xt7kh12v6014_483 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1938 June-October text 1938 June-October 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_49/2008ms006_49_3/45420/45420.pdf 1938 June-October 1938 1938 June-October section false xt7kh12v6014_483 xt7kh12v6014 ».. -
IBONORTH M1cH•cAr~: Avenue F
June 28, 1938.
er. H. O.Bercher,
iorke ‘;·’ Auditor,
wisconsin Steel Works,
South Ghlrego, 111.
er. J. C. Be1lerd,·/
Auditor, Goal Jineo,
Eenhem, Kentucky.
Er. d. V. Brennen,
Auditor, Iron Mines,
Eibblnx, dioozeote.
Beer Eire:
The wlecooein Steel Company and the International Herveeter
Company have been sued, one cult by Dominic Ferry and the other by
elohele Froveneeno, in the Qlnneeoto Court for the llth Sudiciel
District. The Complaint in each cose is the same, end the contention
of each employee ie toot he paic in certain contributions under the
Industrial Accident Department Flon od the International Qerveeter
Company which was in effect May 1, 1910. It wee discontinued at
the ore mines on September 50, 191}, end in all deoertmente it wee
discontinued, so fer oe contributions from emoloyeeo were concerned,
from and after Jenuery 1, 1915. At that time the ore mines were
operated by the $1scone1n Steel Gcmpeny, end the Jieconeio Steel
Company was one of the parties to the Industrial Accident Department
Flon of the Enieroetlonel gorveeter Company. I understand that the
‘ departments of the wisconsin Steel Company at that time were the
iooth Chicago Qteel Llll, the Qeeriog Rolling Jill, the Eeweioe rlme,
the Agnew mime, the Bonham Cool cine, end the Coke éorke.
I em trying to gei stetletlce showing what the total com-
tributions by emoloyeee were lo the period from ne; 1, 1ylO to
oeptember $0, 1913 in the oeee of the ore mines, and Deoewber $1,
191Q in ice ease or the other deoerinente. Teen 1 went to find
the total amount paid out from the Industrial Accident Decertmeoi’e
fund for injuries and disabilities frcm.mey 1, 1910 to oeptember SO,
1915. I should also llke to find out what were the total payments
from ire fund from gay 1, 1§1C to Qep€ember 50, 1913 for disabilities
of leee than 38 days.
doot of our records in the Chicago office seem to have
been destroyed, L find or old report made by er. E. J. Semeit, eco
is mow deed, which shows for the three years ending Auguet 31, 1911,
August $1, 1§12 one August $1, 1513 the totel coet for ell eccldeots
et the Qewklne Eine, Agnew Mine, Cool and Coke works, South Chicago
emo toe Deering Rolling mill. mr. &eme1t'e teole elec shows the

 • .» P
total coat of sevinua and permanent lnjuriss, which are &sf1¤ed
as th0s@ including isatha, contingent cases, and wheva cme month
ar more w&a lost, Mud tha total cast of $11 &c01&enta. I assume
that the &iFferanca batwaan the total cast of al; accidents and
the cast mf @er10u$ accidents lmvwlvimg Ona month or more is Eha
coat of &CC£$BHtG involving less than one month,
But if we came figs to ccurt X da not awe haw wa c0u1&
introduce Kr. $&meit’s tabls in evidence, Ani I am &$k1ng if each
of you will QQ? if you have any records at ymur xmrkz from which
you cculd make up A summavy which could be ugad,
is summarize, the dgta on which we wiah imfermafimu is
gy ay -P-— `E `i Marg ¤
M-. .- :, k; ... .:.·..» —.»¤ -.» »
1.· Fha? were the total cmntributicmc by @m5lcyw¤s under the
Zmduatriai Qcciianc Zcpartmemt PL&n 1n the fullmwjng ueriodsz
Qu? 1, ljlO @0 Zecembew jl, 1910.
Januavy 1, 1911 tc Tecemher $1; 1911,
January L, lyl£ tc December 31, 1912,
J&nuavv 1. KQIE to §¤wtegbev $Q,19i€.
T°·€·`° ·<_y·»¤~s< »v· -* ¤· -7* n - — ·- -’ ‘·x °‘·{ J` `V €" - ·· ’· (~·- Yr "·" 'J C" "’ ~· "`·- ··· `— ·
wl ,4% 1¤c@;J¤u un? c0nLrlpu¤&¤¤s /\ ueuzwnmew su, LaLc iu yecember
§1,_ly1§, ané any mnntrzbuiimms from J&nuary 1, 3gl% tu December 5;,
191%; vieage give these am0unts~
?.- %h&t waz €;¤ tmial xmount n&i& mu? QHHET thc Ymdustriai
&cci6e¤t Devavtmcnt ?l&n an 2&ch of the fwrsgaing oeriu@¤?
5.- wh&t wag the cava; amcumu paid mw? umdev che Igdugtvxal
Aeeiéent Hvnavtment 91&m it each mf th¤ fcvsgcimg ¢»vi¤&s Fer
imjurieq mv di¤&b1lities cf las@ than AQ d&gs* duratimmi
I u¤3@v$t¤n@ the only m1n@s Oyerating in tha uer1m&$ in
qussiiwm were the Agnew &m& Fmmkin%`&i¤eg, ”hp Wisconsin Qtsnl
marks can Anyway ag tw Qmuth 5h1c&g¤ an& Beeving Falling Hill.
very truly yuuvn,
}{.W`Lv1·.   * ,
??L#§ ?Pw&r& F. Lawis

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3_l]>LjJ Z22, 19158
Mr. Edwurd R. Lewis ·
As rwyuaatad in yum? latiax of Inns 2;, wa ara uituctimg
heratu u $tatemawb giving you the total cnntribuiions by amplmyea, ‘
t?m twin} amuuvi §mi@ cut and tfm total amiunt paid aut for injuries
or Qisabiliiica of lcxw &%¤m 30 dmya’ duration unda? the Iudu5tria§
AcmiHmmt Vaunrtmewt vlan of ?La Twiwruxtiomal Qwrvaaimr Camwany
**icU www 1% offset fvwu May 1, XUIU, to Sum. 1, 1915.
EY mrriv*wg ¤t tha G figurev it an wscesmary for us tg
cnuh? ,»·· 0 tha mannntv paid wai frcw awcw in i*id:wl acciéewt care,
amG when cnmpiliuw tha ccwtrihutim~x my nwwlnyn" it was waca2¤a?y
in use tEw iw@iviGua1 Q¤y ;¤1?$, Pcwuvnw *n balinva that all pny~  
vmnts and c0ntrihuti¢¤s have been iwc?¤dad iw t asa figures,
§;nr@ vary truly,
JI GF“ f" »... $Tb£i·GGHPAN;
Marks Audi%wy
CT in .12, `I©l:wz_gv>—-
. . "

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  I A  °--   ··‘-  *` 12.   - ,. -.   . _. ` ._  " ""   'V L?-V   -.5  T-V_q’=  L; »_   .-
“ "   ·   --   _> r. €‘· V · z. +V »~ -. .- >. V V V ··-~V · ~-k .%
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<· 0 v ;   ;".:-   i 3;: F-? `7·   1 4-, - . i · _
g,_._ .V, ._V_ ;_V _4 V · .· -- . x :V V. L .a c {1 :V_ S ,.= ..   V.
~ - - V  ._V.x>. *~ *< _   ___V "‘ ‘ ‘ 4 - . . Vis ;‘#s~»‘ ._ .~- V ·‘ ... .
··   V- A {.*1 !·· V ;_ - ",. _ yy- · V V_ 7 _ -_2 ‘· ‘ -* ~ K  
  .; .V· ~¥ 1 4 ' - V ·’ .2 -.;:2 Va .   ·4 .
»·'¤ .‘ " »V_ r . »'\ H '(KJ ,. . . - VV. , __ , . .V » · `~ ··· ._ ,· · .» - . .
_ _ , ..‘ ‘_. A . ,_._V   4VV VVV V [·~ 44 V., $2 .4, '_ Z. 44   BV V V 3 3. ._4{ _ _._V
·· V   .¥·. #4- V_4V .,._ _ A, V 4 ‘ V V — V ‘ .2.;. : =V s   { ·{‘V 3 3; 4.,. . · V. , ._   V_ .
_VV~V " L- : 4   _ V V 4 V _. ~q,».V     V _V VER `VVL ' V ·‘• { . ».V . .-,.._. {A VV
.. V   J  . V-e·{ 1-1--

 %1sc0nsin Steal works July 25, 1935.
Mr. H. O. Berchar,
WQTKS Audit°r· Dominic Perry va. discmngln Steel Cc.,
Int&rnat10n&§ Murvegtsy Pc.; ¤n&
michele Prcvensano vs. ¢1sc0ns1n Steel
G0., International Harvester Cm. »--
Industrial Accident Bepavtment Plan,
V1sc0ns1m xtael Ggpgany;__m_M_m___M
I have your luttvv of July 15th in which you submit
figure; of ccntributicns by employees and benefits paié by ihs
nlsccueim ¥t@e1 Company, #0 take the place of the figures
furnisheé with your letter mf duly lst. Kew gay that in
September IQI? you mv? -¤-· » waymrni cf $2,}9§.Y5 is ¤ cpeclal
settlement for an @~cii¢1t which étcuvred in ]U09. I think
ysu are right in excludivz tTmt from tha QQYHQEEB made unQ¢r
the Industrial Ac0if@nT Lgnevtvewt Qlsn,
Favhans I v#; s liiile tac Brief in ny Fifimiticn of
what was a diqability of under EO éays' Guvaticn ani what was
ever $0 @;yu‘ farafiar. *F; rwsl Figtincficx, in wg mind, is
between those disabilities which were pai& fav by the iompgny
alexa, an* thmss Whiwh wars paih fer uartiilly by the empi;y¢2s’
¢r0x1t r·1b11ti;1’¤x·ibuti*1·r*‘ii¤ *v ».;ty<>; g.>.f_’ 22;; ile :"c;;pa‘2.;1g, ‘1;*;léi be
swfficieni tm fvnviéa hal? 7 »· ’V g FU: wwylay;¤2 @uv$nr th? f;v5t
éj udyu gf digawilihy. Q&e€@€;r@, the em;2uyc@s’ cuntributicng
went tm pay ¤ne~faurth wages durimv the firnt $0 soya, whzwh would
iugluiw mw? @:7; The ¤5 igqee ¢;m‘p}<>},*c9e,g< {1.}.m GOU.i‘p&!1y NO‘U.].U. Day?
(a) In cage uf Senth, 5 y&&rs$ avaraga wages but not isgs
than $1,5OO nor mare th&m £%,GOO.
(bk in case of logs of hand or foot or eye, as follows;
{L} Injury vesultlmq in amputation 0f hand uv foot
  Ol" 6- ?'3OV€? UDP? "¤I"19f7 GJ" éR2'l!§].E‘, 1%% y&=!·s.rT-54* ggvgrggqg
w&ges but in no avant less than ¤$OO nor more W
th&n $2,000.

 Wisconsin Steel Works
Er. H. O. Barcher ~2-
{2) Loss of both homie ov both foot, or one hand
ami one foot, as sforosoid, 4 yeara* average
wages out not loss thou @2,000.
(5} Iota; lo;s of the gight of one eya, Z/hths of
his nvoraga yearly Wages.
` \ :2-. * . . M < . ' ag .. . * .,.·-
(4; 10t&L loog 0. toc sight of Ocho cyog, L yours'
ovorxg; vhxwo Emi not Two? toon ;2,3Q@.
{ha obovo ingariag ¢ar~ raii fz:. therefore, potiwoiy by thi Company.
Lump gum gattlsmants were cages whore tas cmployoa accepted
a imma sum in lig; of wickly i1;ab1}iiy leucfite au? psxxlon. In
the case of a lump oem scttloxant, tkcrofora, I ounnoje that auch
amouna as would ;rx»~.rm.V LL;~YJdPth ‘. F· vga; ?o* toe *irot E? i&§s
would bc ooogioerwo az puzo by one omoLogo@g° contributions xxi one-
fourth hy the icmgogy. Et o&y`:; &1ffio;l€ or imooeciblw to
osyarote Zuxa in tow cose of lump on; xeitlemenoé.
E wigh to Jaxx osrz, ihnr;’r@;. uhmo in youw zomouiotiom
oi` bHKU%fKj.S ;;;1;> fov* Los; lfiun `XE ippysf clxrxii Qj,{{1it .7sw.;xavo
imolaiai too dmouubg pazi for the First GG Qogu whoo ihe injury
losied xorg than ¥; ioyg, as in suc; cisco ina @upioye&s‘ contr1~
butions muot have gone to poy one-fourtn wxgos fo? the firot 5G days.
E¤L*? Eiwoyé R. Lowis
Copy to Mr. J. G. Balioro » Bonham, ¤y.v/
lr. T. E, Cambridge — lltb floor
Mw. Hola Nelson - nibbimg, Minn.
or. J. F. golsom — 13th floor.

DEPARTMENT J'.,1 r)'” ’} ti;  
BRANCH ` ,. *~ .- · .   , ,.Y- CHICAGO, ILL., · LA- y L'}, L) ’ J.
OR WORKS Bemnam, Ke=zz1‘c u;1\,_¢
WRMR Mr. J, C. Ball rd
Works Auditcr Dominic kerry vs. Wisconsin Steel C0.,
grr SUBJECT - ,. . . J ,.- ,~ " "‘,-.· *   -4 - - I "*
““RL ER ORMENQ IHTUFHHTL ·L., nd; ¤qr¢¤bL@r C0.; ana
michwle Brcvenganm vs. wisconsin Steel
C0., lnkernuTl0m5l £arv&st@r C0. ---
Industrial A¢cl&@nt Deuartment Plan,
 $-11.é*i wl- T €¤¤¤>&¤s¢
I am genélng you herewith cmmles of my letters 0f thlg
data tc Lvl n. OE bevcmev, Aorxb gudltwr ai ina Jiscmmgln Steel
Woyxg, Amd mr. Nels Nelecn, G&m&r&l iuuerlnteudént cf Minas at
Hlbbimg, in reward to {M2 above n&tt¤rT I think they will be
of help to you ln QTGU&}lHg your catg,
You Wrote me on Jqly %th that lt wauld Take some little
time to prcparv The lmfcrmatlemi Je sh&ll be @l&§ to gee it when-
evwr y0u can get lt r©&&y.
 V" 6*-" ¤¥`Y”'_>éQ ; . "-qv:
E<;i_€=.*  H . ll?-MF 3.  

October 7, l9§8.
Mr. J. C. Ballard, Works Auditor,
Benham Coal Mines,
Benham, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
Have you yet been able to prepare the figures in
the above matter, which you referred to in your letter of
July Sth? This case will probably come up this Fall and
I think we ought to get all our data together.
Very truly youre,
  ° . OQQO
{C/v©$;.,P». 9
` .. . F. .. .. .. '* . .1. .-.‘¤   *1 J-.t. .,... M r·· ,¤. .` . v*1:"¤.
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. a, MO ¤}.é. _`¤»x...xx.4 »»} .. ......__ ..‘\ ¤. ..\ ~ C· MME;1 ·,, .,/· ....1. . L(. . ‘..... .. V, -
`=.S¤   .i.·.:.}} ;»;L3]. MC,]- W __,’_, .—4U. ;   fm;. -     A .. .  . ...,.¤,;
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`·,, L; ._\ , .•`·. ,... 7_. J ~¢.A\*n,.4 . J y<. (B - \·\ . ..,.].1 . , _L, ` -,} ,, V -.. ', , 3 . _; . Lg`:.
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. ‘ . ., LAK`) ll, . ,_. .·.. .   ; .,.—4uL; . 4. l,xx... w ¢~.·L,; A4 · ·.·,   ...L\.»' I =.‘h
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EEZEAEEMKZNT B€1'1h5l.m, KGIUSUCKY cH|cA<;0, 11.;., OOTJOb€l" 17, 1958.
Fon MR. MI'. J. C. B3.1].B.I`d,
Works Auditor.
YOUR LETTER sumscr DOml.Ill.C P€l°I’y VS. WlSCOY`1¤'3lIl  
“'“E“° Company, International Harvester
Company; and Michele Provensano
vs. Wisconsin Steel Company,
I thank you for your letter of October 10th, stating
that with your letter of July 22nd you gave me the desired figures.
I am sorry I overlooked that letter, which was in the file.
Under item $ you have given the total amount paid out
1 under the Industrial Accident Department Plan ”for injuries or
disabilities of less than $0 days' duration in the following
periods". Incidentally, the heading should be ”of $0 days and
less duration" and not ”of less than $0 days' duration". I see
that in my letter of June 28th I did refer to "disabilities of less
than $0 days."
However, the Industrial Accident Department Plan stated
on page T that “During the first $0 days of disability one~quarter
of the employe's average daily pay" would be paid, and that after
the first $0 days half-pay woudl be paid. Again on page $ the
Plan referred to one~fourth wages paid by the Company “during the
first thirty days of disability *****."
I am sorry that I have misled you, but you had better
check the payments listed under your item $ and see if any of them
were made for disabilities lasting $0 days, I imagine there would
be very few, if any, of such cases.
Moreover, you should include under item 3 the amounts
paid for the first $0 days of injuries lasting over $0 days. You
will recall that in my letter of July 25th to Mr. H. 0. Bercher,
Works Auditor of the Wisconsin Steel Works, of which I sent you a
copy, I said that the real distinction in my mind was between those
disabilities which were paid for by the Company alone and those
- which were paid for partly by the employees' contributions and
partly by the Company‘s contributions. I ended up in the last
paragraph that we should include the amounts paid for the first
$0 days when the injuries lasted more than $0 days.
The question is, therefore, whether the total of $$6l2.69,
which you have shown under item $, as the total amount paid out for
injuries and disabilities of less than $0 days, includes the amount
paid out for such disabilities and the first $0 days of disabilities
which lasted more than $0 days,with the added point above set out
that the period included is those of $0 days and less andnot those
of less than $0 days.
In your memorandum sent with your letter of July 22nd,
you have noted that the contributions from May l, 1910 to December

§KE?”" Benham, Kentucky cHmAGo1Lu. October 17, l9}8.
FOR MR. **2-
jl, 1910, in the amount of $U§l.l6, include a credit of $2}l.OO
which your records do not connect with the employees’ contribu-
tions, and that there is no record of why the credit was made.
I suppose as there is a question of doubt, we had better give
the benefit of the doubt to the employees’ contributions, but
I do not quite understand how you got the figure included as
a part of the employees’ contributions, and yet your records
do not connect it with the employees‘ contributions. At any
rate, if we are going to put the statement in evidence, we
should be definite one way or the other, either including it
or excluding it.
I wish to get these computations in shape to give to
Mr. John M. Gannon, our attorney. I think they should be cer-
tified to by the Auditor in each case, and then Mr. Gannon hopes
to get an agreement with the attorney for the plaintiffs that
these computations may be put in evidence without introducing the
original books from which they were taken,
I enclose a form of certificate which you can fill out
and certify to, assuming that the figures you gave with your letter
of July 22nd were prepared on the basis hereinabove set out.
Edward R. Lewis

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