xt7kh12v6014_533 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1957-1958 text 1957-1958 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_52/2008ms006_52_8/48289/48289.pdf 1957-1958 1958 1957-1958 section false xt7kh12v6014_533 xt7kh12v6014 T‘€i—:23H=f'1‘IO1~! GF ‘5`OTlrovn;i.1:I.n;; demands. Pcrsonncl roquirommta were fitted into the picture
a<:<:or nrzd having access to TQQI’2..'?iO!L€ and other income rctixoci,

   E   Ei   5.     L1 Ei
?€Zl·;§UC5'1’IO!§ Gi? 1¥‘C272€?E; -· SH3  5, 1957
2;m¤i:z2 7, 13%
In tha spring of 195q the Company was faced with a lwcanlng dcmand
for cool, incrcaaingly difficult working conditions rcsulting in highcr cost
por tom voavzplicatixxg this was a problcsn of training and placzlngg of pcmccmxcl
into Ei cya   of mining to which many of tho oldcr man had not acinptoci thccoclvos,
En order to assure thc future of the operation it was obvious that
produc tion would have to bc incrccacd   mn hour thereby reducing thc cost.
lc accomplish this, it was cvi-ricnt that certain cnangcs in cystm,
in   and in tho utilizawlczx of pcrscnncl must bc made. '&`h:is= banana
  c··:14icnt aftcr a roducticn was wzxvie in thc number of work days pc? wack
ami tz··icz·ova5.];¥.n;.; dcmands:. Pcrcomzcl z-·c-aguirwmm were fitted into thc picture I
a~`·cc·z·=z·i5,n;j; to the nccd for operating naciainory, its malntonanco and   By
cy: tcnzztic aporoach tha cxact num`%.>c1~ of cmgolcyco rcquimc was amvivcd at which
loft a atsrgzlxcs: of about 80 orzzplorycsz.
$?oa·· the puriooac of &'f'?‘i'VZlH§ at com cquiuablc sys tcm of avnluaticn
c pwoonzacl chart encompassing all mono pmoonnal was developed. The clcart.,
az moans; of evaluation and rntingga mrc provided for in ctrict complziancc with
thc ccnzlovity clauzc of tha Contzmct as wall as other clauses in tic Fo:·zt1··act
with rcfcrcmc to Management prcrogoyativo. Appraisals were made by tho {mmm
in c§>:nr·;ro of the mon undor thou immodiatc direction with rcopoct to tho various
qualiticc pcrtincnt to the objcctivc.

 Pélliei mi}
  so doing, this resulted in the oliminatioo of som jobs and tho
rating out of other omployos. This, of course, resulted in spproximotoly $0
. ¤m;‘>l<>y0¤ ?`#€=i¤&2€ hid off who had loss sorvico than the same number mt.o;incd•
Tic omployos in tho ago ca mgory of SO to 60 were laid off while 19
ova'? s¤;·<·~ 54% and having aocoas to pensions and other income rotimd,

 #2?`;>€1:‘."?*;(_>‘}£ GF  ?ii -·  QBE2 5, 1957 >
EXWTIE 7, 1955
Tin tho spring of 19SfI tim frompmmy ms faced with a loosening demand
for cam}., increasingly difficult xmrkimg conditions resulting in E11;j;Zm~ cost
por $2;:2. - owlicating this mm an problom of training amd placing of pamomol
 to   nays  of mmm to which zrmay of tm older msn had not adoptod thomolvoa.
in order to swsauro tho future of the operation it wa.-: obvious that
prosirozcizioxx would have to bo   por man hour thereby reduaizng tho cost.
·0 accomplish this, it ams ovi-zicnt that certain cbangos in system,
  t¤:;:~T;.§.:;~·~r·y and in the utilizmhion of personnel must. bo undo. Vizis became
    after a reduction was miie in tho number of work days por wack
ami %z·‘§,ez;Z. For oovoml montho w1’t,!:ou*.> success. Plans: were i:horo.f`o:·e: mdo to
  r·ood whcrcby system ami mohinmw
·.vou}.:;i be   so am to   .12 ;·;;i.·vo¤ quantity of coal. in acccmismcc with
the ;v:’·:=mz2§.l;Y.:z;; dozvancis. ?OI'f3OB3':€¤].. rc»:gui1~cmor1t:: were fitted into 1:.22:: pictzma
a<·;<::.···»:·ii¤¥,t to the mood for o;>oz·o%¤ir,; mcizimry, its maintmmwco uml supply.  
  approach tho emot. nuoépw of employes ro·;uix·e·<,i was sxz·r5.vea»;l at which
lcfé aa szmcplws of about 80 mployoar.
{°m· the purooac of a2·rivi..=·¤g; at some oquimblc system of ovaluaticu
a ;>o:·so:·m·;ol chart encompassing all swsime porssormol. was developed. Eho cmtvf.,
za     waluauon and ratings wom ·_m·ov1do Q ( Q )   kl (—» ( L &,___,, xvu   n.,) ( a . ; (K I
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qv _ x
\lme of Benioritv
Yf g *1 m .q •
_\:lD.WOTCG ne notion
=\# December 5, 1957 y
E. K. Newman, Uen'l Superintendent J. H. hitchell, President
G. U. Irwin, Ass't Gen’l bunt. Wuvnie Rhinehart, Vice—Presidcnt
P. W. Cole, Burt., Coal Minine Veltert Vields, Secretary
T. G. Srnebler, Works ArC tor Robert Wilson, Wommitteeman
H. U. %twr@ill, Manarer, Ind, Hel, Sill new s, Committeeman
’eor e Ccrnette, Uom;itteeman
Wlaude Hutnes, Jommitteeman
Charlie Pipnin, Gommitteeman
Jack Henzil, Attorney
The issce lr t*¥s case concerns the use of seniority in ef?ectin#
the recent cut-oF? december S. l957.
  (_`]OT'lllT€nl';V l`*€Cl7.·‘}—3<;:, f“~»i ?'(`_;*··&§ Hf?   ·`··]:; {yr]  Q ;;\H{}1_r&3 qj_g;t_·jg_ ‘·f;Yjy>·g_r,,j··h
the use of seniori*Y Status es well as or selection arrived at after deterwiwa-
tion of mexe neq*i»ewcnts. A- evalrerioh o? all operatiL¤ rersonnel was
made, charted and ratio s on versatility ani jrter°f~‘ a¢’*?ty arrived at by
direct action of tre resconzible snjwrvisorv force. Teteqories were fixed
in accordance mit? ace' ‘·; wc; ~~;;»ii~n and elimination done bv categorical
ratinp in accordance with erticle 5. fecficn l crctvd it “tT?cws: "lr cases
of increase or decrease of dorcéc, where trainioc, atilitv, skill, and
efTicienc¤ are »·Tc*7velv esrel, Zen th of continuors service soall @overn."
The Union contends that *~o ’'`: drtrnct was violated be~n¤se senirritv
I was not used as the basis KX for lay-off in each instance. The Union ores-
tiowcd **e Comranv's internrctation of the Seniority Clause as apnlied to
varyine deprees of abilitv, and other w+cessar~ cualities, such as physical
utility, agility or motion of the emnlove commonly referred to as "slow motEnn."
ite Vnion insisted that individual cases uw discussed when a list is submitted
to the Comnany.
The Comnanv replied that it was faced with an oneratinq nroblem
" J

the solution ot which would Hetermine the inture of the mine ana that
chanaina job requirements Forced manavement to intenrate versatile emnlopes
into the torce ix V’.~. order that their abilitv mi ht be better used in an effort
to continue oneration of the miie, That bv so ooinw it was honed that a
hiaher nrodnction ratio conld he nc ieved thereby hrinwinw ner ton cost within
reasonable limits, To do this Comnany representatives stated that Nanavement
first determineo the minimum ntmber ot emnloves needed to produce the required
tonnave, thus fixinc a perimeter outside of whiz) elim‘4atioo of surnlus could
be etfected. Followinw this step cate ories ot nersonuel were set up accord-
inc to reowirements of the ooeration. Vor example it was pointes out that
no major srrplus existed in the catevory of rechanics and therefore no re-
duction made. As an additional examrle or the planning doen it was pointed
out that over ace GO emnlones havinj anailasle income swch as pensions, etc.
were laid of? wh le the a e trove ot 50 to EO_;ears was regarded as bein;
,_€/ `/x"·;\    ;   ` e`   `f'__.{i_/fp"
unawle to compete in the labor market were. ¤¥ wistwrbed. ite Company
emphasized that versatility and rotential ahil§tr of emnloves to integrate
into the mine oneration was necessary to coitrneéd operation, It was pointed
out that reduction of the torce was a duty as w~ll as nreroratire of
Management as provided in the Contract.
The Union nronoseo that another meeting Pe held to eiscwss the matter
and the Companv agreed.

 luv »l;;;*;Ap wu¤{~#Q.; MwI*¤NY AA` 5A¤—R.H ifl JE,, . AA.¤4 if Ul mlpé
JR¢#AKY 17, 1958
Lx; ”* · Nl ~£TY 3
    T     )
»M.».¤ A 5, 1957 )
iJ?ll* Cir z1;*·r·i·c= sl?.   ;é cf
tac r¢s¤o=s§Ll¤ sunqrviscrv *»vcca ;ie;0ri»; were Tixaf in uc¤¤rw¤2 In L;e»p of LmUFUEm&
or dccrcasm M? *n?uc:, whavu tralmfa , wrllimy, skill, umr ©“UZ¤i2lcr ars
relatively swwal, lan th QF »w;Liui0q2 wervfcw zlall Y$V€PB•{ it was vointed
nut by iam any ru¤rasc¤inti=¤a t»&t we-Ali-nlent of ~¤rs0n»cl use USQ
nscassarv becaw@@ of VUHHQQ in jot vuuclrc cuts rcs ltinj ”P¤c &;—l0ywsmt of
mccwanizci cm invent in an ©fVmyt tc wwnducc co 1 &t a m0m~»i;i1v¢  ,» cast, *hc
decision hw waimcc fgrcc uaq hasn &rvlvmN at nnly uftgy y;»¤¤ii©m in Acyk lay;
and other u?°nrtx were Pound E0 wa iwnduquate,
"— :·.-'iv_ -.,-   ·i·.r· Hf l, ..,.‘,_.. .,  ,4 \._4. U, ,_ .,..,. ,.·· _ ,
lla »nl¤4 cwgtn»»r bwat Lqa »uLr,cL .h. »l0l¤L¤\ QCUGmb$ S€nlOPlt§
was not uswm me him basis for l&y·0Ff in mmwh imginncw, Hwa *n1¤r qmssti mei
W " ~·- —k I~   ’—. — .· .. °..~. · 2...N ",   · ·= W ,,,.. 2 l J 1 . .,. .
tue »0m au; s ldLJP@Pct1tL»d of tuu ~0ul0P1tY luwsc as ¤¤ lieu no wavylng

 PAQ}.; 'j`I5‘
dwyrcew of ability, and other uacessury qu&1itlcs, Swan as shysl ml ability,
F1;‘i].itg‘ £·L;1{lE c·;0ti:‘>:; 0f"‘ tim c2:;i·'i<>,x>. Che iiniyn i_xs;?.:`te2<1 ‘t]1:a.t ;€.2;/L_l*t,·.E_<.tw:al azytzaas
bc 51:.;:/·us=;m". wxezm H list ist mzbmittcxki tcp ‘!;.?1ae zamwizzmy. ..—1i·. »=:>z;z,Ll *>z··m,_;;;‘t up
the ::u1tt.nx~   ttm ;s1·‘c¤-·;¤.z··z¤;ez Y*I‘T7C€·?;€)TG ;><-:1:1;; !‘01l0»c¢<>‘ as r>¤t].i2,c;<< in the
<:rmtr·u::i‘,   $mi:;e2f` tm; fC0m·>zm_gr tnaiit the LC) 4;;;:
:<>e;x·3.s><5 ?;:‘··t?c:1t»\>*i   sztc¤··— 23 0* i  ericwntxce "}Z&C)C1O€il11‘G‘ Q·‘1;;ri <3.E1'TiZ‘0C}• ;tz·. ..<;=::wr;:¤·3e:r~   i··;r>`;<~»;·s=v=};2n, it£;>·.v@2¤<:1~, he c;0;x$2.E;1Ac;<3, in this  
ism -?&:1a;_,r©·~0;1t im:-t   utaed in zvayrr.: it vtwwsxz j.}"`1i} Tar e-;::u·»`i.<‘>i2ra¤:‘ to tml.} tc team
at nngy tim »;;i_%;3r$,y» r;=.€;¤~n;:"¥.1 was of tE~.·:+ C>T7~i.Z'1j.<`;Il t;iz:.‘L 0m:>:L:1y aqui
ifniwpu alike *»z<.·* Y"i1E].F:"E tw ¢‘·s·CLi.»¤ in =;’=¤’t L; ;2;;tf_m:].jr in the ·;.=_}_<:=·a.;<>c fvr·©cz;· ;r:·;a
41::* i)'1E`€],'],.i°l(2=; by fic nntxvwtt. fr. {fw`. ‘··· an .!‘*3"‘~].j.Sf., thtt the tcvrtatzmjr Exgc? Mazen
v:i1].:ir1;=   all tit  to ··=ej=-;?, vt.  ·tfn»z ‘ mirrx an   ··»r. `farwxizet t. .-ts &?,7f??j‘_lE$_TY}_E;
in F ?`1(`tiY?,V?l'1 in tty ?¥,‘fJt}_:T;(E{% mp TM; ,4f€‘]"‘l 1: t~e>T·i:Lt@;1·tim1t. ’¤3·. vi.tc?;   ~~¥‘i“, we vvczr     ` ·a fmt
the T`)l`°E`¢L€<`E€`·v£'i zmixm   ezzpunrpt fw¤·iZ   V gu  th :~<,t·;=<;c·t to ;€if1<2i.1s:;i.0:; 0* tie
m?0:>E.<2m ‘.:itF~ tQ’r1-.;- t»0m¤::z1_·,r’, xiv ;f.a.i;e€ t ;;;t the mw   ;·w‘; tn;i;¤f”t   C}3".$CI°5°1·~ets¤··? ttzadg iz- air ‘Y"i.K1§,f?T~ i`a§.}.t::=e» 1;:2 amt   maya unc; Q- assi; #·aoi·1a= gmf
c1·e;;t=ad sm, €E.`{j3T,§_€`~,E!.:.C%   the *:z;z1·‘i; ta? ii`·=_;c 1T"*i:i1j$ \"f)@?l< _Q {;E.r>;‘1g"
vsitb `t··w· Patina mu? ‘a;2r1ni`1.c the ¤¤r·<>*#l;x f`x·n·;z Elev`; nat =>C{`iHT1.2‘i with sétea-·p mu:;f;·<;x*
    m·t1i.;za·¤* in     LII cz? time .>r2t1’=·‘ct.
.i}‘1e t0m‘r:;mj; T’C:*{*].1·E‘·>L$ titgt ..a1#;:¤,;*aw;;.1`c1 ,0 2-1].].   tnithin Lim
structtrryw of ’tha»; ·mt1¤-mat, that txzca ·i.40im‘¤’>:ar1j—;   ?`::.··e:¤.,i   th am 0m1rwtiz1 ·¢ ‘;i·;t·c¤}.:>;u,
the :—·0].r;tic>,:1 r>C` ‘:’sl>;‘Ec}u ".`.'f`>T?].~f·i rf’·2ts2‘*r??1a> tic; V'2st¤:i;·a: 0i` tm :1Y:m a1i:·· thai
c’1a.r1;2lr1»· jra`2; 1i·¢:¤ul1*·<2··Gnt;:¤ »f’0r·t2@d "*.?'l?*h.`Gv.¢3¥1`E   i.I'liZ€},1"§UJ(3 ·—<:tz;:*aa
into the f`¤1t·~~·e2 in <>1~¤.fm~ that tEr.aj.y- szlilitty mi,sw1i. im a>;wt€;.<>1r· ·sw¤2<.f in an c:i‘*`e:v’t
tn c0z;tin‘1¢. 0·r~m*·::.i.·?,c»‘;·; <>T`   !‘3`;.Z1£2, 'iizazt M); so ¢.i»">fY.I1_"f fi. t xscw E‘¤mws· ‘th&1t  
higgher r>r0<3a1c‘t§.r·>n Z‘~?u`lZi.O cmrln he :¢,<·"·i0·»ezr’L tm;=r·¤;>L>g; ?>:’·.?vu€·;1;‘>V :·wc:x= ttm <:{::¤;·i; t V\tV· i thin

reasonable limits. To do this Uomoany rewreeentutl es stated tjet iamagement
first determined the minimum number of emnloyos needed to proomee the required
tonnage, thus Fixing u perimeter owtside of which elimination of eurnlus could
be effected. Following this stem netevories of personnel were vet up accord-
ing to remuiromeuts of the e~eretie¤. tor example it was noimteé out that
no major swrolwe exletod in the oeto ery of mechanics and t erefore no reduction
made. Ae an a$*?tlomal exewrle ot two nlennlni dome it was eoimted out that
over are QQ emvloyes Nevin; n~aila le Income evch as ~emeiowe, etc. were laid
off while the ajo croup o? SG to 50 rvmra was regarded as oeiay vmawle to com-
pete in the le¤nr rarknt ned was t>er¤?ore not c eturhed, The iommany empk sized
that versatility and notential ability of ewrloyes to inteyrete into the mine
o@ernti¤m. me mmee$s2rY to montlnwed ooeratiom. It was ooirtei ont that
reduction of tx; *orce wes e duty ee wwll ee preropntive of Waneiement as
‘o1°0v;`{.cE<2=i in the `=.w3‘1tr.2‘10t.
Zho Union mrooosed that am¤t¤er geotimg he held to iiscuse the matter
and the Womnany agreed.

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