xt7kh12v6014_47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Benham Employees Association text Benham Employees Association 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_11/2008ms006_11_6/10727/10727.pdf 1938 1938 1938 section false xt7kh12v6014_47 xt7kh12v6014 Z;"»<' wA %’?  ,3~=’¥~:#F`   J2'#"`c`L/   V
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0   · 0 00 · _ i l V Jan. 20, was V ‘e `»`   
George E. Rose, President " 0 _ 1.  
- o   * r  »   
Dear Mr. Rose: V  
A lie enclose herewith copy of the minutes of the meeting  
between the Benham Emp].o;res' Association und the Wisconsin Steel   0  
A Company held Jam. is at 10:00 A. M.` This was a regular mecting »
0 1 and the minutes are for your information and file. e 
I Yours very truly,  
t By 0 l  
Suroerintenrient » I J
A A Encl.   -
RL€G:C _·
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 Conference between representatives of Benham Employee? association and the
Jisconsin éteel Company - Conference Room, Main Office - Benham, Kentucky,
January 8, 1938 — lO:GO A. xi. ' __
C• R• Hara., PI°$8j.d8¤·t C
George Shirer, Vice President
E. G. Hodges, Financial ¤$ecretary
Charles Hightower, Recording Secretary
Alfred Farmer Oscar France
R. L. Templin E. L. Etidham ‘
C. W. Patterson Jess France
Deming Fawbush Elmer Denny
J. C. Barr Cecil Cuinn _
Charles ailagle Otis Ellison
Berry hoods Sherman Dick
H. E. Galbreath, Uuperintendent
J. 3. Burns, assistant dupe intendent
G. R. Luke, General I-Eine Foreman
J`. J. Gregory, Master Meclianic
J. =V. Ewiowat, Employment Jéanager
§'__<;_q2emeh Doing {IEEE!
tr. iiern inquired the status of a complaint made at the last meeting that
foremen were taking the places of regular pumpmen on idle days. The matter had
been discussed, Sir. Calbroath said, but the reason for the request was not fully
understood. iiessrs. ;iern and Barr explained that pumping was considered a
continuous operation along with several jobs outside of the mine, and since
working time had been reduced to four days per week, the pumpers felt that the
foreman should not be used on this work on idle days. They pointed out that this
practice was not followed on similar jobs outside the mine. There was some question l
as to whether all pumping jobs could be considered as operating continuously.
thu Gelbreath suggested that custom entered into the problem and insisted it
was very important that the cost of mining should also be considered. iis wondered if
allowing pumpers one extra shift per week would be satisfactory., This was discussed
and it was finally agreed that the pumpers would be allowed one extra shift an Long
as the operation was on the basis of four days per week. Fr. Barr thought that four l

days per week for pumpers during a three·day operation would also be satisfactory.
answering wr. Galbreath, Mr. Luke stated he did not know exactly how much time
the foremen spent pumping on idle days, but he said they did other work, such as o
work in connection with track. It was stated, however, by members of the
lssociation that track work could not be considered as a continuous operation job.
Mr. Fawbush, who stated that one pumper who complained previously was now satisfied ·
without any extra time, said he thought it would be proper if the extra shifts to be
allowed pu pmen were shared with workmen on other jobs. iowever, it would be
necessary to take ability into consideration, Mr. dhirer said.
Fasting Time For Shiftmen and Loaders
Following discussion, Ur. Galbreath agreed that beginning immediately, a copy of
the time sheets showing dead work done by loaders, and time turned in for shiftmen,
would be posted daily.
Loaders with motors - Section 7 and Section 9
Nr. Patterson again brought up about coal loaders on oecticn 9 who used motors,
going in early and thereby being able to load several cars of coal before the arrival
of the nan-trips. Me said that on one particular day that four men on Bection 7 and
three on Section 9 had loaded two cars of coal each when the other loaders arrived at
their places. Records that had been kept by the Mechanical oepartment, showing the
time that motors were released were examined and it was agreed that the motors in
question had not been released too early. Mr. Patterson then said that the coal loader
who was supposed to place empties refused to place an empty for him until he finished
loading his own car. Mr. Luke said that the matter would be looked into.
Bath house
br. Horn inquired what progress had been made regarding transferring men into the
Nath mouse and xr. Galbreath replied that the Old Bath Aouse was being cleaned and
painted and that the work would soon be completed.
Machinemen - Section 10
ir. J. C. Barr reported that machinemen at times had to walk to Section 8 to
secure a motor after completing their days work. he said at least once a week no ex-
tra motor was left for these machinemen when they had to work late. A lengthy dis-
cussion of the complaint followed as to the necessity of doing anything about the
matter, in view of statements of representatives that it did not occur oftener than
once a week, and how it would be possible to have a motor available if it were
necessary. Various suggestions were offered by the representatives and were discussed.
br. Luke thought that it would not be possible to make any decision until the question
had been gone into at the mine.
Changing operating Time to Four Straight shifts
A request, Kr. Barr reported, had come from two or three hundred men that
operating days be changed back to four consecutive shifts - monday to Thursday

-5. ,
inclusive,-instead of Honday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. He said that several A
men lived out of town and it would help them and a change would reduce trans-
portation expenses for others. de also said that mine men, especially those in .
low coal became stiff following an idle day in the middle of the week and con- r
tended that operating costs would also be lower. lr. Galbreath and Mr. Luke ex-
plained that·it was not considered good mining practice to allow pillar work to [
retain idle too long a time, and it was considered cheaper as to mine cost and _
better for the loaders if the mine remained idle one day in the middle of the week
and only two days at the end of the week instead of three consecutive days at the
end of the week. Mr. Stidham and Mr. Barr contended that this would not be found
correct and after discussion, it was agreed that the matter would be checked
thoroughly. Mr. Luke called attention to past experience which showed that the
longer the idle period, the greater possibility there was for accidents.
ir. Deming Fawbush brought up about seniority in regard to Loyd Dick, whose
job was discontinued. The request was dropped when dr. Mowat explained that the
matter had been taken up at the mine and would be settled shortly. Ur. Horn re-
viewed terms of the agreement regarding seniority and explained to the representatives
of the association that there could he no suspension of work in cases of disagreement.
Sidewalk-west Benham d
Jr. e, C. hedges reported that the sidewalk through eest Benham was muddy and
that cars were parking on it which made it necessary for people to walk in the road.
it was decided to put crushed rock on the walk and to stop parking on the sidewalk.
ulate~Five Inches
Mr. Uecil Guinn referred to the five inches of slate mentioned in the agreement
and inquired whether the first five inches would be paid for in cases where slate
measured more than five inches. ir. Galbreath and others referred to the wording of the
agreement which showed that only the slate exceeding five inches was paid for. The
part of the asreemhnt providing for additional compensation in case of abnormal con-
ditions was referred to by Mr. Horn, but he said he doubted that the provision would be
applicable in any case where a coal loadcrs' earnings were high.
iight—!ath to Bath house _ I
hr. A. G. dodges reported that a light was needed on the path to the New Bath
Wouee and it was decided to install one.
There being no further business, the Conference adjourned at 12:15 P. M.
J. W. hiowat

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. _ ‘ Feb. 25, 1938 t .»¤_‘- »;€
* 4 .. " Qi?
Geo. E. Rose, President  
Dear Mr. Rose: (  
Vie enclose he1·e¤.·itl; copy of the minutes of the meet ing  
between the Benhnm Yimnleyesv Ass0ciuti;>n and the Wisconsin Steel 7  
Cevzpamy held Tebrnnrif 12 at 10:00 A. Li. This was the regular e  
sweet ing, end the ·»im1tes are for- your infozrmat ion ené Ti le.  
_ Yourrs very tr·tlV3r,   0l‘’  
2?T;%C(‘T‘t%`§ " £3‘I’E?iTV; CW   -  
BY...·-.....-.........-.....V........ [ i  
1\s=s't Superintendent 0  
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 Conference between representatives of Bonham &nployeee' Association and the
wisconsin Jteel Company - Conference Room, hiain office ·· Bonham, kentucky,
February 12, 1.9158 - 10:00 A. :.3. _ V
  2££h*LoY1£EB i-a.:sScCI@IoN
G. R. iiern, President
George Shirer, Vice President
E. G. Hodges, Financial Secretary
Charles zilghtower, Recording Secretary
  evhiteaker R. L., Tuuplm
oherman Dick G. w. Patterson
J'. C. Barr Base Hall
Charles Slagle utls Ellison
Berry woods Cecil Guinn
H. E. Galbreath, zsuperintendent
J. S. burns, Assistant superintendent
G. ii. Luke, General mine Foremn
T. ii. Luke, sine Foreman
0)// J. J. Gregory, éiester iechsnic
  J. ZY. swat, xnnployment iansgger
/ *6 J". 0. Ballard, Auditor
l} es, ri. soatright, chief engineer
J ·%. S. Palmer, safety inspector
3..r. Gslbreeth announced that losers. Palmer, Ballard, noatright and T. rt, luke
would attend conferences with the Association because of the variety of matters .
Ihxiunnn work I[O'L1PB•VlOl&t_Z!._‘@Q_
THB matter of znbservence of the seven-hour work-day by employes was brought
up by Ir. J. G. Barr. ile said that recently there had been a "lot of complaint"
that some loaders were working more than seven hours, securing an advantage over
others by turning coal and doing some of their dead work prior to the arrlval of
the mantrips, thereby earning e. higher average hourly rate which enabled them to
draw more vacation pay and extra compensation. Ae had been informed, he said, that
about twenty loaders ln Section 8, instead of riding to the section on the mntrip,
were walking into the mine from 3:30 A. ti. until mantrip time. A few loaders on
Section 9 were also able to begin work ahead of the other loaders. The complaints,
he said, were chiefly directed at the situation in Section 8 and other sections were

· not involved because the distance wes too greet for loaders to walk into the
mine to their work. The agreement between the eesociation and the Company
specified e eeven·hour work·day for coal loaders and he thought that all coal
loaders should be required to conform to that p ovislon.
Er. Horn said that he had heard the same complaints  ade and that the matter
had been discussed ln a number of conferences in connection with coal loaders who
also used m tors. That situation, he said, was corrected but some of the loaders
were now walking in ahead of the mantrip. de also stated that some of the loaders,
in addition to starting work early, had been reported as working late and walking
out of the mine instead of riding the muntrip. Nr. Jlagle told about hearing
that motors taking machines to Jection 9 had picked up coal loaders on their way,
who had walked down the entry for that purpose.
The situation was discussed at length. Jr. Gelbreath inquired whether
these loaders were checking in at the Mine Office and whether any cool loaders
were entering the mine et the mine fan entry, None present knew of any msn enter—
ing the mine—et that point. lt was stated that the coal loaders were checking in
at the mine Bfflce and there was some discussion as to how to prevent them going
into the mine early. Mr. Luke and others remarked that the check-in man did not
begin work until about 7:30 and even if anyone were on duty lt would be impossible
to control the situation at the oheck»1n office because quite a number of men
working in different parts of the mine checked in early but they waited for the
mantrips. The ones in question, he stated, checked in early but walked in to
Mection 2. br. Burr described the system used by the foreman ¤n Section ll. The
coal loaders, he said, also checked ln et the foremnn‘s office in section ll and
when the mantrips arrived, the foreman checked his board before the workmen in the
mantmp hung up their checks;by so dolng, hir.   said, the foreman could tell
whether any men had gone to work before the msntrip arrived. Since check boards were
used on all sections, mr. Gelbreeth thought the situation on Sections 2 and 9 could
be corrected if the foremen would follow the same method used on Section ll. hw. Luke
said that mechlnemen and motormen could be stopped from taking men in the mines.
The suggestion was made by Ur. C. w. Patterson that a definite rule be made
that all coal loaders must ride mantrlpe except those having special permission to
go lntc the mine early. He thought that the enfore ment of such e rule would
correct the trouble in the whole mine. nr. Golbrenth agreed that the suggestion
would be put into effect and that Mr. Uowat would put up a notice at the mine to that
effect. an announcement, he said, would also be made to the forauen in the
Foremen's Leetings and in Group Safety Meetings. in connection with the safety
meetings, Pr. iattereon eeld that only half of the men on oection 9 attended the
meetings end ne thought that safety was so important that all men should be required
to attend. nr. Galbreath said that all of the men would be urged to attend the n
¤afety meetings.
jgyking Aours-Bonham deggrtment Jtore
nr. s. G. Judges said ne knew the matter he wanted to bring up wesfno concern
to the Bonham employees Association but he had been asked by a few of the clerks to
request that the working shift in the store be reduced one hour per day. 18 said
that the store was now open from 7:00 until 6:00 1. M. end it was suggested that

the hours be fixed at 7:30 to 5230. Hr. fettereon thought that the matter was
out of the jurisdiction of the Association. it was stated by Ur. Gelbreath that _
the question of working hours had been dlecussed by the management for some time.
uejpereonslly, would be in favor of shortening the hours but no change had been
made chiefly on account of the public. ikr. Hodges said that the clerks, after
working until 6:00 o’clock, did not have much time for recreation, after having
to go home to supper. The present situation, Mr. Burns said, was necessary back
during the nlne·hour shift when, on account of the men leaving work later, the
Store had to be open until 6:00 L. x.
ln the discussion it was agreed that very few customers were observed in
the store after 5:30 i·. Vi. and that the hours should be shortened if the business
of the etore did not require lt to be ope . Hr. Gslbreath suggested that the
matter be tabled until the next conference and in the meantime those present could
"scumd out" public opinion. Ae agreed that if the change was made that it would
not affect the earnings of the store employee. _
i`in•·Jet‘b0re-Club liouzm
*r. Gecll Quinn asked whether it would be poeeible to require the kin-Jetters
at the Glub ,:L<>use to rer·;ain at their work =·h:rin;=; regular nee]. time. lie understood,
he said, that they worked on a conndselon basis and only part·tlm  daily. Isa immne
said he would take the matter up with the management and he thought that better
arrnng ments could be made.
Sash advances
Mr. J. C. Ballard discussed e situation that had developed in the office in
connection with cash advances. since the management had llberalized the making
of cash advances of earnings to  mployes, the number had steadily increased until
it had become a burden on the office force. For instance, he said, forty-eight
advances were made that morning and thlrty·n1ne the previous Jaturdey and the
amount of money involved was totallng around $600.00. nbout the some individuals
were calling for cash pretty regularly on the whole each Saturday morning. do
said that employes would first go to the scrip window and inquire the amount of
their balance and then ask for that nmmh cash. écekly pay days were on Thursdays,
` and in addition to drawing their regular pay and also drawing scrip, certain
mnployes were also being paid on Jaturdays by means of the cash advances. in
answer to an inquiry he said that both white and colored employes were involv d.
During the discussion, most of the Association representatives emphatically
expreeeed the opinion that the practice was entirely unnecessary and should be
stopped except in cases of emergency. It was thought by acme that many of those
who asked for advances regularly did eo to purchase liquor and avoid garnishee
Bent Cougllgg Links-Sglioing Cables
ar. hedges asked whether there was something that could he done to avoid
getting coupling links bent. he said that bent coupling links caused difficulty

in handling cars in low coal end he imagined it cost quite n bit of moms  to
straighten the links. hr. Palmer, dafety inspector, reported s recent
accident which occurr d because of u bent coupling link and said that the
matter hed been discussed in the Group Safety postings.
Kr. Gelbrsnth complimented the suggestion and it was decided by him end
tr. nuke that the matter would again bs brought up in the safety meetings and
not only couplers instructed to lay the pin back on the bu pers of the cer
after being uncouplsd but that the coal londers snould also be instructed
because the  else uncouplsd csre in their working places.
r. dodge: mentioned the practice of splicing cables incorrectly. He
had occassion to use cables that hed been incorrectly spliced by workmen on
the Right Shift. He and others described and illustrated the proper method of
splicing cables. hr. Gelbreath stated the matter would be discussed in the
Forsmen's Meetings.
There being no further business, the Conference sdjourned st 12:15 P. n.

   February 18, l93B
/ ceo. is. dose, rresldent, xiioconain Steal Go.,
LABMZ AGILSJEGA.é21¤;C£*-l3lmE~M:»Li :if€u·1,oYE:szL%3 .A;A:.m,=6lA.Tl<.>£g
At Lil?. Gelhreatws request I em attecillng three copies of the
' labor egremnent botwoo:1 time Gompzmy and the lieoimm auployees
Association in booklet form. _
The Company has been asked to beer hel? of the cost of printing
1000 copies of thc uggreement which has been toxltzativaly agreed to
subject to advice that it is propose for ws to do so. The Gompzmyws
share of the cost will be about lé20.00.
The Association la making arrangements to make a distribution of
the booklet to their members and if the company bears half the cost of
» printing we are vvonderizmg 11* we would be roeponsible for diatribution
to other employee. roseibly it would be e mettor of making the booklets
  available to those other unployee since we would not definitely know who
they are. l¥e ahould also like to be udwiaod about this matter.
5. copy of this letter is being sent to Snr. iioleley, also six copies
of the printed agreement. o
Yours very truly,
.;l.suL214;ilH ;s~i's£;L Uk}l...}‘;.~Si»iY, lm}.,
ii. .l, G¤lb1·em·th, mxperlntexuiezxt
ékuploymerxt . zumggur
Lwlcle :5
dc-Qtr. Geo. J. neldoy, liggr.,
industrial delaticxxs Dept.

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  A- 3 8 Wisconsin Steel Company ` March 16, 1938 - 8    
, ~ in _ r - V > ·  A; vv; 
_ I Geo. E. Rose, President , g    _ ‘·1  
s » _ I EMPLOYES' ASSOCIATION MCH. 12, 1938. ig; 
S I  11   T 11   
We attach hereto for your information and file copy of the O  
minutes of the transactions between the representatives of the Benham· C Q  
Employee' Associet ion end the Wisconsin Steel Company at the regular O '  
monthly conference meet ing Saturday morning, March 12, 1938. -    
  Yours very truly, ` “ S
O Bv.........................   I #41
I Superintendent I O  
Encl. ‘ _ O  
{ REG:C I O ,
O . . OA Q OO .»   I ‘ O   f ‘ —           O ~ I—‘8 ”<=gi?I ¥* 1 O V»;.  
O O   -— I     OO‘O [   
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Conference between re resontotivoe of Denham Employees' Association
and the Jisconsin Steel Company — Conference Room, Edin Office, Denham,
Kentucky, Torch l2, IGBG — 10:05 A. Y.
` PIII}; iii?
C. Ra Kern, Fresidont
Geofie Bbirer, Tice Yresident
E. C. Yodges, Financial Secretary
J. C. Herr . Elijah Jordon
$Lermen Dick C. L. Patterson
Otis Ellison Charles Slegle
Alfred Turner Alfred Trent
Jess Trance Qerry`Hoods
Bose Hall
F. I. Enlbreetk, Quperirterdent
J. A. .ur1e, Assistant Superintendent
Z. R. Luke, Ttnerel “ino Foreman
T. 1. Lolo, line E ·omun
J. J. fre;ory, master ?cchonic
.`. Li. lf·e"Ja1rg,¤, 3;=;giiLoyT¤.e11t ?o_;;ert1c;1t
J. C. Ysllord, iuditor
lf. JZ. —»o:1trij·j1’;t, C?E;ici’ *Yi;‘1;;jinoe1·
`Q. M. Palmer, Qufoty Inc eetor
Ecrking ¥ours——3onhnn.Dcpd£;££Ei;§tore.
ET. C. K. Qern reportei thot the subject of oiening the store later
and closing it earlier had been iisoussed with n mother of people; and since
there were no objections ard the shorter hours would not inconvenience any-
one, he was of the opinion tLot the hours of opening ond closing suggested
at the loot meeting should be ;nt into effect imuediotelye It was agreed
that beginning Zcdnosdcy, Perch lCth, the store and market would open at
7:5O A. Z. or x.’" clone et 5:5T P. Y. ‘r. Uurns said notices to that effect
would be nested.
The subject of closing the corip window wus Qisouoscd and Pr. Bullard
explained that the window was new oicn from 7:5O A, V. to 5:OQ F. 1. It
was agreed that the scrip·window would bc closed et 5=5© P. I. beginning
Zerch 16th, thus making ocrip sveiloblo et dll hours while the store and
market mere open for business.
ldle Dey ocrk~-Distribution
I A number of xcn, Yr. C. Z. Lorn scid, had requested him to seo what
policy would be followed in fistributing iilc dey work emong the various
employes. It was explained by ZT. Gelbreeth that all idle dey work would
be distributed as near equally es possible anon; ell the men in the various
departments so lon; as the work to be done on idle days wes of such nature
that it would not require special skill. Ie gave oxenplos of sore classes

 ¢ . - 2 -
of wcrk which could not be Come by anyone except those regularly employed
at such.cccup&bi0us. The eexecletlcu rcprescmt¤tives·were invited to
bring to the attention cf the management any scccific cases cr complaints
in this connection after ihe meeting in case they cid not care tc Qiscuss
them in ihe meeting.
Krq Gulbremth announced that the working schedule for the remainder
of this year did not lock encouraging. le exclaimed that business condi-
tions ever the country were met sc gccd and thcrefcre it would probably
not be possible to operate the mine cn a very good basis with the crescnt
number ef employes. lbssrs. C. F. Kern and U. C. —©d;cs said they had
talked lc e runber cf men with lcmg service records w%c were in fever of
reducing ihe force by cukting eff wen vith shorter service in order that
the cleer mer hcve hhc advantage cf working mere tire. They explained
that acme cf the ymunger neu vith shorter serwicc reccrds could uc dcubt
obtain employment at ether Uincs. ir. Gelbreeth pointed cut that the
other mince ihr0u;hnut this district were met workin; very well, end,
therefore, it might be difficult for any mem cut cf? at ieuham tc obtain
employment elsewhere. He said nc decision had yet bcem.re&ched as ic
just wkut rpurse meuld be taken.
lburs Ucrke&~~Iachl§e Gregg
Tr. J. C. Terr said :l>r;in*r of }QULl2C$G§ hpd requcsiec Lim to
find sub just hen the hcure verkcd by tQex.Werc tc be counted. Some cf
them, Le salQ, were cf the epinlcn {Lab M50; eiugld ccuaicer only the
hours actually worked ln csiimn%lnr their nvcragc hcurlj rate Ter com-
puking vacetjcns and extra cc;genwu@i¤m. lr. Gclhremth jcimtsi out that
the hours wcrkcf bv machine crews 315 other neu yeid em e tcxmege basis
were counted free the time they arrived it their regular flcce cf work
until they left, exclm?inj tMlrhy uluuteu for lunch. This rule, he said,
applied whether cr not the Den ncbually *crke& the full time. Nr. Wallard
said the hours worked cm this ?¢uiu were used in making up a number cf
government and company reverie amd, therefore, should be kect accurekely.
Kr. Gelbreakh jciuLe& cul Rich the hcwrs vcrkec, Wurned in in this manner,
wculd uct ef?eci %ke earnings of any ewplcyc but wculd merely jive 2 more
accurate estimate cf ihc uvermde rare earned per hear.
NO$STS• T. U. ¥cd;es, Alfred Farnmr and Charles Sleglc said a
nurbcr of men huc suggcstec tc than ihnt the pay for vacations should be
cstimatcd cm the heals cf the average earnings for all emplcyes instead cf
estimating their lmclvidual earnings. Ir. Galbreuth explained that this
would nai be sakinfuctcry ic emjlcyrs riih hirhcr eerwings but would, me
doubt, be an cdvunbajc to Len workin; at the lcwer rates. Le zuld the
method ef estimating vacmtlcn pay was established and written inte the
Vacation Plan adapted by the cmmwcny, cmd, therefore, could not be changed
Ir. G»lbreuLh nn5& tec many neu were trying ic obtain their vacations
during slack york. Je said iis number cf vacaticuz‘r0uld necescarily have
to be ¤Cjmstcd Ln flk ihc n§cr&ticm·
Dmrgjjc Coal
Yr. Otis Ulliscu ;n*C he ha6 received ccmnleints shout the weights

 . l ·· 5 ··
of loads of coal delivered to houses in Denham. Messrs Gslbreoth and
Durns sold s roocnt chock uy had revealed that employes had been re-
ceiving considerably more than two tone of cool for sometime and that
there had boon s loss of o1ghty—oi;ht tons of cool during one month.
Hr. Golbresth scid that the company would not sttenft to regain their
losses in this connection but in the future, es et tlc irosert, two tons
of cool would be delivered for e load.
Cool Lost by Loaders
lr. Alfred Turner sold u cool loader in Section ld had reported
that he had lost four cars of cool in two days end that the csrs had not
yet been found and credited to bin. Nr. Luke exclaimed in detail how
lost cars were follomed my and yolnted out soxm of thc possibilities of
loaders losfry ticir were 3y Foil ro ·V~. to check thou, using tLo wrong
checks and osrs oclug loft on londod Tracks from one ckift to the next.
Ir. T. Y. Luke sci; Lie ran wlo had loot four cars hs; node e claim ot
the Eixlne Office   l»'l**C7]`. ii'; acs; olreclzcd   they could not Inc §‘o1112d. He
seid some lordcrc Cid not keep accurate records of the cars loaded and
dnsged each Coy andy therefore, did not know definitely when they had
lost e cnr. is also oxplaincd tLot loaded ours dzich had been derailed
or daw;;cd, rozultinf in the los; of coal along keulsgc reeds, more re-
ported br the xotcr crows and accounted ror by jiving tlc louder on
average of the oars lrcwlously loaded. lr. Galbrosth told the repre~
scntstivcs that every lorfor ¤?wuld kes; an accurate record of Lic cars
hc loaded each dog; cls: of tlc ours Sxugod os indicated ry the weigh
Slate in Cool
Tr. Cclbrcvlh scid 2 rxslor of conjloints LLC teen received from
domestic tool Ce lers oWout slwte ?cing in the coal shipped bc them. In
this connection Lo told the lo rssentatlvcs obcut the amount of slate
and other in urities riokcd fro; tlc ical st the tiyrlo. Eb also dis~
cussod the relntlo: of uoi-lii Q;*uoon the Line scales rnd cV·, railroad
scales and nointod out that the xino scale uci kt: were usually greater
than the railroad souls .ei his.
Kudxmnjawkhysimnw {l'
Inquiry mos undo by Yr. Cllbroath as to whether or not there were
any further conylcintz elect dull lc:dcrc in Qoction 2 D—scan Vein; to
work earl?. '’`‘ cvorcl of tho veyrorontotivcs replied that the practice of
join; to work osrly had been ctooyod and that they had hoard no more com-
plaints. Ir. Mlijah Jordon said sono of thc coal loaders in Lcction 2
H—sedn who had nreviously Leon going to work tmrly did not lilo the role
requirin_ l*_· thou to ride tlc w,<~trLi: as their dolly ssrnis;c vcrc decreased.
This, ho sold, was true os~osi;llf with mon worklxg in narrow entries whore
it was difficult to turn cool Fuck to load more than one cor on c trip.
After Qjgculsinj this ;nttor, it ·;l4· cs ou;;ostod that motor crows bo in-
structed to "dodblo change" or jive extra cars to loaders workln; in
narrow ylscos. Tr. Luko was roquostod to cos what could be done in this
"r. Sherman Dick sold a wcrknun on the U1 ht Shift Tljylc Crow
had couploined to him about not getting regular work. This mon, ho sold,
thouybt he should be given more rojulor work, csrcoislly since he had
considerable service. lr. G. T. Lorn sold be wuz familiar oith this case
·which Ego teen under consideration for zowetino. is oxpl ined that it was

 <-h   .. 4; ..
baizzg; 1·0£‘m·1·cd Lo an OO1.;..`Lj.`L`3'CCC for aa fimal Liazcisicn.
There being 110 £‘ux·~bhcr `Lmsimass, the UOI'LI:78I`OIlO€? sxdjcurxmd at
  Jn>.• To »
ff. S. Palzacr

 ' lwisconsin Steeb Company, _ ». `
Chicago, Il1_ Apfll 27, 1938   U
Goo. E. Rose, President . e#
No attach hereto for your information and file copy _ l
_ of the minutes of the transactions between the representatives O l c
of the Benhem Employee’ Associatio