 7 days
180 Lo 2102   " L; days 8 days —  
\ 203 to 221,. 21 1/2 dwg, \ 9 days
225 to 250 5 days 10 days
‘ 251 »:¤ 276 S 1/2 days 11 days
277 81 over 6 days 12 days

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 Vacation Plan for Hourly-Rated Employee ‘(
Section 1. Purpose of Plan r//
The purpose of this Plan is to enable Harvester employes workin; on
a hourly basis to qualify for annual vacations with pay by meeting the
continuous service and attendance requirements of the Plan and, without
attempting in any way to regulate the use of an employe's vacation, to
provide a period available for rest and healthful recreation.
Section 2. hliwibilit
An employe will receive vacations as set forth in this Section according
to the vacation service credits he has acquired prior to December lst
of each calendar year, and calculated in accordance with the provisions
of Sections 5 and 4 if the emplaye has also met the requirements of
Section 5.
(a) One (l) week of vacation after six (6) months of continuous
vacation service.
(b) Two (2) weeks of vacation annually after one (1) year of continuous
vacation service.
(c) Three (3) weeks of vacation annually after fifteen (15) years of
continuous vacation service.
Section 5, Computation of Continuous Vacation Service
Computation of continuous vacation service will begin on the date the
employe began work for the Company, which date shall be the last date
on which employment began subsequent to any break in service.
Section 4, Breaks in Continuous Vacation Sensice
Continuous vacation service computed under Section 5 will only be

 considered broken when s break in Seniority service occurs, If such
s breck in Seniority service is cancelled for any reason, the creek
in continuous vacation service will also be cancelled. v
Section 5, Attendance Reguirements
An employe who has established six (G) months, one (1) year or fifteen
(15) years of continuous service as defined in Section 3 must further
qualify For A vacation by having workec st least:
(a) For one (1) week ot vacation llc shifts exclusive of overtime
during the sin months yueliiginé 4:`‘ period.
· (b) Two (2) weeks vacation 220 shifts exclusive of overtime during
the previous calender year, provided that his continuous service
has not been broken prior to January l of the current year.
(c) Ehree (5) weeks vscstion, 220 shifts exclusive of overtime during
` the previous calender year, provided thst his continuous service
has not been broken prior to January l of the current year.
In computinm the required number of shifts for each vacation, all days of
absence will be deducted from the employee' service record, except those
required by law for jury duty or ss s witness in court, while serving
as an election official, while on Union business, and except absence
while sttenuing yeerly military encempment,
(Continued on Page 2 A)

Vacations will be §I‘u.l'1t®d on a. pro-rata basis ucmcrazingg to the
following table:
O - 20 O O O
21 ·· 40 1 1. 2
41 — 60 2 2 4
61 · B0 5 3 6
B1 -100 4 4 8
101-120 5 5 10
121-1éO G 11
141-160 7 12
151•18O 8 15
181-200 Q 14
201-220 10 15

Section 6. Vacation Money
Hourly—pay workers will receive as vacation pay their hourly rate in
effect at the time of vacation, multiplied by the number of hours
normally worked by them per day or week (excluding overtime, and time
spent on work to which the employe has been temporarily transferred
if his rate is less than on his regular job.)
Section 7, Time of Vacation
Vacations will be scheduled throughout the year adhering as closely
as is practicable, in view of production requirements, to the expressed
desires of employes regardinr the time of their vacations. Vacations
may not be divided into periods of less than one (l) week or be post-
poned from one year to another, or be waived and draw double pay.
Section 8, Employee Terminated
(a) An employe who qualifies for a vacation and whose employment is
terminated for any reason before the vacation is taken will be paid
the vacation money for the amount of vacation he was eligible for
on such date. Likewise in case of death, any unpaid vacation
money will be paid to the widow or family of the deceased employe.
(b) An employe whose continuity of service is broken on or after
November 1 of the current year, and who would have qualified for
a vacation in the subsequent year except for having broken con-
tinuous vacation service prior to January 1 of such subsequent
year, will be paid at the time of such break in service the vacation
money which he would have been eligible to receive in the subsequent
year if his continuous vacation service had not been broken, but
based on his vacation service at the time of the break in continuity

 . l -4-
of service. Likewise in case of death after November 1 of the current
year, any such vacation money will be paid to the widow or family of
the deceased employe.
Section 9. Effective Date of Vacation Plan
The provisions of the vacation plan as set forth in Section 1 through 8
shall be effective on and after January 1, 1957, except for Section 8 (b)
which will become effective on November 1, 1957.

A vcraj;0
"J`aca‘b‘i0n A vcm {gc   otal A
Unlonrlar H0, of `O1‘T1.'T><'1 '¤ca’c5.0;: Pay ‘,`‘ acatriomg
Year   ‘ 21}*3 Tzailtr ‘ *01:-iod "aid
1953 539 9.0 519.63 $1?$.57 $113,blO
*15}.; 1;.2
19507 600 0.: 10.17 1.76.3c% 10:3,425
12*55 33.9 tx?. 20.1. T 1.19.59 26,029
1956 ·*·¤*!135 9.6 20.7L; 159.10 i37,6.?;3
+¤ 35 2.7
A ‘L`0‘ba1 1Faca.t·L0=.2s wrzxld 'LGQ 130 19§6 {373732707
COi“.§)E1E.‘j.S9§'1. of ne-.7 ‘f2?£‘O<’;'§_:_‘.;Li`;` for :32.00 "agc Increase.
Total ‘;;mt.;€.0n: axle? 1.%;% tv 1956 *.373,707 {2373,707 .:_¢3'?3,T0'?
‘ 1957 1:35 9.6 22.7P; 31130 ?6,1J.1 - -
* 35 @.7
1957 Z;35 9.7 92.73; $20.53 - 96,595 ··
.». *7*} ·w 1
1957 1:35 10.22 22.72; 931.95 ·- - 100,750
••-nnanecntti —•;;—11¤ ••nn;n•j•i
{mm;     1i*·F?52 00 1957 $?¤.G9.'*12 :%.70.**02 t'?!4'?2x»h57
-» Vcnrcscnts men #.:1*0*   t?1:.m 5 y~:z;~s ::0z··.=ic0 :r`·=0s0 ¤:1:z~:t.¥.»nn iaggrs ar-·2 im:1.u<;*.c;2 in temnl.
  1956 vac:1‘%;‘E.0n C13133. sizevmu alacwc .1.000 not L1c1uai1:1i>c1*·:s mid 21-1/?
.’aca*0;E.0n Costs Z1.as0;T on ‘x·0a 'aiscs
1953 639 "`100.00 ST 63,900
1997 600 100.00 < ‘°`— 0, GOO
wifi; 350 1'JO. 0 2;;,000
195:0 Ia35 12.0.00 #0,900
1957 2.:35 130.09 `f*B3O@ , 4* .- ' `
1557 E-.35 !;.1i lf .1 ,· 1. [ .>,   0 jj >, ->2§
*1 17 .*· . FJ
... ~,-J —, -~~ », ·‘   V -— f ~ A
lib: Ni? S·Jr   l.T·.ri¤  /MCT?
-..4/   , y ' r , gfk
3.€*;»¤ =~·¥=?.;3S 9 .<¤ 20.7ln 199 -1* @7, »»» 3
V ¤ —. .—.
¢;— jj. Z; .{
· ..     . “'..-‘ ' ‘“ ’· .» ." "," J`_'Q"T·"” '7T"‘
·_;;>t,;.1 .·=c;;§....¢—ne: 1..1.6. 3.5.*;;} L-<.¤ l;*;~~> ,,.¤_Q;__=;~Q{_
C0i·1paZ·i.s011 of *.‘f‘1¢i?¢1¤s; v·~·, ii2‘ij‘.1‘"b1· -,52.00 Yiéic Increase.
  »__·   {V7 y r» »—(‘j- _g_ _ _;’/ ‘.»~» -—» _‘. { »-1   rl e
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3-€S'Z };j§§ 1;©.00 1.7,1100 .
.*.+,.1 1953 bm 1957 -..— ..·15,50~·

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