xt7kh12v6014_462 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham One Hundred and Thirty Cues to Coal Mining Profits text One Hundred and Thirty Cues to Coal Mining Profits 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_46/2008ms006_46_1/poster/poster.pdf 1940 1940 1940 section false xt7kh12v6014_462 xt7kh12v6014 , PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE PRODUCTION
500 -
- · mm Strap
mmm Strip so iiiiuiii WW mm 7 E, @,,,2,,,,,,
CII Meeionaeoiny M an I -
n 400 7 Ioudad ;
E   - Erodrazed E 30 - i;;0g,lif;E
Y ° Q" _ _ vi th ds
"' 300 % mefhuds     (c) Shearing to increase lump, reduce 62. Have high-strength alloys for cages With ways and means of increasing output offered in the charts, which are prepared so (f) Use of storage batteries Boating on (b) Systematic timbering and the use of (a) Installation or improvement of a lg me O
0 / % N explosive 1'¢q11*T¤¤’1€¤*i$1 €t€·? and skips been studied from thc weight- per man-shift taking the leading place in the that new data may be added and the mine the line to help out with peaks? V safety posts and bars? I _ comprehensive telephone systern? I 9   TO @ Breakdown
* ' E;$°kd1,°W“ _ ____ .,4 H V _ _] V _._1 · t 1 _ reduction and CO,.1.0Si0,, Staudpointsg thoughts gf the coal industry, the editors of figures inserted for comparative purposes. (g) Provisions for 1dle·day operation _ (C) Car st0ps,.derH1lS, jacks and retail- (b) POSS1bl€ f3d10 €0¤'11'1`11·11'11C3i10¤» ; notify
5 200 qvniigble 1- “ 0***** cOm·*`3·“****g 0* Cnglnacrulg Of 1 U _'\ aajugl   fqmpmfmv a'S“_01ii<- 63_ Have Shaft and Slope ropes bam, Coal Age otfer, in the two parts of this sup- Certain questions which might be asked in without running too many substations? ing equipment, signal systems, clearances, (1:) L0ud·speaker or public-address sys~ ,0 com owe
ZZ / 11011* 0p9*`a·**0**S and 1111111 (**` *1** 0* the com l0rS£*)0“(} B 101. lla B Or uml ca or 0 ’ , rt. _\. id to S90 if 8 different tt. B will plemem, certain data and suggestions which considering equipment purchases ur improve- (h) Proper trolley wire, adequate feeder irnproved hitchings, automatic couplers, tems for shops, offices, halls, man-trip sta-
Z / sl1‘1l0li0H DRY? 011;-,*10011 1111‘¤~11t€111€_d‘* _ all RF 1 _ _t _,I · p iz is hoped will help in achieving this goal. menls in production, preparation and auxil- capacity and good line material? _ trip lights, etc.? _ tions. conveyor faces. etc.? O
Z / 2. It' done by thc coinpany, is sui`ii<·i1*t1t _·***_· **i**"¢ l>i**U***_ *****1 **°€*i·t_*`Ua****g 8*}** *°’”.**   Ellerlcoa 5 _ _ _ _ t k h _ Comparison of results naturally is an excel- iary activities are een {onli in the second pm-1 (i). Proper size and type of bonds, rail (d) Machinery guards, guard rails and (d) Teletype between ohices? 4
100 / s111·»·e»·111·» and 111-ailing equipment avail- 11111>111g *10011 s111d1011 10 S90 if they 11*1** *1* lt °t*f** m€·*=“*€¤ a 95% **10 rem me11..1d of judging ,m,g1ee,.·r1.e1er1,1e, of 11111 suppnemenr. others naturally tau weiqmg,a11x111ary1e111r¤s,_e;¤.2 safety treads 0D§f811‘W3YS,€0C.? was 1910 1031 11130 1¤3¤ 11140 111. 1
/ aiuc antibia it in good Cuiniiiiuiiy reduce Sll3.I‘]10IlllliL§`, transporting and set- **°“3 ****'g‘?*` ***g**·SP°€€* *°°°***°t*"€$ 9* certain vital statistics on the industry are oeeui- to men in the industry. _ (J) Use of separate positive and return (e) Better ventilation and increased use
% 3. Has the acreage been pl_OSp0C,md1, ting ]a],,,,~y ,,0,,0,- ctmsttmptjolt am] ma- tandem umts been collsldered to maintain lines to serve-{acne equipment? of permissible electnca} eqtuprgent, miners)  
j 4 H drilling ig Zcccssary ,-01, dum Ou ,.1,im, mai,,tCm,,,t.t.1g llalllagevlperformancei _ · (k) Load distributors or other meansof lights, exp osives and b astmg gevices, etc,.
0 ’ ‘ ‘. _ _ _ . .1. Y 36 Hag drilliuubcollQu1.v€\.€d fromthg (pty Wil] relay locomotives or different spreading demand and preventing service (f) Spr1nkl1ng_t0 allay dust. · A 4 _ _
*935 *936 *937 *938 1939 M40 WM me @31* Datum Oi 0* Qirbuldmh hmmm lt) l Q ·i · ° i ` relay practices relieve main lines! interruptions? (g) R¤ck—dusting. including improved 118. lliis illunininiion been >llltllt*tl to
0* g*`°“"‘* *0* f°“‘*d"“°“a· °t“·1 has 11111*1* mmglgouigi 01; . f h d ,1 ,d 66 Considering that some successful TONS PER MAN -SH1FT <1> Type. length and size 0f tr¤i1i¤g barriers ¤¤¤1 ¤€W·*YP€ r¤z¤1¤r ami Special tleterniiiie the possibilities ot': LOADING EQU1PMENT—ANTHRACITE M1NES
been made Oi': a 8 ments ° an ‘ C » P°St‘ ' _ · cables? (conveyor, etc.) dusting machines? S · b b tt · · la S a,._
. · ~ · · mounted and tr¤¤1<·m¤¤¤1¤d drills? "°**"°Y?* Svstems ***9 S"‘““* m**°S *?“a'1 ew · o 1 2 21 4 s 6 7 v 1 a · · 1ra·1·11 cabiesa (11) Protective clothing-hats, shoes, -(°) "‘“gS Y °·°"‘““"s mp ‘ P
ii`,) i»‘3.$11£’§§§"Z?‘Ei2$.‘f 1ii°i1iZi1i°`Z`??1e. tb) °““*“¤ ***1*** a“‘* ***9 °°""Y°’ °' hai-“"S *““i‘*“·g° ’“€“?°‘* *’““ ““d‘°‘" I ummm   iii) Us`; C0? 1;ii>l§¢r¤ 1ii11ii=ti0¤ rms tw eoegws. gms. safety 1>¤1ts. etc-? "°$§"i§,§*$i.§f§,§‘E,t‘¥§§f .,,,m,,t,,,,1 H 5<1<=11¤1S* *2 °¤¤1¤1¤r5 Md 111*-1111 *<1¤=1¤r$*
,aa),n,,nt at aid with mage ginciant units *‘”*S*€** a“E°'s· °*°·? *"· 1** b“**“*¥**g “?a*“ and .S°“°“‘*“"Y 1937   connecting trailing cables? ti) Pr¤1>¤r iireevttieguisliing equipment (C) instaiiatian O, impiavatnant at iignt. Numbe, at Units ,,., use . ..   .
Esef;1 in the future for power and water 37. Are drills fitted with safety collars, madS’ has consideration been glven ici iggg (0) F11$*¤§ 0i cables. grounding of 1'¤¤· £0*”_¤** ¥YP€$ 0f f**’€§? ing (0,- heading; shaft and Sicpa bottoms O tooo [Ooo 3_ooo
D U C O holes etc; alneves switches clutches etc y (a) Grade reduction to increase trip size 1939 chinery and equipment, etc.? (1) Proper electrical safeguards—fuses. and simuar Openings, '935   1
STATE BITUMINOUS COAL PRO TI N r M h ( l 1 `I I Y d I U 38. Am drillers Supplied with suitable and reduce power peaks? (p) Sectionalizing the d.c. system by grounding equipment. safety type switches, (d) Improved loca, and genera, hghtmg
-1- 0111 (M1 *3***1) 0> *9 ana YU? 0** *3** · - · b Ade uate drama e ro er su ra e 1940 manual or automatic e ur ment? tro e an con uctor uar s, ru er mats, - I 6
( * too, carts mcludm rmdersf q Z 1 P P bg d q p _ _ ** Y d d s d bb Oi Snaps Sunni}, nausea piapanatian pianta 93  
.»7--We » te   Minions of Tons Y-»  other arrangements been made? _ 1 g g and ballast, proper clearances? ,94, (q) Use of modern starting equipment ctc-? _ nnsnaid ,.nO,.na_ meeting naiis ainaea ata? toy  
0 no gg 30 40 50 so 70 80 90 100 110 120 ti. Labor is expensive. lliwé I‘0ti111l”0— ' (C) Heavier rail, Welded joints, Steel ties providing control of starting and running (k) Safety lamps and methane and noxi- (e) Improved picking Hghis? NBB  
  ments [,,30,, pgtimafpd mit] tho work       or [welded cross members at intervals to Anthruche with necessary protection? cus-gas indicators and alarms? (f) Proper Hoodlighting of yardS_
*938 ”"” lanned to avoid waste 0i` time? ma*“*a*“ gag°· °*°·? , , 911 S Cai-6 iiati in ti iii- tho rg gr 105, Is rescue erui ment masks oxv- rounds and plant for ni ht operation? ww
*’ - are rr 1 11 iraqi *93* 111. PP ll) .. a _e _
1939 ALABAMA 7- Q1111 P*`0S0**t $**P0*"'*S°*`$ **i******€ C"**‘ 351. Are l`acc~preparation men furnished Cui geplgszmnxx c0;tp;§d°T§b0r§ I E n ,938 type ond size of motor? I gen apparatus. life lines: etc.)? provided.? (8) Ad°¤tt¤1y *1%*1*5 and t1i·=111- *1=1*~·
,.,38 _] €°*V***S **?%_st°****g 111¤1§11=11 {gnat equi; 42- Has *l*§'€$**g3·*$*0U _tQ d0t€Ym1¤€ 68. Has dispatching been studied for   i·ntio11 pi·;i1·1it·1·s l1et—n studied to determine: ***° l’°*a**‘*****9‘ **99** $******€`** “*i
1939 *%*1*; *“°_H‘. $5 *1 "*€i“°1 t.j’)§f.;° 1 *1 °·1 “ 11101101 t>>¤11*<1S11‘¤_S and <*1‘1**1¤g 1‘11111t>111S proper haulage control? _ _ _ Tous pan MAN - SHIFT BY srxrzs ta, if sC,,,e,,,,,g aqutpmant ,,,t,v,a,,s the (1) Two miie. eiwven -llilS(€8d or Z1 a,·,t,M,NO,_,$ ST,1t,pp,NG
*940 COLORADO ana 0 ahms in Ponsiauc I b th lllcludgd Suggcsuons from faceapreparai 69. Have block Slgnalsl Swltchaposltmn (N In setfiiw up inninteniinee liiis o0n» required RCCUTBCY ¤1'1d Bexibility? large °“€_ {OF greawr Bemblllty and de'
,94, 10· H °X°a‘a**°** *a done Y 9 °°}H` UGH mimi *03·d€1`S and *30559% as 11'€** as signals, electric switclithrowcrs and simi- ,937 E ,939 m - ,937 E ,,-,39 m .i;j I. ‘, X aww t _ ‘ (b) H tacttitias to, mmaving dagiada. creased likelihood of complete stoppage 50 ,5
1111111*1 has fum? 11S•¤*¤*¤•¤SS 0* Such €*1“*1°· actual broatl-scale resist 11.11 haulage ams been lll\'9Silg8t€dl `“ ‘“’ *°“ ‘°*“ rl ‘“ O: . tim. are a1ieqr1a1e2 1¤ me of 11011*1** , , _
1938   ¤11—>111 as d”g**“€S» *’“**°*‘?Z‘i*S1 S9“**’?*S1 43·H¤1‘c ¤11r*1011—di¤Xide. air and hy- 70. Hee gathe1~1111;.loeomoti1·e equip. oss,. an   stm sn   (al R°€“*a¥.*“?P°°"°“$ °*. €‘*“*.*""’€“‘ tc) ir screening and crushing equip- tb) A S*1<>vt=1-¤¤s1—d1¤z*111¢ ¤¤1¤¤1¤¤11¤11 ,0
'”° ,,_,_,t,t—,,$ Gm-» in *0**** *1**** ‘*am‘*?“**‘*‘“S· ‘***°**%“g1 drtwlitr 00131 brwkiiiis been surveyed from ment been studied for such items es; 4 4 img 5“°*‘ a,“’“*‘F‘“°S as °*f°‘,““* °"°“‘“ mem would 11ss1s1 111 meeting the growing for 1¤¤d¢1¤ <>1>¤1=·1¤¤11? , g
1940 clearin , etc., been considered 111 Sp€C1f}'— the vi€“* Ojut of shootin on Shift uuin . . . . .1 Strip 2.75 My mine   an €°¤¤”0 S- W**`€_*°P€- 9 °·· demand {0,. small Sizes and Stoke,. wai? (c)·A smaller shovel with a stacker for ,_ ,0
_ vg V t_ ,t_ h dy P _ _ K 1 P _ _ K (a) Locomotive weight or ability to han- 4 (b) Regular equipment overhauls—elec· d H d d I- Y eng are necessm. handling the spun? ·- 30 ..
'°" mg  ’i1“‘g   5 ‘?“"   1 1 · it d°°*’   "‘ ‘S‘‘‘ g ‘““‘*” ““" ‘°"‘*”""‘*y dc *11*11*1   011111151 . M1 me XIII Dm EZZZ   =»·— 2111  a¤¤¤ 1>¤11s= me 1 5 11 E..€, i.;‘§.1.‘é§ icaiid   ’ to Large deems 111 stripping hm- 2 =
,938  # **- IS t G C°**'*Pa**? 111911110 ° Sm and Other ¤dV¤11i¤g€S* _ tb) Reducing (or increasing) speed f¤r eninery, ropes. etc., on a tonnage or time ° ) If m- in e it mem shouid be ,n_ iei.ti,an.nOnnai overburden? g U
1939 mw $*11*0 01 S*°*°€S-7 - 4* Has **0*0 *’***‘*"** *’°“** °‘¥*““**“‘* and b°“°’ *’°’*°"“““°°? . DEEP   Sm?   *>¤S*5= md the *1**** t (ii ti uiyisgd ii;.ip1ea1er nexibmr in <¤> "K¤¢¤-¤¢ti¤¤" and ¤t11¤r 1¤1¢ $*10%* 5 70 Z 5
    12. Have the relatlve l0Hg·t1m€ qosts   (logs Qa(}h l]()lQ [‘[jli€\'Q the néxt through   llave the posgibiliticg Of bnlttclw, 5 ST g       mine   (C) Study of qu3n[i(y and natuyg of [Q- ;hip;inOrc;i11binatiOns§ Y developments?   CL
_ , , , V 1 _ . . 4 _ · V I · · · » h *— _ rl _ . . 1 *7 . I 4 V A I I A
1941 ariogféilcomea Oils and hmsts bum mlebl ShO9t***g **1 Orderv *€Fl**"mc° d°*a},S1 °t°‘7_ loconiotlvcs, particularly 111 gutliering and < P Pat? Wgrkltf ;°° if Tavli Or ¤¤¤1gj1j;gj (Q) I? special blending equipment. in- 120. ls II possible to l1lt‘l`t*llSt* t‘;1}1:lt1l1}‘ *0
*"‘ ° ` —· ir 4;* A1‘¤g110115*1011111g1¤b*1-S1>"11**9‘¤- ··=11‘·~*11111g111g» *1¤¤111111‘11$11g=11~*1 M1¤11¤·= ---2 0*11 -*23 -“ ’° S S °“ ° ““ >°“ °‘ °‘* P Mine mage ins. 1»¤¤1»·>tt1¤¤1¤e ems ..1- t.1—11st~111 t.,111n1..».11 11,.
*°38 E *3» If $*0})% ***9 C**O$°**v has a*** ***g eificient sllotfiruig units and similar shoot- -.1 H t k · , ,k· U, ,_,- 1_ b , bought to handle them. 4 or feeders em Should be instaued {O,. _ · _ { O o
,939 ,-tl 1 din machines and conveyors to . . _ _. , 1-; 35 Nic KH “0l Ulu, $*~L_*0l¤ GLU · 2 $1,,,, 1057 (d) Whether a,,x,],a,·y repau- shops near __ _ 3 H _· ) (a) Counterbalancing the hoist, use 0
IOWA lu 1 oa .g · · ***¥I 111<*¤ l**`0‘*d0d‘ studied from the standpoints 0t· 3 Side 4'* p · d · bl > P*'““*P**°** S*"S· larger light-weight dippers or buckets
1940 handle Spoll b0011·COHS1· 47_ Do siintiiiora iitive good carriers tor and Saving in height? J V j _   ampk {00,5 and mo, cam em? ( ) tpzsent p1¢“;g1§C:_c1 1 1 S can pant at the overburden;
,940 KANSAS 141. “‘011ld 09H‘~’_0y0YS 011 th? $***”fa(`€ be explosives und dt·tonzitors? (c) Raising switchlaying speed by steel- -1 S"'*° *7·‘°°   x Smp (8) $11%*3* *¤*>*’*°¤'*¤€ **'“°*‘$i ad°'~l*·*a*€· Quia Sails Ci;) y‘p1 1ean‘n¤ of certain *2*- *****5 ‘* ‘***‘*" *‘°°“ **1***** ~11` ***0 **’“"
11*1 “ °’“’“"°‘” s"°“`d“"°““ “`°‘““"“" “° "’“°*‘“· SSSS ‘°"“‘ ““"°"°*   _ 11 me XIII ° ""1'"‘"° ZZKZ ·=*11¤1~1= 1¤1~i1~··¤e-   sis; 0. .."‘.i.°.5;“‘§? .,2.. vizoixld   1.. .11111111t     llt· 11     ti l—1.  
1938 W }6·t Iiiagiidti*;Liiii`&Ig€Ii)i·g§iiig3“i€i?i·     iafijivlissslzi ;§;:éC2;rt;;g;@1:ga¤d Simi- Y D 413 UU, Are tl1r· i1tl\‘;111t;1!•;·s l1t·lIl! realized a cleaner and rchore uniform fuel to retain llllt·S, Il“1lt‘l0{-}10\\'t*l`Q1l 1SC1;lpt·1'S.l t·1c.. ll; 1937 BITUMINOUS pRODUCT|ON_
I SQ Qc G i " _ I ` D"? °‘°°   1 °°° ‘ -! 1 1‘ —1i1·11 new dt~v1·lo V · · ~- i t d arkets? nssistintr in mx cuts 1itc ing, tinn- ant
. · _ 1 s pmtnts iis. OY ex 811 171 _ _ aa _ - _ _, _
:3; M1$$0UF~’1 dh;‘F1§t;r§€i;2§,;;aH€£_(g;;23§i-Orhm 48. Since mccliuiiizutiou 1·t·tl11t·t·¤ lz1*1<11‘ tnistzs Usjnaif si;,i`:g;ra;i,{,i},a°;°;ii,b;°tigstz SMP ,446   4 5,,,,, ,,,5 1 ta) Eiactnc waiding and gas weiding ¢ €§$?“g mi `"1d`“g a` ` B   °' 1=1¤¤11¤¤ 15 11·¤1='%¤1¤=·1=1¢? . . i§§`l.i11.;ii..i;"Z.`1t...Eii`...>‘}.1}.L*1"‘..1.?.‘? `*"` ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ »¤»<11—. 11.11-. .10.11
i9_ (jtiii i-ook at liantl be used in con- "s‘ an ` °a F · °°°v°Y° , P bentlers and piiilvlles. bars. jacks, ctc.? g $"*P *-35 in " MY '“’"€ 1 1 (C) Pipinv or acetylene and oxyven (*) *f1¤w·<<>¤*%1¤1ee¤ am? *’*°“a‘“€ Y"** Hi in .a` ...1   i`¤ii· L i. . » . [EE ati   ${76
*94* · - · · *'*?1****€*'$· and $*m**a*` €q***P*'**°*”**· ·· · . . . · .· · H O ° ~ - §’ raise cleaning efficiency and insure commu- 1·"· °* "\‘* `***' *** ‘ *1 1**** 1** ‘* M'd w°5*"" ···* A = '¤:¤ ‘
struction and is purclniso ot equipment to - · ,1 ,~f · h b-, 14. Are locomotu es supplied xx ith Jacks, — , t t 111 _ tion, aantiai ntnnta ini inane ai~nC,anCy, _ \ I _ , __ _ l_ , I _ __,r . __ __ _. _ ) _
9 _ _ W (b) Mechanizing t e 1 1: wit mo 1 e _ .1 _ . _ _? My mma , , , 4 Sm e i 5.59 t , . . .1d ous plant Op€,.at,Ong .1111) urn 111.11 t ot 1 lt lt 1lll\t l1l.lll. tl.
1 38 U liioparo it advisable. ,0ade,.s_ Seipioading conveyors and ac,-at,. l0l`£2.lt’I`9Z1Iltlill€ like. _ _ · x· , 1 (tl) Welding or metallizing to but up b M d V H_ d .H_, $0,07-_ $11,11, '·$O_l9
1939 II · ` 1 ~ · f l · · · ; "1 \[iiit· our- mtitgyitillv iiiiiiioiigo Cgit 1 ;g4' $90; * Wi M m'ne 1 I 1 or reclaim machine and equipment parts. (m) If an adequaiely S1¤11¢¤ Ia m=·11v (3) ° em *’*E type U °‘ . · 1 · :7  
MARYLAND 2O· 1110 HHXQYS1 ,°°m*)mSS°r°1 . ue, €*”S•a**d s*m**a*' °qu*Pm°“*· l' ' ‘ . ° . - . ° ,% Deep ‘ i ‘ S 1 1- Y ` 1 1 _h { _ d 1 H- ht tc , will assist in satisfying customers by better (b) Vertical auger and rotary drills or $¤1·1**11*·¢$*`¤1'1- - · lm 1*50.51  §§g§- $2,43
*940 storage and accessories been provided. ( _ , _ _ · · and pe1·to1·maru·e figures; has considers- Z s a ts an ax es, ig s. e .. _ d _ 1, b. at. kh wen drills,
. - · 4.1. Hate neu 1*<‘10*'Jl****@*1*> 111 <1<11111>- ~ . » . ·. st · 1190 ima 1 z sms sea r 1¤n.s1r 110111 e¤rr0s11n1. or P10 ¤°° ~°¤"°· . °°m 1*1 **1*15 W1 . . . ·
1941 91 H · - ~ ~ ~ 1 d 1 · tion tliei 11011 bien <·1\ *11 t0· < ~ "F` · 1 (e) Use O he ° ¤ - · $002 SDIO -$0I0
··* · 1110 ploublmab men ma 0 01 3 mtilit bog], Stiidigtl i'i·0m tiitt sttiiiilpoiiits ' M °’ L ¤ £ ‘ g1 5 wea1,_1,esis(ing metals for greater Strength (ri) If trademarkmg by color or labeling (c) Sidewall drills. including types for ·   ·  _ · ·
,938 I forge, tool and repair shops, etc? 1 1 0,, (a) The increased capacity without ma-   MY mma   ;> 1,1,1 mine [ - and hmgm, me. ° is advisable? angle drilling? Rocky Mtn, A Pocitic m gms  john  $141
,939 Q2_ Have provisions, sucli as was i» ant ' (a) Replacing other mechanization units terial changes in dimensions provided by Q 4 (D Improved antammcn bearings, ,n_ NL Hua w,,>,titi,.,,,,,,,, i,_.,.,, giwn tt, tgt Has i,i,,i,i,,¥ i,t1,.,, Stntiiai ,·,.,,,n tin. - Lab F   Mm S res   OWU an
*940 MICHIGAN °hang€`h°“§°S’ ***11 inmig ig? the commit with m¤*¤**¤ m•‘*°*1*¤9S? _ _ nezi,)d·?,;§nsgssibi,itieS of mist,] lcadin _ x' Smie . *41 ` g Sim? Us I- cluding lubricated-for·life types? lllt‘l`t‘2l>lll§f rt·t·0\‘t·1'}‘ l1) 2 viewpoints of such questions ns: [zzz 0,,.,;, OP, Changes I a n Adm,,,,S,m,,O  I   5,,,,,5
,94, and convenience 0_l _\\ 0rl»er¤» _ (ia) Replacing qld machines with new to machine Dug ut b Hsin a lar ergcar to mit xl My mine   My mma i i- (g) New insulating materials. such as ta) C,-uaning and ,-atiraatinant Oi pick. ta) The iaiative merits gf blasting pow.
23 Haw P*'°‘j***"*‘* *""`** m“‘*° *0* Miss ¤¤*11¤* 11111* Cui m¤1¤*°¤·¤¤°°? _ numba, at gnan {S1 g g 1 . ¤S1>eSt¤S 31111 F11>er-elm? ings and cleaner mi111i1111gs2 cers, high explosives and liquid oxygen:
*938 Q safety and firsteftld? (c) Using ¤‘1¤bi*¢ *0¤d¤1”S i¤ ¢0¤¤¢¤Y19¤ (C) The savii   in maintenance and G Store   g State 3.40 3.62   tb) Reclamation and/or beneiiciation of splitting charges in holes. etc?
1939 D MONTANA with face and room conveyors? power and the gmoother 0 eration and E 4 slurry by settling equipment, classifiers, (b) Revisions in drilling patterns in-
*940 S (17*) *¤5U=*****'*€ $€*f‘*°ad***g C°*'*V€Y°*S? safety Provided by impmvedpccnstruction MY ""*"€ 1 g MY "“*"*€     continuous centrifugal equipment, tl0ta· duding, with sidewall drills, long and
*94*     50 Has special otiuipmcnt, such is and accessories such as weldin 1-1’ h · · · **0** °°**$· ‘a*’*°$· em-? S*"*°" **0**- d°“b*°‘d°°k**"g· Em? ii
·~-· 1 ~ · · » --1* ·¤· = et 11111 KK EE 1.   »   ~- ~ · ~ . 1 1 1100 cr10~ ww
1935 5 _ _ liiintl- or sell-loading conveyors, scrapers strength _ and corrosiomresisting alloys, 9 U 9 [0;*1 JgolllitiltiilgfilzlélS(_;t;_ili*I)lEl_* muh _ (C) *_“$§a;*a“°“ <>f1¤$¤1¤;¤*¢¤¤¤1= ‘° '° 1Q3_ linro eoiilelontliiig p1·1it-tires l»t·t·n WEIGHTED AVERAGE BITUMINOUS P U
,939 Q4, Is the mining plz1111·•;·gulz1rly checked anti muckiitg maciiintlay liggn qgiisitlgmtl anti-friction bearings, special axle and 2 My mine   My mine   ‘° ` _ , ‘ . .11 `°V§' fa li'? "'"ie S am _ I d _ >lil`\'»_·}`t*Ll 1‘i·ou1 such stiiiidpoiins use 1l936 ADJU$TEDi BY COA*—'D*V*$*ON D*$TR*C-TS
NEW MEX*CO tt sc rtain for exam lc: ‘ · i [-·-d ·' r` 1 »' 1] — ' ti ' -1 wheel metals. h1gh—strength hitchmgs, au· (3) If €q1·11P1'}”1€Y1f SY¤¤d¤1'd1Z¤1101'1 W1 ( ) *15*3 _¤ *011 0_ P¥°P€1" >€3 9 311 ¤¤¤· _ . . .
1940 1 21 0 1 P lor cn ix ming, cspccia 5 in un cou _ _ . , _ _ , , (a) Usa at S aciai ti, ais Oi S gcial
· ' · • [grnatic cou lei-S S rm di-aft and bugim Deep m 1,72 Deep cut investment in inventory. \€yOl’ Wélghlng Equlpment. P HP la
1941 (a) If number of places per_sg-1c11<>¤ E15 where rock must be taken tor height! _ h d P l_ ·bPk K > S 6 (b) H close sources and good tmnspop NJ lu “_Mm1`__ hw WIN 1 Arm m bhu i0a,ia,a_tn,»uat_ ··i.tnaa.actit,n_·· ate;
V the operatinglcycle and capacities of the 51_ Arg sntiicicnt sparc meelinnizntioii g°"s’_ Y mu ‘° ra °s’ °t°" 51..,, 11,73 13.73 > snap 9.55| 10.00   tation will permit carryinvba smaller vol-   .._'   . Ti -   M Y li K . i .-its (b) P°55**’*° ad°P‘*°“ Of ‘*‘° ““d°"
*938 ‘ equipment ¤¤1$S used? _ _ units available for replacements in case TG. \\l1ere cages, etc., limit car size, 3 uma of pans and Suppiiej 5**};; *** *_“" *`*i`_‘_“*“'“ ‘"“ **1 m`*"*‘ ground-type loading machine? f —.  ver Ton  
*939 D NORTH DAKOTA (b) If changing equipment or conditions 0,- b,.€akd0\,.HSy Ovnrhauls, ctc} hayg hiyge out-S, pat,-tinttml-iy the dwp, My mine I   My mine   _ _ 1**é ·*·**· ~<>111—·111 ‘} · (c) The relative merits of hand work.
l94O ;ieQ955itat€ Qfgieljmlt Cglaflglhg place WldYh$   118.5 Study been given to “.0I.kiug bottoln typo, and .uudB,.gl.Ouud trans-fel. DEQ     DEE I 258   ·   )1\)\* fi·t~t··>i;3l_s"t·o:;t—§1;ig Qalwgli-*t 3****     (d€;N'§F€l`l1’lgv§C!`Q€11Sf WltlgdC1f bulldozers, pcwir-0p€r3(€d Sweepéfs, CIC., $ G $l S IZ $ 3 $4 $5 S 6
*94* °' gmatu ° .°1°"°y’ k· ,d more than one shift to increase tonnage l10p]1•J1'S been considered tor use belund »4 P e P ‘ ********1* 1* ***1*} *1* *`*~***. j °“· _ ‘$’** 0*** 18 ;\'EO°*1(y °°* 9** 0* 3 *‘ 1¤ ¤¤¤* °*°¤¤1¤$- 4 _ _ 1 ‘
1938 W M (c)gf riharrging to angle wor mgtw;>¤ without mi_in‘_ imestmcm, ,02,,,,],,, machines., g Sfrip 7670 1 , ji amp 676 - (tt) cast and quantity each item received, tio(r;lélr?·ing. hl _d d h _ 1 (dl) The relatigre mlerii pf air drills and Dgg 7 39
‘ ease au age, equlpmen mDV€S, C C.. " ¤ -- b _ _ _ __. V U ‘ X . ‘ . _ “ ` ' d d h d at 3]] t' es? acxum C 0r1 Sim 01 ef m3t€l'l3S vertrca auvers or s Ot Oes. · .
*939 OHIO (d) If revising projections would shorten th; nlfég;   :t11111£$;—t;{1_;11-1(Q; zglliii (E E My mma 1 1 , , ci, M, mm ; I lsstlis iiguacnréa ai;. tnacning; 0,- machine to prevent freezing? (e) Use not channeling machines? , _ EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA
1940 hl, 11 d, t.? ‘ `CE1 111   _   1   1 1 1 -· c r rr —.s11t d _. _ _ _ _,. t
,94, f" S ’° “°° gm {sf? A _ ROOF SUPPORT t,.t,,,S,,0,.,a,,t,,, tm, ,,0 ,.t,j,t,Z€d ,,,, e1¤1111SI;¤r {)¤1¤111z1<>1 S111*11¢¤ ¤¢¤¤11¤1%?U mg;} mj;‘h;§];‘;’a‘{Sdj°;*r;; “€€* "S °“ ljt;. nes 111t·;1~11.·1111111111ti»t»11.i._.1111i»1.~
2;;. Haro thc possibilities ot lllli»I'Qil“('ill _ _ _ . (C) 3 ¤<>1’m¤ p or bcttomfrequently may 11t»1,~1-i1»1—1111o11 been i1n·es11··111et11 11*911* ¤¤<1 1111111111; ¤11¢1zv? r· · " i“"·‘ ’ ‘ “*·"‘*’·. ‘*"". ’· “ ‘ sirens. screen-type heat dryers. etc.? 9* . . . .
1940 trutcd inthe smallest possible area`? *0 me **1*** * , . *_· 5 P be avoided? ’ (1,) Replacing gr rebuilding existing loaullng }1l2lll0l`lllS. t*lt‘.. il\'i\llil**l0 lor hun- __ M_ .1 __ . I __. __ (b) If, in case rail haulage is retained. 1.84
11141 27· Have provisions 11<·t111 111111*0 1‘—1r 11‘11*1**1¤*·¤=1e111S€.<>1 *‘"~‘*’°" . - H _ , . _ A , _. _ . S1e1m.11is111g and/O. i,e,1e1a1111a e1,11i1.me¤1 mins111~11t—y11n1·11n11·1·y illlkl 1111111~1—1111sr *1-1· —1~ ···111>1— ·‘1·11,1—111 _···1·11 #11111 1—· iT shouia be ma111.ii11e only, with ammo. B _ Nomrru west VIRGINIA
, shortening air travel, reducing pumpine, 54· Has ******"**'***i*`_***"*** S***‘**°d *0 dc` {8‘ {1* uw 01 °‘"` *.*1** **'*{"*"’m"g to cut energy cost? 1113. Are thei1ei·t~ss1ii·r l'2lt'l($. slie1ls.t—1t·.. ***“'** *“°‘*"*`** *’*"`*’*‘*"***“** ‘“‘*` ***1 tive pit haulage?
EQ ””” WW ””’”’”l ’”0mW% facilitating scaling ot' old works, erection *0*******8 P°$S**°*° 5******%*1 *’Y* _ *}{1_1jjj]tj1b$<1111i~>‘§1}‘_~,*s{j1~}1j1g, *’°*“*‘ a**‘*       ,,4 lh; we _M_\_ik_0 ,M_u Smdm, {mul ,,,·t,,-itititi ti, pi-t,tt1t.t ati.,1i_ tiu,i,t.,·_ in1i,,—,- (a)_ Dustless treatment) by chemicals. (c) if rail haulage should be electrified? Ln
°E"”$"“A""* <>*'·=X11*¤S1<111 *’a"*°”1 "*"·’ G') T'°““"°'" *° *”°l°“g hm · i *11* ii 0— iii iilii iii   ». 1. . . . . 111Qt §—11~11- 101111L 111 11.1- r»t·1111t11t~ 11=1r1s. 1110. 01111 1`=1~·1*11=111· 1#>11=111—··1Y €m¤*S·¤¤S··=11i—wmS-so- , 1:7. Ill 11i11o111o111·t· 1n11isi1111—1a11t111. int 4 _ OHIO
*"‘*° gs ls ,1i·111~1s11>11 marie to keep up ltrll- <1>> Use <>f 1¤=1¤¤¤1y1 ¢¤11¤r¤1<=» s1¤1111¢· .*.·· *1%* “’*°*· **1* *·*“ M9 1* -1 "**·!11> sr, 1111s 111e 11ew111e1-iiig sitiiiiuoii been * 1 ` J , " ‘ itu iii,. ,.t,,,,itit.,-atitui 1,,,.,, ..i.—i.,, in <*1> Tramp-11¤¤ m¤g11¢1S ¤¤<1_1111**¤yS· _,_,,,_tt,n,.,,,,,,,, ,,,,0,, ,,,,.t,,, tt,.
1941 113,,;,0uw1Hath,“,0,.kin,, anctioua and Hu steel and concrete, etc., for long life? 01 llll'l'\‘2lSlllg louder output by shortening su,.W\.ml from the ‘.in“.p0iu,S 0,-: (a) A higher incoming voltage? 4 d`_> C0¤s011<1¤t10¤ 0f 1¤¤e1111¤z 11011115 c ~ · **_- 3 1· ‘ td) $1>¤¢1¤* m¤t¤1s and alloys t0 reduce (*1) 11*1 '° a$1“° mm1? ° $“°*¤ ‘ 365
*938 M *111a* 10111111 0*01 * Q Him`? . iegs and speed installation? Oy iu,-on ta uuii, been stntiintit ` (2*), E$*a*’**s*““€“‘ °f s“‘“P$ at s*'a*°€*° for central metering? (a) Convenient bin arrangement and a•:· gcrgen biintiing and iangtiian iiie; trucks, with or without special bodies. and 5   M,C1.1,c,AN
*°3° Tennessee 29- IS ‘*‘="`°*°*°***°*** *"*°°a$* 101 *’a**“* -- . - - . . " P ’ ` ' *°°a“9“$ *9 P°'““* “s° °* ‘*"°**°$· s*”°"°“ (e) The merits of limiting to avoid pen- cess for handling materials? te) Reiraenie picking tabiee chain»ma( tractors and trailers?
1940 control of cxpeiitlittlres and output? _ 1**% **i*V0 l_**€ l’***$**]*****°S 1** $*U"* *0*** P¤mP*¤g d*5$a¤€€S· H9? _ aities from excessive peaks? (b) Good general and local lighting? mac,-aaning conveyor; shaking dist,-ibut. tb) Replacement of~ small trucks or Igs
,94, 30 IS a Smcia] 00,,] reserve pyoyitind und timber nicks, u1l_]ust11blc props, etc.,   (b) Provisions for Scaling. d3mS. Bmcf- (d) Raisin a_C_ disttibution voitage tc (C) Proper bin design, including rotat- in Cnutes Sus ended Sateen drives s E. trailers with larger equipment? '
· ' · I · ‘ `· · · · '· [1 c Ho d-co trol doors etc ’ g · ‘ ‘ > ·g ` P · ` P { ' ' ' { b' ' { 6 _ w‘ WRGINIA PANHANDLE
me l nn quick development tor s11d1lt·11 1l¢·m11111l lor tcmpoiwy t11p1><111 at thc 1·1<·0 M1 E911 Y ° ¤ · , ·· 4,000 or 6.600 to reduce conductor me. cut ing and *°€_k**'*§_*}’P€S as needed. _ nai screen suspensions, etc.? tc) The easibility 0 a com mation 0
or difficultv in regular sections? S111'V€)`0d°* $0. llnve ventilation p1·;n·ti1·t·s lioon sure (C) B°*`°h°*°$· new °Pa*;*“g‘ and °***°*` losses and increase efficiency? _ (d) Sectionalizmg to permit grouping tf) MetCui»y.vapt·,,·_ gu0,·,as,;ent_ ··day. semi- and full-trailers? A _
*939 TEXAS ` 56. Arc tirnberiucn supplied with thu i·t·i·.a,i i‘t·t,m iiiu yi,tit·,,,,i,iia tit; $**0** *'°***€S *° the S“*'*a°°· _ _ (e) Protection of lines and equipment related classes of materials? blue" and other Special picking iigntsg (d) The possibilities of diesel oil, butane 7.19
*9**0 proper tools trucks and the like? ` (a) Inc, a- a-,. a meat t , ·t (d) Ll" °f "°Fk`*““‘“*s· ‘“°*‘“°d b°"°' against lightning? io; an. _ ,t.,.t.,i stt,,.,.nn i,O,,st1s ,,,·t,,,. (g1 Improved loading equipment—box— and 0**39* MW i¤9*$? 7 _ SOUTHERN N°-*
l94I ’ . ° S‘“g ‘ `”.Y °°“ "° °°‘ Y *1¤*¢S· d11¢*3¢S· S1P*1°¤$- Bm-? 1 U 1 ae. instead or 11.e. for o era- " ‘ · `* ·‘ ` `* ` `- · car 1 aa r 11 1 11 ‘ 11 <1=) The advantages cf b¢t¢=r r¤¤dS·S11c1¤
      7 . ( ) SC O P . . ,. , . , , , 1 . O E S. E I HH l'ESCBEl"l1l'lg 00mS,
1938 0 ¤¤2"*b;'°;;?;:*g€O·i;¥<*]l1;;**§:c2;Vl; drivin new (e) Use of deep-well turbine pumps? ,,0,, of mine equipment? *‘;i*}_ **1*%***;* *2,***** ***1 [_ T*·**}*ll‘$l*l***’ \"* Cnutas and staiaga canvayais ta, aa,. as concrete loaded·truck routes? 703
'. 1 , . . . · - * ‘ `· ‘\' Si * \`——S2 * V ll ‘ C15 * · , , , ‘
toy; 31. If loading or conveying equipment       airways to cut travel, etc.? g Sa **111s **“*‘* ****‘* ***‘*"*‘*"“ ‘l**"‘**°*** ig) N°"`mHammab*° “3°Sf°rm°r h` iiiyiiuliiiitiilllni·1·»ii;iiii»< 1i11i·`e\·1i11pl; and °h?Q§“,3g‘ fm'? { , { t Y. , *aS· 1* ***** a**"****“*¥° *ak°** 0* 1********- B _ SOUTHERN NO?
. . . .. _ · - - .1 . ·. 1 ·.. urs. , ·>··_:· .·‘ ·‘ , us roo an consrucion. . ·.ia i. ·   .. -
,940 UTAH is planned, is present cutting and drilling 5; Haw gnnnmi tn,,,,S,,0,-tntioii ,,,-,,0. in(C)a§1;1§;¤§ai*;¤f;id°*0?1i*;111E yew $119;* *’“** °***?;“* t°_‘*;t°*`““**f· b _ q (,1) More synchronous m0t0,.S_ betta,. ,1,t_ bo