xt7kh12v6014_451 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1942-1943 text 1942-1943 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_37/2008ms006_37_15/42780/42780.pdf 1942-1943 1943 1942-1943 section false xt7kh12v6014_451 xt7kh12v6014 “"T‘?i.{?‘ §{;?1nE§" 283 UNITED STATES DO NOT FILL IN
BlTUMlNOU$ COAL DIVISION Key Code No. ..,......¤........,.___,_,__,____________
Cost and tonnage for Mouth of ...._.______,...___________.__.__________________ , 194,_- District No. ..____   _______________
i - - ‘ · Mi i ·· / I
Name of reporting company ,,________________________________________________________ __ _______________ Name of mine   ____ i_·_\2£{`~_·;{`f;{ ________________________________ Mine Index No. _gQ_Q_;;f ______,
,i M · _   = l » , ; Q , V ii !     .. ¤
Addressl§G.l}l__l_l,!{__E·-_-j,l.!>.u_;_“_,};E{’:;9;·¢ qioeation of mine ;;;;5.’.-`a-L;.»::;i ..... ` -*.-il..’>.%JL1.!<~! r....   .._;. _f;li12s-l>l,,=!:·2~-~ Name and number of seams worked _;;Q°.Y.-.&f---§;j-:§?;;`;;;l;QiiTQ/
3 (Shipping point) (County) (§tate) (Field)
This report is required under the provisions 0T the Bitumincus Coal Act of 1937. Report each mine on separate form and return to the Statistical Bureau for your district. Report on this form all mines
with rail or river connections and all mines having u present actual daily capacity of 50 net tons or more. Do not report on this form costs on unassigned acreage that cannot be reached from existing _
workings for 30 years. Before compiling this report, read carefully the instructions contained in the Manual of Instructions. All items should be filled in. If no tonnage or amounts are applicable, so
indicate by writing in "none".
fl a x 1 . ‘ ` · s` »·» l — ·~ »
Sui,,mm __________________________________,____cc___________ _ ___c L ml T°E§£§`€}EIFIf’liE-l?]Yl}K.°lZ€?__i{‘?FTl?_YY$ifl.I ....»........,.......».............   days. ll ..............,....,............. 2-2-;:%--- days.
Percent controlled sa1es’*‘ ......_, .. ......._..,_.....,...___._.. , (b) Total number of shifts tipple was iu operation. --·—-——-—-—--------—~ - —--——————--·--—- 2-}*-- $hlflS· -—-————-—--—---——-—-~----—----—-- D--lf;-— Shifts-
Pereent h;md1oaded* ..........l...,......... i .l......l....,,_ . NIINE \YEIGHTSZ { . ,. { yi? {11 .\
Daily g,vgrg,ge produetion* _______....___.,,l..,..,...,___.,,. , 2. Loaded by hand .__................_______..__._,_....... .-. ——--—---————-——--—----——--—- ~i<5——-l—-l-——l»- Dgt mug- »—·-—————-—·—--—--—-——-—~· -l~-饥{-*¥-;€;-{·i-- mt l¢*O“$·
_ __________________________________________________________________Ve_ee 3, Loaded by umcmuc _____________________________________,__ . .....—————.—.».... . ................   ».... uct tous. .....l............................. Y ........ 1 ict tons.
e _______________________________________________________________________ 4_ Mined by Stripping ________________________________________ W ,.».............V....Y.,.t....,,,..   ...... net tous.   ......... i ................... YT ........ net tous.
‘**¤‘¥"‘°“"‘“‘°°“‘“‘“““"°"““°°""`· 5. rixmt ......................................_,._.,__...... .. .... ;;; -—-—----------—-—------ lc-EZ}--\-(lr wb Mm;   --··»Y-»-   mt wris-
(Use tonnage item 27 for divisor in computing pe1·—t0n costs on all items except selling cost. Carry eompu- AMOUNTIN WHOLE PER TON lD°0’l&§0gu ml AMOUNTIN WHOLE Pm TON 
tations to four places past the decimal) DOLLARS (*0000 DOLLARS **0000
6. Mmm LABOR: _,/I ) V { dr l _ 1
6a,. Day men (paid by hour, day, or month) .....................,..................................._._. . ....__....   -—---~ E»’-YT-?-l}»U 3 --—--»-----—-»   -------~- -- --—» K--.l?·§(l-·--4)-§» $ ---»---.-.-»r» _ $ .-..-.-»-..--. 6u,
6b, Minin —day workers ......................................l....................................................__.... » ——»————— 7 -———-- Q -——»—— » »-—-—--——-————— V- ----~----—----   --—— - ------ 1 -------- » »--·----~-------- » -----.---------- Gb
6c. Minin;—picce workers ............................................................................._..,.............. — —-———--   ———-~----»-——-——· — --——--—------——- - —~-—-- L   »---------------- } ------»---------- 6::
6d, Mining—stripping and loading (strip mines) ......................................_..t.._...................... » —-—----—-—--————————»- · ——·——--——»--—--- - —»--—-—--·------ ~ —---»»- T --·--------»» - ---------------- . .4--»----.------ 6d
‘ 6c. Yardage and dead work ...............................................,....................... . ......._....,......... - —--——--—-- ·?—-5-fhg ——V-—------—-—-—» — ——-——-—————--——— - »-—-—— ~5-’—é·#-Q—g—;’- i; ---------—----- -- ------ - -------- Ge
(if. Mine supervisory and clerical employees ......................................,.............,..,...,............. — ——·—-—V-   -——V——---—-——---V   -»—---·—----»  if i ---»------------ » »»----------.--. (if
6g. Subtotal (add items 6a, 6b, 60, Gd, 60, and (if) ....................... . ..,................................ - -—»»— lh-}-ty-Q:€—£l; —————————-——————- - —---—-—--—-——-—— ————)-{i·}-l?~’+!yl:Ui- ----------—------ - ---------------- 6g
' 6h. Vacation payments ................................ ( .................................................................... — ———-—-—-—»-———--»»»»—r   —-————--—-— · ——----—--—-----» - -——--——-—-—-—---»---- - -------—--»---»- - -----------»»-»- 6h
Bi. '1`0·rA1.. l\IINE LABOR (add items 6g and 6h) .......t................. .. .....................................   V $ ————----— ;;   -———-~—»-» $--l-l,   $ --——----—-·--- $ -------------- Gi
` 7. Mm}: SUPPLIES: _
7a. A11 supplies (except items 7b and 7c) ............................................................................. $ -—---— )-¥¥.—Q-QQ   --——------—-—— $ ————-————————— $ ---- ljyilf-l·2—qp $ ———--—-———---- $ -------»------ 70.
7b. Power purchased ............................................. . ..................................,......,..............   --—----——--- ;Y·{i—L?——l» —··--—------—-—-~ — —-·-——-------—»» - --—----- if   { --------—--——--- - -—-—------------ 7b `
7c. Coal used to produce coal ............................................................................................ - --———---—·—»— TLQE -—r-----~——------ — ——--—------——--- » -—»—--—-——-   -`l»- - »---------------- - »-----——- · —·-»-— 7c
7d. Tm-Ar. Mrxm Snrrerms (add items Ta, 7b, and 7c) ...................................................... $ ————— TK;/i—;¢—l=l;_; _ S »»—-———-———-—» $ ---------——--- $--wl-Dffrig-°: -5 $ ------------- ; $ ---------~   7d
_ 8. OTHER Mnqm Expenses: —— j
Sa. Salaries and expenses of other employees at mine (not included under 6f) ............................. $ ————---———-——--————— $ ----—-———————— $ —-——-———--—--- $ -------------------- $ ---—------—--- $ -------------— 8a
8b. Mine oiiice expense (not included under 6f) ......................~.......... V. ..................Y....... .. ....... — ----——————----—-----—- - -»-——--·-—-———-» — ———----——--—---- — --—-—----—------———--- — --------—-----—- — ——---—-———-»———» Bb
84;. l Hired trucking to tipple, ramp, or other loading facility (not to customers) ........................... - —-——-—-—-—————-——-V-—— ; ——————»»-—-—»-—- - --—-----»-»»»--- — ——--------—-—-------»- — ---------------- ~ -----~--»----»~- 8c
8d. i, To*r;u.. Orirma Mmm EXPENSES (add items Sa, Sb and Sc) ....... . ................. . .................. $ ---—-—---——-—-—-— H- $— —-—--——---~-- $ ———--—-------— $---_-; -—-———-—— - —--—- $ -——----------— $ ----·--------- Sd
9. T0·rAL Larson AND SUPPLIES (add items 6»i, 7d, 8d) ............... ----..--,. ........... . .................................... $--ile-·»-ll-~i-j?fl·li _§;;_ —-——————— $ ---———-—--—-V- $———‘;—lr3l£!—&   $ —-———-----—--- k; ---------- 9
10. Orman Opmrmrrno CHARGES:   { W wh _T K t i
10a. Taxes on mine property and equipment and other taxes in lieu thereof ............................,..     ——————·-- l T-&`——?~Q $ ——--»——»————-— $ -———------———— $ ——-·-—— i-}.l.-·il.l~ $ —--——---—----- $ -------------- 100
10b. Corporate, privilege, and severance taxes ........l........._.................................................... - --—-———-———- j—Q»Q ——-———--——- - —--—- » -—--—--——-—————— I -——--——~-—- T6   »——--——---------» - --------------»- 10b
10c. Sales taxes not paid by consumer ................................................................................. V ——-——-—-—-——-—-——-~——» — —————-——-——————— - --———~—--——»———— · »—----—·---— --; ----— - ---------------- - ---...----..-... 10c
10d. Social security, old age benefit tax ........................................................................,,...___ - ————--»—~-- l-}-?5.‘rl -——---—---———--— · ----------------- 7 »-------     -----------.....» . ....--.---...... 10d
10c. Unemployment tax ___._.....,............................ . .....................__._....._,........_.......__._____,__, — ----------- l·g—§—l9 —------————----—V - —-------—- 3 -»--- - —------ T2 -l-S-{-` ...-----.-....... - ................ 10e
10f. Tax—Bituminous Coal Act of 1937 ........................................_............................._..______ - —----—------·   —---»——---—--—»-- — -----------—---— I —---------- % 3-ng-fl .·.-----..----... . ..-............- 10f
10g. Compensation insurance ........................................................................................,._.. - ---------   --—- — ---»—-—-—--- — —»-»»-------»-·~ » —------   ------------..--- . ................ 10g
10h. Vocational disease insurance ................................................. _ ____.__._.._..__.__,__.__.,______ W _, »»—·——-—-—-——- T —-———--- — -~--—---—-»-—»—» » »»------------»- l -----------------~- V-- .-.--.----------- . ................ 10h
10i. Insurance (all classes except compensation and vocational disease)   NET TONS --------------   ---------—------- ~ ---------------- I ------------   5;-.54- - -.-.----.-....--- . ................ 10i
10j. Rental of equipment .................................................. . ........ T. .IIl.s.IV.I_°NT.H. .... .Y.VE..".R T.° DATE -—-------————————————-- — --————————-———-- » —--------------- » ------------------ -- ----------------- A -..-............ 10j
10k. Royalties .......................................................................   .................. . ................. — --------—-—-·—--—·——-- · -·-- -- -—-—--—-—-- » -—----—--------- » -------   ----------------- . ...--.......-... 10k
Depletion (usc income—tax basis for calculation): X X X X X X X X
1OZ. Sustained on cost or March 1, 1913 value .......................... e ..__.___.________ _ ________________. — —----—---- l-q—;l»- -- --—--——---———---- - ---------------- 1 --------   -----.----------- » --........--.... 10Z
10m. Percentage ......................................................... . ......... . ................. - ................ . --—-—---—-——-----———»»» — —-—-——---»——-»—- - ———————---———-   1 -——---—---------------- — ---------------- 4 ---------------- 10m
l   Amortipation (explain) ..............   .....___......... T _....................... e _ .._._,______ _ ._... _ ,.._,,,   -—---—----- 5-%—i§—§— --—-——-—---—-—--- - ----------—----- ‘ -------- S-H--5--2 ---- » ---------------- . .----...-.-..... 10n
0 Depreciation (use income-tax basis for calculation) ___._______......___...___...........____._.______._______. — ---------- -» - --—-- — ---------------- - --------------- 7 I -------- - ---- ’=’ --»¢ ---- . -----------.---- » ................ 100
10p. Opera/tors' association dues and assessments ................................................................... - --——------——-------——— — -———————-----—-- — ---—-———--—-—--- », -·----------- - ------ - ---------------- A -------.-------- 10p
10q. District Board expense—including assessments ................................................................. - ----—-—--—---   —--—-~---——----—- — ——---——- - ------ _l --—--   ----------------- 7 -------- » ------- 10q
11. Tour OTHER Ornimwmc Cnanoms (add items 10a to 10q, inclusive) ............................................... . _§;—--ig—:?£‘»H-jj _  $ -------—-—-- j; ‘  $ --------------   L
12. TOTAL PRODUCING Cosrr (add items 9 and 11) ............. .. ................................................................. S ....   $ .............. $ .............. |   i 25].],,3.Q $ ______._______ $ _____________, 12
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES *i__ "——  #_i *__—“_-ii ?i  _ _ —- 1:
13. AmxrNrs*rRA*r1vm EXPENSES:
13a. Salaries and cxpenses—0fHcers, except selling officers .......................................................r $5 .................... $ .............. HS .............. $ .................... $ .............. $ ..........._._ 13;;
13b. Salaries and expenses—c1ericai and others not included in items 160 .... . ............................... . ...................... . ............r... _ ................ e ._...........___...... . ................ A ..___..__....___ 13b
130. Office expense and rent not included in item 16rl ..................r.... - ...................................... i ...................... . ................ . ................ I ....................... . ................ . .............___ 13;;
13d. Legal ............................................................................. - ....................................   ....................... . ................ . ................ _ ...................... - ................ A ................ 13d
13c. Depreciation—ofHce equipment ..._........................................ . ....................................... . ...................... . ................ , ................ e ...................... . ................ . ........_...._._ 13a
13f. All other administrative expenses ............................................ - .....................................   ................. _ ................ i .......... . ..... I .. .................... e ................ e .............__. 13f
14. T0*rAL ADMINISTRATIVE Expmvsias (add items 13a to I3f, inclusive) ..................................................     $ .............. S ......... .. .... I $ .....   S .............. $ ...,......._.. 14 i
15. TOTAL Pmovccixo AND ADMINISTRATIVE Cosr (add items 12 and 14) ............................................ . ....   ....         3 ............. 1 5S .............. 1.5
17. Toriu, Sicrmrxc; Cosrs or: Cont Som nw Irma OPEN i\Lxm:G Cosr (add items 15 and 17). ..................................   ..____..__.._....... x x x x x $3 .............. $ ............_.....__ x x x x x S ...__.___.____ 18
Where percentage depletion is basis used for income tax, submit the following data:
I. GIOSS income from sales Janu&I‘y 1, to Cl&t€.. .................................................................................................................................... H5 .....................
2. Less: Royalties paid, if any .......................................................................................................................................... . ....... $____ i   .  
3. Gross income from mining property leSS I‘0ya1ll·ieS ................................................................................ . ...............r.........r........... FB r.... . r.... . ........
4. 5 percent of line 3 ..................... - .......................................... - ...........r.... - ...................................-.......-..-....1.... .. ...............-...   $__ i e. -
5. Total producing, administrative, and selling cost January 1, to date ..................... . ....................................   ......................................... 35 .....................
6. Less depletion included, if any ....................................................... . -.....................................--.-..--.-----.-.- i -..... V ........................ $__ ..... . .. 7 i .-
7. Total cost, exclusive of depletion ....................................................».....,......................__V.4AA.~ . .A.4..... . ......4...AV..r....,..,.............     ., W -
S. Net income from mining pI`OpCI'l3y (line 1 minus line 7) .........................»..A.».»_..............¤....»......~..i~. . .#....»»...»........»......4.~...V.....~..... $i [   A - A  
9. 50 percent of line S ......................................... - ..............................—... V. .A»...................——...—»»....An....». ·. ........»A»-n»~n—VW.¤—.—.—...».».—.....   i A in i nnn.
10. Depletion to date (lesser of line 4 or line 9) ................................¤..............».w...................... - .......»..»».l.».ll»...»....»...........»..»~.».»..l»l i lll. $   _._¤...._..¤.....
11, Depletion for month (diiierenee between line 1O this month and year to Clftte pI`GCQding lllOIlll1) .................,..V.......l,,,.`........._........i...   7. 35, ....................
With respect to the tonnage related to the foregoing computation and reported in the block opposite item 10m, state the amount of depletion which would have been
alllowable had percentage depletion not been elected (year to date only) EB ............................................

_ One of thc objectives of this section of the report is to ascertain facts which may_ be pertinent to a determination 0f the reasonable selling costs of the producer in selling coal produced
at this guieih Iéoxvever, nogunFAhire;1;;§71nte11ded to indicate that all items listed as "Sellmg c0sts," may be included properly in "Reasonable costs of selling" within the
meanm 0 e 1 ummous oa c 0
__ NET TONS ___ _ rms Mozvru   YEAR fro 1>,·.*r;o_tt;>;A -
, T , Y ,. Y , , , p T ~ f » ~ _- '
Dottms Amount T related not fill 111) Dotrnms Amount + related not all iu)
_ sales ¢0fl¤B{-KG I sales tonnage
Item 0.0000 0,0000 Itcm 0.0000 0.0000
Sales by pr0ducer’s empl0yces—— By pr0ducer’s employees-
194;, To consumers direct on current orders and contracts .................. . ...................... . ................t...4. 160- S&l8·I`lBS» COmmlSSl0US» wd @XP€nS€S`Sal€Sm°¤ ----——-—-------———————-——-   ————--—-—-—--—-—-—— 19h $ -------------- $ -.--....-..... $ .................... 19h $ .....t.t....   .......I......
19b. To consumers direct on l0ng—t.crm contracts involving the recogni- mb- S€*la1”l€S» Commissiomi and CXP€“S0S"S0m”z‘§ OIHCGTS —---»»-»——»——»—»—   -——-—-»———-————--- - ·»»— 19}% —------ — --~·----- - -...-........... - ...................... 19h ............... .   ..... H .........t.
tion currently 0f only nominal or of no soiling cost .................. . ...................... . .._............,.   16C- Salaries and €XP0US€$`—Cl€I`iCal —~—-—---——-———————~—-—--—-—-———--—---- — ————·—- V - -—————————--——-—»——---— 19h ——--------»--·--- - -............... . ...................... 19h .............   ..........t.,,...
19,2 TO alpllatml Sales or (lock companies _______________________________________ _ iV__________V____Viii_ _ _________ _ V____ V ___i_ 16d. Rent and ofiice expenses directly connected with selling efforts .,....   ,._______,___ _, _______ 19h _________________ _ ________________ _ ______________________ 19]; _i____________i_ _   _____ _i _______
19d. Totslualea made direct by producers employccs (add items 19; to lilo, inclusive) __......_......... . ._...._......_._.,.,e, _ ___,_   ____..__,,..,_, 16€· Advertising ———-———————--——-»——--—-——--—--———-----—-—----—————————————--—- - --—»———-   »» »———»·—-—r~V——-—--»——- 1971 -----»------~-~- -- »................ . ...................... 19h .....I"......,... . .,........tA,.
19e. To registered distributors and other middleman by pr0ducer’s 16f- D¤PF00i€V¤i0¤_0m0€ Cfiuipmcnii and ¤¤t0m0bil€$ ———-----—-———-—--—-——V— V ————-»——~—·——»--------- 19h -------»--------. - -............... A ...................... 19h ....,rt....,.... V e   .. ........ .
Cnlployggg wiflhguf, (;()ngid(;l·3;|;i()H Of (ligcguntg OI- gllggvgncgs ________ _ ___________________ __A _______________________ 16g.   Oi`»hGI` GXPBDSGS €XC€pi} commissions, discounts, Bild B·iiOW3·DCCS»h ....................... 19h ..,,..........,.. _ ____________,,__ _ ,__________________ ___ 19h ____V__,________   _ _ _ ______
To rcgislcml clisxirilnulors and other middlc1nenbypr0duccr's employees ai agreed discounts or allowances: 16}*- Tvlhl (limi Mis Oi Wllihg bl PF0d¤°€*"$ °'“Pi°l°°$ (Edd limi 16** W 16;:, lniiusltc) -»--—---—-—--— $ ---------------·-—-- 19h $ -—-~---------- $ .............. 3 ..V................. 19h   ....r,,.,,.... $ .,..r....,.,r.
1g_{_ (8) llmglllmd dlslllllulcygwhcyc Mlmllmllcnlo pycllcccylgllclcwccdc pm ______________________ _ _____________________V _ ________________ _ ____ Discountsandnllowauccsousalcsniadeioregisicred distributorsand uthermiddlcmcn byproducerkemployccsz
19g. (li) To registered distributors and other middicmen where net Discount or a1i0w.·mce——
realization to producer is at or above code price .................. . .r...............,.... . ....................,. mi- Amount above code Price ----------—----—-—————---——-—-—-»»————-—--—— — -—--——--—-—-·-------—- 19f —--------------»· - ~--............. - ...................... 19f ..........t...... · ....i...........
19h. 'l`0’l`e\l» SALES Bl l’H0l}UCl·lR’S EIIPLOYEES (add items 19d t0 19g, i¤ciusivc).-. ,........e.. . .... .. .....,_...,_...t e r........ . ............. mj- Amount below C0d0 PHOB -----—--—-————-——-----~—————————————————»—-— V ·——V-V-- — »»——V—»»---»— IW —V»—V---»-------- - »-»--»»·-.#..... 7 ..................   19f ................. K A.......... K ....
Sales through affiliated sales agents or subagcnts2— (162) Total ................... . ....................»-..»-.................-V. Til ................... 19f   ........ .. ..... S5 .,,,,,,e,,,,e L jc. .._.. t ....__..r,e_ 19]   ,,,r,    it W i  
l9i' TO consumers direct ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘"“‘’`‘`“’“‘‘’‘`‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘'‘‘``‘’``‘`“``‘‘‘‘'‘` ‘ ``’'‘‘‘‘``‘‘‘"‘‘‘‘`‘‘` ‘ `’`“‘‘ ‘ `‘“‘ ‘ ‘`"‘‘" ` ‘``‘ 16k Allowances from gross price 199 199
19j. T0 registered distributors and other middlcmeuinvulving no clmrgc tothe producer iordiscounior allowance-, ......r..........rr.... _ ,...,,,.,,,.,.er...... ml. TOTAL COST OF SELLING BY PRODUCEWS EMPLUYEES (add mms wh to wk, imumwmm $“wmmm“-m Summmm   S 1971 S Q
19k. T0 registered dislributorsnnd otincrmiddlcmcnwlicm anydiscountorzxllnwanccisabsorbcd bythe producer- ----- V. .----. .     ...---.-- . H   Th_0u“h amliatcd Sales agents or Subag€nts2_ 19h " ````````````````'``` ` ```*```”"``'' " ’`'’‘”””````"‘
19l. (aa) To registered distributors whcrc net realization 10 producer is below codc pricc ....---.---.--...-...- i4 .----.     . U t I . ----- t ----   t   mm Coglmisgicms Wham Sales MC made direct lgi 19i
°(r n` , ` ' - i I · · '· ' i , ` I =g ° ___ I4 ________ ____v _____ _ _ _ _ _ I . _ ___-in--nn--T_"-hi"---__“_-_ _"--un--u-iN"-"· ___--N--“"“_` nn"`---nn"- _" __`-_______ ` __-__-_` _ _```````—'`` "N `''''’`'“`'`'"'''
" ’"‘ (bm ‘°¤'“°'°‘1d‘“""’"‘°” ‘*“}l °"‘" "'·‘M'°‘"°““"°‘° ““ ‘°“l'*““‘{“ *° *"°"“°°‘ ‘“"°‘ “l’°‘ °°d°“"°°   oh no h   ‘ V h mn. comments whcrc salcsuro made it rcgistcrcddisiriliulurs in tum mi.1d1tmthm1.m1i~e il0Gi1iifg0 it me _ _
Sales through nonaiiihated sales agents or sunagcnts——   d { d_ t H 19] 19_y
pro uccr or iscoun s or a owanccs ...-.-........,.,._..._,..-._.---.---..---......-...---.-..-- _ ______________________ _ ________________ _ ________________ _ ______________________ _ ______
19n. To consumers direct ..------- . ----------------.-----.---.---.--------.--.---..-- . . ```````'`` ` `````"``````"''`
`````````"`"```````‘`   '``'‘`''``````"‘```‘‘`’ 16. C0x`" l I di `i »dd`·i`bt d tl ddl d dxoi
190, To regisinrcd disiribuiorsnnd nihcr mieldlremnn involving no charge tothe produacrior discount orailowunccn ____________y__________ { _____________________ H 0 @:1;;:258 ;;c;;s;:;b0;i  t:;np;d;c;fg‘s we 15 H u m an 0 M lm mm an my I G un Sm. 19k 19k
19p. Torcgisicrcd disirilmiorsaimlnilwr inidellmincinwlmrc uuydiscountorullowainccis absorbed bythe producer-. ______   ____   __,,_   _, A ,__,   ___,   V Discount Or auownnccgnnummumummmuN--nun-Hnun-H--D n"____"u““_`""- "`“""“"““ _”””r>"`”`__`>`*” V "____`___>`_`“```````` " ```````*`*` " ``*” " "   '"
19q. (a) T0 registered distributors where net milizuiion to producer ix below coda price ,________._.,...,..-.-. 4_ ______________ v_ V V _ ' ____ _ __________> __ _ r___ _   . , 19Z 19l
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A l 16p. Amount above code ])I`1C€ ---..-....-..---.----..--..----.------.-.--- _ ________________...... lgl ________.________ _ ________________ _ ______________________ _ _______________V   yy__ r_ _y___  
19r. (ii) Torcgisicrcd disinhutorsand cthvr middlcmcnwlicrcnelmiiimlmn toproducer1si0ml10vcc0dcpric0.- · _________ _» ____   _ V   V_V__ v_ ____V_VV____ j 16 Amount below Code price 19Z
20. TOTAL SALESIN Tllll U1’l·lN bLllllil}T(uddltc1ns19h,l9i,l9j,l§k,l£ln,l9o,19p)_ _,__.__________________ _ ______ __ ________ V i____   ______   ______r __ I Ugg;) Total muh-nwHH»"m“M““"nmn--   ml     `_»“--”`__     _”"r”v`l"`'`"r-_V”'r I 19l   ``"``V-'-``' V   ``ll T    
21. COAL NOT SOLD IN THE OPEN MARKET; ___ _;|_;TM:   i..      _`”r ;_...~ 'i `lrr 7 ¥-——   V '¥.——”'.'.`.__”Vn ———V ```AV Pie -   i :—. VVVVVV
2la_ COD,] usccl (,0 pmclucc coal __________________________________________________ _____ A______________________ A A________________A___A 161-, Allowances from gross price __........_.,._.-._-.............-....-.. - --.-- . -.--..--..--------.--. 19m -.-----.-----.--- . _.,,,.------   ________.___._,_________ 19111 _____,....,..   _A _   __,_
2lb. Sales to omployccs ni prints Iixed in accordance with wage agreements ____________________.__, _ _...,._ _ __V___________VV____ _ __V_ __ VV_V_____ ,_   Thmugh ¤0U8miiat€d Sales agents OY Subag9¤tS—
21c. Coal used bypr0duccr,iucludingc0nl cokcd,mulusc¢l i0rl»riquctx,a11dc0al uscdin illitlluiiitiuiillgililii other IGS. C0mmiSSi0HS Wh01'€ sales 31`0 1‘¤9·d€ diT€0’6 ..1»-----»~--·.·»--»---------—--——-- - --------———»-—-----—-- 197% —————»——--—-—-——— - ------------—-—» - --..----------.----.-- lg", .....1-.1.....-1. e --....-. . ---....
cpmlllm conducted by lhg producer ________________________________V_______________V__V_V__ i ___________   _______ i _________A_____ i __, i 16t, Commissions where sales are made io registered distributors and other middlcmcu uml involve no charge io
2ld_ "C0lltl·Ollc(l" Salcs 3 _____________ _ __________V_____________V____________ _ _____V   _________V_____________ _ _________r_________r { the producer for discounts 0r allowances ___._,__..._.__,,.__.._.._....-........-.-...---....-.-..-. - ..-..--......-.-..- --- 190 ---.--------..--- - -..--.-.-------. - --..-..--.-...-.-..... 190 ---.....-.,,..... __ _______,_,,,_-._
22_ TOTAL ()()AL NOT SOLD IN TH E OPEN MARKET __________ V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV___VV   ___________ _ l 16u. Commissions whom sales arc made lo rcgislcmd distributors und other middleman und any discounts or
23, TRANSFIGRS T0 ()'l`HI·]R DEPARTMENTS; YTWWT VVVV vrnil allowances um absorbed by thc producer ......,................-.....-........-.-..-...--...-.-.. - .................-.--- 1911 11...------.-.-.. - ................ - .----................. 19p .----....--.-..-. t A   ..-.-..
230.. Shipments on ccnsigninciii (buyer, lull rculizniion orsclling rust unknown) -..-.............._.......   ,__._._____ ,_ ___________ _ __V_V___VVV_VV ,_ __ V DiSCOL1¤ii 0I` &ii0\V3HC€—-
23b. Shipments iu storage piles, ynrds,ct¤.(notinelud¤·d in mincinvenlorics) whcntiilcis retained by producer", _.___ _ ___V_VV_____V___ _ ___________________VV 160. Amount above code price -----.----------------..--......---. - .»..-»- - -------------—----—-—— 199 ------~-—-—--—-—— — ~-----·-r~---»-· K ......------------.-.- 199 ......11.1..--.- 7 -----...- V V
24, TOTAL TRANSFERS TO OTHER DEPARTMENTS ,..... . -.... i   _VrVre _ VV_V_.re_._V       he 16w. Amount below code price ..-......--.--.-...-.--.-....--.---..-.-.--- . .......... · ....»..-»-— 199 .1--»1....-.-.1..   he ..... e ....------...--......- 199 t . . .-.-- e t H .. ---..
25. INVENTORIES: (164) Total -..................-.........-.-..-.-...-...---.--.......».. . .·».-»- $ ---·--—----——·—————- 199   »—-~—»—~-»--—- iii -»-»-». Q ii _$ -...».».11.1»11»».»1 199       V ji V   V L;
25a. Inventory of unsold coal at beginning of period .-.--------.-..-----------. . ---.---..-............ _ _.__.._,__., , .__,_   _
25b. Inventory of unsold coal at end of period ..._......-.---...-..--------..... .. ........-.... , .... _ ..._....., , _VV_ __ 16;;, Allowances from gross price ___________,_,____________ - __..-..........----- . -.-.--------.-.- . .-... l9f   --.-------.---- . ---..-.-----.--. t ........-..-..-.-...-,- 19r ..--..-.-----. or .-------.... , t
26, NET (,‘i·IAN(Tl·] IN INVENTORY; Minus (red), plus (black) --.-.- - ---------- ; ;;;_e;   .------------- .. ..-.- ]6y_ Commissions to marketing agencies ______________________________,___ - _..._--. . .......-..-..-.......- I 20 .......--..-..-.- . .........-...... t ....-,....,...._.._... 20 ....... ., _ H .,--.....,. t ..-.
27. 'I`O'i`¤\l» TONS l’ltODU(7l*Zl) (add Items 20, 22, 24, and 26) ----.   ---...--.- . -----....-. I ----.-. H V ,. H , H 17. 'i`0'l`,\L SIGLLING COSTS ON COAL SOLD IN THE OPEN lllliliHE'l` (add Items 161 to lily, inclusive) ...- , --..----...- $ .-...1..111»11--.·»» i 20 $ »-.»»»».1. e» e   ....-   .---.   ---- .e -------.-..- Q 20   ..-... . $ .--- .. W.
 ._,...,i. ,_t.,7 ’_,. ‘*_*"4—‘ ‘*—‘* .-___. ....__.___ ...".  ‘.'* `* ··;··*#7———# 
X Include in this report. only the selling expenses of coal produced at this mine. Vfhcn coal is purchased for resale or when sales are made from storage fields, i       use Ou Deccmber reports Only)
piles, or from docks, by cmployrcs who also sell produced mal, proratc the selling expenses (other than commissions and discounts. which should be actual) among
coal produced, coal purchased, and shipments from storage upon :1 tonnage basis. Producers operating more than n single; ming ghqulll mllkc an equitable allocatlon STATE OF _________________,_,.............. - ............ - ....------ - SS .
of st-lling costs to each mine in harmony with the foregoing instructions. Use tons indicated as divisors for cnch item of selling costs. °
’ Show thc numc of the alliliatcd sales agent, the address of his principal ofiice, and the method uf uililiution as defined in thc Mamucl gf Instructions: COUNTY OF ---——--·-------------- - --———-—--··········· * ···‘‘‘‘‘‘ "'  
. .______________________ _ _________________________________..... . ..........................................................,... b` dl ¤·,d · d follorsz
g___l i i _ _ ____ _ ___g_g___ _ ___g c _g_gg