xt7kh12v6014_469 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1944-1945 text 1944-1945 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_47/2008ms006_47_9/44150/44150.pdf 1944-1945 1945 1944-1945 section false xt7kh12v6014_469 xt7kh12v6014 J'. B. P:_;1·i;z.1·, Div. Gomvt .
Nov. 1, 1944.
- The qrous amount of Coal Lines payroll us shown by daily cost; statement
October 5253i,h  za: $204,057.94
1::;:;; — Isécgzchly pzgyycll Vct. l to 248, l2z>64.88
C  (SI. 10 " " l " 238, 5480.00
uhckly " " l " 7, 45ul9.99
“ " " Bil; " lé., 5014;.250
" " " 3.5 " 231, 452&i;§_,_.jQ __l£Q?,2C>2.42
_ &x·<>z;.> e.;._0u1§`b   ·.·,;.c2;ly   {roll #46,855.52
.Ql0ye>s' 1$:;:;»;¢i“it fxssscciartzion 177.54 - J
Minc Cnccka 4.50
Gogjlezs 17.00 ¢
Fadsral Income Tax ··1thhcld 5891.79
Fggdpml Old Age; Benefit Tm: 2576.254
8;;*:11;;; Plam 45¤B.27
Tal 6;; hc me $3-% . 49
war Fund 7753.25
Union Ihcs é3;{{.75
Tuiaal dcriuctioyg 26,5242;..53
balance dmc and payable Nav. 2, $$0,5113. 99
A:.;.mvcd: ’
· 7 ""`“`s`Li}?§7§TTiL.1!.;¤t “`"““" mst. Auditor

 J. B. P=;1·§:m:, Div., Guluiz. NOV, gg l944,
· Tm; gr;·0e=;x amount of Ucml ihinezs puyryqll us alyovm by Gully cost statement
Hcvmnb 1* Mb. is: 3;%.,6151.259
Plus vsmakly gmymll. Oct. JQ? to .51, _}i5,488.8l
  - Monthly p;..y1•011 Nm!. QL no 4:, 3241021.38
Chi cz; ·0 “ " 1 " 4, __§§0_.00__ 2,682.258
3;:302:: rricrunt of =~.<.¤4k].y p;._y1ru1]. ikt. ..9 1.0 Nov. 4, $47,437.82
~ §>:;4y;@}..·—.>¤~..¤
Ac C0\11'1`b.S EGG ;’LV2:b:L6 Z$558.'?4
Rant 13235 . Q513
D Ou LUI‘ 1]..jC* . UO
· Church 09.75
_ Credit Union 0;,01.56
. DOCT2:')I°8’ Fgcs 07.50
Gqsh 6961.90
Coal A 610..50
Gvmzp Lifez I11s=;1·:;ncca . Z5’77..L8
BBA Hospitnili zzation 6.;.50
i§uq>l0ycs' Danafit Asnuczi tion 175.80
biih.8 Checks 8.00
Gcyg wlc 8 1 . 50
}e`@d¤.1‘a1 Imnwma Tax .11 Llzixaald Z§Q€¢E3.€*i3
" Old Age Beanmxiis Thx I.5cL.E,.$
3·wix1;;:s »·]_¤—m ¤m1&.¤&1
Te l8p1».Ox.6 42 . 79
llmgiuxxal `.=i&1· Fund _____i{é;Q__ `
_ Tozal deaductlous _ 237,050.45
B44·1;—nce aha md puyubla Nov. 9, $30,387.59
w Supt. WW m Asst. Auditor

 J. B. Parker, Div. Court;.
Nov. lf.5, 1944.
The gross amount of Coal Mines payzo ll an ehoum by daily cost statemet
Nov. llth is: $84,290.41
Plus weekly payroll Oct. 2:9 to :51, __ l§5,4QQ_LEy_l._
· Iaee - Monthly p yroll NOV. J. to ll, 51:515.156 1
Chicago " " l " ll, 1450.00
, Weekly " Oct. B9 " 4, __4_7_4_3_'b§_·‘§_ 54,141.18
Gross amount gf weekly payroll Nav. 5 to ll $43,638.04
'Accounts Receivable $$550.17
Rent 1282.68
5911:201 744.00
Cr dlt Union :3630.45
Doct<>1·s’ F Wes 67.50
Cash 6506.44
Coal o64.5O
Group Life Insurance 1579.48
EEA Hoapitalizyati On olb.84
Employee' Bgneifit Association jl'7'?.38
Line Checks 5.50
Gogg-il e 8.50
Fgdeyal Incope Tax Mithlxeld 15406.64
Federal Old Age Benefit Tax 3215.80
Savings Plan i»>52;2.1'?
, Telephone   1 16.24
Netioaal 'Jer Fund = __4LQ_Q__
Total deductions » 116.151.29
Balance due and payable Nev. 16, $317,486.75
W-_O Sup0x·£l*E-o’rEl.*c;n’1;- — _ ~_ ASST;. Aud1tc>I'

 J. B. Pa1;·k.or, Div. Cvmt . NOV°   194%
The ;;·oss amount of Co;11 I/.1 ms ymy1·oQL1 as s.hov.n by daily cost stmzomont
Nov. 18th is: $141,237.71
‘ 5 Plus weakly p=.»;rx·o3.1 Oct. B9 to LJ}. ____]LZQ,_?§_.81
6 .' 2
less - 1¤.§¤x.‘:2:Ly ;,;.y1·0l1 Nov. 1 to 18, 8401.22. l54’ J
I Ghicrzsro " " 1 ” .16, 231522.0.QO
Amakly " Oct. L;9 to Nov. 4, 47437.82
" " NOV- 5 *0 IL ,;'é5.¤i€?¥3-2% ..-,.l£LL»iQZé2§...
@1*0;::: 1.: writ ·f *szc¤:k1y ]i‘iQ;"1‘O11 Now. 12 to 18, $52,929.44
I glo dz 1 c_3;;i.*;_s
Accounts kaocofv;-;b1e $25.3/.x2;£
iicut 1508..;:5
Burial kumd 514.;))
Cfudit UIXXOII 7074.Z6
· .£1.CC‘\>l§'i/.1 nacoiv- {.],6 ,3},·Ll`%.L‘3?
  1;; {ET 4,.15
Doc‘t;.»1· · xo 4.  
."?(rb;’·i>Y, U ..19
Bum r, 1 · um s1~..i?£·
Ghuxck; #2. ·O
Con‘cx·1mii;<>1·g· .·’\1mui_1;y .··}_un »z1i1:.L1
Credit Union 1'1’»L.;.‘E1>
Hot wl E5?. . Q1 U
C ·¤ ah ..17 xii •  
Goa], Linz, .  
Group Life; Inssa·.1‘:-:,<;·.2 li--Zf.zi4
EEA H<>spituli..;z;tj.o¤ .95.29
Emplo ·.s' Bqmufit .’Xsszw<>c:i.:ri;1<>n *5.,9*5
· G0; *].0 0 2. .:45
Fedezxml Igcczne TQxXr liithlwld i.¢;.£5i5..56
Federal Old Ago B;e2‘=.¤zri`it Tux 11*8.50
Sqviugs Eolam gum;.54
Tdlayvhonc 69.51
Naitiouul lieu: Fnmd ___ ____j§_§:;_._5O _
To   daduc1;i..L LJ;. 15 tc; 1;, §{A»]_,44Q,89
_1_@§;__gL1_a>;:s ,
V Accounts Héceivnbla 5055.7:3
Rgm; 1;:55.*76
Church 70.75
Credit Union .3€1<>£5.2s].
D0ct<>1·s' Fr us &;L..OO
Cash VOOLVE. —
Group I..J.f·aa I;qs1;·41:;<:a 381.ul Y
EB.? HOspit:.1;;z.‘¤ 10:1 65.42.
Emp10y·2s' B;11<:i‘it 2\ss;0c1:;ti¤m 177.136
Mina Checks <;.;¤O
Gon;. ees 11. =<}
Federal Incoxna Tex -*1 thhewld ·;i?>€48.01
Fc·de~;·>,}. Qld Ape Ba.   it 'Ikax: '»:`-F*..;%V
Savings ·¥']_€il1 Y &5>.259.U6
Tg le phone 19 . 67
Nzxticnazl ;.~n1* Fund __je4U.’75 .
Tof al daductiuzzs 248,969.71
I Bulzmue d .9 1.:1:1 yyzxgfubla NOV. .50, $2:2,480.18
A..gsz·a¤v<:d: ,
· -§Lzpa:>1.n‘L·s: dont `WM A;;.st. Auditor

 " »‘ ·’ •
- ~
' ¤* »‘ ‘ , . ·.
) I
’ " D · ‘$` p 4
Y . 3
‘ a
’ ` .
{ ,
. ., `,,

 J. B. Parker, Div. Comt. _
· Dgcr 13, 1944s
The .51*058 tmmuvt of COT}!. 111:11;:1 payroll ais Blwwll hy duily 005*6 S`b#:t6IuG!1t
Dgc. 9 is: $72,213.63
3’1.u;=·, we zclgy ;~»·.y·;·o11 Nov. 216 to 50, 2¢8l16'7.162
` $100,580.95
Ls   -— Exionthly poyroil Dgc. 1 to 9, @$4121*7.09
Chi cwo " " 1 " 9, lkié-0.00
‘,J;_»o}q1v " Nev. iii;. to Tm:. $1, 4.;}*fBf  523 544.41
, , . , A , , , $48,056.54
.»;·o -» ¤.i->o.iut oi ,.;,113 ,ei_,*;¤;i.;. _ un. ky   J,
Accounts Reccaivobla ·}'7E42s.18
Rent 11578.69 _
Doctor 1.17.5.--0 f
Csddit Union i3u·jT’.£;.· M-/‘“' `
Doctors' has 109.00
Ciqsh 6389.65
Coal 1117.75
‘ Group Life Insacrunce Lkeic;.99
EEA Hospitalization * o;s.b8
Emp10yos' Benefit Ass'¤. 178.24
Mine Checks 9.00
Goggles 6.00
Federal Income Tax ·*ithh1,1d 15959.15
Federal 016. Ago Benefit Tax 279.66
Savings lvlan 5815.57
. Telophoic i3.5Q__
Tofal deductions 28.585.24
Bglonco due and payable Dec. 14, i. , $19,451.30
Supsrintemdont Asst. Auditor

 J', B. Plurkcr, Div. C0mp‘b. V Dec. gg, ]_g44_
The gross mu [unt of Ccml I\*1;.cS puyrol]. us shown by daily cost smtezmcnt
Dao. 16th ls: $1;:5,2525.85
1 Plus wuukly pwyroll Nov. L6 to L50, 2;8,l6'?.L§2____
, Less - Mozrbkzly poyroll Dec. l to Lu}, 'M40.237
Ghlczyzo " " 1 " lo, :1170.00
~ weakly " Nov. zoo to Dec. 2, 46887.152
‘ " " Doc. L6 to 9, 480£5Q_._5g __lO4,4£54.lL5
Gro. sg amount of wezukly plyroll Doc. 10 to 16 $47,059.02
Accounts Recolvublc E>»;l.:J5
Ram: 12364.75
School 756.00
Czrzclit Union 6907.59 "
Doctox·s’ Fws 119.00
Cash eZlS‘I<}.L53
Goal 1555.50
Group Liikz Insuxmnua 598.88
HBA H0Spi‘baali;;e11;1o1; 61.04
$$1uploj·-11* Uaznzfit .15:5%;. 171.78
Mina One-ekg ié.50
  , Fssdarzml I;<:o;.ea Tam ..$.ihh•:.l.X .,;»&»iJ?I.2}4 _
7*`ud·i‘¤‘ J. Qld .k··¤; .f.,.L¤1-}.`b T ali 3355:.:41
Z $1.11; gi; .".L`.I1 $L)E'?.·€8  
Tple;. Lo, H3 __ __4J§7_.L5;L__
Tof 133. dezductlrms 137_,_'Z_§1.57
A BsJ..m<;c dm: ..:41 ;»:.y5:·:lo Dec. Aly!} $19,1527.45
Ap rovod: A
"'   1¤1;€»·.<1¤¤1;   "" .=m1;. lmn1mr "

 J'. aB. Puricor, Div. Comlt. l D60. 27, 1944.
The grows oxuount of Cos]. L1;;cs p ~y1~011 us shown by dolly cost stzatezreent
Dec. L;31·d is: ;i170.€i90.70
Plus weakly p.·;y1·011 Nov. L6 to Nov. 60, 28 157.52
o ,......¤..?......
Less - Monthly payroll Dec. 1 to 233, 101597.27
Choi cairo " " 1 " 2325 5100.00
Hcokly " Nov. lo to Dsc. 2, 46887.32
" " Dec. I5 to 9, 48066.54
" " " l0 to 16, 47059.0_§_ N 
Gross amount; Of ·..¤>;7}~:l;,* gs;;g;1~u.L1 bac. lf zu 2:5, $45,677.87
Lcd lm; .0::.9
Accounts Roc. ivubla 5607.94
Rent 15242.156
Buriell fund 452.00
Credit Union 6558..% ——-·"
Docto1•s’ Foss 103.50
Cash 72.612.40
Caml 985.75
Group Lifc Irzsu nmcc 589.88
RBA Hospit ulizsti on 59.56
Emp10y<.s* Bemciit Asasociutiuu 106.66 .
Mine Checks 2.1.00 - .
Gcxgrlcs 10.45
Federal Income 'Iklx withhold L5451. 70
Fsdcrgal Old Algae Bemtit Tux 23823.17
- S¤v1ng;sP]_sn 5189.18
Tslsyhone 14.47
Nam Fund 261.75
Total dc&2>c\z10.,s 227,040.92
_BH1armo dmc and payable Dec. L8, $$16,656.95
A,_»;;trI‘Z1, ,tc:;o·d011t A· .‘¢‘bw:—E.1¤;yroll os shawn by daily 1:0::1; stutozm nt
_ Dgcoxrbp-r 150 is: $217,414.52
Plus wc¢.·»k1y puyroll Eiov. Ido to Nw:. 30, - ZiB_;_l_;;7.i52
Loss -— Monthly puyroll Dec. l to CSO 2;l,l€,¤I5.<38
Chi UL1.‘TO " " 1 " 250 4,901.65
Joolzly " Nliv.   to Doc. is, 45,887.152
" " Dec. 15 to 9, 48,0150.54
" ” " 10 to 16, 47,059.02
" " " 17 to 2.5,   211,756.08
Gross amount of weae:..1y pnyroll Dec. 2:4 to .50, $525,835.76
Accounts Raceivrgble _ $51%.95
Rent 1204.58
Burial Fund 1.00 _ 9
Church 71.75
` Credit Union 5852.86
D0ctors' Fwa 1l8.·.i·O
(::1511 4:559.1.7
Coal uO7•75 _
4 Group Life Insurance .569.55
  liosspltulizzrtiozx 56.84
· YImg>10ye.2s' Bqmo5`j.t Asss:0»1:;;t1on 158.56
Kino Ciscks 12..00
A Fadorz;1 Incoms Tax Uithhold 2099.74 _
Fedora]. Old Ago Bonoflt Tax 16;;.158 ,
Sgvinggs Plan 5456.95 ·
Tglophoyxo 2523.71 ·
Union Dues 23L5&}_.j§._5_;_
TOt;;1 d8duC“biOI1B 19,805.74  
Balance doe omd payable Jan. 4,1945, $$14,020.02 ·
Approved: g ·
Superintendent W Asst-T Auditor »

 J. B. Pa: kv Di . C wt.
T I" V °l Jon. 10, 194.5.
Tho gross amount of Cool Mines payroll os snown by duily cost statement ~
Jon. 6, 1s: $54,62:8.48
P11 s wasokly puyroll Dec. LS1, 19-@4, 655.25
l Loss - Mo thly payroll Jun. 1 to G, 2930.22
0 Chicuro " " 1 " 6, 930.00 5,850.22
Uyoss umount of weakly puymll Dgc. IJ1 to Jem. 6, $51,414.51 _
Accounts Eiocoivuble $$62;o.80
Rent 1584.82
Doctor 1155.00
Credit Uxzion 704*7.17 »
Dooto1·s’ Foes 150.00
Gush 6742%.60
Co;1 1051 . 50
0 Grougs Life Insz.1·:.ncs 407*.52 t
Emi. Hgspits1li;:,1t1¤;n 05.42
Employozf Bnnoijit Associltion 178.00
Mina Checks 2.5C
FBd.o1*s;l Irxcose Tex dthhold 42374.70 1
` Fgdorul 016. figs Bozxatit Tax 507..55
Swings klam 5190.56
Tolophomz 14. Q'? 28, 774.89
Bszlnnco duo and puyublo Jam ll. 1945, $:4:-.,o;s9.6z
MU SL1p·t;rinte»ndor1t ___ W---'llnltlsst. Audi tor d

 J`. B. P..1·kcx·, Div. Cox; 1t. Jam" 16* 1*945**
‘ The ,<·;x·0ss nmount of Coal Iiizx s psxyroll ns :;1·.<>1¤:n by duly cout stntcm nt
0 Jan. 151:11 is: » $$100,311.96 `
Plus wcckly payroll Dec. 151, 636.25
V $1:116,948.;:.1
Lass - Monthly p:;y1·o1l Jem. 1 to Jan. 13, 5855.44
Ch` euro " ·· 1 " " 125, 1800.00
Weekly " Déc. 51 " Jon. 6, 51414.51 ___5`g_Q_,_l;2£'?.u5
» Gross amount if wcokly jJ£.}[I‘O.1l Jun. 7 to 1Q5, $47,820.2,6
Accounts Re0.;iV.;b1e _ $509.64
Rent 1557.55
Jchool 755.00
Cyndi t Union 70*74.15
Doct¢>1·z-x' Foes 1.58.00
Gush 62574.24
Cool 154:;.2.5
Group Life; Insurnrxce 403.6l
EEA H0spi1:015.zat10n 62.72.
Emp10ycs' Bgzzuiit A8s'¤. 175.54
Mina Checks 4.50
GOg; 188 6.50
Fezdcxml Income Tux Mitbh- ld 15581.50
Federal Old Ages Bcznofit Tax 475.88
Snvingjs I 1am 4248.55
Tglephom . _ 54. 76
Total dedncticms __B'7,_1Q__ZLL¤g_'L__
Balance due amd paynb1e Jann. 18, $20,*717.79
Age mvcd:
1 _`§$c1*1nt01¤;1:11*c N Asst. Aud1tor·~

 J. L:. 1%:1·}.cr, Div. Ccwgnt. {hn. 3.24, 1.945.
he ;;:·os1; »1;...;>11z1t .11* @0:11 @-1 css _:·,_n:· ll ew ;:1.;—·.·;¤ by daily cost s1;¢1“b·Vme nt
Jun.; yy Jlnt is: f;lb9,1j7f¤ .08
Plas weakly   1;,*1*0;.1 Dec. 5l,l9é~1», _____m_é@$_Q.3,_§_
Less — hLu.11;*;ly ;>·;y1··:»fL3. Skm. l to .11, $318*/4.1:6
cme; Ai .· ·¤ " " 1 1:0 :11 117210.00
lwwkly " Dec. Lil tc Jam. 13, $$1414.51
" " J;11. 7 to 13, 4'?82;U.Lén5 3.10 899.03
-..,..--...... ..-- L..--......
Gross azuwunt gf weekly gp ymll Jun. 14 to Jem. 231 fT549,lO9.3O
Accounts  ixngble '%5»;>1i.94
° E nt 12516.58
£$a11‘1:2}. Jiuhi}. 489.00
Cmdi’t; TJ115.011 *7].09.825
p¤ct<>:s’ F .:2 lJ’i.OO
C- sh é}¢.;e5.U9
(10:,1 lO·il .02
Group L1 fe Insmrav ce 409.155
Y BA HOS]¤jt;1l ..·:a1iJj 1111 (2.58
3‘·1m‘;>l¤;,¤.>¤ Hg;x1·»;`1·i; A:a~4¤c.1=.*u10¤ 175.10
Eine: Checks - 23.50
Fezduxul Imc a Téix Jitijmlid ;5B’/*7.137
Fadcxml Old AQ12 B<’z1‘1 ij 15 T10: 487.57
S¢·v1n.j"$ ?]_~.u1 48615.15}.
Telapho ue: _____1§3_._g@__
Tutxl dem.-‘ tiwzzs _ _£_L3l7§8.L5O
Bnlemce das -11d g.»1.j,ra1`1:T1a Jn;. S45, ;$J.2Z,350.'?O
Ay re ve. dz
$11;§rir1fT;n:iu1T{—-in M 0* w--`—*—` Azgt.  .d1€;z;1?

 J. ii. i’¤...$—;.:;a·, Div. Gm.;g>1:. Jam. 150, 1945.
Pm EZ 1;;;:1:m: ;i' 1;;.·;1*.2;l.y U ;.*t<··‘>fi.l r2;1d.1z.;2; Jam. lil, 19*.5, 319,974.91
.`xc;<.·c%;,31t:: Egfa   .§],4'?.E38
»·~sm‘§ 871.85
I #33.1 0.1.  
Lb  .3. Emzzd. 5*.G'T-
Ch exch 4; . W?
Jp it `1;.;&g; -=—·
_ G;~.»3a.“.t LY¤1(>z; 1654.7%
E>~·><:‘hn .512.97
.e»;·_;»l=_>_   " ’=   {gt   0 ·j_ ting; E3£§._’E]_
G.»;;v,’;v*‘af · · xy ¤. ==t·**.;r “ L an ii9¢;».(}5
Ec   iz:.  :5 Y' < ·*rL*.hh¤;~1d }.5§2;.-16
· }‘?<;da%1"· J.     Barn it Tse.: lQ9.'°§?
23-zvirygv Q 3..;.;:; %'?i§.%
Ti;  *;¤~i.s 88..38
Tv 1:.; d;~iu;~i;i<>B.2 __ _}Z,1£’>2.l§_,
k$z;].:.;·:;=..w iw md ;‘r;;;.n;`n¤l·;· Jon. Lil., [:1*:%, f7,8a:2.52
f:mp».rc·2.w1t: xxciezzzt Asst. Aumtor

 J. ¤. Puxker, Div. Compt. Jam. 60, 1.945. ~
The groaas unlount of Cod. ilisuss ;;»-¤yz·oll   sh»>·.m by daily cost s·t;=;.*¤oxr¢ant
Jem. :s8tk1 is: $23].2,65]..87
Plus wamkly pyroll Dec. Lil, 194-4, __' 636.25
V §$£lZ’5,2B8.12
Izszs ··- 3.110:; thly jo »y.:.~oYLl $411. 1. to .38, ~l].'Z’97.48
Ghiceoyo “’ " l " ..8, 23’7»sG.{JiJ
‘ lémzkly " Dec. Lul to Jun. 5, 551424.51
‘° " $:1;. 7 to Iii, 4’7§B1;€).i.L»4
”  "   14 W LL   l.E}L..?£LL;.5£
Gross amount of weekly payroll Jan. 22 tO 28 49,435,57
o Qoéreczglizzao
-?wc·=1.1;‘2:s   LE}; .}:;]*.6 Q-Qin, .§?l
31}  l»b3.§.§4. .
CI;. ;;’ i Xg; vl . 5*3
G;¤:CZ"i2 {.:13.}.UI; “7}.$‘.;.`;€3
Deut,. $° I" »: S l`Z·S.{)G
02-51; 6731.00
Gogl l'5'7¤.5O
Group Life Imax; -.·lz2·e2 QOL .4.5
».Z3.-i. Zfosplis . l;.;1;i;5.<;1; @1.538
.E;,;l,;>y_-ss ’   :1;; ·-‘i_·t .2   ncj · tjym 1%..2 L
Eliza; (N wks 5.wO
1sg,c.La;   Xnuosnsz T,.  ihheld L$’?;...lLG
, F;;rl<;;‘;l Old 4.;*9   ;1¢;..f_`i: Ts}: 489.98
&$·i»vi1..gj;; l`jL;m 485*..Ju
Tg].€;»110.;‘.6 LL?.-.85
Union D-as  
@:}*;.;..1 deductions >J6,948_=_'@__
Zd.,Q;.. as do .1:12.:1 _p:¤y:;b§€· Few. 1, H345, $32.477-85
.`..;. zrwvasdz
Supc rl nto s <  {zum- ~»—*M" "`-ww   T4iE3.*i—‘5T;l*-

 J'. B. i’:u—ke;·, Div. Gzmgxt. - 4 F,,b_ ry, 1945.
The moss amount wf ($0;.1 mms; ;.>;z.ym1l as shuvm by daily c<>s.*c stum-
munt Fw . 4.th 122: $24,665.45
Ylus wnelcljf g~;wy;r·©2]. Imc. :,9 to Lil, _{@_,_’?j{§>;._Q_Z
T.s=z·3 ?.,{r>x1t21J.y ;r~.y:·<> IL Fw . L to 4., LL7L}..é.4I5
·‘ C>;i.c:2 G “ " 1 " 4, __j4_;4£§)_.OO __2;,_1;'7L5.43
` -» »; V . ~, . H
'.=z·0u¤t uf wczwkly ;‘> ¤y;.·<>.4.l SP1!. .:3 no =-cn. 4, :%..;,198.05
{   .¢;<;&.;.@
Accc>ux;1;;s ¤€.;ce;i‘· ble . ??50’/.58
AH zz; lam} . {A
D.>·:t .:1;* L111..GO
C}l$?.I‘(51'1 1;%*.50
GI?~.€.;'$ mimi .}%Q5.f:>é
D<>ct<;1c·;;' Fans ·- LLSJEO
(34;:2; 5‘ ~md2
'"` sig?-iT£é`1m—¤L1¤y;z ‘   Imam. Amxxzcr

J', B. Pzmkar, Div. Comgat. Fab. lL5, 1945.
I 'Hxa ,;1·0 :9. z»mouni; 0i` Coal lzimas ;;:;;:xx>.E.ZL us —;3m—,:n by daily cost stmtcxmst
Fab. llth 5:2: %$'/4,51%.92
]»lu.<3 ·,,¤:e¤ki.y psiyvall J-QLD. M9   $31:- .5}.,  
  ,5].9 .95
» Lass ~ 95;.:; ?2·TLg’ gn x¤t:0Q1l FGM. 3. 1:0 Fu;. 11, 505*7.99
C?¢T.®· iv " F=?¤b. YL " ** ll., lziwmb
;§·.,U;<;;y " Jun. :3% tc Iam. Q, _{g5l9E5_éif`;_ ___;’¥9,4?6.f¤4
Gro S. £;d7f.\)1ll1_. of .:q<1E;.Ly p.¤_w:0L]. ITA:. Ei *30 .LQL, £;`$46,0·‘¥3.9].
Accouzxts Ream  his $456.-.36
.5; hvml '?l5E%.:c€;‘ Fiezs lC’?.5O
U ssh L34—i4.Zj2J
CO:¢]_ 9 {5, 75
Gro y 1..3 Tae Iz»,,;}1 00.34
Zimplcy;/S' Bm. it A :‘, cs '£¤·;<; ··;1,¢,h.h= -16. ·L55Y’l.5O
E‘gd@x·a,s}. Old iw-se Fix exit Tm; 45=_>3»3
£3:;Vi1;   ·; 1 ]_:;n &L·lL3..·5
Telsjmu ce ____ &:g_L_:_:Q’?__
'!.‘<>‘§;;»Al d»2<1a;c‘t;i ¤i»;:$s _j§_,_§_€·€>·@3
` B-_{l;;aV Jd: l
S¤ 1g;n—1·;i. ¢z‘i1~&auda=rd5 Asst .Audi tor

 J. B. Purker, Div. Gompt. Fab. 231,1925.
Tae gross amount of G0;11 Minas payroll am shown By dolly coast stammaxt
7 Fm:. 18`Lh is: $156,777.56
jilqs; *.·Jg3@k],y p;;_:x*ul_], J4;11. 239 to 151, 1945, 20,706.03
_ 157,485.39
- -16 S ”   i;`.‘V;C'(,)ll B‘Qb• E.   lg,  
Ohicax. 0   ’° 1 ‘* 18, 2¢1k5.00
Hsokzly " Ju. i-A to Feb. 4, 45198.*.25
" " Féb. 5 to 1.1,   __@_Q_,O54.05
(2;*0;:2 :a;;>m;t I vmolsly ,· gv -11 J 2. 1.; to 18, $57,429.34
Accounts H9co1v;>bJ.e $519.923
Rant 1556.95
` Buzci 11 Fund 496.00
Orwdxt Union 7055.98
Duct ,·z•s' Foes 115.CJO
Cdsh. 64].,; •  
Goa]. 'i&$o.<.>O
Group Lgfo Insurance 415.40
EBA HOSpLtzx]._E.;;.xi;1<2m Q4.].Z3
Em;:l0yas' Bg;:d;1t -*'L=zss0c1;;‘;;i0z1 177.76
Mins Cnscks , 4.00
Goggles .5J
Federal Imcom   *·5.thho1d 54L;23.6O
Federal Old Ago Eezxofit Type 570.87
Sgvi nga klun ?;$%`i5.74
To 11;,,i-hone   .  
V Union Dress ______ 2.25
To $,:11 dadaxctiuhs §29,1l4.B7
Bqllnxrcc due and puyubla Feb. 242, . $28,5514.47
A; proved.:
Supox·intc:1K`G;}Y·EMm Q Asst. Auditor

 J. B. Parker, Div. Gompt.
_ Feb. 237, 2.945.
The ggrosa amumt wf Monthly p;.y1·01l ending Fab. 28, lu-1.5, $10,].64.80
PAQ ;¢;a1,§2;;&
° Accounts Rémaivzlbla %;%lI¤£5.9O
Rent A 8.-0.a0
D¤c`1:»>1• 2+1.00 V
Schk:O]. 50•UU
Bllrlaxl Fund. 55.00
Church * 5LS .00
HG1: ul 80.00 ‘
Credit Union lt3¢·¢—.'75
D0ct0:cs' Fees 10.00
C02;]. 54.7.75
Group Life Inswruma J.9l.58
  Hospi tulilgution ;u·L.'72
Elm;>l0y0s' Bgxrfit Aus 'I1. 534.*75
Goutributory !\:mu11;y ylzm @$3.252.
Fgdezml Inc:01.6 Tax Withheld 1470.17
" Old Aga Bc rmfit ‘1‘;uX léil.68
Skjvings Plan x2Q;€32:.41
Tglaphu s ______ _'?_'(.t}§_
Total d9dL;c·b10:s ______];l,355.83____
Bq1z~u1<;@ d"@ and ;z;_7¢ab.~a Fab. 28th, $7,808.9*7
Am >1‘c>ve,d:
_"-—m§u;Jeri11tcs.d0nt ·-M- Kqst. A1.ui1t01•

 ' q ‘ • S I"  ‘ • V J
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 J`. B. }Z·I*kc.>r, Div, Ccmt t. Murbh r]’1g»:5_
The grows mnouxxt of Coal kilos payroll em sshcwn by daily cout s‘but0m1;nt
M¤1‘¤h Mh iw ;;:;e,;¤a>.0·2
}`}]_u5 :;_¤5;»_zk]_y jmjxroll, }*\.·E>, Li. (LO {JB, ]_9!'}84,Q3
‘ ` 48,0424.10
Loo: —- 1:;. ..;._t}1.l;.· ;‘~:y;·0ll M:. l to 4, l558.00
GM ¤~=¤¤ " " l " 4- _.2~,.<.J&
I}mplc>yes' Benefit ¤S;m1.;1;1¤¤ 158.% A
mma Gmcks 4.00
Fmiarhl Income Tgx liiizhlmld 152591. 70
Fado ..1 Qld. Mas Berssl 1: Tax 455.87
SaVj_p_,2;;] } lg]; @:1;-;..4.lé¤
Total doductloma 235,795.25
Bgglemca due amd pu}/ab].6 Mom". Sth, $20,225 .85
Approved: A
"""""‘S‘u'ptp _ As st .Aud1to 1:

 Ju B5 P€II°1LLST’   CO.[EPt•   13, 1945.
Tne gross axxlount of Cool Mines payroll us shown by daily cost stzztomant
. March llth ls: $65,459.02
Plus weekly p;·y:c·oll Feb. ;36 thru Fel , BB __l9,'?£3é..05
, 85,2.45.05
Lass ·— Monthly ptiytcoll lzlzwch l *.}];*11 l£.·=r. ll, $4598.00
V " " ” l " " ll, 1595.00
vkrokly " Feb.   " " 4, g_6_O2il.l;Q _ 523,014.].0
_ Gross amount of whokly ;>¤;y1*oll 2.26.1*. 5 thru Mui. ll, $55,228.95
Accounts HGcolv:;ola *417.158
Rent $4 Lights 12:9*7.64
School 706.00
, Credit Union 65615.79
Doc¤bors’ Fl.-os 97.50
Cash 4001.30
” Coal 564.00
Group Life Insazrmca 590.08
HBA H0s]>i‘bz1li;;a;t5.0n 59 .64
Exnployezsv Bcpojit As¤oc1m:5.om 157.230
Mina Checks 4.00
Federal Income Tmc Withheld 1851.].0
" Old Awe Boncfit Tay. 328.81
S;2Vi1’1g*g:3 Plan ·=423’7.26
T5 lop;. one ______;&;L.§§_
* Toth]. doductiolns l9,Q_.‘§_5_:§_$"
Bzalonco di, s and payable Mu;r·ch 15, @15,305.56
Ap im ovodt
"""""Sup¤, ilzanuanu "M "` Assn. Auditor

 J. B, P.;uc·?;ex·, Div. C0m}Tf: . M0·I`Ch glo 1-945•
The gross amount of Cool Mmes poyroll ss shown by dolly cost statement
_ March 18th is: ,;;;,,,39;;,55 ·
Plus weekly psy ull Fair. 20 thm Fab. 28, V lQ,_ZE34.0I5
` 136.076.59
Lass -· Monthly payroll Mar. 1 " Mw. 18 $'?6¤L'7;€30
Chi edge " " 1 W •· 18 :::6225.00
weakly " Fab.   thru t.L;1·. 4, 460:1.10
" " Mir. 5 " " 11, ;_gij_228.9§ ____$_9 2232.65
Gccots amoxmt of wookl, p:,xjl·‘x*<>l1Iv3;1.‘. 12 thru Nur. 18, 346,855.94
pod; ctiuzis
Accounts Receivable $4*78.65 ·
Rpm: rk Lj_j=hts LLP390.'7'?
Bu1·1¤»l Fund 481.00 `
Credit Union . 6910.48  
Docto1·s' Ft; s 95.50 .-—. ‘
Gush 75239.05
Goa]. 545.235
Group Life Insurance 400.16
EEA HOSpit:<1i;.:a1t10n " 60.48
Employos’ B9 12;.11; Jtsssocietion 170.02
Mine Checks 5.00
G·o.;w1es 4.00
Feder;]. Inuoz s Tax withhold 155615.65
Federal 01:1 Asn; }.ieetr:i'1t Tax 466.07
S;{v1;x.<;s Plum. 45*33.LG
Telsrh M -..o.·?».9;;QQ.
Total dad1;ct10;,s _ 26,622.35
balance daze amd pnyubla 12;-arch Lis, $20,2151.59
A Sup0z·:L11toz1 yrwll Msgr. 1 thru lviwclz .4L·, §§10.$88.1O
Oh` Cu *0   " l " " L5, 6255.%
~ Gklzf " F¤b·¤¢¤ " " 4, ·1asoz.1.10
" " Mum 5 " " ll, 531;.18.95
" " ‘= 1;, *5 ·' 13 , -·Lb33_{2[;.QL-Q; __; zo 1047  Q_
Gross ;m·.>x.s.nt of weekly yuyroll M 1* . 19 thm; li;;.r. 25, $¥L;6,lLl6.78
AC(JU‘iT}`:}5 Ei¤c:·»i_ mf¤1a $2457.90
Rent K;   hte; JJ;91.67
Buzriqll. fund 10.GO
Clmrolz 149 . 50
Gr dit Union $7;;.94
Duct, »1·s’   105.59
C,.sh 7548.55
Caml $88.8.1
Groun Life Izbsr munca 395.54
EB!. 3·ior;p:L‘bu11 gsation 00.48
Employcg ' Bgnejfit A . ocj. .1:1 on lo9.'?8
Mine Citazvkg PLUG
Got hos .50
Feder @1 Im 0 oa Trpc »z1‘c,11];1 ld 951]..80
Fedowyl Qld Ae Bemxit Tux 459.69
S·yuu·bs Receiv ble $86.53
R.-—rm S;sO.5O
1 V D0c:t¤:c· 91.00
School 50 .00
B11vr§..·.LL fund 5".OO
Church ¤L€.<.¤O
Hotel &3Q.~.>O
0;·e1*s' has E>.UQ
Cash 3471.17
Cori l 31.9.00
Group Life Inex :0.-:1ce Bufn.53
EB?. H¤sp1·t;:..1Lz:;;t:L0m 66.125
Ehzyzloyes Bgnexelt Asso. iutiun &¥l¤'7Z$
C0n.t1·1but;0ry Azmwzitgr 1*1:m 2556.98
G0: gg;. ee _ 23 . 50
Fedezml Imam Tm: Withneld 1%.9.15
” Old Mp B nefit Tax 189.122
Suviznge E.-lem L281.56
Telephone 59.07
1915 Rgd Crows ‘.}:.1· fund _g.i,§'Q
Tue). d.edur:*ci zee *115 _ 11,40]..50
Balzmue due and payable March 301:11 $7,497.95.
www-* Supe1::121t0n;§<;:·x'€~m_ _-Asst. Anri1‘b01‘

 U April 4, 1945.
J. Li. I’s1;<·1a:·r, Div. C0;-;;·>t.
.   710.2:; :nr>us;t of Goal Kvincs p¤y1·i»ll us $1.0;-.u by duily cost stutamtnt
April 3., l€§%··;£‘», gs: $ 7154.54
V Plus weekly; },:;_y1·0ll Mar. La} thru lima Z5]., @,870.71
Lass —· Licmtixly ;p.yx·0.Ll Ay>1·:Ll 1, 1% L5, 67.30 _______£;7J_;5_Q_
Grows »..r.0urt°c cf wevukly ;;..y;~Jj.l 1 yuh Il;· zbzu Apr. 1, $44,557.95
Accounts Rsceiv¤..b1.a 427.6-4
Rgmc   L; has 98. iii
Cmdit Tnion ’7Ja5·@.E>9
D0<:tu1•9’ Fpcs 92.00
Gush *70624.0]. A
Cog], - 1504.98
Group L; fc I;»,5m1·m;c6 395.00
EBA Hospii ,]..'.ieii1`bi.OZ1 59.78
Employee'  fit 1ks¤;uc1·.1;1on 3.07.94
Mins (hacks 1.00
Federal Imam-a Tnx Hithheald 5222.40
Fgd».;;r·e1l Old .»L_;e Bgencfit 'fux $42.06
S·;v1z1g=. Plam 4.'5£L7.’%6
Talcgmona 4.4 .20
Rad Cross 5.00
U¤i<>¤ DMB -,..$§;é»_50. -.
_ ‘I‘<>Vt.a;], daductim as 254,650.31
Bgqlmmcs ds 6 wid pa;¤-1blG Ayr. 5, $19 ,887•64_
Yours truly,
INT 0}.% ·ATIa;.1:AL Hi.RU’11&}?‘;R CO.
Ap gxotra d:
Supc1·i121:endemt ___ Aaast. Auditor

 J. B. Pemkur, Div. COI:.}}t• April 10* l%5°
The ;;.·¤>;s:z ;.u·;euz;1: elf G0:1 Mines puyroll   shuvm by daily coast stutelrent
· April L., 1:;: $46,1l0.08—»»
0 Plués vzcekly payroll Mau:. L6 thru Mar. 151, 45!8'70.'?].
V $89,980.*79
Bass — Mm:‘ch1y p .;:1-011 Apr. 1 thru &>1.·. 8, 152350.06
 cuyo rr iv l if N B-   `OO
No ckly " M rr. L5;} " " 1 , __445L5‘7 . 9 5 48 I 718 . 01
Gross unount of weekly payroll ·*i·2:·. 2 thru .·-pr. 8, $41,262.78
Acc-mnts Re<;61‘v¤b1e $3471.67
Hcvflb Cc L1 “htB 1235.47
Drvctor 1071.00
Credit Union 6662.88
D0c1:0z·s' F<.<—s 72.50
Ggsh 0 6162:.64
Coal 32:3.00
Group L1 fe Insurance 586.10
EEA H cspiteli L£.(1tlOI1 59.36
Em;-luyew Benefit l;t"iSOCl2.`b1OI1 164.44
Mine Checks 4.50
G0;;\;.L¤s 5.85
Fgdcraxl IDVOIIZB Tax ilithhald 23888.00
Fgdervl Old fue Benefit Tax 410.00 ~
S·;vi1·zg,s Ilan 4055.*72.
’1Ygle‘:>1r20ne $55 . 45
Americrm Red Grams 1J2Z;{5_Q___
Tot;-.11 deduciziwus _ _____2lg,i>O1.08
Balance dma and payable Apr. 12:, ]_Q··L5, $17,261.*70
· ——·—·_*m Sup;} ».’· intzsndcnt e _ Asst. Auditor-

 QT. B. Purkov, Div. Comm:. . _ April 18, 12%.
@;6 gross wuount of Cool Liiuaz; p¤yx·olLL as s;hm·m by daily cost stmzcmont
April 3.5th is: $95,340.96
1*lus wookly ;>;ly1*o.l b;a.;1‘cI1 LG thru Lime. ..5]., _;g,;!_Q'@_._'Q:_
I.c;;ss -· l¤io111,h].y ;>=:p*oLl .~j;»2·. 1 thru Apr.-, fL5v ;}·j;LiL.,¥32
0111 camo " “ LL " " lb , 1800 .00
w“·:o}:ly " i.i4.1·.;.i;3 " April. 3., 44.5157.95
" " ATT- Z " " 8· $~}.?2<éé;e,'L¤ - .,-§;£».2§Li>;.5..5
Gross :.n;on.ut of ;·:<+o?.J.y 3—»;·:·-wl.}, #1,:0. 9 thru nw?. 1.5, $42;:%,118.12
E Accoamts H;-;co1v‘¤blc· $4246.84
R<·1’1f2 lliléi.95
School 6*,29.00
crodm Union   6868.59
DOG`COI’S' F·.cs 72.00
Gosh 6893.74
Goa,]. v 5210.50
Group Life lnmzxmea 394.15
EJB}; H0sp1t.z.ili;:z4t1e>n 59.50 ’
Empl0yezs' B<:3I18.'L`lt Asaaocioavbion .165.52
Line (·ma<·ks 4.00
Fgdczlfzxl IACHIHB Tuli **1`T2hhG].d _ b].].7•60_, r
Fgdorul Oldfke &neLit Tax 427.62.
Savings k‘]_z4xn $$1159.82
Telephone . _______l? .  
Total deacluctiows _ 25l925.'7'7
B¤lemca dma amd payables April 19, @17,194.155
Supoz·1nt¤,n¢i0nt Asst. A11d.ito1' _

 J". B. PL1I‘l£C.1‘, Div. Count. 4
April 2.4, 1945.
*13.6 ggtcoezs wzwxuzt »1‘ Oo;-al .¥.»/inus puyrc>ll_ us uhuvm by daily closet s’c1*L¤;z:&mt
April Liisxd is: .3].42,174.80
V Plus weekly ;>;,yz·0Ll {march no T,i1z·¤.z Lémzcckx Lil 4[5,g'7u,’7]_
.5185 ,045 . 51
Lana ·- Monmly ;t¤y;v0ll Apr. l   .—=g»1*. :8, 96].5.58
Chi (3350 " " 1. " " uz; , i37€>C .OL>
` .£z·s’ Fees 64.00
Gush ‘£’Z;lL5.49
Coal ;;4£b.La5
C=;··..»·2j~ Life IT)SXET'€l"CC 39l5•‘35
EBA H0spi“c:¤3.i.z::at;i0n a$£}.'76
1 blxuiwlix ~.a:’ B:m@;f.`i T. ¢‘\!$LE<')($j.{.il3l<)l`i 1.70.44 .
Mizxe G-<:cL:s 7.50
(}.··fu.; 5.85
Fgdeanml VInc0:..€: Tux Qthhuld ;31;S'?.,».E5aJ
F,>de=:rwl Old Ate Bmzrfit Tux 4415.%}
S>;v1;r.;;ss Elem 5]_13l).l E?
Te }.e2·;»h<>~16 \
B;,l;m:j:s due myd puyuble April   .,$18,5&4.<.F¥3
Apj rcvezdt
“'“" “”"7"`§£`p17§?{T§;`27“Ei`§T1?”“""“""` " " """""Kk`3Y."7”.¤HY€EYF`

 J. B. Pudaar, Div. Compt.
April 27, 1945.
G-rosa lmomxt of Lwxzthly payroll ending Avril 230,}.945, $l8,8l8.82
Accwzats Receivable $91.65
liz-my 8., Ljyhts 8525.75
1'5¤><:tl>1· 9;.00
Sch 0]. 50.00 /-
}.$uI‘1s-l Eftlllld SLAOO
Ghulrch 46.00
Cm;·i,2,·5.bx:i:<¤1:y Annuity Tlcm LzE§'7..$£5
Cmd;;t z15.<>n 1755.50
0;.811 15259.].4
Caml 955.75
G1m2.·y 4.1  Ixnagnmxxcs 2:(>5.5O
.935.2 Hgsplt alizxgtiam 56.4].
F.mpl0;r<>s Eielzmijit A  ::0ci._.t1*;:,al ·‘1£2ti1:f:*:i·>!t£s $1]..,444.62
l$;i]..'1E"LC3 dw? md j):1y:1`?*I6 .{\p‘:‘il ZWW}1, $'7,25’74.23O
51,..-, .._..l...,.-.l.,l. .........l.. ,.-..w.__._.-”_,,..,.l--._........,.