xt7kh12v6014_531 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1957-1959 text 1957-1959 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_52/2008ms006_52_6/48069/48069.pdf 1957-1959 1959 1957-1959 section false xt7kh12v6014_531 xt7kh12v6014 [ '_ . .‘   Jl _ { _
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I, ______“__~____*“““___~______¤*__~“_m____, of __’_”__m_*_m“ _ _%J __AA Kcniucky,
hprgby exprgssly waivb LM» fwIIuwIn :
I. I Ewkafkkgf 2x1iv;.;zuy* ‘w~i ‘aIII ri Exiar ig idWI"YICLIK*WIIUI? III i?;, ’1IiE;Lr2
of Im©&I,#hO2, PHJ of ,. I sh II wik, n _ ,· wLL,»wi Le vpie In any
I©c¤I elychiomj uqv sh II I nah, ‘.·. g ‘,—* ;LIIxpi to RIL;[{ ·‘·. pt m,,Li¤
ofii- siid Iw¤HJ
2. I ;;wVCU w;iv. wwf wmi ;II y; MI: ~. gpf f {hr E,;4!QL; usf r Lk;
I©ciI‘& w»Ifwr» 0I u, SLJL z; ;Ij W;-.fQ‘i fri; in ,'%‘ ixirrdnz, i~Ii;y,
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3, I her E; w;Iv¤ any Ind yl; rg L2; i¤ ir]I wl 3, ~r Qu  -. Hf j¤b si »Z;
which uI‘hi ~;TiwrwII# /·,¥ 1wcy¤, i; g_.
M. I furbh.y iubhwrix; Lu` .f59 ;;;U Si ML ];;i;I H oy ¤;nir"c€ y JT
c>uiy;ci¤y; L. g;~c; JQQ 1;, 212; ~;I;g iI;.;m, is d si iiL,d bf
local umIan ,L52, El]Q;»C.., I-i ii “wr“‘IG ;;m; r ~w,; L; ~·¤* is t3,
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ThI5 ;1.cui,d TIIVIT vn wr rz~I ItiI ie ;uIi i il; p,vird `i t;M_ in
ryhich I $h;aII b;   ir; iL.TlL5Ii`l1C‘.QIIEVZ  ri',   I  Inj   'YjA;;·<;1si.s Si»;;;I
Djrriajgyn <>iI»h?m; IYIZUEUITIJIFUYLI ET ·‘·. TZYM"I_i` Cr;;;V;n‘  @1* ci1ii1<1c*»wy· ©1· c©:winta©€4irs_
This wuivpr nlsc ¤x;.n*2 IHIY by ih uIri©@ DL ¤i»; I QIIII bg u©rk;n* uudrr 3
permit fr©m ih; $1Id I©e@I.
I hcrpdy mubhwyizy thc officials sf th. said Iw@iI to vgii thi uqrmii
under which I SUQII bg vurkim  muy tI». th. 5;§I¤; Is©f ih IIW. said Iocil mak;
3 detgrminiiisn that I hiv~ vinlwtnd iny of IMI vu} 2 s;T up umdpy hhjs pxqcuisd

elise , 1958.
I, , of , Kentucky,
hereby expressly waive the followinyz
l.· I hereby waive any and all rights to participation in the affair!
of local #hO2, PMN of LQ I shall make no attempt to vote in any
local election, nor shall I make any attempt to attend any meeting
of the said local.
2. I hereby waive any and all rights to an  of the benefits under the
local's welfare plan, such as any benefits from any insurance policy,
any welfare plan, or any retirement plan, or disability plan.
3. I hereby waive any and all rights to seniority, or to any job rights
which might ordinarily accrue to me.
h. I further authorize the Niscznsin Steel Division or contractor or
contractors to check off the cost of m  permit, as designated by
local union #hO2, PN4 of N, and to forward such payments to the
local union #bO2.
This executed waiver on my part extends only to the period of time in
which I shall be engaged in construction work, employed by the Wisconsin Steel
Division of the International Harvester Comparw or contractor or contractors.
Ihis waiver also extends only to the period of time I shall be working under a
permit from the said local. .
I hereby authorize the officials of the said local to void tho permit
under which I shall be working any time the officialsof the said local make
a determination that I have violated amy of the rules set up under this executed
waiver. ‘ ‘

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 Coal Hines
12:01 AJ!. march 11, 1959
2:00 P.M. H31°Ch 12:, 1959
12:01 A.M. March 16, 1959
All (3)
8,ln09 ·
march 11, 12 and 13, 1959 S
fZ2S,902 .00
Progressive mae workers of America
!;O2 Benham, Kentucky
Exp;Lrat1on eZ` contract · contractural matter.
Article V of contract (Seniority)
Union demanded that any increase or decrease in force be done by
straight seniority rather than as provided for in the contract.
The Company and the Union agreed to continue operations
while a joint committee developed an occupational
classification plan for use in case of an increase or
decrease of force.
fc   .//r" A .. _A: / 3
AQ, . ,:»n y   ( \u.-L·g, /[-  
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