xt7kh12v6014_420 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1945-1946 text 1945-1946 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_36/2008ms006_36_10/41204/41204.pdf 1945-1946 1946 1945-1946 section false xt7kh12v6014_420 xt7kh12v6014 I
'\I ·x _I I_ _I  
Exhibit of Moot Mailct Operation for month of   rt": »;; »   · vg l94,_
: Month   Soosom. 2
Previous Mor.tk;‘s Ixzvcstory I IO I S I; , 
 .................—......—-..‘...—.-...............»»..- I . · I   I
Invoices I   0   III I
Gosh Disburscxsouts . I 5 >I, 6 _,I
  ‘·‘·‘ ·""""‘?";" ` ""*_"‘"£*" I I
E;·o‘*:isi on Llxxoainii Invoices FW   w;I_I O O rI
loc I'l`i,2lQ. Iso P]_.;;:t; I I III -
liozisfors from Co¤;;..iss;;ry z I _ I
._,. ..... ‘
Trcrzwfors from Club   -
Totol Clzorgcs for Month I 9 I. { ·; ,g
j \ »; _ "I
Total Available Morchsndiso   Ty   ,I LI »k—, 
' 1* I I,. I I I _  _-
Issuos to Plant Q V   #  
Solos — Cash I 1 ~ < ri I :_ I
Solos — Chorgc     Ho I ry *1;
___________  .....c...I....\.,;... ZZ .... ..._,,ZJ..Z;1.
1*:. .I.. 1 ·· ’].`,, I ·   - ·”Q rx II
l»»..`- Qgtivc ¤j 1 I j 
I To ·‘·l ol Sales     I 5*   yr: -I Z   I I
I ‘#··»·p··.;·Trt**""···—·—"‘·" I W. .`,,  
I I.;} r_ `_ ~., no I I   . {x O  
I IM ·I J I i/_> _ > ‘ _I *,  
I Pzroiiis   ·   ~~I it   H Q   li I` To
I ::.‘;t";"*‘.. ,..:‘!.....:f ..;‘J..:;- ,.................... " ·-—------—-——~——
I " "` "“""'""""“"`_“""""`"""""`""` » .~ . I _~ ‘
· :7 :57], —I Q>wIgijIj_; ____ __ · J Q *- TPI I
  LV/I? I-_¢I_‘,‘QQQ*"`Z za, l.vizi111t<2:;ar1co I
I-_*-Z;?I`_"`r¥:`;".’;`LW__—`”_—_——*—-—_“—_—*—— I `» w _-_’I _—~_-_-.
I "     ,/ L.   xw ‘ _ _
I--.1L-.-.j;iis§j§Sfifi __ ____ I I    ¤ I I
I $76 Elow;·;. .;.1; Ic on   T 1* G I
.I....,... .............. - ~ .- .....~·..... .- W--- —··-t-··-—··—····- -———··-—·-— —-—— I ‘*•'”"*'* . ’*I
{   I—`(. . , 7.. ' I I
I J/:2 enter ;u’:.;§~;.rIs;o I \ I  
I‘”"jik?T""]i_`f}·§_§]i`T?TQ`§i€}»; jli·;p·t; ;¤.I;o I q y ,3 __ I
   ————--I;-£—-- ;-»·—~ —-·--—~—-—————————-—·—-————-—————-—; --———-——     ·~·——·······I···
I 4<   op. no ly; II I
I _____;______________ ______ ......1.
TW ‘’’` `.—°¢»f""“"°€7jTTT,Q§T"""""“"“"""“""'“`“""”"   I I I `—__I_l—I
I » · ;, _;_A'\·   A Mw I I LI LI     I
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I_____`g______   _ L;ii;;___________.__-.I4_....-....-..,........_. I   P · .--4..*.
1 .   tgz , ' I . · I
I ·.» lu.} I 4.   I- I II I ·—”II {5 I I Ii I
>E;·;L Q—`L__ I  __ :;.·a;t;i. on E>;pom;;;> I I I; I   ;~ ~ I
I______I__I________   ,__I_____________.____..,._-._..   » ..... I
.5'/L5 Iliigwolluzxsous _____ I I I `
—-—·—-—j-—-—-·· ; n ail-  
Profit on Solos Q Q It tl}  -
Loss Exponoo I I T I, I ’\  
Not Profit or Loss  

 \ -
Exhibit of Moot Ma: At Opcraxion for month of _________ l ____________ l94l__
: Month :  Son:. on :
Previous Mo..tl;'s Inventory I I     _   I I _     V.
.....—.............. ......... I L:. · ;. ..........L...· j'
Invoicos I — — g- I I ,». /· ., I ’“
boon Dxsbuzsommts I I I I I I /,    I Ib  
Pxsovisi on U,¤,>:;1d I;Iv¤$.ce::s I I     ». IV _I I II I I I I
-..-..............._ . ....._..,_......- I . - # — ·* w ¤ =
Iso ,[1‘·J1.; Ice; P]_-;.tb § q;   r ,l: V III I 5  
Tr:;;1;1=:2s from Comgssary . I -
T;x.;;.;;f`ors from Club I- I I
I I _
Total Charges for Month   , I · ·. I,  
Total Avzlilciole Mzrchazxdiéo   I ’ _ I —· · I   .
 ......,.—..........~.. I .. ·-··—··--·---·i· `
Issuqs to Plant _______ I I y ; _ >· I —· G 0
Sgles — Cagh I , I i , JI {I I; V  
Sulcs — Ch;1I‘gG I E s ° ~     ·· II 2 ·V ·~
Total. Salas 54 Tr..;-sf<:rs I ·· I I I Ig I   I  VI
A·4->—`_—__'____,é_’—_——_—_—~—--;_____—__- .; `_-‘ {_ ' M;   I
I ;LI;`L·_;II2© I I I ; Vi . , I I ` j gl
I I;‘IT}¤;‘5# — · ·   I ‘ C `P (I     E
_ ,____ ____,___________ ___,,._._..,,....,_..._. I ' I ` ` .......,_.._;-.' I " ...4
Profiit     I 'I \   ii I   I~
I -—_—_- .-—_-_——_~———_-___—_—*_—_·-·_#•_____——v·—_* I ’ I
I "i..,I .,.."T.7$'T';Tj"""......T.'.....`"'"""""""_"`_.......- ......2.. ..........._......... I Z.°.1..."` .....;.... .l...-I...L -.-.»
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‘ I EBV]. - .§]€=I;13?l; is ___` “° V   I I In " II '  
I Wi?   »I_.I "~·2.;r¤ IFI, i.EI11111;»ma:1oo
T""`F,7H`”” "`“Ii”‘i1""jf' `" """”" I V,.
‘ ‘.* I lil WC1 '_,l.j> ' _, V ,¤~ .— V·—
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`I`""ZT`I'§`“"“"'""""`"`““`““""""""_"_"""""`°"`""`”"""`”""' I , I V  
I **0 D:é.rs;.;_1;-I1.011 · * ·· I- .. *2 1:
T""",`,‘jgT""””_f` " I""jf " °‘"‘ '"`""`“"'°"""""'““""'""'"—“ I I
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  . -....-.-- `..,-.-. ,..... ,...-..................-.......-.—..........-..-—-·-----·-- -——;- - 
·'iI". r· ·.r~ I . 2 I
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I  I:3     _; g.   XVIII  
. I .;iLLL$   ·_ I `   ·   X     ` ··I I
I yéaul. QT;V_I *..· 3 Var orIiVozI Ezapcms   · , I ._ I ;_ ,· · {QI
4m__·m_—_~k_ “u__u_.·“_»'____·—_—_'__'_________L—_r__i___i__ _~___ . / ` ____>_ .~ ..· tl |
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In L5 1·.·a1.VII;I,Il].l,II¤©u:;. “¢___ _ I I I _, I ,,
TJZ,(`l;L I lik I,   I  A Zi 2   'ZI
··‘— ;;·.;;· :;·_,·····-·· · ` _' " —.-. I ......—
Profit on Sales I   ~“ · I 7 ` T ‘_ ,V ,
Loss E;r.. Isc Pl-;;:t; I LI I~   III p ~I n .
    M :1-I1 
Total Cheurgss for Mcmth I   (I I I(fI ? y _» ~·‘< _I ~_ ,.
, ____________S__L__I_____   ;~’. `_   —
Total Available Merchandise   I 2   »I  I ,I { I/I
;· ·····*·r···*····· "  '  ¤;¤-ann:-sun
Issues to Plant I ·I   u ”I   " I )· .·
S€}lE3S " Cash   Tg {I L; _`_¢I I I I L,I»   , 5
l Sul?} " Charge Q U Y;  O I I`;}   => QI LI
anal; Sales       III >I I L 
Tfhigll S11li I ,I I I
I scum I I I gw; S I I E    
.......;..·· -—- —·1———-—-—···· "`X`
I ll-, :1-...,;.........- ....... .......-- · --—---——-—
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Iss ·`.I* I =IsiI**‘——. ;;"‘Is" "‘*"‘_‘  II   I I I
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_ I}’,·’·3 Q};I1i-v_L·1;l i‘JIg1·l—;:—; Bfigwtlssiz I Q F C ~  s ·   A
I,.-..- ._.I;._.-...._H-,.I,-.'....II......I-..........-..—--··· -—- -——— ` U I   H
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IFFOJ2-9   `;I*;;Q—.;i ?  T   II,   _-
w~"‘ ` ’~§T _It· B
-li.-;-·_-T  I I g 4 I 4 ‘· '
I Total Sales   Tr..-.sfe1*s     .» z 4   I _>. ‘ 1 _  
I;I’ b•LUOLy I if       I >.“ L4 I
"""""°""""`“"' `°` A ' ¤ I, . I _¤ A
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IMTETYL "`7§§€§ZY*` I yy     I [  D   _..
I     Ip_;;11·:‘11;ce I \ Q W- i', Vtji Ii _:
  `M ?l€:..>-¤¢1I2;;e1;pg¤ _. __ I I3 ¢ <>   `P F ' f` o
I S'/EE 1J:;.I7-J3? jhqpvgnsc I L O O I I ·· .4-. I
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I ISQAO {5;. Y1, ::1;·L1-;;  
' . ---.-......_.....-..-..............- ..-.-·~.-»—-—-·——·-——·;— —-—-—·—-··-·
I""`YsZiYl " fag-c..»i=m;     ~`* I _
I   A _ _ A__,_______,,____.,,_,__. .3 ` “ J
·I——·-·?`T‘4r>""‘ __   br}- I I; '_ -», I r' Q .
~· M     `J I_·   _     -_ \_.
`I""$TQI_`_"·$T I-- me I _ I__> — ,,.»— r__» T- _.
I uy;. J. . . · W __., I I   / > _ I I
684;   I'.'j.__JI’7.1IIlC)Il  me   ID I   II I "   MQ
":’’/.3 m1.3c·;J;lb;11£LOu:S I \ Q  I" I · ‘~I ‘ »
T7'},-I,I" ‘•~ ./. ·§ :1/` I I » 3
Io-`.L I Ij__’»I;  _>Q¤_ _
··¢-—-—-—-·— _;_—•__?_  g  l PI  
_ Profit on Jules I I IQ Q S I 5 'R ' ’ 2 L
Loss Expexxst, I \  `_ I   I f`    ·  
we mm Of   _-I-

 U Y
Exhibit of Ivicut Mlkct Opcnsciticn for month Of I l94___
: 1\·I0nI;h :  Season :
P1·cvi0us Mo.itL';; Izivemoxy I A   .» I4 I _    I
I . /2 ·< J W I T I
"° ' -—.·¤ I I I \_ I ,
.LuVJlCIJ.:»     If ,I   gf I   I_ I-}_,I L, 21 O
Gish Disburseiunts   I yl: _ g O I Lo"}? ,7 »/I
I Piicvisiicn Uzygid Ixvoicss I   Q O IA I ,I,~>—yq 4  
"f Ie '·—\ I» ._ — -4 I Ig , . I
iv., iid., Ivo P_I_..... I I I F Q D I»I    
Total Cliamges for Month   I I; , I   CI ·/ Ky,. q  
—> ` I ·»~ ‘ ._/ - .4 I L _>
Tomi Ai?‘—“ I I I M `I " J U   I IW I 
I fTI.`1`L.."’._T`.ZTL'_,..“"""..,....""'...."_"_._.._`_`_. -...".....""‘" '''' ` I --~.--~--------- ---
I “'-“_·“_-_'_`-—_i——1_-_-___—_—-—~——`—r_—· A- I} I I .\   . '
‘I l5’7II -· 5§]I,11,I"i{. .5 _ _   V, ., -· »( K ; J y `~/
I D7"!} QII_,0·;i3¢i¤ (SL I.Za15.11I3¤:11:1:1C¤> I I   "   - ~ ‘V j   #· I.\_
I Ink'}; IIIgi]{C;f3   C III  I LI, I 5 __
I   Ip_;3I1·:mc© I I     __| j _,_ I __ {I
I $76 D; ».i. :;.Ic5I;·zi.011 I I G NVE / 0 I ·
‘ TQ'/ii igimixzxr E2;p—;11s© I °/ `I U ; O  
_ li"?} Cm:.-"=_L·;gII ;J.=;)l`I;f3 Ei'»J ,f;Q. I_`; U _ _,I;;;: . I I
I _____ ...,_,;...;...—.
` ‘‘`' "T»¥*I"“""`T!F"`7`[-"]I`ff""""""°°`_—"""”""' /
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I `·* 'Is. ’ I,. ~ ,,_> Q I
I__ ?;3’/I5 LQi;I;r;c>]LI;;I1I·;0u;; I I I? Q I   7 Y, B 'I
I T`uT,T'I;. I · ·w 5 <\’   . I l   ’.I Q {I "I
 <·——··-—-—: A I I _  | 
· Pyqgfit up Liglgs; I mi ·wLI   QI    Z; Q A
Less E;·;p¤ns» I I-I ·I Ii  XII I fj   ? »—` ’· *1
IM Frm OT   _-I-

 \ V
E;»;I11b1t of Mont hlskct Cgzcration for month 0i` _ I IQ4
: IM0nI;h 2  Season 2
______  I I 1
Pxcvious Montifz; Ixxvcntory ? »   I
Invoices Q   I » I —  - I_
I Cqsh Disburscmxxts I   ~ _ I A . . -
  0n UH,.·iJ.j..d Invoices I ~ · »·I K. II  # I ,_. -
In ;1x»;.I Isc P3_.;;:1b I I I   :2 A  ;I I ” -
I $;:;\.I;£=;:S from Ccmmaszzry I  
    M I _I-
=I_______________________________  I _I
Total Clnarges for Month I -· ~ r g ,_ ,,. Ie   · 3
I     *I " ·` ’ ~· ‘ · ,
Total Av¤iIu`¤Ic I¤‘®1·chamdis© I ,I_ ’ » »   I *' I, ·_ __ __
.  ..........................  · ` -··-· I
Issues to Flmxt _ Q; I       ‘
Salas — Cash I *3 I j O   ·. ~'I;_)_ ` ,
7* `I »— ·— _" . - . /
ORM., - cxmgg , .— .     » I ¤ I. ·
I Tat; Sgcs ·“ · _ ‘ · I   I   Q ·’
I Tmiaxl. Sales:   Tr...;siIc1·s V · I —   I ` »· a     —
I TT`·¥---_·__-_c-t____4 ·i1_______t·_—____'___i / · .
I I   IiI* I   » ·—   » I __
I ,.,.__._..-.._..,_.._.,,_.....t.......t........   ‘
I I;;<>-;.t0:y _ - _ ·I   ~ _I
I _ _______ ________________;_______________,_,___   ’
I · , .·
I P£·©Si».‘b O A I Iz- \ I » _ -
I TT;7,...—"..TIZ"_,..."""`*—_`.I-.. ...T ......- ......47*. .........."' · »-——-——-—
IICCIL ;~3(;¤_ nn PROFIT {MJD L SS _ _ I
I "*"“"”“"—“""""”""""` I I _ . , `_ ‘ .
`I--.iiZI.~._*- .~1;a:1c© I I I `_ ‘ ·  
T""T;TTL  I . I .
' I_____&_______j;_,,______._._..._.._............    
I OYTQI ;p__$LI‘i`1ILCG I I Ir _
I`“E¤ ` T§`I`,.,I   . ‘ · I
I — II-’ .»;;»-=,C`,:.$.. ‘
I i'/E4 Lim?-gr Ezvzppmsc I   .— .` ` · ·  
I ___ ___________ ___________ ____________ _,__,,,..,.,.,,.._....., ` I I
Id   Qk;1ix1 E:cp·.2r¤I;<2 ~ I · I ·· I ‘ V
1, ,____...__...- .`-_»,...-.-...I.....   
L    ¤;e¤~¤¤ ....-__......_- I I ’ "
I T‘_)r¤`L   I ·/ I , ‘_ r
l -——-———-——··•-·—-—?-•-··—·—·:T——  ; '*' I ` A L7.  l 
PIIOETII; On Léulpss I   ` II _,\ · I'_I I   A ._
IMS ¤><¤¤¤¤I~ I ~  
M Prmv <>¤ LM -I_

 \ 4
Exkaxbxt 0f M2,t MP ;ct Opc1::;*.;;0n for month 0f · ?·»·—rf* 1.94
: · MO1'L`I}h :  8:2:;:011 :
Previous m¤,.zx;·¤ xnvegww I I     ._ _
Invoices ‘ .·   ; ; I F ;_ -
Cgsh Dxsbuzsemmts f I I I .- I; I
` ?;·c’*Jizi OH Un,,;;j.d Igvciccs   .· q -I 3 ¤··· I
Ice; L1x;;.. Lzc P3__.;:i; I · ->—I lim      I   ,,
I     M Ijllj
I   _I-
Tctal. Churgcas for Month I -I   » I · ,.
Total Avaxilgble M2rcl1ax1di:s© I I f" I I QI ,I Ir ‘ -
    I IV
Issnzss to Plsuzt ;_§`i ¥·° _ I " F: _' —
Sg;I·;;% — CSS}; I I I—·;I ¤ ,».  I ·//" ` F I ·`-,.l_
Sulzs — Charge. I ‘¤ ·_ A Y- ·· I V , ~,   :· _
, ’ . —-* ` . I I. I ,
TLJI1.`L 3,;].LS ‘” I W , I I .— I =" I_‘ C ·` ( ·:`_\ )
I Total. Sales:   T1‘..;-5fcrs I .- j   II : 1 I
I *€‘   I ·1 w
I T iw ···•·*‘·‘;··**—‘ ····*"*-"'*""""**""‘*""""""""'* A _
I b1].I.E1-LC G " ' ‘° ' ` .
I I;} -:n.0;‘y IQ .` __ , Ig   in · I ,_ I q_
I Profit I ` I T   I F I  Y L I · ·j
I I . _1
( ..;...;_.,A-.--..........;........ .—.-—.i.· -»-·—-·••-  ·11-•;-··—·——···•··
I¥.<:·ct, T30. PROFIT AND  
I "`“"""`“”‘_"""”`"“`""""""`_""""-""` =____" "-* _
‘j_ Wl ~ QQ-¤¤Fiqg_;;______ ____ _ I__   ~ T ` I .*/7 I; * >I·
I 5'FU L-;;,;==;1 1-:*2 {I, I.Ee1im;<;11&:1c·cI I · I, I   _»`
I Dv'?} ’f3_;-Zia:} I I     I _\
  lQp_;;1iIT;m<;c A I   _I   ,_ __
I_ "Z’4;'f` V 1   · _ - — - ’ I4 »·A
I MJ ;);g.:,c;. ;tn.11 __     _’ —    
I V3'/E I`IV1IZI.)I‘ }jl;·;p·;;I1s; Glyn-’s;;·:;I iIL»;I·?¤;r—; E1·;p<:I:Ie¤c I /1   I       .»;
I ·i{-Ii? ig  E10} img I I I
I‘ `"'' `_f'_`C_""""`7Qf " ""._"'_°""""`—°`”"1`°_°"`°_°_°` —"—`_"-"°__-— -—--—_-—_-_-_~_—
4   L I ]‘-~'ZL'·.} III; I ‘ ;,» ’ -4 4 * I
I ' ` U- I. · I _/ _·.
 TQ m` /  I I   ‘Z,~I=I 5
·  —4Ti,·-u`--H  I_—-'—_4—-_-____-.-—` · », I I   ~» *· ~
I ¤.4•.4\.) J.`\r » LM -¤ _'¤ . I_I. fr, I I `I QI
     z_;·rIi.<>11 E;cp¢I·Ii;; li   I , _   I g . w ~_ I
I r*“—·;·_i___________ v_______.____________  ·'r ~ ‘ `  
Ii i3'/L5 141;;I·I;:IIe;;I20us . I '¥ / ~>— l I   Z   T ` I
I TOTE. ~     `_   ‘ »; `   1 ·
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P;·@‘L`j_‘b (III j;I_Ig;i; I ,·I   _ ;,_ M  I` ·r __ Q NI
Less Expcxiisu     Q I; ’ I ll; h
M PIIM ¤~¤   -_|_

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J I ,IC;IC Wd?
Exhibit of Mcut 1.4** .;ct Operation for month cf " 194
z I Month :  Season 2
Prcvicus M0..t2;'.:s Inventory   I C _   C _
-  I ` '
  I |    “
CCC:;slI Di;sbu;~s&I..<4m;s f   I C,· . ~ _
  0n Unpaid Iuvci css I   I 7 ,   ,
      Fl——# ¤¤ ¥ HI  C
C I   E -I ‘
I TI1ItC11 Ciwrgczs for IIZ0ntII I I _,
I Total .¤Jmil;;`0le IIlI2rch;I11dis©  
Issmgss to Plant I 1   ·` I
Sales; — Cash I       I —. _;
:3.;;.; — Charge I   ; I , i·‘I;   I
'f‘i,°_"T‘T°.‘“‘CCC“°",_ """‘» `"` " ` I   C   I , __
.L¤.;VC...... LCD!,J·k4`» ._ · I ;‘ `
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,I\Ir·<;It. 1*12. PIIOFIT ACID L C5;
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  SCWJC — .1§2;l;aI’·i:. 1C: " .. ’ ’* C `
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  I I   Cj,  I·¤> Or   _-I

E;·;I11b1t of Meant Me|i;0t Operation for month of _ I ,I s: f I NQ 
: Month :  Se>;.;;‘*risi on Un,;;1d Igvcziccs I   TI L K rI /I ,I
I IC: ;wI.. Isc 11..::1; E »I I I, ,I  La Q .
=—-—---——— I
Tut;} Charges for Month I _— _ »I Ir-I —/,» » 1 C
  _£_'\,'QLj_;I_&I);I_(§* III;It3I‘CI.'lElI1dj.SC I _ l “ I ID Q ’I 2 I\,·* ,
—\ , ' · `I ` »· 'L IR T
Is;s¤.u;s; I:0 ylmic _ I ¤ I ·v·I ~ »· .»
Sala;.} -· Cash   ji `I.-   I r
S—~l€$ " Cb-UTEG I I _ ` I I     °I   `I     I
Tm; Shlcs ·· _ ` I   I1 ;I j,I 0 Q
Z'l"T`?""—C""""""""""`—"`—- I m.   ’_“""`°°"` I I ·, . I
I `I_3LIi1.I. .>4T.L;:: ee T1...-.,1¤1¤ __     —I _—/I , LI,
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~ .7 r M ‘~r I <2<¤ .
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I i“_"—_ ,_ /5 __ ,
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I*··` ZL)   <,IIi..¤ —·  
  I II I If     I T~ I  
  | —I   I
Pysfit on Salas: I     ‘_ "‘—_ '_  
Legs T]; I6 I.? "~` I , I-. .·· ’
IOEQ- :1.*/;J.].;I.uO..I.L ».I€I'C1:.\IlCIlm(, I ,
Issues t0 Plant
  · CM I _|—H
Stles - Charge I  
I Total. Sales   T1·....sfI:z‘s I  
I Profit   _   . '
I _...,...,-.._,...i.._........... —.-·—-..----—>-·-—-· ——-—- .
I it;;‘t;;t-_.-;‘;‘;.._.. .......-. .....4. 'T?£·....---»-------
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I $76 Z>4;_-scc.? ut`?. Im I - - I I
I-D ·jjj"""Tf°"‘_""jTf` W ""__-__-I—_————_——I——__—_—-—”— I ,
I IJ KCI I`IE`.I3I.:I‘ LDIQQ; 1150
J·-·—i— ———-——·--—·—--» - - -I·—— -Z---  .
I L I 7,7   G3 I—r,·;l¤I·;Il   yl; 3 I;IT{I>G· II xxi: l I
  ·—»- 7;--—-——I -·I» ——  »--·—---—-—·——-—————————————-—— —--—v—·I
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I`""T}_"" “'?§"I Q "" "I`”""_`I""_`"_ I I » I T .
I ¤.»`;g. I I - W I   I J
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.2:1%;     )Z_‘?,·I[!, 0:1  Iii:]   I  I I
"*T"'T""""'.“`T" " ii"""‘“"*"""""‘"""‘“"_""“ """‘""' I "”I
-n'/L5 1,;].1;~Tj{.,LI’_Il.\}OI1i5 I   __
-;-—-————·  |  
  HOMI OT   _-I I

Exhibit of Mont Maxi.; Operation for month of   ,.·;»   194;
.._. .. ._...___._._.. - .. .. ..   .. :.*-1: -
IQ : Month ·:  Scoson :|
Provious Montnks Inventory I   . _ y I I , I ,.  
I ..~4 II.·,.,-··
  I T   <   I H
Gosh Disbursetmmts   w   I`. u g; `  
Pxovisi on Uzxynid Invoices I I L IQ LI I I IIA _I  
M   M Pl~+¤¢ I--I I    
  mm   TKHIK
    Cm I1-I1_ T
Tote;]. Charges for Month I (Q eg  ~ b  s I;I.I
Total .¤.vn;1&b1€ me;~¤n3nd1Se I t · I , ·     
  I  I 
:_· n "D:I_·r=·I: A,/V, I   T “ {Y a j f"]
Iosuos to T on- _ , Iwo   » »
` Sales - Cash I ‘ I   T J  Li;    
Solos ·— Charge I ‘ j; I _ ;»   To I _ ,
Toto; 3..Lcs I ·’ f · ·_ n 5 I y - v y_; I ;
Total   Sc T:..I..s;i`o1‘s I '{ T · 4  ‘ , O, . <
Bglazlco I I _
I;-xsane oxy I   . ; ·» I I H 4, I  
pmt   ni   I   I   ~   II? < III   
I “”"”"""""""°““*" ° I I CH
I :;;;2::._...... ...-_.- .......- _ _ · ·~————
Iqcgm Nm PROFIT MID L I;.)
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·I Z5'?]. — S&l;x;ri<;s ·
I JV'?} l·i©p¤1i1·s St I.Ii21int¤2nn:1cc o I - »
I- {EVE 'fplycos I , r_ I I I
I *-575 Ipsnxxnzco I ~ ,_ A  :— I . I
I $76 DJj.»2`JCE.3;EI.Oll I  ‘   I
  L*.’ato1· Expongzo E I I -
I L6'?9 Goxioxwqal YJn1·I::s ?3i1pe;Ir1sso I I
nai) 3;.1,*; c I;;I1;;j, I -
T     I I? >» I
EEO Rkigsi. gogvmtit on Bxpomo   I — I I
W I·.'I1:3CU:L].?;EIG;OUS I   T — 4 I I
Torml   '· ' I I `    
 · .    
PMN     I ITV  _|_1
Not Frofit Or Loss  

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Exhxbit of Mont Mux.~1; Oxgcraticn for month of   l— 7,. ·. 1.94 (·»
: Month :  Season :
www =  •
Prcvicus Nic>.Itk;'s Inventory ; I I . I, I I A , .P _  
Invoices E _. _·  j  ·` ,. L I  
CMSIL Disbursexwnts   ,v J _" .   I I ; , ,C ` , ,l
;`5i—;»»;;S;O¤ Lr;;,..;;m Invoices   ga  ·_ .   I. _
    M PM ?__l s » _
  mm   €1_|1_ I
*     CM $1-|1_
  ¢ """ '}{-
· Total Charges for Month   , I l 0 V; _ I ’ _;   _
· 42 W '*• _ .‘ ' I
Total Av;;1Iu`¤Ie I=¤21·cne111c11:s@ I r_ ·I . _ ri y  I ¤ » Lg - .
  I ·  | 
Issues to Plmtt ‘ r ‘ ·*v-I ° I I- ', L` ~
Sgles — Cash I iv ff - T r;    `- _ > ‘— ·
S¤¢:L£»; "   I   · · 4**/ T ;. '» K ' ,4· ·_
’f;xtIl .3,lcs I ·· I ‘   » - .
I ’I‘¤IL:al Sinlgez   T1*.I.-sf<:rs I_j 2 
I ··r *:•·*··’··‘"·*—*‘··' ""*"""“‘*"‘*‘“‘  V
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  I:F*~·I~¥¤i`3»’ . I · ” ‘ *   ‘ I ·
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Ihgt _ ]~*O_ PROFIT MED  |•
  C,i'7]_ —- {5§i_I.:.x‘g;·i__> ___ _ ‘
I JTC? ;-g,¤;I·;5_;~¤ gg I`,‘I£1;I_1ALI]'2]l{1]`LC'G I I ;.[ ~ A » ;» _
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isms 1.q,;;¤»;1:·I;»;:¤~I¤ I , ·· -I ·* · r ,
IUI-IVILL I " I Q? I,.  I yr { n x `I .5I A` .
Pyofit cm Ligiylqsx I 2* O/J Z J  In
Luisa Iixpcnm     I 4T`
M Fmfit     _-I

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