xt7kh12v6014_487 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Personnel Management text Personnel Management 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_49/2008ms006_49_7/45778/45778.pdf 1938 1938 1938 section false xt7kh12v6014_487 xt7kh12v6014 , TO OFFICERS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS:
The fo11owing promotions in the V
Manufacturing Department are announced, ef-
fective Februsry 7, 1938:
Mr. Robert Spurgin Jr., assistant
superintendent of Centon Works, is promoted to
be superintendent of Richmond Works succeeding
Mr. James Pinson, resigned.
Mr. Raymond J. Atkinson of Centon
Works organization is promoted to be essistent
— superintendent of that Works.
These are important assignments and
cooperation with these gentlemen in their new
duties wi11 be appreciated.
C. R. McDonald
February 3, 1938
1/ / 4%
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ME1I`C?1 1.2, 1.9:5i;
O. F. Seidenbecker,
Manager of Sales
Den? Mr. oeidenheckorz
Ze wish to acknowledge your let‘er of Merch 10 together with
copy of letter fror »r. en?} T. ¤ut*on dnteo March B in connection
with the financing of mm automobile wrich he ourchwsed through the
Universal Credit Comnvny of Cincinnati, vll of which you exoleined to
me over the telephone on Thursday of this week.
Ar. Lytton imo emnlpyed here at »e hum WN Merch EC, lhéi,
heving leos thnx three yenv%° Ser*ice. he lac boon off Gio? wicca
Oct. ZT, l“Z*, wnJ ir Growing H. ·. 4. heieFita at the rote of $20.*0
wer ween. Cn Feb. lm, lQ3¢, the doctor¤ oi¤rno¢od wit ca¤e vn neuro»
i‘0hilis ¤n¤ their wetimate is that he will ot be able to we hnck to
work For three nor~ ronths and will need n0nrox’¤n+¤l~ three #e~r¢'
treetnont. Tt ii nl¤o vcsoihlo thwt he vill never so bec? to Work.
“n F·n. lb thio ww wade n cluix for en induetriel injwrv ?id
ww; &€—=Si‘·r1·’ed .*`k·If'.. `To. li?}-C on iac;.··’¤`">t of iirf ’¥e*‘;*‘ ffl ‘%U.¤g‘?>G   i*l·‘`·;<*·;; ‘vre7_o·; ’h:·n?v=7··]_:;·rr‘_ The ‘_‘·"";_{"*
n week which he i» nro inc Tron fha T. G. A. if ""t¤i¥¤r~"¤ ~oro then
the <1ver·a¤e own ifr r¤·a¥iio· ?=~vre rt icnhnrw with cnr orooent, rn:rt*·iTe~fi tro-
e would not recom ond him For cnr credit tno we c~n't see
Mhere we cwn do anything for him fror tkio end.
Youre *‘<1-rj*t1°u]_j·,
By___ ____

Mr. C. C. Calkims, osiistang to ih@ .
&s5i5t?nUi $up¤1dw1t»nd©rN; at Auk¢uw1\U0rk5, is
pywmotud in be ussiaxgmt superintendent, affec-
tivw March l, l93€. K0 is suvceyding ir. L. D.
‘ Cgyr who is axsumL12 wzhcr duties.
C. H. McDonald
Vica Ercsidwnt
Fcbxuayy 28, lQ38

 TO <¤FF1<‘;»Q¤;RS .l\N}"`> Di&e1PAH']}f.”1ENT HLADS: r
Hr. J. D. McGsum, mamsgor of the
Iudustrisl Bmgin¤srLng and Construction Dopsrt—
mont, wiki be absent from his office for sovcrsl
months on spooial sssignmcmt duties abroad.
During hLs absence Mr. C. H. Smart, assistant
to the vjoo—pr4sident, manufaoiurinq, will have
supervision of the lndustrjal Lnginouring and
Construotiom Dopartmont.
C. R. McDonald
Maron ‘».‘ 16, l938
1 \ '·
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 xleconsin steel Company, march lh. 1935
Chicago, Ill.
Geo. E. Hose, President
G. I. Baidcubenker, `
i.n;1i‘ . of emlcss
J. J. fox
‘—.‘ Je wish to refer to recent correspondence in connection with
production ond shipments from the senhnm operation, more particularly to
kr. nose’e letter of Moron 4 and wr. Fox'e letter of Feb. 25 eubm1t*1ng
shipping schedule for the balance of this v nr. Curing my visit to
bicngo on Feb. 0, 9, end 10 it wwe decided nn Lim operation For tne ronth
of February tout we wznld curtail the oroductivn during the latter end of
the wcntk from five days n week to *onr dnyv a week and then to three dere
e week, continuing at the rate of three days u week from tken on until
further notice. Lyin wen cone und nr production for {ne ·ontL of renruur¥
wee $0,0oU tons. Thin in 17,000 tone in excess of the schedule r`1ch cells .
For 65,000 tone for the month of february. The schedule, however, was
prepared after me decided on febrnury's operation chile I was thrre.
nuring our recent telephone couveraation in connect on with tlis we decided 0
to produce 36,000 tons for the .0nth of March an scheduled and thereafter,
reducing the onthly‘tonnnge by nporoximetely 2,000 tone n month over the
balance of the year in orner to compensate for tho 17,000 tons over•pr¤dnced
during the month of Februnry. We would like to know whether this procedure
will be nll right, or shell we continue on oith the ecnedule ne it now is
and not account for the 17,000 tons 0v¤r—nroduced durinj Fcbrunry.
ne wish to set iown nt anne length some of the feats and ideas
w ich we have in connection with t‘io production ncnedule und just new
it will effect our operation and our producing cost over the balance of
_ this year. ge hnve been giving conoidnrnble thouyht to this matter every
since we received ttm ecxedule, which is considernnly lower thnn we had
anticipated. ln feat the schednle cf production ie so low that we cannot
expect to continue the operntlvn ns it now is without n considerable in-
crease in operating coet. .n nnve been figuring on this for tim lnet two
weeks and we believe that we cnn mnke n decided decreeee in the cost of
operation by e pretty alzen le force reduction, roing to n f=ur day week
operation with n emeller Producing force rather than continuing on ut a
three dey operation with the nrenent force. Znls would not ordinarily be
true if it were not for the fact that we are restricted to seven hours e
ohift vith our tipple operation which hue n capacity of 400 tone per hour
end with our present daily production of approximately 3,000 tone n day
we here been rennirei to operate the tipple two shifts on account of
compensating for lost time waiting for tram motor tripa to nerve the
tipvle operation.
at the nnoerintend0nto’ He¤tin; on Feb. o and 9 e general dis—
cn:ni»n www ned my ull concerned in regard to the general policy of tne
content relative to force reductions und lny-offs on acc unt of slack ,0rk,
which resulted in tim general opinion tnnt force reductions n~u1d ne GOU-
~ fined to the least possible number of lny—0ffs. In arriving at this oon—
clueion ccneiderntion was given mostly to the effect the ley·0ffs we ld
have on the men laid off and the ability of the remainder of the force
left cn the job to exist et reasonable reteo of earnings. After these

meetings waro p.vr we discussed at considorchlc 1on¤Lh the noolic¤ti~n of
this policy Lo tho onorntiou nt »nnLom, ind it wan thought gonerullv tlot
wa might go along wt the oanhcm opcrotivn without nwy force rocuctirn,
providing approximately throw doyo por wack for all rho non loft up ing
job, ond that with ouch u production sckndnlc they might be cola to gat
along with their resulting auruingo. Aowcvor in talking Lwio over wo cid
not conuidor to any great extant what tho rcculting cost to Loo cporatiom
would he.
»inco the rnccipt of tho schedule, howovor, wc havn been figuring
on our costa and have bonu considoring n force reduction by eliminating
cur night shift operation entirely in Io. 1 iino and basing the oporwtion
on the capacity of Ac. l Tioole on the day shift. *h1s iiwpia, as stated
above, has a capacity of 400 tons por tour and on u oavon hour mine vhift -
we estimate thnt wo can act 8400 nous a dow ovor thin tioala, &llow‘ng
one hour For delays for rimm tokcu botwoon tram motor trips delivering
wine cnvs to tho tip~lc at fragment intervals duriny tho 4ay'n operation.
T¥is crfimurify wwuli be good practice, however wo might stretch the tioolc
capacity to poooi ly E500 Loma n Joy still we have baood our figuroa and
ectiwatoa ow 2400 tous por jay. in opcrmti·x of Llic kind based on T ..‘· or
days o wack ucwld yrodoco $600 tooo a wack or 41500 tons n month, u~ich
iw ouproxiemioly tim cvorugo monthly production for the halauco of the
poor. oaood on a maximum oparmbisn of five Guys a weak, it woclo bo
12,000 tuna a wack or 52,000 tooo o xonth, which would take CHTS o? tho
maximum mouth of octobor im the schedule. In othcr words, with A dey
Shift based on 2400 tous u do; wo could produce 58,000 tons u nonth. if
at any time monthly rcwuirum ots oxcoaded this figure H nisut shift owuld
novo to bo put hook on.
Ay the elimination of the night shift we would nova in coil?
operating axpancc one wholo tioolc crow. ,o would also shut ccwn the
vicht operating acct? no iu tho miwo, not however the particular coco
w ich are oporntirggcmithn ¢ight o¥ift at the orcwent time, out we would
cut out motor runs no Follows:
’ loc. E — 8 Left Poco · Var shift, lo: cool, “J" scam
2 lr H ‘· ·l>?`?}t " U H N
coc,ll — l ¤igh* Foes Nov »Lift, " " ’
l Loft Ecco — I1 ht obift, Ligh cool, ‘¢" neon
»ll the rest of tho rotor runs in the mine M ich urn ~ow operating would
coutinuo to oooroto on uno du; uhift. Thio oeuld include %oc. 7, high
coal, which ia mow producing uopyoxinutcly 100 tous o shift nm? chico is
slowly diminishing in productiou mud will bo worked out ond discontinued
within n womth or u mouth and a half. ”h1o would laura elavcu motor runs
rm the day n!·i"t rm l`OliO*‘~'8€
3 in Unc. 2, "," Soon, low cowl
3 ir: Acc. E?,"(I" Iiourv and "A}" Joram   swam, one Exlyit ·¤n<’i cnc
low wud "1" cans, one low,
5 in Acc. 10, low cowl “U“ Aoom

2 in oac. 11, low cool, "G” Bnvm
Port run, oac. 7, "G" Anon, high coal
lhlo Finn of an operation would incrnn a our porcantovo of '5" Jaam nroduction
from approximutoly Sli to Qui. do Ho not know whether this oulé be dosirwblo.  
dy changing a motor run out of ooo. 2_ "J" Joan, and adéixa ono to tho "C"
seam wo could lnavo this porcontaoo of "w” ooum production apuroximztwly no
it is now if tiiu .ould bottor Vit tho rolulromunts of the stool ilont.
In addition to tho elimination of an ontlra tip la crow of ton man,
wa would also nllminnto 51 mlscollanoouo any mon including track non, timour
man, wire mon, diopntchors, nhop ·on, atc. Jy takin; off thaon motor rung
' tlls would also oliminnxo oO coal loodorw nnd 10 mnchlno qan, or n totnl of
90 tonnage workorn, 34 of whom w wld ho trnnsforrod to day sbift motor runs
ond used for fillinr than un to maximum canncity, v¤1oh would rohult finally
in tho elimination of approximately 56 coal loaders ond mac ina mon, “hoso
55 man togothwr with tha alimlnnti n of Gl our mon ~~u1d make n force re-
duction of 117 won.
Tn aaditiwn tc trio forco reduction of ll? day mon and tonnoye
workers, wn wowld ollminntn tho norvioow of nix foco houses who one vixht
woighmautor, or sovon mon on ualnry, bringing roduutlon up to 124 msn.
-lmo no fool thnt pouwloly n forco reduction an tho various nthor donartmontz `
of the operoti~n cowlo no offoctod. .o qlhn to cut out soma of {ko work of
the znginaorlng oepurtment by this procedure ond olimln~to the sorvicos of V
two engineers and possibly WHS in tlo safety gopurtmont, which would finally
rasult ln o total Foroo roduotien of li? t, (’C`**¤’,’(·5Z’lj.€!Z]G& muzi we ,.13.1 cndaawcvr
to mum the chunéea as som; em poamiblmx.
`ioukss vary truly,
iw   ---......
Ci? Y0? mr. §$:xllf— rrE. ·

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 _i51c:’m··j,n `Jteecal C<>!·2g:u’=§,‘. h;;:rcT lis, EVL}.3
J‘.1c¤5:’:_ Ill.
Cem.   tmc, }·‘;m:virln··;t _
  _. ..»01i‘   to :·<·r:··~n1] cc>z*y·~:¤ ·»<>wr mu€;¤ T»‘·:~2z,mn ~·y>m,·>»·t i·-rz, xw- :;··¤r·tic~..zi-srl] tc "
V, 0 QW *s=t'ce¤v·· 0I' ?,’:»»;·cix 4 and :·. “`c>>;":; l·;%i;m:·r· cf` cab, UF? *‘¤abr¤it‘ ‘ir=;;
TZ §.;>·>’::·;; !~3C;:GG’.i{€? "<>*· Liv ;¢.=iiz»:;<:s: ui` v is ·. ··r. uri  ;j ·— irit tc:
i€?’:,,;TO =‘ré  · ····   L-, {5, rad   it   Jieeckicvi *2 Nvm t»v>e1·;··;·L;~v— Try- i:‘·. i  
of ·»Y>z*u·>;;~··; tint avr 2. Lai cur';     >:r·<:=¥m_ci>;1ra ’1::·i·; · 1,?;:· L-ati  wad ·‘;;"
bw  <:»*‘¢?;   i"i*·.¤»2 dt —= *· ·~¤e>··}-t in   ~31·;:s· :1 :rc·;z!»;   +‘·z<·v; 1;:; i,?2:<=;> dats;
    ia, "$.}7.r:.; ··¤_;:‘Lic.a. Ein nm; nsw ·¤;& a..z· ~ ··:> *:;u· in ;‘r>r·     ;i` a:a:;<;zm 
mg ;i>,\l..w mgxsw. '.`";i.» i-» 1i’,OO* i cw   oxcsax of than ;sc;·emuLe» ic}. cwllsz
or ..};;,000 $-;:2;:; :*;··,· ·;u; , wm;
;"»;¢¤pz¤¤1`·1‘ed afLpex-: nl:;*·>;; Lila I  .;;¤`= aww.
1;:·‘i;kj our :·z><:.a·0=`i2 1cea JQ,OOG Lmncs ‘0~ +:h·v> ;>;·;tE; of L-mrc}; ns; s<:2;¤:dx;T.¤i¢ai and t?zc¢x·o¤`»
I'€·*.}UC`i;YL;Q tim 02*.‘LEAl;; Yf·C2TlTl' ya `nj-‘ z·_¤ r0xix2mt;i:}.j; §?,OOO trzxzs: w :·*a<·nt?x <>‘·¢~·2:· the
bnl:mc¤ 07 sian yn-m in avzfnr to cv:v:»·:>sar1s>t<> for Haw 1*,000 i·;.»22z.= <>=;s»1‘—~;>r0du<:ca<'$
duwinr Linea · wmtzia af i’~:_¤t>r··.x· rj;.  ·; would like tz- kr:cr == w2zat?:r:· Mic :>1·4>c::i,‘1·’·m~ cm ith 2}:6; :¢c?‘¢4<*uE.¤a mi it ‘·¤1·\J ist
wrri not smc em?. :'<>:· Min 3.7,000 tcm:2 crvce:·~·‘·r<>du<:u:3 éizwire `¤?·»1·=.:: vp;.
aj   to ami.   vt; 1~¤~>=> len; *?· *s::a··v¤ oi` {iw: i`:»;<·tr= »mi idewsa
l ici, em   in cmxzzucti 1;*2 wit}: I ii? j>z*·;;·E1.zc'€u~ r>:+:emti —a; said ww `>r*’·u1·‘;:2c;*,, u i .‘:¤» `L-es: gg .·ia;f_:zy c<~:;::-1**47-1* iZ?l··t 1:1:m;{E;1, tc; 'Ui:2 ;:1it¢;;·· ¤·;{q:*j_
;)i:xc;»» :4: z·uc»y=mr1 tim :;sc: uc3·..;c, mic?2 in c:·t>:m5.<1»r·   10··re-nr tZ2·;r1 usa: had
:m1:;c1p.¤i;¤ed. in 1`;=» t tim .sck:e:·.i Visa i` ;>;··.:dx:<:t.iv;..r. irc sw ln 2]:1:4, ·:=n CBE? 013
¤.»x;>·:c;t to ·;cz>ti;u<; tm <::;sa:z:t.1-ax ::4: it :10*:: 1;: ‘.eiY.E:·f‘2;‘£, :; c¤r;:sicEe·:·:;:>i.ee in-
<;;¤zs:i;u in ¤:pm·ai;z s;£_ £.<>i;‘¤. ea   e; ?.¤a+:¤ iTi__‘·:1*·in., uy; tl nn fra? L§;·— L   t iz .c;»
xm-¤·k:..2 md wu t>aZL;1m~-> that: we c za nrizc n dszcidezd devcmuzaez in tim carat. of
€’2;Jt.s1‘;\\} %.·:x‘a by H lmc»zt7.y sizer. Casa i`c>1·<:ez yczciucyz Lu., :_> 5.11;; L0 me *'   em;. =:ms~i<
·i“`>p63'l€‘1.’b ·'>Il with an E5£IL!`i].1,€%I‘ p1·:>duc5.11gt i‘01·<:<2 1·u1;i:·-~1‘ {L? vs czcmtixuxizzw cm ret, sa
thx·e2pw with fin ‘¤2·¤:ra1.·a:e=. ‘ Mia mzmlel wai; 01r·‘izz:=¤·1l;; ine:
hmm 1F it wear nut For they f‘:zcn,  ¤.§i:4t wes »;.¤A- y·mstr§¤.ctezd to smzceza ?,:m1·:s M
:¤·if‘t ith our ’c5.w>p}.a <>a>v:z—¤>,ti·wz1 {wish ham ·¤ czxpucitg of 4OW f.»r>r;;z my isyur
nucl with our r>1·ea;r<—-rrb riuily ¤J`!‘O'¥1>y:·f?T? of u;>$»1·c>x’i;·:s=’cn7.7  1$,€)O(> buns; :¤ day
wu ;;4—   ».·· r mmm me ¤;·!3res* to cgmmxtlw tiw tigsylea imo zrfxiftsa em um: =·:=T. of
ccmjmvxcwtinn ?`.:>·;· `L0s=t tuimxz ¤·¢¤:i< **z;a for ·?.r=v‘= reotor tv·*¢‘>;x *0 zwarvcr *:,2.e
‘i;5.g>‘{.·l¤a rmm·z2t ` wz.
t. tim ni:‘><>‘v1r2t to i‘c>x·ca x·ee•fi:z<:1.ti·:=nu mad l¤;;—0i`i':s on ucc uwt uf :¤l»·1c2; ark,
chic}. :~e+;;u1t;m§ iz. the ;;0:z»~1t·> 1. €7i}'i.`!1< ·. uint force; re>d11c1.i<>u;s , @1.:% Je crew-
Bfxcad to Lim leazmt gucrsaibla wmxbewr of 1:;;-01°i`s., in a1*·r1v1mi wi; this `:¤.:2·-
; ;1xxs ;icvz c-:;saidm1¤vt,·;¤>: ; umu lvm; IZkOL'.%JCji,;’ to the affect. time }.u3,··—01`i‘s   Ld
_ waves an i.3;e: mmm laid uf? rms! tim ability, 0i` tim I?€T1E1i:iY1F?€9]‘ ·*ri` the ‘{`()I"CE1
lcrft, cm nlm job tn axis?. ut mza:s<>n¤;i:1¤—> rcztc@ of O¥iI'Il1Z}§§B. fw? H ;ea: e»

mat$_x;5·;·s 2·:m·r; 0·.» · rw AXFZCXXUESQC1 rst ?;lr2 1=::z.·$.h the :;·>·=}5_c:·1.i zi nf
319 églici Q;  Lim c··‘j¤e’:1*ni€ ·m =aL +··;;:;:·:, tv? ii ems; 1.}; ~·>·"?:1; g·¤rm1*s111i’ that
we:  Ext $0 ¥)}.O`2{“   i; the-> Y‘¢mL:;: :v ·’¤;J¢2r···r·c0 rc}-Mc? ’ n,
:»m*ri¤ii:1é; np,:·<:xizmt>c>1;r ¢,?z:·re·w {iiilifi ·’»r<»:§u_c:i Eur: ;=cE:ea:§ Aloe 1/iz.·av`>;· iz: t::2.}:i:1 t` La c><.·m· we  
  mt, <:r>r;:11:$e-sr to nn;. ,·x·1n
  muhi mag
iucn thc ¤·eac¤wi1;>%. <>i‘ tim sschucium, }'10`¢`fG`J`¤,=X‘., wr: hnvrw seam; jig;v·`iz;é: -
cn our ccmtss and h:;v·· imwrx <:z1 3;; e:3,imin·:?.ir¤g:
ur *·=i.—·h’—t. x~n?;i;‘i. ¤;><:1··=i·E:>r: ¤z;t.:i_r ·•··"g* in ¥=. 1 iw MII; h:·¤:¤’Ar1; the F>§7f!}"?‘$i!*"
cn time c::;¤uc':.ti‘ of 20. 3. "ifvrvlw rm Him =¤;s :2?¤i¢‘t.. `iiisa 51 *::70, =:#·  s4t.nt.=:>d
·>¤<:v<:, has as cxzirzciiizv of 400 imvm ··s-r kvar wm? cm 1; :»:¢>v~:» `amr wzirm »‘:’i!`t,
vase s;:¢t,i·;=r=n tm ·t we cw: wat ZRLOU Ymras: s· d*="=r Mai? T.i":·1n, ;41l<>&·¤%?‘1;j
 ">:·;a  i;<»u r i°r>v· dnl:-zjgzs for éima t~;kem b- —r: t.r·m~ :·¤<>‘h0r· L ri.9:1 d•2zi/i*J¤»>w~§é z;t
*:20 cuvw tr: Wm Eijfha ut f1·a;u¤·:¤t intemwzezlxs éurixy thu €za3.·'s¢ ·‘>:mr·raLi· *:‘z.
"` i;? 0:r*1r:r‘»r·i“r Wzulri be wrvml ;,n·=a0*A1cse. iz0¤‘av¤>r   c1¤i;;i1?:. stratci. ibn ¤.i§vr¤I¤:>
csv>:aci·L~,· to v~0:2r a1   ?iT‘»·'F& Lim? V: M  sti;} wsa  :;».· ·¤> wsxzcad :11;:* z`i;m:··»z; :2::%
¤m*·-;~;?,e:· ·i~1-34-*% xsr;:= {wr fray. it c:_··¢er:;t€ 1 nr? ti ir` Eivzf} 2>us=<¤<$   " ··¤.;r·
¤3:a;;a :> ·¤.e:··E:   y;·T¤: *:i~r:s: ¤~ :; :`·*t%;, 1 *-ic?1
1;: zi¤j¤;c:‘;;~q E:~wLs:1;,—»L:»e= ·z~:·‘ey··e;;» ;r.4>;;tEQ;y g>:·;>i1 for Nw a»sa}.urncc 0i` thee
,u»;·.. :>e;:;=s»d .;-4 u z;;:;;»;i.·u;m w;¤eaz·z1i;i.¤,.s¤ asa" Tiwv ;` the
;;¢;.xir.2xm m;.¤L.; sgIj` f,a:i.ei»e=z· iz: 1;}:··2 a¤cEaeGm3.a·. €`:z v>€,2a¤·x· e:»t»z•d:s, ·.·».‘€t.h :— ries;
»2;i1`t. imsmd cen :400 i.<;:1:= » ; ei: i me camid ;>z··c>:;t?;Y_;_·· 1·e:gui:#a·¤;emt:s ¤-xcaadn·`$ tf is i’i;gur#> ~ ::1 ·21t >`:?¤5.€“t V.: ulrl
lr:v>= in Em _xzi; §>n<‘:k @:1.
gz @.};:4 e:1l$f:1ma‘r.’it~*z @5 $,3-cw rtirht 4`zift wa iw~<>·z3.·’? Svvvee if: ;>eu~·ei   ez;q;m»2sw> awe: z·rk;:·—`;aa 1;i·>·.»ics c1··»¤w. ea w<¤¤z]1c’i www swut ~’c>·:~.·n ·L}‘:·¤
  i Enf, ’E{)i’?Z‘E11.£??`;,g' :i=»+<1·· i'-wsa iw €.‘¤<=~ *~;’*»0, vet !,_c:‘:¤···*.¤=x· New ;1·¤r·ticu?·-r· wma:
w .c;¤ In ··=‘= r ·>§>·ev:%t‘·;L; —:=rm <‘»~ ··iy?1t :1* rift   Lice ···:*n·=m:1; *::1;-ace, um. we 2. wld
cut wrt. m0t.<_::· nzzix we !`¤110<·¢sa:
msc:. E - ii 1aai‘1; name -- rr *J‘2,`T"t, lr <:rs·21,   ww
Q: ‘ ' - jtfvll “' ' ` "
»w<:.l3. - 3. iaiv F »ces     12%, ’ `
E z_1si`i; sv-use - ii *}jt  @$13.  .‘1;·:Ee crraal, .Q' >@3€’L·"
ll tin meat 0i` i.i;»¢ 0‘t.0r· w.:22*= in Hm ··‘Ey:;c   ich mm ··<>t·.· cpmvztizxég ·¤~·.al in c;;wz·z:tu :2:; Vu cirej; :.2§;ii`i;. "Qizs ulzi ixacluezea mc. 7, high
cum}., ·~?;i.ci: is-: nm: .,>;*c>;>1*<>x‘i»wtczljr 100 toms   zmift nn? .?;icl2 is
slémlyg *iir:¤in1e:h§.m; in ;>r<»<§¥=:cf.in·u and wil}. be .=.v:·}:·2¤i out #.:11 ciiuc·t>z:?.im¤¤¤d
·>iti in »; ·.:··=’:,h cw   r zm—i.?: *73-“Y ¤s kczlf., "'!;ie‘é  uid ].eVn·:*‘<¤ zalssvcv nectar mus
on #,.2,4; r¤t
  ir: vc. 10, `L0<··¢ <:<>·:l   .»¢e·:»;

  in Sac. 11, Yww cowl, "*T" .·-yevrrx
i·=¤z*‘{; wm, mc. ",   .1s1=:1~:. *1,;}: crt-ul
H12:   in/¥ of :-.:1 <1g>m·m.i~:1 1.-maid iaxcrmwa our =:m*c+t=¤’c·-· 0 0i` ‘§%" .0;:1*; m·0<'i¤1cfi:1r1
f‘r01¤ 11;.>;>1·¤x§r<1r1tnige   1:0 HU- . .41 `<> not 3;-1ew: w?·.e11;}1ear 1.311:1 ··=1:”._··* he Geesir .b}._e>.
Ay c?1z111;;ir;;_; 1; :·z01;01· :11::; *-1.11. {sf ·e>··. 22.   .10!;H, -1:15 c1d·'·ir‘;;v TM10 ‘h¤* *kc1 VT"
.»erun me csuici Z;,ma¤.u this ;xe1·cemt.··=.·a> of   .-cnn ;>r0-11 :}.~11?..
  za-Vitiuza to the ¤l;ir:air1s1ticirz of ras: mzt/i:~1>1 tip lea czwr: c>·` teen mesa,
  z·.·-.:1},12 11}.:10 1%1.`LT¥.1Y'§2:{,f% 5:1 m1::cn1fgzx:1•ac·11.1 =.%·~;.¤ warn 1·1c1u>¤i:c:`#1a*·1·,, eshop me, atc:. ..2;; hrwkirzg :> Y 1,?.c1;asz zenno? emma
t, .1:; 1·¤.··:1‘L#E zalrw 0Xim1§r;:=?.1~ ef? ::0/13. IL0:1=?m*r¢ nd ILO :1:v;¢<¥1z1e1 em, 01* Yi totrzl of
QU tcvrmw ee ~.::·~1*knx·s:, 4*4 017 wiaaw,   xln me i;:·m1e1i’c1·1·s·»d my dxajz s1’ if`1: vwior runs;
·~¤¤i mmri fc-‘1~ §‘11`.i:11 Mmm uw to xs1:xim:1:r2 <:¤·>:1cit;,, · `14`Zzi ·.#<1u‘i.1i rr:. -11b 7211:23.}.;.*
in tha ¤>1.‘im*1rmt;1~·r·1 oi? w>v1·a:·:t1¤vx1.<·l;-.· 56 00:11 §o:1<`m:1·s -.21cl mac iw- mm. "!.·`<==>
536 m¤»1¤1 tr·»;r;a+.%1s»:· 1:11121 fam es`Lim;iz1m,i 12 uf M), fin? rem .111*3 zprzkn 11 foyer 7•<>·
dzzctinn 01* IVY esteem.,
*2 &1·<@i1.*E·ts; 1.4 1. isi: €`*>v*<:n !‘¤·¤’¥1.lC‘i<>!1 =i` ll? Gar wm: I1'} tc>#‘1n*¢ @1
=::¤·>z*?<¤1·¢s, vn =1s·¤·;?d ¢<'Lir·1i11s~z*1> the :am·"1;1¢1¢mt;
0.5 Kin ¤mrr¤t.. ·w fl w`L·¤ Ears u1"ezG€:··<§. ·> =?.··tz ‘L·`- cut r11=1 .1 >r~<1 0.   ··.·;¤:·¥: cf
am ..r1,·Lr·1<+¤x·€··1q· .~;T=·;;:·Lr·z<1;;L key 1111:2 ;1z~<>ce>a£·.:1·;> *7ld elLr·1ir.~~2s1 the smrvicmzz of
M0 ·+n·_·1:‘.¤¤ear== .:16 :.><>es·¤1.·'Lg,f ·=:>:1 ix; Lac: ..uI'e1t;· ca’~;1:~t~eaz1t, @.102*1 would !'i.1i¤¤5,l;,·
2‘=.¤;*¤>ci xm »¤z11;ici;>¤1t -6. ;2r·<>f2uci.r1:; lexbczxr zwrt tzmnnd nr: the
aLi:n1z1ut.i:>z1 of mm zemvsa 19** :1:::1 with elm xznczeasmwrjr `!°€?F%*}j1.Y»€'*'L§T f¤r<2»~ left in
ther job 1*,;*, ;>1:*0de1<:n ;1·&'}f'¤ 1,211:; r>».>1· `·zy ‘E· mw :=i11;*le1 %¤}1Z`i; :;:1 ;“01’0»:1:s;
r<>··21;c$.:1;; §.·¤i»0t* but ··
Q?§*5?.l.f§·€E ea·—..a;s.1fua =r11.··· SFYTEZ   nx:1ze·=s:r¤
4.i,L-.??~f3  ‘ €;’?1<1 ‘° "
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li. 47`L__.f3° :·#1*’11c1.€:‘>:. -· .5·fl,O(T¤G Ma; Q4? ’T»Z‘»‘2Yi`?., WHL I.$4€<1
16 ’ " 1$E;,¢i?G " " ' l.i312i32L
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lcs ·· ·· 4;:,::00 *1 °‘ 1.52;%
lb ‘ ·O ‘ ° l.&:6£;4
LET} " % ¢k>,OOO · ‘ ’ l..Ef£·;$;;
fil " " E3=Q»,4€`>() " " "   l.51·kC·5
:1:; M   S»>1;,a»£.;<‘> ‘ ·· ‘ ‘ 1.522L:s
Tits €‘<*¥3§)’\'Z`*'}f? UA1   ;>r·n:w¤1·1t £7Y}€'I`*}tiYl¢" ¤1z;1sv1c=& ’»:1s#¤v1 :1:1 ;>,,O'?0
inns; {Jn? ‘ if $0:** M draw :m* **1,rhL 5¤};1"`f, Y:¢¤‘bi;, $`1:'Udu{:$` :1 1!!bI‘11’ <:OS‘h$< OY
;.‘:ich zavrz J.is1Hs—' Y~<1".0‘w:
·ncca:?:uz· F>4,5£;1. ‘`=''·· mu 1.55949

.T»a:m··1"·y {212,53%; " ¤· :::; 1.6100
·w:>r=.z==.:·;; {»’),{>O<>  ' 2..6].;)*7
Huxwzlz up
  i 14tBw
Cnc:. 15,655 " 1.731*7
~,`rei`¢·1;a:Ci g¤r·c<%·1<:i‘Z<=vn ’i‘i.·u*ns> ?.i‘~‘Lw€ —!>-¤v<%. Ej: €w·.ss‘Zr‘:y war ··;>nr· *L?’·r: rvz
¤;>;;r·<>;;E:`1:·.€<~L :`<=2u* ri·:y·*s ·a ‘.¢m·}: ~.t; f§4?>(> 1, rs;   deg; yer ¢§.}_i$’>Tl z<>r1·> wr? vizwt?.
in we +ev:·0a%=.;c‘i.;,· ::< zLe-¤?~¤le= Auriu thee a:ca=a:··.;;, ii.  il;}.
me xrrtmi t2;;A1. we :.i,_ji:t s»a·1i;1ci‘·’ 1,~ ·. j#1·c¤duc‘i2;_i 12%;::;* coat ·:;i’ :zg>.;~r:>xir‘vxt,<.zL,
,1.5;;% yer mn. if my maywa to c,;v=:f1iz;.;e» mz Zqitm nur gz-rm-:¤·¤t 1`c>x·ce· und