xt7kh12v6014_482 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1940-1950 text 1940-1950 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_49/2008ms006_49_2/45333/45333.pdf 1940-1950 1950 1940-1950 section false xt7kh12v6014_482 xt7kh12v6014 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER
·   AND _
, » january I, I94O

 Pension Plan
of the
International Harvester Company
International Harvester Export Company
As amended and in effect on and after january l, l940.
‘ This Pension Plan is maintained by the
y International Harvester Company and the
3 International Harvester Export Company,
i for the benefit of their United States employes
  as an evidence of appreciation of their fidelity,
ll eiiiciency and loyalty. Its purpose is to make
provision for employes who, by long and
faithful service, have won honorable retire-
ment. The Plan was first announced by the
International Harvester Company on Septem-
' ber 1, 1908, and has been in operation since
that date.
Following the enactment of the Federal
Social Security Act, providing for a national
system of old-age pensions, the Board of
» Directors on ]uly 23, 1936, made certain
amendments in the Company Pension Plan,
to become eiiective january 1, 1937. The
general object of these amendments was to
coordinate the Company’s Plan with the
Federal Plan, and to preserve all service
credits earned under the Company’s Plan up
to December 31, 1936, by employes with at
t least 5 years of service. Further consideration
of the problem of fairly coordinating the two
I Pension Plans has led the Board of Directors
to make a number of exceptions to the
principles announced in ]uly 1936, all of
which will operate to give to older employes
approaching pensionable age larger or earlier
benefits. All of these changes were made

 effective january 1, 1937, and continued to 3
December 31, 1939, at which time, due to
amendments of the Federal Social Security
Act adopted in 1939, further changes were ~
made. This booklet contains the modihed
Pension Plan as now amended and in force
since january 1, 1940.
1. It has been part of the Pension Plan  
since it was first established to build up a ,
fund in advance to secure the payment of i
future pensions when granted. To give pen-
sioners and prospective pensioners more com- A
plete security, the existing pension funds and ‘
such additional amounts as the Directors may
hereafter appropriate for pension purposes,
are held by a Pension Trustee under the
Pension Trust Agreement of March 25, 1929.
Appropriations have been made from time to
time for this purpose and the pension funds
of the associated companies amounted to
$30,730,000 on january 1, 1937. All of this l
amount, and substantial additions will be re- {
quired to pay the pensions provided for under i
this Plan as now modified, and it is the hope l
of the Directors that future earnings will j
permit continuation of the policy of adding .
to the Pension Trust fund from time to time.
The pension funds are held, managed, in- I
vested and used by the Trustee solely for I
the payment of employe pensions, that is,
the payment of pensions already granted and
those to be granted in the future under the
Pension Plan.
2. The administration of this Pension Plan
shall be in charge of a Pension Board consist-
ing of five persons appointed by the Directors

 j of the International Harvester Company, to
serve for one year or until their successors
shall be appointed. The Pension Board shall
, elect a Chairman and Secretary. A majority
of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
— 3. The Pension Board may retire an
I employe on pension either at the request of
I the employe or upon the Board’s own initia-
• tive, as follows:
1 (a) An employe eligible for pension be-
, fore january 1, 1937, who had not retired
l before that date, will receive the same pen-
sion upon later retirement as he would
have received if pensioned on December 31,
1936, but with no increase in amount on
account of service after that date.
(b) A male employe who has reached the
age of 65 years and has had 20 years of
service will become eligible for a pension,
, provided that such employe had at least 5
i years of service on December 31, 1936.
{ (c) A male employe who had at least 30
{ years of service on December 31, 1936,
i will become eligible for a pension when he
< reaches the age of 60 years.
I (d) A male employe 51 years of age or
, over on December 31, 1936, who had on that
i date at least 21 years of service but who
cannot qualify under the provisions set
forth in subparagraphs 3 (c) or (e), may be
granted a pension at the election of the
employe or of the Pension Board at any
, time after he reaches the age of 60 years
A and has had 30 years of service. Sucl1 pen-i
sion shall be computed by applying to the
pension which an employe would be en-_
titled to receive under paragraph 3 (b), at`

the age of 65 years, a percentage deter-  
mined in accordance with the following E
a§ir;l_ Year of Retirement Q
men! 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 l
Per Cent of Computed Pension i
64 96% 95% 93% 92% 91% 90%
63 96% 95 93 90 87 84 82
62 96% 95 92 89 85 81 78 75  
61 96% 95 92 88 84 80 76 73 69 `
60 95 91 87 83 79 75 71 67 63 •
(e) A male employe 61 years of age or
over on january 1, 1937, who was ineligible _
for a pension on December 31, 1936, will
become eligible for a pension based on serv- l
ice up to the date he attains the age and l
service requirements of the Pension Plan §
as in effect December 31, 1936, but no E
service after December 31, 1939, will be  
taken into account in computing the  
amount of such pension.
(f) A female employe who has reached
the age of 55 years and has had 20 years of
service, will become eligible for a pension
provided she had at least 5 years of service 1
on December 31, 1936. l
(g) Except as provided in subparagraph  
(e) hereof, no service after December 31, l
1936 will be taken into account in comput-
ing the amount of any pension.
4. For the purposes of this Plan, service ,
is important in two ways: (1) length of serv- 1
ice necessary to eligibility for a pension, and  
(2) service counted in the computation of a g
pension. g
"Service" means and is limited to employ- A

i ment in the United States by the Interna-
E tional Harvester Company or any of the
  other companies associated in this Plan, ex-
  cept as follows:
i Under regulations approved by the Board
of Directors of the International Harvester
Company and only to the extent provided
therein, the service record of an employe with
1 the associated companies within the United
* States may be enlarged by allowance for
. service with other companies whose property
or business has been or may hereafter be
acquired by any of the associated companies,
or for service abroad, or with any affiliated
° company in furtherance of the interests of the
i associated companies.
  Service prior to December 31, 1936, will be
5 computed in accordance with the Pension Plan
7 and regulations in eiiect from time to time
  during the period of such service.
5. Where an employe is out of service
for six months or longer on account of
discharge or voluntarily quitting, or is out
Q of service for twelve months or longer on
l account of reduction of force, physical
l disability, or any other similar reason, he
l shall be considered a new employe if there-
after re-employed and entitled to no credit
under the Pension Plan for prior service.
Absence for shorter periods shall be con-
, sidered temporary absences, not breaking the
, continuity of service, but in computing the
j length of service for those employes who have
I been temporarily absent, there shall be de-
l ducted all time absent for six months or
g longer at any one time or in any calendar
year where the absence is due to physical

  disability or reduction of force, or one month
{ or longer where the absence is due to any
  other cause. Provided, that the Pension
  Board may waive this one—year limitation
; period in cases of employes having breaks of
i service due to physical disability, when such
l disability has been determined by a Company
j physician.
l 6. The amount of each pension shall be *
based on the number of years the employe  
has been in service up to and including ,,
December 31, 1936, and on his compensation J
during that period, and no service or com-
pensation after December 31,1936, will be used
l in computing the amount of an employe’s
; pension, except as provided in paragraph 3,
l subparagraph (e), and paragraph 6, sub-
l paragraph (d).
The amount of each pension shall be com-
puted as follows:
(a) The number of years of pension serv-
I ice credits to which the employe is entitled
shall first be determined. This will be the
number of years of service prior to january
1, 1937, except in the case of employes
specified in paragraph 3, subparagraph (e).
(b) The average annual compensation of
the employe shall then be computed on the
' basis of his regular salary or wage for the
ten consecutive years of his service as deter— .,
mined hereunder during which he received $1
the largest salary or wage. If his total {
. service credit is less than ten years, the Qi
average salary or wage for his entire pension
service period shall be taken.
(c) The annual pension shall be 1% per
cent of said average annual compensation,
multiplied by the number of years of serv-
I 6

 ice for which pension credit is given, as
stated above.
(d) In the case of an employe covered by
paragraph 3 (e), the amount of his pension
will be based on the number of years of
service and average annual compensation
computed as provided in subparagraph (b),
until such employe attains such age and
service requirements, but no service or
compensation after December 31, 1939,
g shall be included in the computation.
ul (e) No pension shall be more than one-
V half of the average yearly compensation
,) as determined under subparagraph (b) or
more than $2,500.00 a year ($208.33 a
For employes becoming eligible prior to
january 1, 1940, the minimum pension
payable shall be $360.00 a year ($30.00 a
(A) An employe is retired on january 1,
1944 at the age of 65 years after 32 years of
service of which 25 years were prior to
january 1, 1937. His average compensa-
tion for the 10 highest years during said
25-year period was $1,500.00; 1%% of
$1,500.00 is $18.75, and multiplied by 25
gives a pension of $468.75 a year or $39.06
a month.
—, (B) An employe is retired on january 1,
U 1951 at the age of 65 years after 20 years`
l service of which 6 years were prior to
‘;l january 1, 1937. His average compensa-
tion for the 6 years to january 1, 1937, (the
pension service credit period) was $1,500.00.
1%% of $1,500.00 is $18.75, and multiplied
by 6 gives a pension of $112.50 a year or
$9.38 a month.

 1 .
Q (C) An employe is retired on july 1,
l 1939, at the age of 60 years after 30 years
  of service—under provisions of subpara-
1 graph 3 (d)—of which 27 years were prior
Q to january 1, 1937. His average compensa-
1 tion for the 10 highest years of the 27
1 years to january 1, 1937 was $2,000.00.
3 If this employe had retired at the age of
1 65 years, he would have been entitled to a
1 pension of $675.00 per annum. (1%% of
‘ $2,000.00 x 27 = $675.00.) However, since ,,
I this employe has elected to retire at the
age of 60 years, he is entitled to 87% of
this amount—see table under subparagraph P1
3 (d)—or a pension of $587.25 per annum, 1
$48.94 per month. T
1 (D) *An employe is retired on january 1, 1
1 1939, at the age of 65 years after 20 years of
1 service. His average compensation for the
  10 highest years during the 20—year period
' (1919 to 1939) was $1,500.00. 1%% of
$1,500.00 is $18.75, and multiplied by 20
gives a pension of $375.00 a year or $$31.25
a month.
(E) *An employe is retired on january 1,
1942, at the age of 68 years with 20 years'
service, of which 18 years were prior to
january 1, 1940. His average compensa-
tion for the 10 highest years to December
31, 1939, was $1,500.00; 1%% of $1,500.00 »
is $18.75 and multiplied by 18 gives a pen- <
_ sion of $337.50 a year, or $28.13 a month. rg
" Under examples D and E above, the employe is given 1
credit for service and carni-rags beyond 1936, under ~
provisions of paragraphs 3 (e) and 6 (d). _.
. 7. All pensions heretofore or hereafter
granted shall be certified by the Pension  
Board to the Trustee of the Pension Fund .
and shall be payable out of said fund. Pen-  
8 1
l 1

sions shall become effective on the day desig-  
nated by the Pension Board and shall be paid  
in monthly installments on or about the last 2
day of each month. Pensions are granted  
for the personal support of the pensioners,
and payments shall ordinarily be made direct l
to the pensioner, but in case of physical or {
mental disability, or other reasons deemed  
sufficient in its judgment, the Pension Board E
may direct the Trustees of the Pension Fund Q
_, to make payments to some other party `
designated by said Board to receive, hold
and expend the same for the use and benent
J of the pensioner. The party so designated
, may be a relative, friend, or trust company,
? and such designation may be changed or
1 revoked by the Pension Board.
8. Department heads are expected to keep
informed of the residence and physical condi— —
tion of former employes receiving pensions, g
and are required to advise the Secretary of l
the Pension Board of the death of the pen- l
sioner, and of any other circumstances which l
would affect his monthly payment. l
9. A pension may be suspended or termi-
nated by the Pension Board for gross mis-
conduct or any actions which in the judgment
_ of the Board are injurious to the Company's
I interests, or the Board may in its discretion
A order the pension to be paid to some member
l» of the employe’s family.
, 10. The pension allowance is non-assign-
N able and an attempt to transfer or pledge it
”` will not be recognized by the Pension Board,
which may for this cause, in its discretion,
  discontinue the allowance.
, 11. The acceptance of a pension shall not
  debar the retired employe from engaging in
} 9

 l .
, any other business which in the judgment of
i the Pension Board is not prejudicial to the
Z interests of the International Harvester Com-
l pany, or any 0f its subsidiary companies.
i 12. A pension granted to a retiring em-
  ploye who is receiving benefits from the
i Employes’ Benefit Association, or any other
, payment or allowance from the Company, shall
  not begin until such other payments cease.
1 13. (a) Subject to the approval of the ·#
l Board of Directors of the International Har-
  vester Company, the Pension Board may make
l regulations interpreting and applying the pro- ,,
visions of this Pension Plan and supplement-
l ing the plan with respect to discretionary
{ matters. All decisions of the Pension Board
l as to the meaning and intent of any of the
l provisions of this plan or of any such regula-
  tions or as to their application to any case
l and the facts and merits of such case, shall
} be final and conclusive upon all parties.
, (b) Until further notice, the Company will
1 continue its policy of financial assistance to
, employes whose age and length of service do
l not entitle them to a pension under the pro-
. visions of paragraph 3, but who, after not less
l than twelve years of service, become totally
l and permanently disabled for all further
l employment. In such cases, the length and
character of service, the nature of the disabili- Q
ty, the financial need, and other circumstances `
will determine whether or not a special
disability allowance will be granted and for `
what length of time; moreover, all such cases ~
must be certified by a Company physician.
The granting of a disability allowance, the
amount and the duration thereof, are left to ,
the discretion of the Pension Board.
10 ’

tc) A special pension may be granted on 1
account of special services or other circum— i
stances, either by the Board of Directors of I
the International Harvester Company, or by  
the Pension Board with the approval of the l
Directors, or by the Pension Board under regu-  
lations prescribed by the Board of Directors.  
14. (a) The right to receive a pension is a  
_ claim upon and confined to the Pension Fund l
" in the hands of the Pension Trustees. The
Pension Trust expressly provides that all pen-
sions granted and certified by the Pension
·* Board shall be legal claims upon said Pension
Fund and entitled to payment therefrom,
free from any claims or rights of the associated
companies or their creditors or stockholders. ,
(b) No change hereafter made in this Pen- ;
sion Plan shall take away or reduce any l
pension granted prior to such change, or any
pension then subject to grant to any employe
who has completed the age and service re- g
quirements and is eligible to be pensioned. l
(c) The Pension Trust provides that if it l
should ever become necessary to discontinue  
the Pension Plan, the Pension Fund then in ?
the hands of the trustees shall first be applied
to the payment of the pensions previously i
granted or subject to immediate grant, and
_ that the remainder of the Pension Fund shall
s, next be applied by the Trustees to providing
pensions for that group of employes who at ,
, the date of the discontinuance of the Pension T
Plan are of the age of forty—five years or over ,
” and have a service record under said Pension
Plan of fifteen years or over. In conformity
with the other amendments to the Pension
Plan now made, 5 years of such service must
_ be prior to january 1, 1937. Such pensions

  will be computed and become payable as
Q provided in the Pension Trust when the age
l and service requirements as herein amended i
l are completed.
l (d) The Pension Trust contains provisions
  permitting its adaptation to possible changed
* conditions in the future so far as they may
I now be foreseen, and further provides that if i
Q any unforeseen conditions should arise mak-  
3 ing a modification of the trust advisable, T
A such modification may be made with the i
  approval in writing of a majority of the l·
  active employes of the age of forty-{ive years  
  or over and having a service record under l?
B the Pension Plan of fifteen years or over. (
g (e) Except as above provided, the com-
  panies reserve the right to change, amend or
Q discontinue this Pension Plan whenever ad-
Y visable in their judgment; also the right to
  discharge any employe at any time without
{ liability other than for salary or wages due
g and unpaid. No contractual obligations are
: assumed by the companies maintaining this
  Plan except as expressly herein provided.
  15. An employe wishing to be retired on
  pension should apply to his superintendent,
Q to the head of his department, or to a member
  of the Pension Board, and obtain an appli-
3. cation blank. This application, giving the
  necessary information concerning the em-
  ploye’s age, length of service, and wages, Q
  shall be filled out and signed by the employe, F
  endorsed by the Works' superintendent or  
  head of department, and then sent to "The l
  Secretary of the Pension Board, International
g Harvester Company, Harvester Building,
  Chicago, Ill." The application will be con-
; sidered by the Pension Board in regular order.
§ 12

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